Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Take No Prisoners 2008
Lenny Leonard and Dave Prazak introduce the show with a ludicriously bright spot light on their faces. They introduce the four corner survival match and show Nigel watching backstage, each man poses and cuts and says something to the camera.
Number One Contender Match
Four Corner Survival Match
Delirious vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Tyler Black vs. Go Shiozaki
Nigel joins us on commentary and is generally awesome while Claudio and Delirious play around in the ring together with bahs, heys and yous. Claudio takes Delirious down in a test of strenght but he pops ups on Claudio and starts shouting Bah. Claudio gives him and arm drag, Delirious replies in kind with serval arm drags until Claudio tells him to stop and gives him a European uppercut. Go and Tyler exchange big boots but stay on their feet. Go floors Tyler with a chop but Tyler comes back with a pop up dropkick and a running knee strike for two. Go comes back with a chop of death in the tree of woe. He then lights up Tyler with a series of chops and finally a running knee strike for two. Go locks in an abdominal stretch but Claudio and Delirious breaks it up and Go gives them a double shoulder block before choping them to the outside. Black unloads with chops. Tyler goes for a dropkick but Go hangs onto the ropes but Black back flips to his feet and then scores with a spinning heel kick. Claudio runs through two chops and scores with a springboard European uppercut. Go eascapesa Ricolla bomb but runs right into the Giant Swing. The crowd liked that and Claudio runs him over with a European uppercut for a near fall. Go rolls through a suplex into one of his Own Claudio counters so Go goes for a superkick but misses so Claudio goes for the Pump kick but misses too. Go hits the chop to the ear and then kills Claudio with the superkick. Delirious made a blind tag and comes with a top rope flying closeline and locks in the cobra clutch. Claudio escapes and charges with a European Uppercut but Delirious counters into the Cobra stretch. Claudio powers up into the Spinnning X factor and a European uppercut for two. Delirious blocks a cross body with a leaping headbutt. Delirious counters blacks powerbomb into a rannna in the corner. Delirious gives Black and Claudio Panic Attacks. Go kills Delirious with a Lariat and Claudio takes out Go with a pump kick. Delirious gets a front slam on Black and goes for the Shadows Over Hell but misses. Black hits a corner powerbomb and a running big boot to set up the Pheonix Splash for the win.
Well that was a strong opener, they conserved their energy well and put on a nice four corners match. Nigel was execellent on commentary. (**1/2)
We then go to the opening credits with some insanse action set to Ministry.
We then go to recent news, we find out that Morishima has been banned from PPV for assualting a referee.
We then find out that The Age of The Fall have won and then lost the titles to the NRC.
Jimmy Jacobs interupts the footage and says tonight is the big night and some key stuff is going down. He sends a text message and we see Lacey, Tyler, Mathews and Necro Butcher backstage up to something.
Kevin Steen vs. Roderick Strong
Steen dodges a closeline and gets a chop but chant shoulder block Strong over. He makes fun of Strong and they both exchange shoulder blocks with neither man going down until Strong cuts off Strong with a flying leg lariat. Steen explodes with a double chop for two. Steen gets a snap mare and a diving european upper cut to the back and then the front flip leg drop for two. Steen knocks down Roderick and then plays to the crowd. Steen gets a knee to the gut and then both men exchange blows. Roderick runs into a put and Steen tries to knock Roderick out of the ring but Strong meets him with a brutal running Yakuza kick. Strong applies a step over dragon sleeper. Steen scores with a big chop but runs into a boot and then an enzenguri. Strong then follows up with a nice missile dropkick off the second rope for two. Strong then stands on Steen's face. Strong then locks in a camel clutch. Steen powers up and breaks the hold in the corner. Strong gets a corner closeline before running into a boot. Steen then scores with a brutal cannon ball in the corner for a near fall. Steen bites Strong and goes for a Sharp Shooter but Steen rolls through, Steen counters the Strong hold for two and then kills Roderick with a DDT for two. Strong fights out of a pump handle move and scores with a half nelson back breaker for two. Strong puts Steen on top and they battle. Strong scores with a superplex for two. Steen scores with a pop up powerbomb for two and then goes straight to the Sharpshooter. Strong quickly makes the ropes. Steen scores with a chop and then a gut buster but misses with the Swanton bomb and Strong gets a near fall. Strong then nails his gut buster but runs right into a superkick, Strong repplies with the running Yakuza kick for a near fall. Steen counters the Gibson Driver into the pump handle neckbreaker and the Package Pile Driver for the win.
