Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Delirious vs. Go Shiozaki
The crowd get a "Bah" chant going while the two face off. Go approaches neverously for the handshake and gets it before the ring bell gets Delirious goes delirious. Delirious and Go have some fun to start the match. We get a clean break in the corner to start the match and Delirious says "no chops". We get the headlock shoulder tackle spot to start the match but Go isn't going anywhere, hahahahha. Go fakes a chop to stop Delirious silliness as he bails to the outside and plays with the fans. Delirious throws a fans hat into the ring and Go puts the hat on to round of applause before he throws it back to the crowd. Delirious tells the ref that if Go chops him it should be a DQ.
They start wrestling Delirious gets a headlock takedown and he celebrates Go then fakes a chop and Delirious bails and throws a chair in, to a chorus of boos. He returns to the ring and dodges a huge chop. Delirious tells Go to look at the crowd, Delirious misses a closeline and Go gets the chop for two. Go gets another big chop in the corner and Delirious gets dumped hard on his arse with a chop. Go runs into a back elbow and Delirious scores with a flying lariat from the top rope for two but he informs the ref that it should be three. Delirious scores with a belly to back suplex for two. Delirious gets a serious of elbows to the back of the head, Go puts Delirious on the top rope and scores with a chop combo. Go scores with a flying shoulder tackle for two. Go holds Delirious and then dumps him throat first on the top hope and a leaping knee drop gets two. Go gets a snapmare and a chop to the back before applying a chinlock? Does he know what promotion he's wrestling for? Delirious gets a sunset flip for two before Go chops him down. Go then gets a running corner chop and then a stalling fisherman's buster for two. Go gets a body slam and a HUGE moonsault eats knees on the landing. Delirious unloads with a variety of strikes and then a leaping lariat. Delirious scores with a odd gut buster and a senton back splash for two. Go breaks up the Cobra clutch but when he charges he's drop toe held into the bottom rope. Delirious scores with the Panic attack but Go counters the Shadows over hell with a superkick!!! Go then scores with a stalling German suplex for two. Go gets a strike combo for two. Delirious then turns the kick out into the cobra stretch but Go makes the ropes. Go shrugs off a sloppy enzenguri and scores with a superkick for two. Go then rolls through a small package and scores with the Go Flasher (Stalling suplex into closeline) for the win.
Smart choice as opener. Not a stellar match by any means started slow and sloppy but had all the fun spots and chant along moments to get the crowd all warmed up, good finishing sequence. Go seems a odd and a good fit for WWE at the same time. (**1/2)
Larry Sweeney is talking about all the marketing oppurtunites he's getting here in Florida and how he's getting great offers for his clients but for now he has a little business to take care of.
Kenny King, Sal Rinaru & Chasyn Rance vs. Dingo, Alex Payne & Bushwhacker Luke
Luke turns down the handshake to start the match. Dingo and Sal lock up to start the match. Sal gets a snapmare and a chinlock, Dingo works into a death lock style submission. Sal escapes and locks in an arm wringer, Dingo counters into an arm wringer of his own but its countered with a knee. Dingo tries a silly combo but Sal breaks it up with a eye poke but Dingo replies with a headlock. Alex Payne gets a body slam and a knee drop. He sets up a sunset flip but the YRR pull him off the apron and lay in the beat down. The heels beat down Payne in the corner with a certain lack of imagination. The crowd to be fair to them are relatively hot for this match. Kenny King scores with a running closeline and a choke, great a choke. Sal comes in with a running knee and Kenny scores with a lovely spinning back breaker. Rance comes with in with a spinning heel kick and King gets a springboard leg drop for two. Rance gets a body slam and Sal comes off top with a flying elbow drop. Sal scores with the Randy Orton back breaker and a German suplex for two. King comes in with a slingshot stomp. Payne comes abck with a dropkick but he's met with a big boot when he gets to his feet. King boots Luke off the ropes but Payne counters a suplex into a really nice DDT. Dingo cleans house after the hot tag. Dingo scores with a rebound headscissors and a diving knee to the back gets two. Payne comes off top with a double torpedo dropkick. Luke comes in with a eye poke punch combo on Sal, and its silly brawling on everyone. Luke grabs Payne and scores with the human battering ram and they do the Bushwhacker dance. Dingo tries a roll up but its broken up with a double enzenguri. The heels then score with a corner closeline, running knee, enzenguri and then a springboard spinning enzenguri by Sal for the win.
