Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Rising Above 2007
Dave Prazak does his usual introduction telling us that ROH is Rising Above. Lenny tells us that you never know whats gonna happen tonight and we have cameras all around the backstage area.
We then seen Steen and Generico its a pretty funny little promo about how they love fighting and how dirty it is. In the ring Pearce cuts them off saying "who cares what's going on backstage" and Pearce addresses Delirious and dares him to face Brent Albright who takes of his hat to reveal a torn delirious mask.
Then the most proffesional an excellent ROH video introduction plays to Slayers reign in blood.
Delirious vs. Brent Albright (w/Adam Pearce)
Delirious Storms the ring and blows mist in the face of Adam Pearce and then gives Brent a senton back splash. Delirious floats onto the apron and hits a jaw jacker and then a top rope flying closeline. Delirious then removes his old mask from Brent. Brent breaks a cobra clutch but Delirious immediately jumps on Albrights back and scores with a knee strike. Brent scores with a snap powerslam but Delirious no sells and unloads Albright then scores with the double half nelson back breaker release dragon suplex to kill Delirious. Albright unloads before scoring with a hanging vertical suplex. Brent tosses Delirious accross the ring but Delirious recovers with a bitch slap. Brent blocks a sunset flip and then scores with an over head belly to belly suplex into the turnbuckles for two. Brent nails the prime time slam for two. Albright scores with a snap suplex and heads to the top rope but Brent misses a diving head butt. Delirious scores with a brutal panic attack as the crowd errupt, Delirious then nails the shadows over hell and the Cobra Stretch but Brent counters to the Crowbar but Delirious gets a roll up counter for two. Brent then scores with a big man version of a 6-1-9. Delirious then goes Ricky Steamboat on Brent Albrights arse and counters a body slam into a small package for the win.
Good opener, Albright still wrestles like a Green WWE wrestler but this was solid action. (**1/4)
The Hangman3 start a beat down but Steen and Generico make the save, the Age Of The Fall then run out and start to cut a promo but that's interupted by the vulture squad who want a four team scramble match.
Tag Team Scramble
Adam Pearce & BJ Whitmer vs. Ruckus & Jack Evans vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico
Black and Jimmy throw the Vulture squad out of the ring and then score with stereo suicide dives. Generico gets a flying headscissors on Whitmer and BJ comes back with a shouldertackle. Generico scores with a flying cross body for two. Pearce shoulder tackles Generico out of the ring so Steen comes in. Steen catches a boot and crotches Pearce with the middle rope and delivers an enzenguri. Steen was about to fly but the AOTF come in and hang him in the tree of woe and score with the stereo dropkicks. Evans and Ruckus score with a double break dance kick on Jacobs and Tyler, Ruckus then hits a double stomp to the face, Evans hits a double stomp standing shooting star press combo and Ruckus hits a standing moonsault. Evans gets a handspring elbow on Jacobs but Generico follows up with a Running Yakuza kick on both men and then Steen lifts Evans and Jacobs on his shoulders and hits the double samoan drop. The Hangman three then score with a side walk slam diving reverse DDT combo on Steen and a knee drop backbreaker combo on Generico. Black scores with a flying closeline on Whitmer, Steen gives Pearce a super kick and Evans gets a slingshot trouble in Paradise on Steen. Evans gives Generico a kick combo but eats a leg lariat. Jimmy gives Generico the hurricane headsissors and Pearce gives Jacobs a piledriver and then he Flair flops. Pearce scores with a spinning choke slam on Generico and Whitmer follows up with frog splash for two. The Hangman three then get a combination Wheel Barrow suplex and gut buster on Ruckus Evans breaks up the pin with a springboard move. Evans flips out of a back suplex and scores with a brutal kick combo ending in a flying knee strike and the 630. Steen goes for the Package piledrive on Evans but Black breaks it with a spear. Generico gives a Yakuza kick to Jacobs and they battle on the top rope. Black gives Steen a lifting reverse DDT. Generico slips off of Black's shoulders and scores with the rope walk DDT and shoves Jacobs off top in the same motion and the Package piledriver brainbuster combo gets the win for Generico.
