Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Haloween Havoc 2000
WCW World Tag Team Title
Three Way Dance Match
Boogie Knights vs. Flithy Animals vs. O'Haire & Jindrak
Kidman just watches while Alex Wright hits a leaping back elbow on Jindrak. Wright and Kidman then work over Jindrak together. Alex Wright hits a spinning heel kick. Jindrak leaps overs Kidman and knocks down Wright but can't avoid a double front suplex. Alex Wright hits Kidman with a closeline but Kidman responds with a hurricanrota and a dropkick. Rey tags in and goes for a bronco buster but he's crotched Jindrak comes in with a slingshot closeline and catches Rey's springboard crosbody with a tilt-a-whirl slam. O'Haire tags in the floors Disco with a super kick and then a pop up powerslam on Rey. O'Haire then closelines down everyone. Disco holds O'Haire down allowing Rey to score with a nice DDT. Disco then gives O'Haire a inverted atomic drop and Rey hits a spinning heel kick Rey dropkicks out Disco's feet and scores with a springboard splash for two. O'Haire floors Rey and then he's closelined down by Disco. Kidman comes with with a flying reverse elbow on Disco. O'Haire gives Kidman a front slam and Wright floors him with a missile dropkick. Wright gives Kidman and overhead release German suplex. Wright and Jindrak hit and double flap jack on Kidman. Wright then hits a knee strike on Jindrak. They then go for a tower of doom spot.
Everyone gets hot tags. Rey takes out O'Haire's leg and then Drops the Dime on O'Haire. Rey then counters a powerbomb by falling back into a senton. The ring then clears and the Thrillers then hip toss Kidman from the outside into the ring. They then military Press Kidman in where right catches him with a belly to belly suplex for two. Then its planchas all round. Rey rannas O'Haire out of the ring. Then Rey follows up with a front flip plancha. Kidman gives Wright the kidcrusher and Rey scores with a top rope Frankenstiener and the Bronco buster. Rey back body drops Disco to the outside. Jindrak then press slams Ray out of the ring on Wright. Disco gives Jindrak the last dance but gets two as Rey breaks it up by Dropping The Dime. Jindrak then brawls with Rey allowing O'Haire to hit the Seanton Bomb for the win.
Really hot opener. The three way dance was very convoluted and didn't make for conhesive action but they three teams worked excellently within the gimmick. Some really inventive spots thrown in. (***)
Post match Disco and Wright start a beat down with chairs. Konan tries but fails to make the save and eventually Awol comes out and makes the save.
WCW World Hardcore Title
Srg. Awol vs. Reno
Reno hits Awol with a cane to start the match adn then gives him an overhead suplex through a table. Reno then takes Awol to the outside and introduces Awol to the ringpost. Reno then keeps beating the crap out of Awol with a trash can and gets the pin for two. Reno beats Awol with weapons and Awol responds destroyng Reno with a cane and dumps Reno on the guard rail. Awol puts a trash can on Reno's head and then punts it crumpling it around Reno's face. The crowd liked that so Awol does it again. He then nails Reno with a trash can lid and then high fives Stevie Ray. They fight up the ramp and Awol applies a choke but Reno responds with multiple low blows and he then rolls the dice on the entrance ramp. Rather than getting the pin Reno creates a double table. Awol of course fights back and gives him a back suplex through the double table. Awol decides not to cover for the cover for no apparent reason and the two men fight to the back. Awol throws Reno into a concrete wall but then misses with the fakest PC ever. Reno unleashes a fire extinguister on Awol. Reno then throws Awol through a table for two. Awol throws Reno onto a table and then hits him with the make pretend monitor. Awol takes him back to ringside and rolls Reno down the ramp. Awol throws Reno into the gaurd rail. Awol then sandwiches Reno's head with two trash can lids. Awol gets another table and sets it up at ringside. The table then falls down and Reno hits the roll the dice on the table.
Garbage. (1/2*)
Post match the Perfect Event and Reno beat down Awol until Cajun and Loco run down to make the save.
We then go to a backstage segment with Douglas and Sanders are backstage talking, they say nothing of note.
Backstage after a lenghty commentator discussion we see Kronic telling the doctors not to clear Goldberg to wrestle.
The Perfect Event vs. Misfits In Action
Loco and Cajun both hit dropkicks to start the match. The isolate Stasiak and hit a drop toe hold dropkick combo. Loco kills Stasiak with a closeline. Mark Madden makes a subtle joke about Stasiak taping conversations in WWE. Chuck charges Loco but he's met with a drop toe hold. Cajun tags in and scores with a second rope elbow drop. Cajun then scores with a snap suplex for two. Palumbo runs into a boot and then Cajun scores with a second rope closeline. Palumbo catches Loco coming in and over shoots a flap jack sending Chavo to the outside. The crowd are sitting on their hands and cat calling.
Cajun dropkicks the Perfect Event into each other allowing Chavo to get a roll up for two. The Perfect then closeline down everyone and score with a double flapjack. Stasiak nails with a gut wrench sit out powerbomb for two. Palumbo catches Chavo and mocks the crowd drawing big heat before hitting a fallaway slam for two. Palumbo leap frogs Chavo and then scores with a overhead release belly to belly suplex. Stasiak comes in and runs right into a boot he tries to respond with a press slam but Chavo counters into a face buster.
Cajun tags in and unloads on everyone but Stasiak cuts him off with a closeline. Stasiak whips Cajun into a boot from Palumbo and then Stasiak closelines him down hard. Palumbo then locks in a sleeper and Cajun begins to fade. Cajun makes his big comeback but runs right into another sleeper hold. Mark Madden then claims that Chuck Palumbo has scientific skill? Cajun comes back with a horrible springboard facebuster.
Hot tag and Chavo unloads to no reaction. Chavo scores with a dropkick and a twisitng DDT. Both teams brawl in the corner Chavo blocks a superplex and shoves Stasiak down, Cajun does the splits and Palumbo nails a Jungle Kick on Stasiak and Chavo finishes Stasiak with the Tornado DDT for the win.
Awkward uninteresting and suprisingly inatheletic match up. This was really in clunky in places especially when it came to setting up the finish. (*1/2)
Konnan is backstage where the doctors say he shouldn't wrestle. Shane Douglas and Torrie Wilson come to the ring, Shane Douglas admits it was a set up earlier and tells Tigress to come to ringside to get her arse franchized. Tygress comes out and says Konan can't wrestle but she's ready to take Shane's punk arse and Torrie's hoochie arse out. Huge pop.
Shane Douglas & Torrie Wilson vs. Tygress & Konan
Shane blocks a low blow and Torrie shoves her over. Tygress scores with a low blow from her back on Shane and then beats the crap out Torrie. Tygress goes for the Bronco Buster but Shane breaks it up and they both beat up on Tygress. Konan appears from the batch and scores with a double closeline and then the rolling thunder line on Douglas. The Animals then gets stereo dropkicks. The referee then makes it a tag match. Konan gets an arm wrench and Tygress comes off top with an axe handle. Tygress gives Shane Douglas an arm wringer. Tygress tags in and continues to work over Shane Douglas. Tygress gets an arm wrench and bites the arm of Douglas. Tygress wins an arm wrench battle and then Shane punches her in the face to break the battle. Torrie tags in and Tygress recovers with a kick to the gut and a face jam (X-factor) for a near fall. Torrie then rubs Tygress face into the mat and Shane Douglas tags in an applies a Stiener Recliner which Stevie Ray called a "boston crab". Shane then applies a cross face chicken wing. Tygress manages to roll Douglas off and make the tag.
Konan comes in with a back body drop, a snap mare and a basement dropkick but Torrie breaks the pin. Tygress comes in and beats down Torrie in the conrer as Konan gets a ten punch in the corner. Torrie pulls the referee in front and Charles Robinson takes the Bronco Buster. Torrie Wilson then hits the Franchizer and nearly gets the win. Tygress and Tygress then hit the double stuff buster for thew win.
Well that was fine for what it was. (*)
David Flair promises to beat Bagwell until he'll submit to a blood test.
Bagwell then rips on Flair and the size of his dick. Buff then says he's gonna beat David Flair's arse here in Las Vagas.
DNA Match (First Blood Match)
Buff Bagwell vs. David Flair
Buff Bagwell rams Flair's head into the turnbuckle dances and then scores with a back elbow. Bagwell then scores with a swinging neck breaker and then yawns into camera, my sentiments exactly. Bagwell avoids a sunset flip and punches Flair in the head. David Flair does the Flair flip and scores with a closeline but he's of course press slammed off top. Bagwell then kills him with two closelines and a ten punch and David Flair does a ludicrously over the top Flair flop. Bagwell then rips off Flair's shirt and holds him in place for some comedy muscle poses. Flair comes back and body slams Bagwell on the outside. David Flair then woos and goes for a piledriver on the exposed concrete but Bgwell sees it coming and counters with a back body drop. Flair counters an Irish whip and then sends Bagwell into the gaurd rail. Flair then misses a wild chair shot and hits the ringpost. Bagwell then nails Flair in the face and David takes and impressive bump over the top rope. David Flair is busted open and Bagwell scores with the Block Buster seemingly for fun.
Not too bad actually but still nothing worth watching either. (*)
Lex Luger comes out to celebrate with Bagwell but turns on him and throws him into the ringpost. Flair recovers and takes a blood sample from Bagwell's mouth. Flair then walks backstage saying he's got it and we're all gonna find out tommorow night. We then see a shakey looking Goldberg walking past.
Scott Stiener then cuts one of his incomprehensible shouty promos backstage making fun of Goldberg and Booker T.
Mike Sanders then comes out and cuts a promo on the town. He says he's been training for this match. This isn't gonna be "a thriller in Manilla this is gonna be me dead in your arse". The Cat then comes to ringside and says the people came here to see him talk, "Bitch I'm gonna whoop your arse".
Kick Boxing Match
Mike Sanders (w/Palumbo & Stasiak) vs. The Cat (w/Miss Jones)
Round One: The Cat dodges a load of closelines then scores with a punch and round house kick combo to take Sanders down. Mike Sanders manages to answer the count at eight. The Cat comes in and scores with a front kick and a leg sweep and Sanders is down again. This time Sanders answers the count at nine.
Round Two: Sanders dodges some kicks but seems to be legitimately caught with a straight right. Sanders covers up in the corner and Cat has to settle for a leg sweep. Sanders answer the count at eight. The Cat catches a boot and scores with a leg sweep. Cat then dances and scores with the splits uppercut to a monster pop and a great sell from Sanders. Sanders answers the count at about nine and a half.
Round Three: Palumbo and Stasiak argue between rounds and Shane Douglas comes out to cool then out. Sanders can't get out of his corner so Cat attacks with a Mauy Thai cartwheel kick. Cat then unloads on Sanders in the corner. Palumbo distracts the ref and Douglas KOs the Cat with the chain. The Cat then makes it to his feet
No Holds Barred Must be a finish. The Cat then kills Sanders with a side kick and goes to the outside and brawls with Douglas. The ref then counts both men out and Sander answers the count and Shane Douglas stops the Cat reaching the win and Sanders is declared the winner.
Fine segment that was entertaining enough. (*1/4)
Goldberg is then with a doctor and Goldberg just tells him to let him do his job.