Erh...fine for what it was but I didn't exactly need to see that. (**)
A PPV match has just finished taping when Larry Sweeney's music hits and he comes to the ring and throws out cards to the audience. The crowd chant "Sweet & Sour" as he enters the ring, Sweeney asks if he's impressed by the hollerings of a bunch of "nose pickers and bed wetters". Sweeney says he's out here to make you money. He tries to get Davey Richards and Rocky Romero into joining Sweet & Sour inc. Roderick Strong comes out to say no to the offer when Stevens comes out and clears the ring.
FIP World Title
Erik Stevens vs. Roderick Strong
Stevens busts opens Strong's chest with some hard chops. Stevens takes Strong back to the ring where both men brawl and Roderick and Stevens floor the refere. Stevens then kills the ref with a big right hand and Strong gives Stevens a big slap as the crowd sarcastically chant "Roderick". The blood is really pouring out of Roderick's chest. He takes Stevens to the outside and just unloads with stiff chops and forearms. Strong puts a chair on Stevens' head and throws him face first into the ringpost. Stevens is now bleeding from the forehead as Strong continues to beat him around the outside. They return to the ring and Strong continues to slug away at the head of Stevens. Stevens then throws Strong face first through a chair in between the ropes. Stevens unloads with a series of brutal chops to Roderick's chest and he then unloads with a series of non stop stomps. Erik sets the chair up but Strong comes back with some killer chops. Stevens blocks a half nelson back breaker and elbows Strong down. He then gives Strong an unbelievably brutal TKO face first on a standing chair bending the steel. The crowd unsuprisingly go nuts chanting "ROH/FIP". Strong eventually recovers on the outside but Stevens doesn't let up and continues to just brutally beat Strong. Stevens then bites the head of Strong drawing blood and he licks it off his hand to which the crowd chant "You Sick Fuck". Stevens then tries the Choo Choo but runs into a boot and a lariat. Strong tries to unload but Stevens dodges a closeline and scores with the release german suplex, the Choo Choo and then a brutal lariat. Strong comes back with an absolutely brutal enzenguri and a killer Yakuza kick. The crowd chant "This is awesome". We then get a forearm battle, why you'd use a forearm rather than a punch in a match with no ref is beyond me. The fans Yay! Boo! along with the forearms. This goes on for quite awhile with each man smacking each other around until they flurry hit each over at the same time and then KO each other. Strong kills Stevens with a chairshot and the NRC are called to the ring. The NRC hold Stevens still and they use clippers and scissors to shave Steven's mohawk off. The crowd chant "Fuck you Roderick" as Strong stands on Stevens' chest posing with the match.
I suppose this was more of an angle than a match but is was a intense blood brawl with both men wailing on each other and really getting over teh hate they have for each other. (***)
We then get an excellent recap video on the excellent Age Of The Fall vs. Briscoes fued.
Jimmy Jacobs gets on the mic and says the revolution that is the Age of The Fall is here, they are the voice of the worthless and down troden. The crowd chant "shut the fuck up", Jacobs says you don't want to fear me because you fear what I have to say. Jimmy says there was a homeless man in a wheel chair outside so rather than mock him they bought him a ticket and so he can have some fun. Jacobs says they'll deal with Aries later but right now their going to end their fued with the Briscoes.
