Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Joe vs. Kobashi 2005
We see a sit down interview of Joe being asked about how he feels about fighting Kent Kobashi in his own house. While we see the run down of Joe's run in ring of honour destroying everyone. Joe says this is his house and this will be history.
Colt Cabana vs. Claudio Castagnoli
God I forgot how much of an indy guy Claudio looked with his old hair and ring attire. colt on the other time as always looked liked a cheesy big time star in a silly comedy gimmick.
Unsuprisingly we get a huge Colt Cobana chant to start the match. They both play with the crowd to start before Colt fails to spin out on an arm bar even eventually manages to counter to a hammerlock. Colt kips and backflips out of an armwringer before scoring with an arm drag. Claudio tries to power out but fails and Colt counters a TKO like move into an arm drag. Claudio avoids a dropkick and rolls under a closeline but second time lucky Colt gets the arm drag and the monkey flip. Claudio sets Colt ontop but Colt counters with an impressive arm drag. Colt runs right into a big European uppercut. The crowd get behind Claudio as he hits a really sloppy uppercut. Claudio hits the uppercut and the diving european uppercut ot the back of the head and then a unique surfboard gets two. Claudio then holds Colt for an age in a stalling suplex but Colt counters to a small package for two. Colt gets a comedy roll up for two before being killed with a hanging reverse suplex for two. We see Homicide's tugs in the audience and miss a spot. Colt closelines Claudio from the apron and then scores with a missile dropkick. Colt gets the double knees in the corner and then the Butt Butt, Claudio dodges a closeline but runs into a lion sault press for two. Colt gets a European uppercut but runs into the Shake Rattle and Roll. Colt slips out of the Waterslide and goes for the Colt 45 but gets distracted by one of Homicide's thugs and Claudio scores with the Riccolla bomb for the win.
Fine opener they kept it in a low gear and showed off some decent offence but it was a little lifeless. (**)
Three Way Elimination Match
Matt Sydal vs. Azrieal vs. Christopher Daniels (w/Allison Danger)
God after watching Curry Man on TV for what seems like an age it feels good to see The Fallen Angel again. Huge "Fallen Angel" chant to start the match up. All three men headlock each other at once before Daniels floors everyone, then everyone hits arm drags. Sydal and Azrieal gets a double hip toss and double dropkick on Daniels. Azrieal gets a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker back suplex combo on Sydal and a back suplex on Daniels. Sydal gets a running knee on Daniels he tries a flying head scissors but with Daniels help Azrieal counters to a powerbomb. Azrieal gives Daniels a ranna. Daniels monkey flips Sydal but Arieal catches Sydal and powers him down face first. Daniels closelines Azrieal and gives Sydal a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Daniels gives Sydal a palm strike on the top rope and they do battle up top. Sydal shoves both Azrieal and Daniels off top. Sydal jumps onto Azrieals back and then into a swinging DDT on Daniels for a near fall. Azrieal gives Daniels a rock bottom like move and then Sydal scores with the cannon ball leg drop for a near fall. Azrieal and Sydal both work over Angel. Azrieal accidently hits Sydal and Daniels gets the bulldog closeline combination. Fallen Angel kills both men with some brutal closelines. Daniels gets two on Sydal with a blue thunder bomb. Azrieal breaks up the Last Rites with a flying closeline for two. Azrieal gives Daniels a swinging neckbreaker inbetween the ropes and then a double stomp. Sydal hits Azrieal with the Melina cutter for a near fall. Sydal then hits the plancha ranna onto Daniels. Azrieal then hits a diving plancha. Azrieal gives Sydal a enzenguri and a diving Yakuza kick with a ludicrous over sell for two. Azrieal and Sydal battle on top and Sydal scores with the rolling super belley to belly of top for the elimination. Azrieal is Eliminated.
Sydal gets a series of tight packages for two before Daniels kills Sydal with a closeline and Sydal does an amazing sell. Daniels scores with a back suplex for two. Daniels kills Sydal with a running death valley driver and he then turns to a chinlock? Sydal fights out into a spinning heel kick. Sydal unloads and scores with a enzenguri and then the huge standing moonsault for a nearfall. Sydal then scores with the flying cross body for two. Daniels misses a blind charge and Sydal gets a roll up for two. Sydal lands on his feet off of a back drop and Daniels catches him immediately with the Angel's Wings for the win.