Vampiro gets on the mic, he says he's not just here to bring it. Vampiro says how about if I beat you tonight Mike loses his title shot to Vampiro. Awesome says he's cool with that.
That Seventies Guy Mike Awesome vs. Vampiro
Awesome goes for a shoulder tackle but Vampiro doesn't go down. Vampiro gets a closeline and Awesome doesn't go down. Awesome then replies with a flying shoulder tackle and that takes Vampiro to the outside. Mike Awesome then scores with a flying Plancha on Vampiro. Awesome then back body drops Vampiro into the front row. Awesome then gets a shoulder tackle into the crowd and both men battle up into the crowd. Vampiro takes a fan and beats Mike Awesome with it. A fan tries to DDT Aweome. AWESOME GOES NUTS AND BEATS THE SHIT OUT OF THE FAN. Vampiro then scores with a closeline from the announce table onto Awesome. Vampiro gives Awesome a chair and both men duel but nothing comes of it. Vampiro dodges a closeline and then sloppily back kicks a chair into Awesome's face. Awesome no sells some knife edge chops before running into a boot and Vampiro hits an incredibly sloppy closeline. Vampiro catches Awesome on top and Vampiro hits a really nice overhead release belly to belly suplex off top for two. Vampiro comes off top and it looks as if Vampiro was going for a dragon ranna but both men fall over in a terrible spot. Awesome brings a table into the ring and throws it at Vampiro. Vampiro then lazily shoves down Awesome's head but its no where near hitting the table but he sells it anyway, that was terrible. Vampiro then looks under the ring for something but can't find it and returns to the ring. Awesome kills Vampiro with a closeline but Vamp just no sells it and then crumples to his knees, he must be off his face.
Awesome then takes him to the outside and Awesome scores with a sitout powerbomb for two, apparently its falls count anywhere. They return to the ring and Awesome scores with a Super Bomb For the win.
That was terrible I'm pretty sure Vampiro wasn't in condition to wrestle, the selling was terrible, the action was sloppy and most of the moves didn't even hit and Awesome beat up a fan in the middle of the match. This was just incredibly awful. The superbomb at the end was the only thing that saved this match from negative stars. (1/4*)
The crowd then give Vampiro a standing ovation for getting up. While Hugh Morris cuts a terrible promo backstage.
Lance Storm wants to serious for a minute. Lance Storm says its sad when a man can't accept that he's beaten. Storm then says he can't be beat because he's from Calagary Alberta Canada.
To Be Continued.


Sin 2001
We open with a seven deadly sins style openning video its pretty decent although the choices for sloth (Jeff Jarrett) and lust (Scott Stiener) seem bizarre.
Shannon Moore says he wishes Shane Helms luck for his match.
WCW Crusierweight Title Match
Shane Helms vs. Chavo Guerrero
God these two again, come on Chavo put some effort in. Chavito scores with a hip toss and a side headlock but Shane rolled out and scored with an arm drag leading to an arm drag. Full nelson from Shane but Chavo then counters a hip toss and they awkwardly wrestle to the ropes. Chavo then scores with a huge knife edge chop and a european uppercut but Shane repplies with two arm drags and slugs away. Shane then snaps of a hurricanrota. Chavo reverses a hip toss but Shane blocks and scores with the TKO facecrusher. Shane stalks Chavo and charges but is back dropped to the outside.
Shane pulls Chavito to the outside and then introduces him to the guard rail. Shane rolls Chavo back into the ring but is caught coming back into the ring with a double sledge. It doesn't deter Shane as he hits a roll up. Shane then gets a silly counter to a backslide with a roll up for two. Shane goes for a powerbomb but Chavo counters into a Alabama Slam, Chavo then hits a blatant low blow for two. Chavo is getting cheered as a face. Chavo tosses Shane to the outside and then rolls him back in for two? Odd.
Chavo runs into a boot in the corner but Chavo responds with a dropkick for two. Uninspired stuff. Chavo responds to my criticism with a chinlock. Shane pounds away to escape and counters a suplex, dodges a closeline and scores with a atomic drop and a neckbreaker. Both men are down. Chavo tries to unload but Shane blocks everything, Shane dodges a closeline and scores with a straight jacket suplex for two. Shane gets a hard Irish whip and the Sugar Smack for two. Shane goes for a monkey flip but Chavo throws Shane out of the ring.
Shane recovers slowly and Chavo comes flying off top with a diving press off top to the outside. Chavito rolls Sugar Shane Helms into the ring for two. Chavo goes for a suplex but Shane blocks the suplex. Chavo charges but Shane hip tosses Chavo to the outside and then follows up with a flying cross body. Back in the ring Shane scores with a sunset flip off top. Shane then scores with a samoan drop. Helms calls for the vertebreaker, Chavo counters into a full nelson but Shane switches into the Nightmare On Helmstreet for two!!!
Shane goes for the Nightmare again but Chavo counters with knee strikes and then goes for the Tornado DDT but Shane blocks. Shane then floats over on the Brainbuster but Chavo turns holds onto Shane and then nails the Brainbuster for the win.
Good effort from these two, the kings of the 2 to 3 star match combined to produce another 2 to 3 star match. Could have gone higher if it wasn't for the extremely uninspiring offence in the begining third of the the match. Awkward finishing sequence also. (**1/2)
Mike Tenay is waiting for someone to arrive. It's Ric Flair in a white limo. Tenay asks who the mystery opponent for Scott Stiener will be but Ric says that's under lock and key.
We then go to a promo with Big Vito and Johnny the Bull. Vito says he's gonna beat up his brother.
Big Vito vs. Reno
Man who booked this crapp. Vito bitch slaps his brother to start and then Reno slugs down Vito. Reno scores with a powerslam and a knee drop for two. Good intensity to start this match. They go to the outside and Vito slugs away on Reno. Reno returns fire by whipping Vito into the guard rail and introducing Vito to the ring steps.
Back in the ring Reno slugs away on Vito. Reno tries a hard Irish whip but Vito explodes out of the corner with a closeline. Vito then puts Reno on top and hits a superplex. Reno grabs Vito's foot but Vito nails an enzenguri and a back suplex. Vito gets the crowd clapping and then misses a blind charge going shoulder first into the ring post. Vito falls to the outside and Reno introduces Vito to the ring setps and then reaquaints Vito with the gaurd rail.
They return to the ring and Reno hits a headbutt and knee drop. Reno gives Vito a bitch slap and then a terribly awkward closeline. Scott Hudon is just dreadful on colour commentary. Reno does some bizarre face rakes. Vito comes back with a sunset flip for two but is immediately closelined down for two. Reno runs right into a crescent kick and both men are dwon.
Vito slugs down Reno and then hits a closeline. Vito gets a double arm overhead release suplex and then a loose looking Vito Special for two! Reno tegs a kick to the gut and then a bizarre dropkick to the gut. Vito awkard counters the roll the dice into a northern lights suplex. Reno counters the spinning implant DDT into a T-Bone suplex for two. This is clunky but not bad. After some awkward transitioning Reno counters a suplex into a Roll the Dice for a nice finish.
Well that was a real suprise, it started intense a slowly died down and got sloppy but they recovered with a nice finish. Good energy levels fine match. (**1/4)
Mike Sanders and some one in the shadows who looks like Brian Adams and Sanders gives him money to do a job. Sanders walks off. Bryan Clarke walks in with a bigger wad of cash saying he got a better offer and Brian Adams agrees.
Jamie Noble & Evan Karagias vs. Jung Dragons (w/Lena Miaow)
Kaz and Evan start and they exchange some chops. before running the ropes at fast pace before Kaz counters a wheel barrow into a wheel barrow suplex. Kaz then gives Noble a hurricannarota. The Dragons clear the ring and then nail double Asai Moonsaults to start the match.
Back in the ring Yang gets a closeline, Noble counters a powerbomb with an arm drag. Yang back flips over Noble who respones with a body scissors taking both men over the top rope to the outside. Kaz gives Evan a front suplex off top but when Kaz goes for a cross body he's met with a dropkick by Evan. Evan charges but Kaz gives him a drop toe hold sending him into the bottom turnbuckle. Noble and Evan then score with a side walk slam guillotine leg drop combo. Evan misses a Stinger splash but catches Kaz charging and scores with a front slam. Noble comes in with a basement dropkick drop toe hold combo. Noble scores with a back suplex for two and then Jamie Noble scores with a flying double chop for two. Noble gives Kaz a closeline which Hudson calls a singapore. Karagias then scores with a very nice Press slam into a spinebuster. Yang attacks to avoid a pin. Evan then scores with a front slam but totally fucks up a springboard moonsault. Jamie tags in and knocks Yang off the apron to avoid the hot tag. Noble goes for a victory roll but Kaz rolls out and scores with the stiff kick of death.
HOT TAG. Yang gives Noble a dropkick and a one arm slam on Karagais. Yang gives Noble a dragon screw and Karagias and run up back flip and a ten punch. Noble recovers and nails a german suplex for two. Karagias scores with a springboad body press to the outside. Yang counters a top rope Frankenstiener into a sit out powerbomb for two! Karagias gives Yang a neck breaker and the Fire Bird Splash for a near fall! Kaz scores with a slingshot DDT and the Anaconda vice. Noble breaks it up and gets a tombstone piledriver for a near fall!!! Yang gives Noble a Finlay roll and Yang over shoots the Yang Time by a mile and they improv a inside cradle for the win.
Well they blew two spots including the finish but that was an insane indie style spotfest. Alto of fun and an incredible pace. (**3/4)
Buff Bagwell and Luger talk over their strategy as to how their gonna get Goldbreg fired.
Mike Sanders comes to the ring and makes fun of the crowd. He says the Cat gonna come out and say that he's for the people, hear to help WCW. He says he knows just like him that Cat is in it for the money. He rips on the local town. He then says that Ms Brown and the commisioner ship are on the line.
Cat gets on the mic, The Cat says he's gonna win the commisionership back for all the people out here. Cat says he's gonna send WCW all the way back to the top and get rid of crap like you. The Cat says with people behind him can beat anyone. Somebody call his momma. Sanders claims he's more popular and they do the cheer-boo poses.
Commisionership vs. Miss Jones Match
Mike Sanders vs. The Cat
While Cat is playing to the crowd Sanders pulls him off the top rope. Sanders slugs away in a rather uninteresting manner. The Cat responds with a Lou Thez press. Sanders runs away until he can catch the Cat with stomps and slugs. The Cat unloads on Sanders to a big pop. Cat keeps it coming with a kick combo and a ten punch with the crowd in full voice. Sanders ends the crowds fun with a low blow. Sanders then gets a snapmare and a stiff kick to the chest. Sanders then applies a grounded cobra clutch. Cat dodges a short arm closeline but Sanders goes for a sunset flip, Cat tells him to suck it and gets the James Brown elbow. Cat hits the splits and throat thrust and Sanders begs off. Sanders tries to use a chair but Miss Brown gives him a back kick and chases Sanders around the ring. Stasiak and Jindrack then run to ringside and attack the Cat but Kronic make the save. Bryan Clarke forces Sanders to eat his own money and The Cat score with the Feliner for the win.
