Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Undeniable 2007
Dave Prazak does the usual introduction and then introduces Claudio Castagnoli. Larry Sweeney and Sweet and Sour Inc come out and says they are holding out until they get the terms that they want. Larry says Hero is holding out and I guess Claudio your off the Pay Per View.
They then go to the openning set to Smashing Pumpkins it hightlights the key fueds and shows of some incredible spots.
The Age Of The Fall are in the ring. Jacobs says there are confusions as to why they are hear, they say they are not a faction and they are not taking over, they are a revolution. They have a message and they will change the world. Jacobs says they targetted the Briscoes as they are the heartand soul of ROH. They say apparently Ring of Honor officials say they have to beat some tag teams to get a title shot. They said there cool with that and will destroy the system from within. Jacobs then throws out an open challenge.
Julius Smokes sounds the battle cry and the Vulture Squad storm the ring.
The Age Of The Fall vs. The Vulture Squad
Big brawl to start the match up. Ruckus gets his hand stand headscissors sending Jacobs to the outside but Black stops and dive attempt from Ruckus and sends him to the outside. Black then nearly botches but manages to hit a nice shooting star plancha onto the vulture squad. Jacobs gets a dropkick to the back of the head and then tags in Black who scores with a nice dropkick for two. The Age of The Fall then put Ruckus in the tree of woe and score with a the knee strike and double dropkick combo.
Black comes in and slugs away before scoring with a knee drop a kip up and then a running leg drop on a seated Ruckus for two. Jacobs comes off the second rope with a forearm strike as the crowd chant "Ruckus". Ruckus counters an Irish whip attempt into a beautiful leaping swingin neck breaker. Evans in with some cool break dance off of Jacobs back onto Black, Evans then takes Jacobs down with a round house kick and then gets a dropkick on Black using the kick off of Black's chest to hit a dropkick on Jacobs. He then hits the Evans handspring back elbow and the slingshot knee strike on Black. Evans plays to the crowd and gets a spin kick combo on Jacobs but gets met with a spear.
Ruckus gets his spinning kick on Jacobs and then the Razzle Dazzle. Black front suplexes Ruckus on the top rope and boots him to the floor. Black then gives Ruckus a seat at ringside and Jacobs comes flying with a plancha crushing Ruckus and the Chair. Evans tries a plancha ranna but Black catches him and gives Evans a running powerbomb into the barracade, that was awesome. The Age Of The Fall then celebrate.
Back in the ring, they then score with the Burning Hammer top rope senton back splash running big boot and End Tie (Guillotine Choke) for the win.
That was quite the opener, short and to the point. The athleticism was incredible and the powerbomb splash was incredible and dangerous. Hot Opener on fast forward. (**3/4)
Larry Sweeney has returned to the ring to inform us Hero is still holding out but he has agreed that the first ever Women's match will take place on ROH PPV.
Sara Del Ray vs. Daizee Haze
Sara grabs a hammer lock and takes Daize down to start the match, Ray then rolls Daizee into a couple of pinning combinations for two. Daizee comes back with a spinning arm drag and then a head scissors sending Del Ray to the outside. Ray and Dempsey regroup and Haze comes off top with a flying crossbody on both Dempsey and Del Ray. Sara comes back with a bridging fallaway slam for two. Del Ray follows up with a shoulder tackle and two mafia kicks for two. Daizee unloads on Ray but she can't take Del Ray down. Daizee scores with the heart punch and a Yakuza kick for two. Del Ray counters a wheel barrow move with a German suplex for two. Claudio comes to ringside and clears out Sweet and Sour Inc. In the ring Daizee counters a powerbomb with a victory roll for the win.
Not the best work from these two but this match really was on fast forward. Still a decent display of women's wrestling. (*1/2)
Chris Hero gives Claudio the Hero's Welcome on the outside and then Danielson's music hits. Dragon storms to the ring and challenges Hero saying that Sweet and Sour Inc. represent the worst about sports worshipping the almighty dollar.
Chris Hero (w/Sweet & Sour Inc.) vs. Bryan Danielson
The crowd chant "Your Gonna Get Your Fucking Head Kicked In", Hero goes to the ring announcer looking scared and the announcer then says "Chris Hero would like to say that that is purely speculation".
