Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Respect Is Earn II
Believe it or not I'm actually going to watch the video wire before watching the show! That's right I'm going to be fully up to date. Although I prefer the PPV Previews they used to do rather than these ammatuer hour looking video wire. So with that in mind here's my recap of the recap!
-We start the video wire with Sweet and Sour Inc. including Johnny Fairplay blaming Albright for a loss and telling him to prove himself by taking a shot at Bobby Dempsey. Everybody else does but Albright turns on Sweet and Sour Inc. Absolutely killing all off them including powerbombing Hagadorn out of the ring through a table and giving Sara Del Ray a half nelson suplex. Sweeney and Fairplay made the narrow escape.
-We then go to The Age Of The Fall holding down Aries but Jimmy choses not to kill him for what he did to Lacey but he promises to make his life hell from now on.
-We then see a bloody Jay Briscoe with his brother Mark saying to Mark he can't do it without him and saying he gives up the world tag team titles until Mark is back in action.
-We then get a nervous Delirious asking Daizee Haze out to dinner, maybe Nobu? When Rhett Tittus comes out? I've never seen this guy before, he's dancing like a goofy ball. He appears to have charisma but looks very goofy. He says there infront of Ring Honor's biggest crowd ever. He says all Daizee is focusing on is Titus. His thrusts is a must, his shoulders are the size of boulders and he has a great back and a six pack. Daizee says she wants to leave. Delirious in his shirt and tie drops his flower and walks off solemnly as the crowd chant "You Got Cock Blocked". Delirious and Daizee were good but Titus was terrible.
-We then go to a special sit down interview with Dave Prazak and Austin Aries. Prazak asks Aries about Lacey and Jacobs. He said he didn't steal Lacey because she isn't a possesion, Lacey chose to be with him because Jimmy treated her like a possesion. Austin Aries then says Lacey wasn't convince by The Age Of The Fall, he says Jimmy isn't a leader he just talks about problems and never offers solutions. Dave asks if Jacobs has got into his head, Aries says there are mind games going both ways, Aries is the hunter not Jacobs. Dave then asks about Jay Briscoe leaving Aries alone with Age Of The Fall. He says Jay called him in the morning drunk, said he'd lost alot of blood and forgot he wasn't teaming with Mark and just went to the back to see Mark. Dave then asks about the vacated belts. He says him and Danielson will wind the tournement. When he asks Lacey about where she is, Aries says it doesn't matter he doesn't want anyone to talk about it. Jacobs comes from behind Prazak as he closes out the segment and as Austin's time is coming. Hit and miss segment but mostly hit.
-They then decide to show the controversal footage that cause Aries to storm out of the sit down interview. It's a clip from Ageofthefall.com and its lo res. They see Lacey coming out of a shop or gym. Jimmy walks out of the car and confronts Lacey, its shot from a handheld in the car. It cuts and then says to be continued. Apparently its Lacey's last moment in proffesional wrestling.
Now we're all caught up its on with the show!
Respect is Earned II
Dave Prazak and Lenoard introduce us to the show and we see the highlights of their first year on PPV, its a really good recap segment with some incredible moments. Undoubtably their best video package to date.
They then update us showing The Briscoes regain winning the titles and then the injury of Mark Briscoe. They then inform us the Age of the Fall are the new champions and will make thier first defence tonight.
The Vulture Squad vs. Steen & Generico
Generico and Jigsaw start the match. Jigsaw gets a hamerlock but Gernico rolls and reverse, Jigsaw responds in kind unitl Generico scores with a rolling arm drag. They do some interesting leapfrogs until Jigsaw locks in the spinning Octopus Stretch. Generico escapes and we have a stand off. Steen tags in and Jigsaw fails to shoulder block him over and gets killed with a double chop. Ruckus tags him and Steen catches him on his shoulders but Ruckus scores with arm drag. Ruckus nails a enzenguri on Steen. Generico comes in and they do some rather silly flippy floppy stuff before Ruckus hits a nice spin kick with Generico oversells for two. Jigsaw comes in with a double stomp. Jigsaw hits the Gory special on Generico for two. Ruckus comes into the ring knocking Steen off the apron. Steen pulls him to the outside and destroys Ruckus throwing him into the barracades. Steen demands a tag and kills Ruckus with a closeline. Steen gets a body slam and puts Generico on his back and then scores with a double senton back splash.
