Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Haloween Havoc 2000
WCW World Tag Team Title
Three Way Dance Match
Boogie Knights vs. Flithy Animals vs. O'Haire & Jindrak
Kidman just watches while Alex Wright hits a leaping back elbow on Jindrak. Wright and Kidman then work over Jindrak together. Alex Wright hits a spinning heel kick. Jindrak leaps overs Kidman and knocks down Wright but can't avoid a double front suplex. Alex Wright hits Kidman with a closeline but Kidman responds with a hurricanrota and a dropkick. Rey tags in and goes for a bronco buster but he's crotched Jindrak comes in with a slingshot closeline and catches Rey's springboard crosbody with a tilt-a-whirl slam. O'Haire tags in the floors Disco with a super kick and then a pop up powerslam on Rey. O'Haire then closelines down everyone. Disco holds O'Haire down allowing Rey to score with a nice DDT. Disco then gives O'Haire a inverted atomic drop and Rey hits a spinning heel kick Rey dropkicks out Disco's feet and scores with a springboard splash for two. O'Haire floors Rey and then he's closelined down by Disco. Kidman comes with with a flying reverse elbow on Disco. O'Haire gives Kidman a front slam and Wright floors him with a missile dropkick. Wright gives Kidman and overhead release German suplex. Wright and Jindrak hit and double flap jack on Kidman. Wright then hits a knee strike on Jindrak. They then go for a tower of doom spot.
Everyone gets hot tags. Rey takes out O'Haire's leg and then Drops the Dime on O'Haire. Rey then counters a powerbomb by falling back into a senton. The ring then clears and the Thrillers then hip toss Kidman from the outside into the ring. They then military Press Kidman in where right catches him with a belly to belly suplex for two. Then its planchas all round. Rey rannas O'Haire out of the ring. Then Rey follows up with a front flip plancha. Kidman gives Wright the kidcrusher and Rey scores with a top rope Frankenstiener and the Bronco buster. Rey back body drops Disco to the outside. Jindrak then press slams Ray out of the ring on Wright. Disco gives Jindrak the last dance but gets two as Rey breaks it up by Dropping The Dime. Jindrak then brawls with Rey allowing O'Haire to hit the Seanton Bomb for the win.
Really hot opener. The three way dance was very convoluted and didn't make for conhesive action but they three teams worked excellently within the gimmick. Some really inventive spots thrown in. (***)
Post match Disco and Wright start a beat down with chairs. Konan tries but fails to make the save and eventually Awol comes out and makes the save.
WCW World Hardcore Title
Srg. Awol vs. Reno
Reno hits Awol with a cane to start the match adn then gives him an overhead suplex through a table. Reno then takes Awol to the outside and introduces Awol to the ringpost. Reno then keeps beating the crap out of Awol with a trash can and gets the pin for two. Reno beats Awol with weapons and Awol responds destroyng Reno with a cane and dumps Reno on the guard rail. Awol puts a trash can on Reno's head and then punts it crumpling it around Reno's face. The crowd liked that so Awol does it again. He then nails Reno with a trash can lid and then high fives Stevie Ray. They fight up the ramp and Awol applies a choke but Reno responds with multiple low blows and he then rolls the dice on the entrance ramp. Rather than getting the pin Reno creates a double table. Awol of course fights back and gives him a back suplex through the double table. Awol decides not to cover for the cover for no apparent reason and the two men fight to the back. Awol throws Reno into a concrete wall but then misses with the fakest PC ever. Reno unleashes a fire extinguister on Awol. Reno then throws Awol through a table for two. Awol throws Reno onto a table and then hits him with the make pretend monitor. Awol takes him back to ringside and rolls Reno down the ramp. Awol throws Reno into the gaurd rail. Awol then sandwiches Reno's head with two trash can lids. Awol gets another table and sets it up at ringside. The table then falls down and Reno hits the roll the dice on the table.
Garbage. (1/2*)
Post match the Perfect Event and Reno beat down Awol until Cajun and Loco run down to make the save.
We then go to a backstage segment with Douglas and Sanders are backstage talking, they say nothing of note.
Backstage after a lenghty commentator discussion we see Kronic telling the doctors not to clear Goldberg to wrestle.
The Perfect Event vs. Misfits In Action
Loco and Cajun both hit dropkicks to start the match. The isolate Stasiak and hit a drop toe hold dropkick combo. Loco kills Stasiak with a closeline. Mark Madden makes a subtle joke about Stasiak taping conversations in WWE. Chuck charges Loco but he's met with a drop toe hold. Cajun tags in and scores with a second rope elbow drop. Cajun then scores with a snap suplex for two. Palumbo runs into a boot and then Cajun scores with a second rope closeline. Palumbo catches Loco coming in and over shoots a flap jack sending Chavo to the outside. The crowd are sitting on their hands and cat calling.
