Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Plot Synopsis: There was a plot? Well I supose there was, the world is being destroyed by a series of catastrophic events. Through a series of cultural reference and movie spoofs our protagnist seek to replace a crystal skull and avert disaster.

Review: Lets start with the obvious critique, even if you found this film remotely funny, and you won't unless your IQ is in negative digits, this films self life is approximately 15 minutes. Sadly the film barely holds your attention for 15 seconds. The jokes are awful, the acting is awful, everything is awful. The real problem with this film and the modern spoof genre is that while they clearly watched classics like Airplane they have learnt nothing from the experience. They learnt to throw a million jokes at the viewer a second but not the subtly and certianly not the delivery. They don't actually spoof anything, for the most part they just do an impersonation or often just repeat jokes from the actual movies themselves. It's terrible, Airplane created a whole movie with a funny plot and great script all of its own, that actually surpased almost all of the films in the genre it was parodying (see Naked Gun also). Disaster Movie also managed to surpass all its peers in being the worst spoof movie of the 21st Century.
I watched this film on Cam and could actually hear the silent reactions of the paying audience and oft the groans of displeasure. Of all the terrible stylistic and artistic complaints the worst crime of this film is purely that its not funny. I can't remember a single joke in the entire movie that I could even understand laughing at, and that's terrible. I've seen bad comedies before but at least I could comprehend why other people might find it funny.
So lets think of the positives I could possible attribute this picture. I can only think of two. There are some hot women in the film, Kim Kardassian looks good, Lucy the lead women is hot and for some Carmen Electra will still appeal. That said none of the women in it are so stunning or draw dropping to make it watch worthy on that front. The only other good point were the Chipmunks, they were not funny don't get me wrong but the cute puppets were exactly what the Chipmunks should have been in there own feature. I best end on a positive so I'll leave it there. (-****1/2)


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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About this blog

This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