Relaxed Rules Match
The Age Of The Fall (w/Rain & Lacey) vs. The Briscoes
The Briscoes storm to the ring and brawl. Mark flips over a back drop attempt and gives Tyler a superkick, Mark then skips over Tyler and hits a twisting crossbody. The Briscoes then get a double shoulder block on Jacobs, they then get a corner closeline and Running Knee on Jacobs in the corner. Mark then scores with a moonsault press to the outside on Jacobs. Jay throws Tyler and Jacobs into the front row and then uses a trampoline to score with a front flip senton onto the heels. Mark then suplexes Tyler onto a whole row of Steel chairs. Jacobs throws a chair at Jay and then takes a swig of a fans whisky and continues the beat down. Tyler then Back body drops Mark through a million chairs. Jacobs is thrown through a trunk. Tyler throws Mark through some chairs and they have a chop battle. Jacob rides a trunk on wheels and scores with a fast head butt to the gut. Mark scores with a moonsault onto Tyler who has a chair laid on him. Jacobs tries the sliding trunk routine but Jay meets it with a big boot this time in a cool spot and Jimmy sells like he's out cold. Mark tries a piledriver but is back body dropped through a loud of tables by Black. Tyler then starts just brutalizing Mark with a chair and on the otherside of the arena Jacobs is doing the same. Jimmy gives Jay and seat and then scores with a flying closeline from the bleachers onto Jay. Mark comes back and snap suplexes Black through a loud of chairs. Jay comes back on Jimmy and kills him with a chair. Black is then bulldogged throuhg a chair by Mark. Jimmy hits Jay with a bin and then sees Mark coming and charges but is back body dropped through a tonne of chairs. The Briscoes then give Jimmy and double hip toss through a plethora of chairs. As Rain and Lacey look on from the ring the crowd chant "Man Up". The Briscoes then bring a table from the back through the crowd and set it up right in the middle of the audience. Black recovers and tries to save Jimmy but he eats a chair. Jimmy and Mark both try to throw each other and suplex each other off the balcony as the crowd chant, "Please don't die". Mark manages to beat Black onto the table but the homeless guy comes to the rescue, so the Briscoes put him on the table and Mark hits the big splash off the balcony through the table in an insane visual. I didn't even notice the commentators had been run off in that exchange. Jay is about to hit the Jay Driller but Jimmy Jacobs runs in and chokes Jay with a plastic bag. the heels seem intend of killing Jay. They put Jay in the tree of woe and Jimmy gets a running knee and then its stereo dropkicks for two. Tyler Black then scores with the spinning liftinng reverse DDT and Jimmy Jacobs hits with the big back Senton Back splash off the top rope but Mark kicks out at two! The crowd chant for the Briscoes. Tyler runs into a back elbow and Jimmy runs into an absolutely sick Flatliner into the second turnbuckle. Jay blocks a big boot and gets a superkick and a big boot in quick succesion. Jay gets a falcon arrow on Jacobs but Black makes the save. Jay unloads on Black and scores with a lovely death valley driver for two. Jay goes for the Jay Driller but Jacobs again makes the save with a low blow and Black gets a small package for two. The Age of the Fall hit the Super Contra Code (Power bomb and Sliced Bread Combo) both men get the pin and Jay Kicks Out!!!!!! The Age Of The Fall cannot believe that Jay just kicked out of that. The crowd chant "Man Up". Black goes up top but Mark recovers and shoves Black off top. Jay hits a killer slam on The Briscoes go for the Springboard Doomsday Device but in MID AIR JIMMY ROLLS THROUGH INTO A GUILLOTINE CHOKE, Holy fucking shit! Tyle black pulls Jay to the outside as Mark passes out in the guillotine. Rain and Lacey celebrate with Jimmy as the crowd chant "That was awesome".
Note to ECW (well if I had a time machine) if your gonna do a arena clearing crazy brawl spofest that is how its fucking done. That match was insane and both teams didn't even use their full complement of sick double team offence not even close. This was brilliant and that counter to finish the match simple has to be seen to be believed. (****1/4).
We then see Stevens covered in dried blood, with his messed up hair looking defected in the corner of the dressing room. The cameraman asks if he's okay and Stevens says if they think thats enough to stop him Roderick better think again.
The Age of The Fall are celebrating backstage and Lacey and Rain look really hot, Jimmy then says part one of their mission is accomplished, next they need their titles back, but first they have a plan to deal with Austin Aries. Lacey tells Jimmy she has a back up plan in case that doesn't work.
BxB Hulk & Shingo vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico
BxB Hulk does his dance routine (its not quite the same with out the girls but its still funny as hell) and this of course sparks a huge "BB Hulk chant". Generico not to be out down does his silly dancing and starts an Ole, Ole, Ole chant. The crowd chant "Mr. Wrestling" at Kevin Steen and he shows off his white boy dance moves to BxB Hulk. Hulk and Steen trade some more dance moves.