Well that was an impressive showcase for Sydal and Azrieal but it was very spotty and didn't hang together particularly well as a match. Never the less an entertianing match. (***)
James Gibson (Jamie Noble) says this is his last weekend in ROH and he wants to face a old friend of his Jimmy Yang. They've been in WCW, RAW and Smackdown and he wants to have one last great match where him and Yang can score with all their offence, not have to wrestle a slower time and not have to be editted down for TV.
Tony Mamaluke cuts a weak promo saying he's glad to be back and wants to win the ROH Tag Titles.
Ring Of Honor Tag Team Title Match
Sal Rinauro & Tony Mamaluke vs. Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer
It seems sureal to see Jimmy so happy. God Whitmer and Jacobs look incredibly gay together here. Whitmer wrestles from a leg trip to a camel clutch but Tony rolls through to counter and they battle on the ground as Tony tries in vain to get a cross arm breaker. BJ powers out and drops Tony on the top rope. Tony then lands on his feet off of a German suplex and they exchange bitch slaps. Jimmy is doing his "hoss" gimmick. Sal and Jimmy lock up, Jimmy gets a shoulder block and a pair of arm drags. They do some incredibly lame cross overs and Sal gets a arm drag and a dropkick. Sal and Tony get a nice enzenguri gut buster combo. Tony then kills Jacobs with a nasty back drop driver. Jacobs tackles Tony into the corner but Tony comes bakc with a leg whip. Jimmy counters a knee breaker with a roll up and he then scores with basement dropkick but Tony cleverly counters into a surfboard mannouvre and a camel cutch. Tony then elevates Sal into a legdrop onto Jacobs. Jacobs comes back with a spinning back elbow and he tags in Whitmer. Whitmer scores with some running strikes to little fan fare. Tony counters the boredom with an awesome dropkick to the knee. Tony then scores with a diving gullotine choke but Whitmer counters suplexing Tony into the turn buckle. Jacobs comes off top with the Tomahawk chop and then BJ and Jacobs hit the double backclub flurry. Jacobs scores with a scoop slam and three elbow drops for two. Whitmer gets a snapmare and then Jacobs gets a dropkick and Whitmer finally powerbombs Jacobs onto Tony Mamaluke. Tony Mamaluke gets a gut buster and tags out. Sal comes off top with a driving ranna on BJ. Jacobs comes in and Sal scores with a running pele and a german suplex for two. Jacobs then counters an springboard move into spear. BJ then kills Sal with a running knee strike then a suplex rolled into a northern lights for two. Whitmer misses a boot but kills Sal with a closeline. Whitmer no sells all off Tony's kicks and then in a very lame sequence Tony counters into an arm bar and then the triangle choke Whitmer powers out. Tony blocks the super contra code and then eats a powerbomb from Whitmer. Jacobs and Whitmer then score with the doomsday ranna for a near fall! Sal scores with a plancha on Sal Rinauro leaving Whitmer and Mamaluke. BJ goes to the top rop looking for the super bomb but Sal makes the save with a springboard dropkick sending Whitmer to the floor. Tony gets a sloppy sunset bomb and Sal gives Jacobs a slingshot enzenguri and then the double Rubix Cube Driver gets the win!!!
Well that's got to go down as an upset. Jacobs is great but he was wasted in the hossman gimmick. BJ Whitmer is well BJ Whitmer, this match really didn't click for the most part but the final few minutes including the stunning kick out really made up for some of the awkwardness early in the bout. (**3/4)
Whitmer teases throwing a temper tantrum but instead decides to hand the heels the belts and shake their hands.