Good win for Steen, he still has a strong personality but these two didn't particularly click. (**1/2)
We then cut away to Jimmy Jacobs is backstage and he gives a pep rally about the ills of society and he tells everyone that they have to make that change for. He then starts a chant. He gets a text and says Necro Butcher and Mathews are making that change for themselves and he tells the cameras to go to the back.
Philidelphia Street Fight
The Briscoe Brothers (w/Daizee Haze) vs. The Age Of The Fall (w/Lacey)
The teams are brawling in the back and Nercro butcher is killing Mark with a snow shovel. All six are brawling around the arena. Joey Mathews throws Jay face first into a metal pipe. Mark manages to recover nailing Necro with a chair, simultanious Jay and Joey brawlin with chairs. Mark then gets a running front flip splash into the front row on the Necro Butcher. Mathews ties Jay in the ring apron and then brutally throws a chair hard into his face. Necro continues to beat down Mark who is bleeding from the side of his head, in a nasty cut. Mathews and Necro hits stereo body slams. The crowd chant "Man Up" and both Briscoes do catching the AotF on the top rope. The Briscoes score with stereo superplexes as Lacey throws Daizee Haze into the barracade. Lavey beats the crap out of Daizee in the ring. Joe whips Jay into the barracade, Necro gives Mark a back breaker on the guard rail and Lacey gives Daizee a TKO. Daizze comes back with neckbreaker and a heart punch. Haze misses a yakuza kick but scores with a german suplex. Mark is whipped hard into the barracade as Jay hits a sit out front suplex in the ring. Necro jumps Jay with a stiff punch, a big foot, a corner knee, and a corner closeline. Then its some hobo offenece and a running bulldog on a chair. Mark has a really deep cut and he is bleeding buckets of blood. The crowd again tell the Briscoes to "Man Up". Nerco and Mathews created a chair table and then double chokeslam Jay through the chairs. Mathews leapfrogs Jay but ends up being Flatlinered through a chair. Jay kills Necro with a brutal chair shot and Mark then hits a springboard chair shot. The Briscoes then hit a double shoulder block and pound the crap out of Joey. They then gets the corner closeline running big boot combo. They toss Necro like a peice of crap to the outside. Mark beats Necro on the outside. Jay then presses Joey to the outside and he lands on Necro's head and on a table. The Briscoes then hit the doomsday device which Mark kind of botches but who can blame him in that state. Jay gives Necro a superkick. Then in the moment of the night so far, Jay sets up a chair and they go for the doomsday device but Necro slugs Mark in the face to break it and scores with a victory roll for a near fall. The crowd are amazed the Necro Butcher knows a victory roll. Jay then takes Necro to the outside and closelines him into the front row. Mathews then closelines Mark on the outside as Jay then suplexes Necro back to ringside. There's lots of brawling going on and Mark's cuts is scaring girls a ringside. Mark kills Necro with a chair shot near the back. Joey sets up a table in the corner. Joey counters a german suplex with a closeline. Jay gives Joey a running Death Valley Driver through a table as Mark hits a flyin press off the Scaffolding through a table! In the ring Jay scores with the Jay-Driller for the win.
Well that was a insane brawl, was blodding in moments but completely brutal. This match however was just to dangerous and risky for its own good. To many unprotected chair and shovel shots to the head and Mark's cut was absolutely sickening. While I wish these matches would go away this was a bloody and thrilling brawl. (***1/2)
We then see Mark's cut and how deep it is backstage as Jay say this is what ROH take no prisoners is all about.