Hero does a front roll before Danielson wrestles him down to the mat. Hero rolls through and grabs a leg but Danielson hops up and takes Hero down with an arm wringer. Hero kips up and starts showing of his athleticism with his flips and kips. Danielson isn't impressed and the crowd chant "you can't wrestle". Hero grabs a key lock and mocks the crowd but Danielson counters into a cross arm breaker. The crowd ask Danielson to fuck Chris Hero up. Hero reminds the ref that he also has till five. Dragon gets a drop toe hold and spins to a front facelock but Hero counters to a rings of Saturn slide for two. Danielson gets a double leg takedown but Hero kicks Dragon off and Hero does a headstand and move flippy floppy showing off, Dragon really isn't feeling this.
Danielson immediately gets a double leg trip and its Woah, Woah, Woah surfboard time but Hero avoids the face lock so Danielson gets the leg stomp and Hero does an excellent Charlie Brown sell. They go to a test of strenght Danielson flips over Hero and scores with a dropkick for two. Hero runs to the ropes to avoid the Chicken Wing. Danielson reminds the referee he has until five. Dragon runs into a boot and then Hero gets a diving kick for two. Hero puts his headband over his eye and makes fun on Danielson's eye injury. Hero then scores with a front slam and a Senton back splash for two. Hero then scores with the running atomic drop sending Dragon hard into the corner. Hero then takes a bow. Dragon scores with a big European but Hero response with a big chop, both men then exchange blows with Hero winning with a back fist. Dragon back flips over Hero and scores with a kitchen sink and a spinal tap for two.
Daneilson gets the running forearm in the corner and then the head and arm suplex. Hero catches Danielson on top and applies the Cravat. Danielson knocks Hero off top and scores with the torpedo dropkick and a German suplex for two before cinching in Cattle Mutialation. Hero manages to roll to his feet and hit a spinning forearm, Dragon comes back with a brutal leaping headbutt but gets caught burning elbow. Hero hits his suplex cutter for two and then mocks Cattle Mutiliation and kips up. Hero bitch slaps Danielson and gets a small package for two. Danielson explodes with a brutal leaping running knee strike Danielson relentlessly kicks Chris Hero's head in until the referee calls for the stoppage.
Not exactly a technical classic between these two with Hero as always move concerned with having fun and working the crowd. None the less they told a really good story which brought the crowd to the feet and chanting non stop. (***)
Adam Pearce calls Kevin Steen out to the ring and offers him a seat. Pearce tells Steen that he represents the Hangman Three and talks about taking out Delirious. He thinks Steen is in a similar situation as he teams with Kevin Steen. Pearce says that Generico coast Kevin Steen the world tag team titles. Pearce says he knows what Steen wants and what he needs. Pearce says he's willing to make it a Hangman Four. Pearce says he has an offering. BJ Whitmer and Brent Albright then bring out El Generico. Pearce says this is the man whose let you down and cost you everything you've ever wanted. Pearce then tells Steen to strike Generico down. Steen thinks about it and Generico winces but Steen instead destroys the Hangman 3. The numbers game eventually overwhelm him though until......Delirious' music hits and he unloads on everyone and clears the ring. Delirious gets on the mic and cuts one of his comprehensible promos before handing the mic to Steen. He has no idea what Delirious just said but there's only one guy who gets to slap Generico around and that's Kevin Steen, looks like we got ourselves a six man tag.
Delirious, Steen & Generico vs. The Hangman 3
Delirous hits cannon ball off the top rope onto all four men on the outside to start the match. Generico then scores with a top rope big splash for two on Whitmer. Steen is killing Pearce on the outside as in the ring Generico gives Whitmer a ten punch. Delirious scores with a corner closeline and a bulldog on Whitmer as the match settles down.
Delirious bites and chops away on Whitmer. Delirious scores with a running foreram in the corner. Delirous follows up with a front slam and a senton back splash. Delirous attacks Pearce but gets caught with a high knee when he turns. Brent Albright tags in and body slams Delirious, Pearce comes in with a big splash for two. Pearce runs into a boot but responds with a huge chokeslam on Delirious. Whitmer tags in and gets a cover for two. Whitmer pounds away on Delirious in the corner. Brent then gets the hanging vertical suplex (he does squats with Delirious held in mid air). Whitmer tags back in and bitch slaps Delirous. Delirious tries to fight back in vain. Whitmer runs into a boot and Delirious scores with a Dragon Ranna for two.