Ring Of Honor Pure Title Match
Jay Lethal vs. Nigel McGuinness
The crowd inform Nigel that he sucks before the match can start. "Lets go Lethal/Let's Go Nigel" chant. Nigel gets a headlock takedown to start the match but Lethal counters to a headscissore but Nigel rolls his way out quickly and we have a stand off. Lethal gets another headscissores and Nigel headstands and jumps out but leaves himself open to a dropkick. Nigel avoids a chop in the corner and plays to the crowd. Nigel takes down Lethal in a key lock before powering him to the corner and slugging away, Jay turns it around but Nigel blocks everything Jay throws and then gets a snapmare into a arm and chinlock. "Nigel is a pussy" chant. Lethal works his way out and flips over Nigel so Nigel shows of his crazy European atheltism before walking into a front flip kick. Lethal hits two big chops but both times Nigel wrestles through then and a applies a deathlock on Lethal. Lethal escapes and lights Nigel up with a series of blows. Nigel rolls under a closeline and kills Lethal with a closeline. Nigel then scores with the Headstand and mule kick. Nigel gives the crowd the finger and then tells them to go fuck themselves. Lethal hen answers the twenty count a five. Nigel then scores with a divorce court and then a hammerlock divorce court and lays in a stomp. Nigel puts Lethal into the tree of woe and then gives him a brutally stiff kick to the back and then plays to the crowd. "Nigel showing that training with David Beckham is paying off" fuck off Prazak. Lethal blocks another headstand with a running chop and then a back elbow. Lethal scores with the Double A spine buster and then a second rope leaping leg lariat for a two count. Nigel blocks the Dragon suplex but gets kicked in the head allowing Lethal to score with the top rope diving headbutt for two. Lethal dodges a blind charge and kills Nigel with superkick and Lethal applies the Lethal Lock and Nigel uses up his rope break.
The announcer incorrectly announed that rope break and is greated with a you fucked up chant, Nigel then throws Lethal face first into the Iron while Todd Sinclair is out of position and gets the win?
Well that was an okay start to a twenty minute plus match but as a stand alone twelve minute match felt like an anticlimatic let down. Another match wrestled low on intensity, might have stole the show if it had been allowed to run. (**1/2)
Jimmy Rave (w/Prince Nana & Jade Chung) vs. Roderick Strong
The crowd of course want Jimmy to die but he's not gonna let it bother him, what a trooper. Rave grabs a side headlock takedown but Strong counters with the headscissors Rave slips out and back into the sideheadlock but Strong powers him up and then down in a keylock. Rave and Strong both absolutely tee off on each other with huge chops Strong of course wins and Rave is forced to run for his life. Rave gets a sideheadlock takedown when he returns to the ring but Strong fights his way out however Rave manages to dodge a closeline and applies a side headlock. Rave tries to walk the ropes in the headlock but Strong counters nicely with a back suplex. Strong is just tearing Rave's chest up with some huge chops. Strong gives Rave a hard irish whip and Rave takes a silly looking Harley Race bump to the outside. Strong follows up with a baseball slide dropkick. Nana distracts Roderick and Rave manages to shove Strong off the apron and into the gaurd rail. Rave then rams Strong's head again and again into the guard rail. Rave scores with a snap suplex for two and then a curb stomp. Rave then gets two off of a neckbreaker and he applies a chinlock. Rave runs into a back elbow and Roderick scores with a second rope cross body. Strong gets carried away and misses a blind charge and is hit hard with a northern lariat for two. While the referee is with Rave, Nana bitch slaps Roderick Strong. Rave then scores with a really nice twisting neckbreaker. Rave flips over a back flips over a back body drop and Rave cinches in the head and arm lock before getting a crucifix for two. Strong scores with a running closeline and a big back body drop. Strong gets a running dropkick for two. Strong gets a half nelson front flip variation of a back breaker. Rave manages to avoid a Strong hold but can't avoid a sunset flip for two. Rave then scores with the running knee strike for two. Strong pops up with a traditional half nelson back breaker and he anihilates Rave with a running Yakuza kick. Strong gets a running forearm in the corner and another back breaker gets two. The crowd chant "break his back" but Rave counters the back breaker and scores with a spear and the Northern lights bomb for two. Nana throws Rave a chair but the ref tops it. Roderick Strong scores with his patternted gut buster and the Strong hold gets the submission.
Now that was more like it. Good stiff intense action, with some nice counters and good sequences. An impressive effort from both men, not an all out match but a good midcard display. (***1/4)
Post match Nana kills Strong. They try to kill strong usesing Chungs Dog Leash but Chung can't hold herself. Nana goes nuts shouting at Chung so she rips off her dress and low blows Rave and Nana and hugs Strong who challenges the Embassy to Steel Cage Warfare.
Ricky Reyes vs. Pelle Primeau
Reyes kills Pelle with a stiff kick and brutal shoulder block then a nice back suplex. Reyes then gets a spinning powerbomb and the guillotine choke for the win.