Hulk and Generico start this match off, Generico gets an arm wringer but Hulk gets a droptoe hold to a headlock and then a side headlock takedown, Generico tries to wriggle out of it but Hulk rolls into a front face lock, Hulk then rolls into a guillotine choke but Generico rolls out into an arm wringer. Hulk Cartwheels out and gets a leg trip and an arm drag, Hulk lands on his feet off a hip toss and then gets an arm drag. Generico gets a shoulder tackle but BB kips up and scores with a dropkick starting a "BB Hulk" chant. Steen tags in and scores with three brutal shoulder blocks but Hulk comes back with a dropkick where he back flips and lands on his feet and he follows it with a leg lariat. Shingo tags in and he trades shoulder blocks with Steen neither man will go donw and they bounce each other off the ropes before Steen side steps and tosses Shingo. Generico then scores with a double front flip plancha, holy shit indeed. Shingo no sells Generico's offence and then scores with a big chop. Hulk tags in and they scores with a leapfrog, DDT and standing BB Hulk Press for two. Shingo gets a big knee drop. They then score with a torpedo dropkick release german suplex combo but it knocks Generico into Steen. Steen comes in and kills him with a shoulder block. Steen tells Generico get get his boot up and he rams Hulk into it. Steen then tells Generico to hit a standing moonsault for two. Generico gets a drop toe hold and Kevin Steen scores with a front flip leg drop. Steen scores with a back breaker on Hulk for two. Steen slugs down Hulk and tags in Generico. Hulk slugs back and they exchange chops and then kicks and knees. Generico hits a nice leaping leg lariat on Hulk for two as the crowd come to their feet. Kevin Steen tags in and pounds away on Hulk. Steen taunts BB knocking him down before letting him getting a tag before making more fun of BB. Generico comes back in but runs into a back elbow then a boot before Hulk scores with torpedo dropkick. Hulk then scores with a dropkick on Steen and pushes of Steen's chest and scores with a moonsault on Generico in an awesome spot. Steen tries to break up the pin with a senton back splash but he nails Generico by mistake. Shingo gets the hot tag, and he floors Steen. Shingo shoves Steen into Generico and then gives them a Flatliner DDT combo and then gives Steen a sambo suplex. Shingo rolls through a sunset flip and scores with a spinning spinebuster from the samon drop position then Hulk scores with a running Shooting Star Press for two. Steen fights of both men and gives Shingo a superkick and Hulk and powerbomb and a pump handle neckbreaker for two! Steen goes to the top rope but Shingo slows him down and Hulk gets a sloppy spinning heel kick on Steen. Shingo can't super plex Steen and Generico comes in with the rope walk swinging DDT on Shingo. Generico is whipped into Steen, Hulk charges and is pressed into the air by Generico and Hulk scores with a torpedo dropkick on Steen. Shingo scores with a cradled leg back suplex on Generico. Hulk gets a back kick combo on Generico, Shingo gets a realese gut wrench powerbomb and Hulk gets the EVO on Generico for two. Hulk then gets the back flip dropkick on Steen but he no sells it and kills Hulk with a lariat, Shingo then kills Steen with a lariat and Generico kills Shingo with a flying cross body. Everybody is down and the crowd come to life big time. Steen closelines Shingo over the top rope and both men go to the outside. BB Hulk gets the arse thump but Generico gets the running Yakuza kick and Reverse chicken wing suplex before Steen scores with the Swanton bomb for two! The crowd chant "This is awesome". Steen gives Hulk a body slam but Misses the big moonsault and Shingo kills Steen with the Blood Fall for two! Generico counters the EVO but Hulk dodges a kick and scores with the EVOP for a near fall!!!! They then hit a doomsday device with spinning springboard heel kick for two!!! BB Hulk then dodges a shoulder charge and eats ringpost, Hulk follows him out with a moonsault off the top rope but kills himself on the gaurd rail on the ringpost, OUCHY!!! Shingo scores with a brutal corner closeline and then a Second rope rolling Samoan drop for two and the crowd are just going ape shit! Shingo gets a big closeline but Generico no sells it, Shingo no sells his Yakuza kick so Shingo then gets a killer closeline and the Last Falconary gets the win.
That was an insane match, it turned into a spotfest for the final section of the match but what a spot fest, the action was intense and incredible. BB Hulk nearly killed himself in this match and there were quite a few awkward moments and sloppy manouvers but to be honest who cares, I 100% agree with the crowd I hope Shingo & BB Hulk come back. (****1/4)
We then see silent footage of Erik Stevens shaving the remainder of his hair.
