Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


120. Sign 'o The Times - Prince

(Paisley Park 1987, Prince)

Ah the first entrant from one of the eighties true trancendan geniuses, one mr. Prince. Sign 'o The Times saw Prince in full ballad mode, we'll see his funky, sexy and ludicrious side later.

119. Atmosphere - Joy Division
(Factory 1980, Matt Hannett)

Hooky considers this Joy Division's greatest ever song and I'd been hard pressed to argue, it's not there best single however, but it is a brilliant, haunting peice of music, that was utterly perfect for the bi-opic Control.

118. Glory Days - Bruce Springsteen
(Columbia 1985, Jon Landau)

Ah classic Springsteen a huge all American riff, and it see's him delve into different story telling waters as he faces up to getting old, of course it's based around a riff so catchy that crowds chant it long after he's left the stage.

117. Gigantic - The Pixies
(4AD 1988, Steve Albini)

There's always something a little disconcerting about listening to a song that's so damn catchy and yet based around a Black dude with a huge wang, that said I've never had a problem singing along to Prison Sex so why am I complaining.

116. For Those About To Rock - AC/DC
(Albert 1981, Mutt)

Ah some good old fashion riffage from AC/DC, doesn't take to much explaining, but I must have seen at least ten bands live who play this over the sound system before they take to the stage, from Franz Ferdinand to Slipknot.

115. Can I Play With Madness - Iron Maiden
(EMI 1988, Martin Birch)

So could things really get sillier than "For Those About To Rock We Salute You" oh yes, yes it can. Enter Iron Maiden, I don't even know how to describe this song, the title really does say it all.

114. Mother - Danzig
(Def America 1988, Rick Rubin)

Now while the Misfits turned into a horrible parody of themselves without Glen at the helm, Danzig went onto bigger and better things and no single was finer than the positively evil Mother. What an absolute tune.

113. Antisocial - Anthrax
(Island 1989, Anthrax)

Now some will probably moan that Trust's original version is better, but this is madness, and heresy in my book, seriously get a grip on yourselves.

112. The Message - Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
(Sugar Hill 1982, Ed Fletcher)

An incredibly important rap record, infinitely quotable, and ice cold beat, and some socail detailing of New York. Feels like an antique these days but it'd be impossible to imagine hip hop without this track.

111. Sweet Child 'o Mine - Guns & Roses
(Geffen 1988, Mike Clink)

Okay the lyrics are too sugary for belief but it's a riff for the ages, so you can play air guitar while you throw up.

110. Temptation - New Order
(Factory 1982, New Order)

So after the tragic demise of Joy Division, New Order rose from the ashes and rather than disgracing Joy Division's legacy they set off in a glorious synth led inde disco direction, but they never forgot their soul, as witnessed on Temptation.

109. She's Out Of My Life - Michael Jackson
(Epic 1980, Quincy Jones)

Ah my absolute favorite MJ number, it's blunt and to the point, you can hear the honesty and fragility in his voice, unfortunately I could only find a live performance from the *shudder* Dangerous tour.

108. Fade To Black - Metallica
(Megaforce 1984, Metallica)

Ah from one defining ballad to another, as much as I love Nothing Else Matters I think Fade To Black will be my favorite of the Metallica mega ballads.

107. The Magic Number - De La Soul
(Tommy Boy 1989, Paul Price)

Now it's time for the party classic from De La Soul, its laid back swagger with a killer hook and a great bassline, how can anyone not love this track?

106. Ace Of Spades - Motorhead
(Bronze 1980, Vic Maile)

I'm setting myself a high standard by throwing out some of these tunes outside the top 100, but I've made my decision, enjoy Motorheads career defining classic.

105. Bad - Michael Jackson
(Epic 1987, Quincy Jones)

How did this end up so high? Well while it marks a sharp decline in musical quality from MJ this is a hell of a goofy arsed pop song with a ludicriously killer chorus.

104. (You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party!) - The Beastie Boys
(Def Jam 1987, Rick Rubin)

"Kick It"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck it you know the rest.

103. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - U2
(Island 1987, Brian Eno)

Hmmn....I'm starting to think I've put the U2 songs in the wrong order, Bono's brilliant introspective song writing moment.

102. Stand - R.E.M
(Warner Bros. 1989, Scott Litt)

A gorgeously simple, yet somehow thought provoking ditty by R.E.M., it's amazing how bands can be at their most intriguing when their being silly.

101. Aces High - Iron Maiden
(EMI 1984, Martin Birch)

Iron Maiden perhaps more than any other have earned the right to be called metal gods! This absolute stone cold classic's has opened everyone of their sets since it was first released, Churchill quote and all.


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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About this blog

This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