Well it was just a collection of moves with no selling, but what a collection of moves. (***1/4)
The Briscoes with cool skull bandanas cut a promo on the Age Of The Fall promising their destruction.
Lacey vs. Daizee Haze vs. Sara Del Ray
Haze unloads on Lacey and her and Del Ray bounce Lacey around the ring and a backbreaker sends Lacey to the outside. Del Ray and Haze do some impressive work in a knucklelock ending in a two count for Haze. Haze gets the headlock takedown headscissors combo on her opponets. Haze counters a fallaway slam into an arm drag on Del Ray. Lacey does the splits and Haze gives her a dropkick to the back of the head. Del Ray gives Lacey a clean break as Lacey convinces her do doubleteam Haze but Del Ray just boots the crap out of Lacey and then puts her in a deathlock, Haze hen applies a Octopus stretch on Ray and an arm bar on the deathlocked Lacey in an incredible spot. Del Ray gets the running big boot on Lacey and Haze gets a quick roll up for two. Haze is shot headfirst into Lacey's crotch. Daizee scores with a unique face buster on Del Ray and all three women are down. Haze scores with a double torpedo dropkick and then a double back senton for two. Haze gets a ranna on Del Ray for two. Del Ray puts both women in the Royal butterfly at once but Lacey slips out and gives Ray the Long Bower and Haze scores with the mind trip. Haze gets the heart bunch on Lacey, she boots Del Ray off the apron and the mind trip finishes Lacey.
That was a perfectly good women's three way, again more of a fast pace moves collection than a straight upmatch. Good showcase with two really impressive spots. (**1/4)
Erik Stevens vs. Davey Richards
Neither man goes down on a shouldertackle so Richards gives Stevens a bitch slap and a headbutt. Stevens kills Richards with a shoulderblock and a big chop. Stevens gets a powerslam and floats over to a mount and unloads on Richards. Stevens scores with a body slam and a fist drop on Richards. Stevens scores with the high angle german suplex. Stevens scores with a knee drop for two. Richards counters a big boot with a drop screw leg whip. Richards gives Stevens the series of shoulder charges in the corner. He puts Stevens in a tree of woe and Richards charges and gives Stevens a cheeky low blow. Stevens blocks a kick to the chest but Richards still floors him with a hard chop. Richards gets a headscissor but Stevens makes the ropes. Stevens then manages to counter a kick with a chokeslam. Stevens scores with a back breaker for two and then goes to a chinlock. We then see tuff enough winner and MMA artist Daniel Puwter in the crowd. Richards recovers with a chin breaker but Stevens scores with a over head releases belly to belly, the Choo Choo and a big Polish hammer. Stevens then scores with the Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Richards and Stevens battle on the top rope and Richards gets a sunset bomb and a running knee strike for two. Richards locks in the Camora but Stevens powers to his feet, Richards dodges a kick and scores with a monsterous enzenguri to the face. Stevens comes back with a pop up powerslam for a near fall! Stevens is distracted by Puwter allowing Richards to hit torpedo dropkick to the back of the head and he locks Stevens in the Comera for the win.
More of an angle than a match, the match started intense but completely lost passion after the second minute. (**3/4)
The crowd chant "you can't wrestle" to Puwter, Stevens gets on the mic and makes fun of Puwter and says he's proved nothing to the ROH fans and challenges him to get in the ring. The crowd chant "Your Not Tuff Enough". Larry Sweeney comes out saying he has some Wheeling and dealing to do, with sara Del Ray by his side. Larry says Puwter is one of the most dangerous men in the world, and that Puwter doesn't do anything for free. Larry says he only represents the best in the world like Sara. Larry asks Puwter to come to their private dressing room and says he can watch in comfort instead of being surrounded by all these "Scumbags". Larry then promises to win Claudio's contract tonight and to sell him down the river to Vince. We then get a big ruckus as Claudio tries to attack Sweeney but at the last minute after silliness Hero hits a big boot on Sweeney to make the save.