Generico thanks Steen for his help before scoring with a running crescent kick. Generico gets a snapmare and a chinlock. Ruckus is then shoved to the grown but Ruckus immediately kips up and scores with an enzenguri. Ruckus nearly makes the tag but Generico knocks Jigsaw off top. Ruckus shoves Generico off top then does a 450 over Generico into a forward roll and knocks Steen off the apron. He then handsprings through Jigsaw's closeline and gets the hot Tag.
Jigsaw comes off top with a flying crossbody and then a double Knee. Steen tries a farewell but Jigsaw just uses the elovation to nail Generico with a dropkick. Ruckus gives Steen a front flip plancha. Jigsaw blocks the Yakuza kick and scores with a Blue Thunder bomb. Steen blocks a Gory special big boots Ruckus and Gives Jigsaw a spinning Gory Back breaker and then powerbombs Ruckus ontop Jigsaw, and plays to the crowd deservingly.
Generico goes for the Yakuza kick but its blocked so he gets the arm wrench rope walk DDT instead. Steen then hits the pump handle neckbreaker for two. Generico gives Jigsaw the Yakuza kick andn then gets the diving front flip Plancha on Ruckus. Steen then hits the superkick and Swanton bomb and Generico gets the three count.
That was a superb opener. God ROHs depth chart looks so much better with Steen and Generico on the books. I still have the problem that the Vulture Squad (minus Jack Evans) offence just doesn't seem credible in terms of trying to win a proffesional wrestling match but it didn't hurt this match too much. Short, Concise and Very Good. (***)
Davey Richards vs. Claudio Castagnoli
Davey Richards turns down the handshake from Claudio. Nigel joins us on commentary. Claudio scores with a European uppercut, a body slam and leg drop for two. Davey blocks a suplex with knee strikes in mid air soe Claudio puts him down and gives him an uppercut. Claudio goes for a springboard move but Davey shoves him to the outside. Richards scores with a suicide front flip dive and both men go crashing into the front row in an incredbly spot.
Richards enters the ring with a torpedo dropkick to the arm. Richards begins working over the arm, he drops a knee on the arm and then applies an armbar. Claudio fights back and runs right into a knee and Richard locks in the Kamora, as Nigel points out Claudio is lucky he's right by the ropes. Richards the stands on Claudio throat and then applies an arm bar. The crowd chant "Davey Richards" and Richards shouts I don't need your help. Claudio escapes the hold and unloads with three big European uppercuts. They then trade uppercuts and an knee stikes. Claudio then hits his spinning x-factor. Richards blocks the Riccolla bomb and then catches Claudio on top with an enzenguri. Richard scores with a top rope ranna. Claudio manages to dodge a closeline and score with a springboard euppercut for two. Claudio scores with a brilliant German suplex for two. Davey kicks out and locks in the Kamora but Claudio again makes the ropes.
Claudio catches Richards ontop with a European uppercut. Richards counters with single arm DDT off top. Richards locks a bridging arm bar and then rolls to the second for a Kamora, Claudio powers up but gets rolled up for two. Claudio then hits a truely Giant Swing and a devasting pop up European Uppercut for the win.
Solid match with a good finishing sequence over wise not particularly inspiring. (**1/2)
We then get a excellent promo where Larry Sweeney introduces all the members of Sweet and Sour Inc. Before Pearce thanks Sweeney for all the opportunities and Hero promises to Knock Brent Albright out.
Brent Albright then says he hates Larry Sweeney and does a lame Rock style insultfest. He then gets better saying Adam Pearce was his brother and money drove them appart. He then introduces his army. Pelle Primeau he has heart, Brent has power, Delirious has insanity and Daizee will watch out for Sara Del Ray. When Daizee appears Delirious starts flirting with her.