Obviously an appalling match but the crowd had a really good time. (1/2*)
We then see Flair and Goldberg watch the footage from earlier on of Bagwell and Luger talking about how their gonna take Goldberg out. Flair says he's gonna make it a No DQ match so Goldberg can't be DQed we then see Goldberg signing a picture and posing with a fan.
Gene Okerland is then with Jeff Jarrett. He calls Okerland a Jurrasic Slapnuts. Jeff says Scott is the only man he trust. He tells Okerland to choke on that.
If Storm can be serious for a moment he says that Team Canada are the superior Team and he says all rise for the playing of the Canadian National Anthem. Jim Duggan then explains the rules.
Penalty Box Match
Team Canada (w/Major Gunns) vs. The Flithee Animals (w/Tygress)
Special Guest Referee: Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Storm and Mysterio start the match. Lance slugs down Rey but Rey comes back with an arm wrench spring board arm drag. Ray tries a pop up move but Lance lifts Rey onto the top rope and crotches him. Duggan catches Prime time double team and puts him in the box and then puts Awesome in the box for shoving the ref.
Rey gets a snapmare and Kidman gets a slingshot leg drop. Kidman gets a running closeline and Konan comes in and sloppily powerbombs Rey onto the Lance. Both Awesome and Prime time are released. Rey gets a springboard splash and Kidman comes in with a pop up ranna. Lance finally manages to respond with a leg drop and he tags in Prime Time. Kidman gets the leap frog headscissors in the corner. Kidman flips out of two suplexes and scores with a back suplex. Both Storm and Awesome anger Duggan and they are box sent to the penalty box.
Kidman scores with a DDT and Konnan hits the rolling closeline and his insane rolling octopus stretch. Konnan gets a body slam and tags in Rey who Drops The Dime for a near fall. Prime Time responds with a dropkick and kips up and nails a hurricanrota. Elix matrixes to avoid a closeline but he can't avoid the reverse DDT for two. Prime Time caught Konnan with a droptoe hold and a missile dropkick.
Mike Awesome tags in and Konnan catches a cross body and scores with a powerslam for two. Tygress and Major Gunns argue and the Flithee Animals try to double team but Duggan catches then and puts Kidman and Rey into the penalty box. Konnan scores with an Oklahoma slam for two. Tygress sprays a water bottle all over Major Gunn's tits and Duggan puts them both in the penalty both. Skipper gets a snapmare and chinlock. Even the commentators point out that that move makes no sense within the context of this match up.
Everyone is released from the penalty box. Konnan gets a back kick and an X-Factor and everybody is down. The crowd popped huge for that. Kidman comes off top with a back elbow, a back body drop and a dropkick. Kidman counters a tilt-a-whirl lands on his feet and scores with a sky high for two. Lance gets a jaw breaker but is dropped to the outside. Kidman is then back body dropped to the outside by Rey Mysterio onto Lance Storm. Then everyone brawls on the outside as Duggan blows the whistle non stop. Awesome tries to use scissors and is sent ot the penalty box. Eveyone except Rey and Lance are in the box. Rey gets a bronco buster as does Tygress on Rey. Tygress is put in the penalty box. Rey hangs Lance on the Middle rope and Drops the Dime for two. Lance superkicks Rey out of the ring. Kidman hits the Kid Crusher but Awesome dives in for the save as the time limmit dubiously expires. Rey tries a slingshot Sunset flip but Awesome catches him and hits a running Awesome bomb. Awesome bomb is sent to the penalty box. However it doesn't matter as Lance locks Rey in the Maple Leaf and Rey taps, Duggan reluctantly calls the victory.
Well that was a mess but quite alot of fun and had some really good action thrown in with all the silliness. The resthold from Skipper with a three man advantage was completely illogical. The crowd seemed to get steadily more into this one and the finish was relatively dramatic. (**)
Tenay interviews Sanders and his stable. O'Haire and Palumbo then cut two truely terrible promos.
We see Nash and DDP backstage not sweating the ridiculously threats of O'Haire.
WCW Hardcore Title Match
Meng vs. Terry Funk vs. Crowbar
Daffney who is in the crowd throws water in Terry's face during his entrance. Terry grabs her by the hair and pulls her over the rail. Crowbar then nails Terry with a few chair shots then throws him head first into something metal. They brawl into the bathroom and Terry hits Crowbar with a plastic bin. That was dumb. Meng is nowhere to be seen. As Daffney screams Terry Funk talks trash and throws Crowbar through a variety of toilet doors. As Funk pulls Crowbar out of the toilet Meng appears and attacks with more soft plastic bins. Meng now switches to the aluminium bin for slightly more impact. The crowd cheer as they return to view, then boo as they dissapear. Meng and Terry and Kanyon bang their heads into a wall. Meng no sells as Terry oversells. They then throw chairs and five tables on Meng. God this in an abortion. Terry begins to unload on Crowbar with a chair but Crowbar returns fire by setting of a fire extinguisher in Funk's face. Crowbar gets some pussies chair shots and lays Funk on a table. Crowbar then comes off the balcony and guess what we see? The Back of a fans head and then an elbow of someone lying in the ring? As Meng makes the save we get a replay of the leg drop that we can actually see.
Meng and crowbar exchange chops on the stage. Meng tries a suplex but Crowbar floats over. Meng dodges a closeline and floors Crowbar with a superkick. Crowbar sells by rolling down the ramp. Funk then appears from nowhere and kills Meng with a snow shovel. Funk then body slams Crowbar on the guard rail snaping it in half in an impressive spot. The two men return to the ring where Crowbar hits Terry with a chair and then pillmanizes Terry hits a front flip senton onto a chair. Crowbar then bitch slaps Terry. Terry fires back but is cut off with a basement dropkick. Crowbar applies the figure four and Meng comes off top with a big splash to break the hold. Meng nails a piledriver on Crowbar but Terry breaks up the pin. Meng body slams Funk and scores with a second rope splash. Crowbar breaks the pin with a chair shot. Then Funk and Crowdbar give Meng about twenty unprotected chair shots to the head. Funk follows it up with a DDT. Funk asks for Crowbar's help but instead Crowbar hits Funk with a chair. Meng then superkicks the chair back into Crowbar's face and Meng gives Funk the Togan death grip for the 1-2-3.
Terrible, awful wrestling, sloppy, uninteresting and dangerous spots. Very ammatuer hour and watching today knowing what we know about chairshots it was hard to watch those repeated shots to Meng's head. Garbage. (1/2*)
The Cat is walking backstage with Miss Jones when he bumps into Ric Flair. Flair tells him he's glad The Cat is the commisioner again. He then tells Cat to have the rest of the night of to enjoy a night of champange and luxury. Cat says he'd rather have Chicken Wings or some such black stereo type. Flair says I'm sure they'll have that too. Flair was really good here, its an inconsequencial promo but he was bubly and charismatic, we really didn't get to see much fo this Flair in WWE.
Sid then cuts a very silly Sid promo. He said his opponents will run like lost children in the woods.
Before the Insiders-Thrillers match, Sanders and his stable walk out and come to ringside. Sanders says that at any stage of this match he feels like making a substitution he can. Flair's music hits to a huge pop (well by this shows standards). Flair says its two on two or everyone is fined and suspensed because Sanders is no longer commisioner.
WCW World Tag Team Title Match
The Natural Born Thrillers vs. The Insiders
Palumbo floors DDP with one punch. Page pops up and they go straigh to a slugfest that Page wins. DDP dodges a closeline, Chuck dodges a northern lariat and then DDP scores with a closeline. Chuck is angry and charges but DDP counters a closeline to a sambo suplex and DDP closelines Palumbo to the outside.
After regrouping Nash and O'Haire tag in. Nash scores with a body slam and then the two men circle each other. O'Haire grabs a side headlock and is shot into the ropes, O'Haire can dodge two closelines but he can't avoid a big boot from Nash. Nash gets the corner knees and a the big rights, that's like 60% of Nash's move set gone already. O'Haire then back flips over Nash and scores with a superkick before tagging in Palumbo. Chuck beats the crap out of Nash. Palumbo tries the corner leap frog but Nash catches him with the snake eyes, rope rider and closeline. My word Nash is up to 78% already.
DDP comes off top with a flying closeline on Palumbo. O'Haire gives Page a knee in the back allowing Chuck to hit the Jungle kick for a near fall. The Thrillers then hit a double slingshot suplex for two. Scott Hudson informers us the Thrillers "can look as good as they want to look but DDP does not know how to lose", no I don't get it either. Palumbo then scores with the Macho Man jaw jacker. O'Haire tags in and beats down Page. The Thrillers then mock Nash and throw DDP back into their corners. Then then hit a double corner closeline while completely ignoring the refs count. The crowd are redifining indifference. DDP fights both men off but Palumbo goes for a Tombstone but Page turns it over and scores with the tombstone piledriver and both men are down. This Referees count is hilariously over the top. Both men failed to answer the count? BWhahahahaha. The ref ignors this.
Nash gets the hot tag and its big side saltos all round. Nash then gives them both big boots and takes the straps down. The rest of the thrillers run to ringside. Nash hits the Jacknife powerbomb. Lex Luger tries to sneak in with a chair but DDP fights him off through the crowd. The ref has mysteriously dissapeared. Nash goes for a Jacknife on O'Haire and a man in a boiler suit and a wig runs in from the crowd and hits Nash with a monkey wrench. The man the immediately removes the disguise to reveal Buff Bagwell. Note to wrestling writers: IF YOUR GOING TO IMMEDIATELY REVEAL YOUR IDENTITY WHY WEAR A FRIGGIN DISGUISE IN THE FIRST PLACE? O'Haire then finishes Nash with the Seanton bomb.
That was a fine big star but low work rate tag team match until the bullshit swerve run in finishes. That's the kind of finish that just kills the crowd dead. (*3/4)
Mike Sanders and co celebrate the title win backstage saying they didn't ask for Buff's help.
Ric Flair then says it's showtime and gets into a limosine. Presumably to go get his mystery challenger.
Shane Douglas comes to the ring and says he'd like to dirrect Rection's "correction", Douglas then cuts a rather weak promo saying the US Title is just a stepping stone to the World Title. He then makes fun of the crowd, it's like everyone isn't over at all so they have to mock the crowd to get heat, wait this is WCW why am I suprised?
WCW United States Title
First Blood Suspended Chain Match
General Hugh G. Reaction vs. Shane Douglas
The referee finds a chain about Shane Douglas' person. Why the referee would care seeing as a first blood match is No DQ last time I checked. Douglas jumps Morris but Hugh soon takes him down and works over the arm. Just incase your weren't excited enough about this match already Tony Schiavonie explains match can end with "a skinned elbow. Hugh then hits an arm drag and applies an armbar. Hugh tells the ref to ask Shane if he wants to tap. YES HE'S LOOKING, NO ASKING FOR SUBMISSION A FIRST BLOOD MATCH. Hugh seemingly told by the ref what type of match it is abandoms the arm bar and instead gets a slam and bounds away on the head of Douglas. Shane turns things aroudn with a blatant low blow, proving my DQ theory. Douglas advantage doesn't last for long as Douglas runs into a boot and Morris gets a flying closeline off the second rope. Morris goes for the moonsault and Scott and Tony debate whether he's attemtping to jump from the turnbuckle to the chain (suspended above the ring). Shane crotches Hugh to block the moonsault, which the commentators still think is an attempt to reach the Chain.