Steen gets the hot tag and scores with a spinning heel kick on Whitmer and crotches Pearce and then gives him an enzenguri. Albright gives Steen a shoulder tackle. Generico dives on Brent and gives him a drop toe hold and Steen hits the front flip leg drop. Steen and Generico hug, Steen shoves Generico and Steen dives with a front flip plancha on Pearce and Whitmer as Generico says he's the man.
Generico kills Whimer with the Yakuza kick and Steen scores with the Swanton bomb. Steen dodges Pearce and tags in Delirious who runs all around Pearce with his lariat combo. Delirious and Whitmer get tossed to the outside. Whitmer dodges a flying cross body and scores with a corner powerbomb on Generico. Steen comes in with a superkick of Whitmer and then gut buster. Pearce dodges a closeline and hits a Double A spinebuster on Steen. Delirous bites Pearce and then kills Pearce with the Panic attack followed by more biting. Brent Albright sneaks in behind Delirious and hits the Half Nelson suplex for the win.
All action chaotic match, very indy in style but very entertaing, Steen and Generico's timing is superb. (**1/2)
Nigel McGuinness cuts a very excellent and serious promo about how thses may be shabby surroundings but this is what he's always dreamed about since he was a child.
Roderick Strong vs. Austin Aries
Roderick shoves Aries to start the match and gives the crowd a thumbs down. The crowd sarcastically chant "Rod-er-ick". Aries gets a waist lock takedown and then both men wrestle frantically. Roderick bails and the crowd get on his case some more. Strong gets a shoulder tackle and then spits on Aries. Aries replies with an arm drag and a Japanese arm drag. Aries then gets an arm bar and bitch slaps Strong around. Strong comes back with a big chop. Aries comes back with a shoulder tackle and a chop drop. Aries then applies a side headlock.
Roderick powers up but Aries flips over a back body drop. Strong counters a headlock with a headscissors and avoids then headstand several times until Aries simply powers out and bitch slaps Strong.
Roderick recovers from the igomy with a running knee to the gut. Aries avoids a dropkick and gives a kneeling Roderick and dropkick of his own. Aries dives off the apron and unloads on Strong on the outside. Aries gives Strong a big open hand chop and then rolls Strong back in. Aries comes into the ring with the Slingshot senton. Aries gives Strong a headbutt. Strong catches an Aries leap frog and scores with a train wreck. Strong follows up with a traditional back breaker. Strong then hits a second more deliberate back breaker. Strong then puts Aries into a camel clutch. Aries fights out but runs right into a nice dropkick from Strong, that gets two.Strong scores with another back breaker for a pair of two counts. Strong applies a waist lock. Aries fights out with back elbows and both men exchange strikes. Aries unloads with a series of chops. Aries then scores with a closeline and then two more. Aries gives Strong a ten punch in the corner but as he showboats Strong recovers and throws Aries head first out of the ring.
The crowd start a huge "Austin Aries" chant but Strong puts a stop for that with a hard Irish whip into the barracade. Strong goes for the Gibson Driver on the floor but Aries counters with a back body drop. Aries follows up with a running dropkick and then a charging double knee strike sending Strong hard into the barracade. Aries then scores with the slingshot corkscrew press for two. Aries goes for a Lionsault but Strong gets the knees up. Strong gets a roll up for two and Aries repplies with a running knee strike for two. Strong counters the brainbuster with a jaw breaker and a brutal half nelson back breaker for two. Aries blocks another back breaker and goes for the Brainbuster but Strong counters into another back breaker.
Aries then counters a Gibson Driver with a ranna, that was excellently done. Aries then scores with a knee breaker back suplex combo. Aries then misses the corner dropkick and Strong capitalizes with the second rope backbreaker on the top turnbuckle but that only gets two. Strong gets a table and puts it between the barracade and the ring. Strong goes for a powerbomb but Aries blocks and closelines Strong over the top rope and follows up straight away with the heat seeking missile.
