Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Finally a change to the format as we start with the crowd chanting ROH and banging the barracades. The announcer then introduces the new Ambassador to Ring Of Honor The Nature Boy Ric Flair. The crowd go suitably bananas. Ric looks cool calm and confient. Ric wants to know if he's got this right Ring Of Honor, on the HDnet and the Nature Boy all on the same night. Ric Flair says he's just not going to retire and leave proffessional wrestling. Ric said he didn't hesitate for a second when ROH called. ROH calls a great run company, and says there's some great young talent there might be a new Nature Boy *Cheer*, Shawn Michaels *Cheer*, Triple H *Boo*, Ric says its not about that tonight, its about growth and development. Flair then introduces Jerry Lynn? Great so the guy to get the rub from Ric Flair is Jerry Lynn this should be Daneilson or Nigel's spot damn it. Ric then says he's wrestled Jerry at least five times and calls him the man. Jerry Lynn then gets on the microphone and its all down hill from here he's playing humble Jerry. Jerry talks about wrestling Ric in 1995 and how Ric wrestled him after being in a car wreck just two days before. Jerry said he proved that he's the man by beating that Nigel an he's wants to prove he's still up to the task.
Some unkown music hits, damn HDnet, Austin Aries comes out and says he has respect for both men but until last year who was the man in ROH? A fan shouts Danielson, but Aries says its him, he walked the walk and talked talk, he says he's gonna destroy Roderick Strong and then he's coming for Jerry's title. Flair says he likes his attitude and wants to see if he can back up his talk. Aries promises he can and then walks to the back, as Flair plays to the crowd. Not the best opening in the world, Flair was good and his rub really should have gone to someone younger and fresher than Lynn. This was a vast improvement on the study opening, its good to see some decent lenght promos and a story for the show.

Chris Hero vs. Kenny Omega
Hero turns down the handshake and wrestles Kenny to the floor with an arm wrench before Omega manages to take Hero down with a droptoe hold. Hero manages to maintain control with an arm wrench and lift but Kenny flips out to counter. Omega then does a few drop downs and leap frogs before hitting an arm drag and a dropkick sending Hero to the outside. Omega then charges and hits a front flip plancha nearly landing in the crowd. The crowd go mental.
Omega gets a flying cross body and a craddle for a near fall. Omega flipes over Hero but misses a back flip and Hero kills him with a brutal hair drag takedown. Chris Hero then hits a beautiful diving Yakuza kick between the bottom and middle ropes to the outside. Hero avoids running into a boot and hits a huge elbow strike. Omega fights back with a running forearm and but can't avoid a roaring elbow.
Omega tells Hero to put the breaks on and scores with the standing Enzenguri and the Half Dragon suplex gets a near fall. Omega goes for the Electric Chair but Sara Del Ray gets on the apron and distracts the referee allowing Hagadorn to pass Hero the loaded elbow pad and Hero hits the roaring forearm for the 1-2-3.
Really good fun little TV match, the action was really impact and tight after a slow start. Omega continues to impress but he still looks like a total goof. (*3/4)
Speaking of total goofs Roderick Strong cuts a promo backstage, what he says is strong but his delivery is terrible and it completely underminds his tough guy character.
Nerco Butcher vs. Broadie Lee
Nerco hits a diving cannon ball off the apron to start the match and then throws a steel chair at Broadie Lee and wraps a chair around Lee's skull before running Lee into the ring post. Butcher chases Jacobs around the ring and dodges a closeline from Lee before throwing another chair in the face Lee. Jacobs distracts Necro an that allows Lee to hit a boss man slam on the ramp before carrying Necro back into the ring for a near fall.
Jacobs sneaks in and hits Necro with a cheap shot before Lee chokes Necro on the bottom rope. Lee miss a big boot in the corner allowing Necro to unload but Broadie comes back and hits two big boots for a near fall. Necro slips out of a DVD and gets a roll up for the ring. The Audio track on the crowd and ring is well ahead of the commentary.
