Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


D.O.A (Death Of Auto-tune) - Jay Z

First things first the arrangement is top notch. The song is built on a killer guitar sample and a sublime superb slice of saxaphone, there's no doubting this track sounds like a million bucks. Smooth is definitely the word, Jay Z doesn't feel like he's trying to make a hit, he's not throwing out punch lines every second, he doesn't even have a chorus hook. In fact Jay Z makes that fact loud and clear from the get go "This is Anti-Auto Tune, The death of the ringtone, This ain't for itnues, this ain't a sing along". When Jay Z does decide to throw some verbal javelins their as sharp and as peircing as ever. Jay Z seems to be coming straight after fake rappers and singers, my first thought was that he was going after Kanye but instead it seems more like T-Pain and Akon are in his sights

"My raps don't have Melodies...I know we facing a recession, but the music that your making is gonna make it the great depression, or your lack of agression pull your skirt back down and grow a set man"

Ouch! Obviously Jay Z wasn't to pleased with the direction urban music was taking in his absence. While I've never been Jay's biggest fan, I've got to say thank fucking christ! Someone needed to say this shit, Hip Hop's been getting better but it's been pussy whipped for too long and Jay Z's comeback with a state of the union address. Just incase you didn't ge the message he winds up and punches you right in the face with the awesome line "You Rappers Are Singing Too Much, Get Back To Rapping You T-Paining To Much, I'm A Multimillionare so how is it I'm still the hardest nigga here". Hip Hop has been needing this track for longer than I can remember.

Run This Town - Jay Z
(Feat. Rihanna, KanYe West)

Okay so admittedly I'm slightly out of date, and I'm doing my very best to catch up. However I couldn't not review Death On Auto-Tune because It's so friggin awesome. Run This Town isn't quite so hot, the production is sharp as ever, and the choice of instrumentals and samples is devine. Rihanna is in good voice in her verse although I could have done without the wail-athon towards the end. It's great to her KanYe get back to rapping, he starts off well enough dropping lines about the allure of celebrity life before returning to clever but childish rapping about girls "She Got an arse that could swallow up a G-String, and up top two bee stings". Jay is solid but the star here is Rihanna's chorus "Walking Tall Against The Rain" is a great line. So it doesn't really compare to Death On Autotune but this is a solid holding pattern single. If this is anything to judge by this should be Jay's best album since retirement.


"Let me foul to style on this, I just don’t need nobody to smile on this.".. The realest song of '09 to date. Not too often, we're blessed with a mainstream rarity in rap that clears the mist of foul and pungent odour coming from the B.S hip-hoppers excrete for a quick dollar. I want the deadly sharp wit & words from reasonable doubt back and so does the rest of the world, even if it doesn't know it yet..

N.B. IT'S THE R.O.C. (This is an unbiased comment hatter, Really. :S)

Man you should see my review of Pitbull, I think that sounds more you kind of thing.

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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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About this blog

This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