Larry Sweeney is in the ring with Bobby Dempsey. He talks to all the bed wettters and nose pickers because its time for the Larry Sweeney show. He says he's launching a hostile takeover of ROH, he's not going after management. He's gonna sign all the best champions and sell them up the river to Vince. Ahahahhahahahahha. He then asks Sweet and Sour Inc. to join the Larry Sweeney show. Larry is glad to have Adam Pearce on the Larry Sweeney show. He has a special announcement. The Hangman three are selling out and joining the Sweet and Sour family. Whitmer and Pearce don't exactly looked thrilled but Pearce talks them round. Erik Stevens comes out. Sweeney talks about contracts and Stevens tells Sweeney he's here for a match with Puwter. Sweeney says Puwter is holding out for more money. Stevens wants a match and Sweeney tells him sure thing and Brent Albright sneak attacks him.
Brent Albright vs. Erik Stevens
Stevens dodges a closeline and we get two double closeline spots with neither man going down. Stevens and Albright unload. Stevens runs into a boot but rebounds by catching Brent Albright coming off the second rope and catching Albright with a samoan drop for two. Stevens escapes a half nelson but runs into an overhead release belly to belly suplex. The two men brawl until Stevens flips out of a suplex attempt however Stevens can't avoid Brent's wheelbarrow suplex but it only gets two when Stevens makes the ropes. Brent scores with a snap power slam for two. Albright misses a cross body and crashes into the ropes. Stevens tries his best to hulk up. Stevens gets a couple of double chops and then a back body drop. Stevens introduces Brent to the top turnbuckle and then scores with a flyign shoulder tackle from the second rope. Stevens counters the half nelson suplex with a release German suplex. Stevens scores with the choo choo and then a lift up closeline. Sweet and Sour inc. make the distraction but Stevens still manages to score with the press powerslam. Stevens goes after Sweeney allowing Albright to hit with the Half Nelson suplex for the win.
Felt like a WWE match, not nessecarily a bad thing just didn't set the world alight. (**)
Ring Of Honor World Tag Team Title Match
The Vulture Squad vs. The No Remorse Corps
The NRC jump the Vulture squad to start the match. Jigsaw is throw into the barracade. Ruckus break dances to avoid some leg sweeps and then Jigsaw comes in with a torpedo dropkick on Romero. The NRC spill to the floor and the Jigsaw scores with a front flip plancha to the outside. The Squad get a double hip toss and double stomp, dropkick and back senton combo. The Vulture Squad give Romero a double dropkick and Jigsaw scores with a pop up ranna on Davey Richards. Ruckus gets a roll up with a bridge for two. Romero comes back in with a springboard dropkick from behind for two. Richards body slams Jigsaw on the outside and stomps the crap out of Jigsaw. Back in the ring Romero tags in and chops away on Jigsaw. Romero hits a sloppy tilt-a-whirl dropkick for two. Richards comes in but is met with a jaw breaker, Jigsaw nearly makes the tag and back suplexes Richards to the outside and gives Romero an enzenguri off the apron. Ruckus comes in with a twisting plancha and the Razzle Dazzle Rocker Dropper combo on Richards for two. The Vulture squad get the rolling fisherman's suplex powerbomb combo and Ruckus gets the running shooting star for two. Richards comes back with a STO. Romero comes in with an inverted atomic drop and a knee strike. Then in a silly spot Romero ends up in a tree of woe. Jigsaw and Ruckus come off different corners and Jigsaw gets a Van Terminator and Rukus gets a Atomic Van Terminator now that was insane but it only gets a near fall! Jigsaw tags in as the crowd tell them it was awesome. Jigsaw goes for the spike Jig and Tonic but Richards knocks Ruckus off top and Richards Superkicks Jigsaw still holding Romero who is flipped into a sunset powerbomb for two! The crowd are going totally bananas. Richards can't believe it wasn't three. Richards gives Jigsaw a dominator into the corner. Jigsaw knocks Richards off top but Romero pops up WITH A BACK FLIP CROSS ARM BREAKER. Ruckus breaks it up. Jigsaw manages to block the DR driver and he unloads on Richards who picks him up puts him in the corner and unloads himself. Richards gets the corner closeline but runs into a boot and a backslide. Richards gives Jigsaw a spinning back kick and a spike DR Driver gets the win.