Sweet and Sour Inc. (w/Larry Sweeney, Sara Del Ray, Bobby Dempsey & Shane Hagadorn) vs. Brent Albright, Delirious & Pelle Primeau (w/Daizee Haze)
Brent and his arm charge the ring and clear it. Sweet and Sour we group outside and have a team talk. Pelle scores with a ranna on Eddie Edwards to start the match. Delirious comes in and they exchange stiff chops. Delirious then rolls into a headlock takedown, a front slam and a senton back splash. Pelle tags in as does Chris Hero. Hero misses a Stinger splash and Pelle gets a second rope flying headscissors. Adam Pearce runs in and kills Pelle with a closeline. Eddie Edwards tags in and as the crowd chant "We want Albright" Edwards kicks Brent off the apron. Pearce tags in and is distracted by Repo mans and Pelle gets a tilt-a-whirl DDT. Delirious tags in and scores with a couple of leaping headbutt to avoid top rope moves he then gives Pearce and Edwards panic attacks. Sara Del Ray trips Delirious and Pearce gives Delirious a burning hammer. Hero comes in with a spinning waist lock takedown and a sento back splash. Delirious fights back but is held back by Edwards until Pearce can score with an elbow drop. They tease a tag to Brent but the referee of course doesn't see a thing and removes him. Hero stomps the tar out of Delirious. Albright grabs Hero from the apron and unloads. Pearce scores with a top rope bunch. All three heels unload on Delirious in the corner and then give him a double atomic drop for two. Hero and Delirious exchange strikes. Eddie Edwards tags in and goes for a back suplex up Delirious lands on his feet and is an inch away from making a tag. Delirious gives Edwards a chin breaker and then after one more tease manages to make the tag. Albright kills everyone with closelines, then a overhead belly to belly suplex, a killer german suplex on Hero and a back body drop for Pearce. Daize takes out Del Ray. Pelle gets a sling shot Thez press and then his baseball slide ranna. Albright no sells all of Edwards' offence. Albright goes for the Half Nelson suplex but Edwards counters with a arm drag. Edwards hits a superkick but Brent no sells it. Brent gives him the emerald fusion and the knee strikes KO Eddie for the win.
That was ugly but told an easy to follow story. Not impressive was more of a set up for the post match than anything else. (*1/2)
Post match Pearce destroys Albright with his suitcase and Sweet and Sour Inc. enter the ring. Sweeney informs everyone that they have the most prestigious belt in wrestling history and belt with true honor the NWA World Heavyweight Title and Adam Pearce is the new champion. He then says if Albright or ROH want the title they have to deal with Larry Sweeney.
We then go to a very good (by ROH standards) video recap of the NRC-Erik Stevens fued.
Fight Without Honor
Roderick Strong vs. Erik Stevens
The two men brawl down the isle and Stevens look pretty good with his new hair cut, less unique but more of an approachable look for the fanbase. Stevens throws Strong into the Gaurd rail but Strong repplies with a low blow and they then go to a brutal chop exchange. Stevens powers Strong into the apron and they continue to exchange incredible Kobashi-esque chops. they then go to more of a traditional slugfest with neither man going down, they throw in headbutts and kicks and still neither man will fall. Strong then scores with a dangerous looking suplex on the outside. Roderick then makes a ladder table between the ring and the gaurd rail. The two men then brawl someone. Strong is then whipped chest first into the ladder. Stevens gets the fans to throw him some chairs and he puts about six in the ring. Stevens then gives Strong a brutal shot to the back. Stevens sets up a chair in the corner and throws Strong brutally into the chair. Strong comes back with a boot. Strong then puts a chair on Stevens face and brutally stomps it on his head. Strong then pokes Stevens with the chair and then unloads on Stevens legs and they show a slow motion replay of that brutal chair stomp from earlier. Strong sets up the ladder pointing out from the ringpost, this is gonna be nasty.
Strong gives Stevens a brutal chop and you can see that that one hurt him too. Strong goes for the Irish whip but its reverse and Strong goes head first into the ladder. Stevens slugs Strong down and then scrapes and bites open Strong's forehead. Stevens gets a snapmare and clubs Strong in the face. Stevens screams at Strong as we get a close up of Strongs bloody head. Stevens sets up a chair in the centre of the ring but Strong fights out of the TKO and absolutely kills Stevens with a half Nelson backbreaker through the chair which explodes on contact!
Stevens and Strong continue the brawl on the outside, Stevens goes for the Choo Choo but Strong sees him coming and gives him a droptoe hold sending him hard into the barracade.