Match For Claudio's Contract
Claudio Castagnoli vs. Chris Hero
Hero then stomps on Claudio's feet and then shows off Hero's atheletism he then back flips over the top rope, he lands on his feet on the outside and bitch slaps Dempsey. Hero trips Cauldio and then hits a senton back splash. Hero shows off his atheltisms before walking into a big back body drop by Claudio. Claudio floats to the apron but Hero scores with a sloppy Cravat cutter through the ropes for two. Tank trips Claudio from the outside. Hero pony tails his hair cockily. Claudio comes back with a huge top rope European Uppercut and then a regular European uppercut kills Hero. Claudio knocks Hero off the apron and he lands on Dempsey's shoulders Claudio then delivers a Suicide dive onto both men. Claudio then scores with a top rope flying European uppercut for two. Claudio then nails a spinning X-Factor and he attepts the Pump Kick but Hero counters with the roaring elbow. Hero gets a corner leaping forearm and then a knife edged chop. Hero hits another roaring aelbow and then a Block Buster and Hero kips up. Hero then hits the Cravat suplex from two. Claudio comes back with a springboard European upper cut for two. Hero lands on his feet off and tilt-a-whirl, Hero then counters another tilt-a-whirl into an arm drag for two. Hero jumps over Claudio and scores with an arm drag. Claudio then runs up to the top rope and scores with a flying headscissors and then he scores with the Giant Swing and the Pump Kick gets a nearfall! Hero counters the Ricolla bomb with a Spiked Hurricanna for two. Claudio counters the Hero's Welcome but Hero gets a Roaring Elbow. Claudio counters a Hero's Welcome into a Water slide but Hero counters into the Cravice but Castagnoli some how powers up and wins it with the Riccola bomb.
Again Hero seems far more interested in getting his character over as per usual but that was pretty incredible finishing sequence. (***)
Age of the Fall then cut a promo saying if your tried of your pathetic everyday life you should join the revolution and he says the Briscoes know where to find him.
Relaxed Rules
Takeshi Morishima vs. Bryan Danielson
Takeshi jumps Dragon during his entrance and throws him into the guard rails a few times. Morishima then throws a table at Danielson before returning to the ring. Danielson has been busted open as he does the monster seel job. Morishima gives Danielson a lariat off the apron and he crashes into the guard rail and we get the cool image of blood pouring out of Danielson's head looked loopy. "Your Gonna Get Your Fucking Head Kicked In" chant the crowd but it doesn't bother Morishima who scores with a torpedo dropkick. Morishima scores with a corner closeline on Dragon. Morishima rakes Danielson's face across the top rope and then stands on Dragon's throat. The referee gives Danielson a count but he makes it to his feet. Morishima scores with a huge boot in the corner. Morishima runs into a boot and Danielson explodes with a running knee strike and a huge series of Stiff kicks and a triangle choke, Morishima tries to counter with a powerbomb but Dragon slips out and rains down elbows before running into a killer closeline. Takeshi scores with the back drop driver but Daneilson struggles to his feet and Morishima runs him down with a huge closeline and that gets 2.9999!. Danielson takes Morishima down and unloads with elbows and then forearms but Morishima rolls over and unloads with shots and they trade mounts and blows for a while. Danielson blocks a suplex so Takeshi destroys Dragon with a low blow and then stomps on Dragon's groin a million times. Takeshi drops the referee leading to a DQ. Officials run out and Takeshi gives the ref a backdrop Driver. Danielson then tries to blind Takeshi with a time keeper's hammer before the officials seperate then.
Well excellent grudge match. Turned into a brutal bloody fight immediately. I still have a problem with Morishima because while he is very talented he is also quite awkward and sells poorly. (***)
We then see the Hangman 3 and Vulture Squad on a split screen. Albright says Vulture Squad coast them the match earlier and they should go kick their arses. Pearce agrees and they set off, its all very hammy and like the Warriors movie.
Best Two Out Of Three Falls Match
The Briscoes vs. The No Remorse Corps.