Selling? Never heard of it. Well that was an insane spot fest with incredible atheleticism with equal measure sloppiness, this matters not because the spots were so incredible. This was not a great match but was at the top end of good. (***1/2)
We then see that Adam Pearce and Hagadorn gave BJ Whitmer a spike piledriver on a chair while we were watching the match from Florida.
Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aires
Danielson takes Aries into the corner and we get a clean break. Danielson gets an arm wringer but Aries flips around to reverse the hold and he takes Dragon down into reverse bow and arrow. Danielson counters but Aries makes the ropes. Danielson kicks and rolls hims way into his favorite arm a fingerlock but Aries works to a headscissors and claps the side of Danielson's head with his knees. Danielson then gets a headscissors Aries goes for the headstand but Danielson drops him on his head. They go to a test of strenght Aries wins but Danieslon bridgesa dn they counter a trade monkey flips until Aries has Danielson down. Danielson flips over the back of Aries to escape and scores with a dropkick. Danielson follows up with a double underhook suplex for two. Danielson goes to a cross arm breaker like stretch but Aries tries in vain to power out and decides to spin and roll at mega speed into the head stand dropkick. Aries scores with a shoulderblock but as Aries runs the ropes Danielson tripes Aries and gets the cattle mutilation but Aries slips out and drops a knee on his head. From there Aries lays in the knees. Aries goes for the guided missile but Dragon counters with a knee strike, that was awesome.
Aries dodges a top rope move and gets a snapmare and a kick to the back. Aries then gets the seated octopus stretch and the kicks to the head. Danielson just about manages to make the ropes. Aries lays Danielson on the apron and gets a running knee strike and Danielson gives us the comedy sell. Aries follows up with a slingshot stomp. Aries then puts Danielson in the pretzel lock and then rolls it into a unique pin for two. Aries gives Danielson a brutal palm strike in the corner. Aries runs into a boot and then Dragon kills him with a brutal flying knee strike. Dragon gets some european uppercuts and slides under a big kick and scores with a huge european upercut. Danielson gets the running forearm strike in the corner and the head and arm suplex. He goes to the Woah Woah Woah surfboard but instead drives the knees down. He reminds the ref he has till five then hits a kitchen sink and spinal tap. Aries fight out of a nerve pinch? Danielson butterflies the arms but Aries fights him off. Danielson back flips over Aries but he's immediately met with a brutal closeline to the outside and the heat seeking missile.
Aries goes for the Brainbuster but Danielson floats over to the apron where Aries elbows him down hard. Danielson kicks off the elbow into the ringpost and then scores with an elbow breaker. Danielson then gets the torpedo dropkick and kips up as the crowd chant "Best in the world. Aries blocks the Chickenwing so he gets Cattle Mutiliation instead. Aries rolls out and scores with the knee breaker back suplex combo. Danielson amazingly counters the roaring elbow into a perfectly applied triangle choke (you watching Taker?), Aries puts him in a pin for two so Danielson breaks the hold turning it into a unique arm bar, amazing sequence. Danielson rolls through a roll up into the cattle mutilation but Aries bridges over for two, wow great stuff. Aries gets a roll up but when he's shot off he rebounds with a brutal knee strike. Aries arm hurts too much for the brainbuster. Aries hits the roaring elbow but hurts his arm, Danielson locks him in the cross arm breaker, Aries escapes and gets a small package for a near fall! Both men are down.
Aries puts Danielson on the top rope and unloads. Danielson fights Aries off and puts him in a hanging Triangle choke on top, awesome. Danielson goes up top again but Aries catches him with a float over top rope Brian buster for a near fall! Aries locks in the last chancery but Danielson goes for knee strikes Danielson counters to the arm lock, Aries counters to the knee strikes, Danielson counters to the elbow strikes off death, Aries counters to knee strikes, Danielson counters to the elbow strikes and then rolls into the tight armbar for the win.