Stevens is bleeding now as both men return to the ring. Strong gets a two count and goes to get a chair. Strong slides a chair in and it hits Stevens in the face. Strong creates a pile of chairs in the middle of the ring. Stevens blocks an enzenguri gives Strong a release German suplex onto the chairs. Stevens then picks up a chair and gives Strong a brutal Choo Choo. Stevens then scores with the pump handle bomb on the chairs and that gets a near fall. Stevens again creates the ladder table between the ring and guard rail.
Strong comes back with the half nelson back breaker. Strong tries a back suplex from the apron but its blocked and Stevens scores with the TKO on the ladder and Strong is dead. Stevens then gets a table and slides it into the ring. We get a slow motion replay of the TKO and it was pretty brutal.
They return to the ring to a round of applause. Both the men then exchange stiff knife edge chops. Both men are tired but neither man relents and neither goes down. Stevens finally floors Strong with a larait and both men are down. Strong gets a chair and creams Stevens with it but it only gets two! Strong sets up a table its leg is a bit fucked, Strong sets up a second table this one does stand. Strong then sets up the humungous ladder of death. Stevens unloads on with forearm strikes on Strong. Stevens chops the crap out of Strong and sends himup the ladder. Both men climb to the top of the ladder and the crowd chant "Please Don't Die". Strong then scores with a superplex off the top of the ladder through two tables. That was incredible. The crowd chant holy shit, Strong's back is bleeding and as the refs count reaches eight Roderick rolls over and makes the cover.
Well that was a good blood feud brawl with a suitably draw dropping finale. If that was the conclusion to the fued they went out with one hell of a bang. Not a amazing match but it delivered exactly what it needed to a fitted the situation down to a tee. (***1/2)
Ring Of Honor World Heavyweight Title Match
Go Shiozaki vs. Nigel McGuinness
Go grabs a side headlock to start the match, Shiozaki gets a shoulder tackle before running into a boot and a back elbow. Go then sees Nigel going up top and scores with a dropkick sending him to the outside. Nigel avoids a dive so Go puts on the breaks and he can't get Nigel to stand still so he goes to the outside and drops Nigel onto the gaurd rail. Back in the ring Shiozaki scores with a chop block, he then gets the arm wrench and brutal chop combo for two before going to a chinlock lock. Nigel is now bleeding from the chest. Go runs into a boot but responds with a forearm and a chop. Go gets a Irish whip and Nigel responds with the headstand mule kick. Nigel slugs down Go but when Nigel gets distracted by the fans Go gets a back drop driver. Go goes for a suicide dive but Nigel blocks it with the throat thrust and gives Go the Tower Of London to the outside. Nigel then throws Go's shoulder into the ringpost a couple of times to gain contronl. Nigel then chops the shit out of Go and then tells the fan to fuck themselve except the guy with the British flag.
Back in the ring Go tries to fight back but the throat thurst puts an end to that. Nigel then locks in a key lock with the legs and informs the ref he has until five. Nigel avoids a blind charge and Go goes shoulder first into the ringpost. Nigel then scores with the hammerlock divorce court and a painkiller arm bar but Go makes the ropes. Nigel then works over the arm in the ropes and he lays in the bitch slaps. Go fires back with stiff chops until Nigel scores with a stiff forearm to the injured arm. Nigel then locks in his unique bridging double arm bar and he really brings the pain to Go who eventually makes the ropes. Nigel and Go exchange stiff blows in the centre of the ring before Nigel gets a headlock takedown. Nigel then scores with a hammerlock STO and kicks the crap out of Go. Nigel challenges Go to chop him but Nigel no sells it. Nigel then slugs Go down with some big forearms. Go continues to chop away but Nigel cuts him off with an eye rake. Go blocks a European uppercut but Nigel spins into a lariat for two.
Nigel gets up a head of steam and gets the running european uppercut in the corner. Go avoids one lariat but can't dodge the second which gets two. Nigel puts Go ontop but the Tower of London is blocked. Nigel gives Go a throat thrust and goes for a superplex but its blocked. Second time he gets it and GO NO SELLS. They trade superplexes and Go german suplexes Nigel into the corner. The crowd chant "Go, Go, Go". Go runs into a boot and no sells and scores with a running chop. Nigel blocks the German suplex and scores with some European uppercuts. Go then catches Nigel ontop with a sloppy superplex but he misses the moonsault. Go blocks the Jawbreaker Lariat and hits the German suplex but Nigel rolls throught to Jawbreaker but Go floors Nigel with a lariat and chop of death for two. Go gets the high angle moonsault for a mega nearfall. Nigel counters the Go flasher with a divorce court and Go counters the London Dungeon into a cradle for two! Go then scores with the Go Flasher but it only gets a near fall!