Impressive Squash.
James Gibson vs. Jimmy Yang
Jamie gets the heroes welcome going around the ring giving everybody who wants one a high five, you can really tell he enjoyed his time in Ring Of Honour and it actually looks like he's considering it when the crowd chant "Please don't go".
They lock up and won't let go as they rock around the ring. They eventually get a clean break in corner sparking another "please don't go" chant. Noble spins into a leg trip but gets kicked off and both men flip each other off with their feet. "Smackdown suck" chants rang out during that exchange. Jimmy escpase a keylock into a side headlock but Jamie gets the head scissors but Jimmy kips up and back into a headlock. "Let's go Gibson/Let's Go Yang" chant errupts. Yang gets a shoulder block and goes back to the side headlock, Gibson shouts shit! Gibson works out into a la magistral for a one count. Gibson gets a knee drop onto the arm and then goes to an arm bar. Jimmy gets a kick to the chest and then a spinning back kick to floor Jamie. Jamie counters a powerbomb with an arm drag, Jamie then gets a sick counter, he turns a hip toss into a rebound arm drag off the ropes and then a beautiful neckbreaker for two. Jamie gets a body slam an a knee drop for two before going to a head scissors but Yang rolls to the ropes, that was a little awkward. Yang lands on his feet off a hip toss and scores a stiff kick combo including an enzenguri on a kneeling Noble. Jimmy goes to an odd half chicken wing. Gibson scores with a brutal chop, Jimmy dodges a closeline and gets a waist lock but Noble runs him to the outside and then scores with a suicide dive knocking both men into the front row. Gibson takes Jimmy back into the ring but has a flying axe handle countered by a spinning heel kick and both men are down. Jimmy chops Noble and you can see the sweat go flying. Yang gets the run up the chest back flip kick on Noble and then a superkick gets a nearfall! Jimmy then locks in a camel clutch and the crowd come to life as Gibson powers up and breaks it in the corner. The crowd comes to life yet again. They then do a near fall exchange with some really unique craddles at the beggining and it ends with a back slide which neither man wins so they turn and kill each other with a double closeline. As both men are down we get a "Let's Go Gibson/Let's Go Yang" chant. Gibson scores with a high knee and a running back elbow. Noble then scores with a back body drop. Yang runs in to a double A spinebuster for a near fall! Gibson gets a body slam but misses the second rope elbow. Gibson runs into a boot and Yang hits a Huge moonsault press for a near fall. Yang then hits a brutal spin kick that Noble monster sells but Noble rolls out of the way of the Yang Time. Gibson kills him with a awesome DDT and then a butterfly lock, Yang blocks the Gibson Driver but Jamie avoids the back body drop with the butterfly guillotine choke. Yang scores with a back breaker and then lands with Yang Time but it only gets a near fall! Yang tries to go up top but Gibson shoves him off top and scores with a running corner powerbomb straight into the Gibson Driver but its gets a NEAR FALL!!! The crowd popped like that was the finish and so did I, Jamie then immediately locks in a guillotine choke and Yang taps quickly.
Well odd but dramatic finish, they actually wrestled quite a WWE style match. Gibson was excellent in this match and very sharp in this one. They reigned in the incredible stuff but put on a very good showing, Yang remains awkward to work with, something about him when he isn't jumping around is very clunky. Noble got his heroes send off and nice win. (***1/2)
The crowd then start a huge "Thank You Gibson" chant as some highlights from his time in ROH are aired. The crowd then chant "Please Don't Go" we see more clips as Noble hugs Yang. The crowd then chant "Please come back". Noble gets on the mic and the crowd chant "MVP". Noble says he'll be more than happy to come back anytime this company wants him and these people need him. James Gibson says this year has been the most fun and pleasent of his career and he's put on some of the most dramatic and best matches of his career this year. He then thanks Jimmy Yang. Gibson then challenges Roderick Strong and promises to give the best performance he could possible give for you people and this company. The crowd chant "MVP" Noble says you damn right and challenges Roderick Strong to take his status as the crowd applaude Jamie looks really genuinely happy.