The crowd chant "two straight" to the Briscoes. Mark gets a headlock takedown which Rocky counters into a flying headscissors. Rocky scores with a shoulder tackle and Mark comes back with a leg lariat. Rocky Romero comes back with a mule kick. Strong tags in and puts Mark in an arm bar. Jay tags in and wrestles out of an arm bar into a chop battle and Mark scores with a big reverse elbow. Jay runs into a boot and Strong scores with a missile dropkick for two. Romero comes in with a spinal tap and unloads on Jay. Romero gets a snap mare and then a elbow to the top of Jay's head. Mark gets the blind tag and scores with a spring board European upper cut, and then The Briscoes get a double shoulderblock. Jay then tilt-a-whirls Roderick landing him ontop of Romero. Jay tags in and he scores with a snap suplex and unloads with flurry of stomps in the corner on Strong. Mark scores with a leg drop for two. Jay runs into a boot but Mark give him a droptoe hold into the turn buckle, and Jay gets a knee strike and then they get a double fash wash for two. Mark scores with a really nice float over suplex for two and Mark locks in a headscissors. Strong gives Mark a jaw jacker from the apron and Romero scores with a springboard swinging DDT and a knee drop for two. Strong and Mark exchange strikes before Romero returns to the ring. Mark comes back with a chin breaker but Strong runs in to stop a tag. Strong and Romero both run into boots and Mark leaps to the top rope and scores with a spring board moonsault press on both men and makes the HOT TAG. Big boot to Strong, dropkick for Romero gets two. Jay dodges a closeline and flips out of a suplex and dropkicks Romero onto the second rope, Mark hits a brutal knee strike on the apron, Romero rolls out the way of a double stomp to the outside. So while Romero tells the crowd how smark he is Mark scores with a corkscrew Plancha, nice sequence. Mark then throws Romero into the guard rail and Jay follows up with a Cannon ball plancha over the corner for a two count. Romero comes back with a series off strikes but runs right into the military press death valle driver combo. Strong comes with with the Torture rack back breaker before being tagged in proper. The Briscoes come back with the backbreaker slingshot knee drop combo. The heels block the Doomsday Device and Strong kills Jay with a diving Yakuza kick, then its The Doomsday Knee Strike Device and the Gibson Driver gets the pin. The first fall the Briscoes have lost in a two out of three falls match in eight attempts.
NRC 1-0 Briscoes
Romero unloads with a kick combo on Jay they are brutally stiff. Romero gets in Jay's face before laying more brutal kicks to the chest. They put Jay in a tree of woe and then get a pop up dropkick mannouvre. The NRC then score with a double shoulder tack. Jay fires back with a big boot but misses a closeline and Jay then counters a sprinboard swinging DDT into a Falcon Arrow for two. Mark tags in and misses the Springboard Karake kick. He gets a running dropkick on Strong and the Karate combo on Romero. Mark then scores with a springboard back elbow and a slingshot corkswrew press on Strong. Strong coutners a cut throat driver, into the Gibson Driver but Mark counters to a backslide, Roderick rolls forward into a Gibson Driver attempt but Mark gets a leg trip and a roll up for the win, not a great sequence.
NRC 1-1 Briscoes
Four way slugfest starts the final fall. Romero and Mark are left and they exchange blows. Mark counters a kick with a dragon screw. Romer blocks a suplex with a judo throw. Mark counters a closeline into a release fisherman's suplex. Mark scores with a body slam but misses the moonsault and eats a running knee strike. Strong comes in and they hit a knee strike TKO combination for two. Mark fights off Romero but he's cut of with a seated dropkick. Strong cockily stops a tag, Mark floats over a closeline and gets a reverse DDT. Jay scores with a big boot and then runs into a boot but When Roderick goes up top Mark runs in with a Super Ace crusher. The Briscoes then hit a Spike Jay Driller for the win.
No doubt this match very good but the finish felt anticlimatic and a little reigned in, but that's no bad thing. Strong Action Throughout. (***3/4).
We see some backstage action with all the tag teams walking meancingly set to reign in blood.