Cajun dropkicks the Perfect Event into each other allowing Chavo to get a roll up for two. The Perfect then closeline down everyone and score with a double flapjack. Stasiak nails with a gut wrench sit out powerbomb for two. Palumbo catches Chavo and mocks the crowd drawing big heat before hitting a fallaway slam for two. Palumbo leap frogs Chavo and then scores with a overhead release belly to belly suplex. Stasiak comes in and runs right into a boot he tries to respond with a press slam but Chavo counters into a face buster.
Cajun tags in and unloads on everyone but Stasiak cuts him off with a closeline. Stasiak whips Cajun into a boot from Palumbo and then Stasiak closelines him down hard. Palumbo then locks in a sleeper and Cajun begins to fade. Cajun makes his big comeback but runs right into another sleeper hold. Mark Madden then claims that Chuck Palumbo has scientific skill? Cajun comes back with a horrible springboard facebuster.
Hot tag and Chavo unloads to no reaction. Chavo scores with a dropkick and a twisitng DDT. Both teams brawl in the corner Chavo blocks a superplex and shoves Stasiak down, Cajun does the splits and Palumbo nails a Jungle Kick on Stasiak and Chavo finishes Stasiak with the Tornado DDT for the win.
Awkward uninteresting and suprisingly inatheletic match up. This was really in clunky in places especially when it came to setting up the finish. (*1/2)
Konnan is backstage where the doctors say he shouldn't wrestle. Shane Douglas and Torrie Wilson come to the ring, Shane Douglas admits it was a set up earlier and tells Tigress to come to ringside to get her arse franchized. Tygress comes out and says Konan can't wrestle but she's ready to take Shane's punk arse and Torrie's hoochie arse out. Huge pop.
Shane Douglas & Torrie Wilson vs. Tygress & Konan
Shane blocks a low blow and Torrie shoves her over. Tygress scores with a low blow from her back on Shane and then beats the crap out Torrie. Tygress goes for the Bronco Buster but Shane breaks it up and they both beat up on Tygress. Konan appears from the batch and scores with a double closeline and then the rolling thunder line on Douglas. The Animals then gets stereo dropkicks. The referee then makes it a tag match. Konan gets an arm wrench and Tygress comes off top with an axe handle. Tygress gives Shane Douglas an arm wringer. Tygress tags in and continues to work over Shane Douglas. Tygress gets an arm wrench and bites the arm of Douglas. Tygress wins an arm wrench battle and then Shane punches her in the face to break the battle. Torrie tags in and Tygress recovers with a kick to the gut and a face jam (X-factor) for a near fall. Torrie then rubs Tygress face into the mat and Shane Douglas tags in an applies a Stiener Recliner which Stevie Ray called a "boston crab". Shane then applies a cross face chicken wing. Tygress manages to roll Douglas off and make the tag.
Konan comes in with a back body drop, a snap mare and a basement dropkick but Torrie breaks the pin. Tygress comes in and beats down Torrie in the conrer as Konan gets a ten punch in the corner. Torrie pulls the referee in front and Charles Robinson takes the Bronco Buster. Torrie Wilson then hits the Franchizer and nearly gets the win. Tygress and Tygress then hit the double stuff buster for thew win.
Well that was fine for what it was. (*)
David Flair promises to beat Bagwell until he'll submit to a blood test.
Bagwell then rips on Flair and the size of his dick. Buff then says he's gonna beat David Flair's arse here in Las Vagas.
DNA Match (First Blood Match)
Buff Bagwell vs. David Flair
Buff Bagwell rams Flair's head into the turnbuckle dances and then scores with a back elbow. Bagwell then scores with a swinging neck breaker and then yawns into camera, my sentiments exactly. Bagwell avoids a sunset flip and punches Flair in the head. David Flair does the Flair flip and scores with a closeline but he's of course press slammed off top. Bagwell then kills him with two closelines and a ten punch and David Flair does a ludicrously over the top Flair flop. Bagwell then rips off Flair's shirt and holds him in place for some comedy muscle poses. Flair comes back and body slams Bagwell on the outside. David Flair then woos and goes for a piledriver on the exposed concrete but Bgwell sees it coming and counters with a back body drop. Flair counters an Irish whip and then sends Bagwell into the gaurd rail. Flair then misses a wild chair shot and hits the ringpost. Bagwell then nails Flair in the face and David takes and impressive bump over the top rope. David Flair is busted open and Bagwell scores with the Block Buster seemingly for fun.