Absolutely abysmal why is this on ROH? Necro was fun as the unique crazy brawler in a world of high class wrestling, having him feud with Lee a like for like is just terrible. (1/4*)
Sal Rinaro vs. Erik Stevens
Sal gets a cheap shot but Stevens kills Sal with a powerslam and the big release german suplex. Stevens shortly follows that with the Choo Choo and a stiff closeline before opting to end it with the Doctor Bomb for the 1-2-3.
Fine showcase squash, ROH should feature at least one of these each week to establish new stars and their spots to those who may not be familar with ROH. (1/2*)
The go to footage of last weeks encounter between Danielson and Black and talk up the twenty minute time limmit draw. They then say that next week there will be a number one contenders match between the two, its good to see them actually adding some storyline dimensions for TV shows.
Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong
Aries accepts the handshake to start the match before locking up. Aries gives Strong a clean break and plays to the crowd. Aries slaps on a side headlock before going to an arm wrench, Strong cartwheels to counter before Aries flips into a leg drop onto the arm. Strong hits a shoulder tackle before running straight into two straight arm drags. Aries escapes a head scissors with the head stand and basement dropkick. Aries hits a stiff chop and then bails before Strong can unload with one of his own.
Aries returns to the ring and fakes a handshake and hits an open hand chope to the chest, Austin then dodges to huge chops and plays to the crowd and goofs off on the outside. Strong comes flying off the apron with a nice flying forearm and then whips Aries into the barracade hard. Aries still manages to dodge the chop of death and the two men return to the ring. Aries catches Strong coming into the ring with a dropkick to the knee sending Strong down. Aries then hits a double sledge off the top rope. Aries finally lays Strong on the apron and hits a running knee strike for a near fall.
Aries takes Strong to the outside and whips him into barracade before returning to the ring for the momentum elbow drop. Aries runs into a back kick and Strong gets a flying crossbody off the second rope. Aries responds by raking Strong's eyes accross the top rope. Strong catches Aries charging with a sloppy enzenguri and the crowd come to life. Strong hits three monster chops before scoring with a nice dropkick for a near fall. Strong then hits a pair of brutal chops hanging Aries in the corner, the crowd chant "one more time" and Strong obliges. Strong hits a pair of weak corner closelines before hitting the back suplex back breaker for a near fall.
Aries escapes a gut buster and sends Strong to the outside before nailing the heat seeking missile suicide dive. Aries the hits the slingshot corkscrew splash on the way back into the ring for a near fall. Strong replies with a beautiful half nelson back breaker for another near fall. Strong hits a stiff chop in the corner, Strong runs into an elbow but responds with a stiff enzenguri for a near fall. Aries dodges a knee strike and he rolls Strong into a takedown and he nails the knee strikes before slapping on the Last Chancery but Strong makes the ropes.
Strong counters the corner dropkick with the Gutbuster and a brilliant driving Yakuza kick that turns Aries inside out. Strong locks on the Strong hold but Aries makes the ropes and Aries eventually manages to battle out. Aries manages to counter spinning Strong to the outside that was just awkward. Aries then hits a dropkick as Strong comes back into the ring. Aries goes for the Brain Buster but Strong counters into the Strong Hol and Aries scrambles to the ropes.
Aries counters the Gibson driver with a ranna in an nice spot and then hits a sloppy diving closeline. Aries then tries to uses the Strong hold on Strong but Roderick counters with a roll up for a near fall. Strong blocks the Brainbuster but on the second attempt Aries nails it for the 1-2-3.
This was a really dissapointing effort for these two, Roderick seemed way off his game and these guys blew several spots. The ending was very unceremonious. These two have wrestled each other so many times its just inexcusable. Aries was good but I just don't think Strong can cut it as a babyface. (**1/4)
Danielson and Black cut promos to end the show, Danielson is very good saying he doesn't doubt that one day Black will be better than him, but that day isn't today.
Overall Thoughts:
This show was a real dissapointment, it started well with an actual storyline and a theme to talk about throughout the show and the Hero and Stevens squash matches were good but this show had to be carried by a good match and Aries and Strong didn't deliver. (4/10)


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