Ring Of Honor World Title
Austin Aries vs. Nigel McGuinness
They lock up to start the match and Nigel gives him a clean break as the crowd go nuts. Aries gets a waistlock takedown to an arm bar but Nigel rolls him off. The crowd chant "Lets Go Nigel/Fuck You Nigel". Nigel gets a leg takedown and a toe hold. Aries hops up on one leg and goes to the corner where Nigel gives him a clean break. Nigel gets a front facelock but Aries counters to an arm wringer, Nigel tries to roll out but fails as Aries drops a knee drop on the arm. Nigel hangs in the ropes to buy time and Aries is annoyed so they exchange bitch slaps, "You got bitch slapped" the crowd chant. Nigel shouts at the crowd and Aries hits the guided missile suicide dive and Nigel goes head first into the guard rail opening a DEEP CUT in Nigel's head. Nigel sells brilliantly before getting a rebound elbow. Aries gets a mount and unloads but Nigel covers up well. Aries worsk over Nigel as the crowd cheer Nigel on. Aries grabs a side headlock and a headlock takedown, Nigel gets the Headscirssors and Aries goes for the head stand dropkick but Nigel blocks it and tells Aries to guy fuck himself. Nigel comes back with the arm wrench takdedown and the back kick closeline combo on Aries. Nigel still looks very groggy but has got his act together as he applies a really nice head and arm submission. Aries fights out and counters a boss man slam into a headlock take down, Nigel gets the headscissors and Aries goes for the head stand dropkick and Nigel blocks and gives him the finger, so Aries promptly kicks the crap out of Nigel for two, cool.
Aries then goes straight to the mount but Nigel makes the ropes. Aries kicks Nigel's arm off the ropes and drops elbows and applies a cross arm breaker. Aries goes to a shoulderlock as we see how brutal Nigel's cut is. Nigel then comes back with the hammerlock divorce court. Nigel scores with a spinal tap and Aries comes back with some big chops which Nigel no sells and anhilates him with a lariat and Aries cowers in the ropes. Nigel how concerns himself with the crowd as he gives Aries a hard Irish whip. Nigel slams Aries to the mat in a half million dollar dream but Aries counters into a rolling buffalo stretch but Nigel makes the ropes. Aries gets a couple of springboard stomps. Aries scores with a cobra clutch back breaker and then rolls it into the rings of saturn but McGuinness makes the ropes. Aries lays some shoulders in in the corner. Aries sees the headstand coming and gives Nigel a running dropkick in the corner sending Nigel to the outside.
Nigel blocks the heat seeking missile with a european uppercut and then gives him the Tower of London to the outside and plays to the crowd. Back in the ring that gets two for McGuinness. Nigel unloads in the corner with chops and uppercuts. He then gets the head of steam European Uppercut lariat combo for two. Nigel's injured shoulder is hurting with all these Lariats. Aries blocks the Tower of London and removes the tape from Nigel's arm before delivering a missile dropkick. Nigel blocks the corner dropkick with a big boot in a brutal spot and then hits the Tower of London for a near fall! Nigel can't believe that kick out. Nigel tries to get the London Dungeon but Aries counters with a Jaw Breaker, Nigel goes for the Jaw Breaker Lariat but Aries blocks with a forearm, he tries another one but Aries hangs him in the ropes and scores with a slingshot splash onto the prone McGuinness. Aries gives Nigel a running knee strike on the gaurd rail.Aries comes back in with the slingshot corner elbow strike and then lays in a million elbows. Nigel comes back crotching Aries on the top rope and then scores with the second rope Lariat that sends Aries FLYING FOR A BACKFLIP TO THE OUTSIDE!. Aries blocks a running European uppercut and gives Nigel a brainbuster on the gaurd rail back in the ring that gets two!
Aries unloads with a flurry of strikes on Nigel and the ref has to force Aries to break. Aries then gets the running corner dropkick, the Brainbuster but he eats knees on the 450 and Nigel locks him in the London Dungeon but Aries counters with a roll up for two. Aries comes back with a Brainbuster and the Last Chancery but Nigel makes the ropes. Both men exchange bitch slaps and Aries scores with a roaring elbow and Nigel goes for the Jaw Breaker Lariat but Aries blocks with a leaping closeline for two. Nigel avoids a roll up dodges a closeline and scores with a brutal northen lariat. Nigel then applies the London Dungeon but Aries slips out and gives Nigel a kick to the head, Aries doesn't see Nigel rebound into the Jaw breaker Lariat and Nigel nails it and Aries LANDS RIGHT ON HIS FUCKING NECK, what a sell, and of course that finishes it.