Not too bad actually but still nothing worth watching either. (*)
Lex Luger comes out to celebrate with Bagwell but turns on him and throws him into the ringpost. Flair recovers and takes a blood sample from Bagwell's mouth. Flair then walks backstage saying he's got it and we're all gonna find out tommorow night. We then see a shakey looking Goldberg walking past.
Scott Stiener then cuts one of his incomprehensible shouty promos backstage making fun of Goldberg and Booker T.
Mike Sanders then comes out and cuts a promo on the town. He says he's been training for this match. This isn't gonna be "a thriller in Manilla this is gonna be me dead in your arse". The Cat then comes to ringside and says the people came here to see him talk, "Bitch I'm gonna whoop your arse".
Kick Boxing Match
Mike Sanders (w/Palumbo & Stasiak) vs. The Cat (w/Miss Jones)
Round One: The Cat dodges a load of closelines then scores with a punch and round house kick combo to take Sanders down. Mike Sanders manages to answer the count at eight. The Cat comes in and scores with a front kick and a leg sweep and Sanders is down again. This time Sanders answers the count at nine.
Round Two: Sanders dodges some kicks but seems to be legitimately caught with a straight right. Sanders covers up in the corner and Cat has to settle for a leg sweep. Sanders answer the count at eight. The Cat catches a boot and scores with a leg sweep. Cat then dances and scores with the splits uppercut to a monster pop and a great sell from Sanders. Sanders answers the count at about nine and a half.
Round Three: Palumbo and Stasiak argue between rounds and Shane Douglas comes out to cool then out. Sanders can't get out of his corner so Cat attacks with a Mauy Thai cartwheel kick. Cat then unloads on Sanders in the corner. Palumbo distracts the ref and Douglas KOs the Cat with the chain. The Cat then makes it to his feet
No Holds Barred Must be a finish. The Cat then kills Sanders with a side kick and goes to the outside and brawls with Douglas. The ref then counts both men out and Sander answers the count and Shane Douglas stops the Cat reaching the win and Sanders is declared the winner.
Fine segment that was entertaining enough. (*1/4)
Goldberg is then with a doctor and Goldberg just tells him to let him do his job.
Vampiro gets on the mic, he says he's not just here to bring it. Vampiro says how about if I beat you tonight Mike loses his title shot to Vampiro. Awesome says he's cool with that.
That Seventies Guy Mike Awesome vs. Vampiro
Awesome goes for a shoulder tackle but Vampiro doesn't go down. Vampiro gets a closeline and Awesome doesn't go down. Awesome then replies with a flying shoulder tackle and that takes Vampiro to the outside. Mike Awesome then scores with a flying Plancha on Vampiro. Awesome then back body drops Vampiro into the front row. Awesome then gets a shoulder tackle into the crowd and both men battle up into the crowd. Vampiro takes a fan and beats Mike Awesome with it. A fan tries to DDT Aweome. AWESOME GOES NUTS AND BEATS THE SHIT OUT OF THE FAN. Vampiro then scores with a closeline from the announce table onto Awesome. Vampiro gives Awesome a chair and both men duel but nothing comes of it. Vampiro dodges a closeline and then sloppily back kicks a chair into Awesome's face. Awesome no sells some knife edge chops before running into a boot and Vampiro hits an incredibly sloppy closeline. Vampiro catches Awesome on top and Vampiro hits a really nice overhead release belly to belly suplex off top for two. Vampiro comes off top and it looks as if Vampiro was going for a dragon ranna but both men fall over in a terrible spot. Awesome brings a table into the ring and throws it at Vampiro. Vampiro then lazily shoves down Awesome's head but its no where near hitting the table but he sells it anyway, that was terrible. Vampiro then looks under the ring for something but can't find it and returns to the ring. Awesome kills Vampiro with a closeline but Vamp just no sells it and then crumples to his knees, he must be off his face.
Awesome then takes him to the outside and Awesome scores with a sitout powerbomb for two, apparently its falls count anywhere. They return to the ring and Awesome scores with a Super Bomb For the win.
That was terrible I'm pretty sure Vampiro wasn't in condition to wrestle, the selling was terrible, the action was sloppy and most of the moves didn't even hit and Awesome beat up a fan in the middle of the match. This was just incredibly awful. The superbomb at the end was the only thing that saved this match from negative stars. (1/4*)
The crowd then give Vampiro a standing ovation for getting up. While Hugh Morris cuts a terrible promo backstage.
Lance Storm wants to serious for a minute. Lance Storm says its sad when a man can't accept that he's beaten. Storm then says he can't be beat because he's from Calagary Alberta Canada.
To Be Continued.


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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About this blog

This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