"Go, Go, Go" shout the crowd but Nigel gets a jaw breaker (regular) and comes off top with a flying cross body which Go powers through into an Emerald Fusion for a near fall! Both men then trade open hand slaps, Go looks dead on his feet but he pops up with a leaping crescent kick right on the button but Nigel rebounds with the Jawbreaker Lariat killing Go. Nigel then locks Go in the London Dungeon for the win.
Started rather formulaic and uninspired but it built nicel with lots of convincing near falls and good action. There was some sloppy moments and for the most part it was a very very good very stiff title match. Not really a star making performance for Go who is consitant but not a real standout. Nigel has proved his heel act is perfectly suited to big time mainevents against any body. (***3/4)
Bryan Danielson somes out and says Nigel has been ducking him for two long and challenges him to a title match and he wants it on Pay Per View. Nigel doesn't respond but tells the crowd he's not affraid of anybody.
We then go to a video package on the Age of The Fall and Austin Aries. We see Lacey picking Aries over Jacobs and leaving proffesional wrestling.
Ring Of Honor World Tag Team Title Match
Bryan Danielson & Austin Aries vs. The Age Of The Fall
Aries shoves Jimmy off the apron and scores with a splash to the outside. Danielson backflips over Black and scores with a dragon screw leg whip. Danielson hadn't taken off the ring jacket yet and the back flip looked mega cool with that on. Black then hits a leg lariat and then follows up with a front flip plancha to the outside. Aries and Jacobs brawl on the outside and Jacobs shoves Jacobs into the ring post. In the ring Jacobs and Aries kill each other with chair shots and the ref throws the match out.
Danielson and Black take their men to the corner and tell them to keep it cool. Bryan says he'll get his revenge by taking those titles and Black says you'll get to kick his arse if you continue the match. The crowd chant "Your Gonna Get Your Fucking Head Kicked In". After talking to both sets of participants the referee agrees to restart the match.
Black and Danielson square off and Black just pounds the crap out of Danielson who comes back with a flurry of kicks, he then drags Black up by his throat and gives him a spinning back kick and then European uppercut. Danielson goes for the Woah! Surfboard but Jacobs makes the save before he can lock it int properly. Aries pounds the crap out of Black with slugs and stomps. Danielson comes back in an wrestles Black down and stomps on his arm. He then bends Black's arms and fingures around and stomps on his elbow. Aries scores with the Finlay roll and then catapults Black into Danielsons forearm. Black falls back accross the knees and Danielson comes in with a flying knee drop off the top rope. Danielson and Black exchange big strikes. Danielson goes for a realese German suplex but Black lands on his feet and kills Danielson with a boot. Jacobs tags in and runs to attack Aries. Danielson german suplexes Jacobs for two. Danielson misses a Swandive headbutt. Jacobs goes after Aries but Dragon catches him. Black runs in and crotches Dragon on top and puts him in the tree of woe and they get the stereo dropkicks. Jacobs then scores with the top rope senton back splash. The heels go for the Contra Code powerbomb combo but Aries makes the save with his corner dropkick and Jacobs gets crotched. Aries and Dragon hit double back suplex and a doulble spinal tap. Dragon hits the stomps of death on Black. Jacobs shoves Aries off top head first into the guard rail. Dragon goes for the Airplane spin but Jacobs grabs the foot and they break it up.