Well that was an excellent match up with superb wrestling and some lovely well thought out sequences. The was something about the pacing and something about these two that doesn't quite click for a five star match but they are very very good. I am worried though everytime I watch Nigel in a main event twice against Danielson and twice against Aries someone takes an absolutely scary blow or blows to the head, it makes for an incredible visual but its far to dangerous and isn't nessecary. (****1/2).
All the tag teams go to war backstage, and then we see Nigel looking in the mirror and you see how scared and bruised his face is, and its incredibly brutal.
PPV Rating: Two good matches, one great match and plenty of solid action, not ROH's best show, but after watching Supercard of Honor (god I'm sick of having to spell honour incorrectly) everything pales in comparison. This was a still a strong offering that the main event more than carried. Solid Recommendation.
Bonus Features
Sunny Segment: Sara Del Ray, Lacey and Daizee Haze are in the ring before their three way match from the show when Back In Black hits and Sunny comes out to a big ovation. She says its good to be back in New York. She says she's an ROH virgin and she's here to see a good quality Women's match looks like and she hears its right hear in ROH.
We then flash to post match and Sunny comes back into the ring and says she's very impressed and works the crowd. Lacey grabs the mic and shouts at Sunny. Saying who does she think she is. Lacey says I'm sure you think your a pioneer, Sunny says she is. Lacey says she remembers watching her on TV at age 13. Lacey said she had a sense of purpose and self worth. Lacey said she was disgusted by her lack of her talent and her fake body. Lacey says thanks to you any woman who wants a job has to surgically modify their bodies and its why their seen purely as tits and arse. Sunny said she didn't come out her to give cheap shots. Sunny says you can't make it as a diva, Lacey says you better watch what you say because I kill kill you, you whore. Daizee Haze comes out to save Sunny and lets her bitch slap Lacey to a chant of "You Got Bitch Slapped". Really good angle, should have been on the PPV.
The Bushwhacker Luke Segment: Luke is the guest time keeper and comes out to the ring doing his old shtick. Adam Pearce and Toland come out to confront him and the crowd chant "Repo Man". They offer a handshake and then beatdown Luke who does some of the worst selling in human history. Adam Pearce then makes fun of Lukes dance.
Jigsaw vs. Mitch Franklin vs. Necro Butcher vs. Matt Cross
Mitch Franklin has the live to win entrance music. Wow even though his look doesn't look polished now its amazing how much more credible a threat Matt Cross looks with the adition of a beard.
The crowd are slightly behind Necro but not really bothered. Everyone goes after Necro and stomp on his feet. Matt Cross does his cool fake dive that Kofi stole but gets pulled to the outside by Necro. Jigsaw scores with a nice Gory Special on Mitch, Mitch comes back with a head scissors and a diving ranna and sends Jigsaw into the turn buckle. Franklin kills Jigsaw with a killer swinging DDT. Nerco is pounding the shit out of Cross on the outside tearing up the arena. Necro returns to the ring and knocks out Mitch Franklin with one punch for the pin. THAT WAS AWESOME. Mitch Franklin is Eliminated.
Necro brings Cross into the ring the hard way. Cross gets the Miz corner closeline before he's pulled out of the ring. Jigsaw is caught on top and he battles on top and Necro press slams Jigsaw onto the ring apron. Nerco butcher tries a hip toss on the apron but he blocks and hip tosses Necro off the apron to the floor. Matt Cross closelines Jigsaw hard on the apron. Cross gives Jigsaw a suplex and goes for a moonsault but lands on his feet when he sees Jigsaw move. Jigsaw scores with a bulldog. Matt Cross counters a headscissors into a sit out bomb. Cross gives Necro a DVD neckbreaker and a double stomp but Jigsaw uses a very cool small package for the pin. Matt Cross is Eliminated.