Aries then comes back into the ring with the slngshot elbow combo and the running corner dropkick. Aries then wasting no time hits the Brainbuster for a near fall. Aries goes up top looking for the 450 but Strong recovers and catches Aries up top. Aries knocks Strong off top and hits the 450 splash for a near fall!!! The crowd chant "use the table". Roderick is just deat weight at this stage but suddenly pops up with a crade for two. Aries gets a backslide for two, counters the Strong hold for two. Aries hits a roaring elbow and Strong replies with the diving Yakuza kick, the gut buster and the Gibson Driver gets two!!!!
Both men fight on the apron and Aries gives Roderick Strong a brainbuster through the table to the floor!!!! The crowd go suitably nuts. Aries rolls Strong back into the ring and over shoots the 450 landing with his knees on Strong for the win.
Well blowing the final move was a bit of a let down but that was a very good match, it had its weak spots but was excellent for the most part and brilliant in places. The intenisty and drama was top notch and their ability, especially that of Aries to pick the pace up suddenly was tremendous. The big final spot served as an excellent blow of to their fued. (****)
The No Remorse Corps vs. The Briscoe Brothers
Davey Richards gets an arm drag to start the match, Mark replies in kind before Davey Richard throws a knock out kick which Mark dodges leading to a cool stand off. Richards gets a headscissors but Mark kips up to escape. Mark getsa leg trip but Richards wrestles his way into a cross arm breaker but Mark counters and wrestles into a deathlock surfboard combo. Richards escapes and gets a fireman's carry. Mark locks in a headscissors and this time Davey Richards kips up to escape.
Jay and Rocky Romero tag in. Romero gets a sideheadlock and then lands on his feet off of a tilt-a-whirl and hits a kick. Jay returns fire with a ranna and both men unload. Mark tags in with some stiff chops and then some shoulder tackles before bitch slapping Romero down for two. Jay scores with a reverse elbow and that gets two. Jay beats the crap out of Romero before hitting a dropkick and tagging in Mark who scores with a second rope knee drop. Romero powers his way to the corner and tags out.
Richards comes in with a headbutt and then a running closeline for two. Jay scores with some shoulder charges before giving Richards a droptoe hold onto the second rope, Mark then hits a running Yakuza kick, a slingshot double stomp and then a diving tope. Jay then throws Rocky off the apron but Rocky lands on Mark. Jay then dives to the outside and wipes everybody out with a front flip planchas and the crowd go bananas.
Richards counters a superplex with a arm wrench divorce court. Romero then drags Jay out of the ring and works over Jay's arm on the ringpost. Romero then knocks Mark off the apron as the crowd chant for the Briscoes to "Man Up". Romero gives Jay a knee to the head and then a knee drop on the arm and a spinal tap. Romero then nails a stiff kick to the shoulder of Jay. Richards getsa rolling kick, chop combo ending in a unique rolling arm bar which Mark Briscoe breaks up. Jay tries to come back but he's cut off with a jaw breaker. Richards runs into a big boot and Jay scores with a droptoe hold sending Richards into the second turnbuckle.
Mark tags in with a Karate combo on Richards. Romero tries the Springboard DDT but Mark counters with a exploder. Mark and Jay then hit a brutal kick and jaw breaker combinations. Rocky pulls Jay outside and they brawl. Jay runs into a boot and a knee strike. Mark comes out of nowhere with an Top Rope Ace Crusher torpedo dropkick on the NRC. Richards shoves Mark off top but he's met with superkick. Mark tries the slingshot corkscrew press but he's met with knees.
Rocky tags in and knocks Jay off the apron. Romero gets a tilt-a-whirl slam and a knee strike for a near fall. The NRC hit a double front suplex and they try the stereo kick but Jay dives from out of nowher to closeline Richards over the top rope. Mark blocks Rocky's kick and the Briscoes score with the Splash Mountain neckbreaker combo for a near fall!!! Jay tags in and goes for the Jay Driller but its blocked so Jay hits a doomsday Device instead. They go for the Springboard Doomsday Device but Rocky Ducks and Mark goes flying out the ring.
Jay goes for a military press but Richards comes off top with a missile dropkick to break it up. Mark hits a Slinghsot Karate kick, Rocky gives Mark a Tiger suplex, Jay gives Romero a big boot and Richards avoids the big boot with a Gargoyle suplex into the corner. Richards hits the rebound handspring enzenguri on Mark but he rebounds with a closeline and everybody is down and the crowd give them a standing ovation.