Tyler the puts Danielson in the woah, woah, woah surfboard but Aries breaks it up with a double stomp. Jacobs comes in and gives Dragon a running stomp against the ringpost. Black holds Danielson for a running forearm. Black tags in and the Age of the Fall score with the double team choke and then Jacobs mocks the crowd. Black then chokes Danielson on the second rope and backflips off his neck. Black then mocks Aries and Danielson. Black scores with some cocky kicks. The crowd come to life and Danielson explodes but runs hard into a boot. Jacobs comes back in to a round of boos. Jacobs blows kisses to Aries. Then gives Danielson a club and a double stomp elbow drop combo. Jacobs body language is just spot on. Black sets up a chair at ringside. Jacobs throws Dragon to Black. Black puts Dragon on the chair, Jacobs gets Aries to come into the ring to occupy the ref and Jacobs scores with a twisting placha crushing Danielson and the chair. Black tries a slingshot move but Danielson counters it with a lovely dropkick, he got great elevation on that one.
HOT TAG! Aries unloads on Jacobs pounding the crap out of Jacobs. Jimmy cuts him off with an eyepoke. Aries gets a running knee strike on the apron and a missile dropkick. Aries then scores with hist running corner dropkick. Aries thinks about the brain buster but instead decides to beat the crap out of Jacobs. Tyler tries to break it up with a powerbomb but Aries counters to the knee strikes. Jacobs tries to make the save but Aries puts Black infront of him and Jacobs kills Black with a spear. Aries scores with a beautiful brainbuster and the Last Chancery but Black breaks it up with a dropkick. Black gives Aries a spinning enzenguri and everybody is down.
Black puts Aries on his soulder and they hit the senton back splash, big boot burning hammer combo. Jacobs then dives in and locks Aries in the gulliotine choke and he passes out but before the ref can check the arm Danielson breaks it up with a knee drop. Danielson misses a blind charge and gives Jacobs a kitchen sink and black a running leg lariat. Danielson tags in and gives Jacobs a tiger suplex for a near fall. Danielson scores with the elbow strikes but Jacobs counters to the Contra Code but that gets a near fall! Dragon flips out of the Small Package driver and Danielson puts Black in the Triangle choke. Aries counters the spear into the Last Chancery and the champs are struggling as Danielson drops elbows from the choke. Jacobs wriggles out of the Last Chancery and runs up top and breaks the choke with a top rope senton back splash. Aries then gives Jacobs the heat seeking missile through the barracade. Jacobs comes back with a spear and the brawl is ridiculous. Aries and Jacobs brawl to the back with chairs.
Bryan and Black are left alone in the ring. Danielson misses a closeline and Black gets a neck breaker. Black goes up top but Danielson recovers and crotches him. Dragon then scores with the super back suplex. Dragon lays in the elbow strikes and then cinches in the cattle mutiliation but Black makes the ropes. The crowd have been going nuts for basically everything. Danielson looks mega pissed into camer. Black blocks a tigerplex with a spinning enzenguri and he applies his deadly small package for a near fall!!!! Daneilson then locks in his tight arm bar that beat Aries but Black rolls Danielson off and kills him with a stiff kick and the Small Package Driver gets two!!!! Black cannot believe it. The crowd just chant "ROH" non stop.
"Let's go Tyler/Let's go Dragon" chant errupts. Black goes up top but Danielson catches him, Black kicks him off and gives him a superkick, a small package driver and the Pheonix Splash for the win.
Wow that was an incredible intense tag match and the last few minutes were just incredible. I'd love to see Black-Danielson. This is one of those matches were business just continued to pick up throughout and had a tonne of super mermorable visuals. That was a huge dominant win for Tyler Black. Good tag team main event. If this broke into two seperate single fueds that would be brilliant and make the next PPV must see. (****)
Nigel then comes out and mocks Danielson for losing to Tyler Black a guy he "made light work of", he says Danielson will never get a title shot until he beats everyone Nigel has beaten. Good Promo.
Overall Thoughts: Again this wasn't ROH's strongest ever PPV but it hang together really nicely and had excellent production in comparison to their prior efforts. The short card and better designed match lenghts also greatly helped the flow of the show. The top three matches were well worth buying the show for and the opener was also strong. While Tyler Black is certianly being made into a big star I'm not sure I support his demolition of Danielson at the end of the match, as I don't see him as seriously ready to be put in a position to carry the promotion yet. Nigel is still the star of the show but he seriously needs a credible opponents, while he has worked wonders with Go and especially Black, you never really feel his title is in danger. If Claudio is next well that's not exactly high suspense either, although I'm sure the resulting match will be top notch. Good Recommendation


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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