Necro Butcher absolutely kills Jigsaws with a closeline and then he thows his big chop, punch, chop, punch offense. Necro gets a body slam and a leg drop for two. Necro gets a running kick. Jigsaw blocks the tiger driver and they have a chop battle that Necro wins. Jigsaws selling is terrible. Jigsaw scores with two big diving kicks. Jigsaw unloads with a series of chops but runs into a big foot. Jigsaw comes back with an Enzenguri but Necro just kills him with a right hand and the Tiger Driver gets the win as the crowd chant "Necro".
You know a match sucks when the Necro Butcher is the best wrestler in the match. He actually looked like a star in this match next to three guys who are very green. (3/4*)
Naomichi Marufugi vs. Claudio Castagnoli
Marufugi gets a standing switch and then cartwheels and rolls into an arm wringer, but Claudio counters nicely into a hammerlock. Marufugi comes back with a drop toe hold and grabs a side headlock. Marufugi can't knock Claudio over with about ten shoulder tackle attempts. Claudio catches a leap frog but Marufugi counters to a drop toe hold and basement dropkick. Marufugi grabs a side headlock and won't let go. Marufugi counters a leap frog with a inverted atomic drop, Claudio blocks the code breaker and Marufugi avoids the Giant Swing. Claudio gets a back breaker and goes to a rudimentary chin and arm lock. Claudio scores with a gut wrench suplex for two. They exchange blows unimaginatively. Claudio then scores with a nice hanging vertical suplex. Claudio then locks in a surfboard. Claudio runs into an enzenguri and Marufugi cleverly sends Claudio into the bottom turnbuckle, Claudio counters a powerbomb and goes for the Giant Swing but Marufuge counters to a roll up for two. Claudio goes for his swinging X Factor but Marufugie lands on his feet and scores with a seated closeline. Marufugi scores with a superkick but Claudio counters a sliced bread with a nice roll up for a near fall! Claudio then scores with an impressive Giant Swing. Claudio goes up top and he's caught with a crescent kick by Marufugi who scores with a sloppish powerbomb for two, impressive none the less. They trade blows and Marufugi scores with the curb stomp and the seated superkick for a near fall. Claudio blocks the Sliced Bread putting Marufugi on the top rope and scores with a Super Release German suplex for a near fall. Marufugi counters the high angle German Suplex and scores with the Sliced Bread Number Two but both men are down. Marufugi gets the superkick, Claudio gets the Pump Kick and the Ricolla bomb but Marufugi makes the ropes at two and Marufugi gets a sneaky craddle for the win.
Well they definitely knew they were working a dark match and wrestler half pace but it was plain to see just how great of a wrestler Marufugi is. (**1/2).
Post match Sweet and Sour Inc. run in but Marufugi helps Claudio clear the ring leaving Claudio with Larry Sweeney. Daniel Puwter runs out to make the save and put Claudio in a Heel hook. Erik Stevens runs out and gets in his face, NRC run out and Strong says Stevens won't make it to their match tomorrow its "concussion time". The Vulture Squad run out and make the save and Jack scores with a 630 and Ruckus scores with a moonsault and half into a leg drop. Julius Smokes then has fun with the crowd. As does Evans.
We then get the preview of ROH Rising Above, its pretty good as Daizee Haze who is quite cute but pretty scared does a fun intrdoduction. I've got to remember to watch these bloody things first. We then see some action with lots of people brawling at once bringing all the faction warfare stuff to the fore. Delirious dives off top onto about ten men. Then Tyler Black gets a shooting star press plancha onto everyone, then Daizee Haze hits a top rope dive onto everyone. Necro Butcher scores with a cannon ball, then all three of the NRC hit impressive dives. Boy is this silly. Jigsaw hits a shooting star press to one side of the ring, Ruckus gets a front flip plancha and Jack gets the hand spring corkscrew. Then its back to Daizee being cute and saying this PPV has everything. Daizee then shows up how Aries got his Title shot. We see the conclusion of Danielson Aries which is very very good. With Aries scoring with the 450 to pick up the win. Daizee is still cute and very excited when we come back as she runs down the card.
We then get the newswire as Standard.
Overall Content: The PPV is very good and well worth checking out I have to say except for the Sunny and Lacey promos the extras are a let down, compared to the excellent matched given away on previous disk but nevertheless this is a top offering.


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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