What a fucking match! Not to sound unproffesional but that was excellent, it felt like it was in fast forward at time but they worked in so many great sequences and counters. Danielson and Aries were both at the top of their games and the story of Danielson isolating the arm when Aries got to agressive was simply superb. Brilliant finish but I could say that about any part of the match. Wish it could have been longer but this is about as good as eighteen minutes of a match could be. This is state of the art wrestling. (****1/4)
Ring Of Honor World Title Match
Tyler Black vs. Nigel McGuinness
Nigel jumps Tyler when he turns his back and throws him shoulder first into the ring post and then hits a arm wrench to the divorce court. Nigel then makes fun of Danielson I have till five. Nigel no sells a kick from Black and slugs him down with a european uppercut. Nigel scores with a hard Irish whip and says whose a wanker now in response to the crowd's chanting. Black tries to fight back but is met with a big european uppercut. Nigel gets in the fans face and gives Black a key lock snapmare and he makes fun of the same fan somemore. Black gets a leap frog and his back flip thingy, he then gets a back body drop and a vertical suplex. Black then stands on Nigel's face and gets the leaping stomp. Nigel replies in kind with a single leg trip and double stomp. Nigel then works over Black's arm somemore. They exchange stiff chops and then Nigel explodes with a arm wrench divorce court as the crowd chant "Fuck You Nigel". Black returns fire with a dropkick. Nigel just no sells Black's shots and puts Black in a hammerlock and throws him into the turnbuckle. The crowd chant "USA" and Nigel gets distracted. Nigel then bitch slaps Tyler. Black comes back with a big chop but Nigel just floors him with a European uppercut and dumps him to the outside. Nigel hammerlocks the arm and throws Black into the barracade. Nigel who is bleeding from the chest scores with a running european uppercut killing Black on the outside. Nigel has a chair but Black superkicks him into the front row. Black goes back to the ring and he nails a spring splash into the front row which Nigel blocks with the steel chair and Black sells like he's out cold.
Nigel returns to the ring as the crowd chant for Tyler Black. Tyler after a long wait finally shows some signs of life. Tyler begins to crawl to the ring as the crowd again cheer him on. Tyler just about makes it to ringside he really struggles to make it into the ring. Tyler's back is cut. Nigel gets the cover for a near fall! Nigel calls him a idiot and misses with the spinning short arm lariat and a school boy gets a near fall. Nigel nails Tyler with a european uppercut and then a brutal running European uppercut in the corner and a lariat gets two. Nigel puts Tyler in the London Dungeon and the crowd chant "Please don't tap". Tyler crawls to the ropes. Big "Fuck You Nigel" chant. Nigel puts Black on top but Tyler blocks the Tower of London and hits a sloppy front Block buster. Nigel goes for the Jawbreaker Lariat but misses and kills Nigel with a big boot. They trade uppercuts and chops in the ring. Tyler dodges a lariat and gets an enzenguri and Paroxism for a nearfall. Tyler misses the blind charge and Nigel gets the back kick lariat closeline for a nearfall. Nigel goes up top and takes Tyler with him. Tyler scores with the superkick and rolls through into the F-5 for a BIG near fall!!! The crowd can't believe it chant "That was three". Tyler pulls Nigel to the centre of the ring and Tyler goes up top as the crowd go nuts. Nigel crotches Black and gives him the Tower of London for a nearfall!!! Nigel is in a state of shock. Black gets a chin breaker and Nigel Rebounds with the Jaw Breaker Lariat that is countered into the Small Package Driver for a ridiculously near fall!!! Tyler misses the Pheonix Splash and wipes himself out! Nigel locks in the London Dungeon and Nigel screams for Tyler to tap but he doesn't and rolls through to a pin for a near fall! Nigel then crotches Tyler Black and gives him the brutal second rope lariat for a near fall! The crowd chant "This is Awesome". Tyler struggles to his feet and spits in Nigel's face. Nigel bitch slaps him and gives him the spinning short arm lariat for a near fall!!! Tyler Kicks Nigel in the head from the floor and Nigel comes back with the Jawbreaker Lariat and that kills the crowd until Tyler kicks out!!!!!!! The crowd are going ballistic again. Tyler makes it to his feet and Nigel kills him with a lariat and the locks in the London Dungeon which he locks in brutally and pulls right back until Tyler has to tap. Nigel then tells the crowd to go fuck themselves as the crowd chant "Thank you Tyler".