Ring Of Honor World Title Match
Austin Aries vs. Nigel McGuinness
Holy shit I'm exhausted after the last two match ups and in theory the best is still to come. They lock up to start and Nigel gives Aries a clean break in the corner. "Fuck 'em Nigel" chant from the crowd, then an "Austin Aries" chant. Aries then gives Nigel a clean break in the corner. Nigel gets a arm wrench but Austin reverse and take him down and drops knees on the arm of McGuinness and then front flips Nigel's arm into a hammerlock. Nigel gets a front facelock but Aries counters to an arm bar and Aries drops a knee on the arm. Nigel catches Aries with a suprise elbow and he then drives Aries down in a key lock but Aries spins out into a series of grounded knee strikes but Nigel bails. Nigel sees the suicide dive coming and says "no, no, no" and Aries has to put the breaks on, Aries dodges a european uppercut and a closeline and then takes Nigel down in a mount but Nigel covers up and Aries spins around to the front of Nigel unloads with knee strikes and locks in the last chancery but Nigel makes the ropes. Aries immediately goes to a dropkick then to the arpon and scores with a running knee strike and a slingshot stomp. Aries then scores with abody slam and the Aries spinning elbow drop for two. Aries then gets a snapmare and a dropkick to the back of the head. Aries then puts Nigel in a pretzel lock, Nigel escapes and claws away at the face of Aries before the ref calls for a break. Aries wins a brief chop battle. Nigel shoves Aries shoulder first inot the turn buckle and then the ringpost. Nigel then uses a unique arm stretch with Aries on the apron. Nigel then jaws with the fans. Nigel then scores with the hammerlock divorce court and Nigel declares himself "the best wrestler in the world" before getting two. McGuinness applies a keylock but Aries manages to roll him off the hold. Nigel forces Aries into the corner and gives him a head butt. Nigel then puts on a rather loose looking Cobra clutch. Aries dodges a closeline and scores with a running knee strike. Aries scores with the Finlay roll and heads up top and scores with the Tomahawk chop for two. Nigel dodges a blind charge and gets the back kick closeline combo for two. McGuinness goes for the Tower of London but Aries blocks and gets the slingshot corner elbow but it hurts his injured arm. Nigel then counters the Brainbuster with a spinning arm wrench takedown and Nigel cinches in the London Dungeon but Aries easily makes the ropes. Nigel gets a European uppercut in the corner, he tries the run up uppercut but Aries cuts him off with a running forearm. Aries locks in the Last Chancery in the centre of the ring but Nigel breaks it with an eye rake. This time McGuinness gets the head of steam european uppercut. Aries again blocks the tower of london and Aries scores with a Torpedo dropkick. Aries goes for the corner dropkick but is met with a big boot and third time lucky Nigel scores with the Tower Of London for two. Nigel crotches Aries on the top rope but Misses the diving Lariat. Aries locks in and triangle choke in the ropes and then sends Nigel to the outside. Aries follows up with a flying axe handle to the outside. Aries whips Nigel into the guard rail where Aries scores with the running dropkick. "Austin Aries/Lets go Nigel" chant. Aries hits three brutal corner dropkicks on Nigel for two! Nigel blocks the Brainbuster and goes for the Headstand but Aries counters with a running dropkick, Aries charges but Nigel kills him with a diving closeline and both men are down and out.
Both men just make it up at 9.9999. They trade bitch slaps Aries is a bit sloppy here. Aries scores with a Roaring elbow, Nigel goes for the Jaw Breaker but Aries cuts him off with a leaping closeline and Aries scores with a brainbuster. Aries misses the 450 and Nigel locks him in the London Dungeon Aries tries to make the ropes but Nigel pulls him to the centre where Aries counters to an insane package pin for a ridiculous near fall! Aries then gets the knee strikes and the Last Chancery but Nigel Counters to the London Dungeon which Aries manages to counter with a kick to the head. Nigel tries the Jawbreaker Lariat but Aries counters to the back slide for a near fall! Aries scores with a brutal kick to the head and a brainbuster, Aries Scores with the 450 splash but Nigel gets his feet on the ropes! Aries just collapses in disbelief. Nigel bails to the outside and Aries follows up with the guided missile but Aries kills him self going face first into the guard rail, OUCH, OUCH, OUCH! Nigel tells the crowd to kiss his arse as he crotches Aries on the guard rail and closelines him into the front row through a load of chairs. Aries is selling like he's out cold and Nigel struggles to carry him back into the ring where he covers him for two! Aries can bearly stand and Nigel kills Aries brutal short arm lariat for a near fall! Nigel tells the son of the bitch to get up as the crowd continues to go completely ape shit. Aries counters a Lariat into the Crucifix Bomb which Nigel staggers through into a brutal Jaw breaker lariat for the win.
