So I was going to review the new Mariah Carey single, mostly because I was getting tired of positive reviews and fancied a rant, but then today informs me that Eminem has made a relitation track on his website so I couldn't help but review these two tracks.
Okay so In my quest to catch up and keep you informed of all the biggest singles, I had a choice between Billy Talent & Shakira, and of course it was an absolute no brainer.
That Golden Rule - Biffy Clyro
D.O.A (Death Of Auto-tune) - Jay Z
The United States Of Eurasia - Muse
I'd like to start out by pointing out this tracks has already come out in the US but not over here, so I'm not that out of date. Also you have no idea how hard it is to find a picture of Lil'Wayne with a shirt on.
So yes it's a song about Kobe Bryant the concensus choice for the best player in the NBA today (sorry Labron). Now you're probably thinking a song about a basketball player? Who gives a shit. Well there is that problem unless your into basketball you will be wondering who the hell all these players he's referencing are. So have that disclaimer in mind, as I tell you this is the best soundtrack to a epic sports movie that doesn't exist. When it kicks off you think Kobe will just be a metaphor for Wayne to tell us how great he is, but instead it is all about Kobe. It has a huge beat that feels like it's fallen of the back of an NBA Live soundtrack and got got all muddled up with the horn section from Rocky III. Wayne's swagger is incredibly tight, and just listening to his wheezy voice work his way around the rhymes is half the fun. The song climaxes with the epic line "You Hear them chanting / MVP, MVP, Kobe Bryant Aka En-vy-me" the line might be MV-ME but either way the implication is loud and clear. The video for Basketball fans is amazing, Kobe does some pretty insanse shit. So do I recommend this? Well it's a great song, with a great video, but it does have limmited appeal, if you don't like Basketball this will be little more than a fun throwaway. But don't forget even a throwaway single is bloody brilliant when it comes to Lil' Wayne.
So after bringing you some actual up to date news on M.I.A yesterday I thought I better finally get round to discussing some of the big singles and leaked tracks that are on their way. So first stop its my favorite popstar Miss Lily Allen with the latest cut from her second album and some leaked tracks from the upcoming remix album.
I Could Say (Doctor Rosen Rosen Remix) - Lily Allen
25. Second Edition - Public Image Ltd.

30. Disintegration - The Cure

Okay I rarely do music news rather reviews, but when you finally get to hear a new track from the decades greatest artist you have to spread the good word right?
120. Sign 'o The Times - Prince
140. Hounds Of Love - Kate Bush
131. Elephant Stone - The Stone Roses
126. Suedehead - Morrissey
125. Holiday In Cambodia - The Dead Kennedys
Okay so everyone reviews albums these days, and seeing as I have a million different album countdowns going seemingly at once I thought I'd review this weeks new singles. After all most people don't even bother with albums these days, thank you mr. Jobs, so lets see what's set for release this week. (I'm not going to review all the releases, I do have a life contrary to reports, but I'll try to pick out five or six each week)