Well that was just a brilliantly told and very simple story. The underdog story that everyone can follow and get behind and they did it so well and Nigel played the roll of the total prick so well that the crowd were willing Tyler to win as hard as they could. The kick outs were simple beyond belief and all that conditioning the fans to think no one kicks out of the Jawbreaker Lariat really paid off. Great old school story telling. (****1/2)
Overall PPV Thoughts: Definitely not ROH's strongest outing, not at all but the top two matches really carried this show. Danielson-Aries are just brilliant together and Tyler Black had a star making performance as the ultimate cocky underdog. Nigel McGuinness has to end up in WWE or TNA he's just such a hateable heel and great in this cocky role he proved he can have great story telling, and very safe matches, with anyone. The undercard wasn't especially memorable but had something for everyone state of the art wrestling (Aries-Dragon), high flying spots (Vulture Squad-NRC), a bloody chaotic brawl (Briscoes-Age Of The Fall) and a great feel good story to finish things off. ROH continues to deliver must see PPVs.
Dingo vs. Davey Richards
Davey Richards storms to the ring looking agressive and jaws with the fans. Dingo offers the handshake and Davey Richards spits on him. Richards scores with an arm drag to start and he then runs over Dingo with a shoulder tackle. Richards then mockingly puts Dingo in an arm wrench. Dingo flips and kips out and bitch slaps Davey Richards. Dingo follows up with the flying shoudler tackle and then a dropkick. Dingo then fakes a dive and mocks Richards. Davey is pissed and he lays out a time keeper at ringside. Richards then comes to the ring and unloads with stiff kicks and hard closeline for two. Richards then gives Dingo a nice snap suplex for two and then lays in the stiff kicks and stomps. Richards gets a backbreaker and stands on Dingo's head while jokingly headlocking the referee. Richard then gets a snapmare and headscissors with Dingo expertly counters into a camel clutch slide for two. They exchange blows and Davey wins but Dingo comes back with a flying cross body for two and then a Northern lights suplex for two. Dingo floats over Davey, Davey gets a standing switch and a german suplex but Dingo lands on his feet and gets an enzenguri for two. Dingo goes for the moonsault but eats knees, Davey then kills Dingo with a devastating spinning back kick and a sick Tombstone follows. Davey then cinches in the Kamora for the win.
Really nicely executed match with Dingo playing the plucky underdog who gave it his all but was ultimately outclassed. Really top notch selling from Dingo. (**1/4)
The Hangman 3 vs. The Vulture Squad
The Hangman 3 jump the Squad to start but Ruckus Cartwheels through there closeline attempt and sends the heels crashing into each other. A double suplex sends Whitmer and Pearce to the outside and that's followed up with a double front flip plancha. Jigsaw is distracted by Hagadorn allowing BJ to drop him throat first on the top rope. Adam Pearce gets a powerslam and Whitmer comes in to continue to beatdown. Whitmer uses a choke to the excitement of no one. The Hangman 3 then score with the backbreaker knee drop combo for a two count. Whitmer pounds away on Jigsaw with chops before scoring with a big back body drop. Pearce stomps on Jigsaw and mocks the Vulture squad before scoring with a dropkick. Jigsaw nearly makes a tag but the heels continue work him over and Pearce locks him in a camel clutch. Jigsaw runs right into the Double A spinebuster and the Hangman 3 hit the back suplex diving reverse DDT combo. Jigsaw blocks a closeline and hits a back elbow, Jigsaw floats over a suplex and rolls to a Hot tag. Ruckus unloads with the Razzle Dazzle on Pearce and the leg lariat on Whitmer. Ruckus is pulled to the outside and Jigsaw counters the Wheel Barrow move with a roll up.