Douglas now works over the leg. In a first blood match? Why? Shane actually puts a nice leg lock on Hugh. Shane then locks in the figure four leglock. The commentators point out that Shane cannot win the match this way. Shane lets go of the hold and is then back body dropped to the outside. Hugh and Shane exchange tame whips into the guard rails. Shane scores with a nervous body press from the gaurd rail into the crowd. Morris then attempts to climb the rail but Shane crotches him. Shane then gets a figure four on the ring post but Shane is too inflexible to lock it in with his legs and instead uses his shoulder.
Back in the ring Shane shows the intensity of the this blood fued by getting a snapmare and a chinlock. Mercifully Hugh fights out and gets a military press. Hugh finnally gets a ladder, which the crowd have been cat callin for the duration of this match up. Hugh sets up the ladder and gets the chain. Douglas shoves over the ladder taking out both Hugh and the referee. Douglas then gets a chain from his boots (HE DOESN'T HAVE TO HIDE ITS NO DQ!!!) he slugs Morris and hides his chain and takes the real chain and Morris is bleeding and that's it.
This was terrible. They wrestled a gimmick match that could have been entertaining and covered up their many limitations however they wrestled a lame illogical, screw it just plain retarded lazy house show match. This was awful on almost every level and was an insult to everyone of my senses. (DUD)
Micheal Buffer then introduces the match and explains the concept.
No Disqualification
Streak Rules Match
Totally Buff vs. Goldberg & Sarge
For the second show in a row their is a man in the front row holding a "Buff is the Stuff" shirt. If you were wondering what Streak Rules are, they are relatively simple. Goldberg has to surpass his original Streak (174-0 (I think)) if he loses even one match he will be fired. The crowd are legitimately going nuts for Goldberg. Tony Schiavonie helpfully explains for those of you with IQs as low as Tony's that Sarge's nickname comes from the term drill sargeant. Thank you, Tony, thank you so much.
The crowd chant for Goldberg, although I can't see them shouting so it could be piped in. Goldberg unloads on Luger and then scores with a flying shoulder tackle and a double underhook suplex to big pops. Buff Bagwell tags in and unloads on Goldberg scoring with a suplex and dancing and posing. Of course Goldberg no sells the suplex pops up behind Buff and scores with a military press into a slam. Golderg tags in Sarge to a groan from the crowd.
Sarge dodges a closeline and scores with a back suplex. Sarge chews Bagwell out as he wrestlers and walks the ropes soring with a elbow drop. The crowd just piss and moan will Sarge is in the ring. Luger sneak attacks Sarge and the heels gain control. Totally Buff work over Sarge on the outside. Bagwell scores with a closeline and then a double arm DDT for two. The crowd are obviously far too excited so Bagwell decides it must be time for a snapmare and a chinlock. Luger tags in with a kick to the gut. Luger pounds over Sarge with minimum of imagination before hits an awkward looking running forearm. Bagwell tags back in which unbelievably ups the work rate. Sarge counters a suplex and then the race is on.
HOT TAG!!! Goldberg cleans house, he gives Luger a closeline and Bagwell a pump handle suplex. Bagwell starts to attack the fan that Goldberg signed the autograph for earlier and Scott Hudson says "Security you don't put your hands on a wrestler", Scott Hudson you are a retard, I'd like to see Scott forcably remove Buff Bagwell's hands from him, actually there's no way Hudson would want to stop Buff touching him, who am I kidding. Goldberg saves the fan and the fan of course turns on him and sprays mace in Goldberg's eyes. Security then clobbers the kid, now of course when he should have said his previous line, Scott is speechless.
Luger then beats the crap out of Goldberg with a chair. Luger then removes Security from the kid and high fives the kid. Goldberg swings and kicks wildly. He still manages to fight off totally Buff scoring with a closeline on Bagwell. Luger then nails Goldberg in the back with a chair and then a disgusting chair shot to the head. Totally Buff then hit an awesome Doomsday Blockbuster for the win, to a face pop, albeit a small one.
Well that's how to kill a crowd 101, if the previous two bull shit finishes hadn't sufficiently done that for you, the crowd is now officially dead. Tony Schiavonie is selling like he's crying. The crowd reaction shots are awesome because they couldn't look more dejected seriously, its as if there at a funeral. Well the match was solid at best but the screwjob finish killed the match dead along with the crowd. (3/4*)
We then get a long pause for thought as Goldberg walks away. They run a video package on the world title match which is incredibly funny because the mystery man wasn't kept of television he was just running around in a ludicrious black get up and a mask.
Micheal Buffer comes out and does the are you ready gimmick but the crowd are completely silent and actually look incredibly sad. The man they legimately paid to see has just been totally screwed and you can tell they just want this show to end.
In perhaps the comedy line of the night, and there have been plenty, Micheal Buffer proclaims that "Jeff Jarrett the man renouned around the world for his stroke".
Ric Flair's music hits and he comes to ring, Buffer actually talks over Flair. Flair says that Scott if your the world champion you have defend the title and Flair said he didn't say when the mystery man will appear and this match starts now.
WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
Jeff Jarrett vs. Sid Vicious vs. Scott Stiener vs. ???
Sid whips Stiener into the guard rail and then gives Scott a ten punch. Jarrett then helps Scott by attacking Sid. Scott scores with his belly to belly suplex. Scott then holds Sid on the ropes for a rope rider by Jarrett. Scott then scores with the closeline, muscle kiss elbow drop and then the press ups of doom. Sid then runs with no momentum and throws himself over the gaurd rail in a spot the crowd just shit allover. Then Sid running a snails pace runs into a closeline from Scotty. Sid fights both men off and goes for the powerbomb but Scott breaks it up and scores with a back breaker and Jeff comes of the second rope with a splash. The crowd are just completely dead and this two on one stuff is just further murdering the crowd. Sid counters a double suplex and suplexes both men over and everyone is down.
Sid scores with a double closeline and then its Big Boots all round. Sid then hits the chokeslam on Jarrett but Poppa Pump makes the save. Sid then hits the cobra clutch bomb. Its Jarrett's turn to take a silly bump into the crowd. We then see Flair backstage who says its show time and the mystery man appears and walks with Ric, he's still masked. The crowd chant a combo of "boring/bullshit" and as Scott does press ups and chokes Ric Flairs music hits and the mystery man appears. Scott stares down the mystery man. The crowd bark they think its Rick's which would actually make sense and get a big pop, so of course they are wrong. Tony Schiavonie exclaims "what drama this is", seriously Tony no one cares the crowd have hardly made a peep since Totally Buff won. The mystery man then stares down Stiener and hits one stomp on Sid and Scotty gets the pin for the win.
Yes you read that correctly Sid Vicious was beaten with a choke which he had about two minutes to recover from before being hit by a half hearted stomp and that was your main event of the evening, folks. So after a fun enough undercard that got the crowd going WCW presents you with four consecutive screw job finishes, including Goldberg being retired forever, all in a row. The crowd is absolutely dead, the promotion is dead, they killed their audience and anyone who had any chance of drawing in one night. This was a horrible main event. (1/2*)
The mystery man unmasks and its Road Warrior Animal. Who actually recieves a pretty big pop but its too little too late, judging by that reaction if he'd actually debuted as a face and WCW had not opted for the swerve they could have actually had a hot finish to the show that the crowd would have really been into.
Overall Thoughts: Promising begin to a show which ended with all hope being extinguished. Strong recommendation to avoid.


Greed 2001
The show opens with a kind of cool weirdly cut Diamond Dallas Page video where he claims Scott Stiener has no answer for the Diamond cutter. Tony Schiavonie has a very interesting line to open the show "Proffesional Wrestling that means Greed". The crowd and arena is pretty small and the camera angles are tight.
Kwee Wee vs. Jason Jett
Kee Wee who has no business being on PPV and he sneak attacks Jett who responds by whipping him into a stage hand and then scores with a superkick and a press off the top. They call Jason Jett the future of WCW. Back in the ring Jett scores with a body slam and a Vader Bomb style leg drop for two. Jett fakes a groin stomps and then applies a reverse crab swinging surfboard combo. They both and Irish whip and Kwee Wee drops him. Kwee Wee then toss Jett over the top rope by his hair in a very cool spot. Jason Jett side steps a suicide dive. Jason then counters a back body drop with a rebound DDT off the ropes to the outside. Jett then scores with the Afterburner and a standing moonsault gets two. Kwee Wee gets a leap frog and then back body drops Jett over the corner and all the way to the outside. Kwee Wee then chokes Jett with a wire and then Jett takes the front flip bump into the guard rail. Back in the ring Kwee Wee gets two. Kwee gets a body slam and then a Thez press for two. Kwee pounds Jett face into the mat and the crowd chant "Kwee Wee sucks". Kwee then applies a chinlock, Jett tries to fight out but Kwee Wee drags him down for two and then scores with a vertical suplex for two. Another big Kwee Wee sucks. Kwee Wee puts Jett on top and pounds away to a chorus of boos. Jett responds with a blatant low blow and then Goes for a Super Bomb but Kwee Wee counters with a Hurricanna for a near fall! Kwee Wee then counters a hurricanrota with a sit out for two. Kwee Wee plays to the crowd. Jett blocks his piledriver and hits another blatant low blow? Does this man know the rules. Jett hits the Shockwave (hand spring elbow) and kips up. Kwee Counters the Crash Landing with sunset flip for two. Jett counters the piledriver but can't avoid the Northern lights suplex for two. Jett leap frogs over a blind charge and we have a collison with Kwee Wee flying to the outside. Jett tells the crowd to be quiet and plays dead. Kwee Wee goes up top and Jett rolls out the way of the flying elbow and score with the Crash landing for the win.
Well that was actually a fun little opener with some good athelticism, they certianly exceeded the crowds expectations. That said these two couldn't draw money in an art class and looked green with some awkward spots. (**1/4)
We go to a video recaping the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Tournement.
WCW Crusierweight Tag Team Title Tournement Final
Kid Romeo & Prime Time vs. The Filthee Animals
Tony says that Rey has got better since taking the mask off. Kidman is pressed onto the apron and he rebounds back in with a headscissors in a nice spot. Romeo scores with a reverse powerbomb. Elix comes in and press Romeo onto Kidman for two. Kidman comes back with a dropkick. Rey tags in and Drops The Dime on Prime Time whose laid across the middle rope. Rey rebounds over the top of Elix and then gets a unique flying head scissors. He then gives Prime Time a body scissors over the top rope. Kidman scores with a baseball slide on Prime Time. All four men brawl onto the ramp and Kidman hip tosses Romeo off the ramp onto Prime Time. The Animals then fly off the ramp with a flying senton and Thez press on the heels. The Animals then score with a douple chokeslam for two. We then have an awkward spot where Skipper scores with a knee strike. Romeo beats up Kidman on the outside while the referee is distracted. Romeo tags in and hits a short arm closeline before playing to the crowd. Kidman explodes with chops and a diving lariat. Romeo counters a wheel barrow move into a bulldog before locking in a super exciting chinlock. The crowd come to their feet as Kidman fights out but he runs straight into a front suplex for two. Prime Time comes in and beats down Kidman. Prime Time pounds away on Kidman and then jars with the fans. Prime Time whips Kidman into the guard rail. Kidman wears Tommy Hilfiger jeans incase you were wondering.