Well that was superb. The final half of that match was incredible and excellent. However while the first half was technically profficeint it lacked the intensity of the McGuinness-Danielson match and that of their previous encounter. These are of course minor minor quibbles in a thoroughly brilliant match up. My one mark against it was that Suicide Dive spot which was incredible but so scary it should not be done again, the crowd went from non stop chanting and cheering to absolute stunned is he dead silence, it doesn't need to be done, if he just missed on the ramp it would be sick enough, head first into a guard rail is just uncalled for. Great match. (****1/2)
The Age Of The Fall come out and Jacobs says it was Aries destiny to lose so Jimmy Jacobs could pick him up and be his own personal Jesus. Lacey takes over and say our words me nothing to him, the crowd chant "She's a Crack Whore" and Lacey retorts and your words mean nothing to me. Lacey promises to show that action speak louder than words and after an arguement from Jimmy she leads him to the back to a chant of "She's Got Herpies". Sunny's music hits, and says that was awesome but you must have lost your mind to accept her offer. Sunny has offered him money, fame and sex and you turned her down for this crack whore. Aries takes Lacey's hand and walks off. Rain attacks Sunny and the Briscoes run out to make the save. To a huge chant of "Man Up".
Nigel says the era of Austin Aries of over, he says he's the best wrestler in the world and Ring of Honors Ace. He tells everyone to bring it on if they think they are hard enough because he'll break your friggin jaw.
Dragon's Gate Rules
Muscle Outlawz vs. Typoon
Genki and Saito lock up and Genki gets a dropote hold into a leg submission before they trade headdlocks and headscissors before wrestling to a stand off. Genki gets an arm wrench, Saito trades back and they trade counters and arm draps they both flick each others legs out and both men kip up to a stand off. Doi and Cima both tag in. Doi gets a shoulder tackle and a stomp, they do some very fast stuff leading to a pair of arm drags and a stale mate. Dragon Kid and Yoshino tag. "Yoshino" chant starts. Dragon kid flips through a snap mare and gets a wheel barrow arm drag and a insane flying headscissors causing Yoshino to bail and Kid fakes a dive with a 6-1-9. Saito comes in and gets a back elbow on Genki before he can slow it down and tag out. Doi gets a snapmare and a chinlock but he quickly goes for a body slam but Saito counters into one of his one. Cima and Kid come in and get a double arm wrench double kick and then Kid flying headscissores Cima into Doi in a kind of cannon ball. Kid gets a snapmare and a knee drop. Cima comes in with flyign axe handle and a cool arm stretch. Yoshino comes in and gets a snapmare and leg drop for two. Kid comes in and the Typoon isolate Yoshino. Saito drop toe holds Yoshino and they get a double basemant dropkick, then with Yoshino on his knees they flip each other round into a spinning double dropkick. Kid gets a corner dropkick but Yoshino comes back with body slam. The muscle Outlaws come out with a triple basement dropkick. Big "Muscle Outlawz" chant. Dragon Kid comes back with a spinning back kick. "Lets Typhoon" chant. Saito gets a snapmare and a elbow drop. Saito hangs Doi on the top rope Cima comes off top with a double stomp. Cima gets a fireman's carry front slam and Cima gets a sick reverse bow and arrow submission that he rolls into a pin. Cima gets a body slam and he takes Dragon kid up in an electric chair and throws him off into a senton back splash and follows up for one of his own for two. Doi powers Kid out of a headlock and tags in Genki. Who presses Kid and then getsa suplex for two. All three of the heels come off top with three flying axe handles to arm of Dragon kid. Yoshino then gets a flying double stomp to the arm of Kid and then locks in a rollin seated octopus stretch but Kid doesn't tap. Genki gets ace crushers and then Genki and Doi hang Kid in mid air for Yoshino to back splash for two. Saito has had enough and he runs in but has his legs kicked out and dropkicks Dragon Kid in the corner by accident. Doi hangs Saito in the tree of woe ontop of Dragon kid and scores with a running cannon ball on both. Genki mocks the crowd and they can't "H-A-Gi-Gi". Genki