Formulae uninteresting tag team match, more of a set up for the post match.
Post match Eddie Kingston and Ruckus' crew from another promotion appear at ringside and ask Ruckus who he's with, the Vulture Squad and Ruckus other crew then have an intense brawl to the back.
GHC Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match
The Briscoes Brothers vs. Takeshi Sugiura & Naomichi Marufugi
Its odd after watching the Ring of Honor show to here a quiet respectful Japanese crowd. Jay gives Marufugi a clean break to a round of applause. Jay gets a leg trip and a leg lock on Marufugi but Marufugi works up into an arm ringer, they exchange hammerlocks until Jay gets a fireman's carry but Marufugi kips up into an arm wringer but Marufugi flips and kips countering into an arm wringer of his own. Marufugi escapes from a full nelson and scores with a side headlock takedown. Jay counters with a headscissors Marufugi slips out and back into the side headlock. Jay gets the break and scores with the hard chop to no reaction. Mark gets a keylock takedown into a headscissors, the crowd is just creepy quiet even for Japan. Marufugi counters to deathlock but Mark makes the ropes. Sugiura throws Mark down hard and then gives him a big shoulder tackle. Mark rolls under a grapple and then scores with a springboard cross body but he's caught Mark battles out and scores with an incredible run up dropkick in the corner and tosses Sugiura. Marufugi breaks up a dive attempt but Jay cuts him off with a knee to the back and Mark scores with a diving plancha over Marufugi to the outside on Siguira and the crowd are impressed.
In the ring Jay floats over a Marufugi suplex then Marufugi floats over Jay onto the apron where they battle and do a double dropkick spot. Mark scores with a springboard back elbow for two on Siguira. Mark scores with a pair of knee drops for two. Siguira blocks a suple and tries with one of his own but Mark flips out and scores with a spinning heel kick for two. Siguira and Jay exchange big forearms and Marufugi tags in. Marufugi scores with a leaping back elbow for two. Sigiura tags in and beats down on Jay. Jay clubs the crap out of both men but can't fight out of the corner. Siguira suplexes Jay onto the top rope and then big boots him off the ropes to the outside. Siguira whips Jay into the guard rail.
Marufugi chokes Jay tightly in the corner. Marufugi applies the cravat and then gets a snapmare maintaining the cravat. Marufugi then gets the spinning neck breaker on the mat. Siguira scores with a kitchen sink and Marufugi comes in with a hard running dropkick. Siguira goes to a rear chinlock. Marufugi charges and is met with a Flatliner and Siguira gets a DDT. Mark comes in but eats a back elbow. Mark flips over Marufugi and gets a springboard cross body. They both float over and avoid kicks. Mark unloads with karate chops. Mark criss crosses and runs the ropes and hits a Finlay roll. Mark fucks up a lionsault. Mark gets a chinbreaker and running closeline combo. Jay gets a leg drop for two. Jay rakes away at the face of Marufugi. Mark lays in multiple back elbows and Mark then comes in and applies a reverse triangle choke. Jay comes back in and the Briscoes unload with double chops in the corner. Jay the droptoe holds Marufugi into the corner. Jay gets the knee to the back and then the dropkick face wash combo and the Japanese crowd liked that. Jay scores with a nice dropkick for two. Jay scores with a back breaker and Mark comes in with a split leggeded moonsault for two. Marufugi and Mark exchange bitch slaps and Mark kills Marufugi. Jay comes in and hits a nice running back elbow. Marufugi tries to fight back in vain. Marufugi flips out of a double back suplex and closelines both Briscoes down. Siguira gets the hot tag.