Kidman comes bakc with a sitout spine buster from the second rope and Rey gets the hot tag. Spring board crossboyd and then a swinging DDT on Romeo. Prime Time runs into a boot and then misses a char and goes shoulder first into the ringpost. Kidman gives Romeo back suplex, Rey comes off top with a cannon ball on Romeo and then runs accross the ring and gets a suicide dive on Prime Time. Romeo scores with a press to the outside on Rey and Kidman follows up with the Shooting Star Press to the outisde onto Prime Time and Romeo. Rey scores with a sunset bomb on Prime Time for two. Prime Time gets a reverse headlock takedown on Rey. Kidman scores with a reverse suplex on Kid Romeo. Prime Time gets a Tiger Suplex and Romeo follows up belantantly with guillotine leg drop. Kidman breaks up the pin and gives Prime Time a swinging bulldog. Rey and Kidman get the powerbomb splash combo on Romeo for two. Kidman gives Prime Time the baseball slide to the groin and Rey gets the Bronco buster. Rey drives over Kidman and hits Romeo with seated senton. Kidman and Prime Time go flying over the top rope together and Romeo counters the Lionsault to the Last Kiss for the win.
That was a total mess and had no selling but was pretty exciting in places, solid match. Enough spots to wow the crowd. (**3/4)
Bagwell then has his own personal camera and goes to see CEO Ric Flair, Animal and Jarrett. They discuss how they are the elite seven and they say tonight is their night.
Stacy Keibler comes to the ring looking fine but wearing far too much clothing for my tastes. She demands a bigger ovation from "you people". Stacy says she's gonna introduce us to the Shawn and Stacy show. She then introduces the Mecca of Manhood Shawn Stasiak the man who rocks her world. Shawn ges the big entrance and they kiss. The crowd boo as Shawn sets up to talk. Stasiak tells the crowd to shut up, listen and learn. He says he has agents knocking down his door, he then makes fun of bald people and Bam Bam Bigalow. Shwn has bought pictures of himself for all of us, and that was our brush with greatness for tonight and he throws pictures into the crowd.
Shawn Stasiak (w/Stacy Keibler) vs. Bam Bam Bigalow
Tony Schiavone suggests Bigalow has the power to screw Shawn up into a little ball and throw him into the crowd. Should Bigalow actually manage to pull this game off I will ultimately give it five stars without hesitation.
Shawn dodges Bigalow and throws a jab and then makes fun of Bigalow. Shawn grabs a side headlock and then scores with a shoulder tackle. Stasiak kips up dodges some closelines and then gets nailed with a right hand. Shawn bails and buries his head in Stacy's crotch, can't say I blame him, especially if the alternate is grappling with Bigalow. Shawn Stasiak is ridiculously overselling this punch as are the announcers. A kiss from Stacy Keible soon has Shawn feeling better.
Shawn hides in the ropes to avoid locking up. The referee enforcers a clean break and Stasiak jumps Bigalow and unloads. Bigalow throws Shawn into the corner and unloads. Bam Bam follows up with a hard Irish whip and a back body drop. Bigalow getsa splash in the corner and a weak dropkick. Shawn goes for a time out with Stacy but Bigalow goes to break it up. Bigalow gets distracted by Keibler not that I can blame him and he's shoved into the ring steps.
Back in the ring Stasiak hits a flying cross body and plays to the crowd. Shawn cuts off Bigalow who was beginning to hit headbutts with a low blow? Okay another match another low blow and still no DQ. Bigalow returns fire with a low blow of his own and then hits a headbutt and a Diving Headbutt. Stacy gets on the apron and distracts Bigalow by taking her hair down and throwing Shawn a canister to Stasiak. Shawn sprays the hair spray in Bam Bam's eyes and the Hangman's Noose Neckbreaker gets the victory. Stacy bends Shawn over backwards and lays in a kiss.
That was horrible, not even Stacy could save these two. (1/4*)
The Cat is with his girl friend and he says hes gonna take care of Kanyon, its shot from a CCTV camera.
We then see Skipper and Kid Romeo celebrating its mean to be gay, its not actually that gay.
Storm asks if he can be serious for a minute. Storm says tonight he gets personal and tomorrow they move on to business. They say they are getting rid of Morris and Konnan and then they are moving on to the World Tag Team Titles. They won't play the Canadian National Anthem but Instead Hugh Morris runs in.
Team Canada vs. Hugh Morris & Konnan
Hugh Morris runs in and back body drops Storm to the outside but he's quickly back body dropped to the outside. Mike Awesome regains control with a closeline. Storm unloads with chops but Morris no sells everything and then hits a powerslam. Awesome comes in with a terrible big boot and leg drop for two. Awesome scores with a Stinger Splash and then Lance tags in and they score with a double closeline. The crowd chant "USA" as Lance has a front facelock. The commentary is beyond retarded at this point as they go to a collision spot. Konan tags in adn unloads with his rolling closeline, Konan went for an x-factor but Awesome breaks it up with a lariat.
Awesome scores with a body slam and a splash as the crowd have a sporadic chant of "USA". Team Canada use such exciting moves as the choke and the foot choke. Lance Storm catches Konan charging with a reverse elbow for two. Awesome tags in and unloads with even more uninspiring offence. While Awesome distracts the referee Storm introduces Konan into the ringsteps and the gaurd rail. Konan gets an inside cradle for two. I know I've mentioned it already but the commentary is really terrible. Lance awkwardly knocks Konnan down as the crowd come to life. Awesome comes off top with a awful looking shoulder tackle for two. Awesome then plays to the crowd. Storm then over shoots a dropkick by a long long way. Storm drops two leg drops and then cinches in a chinlock. The crowd can't even muster a USA chant. Morris gets a tag but the ref doesn't see it. Awesome then scores with a piledriver on Konan for two. Storm comes back in with a body slam and he goes up top and he eats foot. We then get a double closeline spot.
Luke Warm Tag, Morris gives Awesome a spinning heel kick, the crowd are actually angry that this match won't end. Morris gets a couple of splashes in the corner on Awesome but he turns an eats a huge splash from Awesome. Konan makes the save at two. Hugh dodges two closelines and hits a back suplex. Hug Morris goes up top but Lance distracts Morris and Awesome hits a running Awesome bomb for the win.
That was bowling shoe ugly as JR would say, infact I've seen bowling shoes prettier than that. Blown spots and indifference. (1/2*)
We go to CCTV footage of Dustin and Dusty. Dusty Rhodes says he's gonna eat two hundred and fifty burritos so his arse smells when Flair kisses it.
It gets even gayier as Rick Stiener tells Buff Bagwell he will pound Booker T's butt.
Then we go footage of Jindrack and O'Haire who say we'll find out who the best tag team are by the end of tonight. We then hear the sound guy say that's a rap.
WCW Crusierweight Title Match
Sugar Shane Helms vs. Chavo Guerrero
I forgot how funny Shane Helms entrance was. Chavo locks in a side headlock and won't let it go. I mean seriously he won't let go alla Shawn Micheals if he's going 60 minutes but much less interesting. They then trade snapmares, kip ups, hammerlocks and headscissors. Shane grabs a side headlock but Chavo shoots him off and after a fair bit of closeline dodging Chavo gets a running closeline. Chavo gives Shane a hard Irish whip, but Shane flips over Chavo's suplex attempt and lands on his feet with hits a gut wrench suplex. Chavo avoids the nightmare on Helmstreet and scores with a T-bone suplex.
Chavo then applies the looses STF well since the last time John Cena applied the hold. Chavo works over the leg in a variety of deathlocks. Shane breaks it with a chinlock but Chavito answers him with a nice backsuplex for two. The crowd is flatter than Kelly Kelly's stomach. Chavo counters a dropkick with a roll up for two. Chavo then counters a powerbomb landing on his feet and then hits a DDT for two. Chavo ties Shane in the corner and nails a dropkick. Chavo scores with a pump handle suplex for two. Tony calls the colour guy Gordon Solie like, you gotta be kidding me?
Chavo monkey flips Shane to the outside, and Shane responds by pulling Chavo off the apron. Chavo slips back into the ring and hits a baseball slide and then a flying press of top to the outside. Chavo rolls Shane back into the ring for two. Shane blocks a suplex and then floats over and scores with a TKO style face crusher. Helms then counters a backslide with swinging neckbreaker. The ref begins a ten count and you can see the crowd yawning. Shane press Chavo to the apron and then superkicks him off the apron.
Shane rolls Chavo back into the ring for two. Chavo dodges a superkick and hits a reverse DDT bomb for two. Shane counters the Tornado DDT, then Shane blocks the pump handle suplex and scores with the Nightmare on Helmstreet for two! Shane then whips Chavo to the corner and he takes the Harley Race bump to the outside. The crowd chant "Boring" loudly. Shane silences them with a flying crossbody to the outside.
Shane then scores with another crossbody this time in the ring for two. Shane body slams Chavo but when he goes up top Chavo pops up and brings him down hard. Shane and Chavo battle on top and Shane counters Chavo's Vertebreaker into his own Vertebreaker for the win.
Mediocre Chavo Guerrero Match + Mediocre Shane Helms Match = Dull below average encounter. They have truely lost the crowd. (*3/4)
The crowd pop pretty reasonably for Shane's title win with his Sugar Babies.
We're back with Bagwell's camera man and now its following Jarrett. Jeff goes into Ric's office and they say they won't be kissing anybodies arse. Ric was actually pretty funny in this promo and very sharp.
Booker then cuts a serious promo and tells Rick to remember one thing, Don't Hate The Player, Hate The Game. Boy oh boy did they pick the wrong catch pharse for Booker to run with.
Just incase the crowd were getting to excited Lex Luger grabs a microphone and poses. Buff tells the crowd to shut up. Lex says when you look as good as us, are built like us, and no one wrestles like they do. They then do some really gay arse licking. They then say they did what nobody else could do and took Bill Goldberg out of WCW. Lex Luger says even when your as successful as them and doesn't finish that sentance. Lex then makes fun of Palumbo and O'Haire and says one day they'll be as big as them. They promises to take their opponents to school.
WCW World Tag Team Title Match
Totally Buff vs. Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo
This match could possibly the most roided up match of 2001. Worryingly someone has a Buff Bagwell sign in the crowd and its not a girl. O'Haire and Palumbo's music is really gay and annoying.
O'Haire and Palumbo charge the ring and slug down Totally Buff. They give Lex a double shoulder tackle. Luger accidently gives Buff the Lariat and Chuck gives both Buff and Luger Jungle kicks. Then Sean hits two loose Seanton bombs for the win. The announcers call it a Georgia Championship Wrestling squash.
Well that had a certian fun aspect to it. Luger and Buff still managed to look awkward even in that short of a match. (1/2*)
We go to a short angry and incomprehensible shouty promo from Scott Stiener.