Homicide vs. Jack Evans (w/Julius Smokes)
Homicide gets an arm wringer but Jack flips out and reverse but Homicide rolls back into his own arm wringer. Evans then back and front flips out and smacks down the arm playing to the crowd. Homicide says he can't see him. Homicide counters a hip toss to a monkey flip but Evans lands on his feet, Jack goes for a monkey flip but Homicide lands on his feet. Homicide does a jig and the crowd start a huge "you got served" chant, Jack Evans then shows off his breakdancing. Homicide has seen enough and charges with a mafia kick but Evans counters with a leg sweep. Jack comes back with a head scissors and kip up before Evans scores with a running sucide front flip dive. Evans scores with a sling shot cross body for two. Evans scores with a running knee strike for two. Evans gets a snapmare randomly and then runs into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Homicide gets a bridging T-Bone suplex for two. Homicide floors Evans with a really stiff chop. Evans comes back with a pop up ranna for two but he's soon cut down with a back elbow. Homicide then cinches in half crab and a headlock pulling Evans foot against his head. Homicide puts Evans in the tree of woe and then scores with a hesitation dropkick. He then gives Jack a leg drop from the apron over the bottom rope. Homicide runs into a pair of boots and Evans counters a tilt-a-whirl move with an arm drag and Homicide scores with a nice swinging DDT for a near fall. Homicide misses a stinger plash but Evans ends up crotched on top. Evans knocks Homicide off top and then hits a double backflip butt butt for a near fall. Evans then counters a Farewell with a dropkick. Evans gives Homicide a baseball slide sending him into the front row. Evans then hits a double front flip plancha into the front row. Evans then gives the thugs a front flip plancha. Evans hits a nice slingshot dropkick on Homicide and they battle on the top rope. Homicide kills Evans with a implant DDT off the top rope. That only got a near fall as Evans gets his foot on the ropes. Evans flips out of the Cop Killa but Homicide shoves Evans off a ranna and scores with a lovely 187. Homicide calls for the Lariat and promptly kills him with it. Homicide has the pin but Colt Cobana is on the balcony dressed as John Cena and cuts rap promo on Homicide that gets serious towards the end. Evans then scores with the spike reverse ranna and the wheel barrow roll up for the win.
Not a classic as Jack was in a very loose and floppy mood but this was a well executed fun match up, with the two personalities playing off each other nicely, soft finish but that was of course to further the Cobana-Homicide fued. (***1/4).
Icon vs. Icon
Samoe Joe vs. Kenta Kobashi
The crowd reaction for Kobashi is behond mental. A few rolls of toilet paper are thrown in Joe's dirrection. The Ring is absolutely destroyed by the amount of ticker tape thrown in when they announce Kobashi. The legand that is Kobashi actually looks shocked by how big a reaction he's getting here in the US.
They respect the code of honor and the crowd go abosutely ape shit and then drop to silence as they lokc up. Joe gets a couple of side kicks and the crowd oooh and ahhhh. Joe then powers Kobashi to the ropes and bitch slaps him and stares him down. Kobashi does a brilliant sell reaction and a huge "Kobashi" chant errupts. Kenta hits a brutal chop on Joe and they shove each other. I think the crowd just collectively ejackulated. The crowd chant "This is awesome". They go to a test of Strenght Joe manages to score with a suplex and then hits Kobashi with a huge shoulder block and then a missile dropkick and a suicide dive. The crowd manage to go even more nuts.
Joe rolls him back into the ring and gets two. Joe scores with a body slam and an elbow drop for two. Joe applies a tight facelock and then a dragon sleeper. The crowd chant "Kobashi/Joe" as Kenta makes the ropes. Joe gets a couple of chops in the corner and Kobashi gets old man Jap pissed off and begins to kill Joe with Chops but Joe comes back with two stiff kicks and then the most brutal sounding Enzenguri you'll ever here and Kobashi sells like he's KOed. Joe gets the mini kick combo but Kenta no sells and scores with two jobs, Joe goes back to the Joe kicks, Kobashi no sells, chops and finally the Joe kicks floor him. The crowd chant "ROH". Joe gets the front and back chops and then a knee job and Kenta bails. Joe gives Kenta seat a rings side and kicks Kenta in the chest which he facailly sells excellently. Then its the Ollay kick and Kenta is dropped. He goes for a second but is met with a chop to the ear. Kenta puts him on the chair AND CHOPS HIM INTO THE FRONT ROW. Huge "Kobashi" chant errupts. People chant "I can't see shit" as there on the otherside. Kobashi then gives Joe a DDT on the floor which silences them. They go back to the ring to huge cheers.