Spear and three big boots kill the Briscoes before another spear on Mark gets two. Siguira front suplex Mark on top and then big boots Jay off top in a clever spot. Siguira suplex Mark back in for two. Siguira scores with a gut wrench suplex for two and an overhead belly to belly for two. Mark manages to score with a superkick and tags in Jay. Jay misses a blind charge but doesn't miss the running boot for two. Siguira escapes the death valley driver but not the front suplex driver for two. Jay gets a head and arm submission, he see's Marufugi coming in and gives him a superkick and Siguira a closeline for two. Suguira counters a big boot into a corner powerbomb. Marufugi scores with a diving elbow in the corner. Marufugi scores with a cool leg throw. Marufugi can't get a suplex and they battle. Jay makes fun of him and then Marufugi gets a swinging snap suplex for two. Jay gets a chin breaker but Marufugi slips out of the Jay-Driller and Jay gets out of the Sliced Bread. Marufugi gets a roll up for two. They both get a double closeline then double superkicks, big round of applause. Double tag.
Mark misses a flying cross body and Siguira drops Mark on top and gets running knees to the back of Mark and he then gives Jay a big boot sending him to the floor. The german suplex gets two. They then hit a powerbomb superkick combo for two!!! Jay and Marufugi brawl to the outside as a Dragon suplex gets two for Siguira. Mark gets a roll up for two. Siguira uses an ammatuer wrestling roll into an Ankle lock, brilliantly done. Marufugi is holding Jay back and they brawl. Jay manages to kill Marufugi with a big boot. Jay comes into the ring and gives Suguira a superkick but he doesn't go down or break the hold, he tries it again and Siguira won't release the hold. Mark hopes to his feet and he spins and hits a superkick and the same time as Jay to finally break the hold. Awesome.
Siguira and Jay exchange forearms and then big boots but neither man goes down. The Briscoes get the double shoulderblock and then a sloppy boot back suplex combo. The Briscoes then hit the big splash guillotine leg drop combo but Marufugi makes the save at two. Mark hits Suguira with a head and arm suplex and Mark Briscoe hits the Shooting Star Press for a near fall. Jay can't believe that. They say its over and go for the Doomsday Device but Suguira counters and it looks like Mark would have slipped any way. Suguira gives Jay a German suplex and Mark and Over head suplex. Mark is selling his ankle as Marufugi tags in. Mark runs into a enzenguri and a butterfly neckbreaker gets two. Mark and Marufugi exchange blows and Marufugi gets the jumping curb stomp seated superkick combo for two. They then hit the corner knee strike, German suplex dropkick combo for two! Then its the superkick and the Sliced Bread is blocked and the Briscoes get the Splash Mountain bomb neckbreaker combo, Mark follows up with a springboard moonsault for a near fall as Siguira battled through Jay just in time to make the tag. Siguira fight of both Briscoes and gives Mark an Angle slam he tries it on Jay but he counters with a Death Valley Driver. Marufugi then anhilates Jay with a superkick and then Marufui hits the Sliced Bread and everybody is down.
Mark and Marufugi make it to their feet and exchange superkicks. Marufugi scores with a spinning superkick and fisherman's bomb for a nearfall!!! The Japs set up a german suplex Sliced Bread combo but Jay breaks it up and Mark gives Marufugi a half nelson suplex up top and the Briscoes score with the springboard doomsday device and the crowd go nuts. Suguira is dead and rolls to the outside they try the Springboard Doomsday device on Marufugi but he flips through landing on top for the win as Jay counts along with his back turned thinking he's got the win.
Top notch tag team match. The Japanese crowd always takes something out of the early stages of matches but they were taken for a great ride and were into the match big time by the conclusion. There were a couple of sloppy and blown spots, Mark looked to have really hurt his foot in this encounter. The action was superb and built excellently and there were some really dramatic moments, inventive spots and some incredible near falls. (****)
They also have the video wire to keep you up to date with what's going on. With some really hot angles in this recap.
Overall DVD Thoughts: With the Two top notch matches on the main disk and the excellent tag match with the unique feel of coming from Japan really make this a high quality DVD. Its not up their in the top echelons of ROH DVDs becuase of the weak undercard but there was more than enough about this show to make it must see.


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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