When we come back Luger and Bagwell are still recovering from that match and look like pensioners as the crowd chant "refund".
The Cat then cuts a promo calling Kanyon's face ugly.
The Cat (w/Ms Jones) vs. Chris Kanyon
Kanyon goes straight after Missess Jones but Cat cuts him of and introduces him to ringsteps cast first. The Cat dodges a closeline and scores with a shoulder tackle. Kanyon tosses Cat who fucks up skinning the cat and comes back in with the electric chair drop. The Cat tells us he's the greatest as he throws Kanyon into the canvas. Kanyon tries a ten punch but the cast on his arm hurts so much and Cat gives Kanyon a powerbomb and then tosses Kanyon.
Kanyon goes straight after Ms Jones and then flips Kanyon into the gaurd rail. Cat then whips Kanyon into the gaurd rail cast first. Kanyon repplies with a jaw jacker and then a flying closeline gets two. Kanyon scores with vertical suplex and a sling shot elbow drop fort two. The Cat runs into the boot and Kanyon scores with the leg drop bulldog for two. Kanyon then senses the crowd aren't quite thrilled enough locks The Cat in a chinlock.
The Cat fights out but runs into a sleeper however The Cat immediately counters into a back suplex. Cat floors Kanyon but Kanyon comes right back with a swinging neck breaker for two. Kanyon goes up top but Cat kicks his legs out and crotches him hard. Cat then scores with a not so superplex for two. Kanyon goes for a sunset flip but Cat tells him to suck it and drops the James Brown elbow, the splits and throat thurst and finnally the Round House Kick gets two. Kanyon then with no energy gets a roll up with his feet on the ropes for three. The ref says he saw it and restarts the match. The Cat gets a roll up for two.
Kanyon counters a roll up with a boston crab but Cat makes the ropes. The crowd reached a murmur during that exchange. The Cat gets a hard Irish whip and the Feliner but Kanyon gets his foot on the rope just before three. Kanyon throws the Cat out of the ring. Cat gets back in dodges a closeline and goes for a back suplex, Kanyon hits Cat with the cast but only gets two! Kanyon then hits the ref for no reason. Cat holds Kanyon back for the Miss Jones but she hits Cat with the round house kick. Miss Jones tells Kanyon to bring it on and Jones hits a round house kick and The Cat scores with the Feliner for the win.
Fun enough revenge match for the Cat, gave the crowd what they wanted. (**)
Post match Kanyon floors Cat with the cast and a Flatiner. Kanyon is about to attack Miss Jones and Smooth's music hits and he makes the save, to bring the story full circle.
We then see Bagwell and Stiner arguing backstage.
We then go to a video recap of the Booker T-Rick Stiener fued. Its actually pretty dramatic and made this fued look hot. Shame I know Book isn't a good enough worker to raise Rick Stiener above awful. I hope I'm proved wrong.
WCW United States Title Match
Booker T vs. Rick Stiener
Rick tells the ref to check Booker's gloves and then slugs Book down and takes Book to the outside. Ric throws Booker into the front row and then tells the camera man to film it. Booker is selling Rick punches like he's being KOed with every punch.
Back in the ring Rick scores with his Stienerline for two. Rick scores with a sloppy Tiger Driver for two, but that excited ment end when Rick instead decides to apply a variety of chin and face locks. Steiner blatantly low blows Booker and then applies a surfboard. Booker powers up and scores with a back suplex. Rick dodges the Harlem side kick and scores with a belly to belly suplex for two. Booker gets his sunset flip for two but is then run straight over with a hard lariat for two. All this is of course way too exciting so Rick decides a chinlock is in order, a long one. Booker fades and then fights out. Book dodges a closeline and gets his diving forearm then a hard spinebuster and then he scores with the Ghetto Blaster (scissor kick. Book nails with a flap jack and Booker accidently hits the ref with a Harlem side kick. Stiener nails the German suplex but of course there's no referee. Shane Douglas comes from ringside hits Rick in the back of the head with a cast and Booker hits the Book End for the win.
Nice and short, had some spells of okay action but was mostly plodding Stiener style offence, yet another match that has slowly won the crowd back. (*1/4)
We then seeing Animal and Luger arguing as Buff Bagwell has been laid out and there is no trust.
We then go to a recap of the Rhodes-Flair fued. It's really silly. I have to say I didn't know that Jeff Jarrett had a take on Kid Rock's cowboy as his entrance music.
Kiss My Arse Match
Jeff Jarrett & Ric Flair (w/Animal) vs. Dusty & Dustin Rhodes
Good to see that Ric is taking this match so seriously he's wearing cords and a Hawian shirt. I guess is this when he was still embarsed about his look but he actually looks comically awesome. Dustin Rhodes for some reason appears to have stolen The Mounties wardrobe. Ric says he's not dressed to wrestle and he's not going to wrestles Chosen Ones gonna do it all by himself. Flair then changes his mind, okay. Road Warrior Animal is then ejected by Charles Robison.The crowd are chanting for "Dusty".
Jeff isn't thrilled about locking up with Dusty as the stallathon continues. Dustin starts instead, Jarrett slides through Dustin's legs but gets slugged down, same thing happens with a leap frog. Dustin then scores with a drop down uppercut. Dustin then gives Jarrett a ten punch with a crotch grab before crotching Jarrett on the ringpost. Dustin comes off the top rope and is met with a boot.
Ric Flair tags in to a face pop, of course. Flair hits a chop then its a Flair Flurry time and an eye rake. Flair just pounds the crap out of Dustin and then makes fun of Dusty. Flair kills Dustin with one chop. Dustin holds onto the rope and gives Flair the fingure before tagging in Dusty. Dusty dances and tells Flair to hold his horses. The crowd are actually on their feet for the first time.
Dusty scores with a shoulderblockt o a big pop and then shakes his derriere in Ric's face before threatening Flair with a Bionic elbow. Dusty blocks the Flair Flurry hits Flair with a bionic elbow and the flip flop and fly. Dustin tags in and Jeff tries to slow him down but he suplexes Ric anyway. Jeff gets a inverted atomic drop for his trouble. Dustin sets up Jeff for the dust buster (shattered Dreams) but Ric cuts him off with a low blow. The crowd chant for Dusty as Ric lays in the boots. Dusty dodges a back elbow and runs into a sleep but he shoots Jarrett off and applies a sleeper of his own. Jeff counters with a knee breaker and works over the knee. Ric tags in but Dustin counters the Figure Four with an inside craddle for two. Dustin coutners a hip toss into a backslide for two. Jeff tags in and locks Dustin in the figure four. Jeff gets a couple of near falls before Dustin turns the hold over, which the cameras miss. Jeff tries to reapply the hold but Dustin kicks him off and scores with a back suplex.
Both men are down and the race is on. HOT TAG, Dusty gives everybody bionic elbows then the double Dusty flurry on both heels at once. Dusty scores with the back elbow and the Elbow Drop of Doom for a near fall. Dusty gets a double closeline and Dustin comes in with a diving double closeline. Jeff floors Dusty with a low blow and Ric gives Dustin a snapmare. Both heels go for figure fours but they are both kicked off and collided. Jeff falls to the outside. Dustin gets a odd looking pack for the ring. Flair flops and bails.
That was actually a lot of fun and the crowd really, really enjoyed that one, Flair worked a suprisingly large amount of the match considering he had lost his confidence. (**)
Dusty tells Flair to kiss his arse, Jeff runs in and Dustin holds Jeff down and gives him a weak stink face. I've never heard a man other than Tony Schiavone want to see a man's arse so much. Dusty dances in his underwear after the match.
WCW World Heavyweight
Falls Count Anywhere Match
Diamond Dallas Page vs. Scott Stiener (w/Midajah)
DDP spits on Stiener and unloads, DDP scores with a inverted atomic drop and a swinging neckbreaker. Scott comes back with a shoulder tackle calling DDP a "bitch". DDP comes of top with a flying cross body for two. The brawl to the outside where Stiener gives DDP a weak whip into the guard rail and then an incredibly sloppy closline. Scott jars with the fans shouting "sit down faggot" classy. DDP tries to come back with a jaw jacker but Stiener knocks DDP off the apron and they then brawl into the audience.
Stiener beats DDP up by the technical area. Scott nails DDP with a trash can lid, Stiener then takes a crutch from a kid and shoves the child over. Poppa Bump then smashes the crutch over DDP. DDP then hits Scott with the other crutch and hits a elbow drop through a table for two. Scott never kicked out fo that in a million years by the way. DDP hits Scott with a trash can for two. They brawl back towards the entrance. Scott takes a sign from a fan and shoves him over and floors DDp. DDP gets a sign of his own and kills everyone.
Scott Stiener low blows DDP as they return to the ring. Scott gets a Stienerliner and the cocky elbow drop and press ups. Scott gets his reverse whips and back clubs. Scott then scores with a T-Bone suplex for a near fall. Just incase anyone was enjoying this match too much, and we wouldn't want that Scotty locks in a bearhug. Page clubs his way out but runs into an overhead release belly to belly suplex. Big Poppa Pump then continues to unload with the stiff chops and lays some boots in. Page throws Scotty into the corner but runs right into a boot and Scotty hits his twisting belly to belly suplex for two. Scott decides to apply the somewhat more interesting surfboard hold. DDP really oversells and nearly escapes but eats a knee. Page then comes back with a DDT out of nowhere and both men are down.
Both men get up at the same time, Page dodges a closeline, as does Stiener but second time lucky Page floors him. Page getsa big right and ten head pounds in the corner. DDP runs into a back elbow and gets a near fall with his feet on the ropes. DDP counters a spinebuster with a swinging DDT. DDP calls for the Cutter but Scott spins him round and gets a low blow and a DDT. DDP throws Scott into the corner and hits a Diamond Cutter for the 1-2-but Rick pulls the referee out.
DDP hits a plancha on Rick and then gets a roll up on Scott for a near fall. Stiener scores with a jaw breaker and hits Page with the world title, busting Page open. Scott then decides to lock in a boston crab but Page dripping huge pools of blood makes the ropes. Scott then locks Page in the Steiner Recliner and Page fades but suddenly recovers and makes the ropes. Rick beats up Page while the referee is distracted. Midajah distracts the ref and Scott beats the crap out of Page with a lead pipe and then locks in the Recliner for the win.
Well the finish was complete garbage but the match was the best of the night and a solid Stiener-Page style main event. If you like these sort of brawls you'll enjoy this. (**1/2)
Overall Thoughts: Rather a sad note for WCW to go out on. There was a really bad mid show lull with Shawn Stasiak and Chavo Guerrero but the show started fun and slowly regained the fans attention and had them chanting for the final two match ups. With Booker, O'Hair and Rhodes winning there was a big enough sense of fans revenge to make up for a cheap main event. So not a terrible last show but an incredibly forgettable one. (4.0)


Plot Synopsis: There was a plot? Well I supose there was, the world is being destroyed by a series of catastrophic events. Through a series of cultural reference and movie spoofs our protagnist seek to replace a crystal skull and avert disaster.