Kobashi grabs a front facelock and then some of his stiffest chops, God knows how he gets them so hard with such little back lift. He then gets rope running knees and then the Burning Sword. He then plays to the crowd with the chop drop combo. "Kobashi" chant starts up again as he gets two. Kobashi locks in the front facelock and the crowd chant "This is awesome". Joe makes the ropes. Joe blocks a suplex and scores with a vertical suplex of his own. They both get up and charge, Kenta has the kiler chops, Joe has the kicks, they don't work so its a CHOP BATTLE this is just mental as Joe has a flurry but Kenta no sells and unloads on Joe's ear, then his neck and then finally floors him with a huge chop to the chest the crowd of course love it.
Kobashi applies the abdominal stretch but Joe makes the ropes. Kenta gets another chop drop but only gets two. Kent then applies a tight step over face lock and Joe fades, he then puts a knee in Joe's back and drops and elbow on Joe's head. He then gets the ear chop flurry but Joe blocks the spinning back chop and takes Kobashi down and scores with the senton back splash. Joe gets the Flair Flurry in the corner a long one until he's exhausted. Kenta blocks a powerbomb so a couple of short range kick soften him up and Joe lifts him for a powerbomb spins and then powerbombs him into the corner. The crowd chant "Holy shit". Joe then shows that even a legend deserves a facewash and he then scores with the Muscle buster for a near fall!!!!! The crowd go nuts.
Joe is shocked, the crowd chant Joe along with the knee strikes. Joe powerbombs Kenta for two when he kicks out he goes to the STF, Kenta tries to block but can't as the crowd chant "Please Don't tap". Just as his out strecth arm reaches the rope he changes to crossface. HUGE "Kobashi" chant. As his other arm reaches Joe switches to a Rings Of Saturn and finally Kobashi gets his leg on the ropes as the crowd go bananas. Joe charges a limp Kobashi and runs into a neck chop and a SICK half Nelson suplex, Joe didn't jump that was all lift from Kobashi. "Holy Shit" say the crowd, both men make it up at seven.
Kobashi gets the spinning back fist then the million chop flurry in the corner, Joe sells like he's been fucked in the arse, Kenta teases slowing down and then speeds up and wipes his hands. He must of hit a 100 at least Joe's chest is bruised already then he hits the prayer strikes. Joe looks KO. Then he hits a quick release half nelson suplex but Joe makes the ropes.
Joe explodes with forearms but runs right into a sleeper and the sweat is flying of both men. As Joe reaches for the ropes Kenta scores with a Sleeper Suplex for a NEAR FALL!!!! The crowd can't believe that. Joe fires up with the bitch slap combo. Kobashi blocks a the closeline and hits three killer spinning back fists and he Knocks Joe the fuck up with the burning lariat for the 1-2-3.
The crowd chant "Kobashi". Kobashi then helps Joe to his feet who looks genuinely beaten to a pulp to his feet for a handshake and hug. Joe then drops to his knees in a classic moment. They then shake hands a pose. As the crowd chant in Japanese Kobashi bows to the crowd and leaves dripping in sweat as the crowd chant "Match of the Year". Joe is then helped to the back by Jay Lethal. They then show some slow motion replays and the suplexes and chops were absolutely brutal.
That was absolutely incredible! This was the equal to Hogan-Rock and Flair-Micheals! This is an absolute must see for the wrestling fans. It's not Danielson-McGuinness in terms of sheer in ring brilliance, as much of what they did was basic but the match told a tremendous story. The crowd were behind each and every move, Kobashi's timing was superb and the action was brutal and intense even the facelock and sleepers. Kobashi's chops and suplexes are just something else. This was an epic encounter for the ages like Danielson-McGuinness you just didn't want it to end. (****3/4)
Post Match Joe cuts a promo which is awesome.
Overall Thoughts: The undercard isn't really up to ROH lofty standards but there's plenty of good action and fun to be had. Make no mistake his is a one match show. Joe-Kobashi while I scored i ****1/2 objectively is a ***** match in terms of begining an event. Similar to Micheals-Flair its just a moment that has to be witnessed and if everything else on the card had sucked (which it didn't) this match would have carried it. Big recommendation.


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