Big "ROH" chant from the audience. All four men exchange stiff open hand chops. The NRC get spinning back kicks but the Briscoes respond with shoulder tackles. Ricards counters a tilt-a-whirl with a tombstone and Rocky hits the Diablo Arm Bar off top but Jay makes the ropes!!! The NRC hit the powerbomb knee strike combo for two!!! Richards puts Jay on the rop rope and he goes for a superplex but Jay counters with a sit out front suplex for a near fall!!! Mark gives Rocky a northern lights suplex off the apron and the Spring Board Doomsday Device gets the win.
Wow that was just non stop balls to the wall action with incredible moves and near falls there wasn't exactly much selling going on but this was just an insane tag match. This was a bit too indy like to go any higher than four stars but this is the best indy style spotfest that could possibly hav ebeen put on. The Briscoes are one of those teams that just pull out all the stops everyday and never fail to dazzle no matter who the oponent or what type of match they are put in. They have single handedly reinvented tag team wrestling. (****)
Ring Of Honor World Title Match
Nigel McGuinness vs. Takeshi Morishima
Morishima doesn't bugde on a shoulder block and hits a big boot, Nigel rebounds but the Jawbreaker Lariat is blocked and Takeshi goes for the Back Drop Driver but Morishima rolls him off. Both men unload with Morishima winning but McGuinness againg goes for the Jawbreaker lariat but its countered with a bossman slam and the spinning heel kick on a seated Morishima. Nigel bails and Takeshi follows him to the outside. Nigel tries the rebound lariat but Takeshi dodges and begins to work over the arm of Nigel on the ringpost.
Back in the ring Takeshi hits an arm breaker. Takeshi no sells a throat thurst and applies an two varieties of arm bar to McGuinness. Takeshi follows up with an arm wringer and then clubs Nigel down. Nigel starts no selling Morishima's offence and then bitch slaps Morishima's offence. Morishima scores with the running big boot in the corner and he clubs down Nigel. Takeshi pounds away at the ear of Nigel. Nigel makes it to his feet at nine and Nigel falls on top of a back drop driver for two.
Nigel hits a lariat but Takeshi no sells, a second Lariat takes him down. Nigel hits a series of throat thrusts and uppercuts before hitting the running European uppercut and Lariat combo for two. Big chant for "Nigel". Both men exchange forearms and Takeshi blocks the Jawbreaker Lariat. Morishima hits the running forearm in the corner. Takeshi scores with the tropedo dropkick for two. Nigel counters the backdrop driver and goes for a sunset flip but Takeshi sits on Nigel for two. Morishima goes up top but Nigel levels him with a lariat for a nearfall.
Nigel goes for the head stand but Takeshi catches him with a big boot and a closeline. Takeshi then hits the Back Drop Driver but it only gets two!!! The crowd go bananas for that kick out. Nigel catches Takeshi on the top rope but Takeshi blocks the Tower of London with a choke. Nigel joins him on top and scores with a superplex for two.
Nigel hits some short arm Lariats and then two northern Lariats but Morishima won't go down and hits a closeline of his own. Morishima hits the back drop driver but Nigel bounces into the Jaw Breaker for a nearfall!!! The crowd chant "That was three" and "Let's go Nigel/Morishima". Morishima catches Nigel on top and goes for the super back drop driver and Nigel counters with a weak sunset bomb for two! Morishima and Nigel both tee off on each other with strikes before Nigel hits the E Honda bitch slap combo and a lariat but Morishima kicks out at one and hulks up. Morishima hits Nigel with the hip attack and McGuiness rebounds with the Jawbreaker Lariat for the win and the crowd go ape shit and the locker room empties to celebrate with Nigel.
There's still something awkward about Morishima in the ring and his timing isn't excellent but he makes for a good monster heel. The match wasn't a classic but it told a simply story and steadily got the crowd more into the match as it went on. Very satisfying main event. (***)
After the match Bryan Danielson gets in Nigel's face and Aries has to pull him away. Aries and Nigel shake hands and Morishima snatches belt. Morishima then hands the belt to Nigel and raises his hand in a nice moment.
Overall Thoughts: A strong well balanced PPV which was entertain top to bottom with three strong matches in a row to close the show and a very fun undercard. ROH continue to deliver top notch PPVs.


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