gets a leaping back elbow and a sit out powerbomb for two. Yoshino tags in and the heels act cocky as they circle the Kid. Dragon Kid dodges a double closeline and gives Yoshino a 6-1-9 and Genki and spinning heel kick. Doi and Saito exchange strikes before Saito gets a pop up ranna. Cima gets a rolling bitch slap and then the Iconoclasm. Cima has Genkin in a Deathlock and while in the hold he gives Doi a snap suplex. Dragon Kid then comes in with a ridiculous number of rotations on a flying headscissors to blow the roof off the place. Kid then gets a moonsault to the floor. Cima rolls through a tornado DDT and gets a springboard double stomp. CIMA east knees on the Mad Splash and Genki getsa a brainsbuster for two. They crotch Genki on the middle rope and Kid and Saito put Doi on there shoulders and hit a neckbreaker powermbomb combo as CIMA lands with a double stomp, CIMA rolls through the stomp into a back stabber on Genki, fuck I'm out of breath. The crowd are of course going bananas. Saito runsinto Doi's boot. Saito lands on his feet on a farewell attempt and scores with an overhead belley to belly. Doi comes back with a running elbow and a vertebreaker suplex. Genki gives Saito a runing elbow, he then drops to his knees and gives lets Yoshino hit poetry in motion. Then Yoshino comes off top hits a missile dropkick on CIMA who is being held in a DVD position by Genki, after the dropkick hits he lands on Saito with a senton back splash as Genki hits a Spinning X-Factor off his shoulder and that was all in one sequence, got that? I didn't think so. Kid dodges a kick but has a Ranna blocked by Doi allowing Yoshino to hit a basement dropkick to Dragon Kid's face. Dragon Kid comes back with a slingshot Osaka Street cutter on Yoshino for two. Yohsino comes back with a mad spinning closeline for two as the crowd come to life. Dragon kid gets a spinning back kick and a mad ranna for two. Yoshino and Dragon kid hit Simultanious Octopus Stretches (the spinning kind) on CIMA and Doi and then reach accross and bitch slap each other in your awesome comedy spot. The remaining two wrestlers break the hold with double dropkicks. Saito counters a flying headscissors with a side walk slam. Saito counters an arse thump into a monster German suplex, Saito can't get the german on Genki so Cima Sunset flips his own team mate which sends Genki flying in a german suplex into the turnbuckle. CIMA scores with the perfect driver on Genki for a near fall! CIMA getsa superkick and they trade counters until Genki gets a brutal DDT, Kid counters a move into an awesome Osaka street cutter. Yohsino gets a MONSTER Hesitation dropkick on Kid, and Sait hits Yoshino with the nut cracker suite for two. Doi counters a pop up move into a monster sit out spinebuster fro two and everybody is down. The crowd are chanting "Please don't stop". CIMA puts Doi in an electric Chair posistion on top, Dragon Kid goes for A huge ranna off his shoulders but its countered into a monsterous powerbomb pin for two. Yoshino puts the Kid on top and they battle and he hits a slinshot closeline move and then a Lighting spiral for two! Genki gets a pop up ranna and front flip plancha on Saito. CIMA gets a running double knee in the corner and scores with a super Fisherman's buster for two! Cima can't believe it. Yoshino counters a pop up straigh jacket bomb into a roll up for two. Yoshino gets a spinning arm bar takedown, CIMA coutners a move into an Emerald fusion, Saito immediately follows up with a Dragon suplex and Dragon Kid hits a West Coast Pop for a ridiculously close near fall and the crowd are just in absolutely awe of this action. Dragon Kid is crotched on top by Doi and they battle and Doi hits the super Doi fives and running Yakuza kick for two! Genki hits the Beach break which was ridiculously sick and Doi follows up with a murderous what I think was called a Muscular Bomb for the win.
That was insane. I have a few critiques but I don't care this match will take your breath away watch it. (****3/4).
Overall Thoughts: Can a show be too stacked? On this evidence no fucking way four incredible matches stacked up in a row, as well as a brilliant set of angles with Strong and Age Of The Fall. This show is unfricken believable. Strongest imaginable recommendation.


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