Review: Lets start with the obvious critique, even if you found this film remotely funny, and you won't unless your IQ is in negative digits, this films self life is approximately 15 minutes. Sadly the film barely holds your attention for 15 seconds. The jokes are awful, the acting is awful, everything is awful. The real problem with this film and the modern spoof genre is that while they clearly watched classics like Airplane they have learnt nothing from the experience. They learnt to throw a million jokes at the viewer a second but not the subtly and certianly not the delivery. They don't actually spoof anything, for the most part they just do an impersonation or often just repeat jokes from the actual movies themselves. It's terrible, Airplane created a whole movie with a funny plot and great script all of its own, that actually surpased almost all of the films in the genre it was parodying (see Naked Gun also). Disaster Movie also managed to surpass all its peers in being the worst spoof movie of the 21st Century.
I watched this film on Cam and could actually hear the silent reactions of the paying audience and oft the groans of displeasure. Of all the terrible stylistic and artistic complaints the worst crime of this film is purely that its not funny. I can't remember a single joke in the entire movie that I could even understand laughing at, and that's terrible. I've seen bad comedies before but at least I could comprehend why other people might find it funny.
So lets think of the positives I could possible attribute this picture. I can only think of two. There are some hot women in the film, Kim Kardassian looks good, Lucy the lead women is hot and for some Carmen Electra will still appeal. That said none of the women in it are so stunning or draw dropping to make it watch worthy on that front. The only other good point were the Chipmunks, they were not funny don't get me wrong but the cute puppets were exactly what the Chipmunks should have been in there own feature. I best end on a positive so I'll leave it there. (-****1/2)


Undeniable 2007
Dave Prazak does the usual introduction and then introduces Claudio Castagnoli. Larry Sweeney and Sweet and Sour Inc come out and says they are holding out until they get the terms that they want. Larry says Hero is holding out and I guess Claudio your off the Pay Per View.
They then go to the openning set to Smashing Pumpkins it hightlights the key fueds and shows of some incredible spots.
The Age Of The Fall are in the ring. Jacobs says there are confusions as to why they are hear, they say they are not a faction and they are not taking over, they are a revolution. They have a message and they will change the world. Jacobs says they targetted the Briscoes as they are the heartand soul of ROH. They say apparently Ring of Honor officials say they have to beat some tag teams to get a title shot. They said there cool with that and will destroy the system from within. Jacobs then throws out an open challenge.
Julius Smokes sounds the battle cry and the Vulture Squad storm the ring.
The Age Of The Fall vs. The Vulture Squad
Big brawl to start the match up. Ruckus gets his hand stand headscissors sending Jacobs to the outside but Black stops and dive attempt from Ruckus and sends him to the outside. Black then nearly botches but manages to hit a nice shooting star plancha onto the vulture squad. Jacobs gets a dropkick to the back of the head and then tags in Black who scores with a nice dropkick for two. The Age of The Fall then put Ruckus in the tree of woe and score with a the knee strike and double dropkick combo.
Black comes in and slugs away before scoring with a knee drop a kip up and then a running leg drop on a seated Ruckus for two. Jacobs comes off the second rope with a forearm strike as the crowd chant "Ruckus". Ruckus counters an Irish whip attempt into a beautiful leaping swingin neck breaker. Evans in with some cool break dance off of Jacobs back onto Black, Evans then takes Jacobs down with a round house kick and then gets a dropkick on Black using the kick off of Black's chest to hit a dropkick on Jacobs. He then hits the Evans handspring back elbow and the slingshot knee strike on Black. Evans plays to the crowd and gets a spin kick combo on Jacobs but gets met with a spear.
Ruckus gets his spinning kick on Jacobs and then the Razzle Dazzle. Black front suplexes Ruckus on the top rope and boots him to the floor. Black then gives Ruckus a seat at ringside and Jacobs comes flying with a plancha crushing Ruckus and the Chair. Evans tries a plancha ranna but Black catches him and gives Evans a running powerbomb into the barracade, that was awesome. The Age Of The Fall then celebrate.
Back in the ring, they then score with the Burning Hammer top rope senton back splash running big boot and End Tie (Guillotine Choke) for the win.
That was quite the opener, short and to the point. The athleticism was incredible and the powerbomb splash was incredible and dangerous. Hot Opener on fast forward. (**3/4)
Larry Sweeney has returned to the ring to inform us Hero is still holding out but he has agreed that the first ever Women's match will take place on ROH PPV.
Sara Del Ray vs. Daizee Haze
Sara grabs a hammer lock and takes Daize down to start the match, Ray then rolls Daizee into a couple of pinning combinations for two. Daizee comes back with a spinning arm drag and then a head scissors sending Del Ray to the outside. Ray and Dempsey regroup and Haze comes off top with a flying crossbody on both Dempsey and Del Ray. Sara comes back with a bridging fallaway slam for two. Del Ray follows up with a shoulder tackle and two mafia kicks for two. Daizee unloads on Ray but she can't take Del Ray down. Daizee scores with the heart punch and a Yakuza kick for two. Del Ray counters a wheel barrow move with a German suplex for two. Claudio comes to ringside and clears out Sweet and Sour Inc. In the ring Daizee counters a powerbomb with a victory roll for the win.
Not the best work from these two but this match really was on fast forward. Still a decent display of women's wrestling. (*1/2)
Chris Hero gives Claudio the Hero's Welcome on the outside and then Danielson's music hits. Dragon storms to the ring and challenges Hero saying that Sweet and Sour Inc. represent the worst about sports worshipping the almighty dollar.
Chris Hero (w/Sweet & Sour Inc.) vs. Bryan Danielson
The crowd chant "Your Gonna Get Your Fucking Head Kicked In", Hero goes to the ring announcer looking scared and the announcer then says "Chris Hero would like to say that that is purely speculation".
Hero does a front roll before Danielson wrestles him down to the mat. Hero rolls through and grabs a leg but Danielson hops up and takes Hero down with an arm wringer. Hero kips up and starts showing of his athleticism with his flips and kips. Danielson isn't impressed and the crowd chant "you can't wrestle". Hero grabs a key lock and mocks the crowd but Danielson counters into a cross arm breaker. The crowd ask Danielson to fuck Chris Hero up. Hero reminds the ref that he also has till five. Dragon gets a drop toe hold and spins to a front facelock but Hero counters to a rings of Saturn slide for two. Danielson gets a double leg takedown but Hero kicks Dragon off and Hero does a headstand and move flippy floppy showing off, Dragon really isn't feeling this.
Danielson immediately gets a double leg trip and its Woah, Woah, Woah surfboard time but Hero avoids the face lock so Danielson gets the leg stomp and Hero does an excellent Charlie Brown sell. They go to a test of strenght Danielson flips over Hero and scores with a dropkick for two. Hero runs to the ropes to avoid the Chicken Wing. Danielson reminds the referee he has until five. Dragon runs into a boot and then Hero gets a diving kick for two. Hero puts his headband over his eye and makes fun on Danielson's eye injury. Hero then scores with a front slam and a Senton back splash for two. Hero then scores with the running atomic drop sending Dragon hard into the corner. Hero then takes a bow. Dragon scores with a big European but Hero response with a big chop, both men then exchange blows with Hero winning with a back fist. Dragon back flips over Hero and scores with a kitchen sink and a spinal tap for two.
Daneilson gets the running forearm in the corner and then the head and arm suplex. Hero catches Danielson on top and applies the Cravat. Danielson knocks Hero off top and scores with the torpedo dropkick and a German suplex for two before cinching in Cattle Mutialation. Hero manages to roll to his feet and hit a spinning forearm, Dragon comes back with a brutal leaping headbutt but gets caught burning elbow. Hero hits his suplex cutter for two and then mocks Cattle Mutiliation and kips up. Hero bitch slaps Danielson and gets a small package for two. Danielson explodes with a brutal leaping running knee strike Danielson relentlessly kicks Chris Hero's head in until the referee calls for the stoppage.
Not exactly a technical classic between these two with Hero as always move concerned with having fun and working the crowd. None the less they told a really good story which brought the crowd to the feet and chanting non stop. (***)
Adam Pearce calls Kevin Steen out to the ring and offers him a seat. Pearce tells Steen that he represents the Hangman Three and talks about taking out Delirious. He thinks Steen is in a similar situation as he teams with Kevin Steen. Pearce says that Generico coast Kevin Steen the world tag team titles. Pearce says he knows what Steen wants and what he needs. Pearce says he's willing to make it a Hangman Four. Pearce says he has an offering. BJ Whitmer and Brent Albright then bring out El Generico. Pearce says this is the man whose let you down and cost you everything you've ever wanted. Pearce then tells Steen to strike Generico down. Steen thinks about it and Generico winces but Steen instead destroys the Hangman 3. The numbers game eventually overwhelm him though until......Delirious' music hits and he unloads on everyone and clears the ring. Delirious gets on the mic and cuts one of his comprehensible promos before handing the mic to Steen. He has no idea what Delirious just said but there's only one guy who gets to slap Generico around and that's Kevin Steen, looks like we got ourselves a six man tag.
Delirious, Steen & Generico vs. The Hangman 3
Delirous hits cannon ball off the top rope onto all four men on the outside to start the match. Generico then scores with a top rope big splash for two on Whitmer. Steen is killing Pearce on the outside as in the ring Generico gives Whitmer a ten punch. Delirious scores with a corner closeline and a bulldog on Whitmer as the match settles down.
Delirious bites and chops away on Whitmer. Delirious scores with a running foreram in the corner. Delirous follows up with a front slam and a senton back splash. Delirous attacks Pearce but gets caught with a high knee when he turns. Brent Albright tags in and body slams Delirious, Pearce comes in with a big splash for two. Pearce runs into a boot but responds with a huge chokeslam on Delirious. Whitmer tags in and gets a cover for two. Whitmer pounds away on Delirious in the corner. Brent then gets the hanging vertical suplex (he does squats with Delirious held in mid air). Whitmer tags back in and bitch slaps Delirous. Delirious tries to fight back in vain. Whitmer runs into a boot and Delirious scores with a Dragon Ranna for two.
Steen gets the hot tag and scores with a spinning heel kick on Whitmer and crotches Pearce and then gives him an enzenguri. Albright gives Steen a shoulder tackle. Generico dives on Brent and gives him a drop toe hold and Steen hits the front flip leg drop. Steen and Generico hug, Steen shoves Generico and Steen dives with a front flip plancha on Pearce and Whitmer as Generico says he's the man.
Generico kills Whimer with the Yakuza kick and Steen scores with the Swanton bomb. Steen dodges Pearce and tags in Delirious who runs all around Pearce with his lariat combo. Delirious and Whitmer get tossed to the outside. Whitmer dodges a flying cross body and scores with a corner powerbomb on Generico. Steen comes in with a superkick of Whitmer and then gut buster. Pearce dodges a closeline and hits a Double A spinebuster on Steen. Delirous bites Pearce and then kills Pearce with the Panic attack followed by more biting. Brent Albright sneaks in behind Delirious and hits the Half Nelson suplex for the win.
All action chaotic match, very indy in style but very entertaing, Steen and Generico's timing is superb. (**1/2)
Nigel McGuinness cuts a very excellent and serious promo about how thses may be shabby surroundings but this is what he's always dreamed about since he was a child.
