Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


So after bringing you some actual up to date news on M.I.A yesterday I thought I better finally get round to discussing some of the big singles and leaked tracks that are on their way. So first stop its my favorite popstar Miss Lily Allen with the latest cut from her second album and some leaked tracks from the upcoming remix album.

22 - Lily Allen:

Now I'm a bit Bias when it comes to Miss Allen and this video, which is positively awesome. I don't think the video has quite made it into circulation yet as Fuck You is still doing the rounds. 22 is a smart choice for a single, it's quick catchy and to the point, while it can't measure up lyrically to Not Fair or the singles from Alright Still, it still shows her as remarkably ahead of crowd. With witty lyrics about the way society treats women over the age of thirty, the depression of being single and the inner fears and neurosis of women everywhere. On a Side note, maybe I'm nuts but I think she looks hotter as dishevelled Lily than young Lily. Anyway highly recommended it still remains impossible for Lily Allen to put a foot wrong when it comes to releasing singles, even if this isn't her strongest effort.

I Could Say (Doctor Rosen Rosen Remix) - Lily Allen

So Doctor Rosen Rosen is releasing an album remixing the entirity of It's Not Me, It's You using only Lily Allen's vocal track and making everything else up himself, so its more of a reworking than a remix. And lets face it It's Not Me, It's You was let down by some bland production and arrangements. So we'll see if a new mix can give Lily's awesome lyrics and some new life. I Could Say is one of the first tracks to be leaked and seeing as we've all heard The Fear to death I thought I'd give track the once over. Well Rosen Rosen has turned it into a a drawn out soaring ballad, that suits Lily's vocals very well, there's an adapted Cure sample thrown in which is a nice touch, but lets face it Lady Soviegn got their first. I can't say this mix adds much, it makes the track more epic and widescreen, but if this is anything to judge by, you won't be disappointed by the remixes but Rosen Rosen is hardly reinventing the wheel. It seems like a stretch if your expected to buy the same album twice.

The Fear mix is okay...but the arrangement is far too distracting and loud, what makes Lily Allen great is the lyrics, don't fucking bury them under the loudest Piano loop in human history Argh!!! Anyway check out the leaked remixes below:

Credit goes to the Pretty Much Amazing blog for bringing this to my attention.


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About this blog

This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