Roderick Strong vs. Austin Aries
Roderick shoves Aries to start the match and gives the crowd a thumbs down. The crowd sarcastically chant "Rod-er-ick". Aries gets a waist lock takedown and then both men wrestle frantically. Roderick bails and the crowd get on his case some more. Strong gets a shoulder tackle and then spits on Aries. Aries replies with an arm drag and a Japanese arm drag. Aries then gets an arm bar and bitch slaps Strong around. Strong comes back with a big chop. Aries comes back with a shoulder tackle and a chop drop. Aries then applies a side headlock.
Roderick powers up but Aries flips over a back body drop. Strong counters a headlock with a headscissors and avoids then headstand several times until Aries simply powers out and bitch slaps Strong.
Roderick recovers from the igomy with a running knee to the gut. Aries avoids a dropkick and gives a kneeling Roderick and dropkick of his own. Aries dives off the apron and unloads on Strong on the outside. Aries gives Strong a big open hand chop and then rolls Strong back in. Aries comes into the ring with the Slingshot senton. Aries gives Strong a headbutt. Strong catches an Aries leap frog and scores with a train wreck. Strong follows up with a traditional back breaker. Strong then hits a second more deliberate back breaker. Strong then puts Aries into a camel clutch. Aries fights out but runs right into a nice dropkick from Strong, that gets two.Strong scores with another back breaker for a pair of two counts. Strong applies a waist lock. Aries fights out with back elbows and both men exchange strikes. Aries unloads with a series of chops. Aries then scores with a closeline and then two more. Aries gives Strong a ten punch in the corner but as he showboats Strong recovers and throws Aries head first out of the ring.
The crowd start a huge "Austin Aries" chant but Strong puts a stop for that with a hard Irish whip into the barracade. Strong goes for the Gibson Driver on the floor but Aries counters with a back body drop. Aries follows up with a running dropkick and then a charging double knee strike sending Strong hard into the barracade. Aries then scores with the slingshot corkscrew press for two. Aries goes for a Lionsault but Strong gets the knees up. Strong gets a roll up for two and Aries repplies with a running knee strike for two. Strong counters the brainbuster with a jaw breaker and a brutal half nelson back breaker for two. Aries blocks another back breaker and goes for the Brainbuster but Strong counters into another back breaker.
Aries then counters a Gibson Driver with a ranna, that was excellently done. Aries then scores with a knee breaker back suplex combo. Aries then misses the corner dropkick and Strong capitalizes with the second rope backbreaker on the top turnbuckle but that only gets two. Strong gets a table and puts it between the barracade and the ring. Strong goes for a powerbomb but Aries blocks and closelines Strong over the top rope and follows up straight away with the heat seeking missile.
Aries then comes back into the ring with the slngshot elbow combo and the running corner dropkick. Aries then wasting no time hits the Brainbuster for a near fall. Aries goes up top looking for the 450 but Strong recovers and catches Aries up top. Aries knocks Strong off top and hits the 450 splash for a near fall!!! The crowd chant "use the table". Roderick is just deat weight at this stage but suddenly pops up with a crade for two. Aries gets a backslide for two, counters the Strong hold for two. Aries hits a roaring elbow and Strong replies with the diving Yakuza kick, the gut buster and the Gibson Driver gets two!!!!
Both men fight on the apron and Aries gives Roderick Strong a brainbuster through the table to the floor!!!! The crowd go suitably nuts. Aries rolls Strong back into the ring and over shoots the 450 landing with his knees on Strong for the win.
Well blowing the final move was a bit of a let down but that was a very good match, it had its weak spots but was excellent for the most part and brilliant in places. The intenisty and drama was top notch and their ability, especially that of Aries to pick the pace up suddenly was tremendous. The big final spot served as an excellent blow of to their fued. (****)
The No Remorse Corps vs. The Briscoe Brothers
Davey Richards gets an arm drag to start the match, Mark replies in kind before Davey Richard throws a knock out kick which Mark dodges leading to a cool stand off. Richards gets a headscissors but Mark kips up to escape. Mark getsa leg trip but Richards wrestles his way into a cross arm breaker but Mark counters and wrestles into a deathlock surfboard combo. Richards escapes and gets a fireman's carry. Mark locks in a headscissors and this time Davey Richards kips up to escape.
Jay and Rocky Romero tag in. Romero gets a sideheadlock and then lands on his feet off of a tilt-a-whirl and hits a kick. Jay returns fire with a ranna and both men unload. Mark tags in with some stiff chops and then some shoulder tackles before bitch slapping Romero down for two. Jay scores with a reverse elbow and that gets two. Jay beats the crap out of Romero before hitting a dropkick and tagging in Mark who scores with a second rope knee drop. Romero powers his way to the corner and tags out.
Richards comes in with a headbutt and then a running closeline for two. Jay scores with some shoulder charges before giving Richards a droptoe hold onto the second rope, Mark then hits a running Yakuza kick, a slingshot double stomp and then a diving tope. Jay then throws Rocky off the apron but Rocky lands on Mark. Jay then dives to the outside and wipes everybody out with a front flip planchas and the crowd go bananas.
Richards counters a superplex with a arm wrench divorce court. Romero then drags Jay out of the ring and works over Jay's arm on the ringpost. Romero then knocks Mark off the apron as the crowd chant for the Briscoes to "Man Up". Romero gives Jay a knee to the head and then a knee drop on the arm and a spinal tap. Romero then nails a stiff kick to the shoulder of Jay. Richards getsa rolling kick, chop combo ending in a unique rolling arm bar which Mark Briscoe breaks up. Jay tries to come back but he's cut off with a jaw breaker. Richards runs into a big boot and Jay scores with a droptoe hold sending Richards into the second turnbuckle.
Mark tags in with a Karate combo on Richards. Romero tries the Springboard DDT but Mark counters with a exploder. Mark and Jay then hit a brutal kick and jaw breaker combinations. Rocky pulls Jay outside and they brawl. Jay runs into a boot and a knee strike. Mark comes out of nowhere with an Top Rope Ace Crusher torpedo dropkick on the NRC. Richards shoves Mark off top but he's met with superkick. Mark tries the slingshot corkscrew press but he's met with knees.
Rocky tags in and knocks Jay off the apron. Romero gets a tilt-a-whirl slam and a knee strike for a near fall. The NRC hit a double front suplex and they try the stereo kick but Jay dives from out of nowher to closeline Richards over the top rope. Mark blocks Rocky's kick and the Briscoes score with the Splash Mountain neckbreaker combo for a near fall!!! Jay tags in and goes for the Jay Driller but its blocked so Jay hits a doomsday Device instead. They go for the Springboard Doomsday Device but Rocky Ducks and Mark goes flying out the ring.
Jay goes for a military press but Richards comes off top with a missile dropkick to break it up. Mark hits a Slinghsot Karate kick, Rocky gives Mark a Tiger suplex, Jay gives Romero a big boot and Richards avoids the big boot with a Gargoyle suplex into the corner. Richards hits the rebound handspring enzenguri on Mark but he rebounds with a closeline and everybody is down and the crowd give them a standing ovation.
Big "ROH" chant from the audience. All four men exchange stiff open hand chops. The NRC get spinning back kicks but the Briscoes respond with shoulder tackles. Ricards counters a tilt-a-whirl with a tombstone and Rocky hits the Diablo Arm Bar off top but Jay makes the ropes!!! The NRC hit the powerbomb knee strike combo for two!!! Richards puts Jay on the rop rope and he goes for a superplex but Jay counters with a sit out front suplex for a near fall!!! Mark gives Rocky a northern lights suplex off the apron and the Spring Board Doomsday Device gets the win.
Wow that was just non stop balls to the wall action with incredible moves and near falls there wasn't exactly much selling going on but this was just an insane tag match. This was a bit too indy like to go any higher than four stars but this is the best indy style spotfest that could possibly hav ebeen put on. The Briscoes are one of those teams that just pull out all the stops everyday and never fail to dazzle no matter who the oponent or what type of match they are put in. They have single handedly reinvented tag team wrestling. (****)
Ring Of Honor World Title Match
Nigel McGuinness vs. Takeshi Morishima
Morishima doesn't bugde on a shoulder block and hits a big boot, Nigel rebounds but the Jawbreaker Lariat is blocked and Takeshi goes for the Back Drop Driver but Morishima rolls him off. Both men unload with Morishima winning but McGuinness againg goes for the Jawbreaker lariat but its countered with a bossman slam and the spinning heel kick on a seated Morishima. Nigel bails and Takeshi follows him to the outside. Nigel tries the rebound lariat but Takeshi dodges and begins to work over the arm of Nigel on the ringpost.
Back in the ring Takeshi hits an arm breaker. Takeshi no sells a throat thurst and applies an two varieties of arm bar to McGuinness. Takeshi follows up with an arm wringer and then clubs Nigel down. Nigel starts no selling Morishima's offence and then bitch slaps Morishima's offence. Morishima scores with the running big boot in the corner and he clubs down Nigel. Takeshi pounds away at the ear of Nigel. Nigel makes it to his feet at nine and Nigel falls on top of a back drop driver for two.
Nigel hits a lariat but Takeshi no sells, a second Lariat takes him down. Nigel hits a series of throat thrusts and uppercuts before hitting the running European uppercut and Lariat combo for two. Big chant for "Nigel". Both men exchange forearms and Takeshi blocks the Jawbreaker Lariat. Morishima hits the running forearm in the corner. Takeshi scores with the tropedo dropkick for two. Nigel counters the backdrop driver and goes for a sunset flip but Takeshi sits on Nigel for two. Morishima goes up top but Nigel levels him with a lariat for a nearfall.
Nigel goes for the head stand but Takeshi catches him with a big boot and a closeline. Takeshi then hits the Back Drop Driver but it only gets two!!! The crowd go bananas for that kick out. Nigel catches Takeshi on the top rope but Takeshi blocks the Tower of London with a choke. Nigel joins him on top and scores with a superplex for two.
Nigel hits some short arm Lariats and then two northern Lariats but Morishima won't go down and hits a closeline of his own. Morishima hits the back drop driver but Nigel bounces into the Jaw Breaker for a nearfall!!! The crowd chant "That was three" and "Let's go Nigel/Morishima". Morishima catches Nigel on top and goes for the super back drop driver and Nigel counters with a weak sunset bomb for two! Morishima and Nigel both tee off on each other with strikes before Nigel hits the E Honda bitch slap combo and a lariat but Morishima kicks out at one and hulks up. Morishima hits Nigel with the hip attack and McGuiness rebounds with the Jawbreaker Lariat for the win and the crowd go ape shit and the locker room empties to celebrate with Nigel.
There's still something awkward about Morishima in the ring and his timing isn't excellent but he makes for a good monster heel. The match wasn't a classic but it told a simply story and steadily got the crowd more into the match as it went on. Very satisfying main event. (***)
After the match Bryan Danielson gets in Nigel's face and Aries has to pull him away. Aries and Nigel shake hands and Morishima snatches belt. Morishima then hands the belt to Nigel and raises his hand in a nice moment.
Overall Thoughts: A strong well balanced PPV which was entertain top to bottom with three strong matches in a row to close the show and a very fun undercard. ROH continue to deliver top notch PPVs.

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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
