Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Sting vs. The Fans

The show opens with a recap of last weeks big announcement by Sting. We'll see the beautiful people and Abyss this week. If your wondering I've not gone nuts TNA actually give each episode of their shows titles I'd actually forgetten they did this week is Sting vs. The Fans.
Kurt Angle, Booker T and Sharmell come out in suits. Kurt Angle says they are what real champions look like they have class. They say they agree with Sting's comments about Joe, he has no respect for the industry. Booker agrees as well calling the new generation of wrestlers spoiled brats. What the fans see in the ring is not only two champions but two distinguished gentlemen. Booker said the title should be decided between two dignified champions like Booker and Kurt. They say their gonna take AJ Styles or Cage and take them out of the match. They say they are gonna shove Jeff Jarretts guitar up his arse, they don't mention his name of course. Then they will humiliate Joe.
Christian Cage comes out, he says he couldn't help but interupt. Cage says he doesn't have to worry about AJ Styles because Cage will win tonight. Cage calls AJ the future of this business. Cage say this is about No Surrender in his back yard. Cage says they're too distracted by all the politics going on, Cage's mind set on become a three time champion. Booker cuts him off and calls him aloud of stupid names now in Ghetto voice. Book tells Cage he should be rolling with this right here. Book says there showing him no respect. Cage calls Booker Whoopi Goldberg, Cage asks if its about his lack of respect or losing his spot. The crowd don't get it. Kurt then gets on the mic and says they can do this the easy way or the hard way. Cage says that depends what's the hard way. Kurt goes and attacks Cage but Christian fights off both men but the numbers game eventually overwhelm. AJ Styles his opponent for later ends up making the save. Kurt says he'll make sure neither of them make it to No Surrender.
Jim Cornette comes out and says Booker T and Kurt can't interfere or they lose their spot in the four ways to glory match.
Samoe Joe is up next and he says he won't listen to Nash anymore because he doesn't practice what he preaches and if Kevin Nash puts his hands on him again he's dead. Joe then talks about Sting, he says that if Sting wants his respect then urn it. He says Sting takes the money out of everyones pockets including the fans.
We then get another ruff cut looking at his education background and how much he wants it. They interview his teachers and former dorm room budies.
Next up Sheik Abdul Bashir and he cuts a promo in arabic. He then says Lauren has a lot of guts to talk to him. He says he is the victim not the US, he said the US gave him everything freedom, Sheik says he's become huge success. He says he's pumped money back into the US economy. He said after 9/11 his safety his comfort his security was taken from him. He doesn't mind taking it back and he doesn't mind if innocent civilians are tortured in the process. He doesn't love lady America anymore. This promo was so lame on every level. I still think he should be a face who loves America, it would show TNA having more class than WWE, but they've actually managed to stoop lower than the WWE ever did. I suppose at least its got Creed over as a face.
Number One Contendership Match
Sheik Abul Bashir vs. Consequences Creed
Bashir gets a back drop suplex and then goes to a chinlock about ten seconds in. Black words appear to be flashing throughout impact. Creed comes back with a diving kick. Creed scores with a back elbow and unloads with his dancing punch combo and that gets a near fall. Creed gets a rolling leaping lariat but misses a Stinger Splash and Bashir gets the roll up with his feet on the ropes for the win.
The fans tell the ref so he restarts the match and Creed gets the win with a sunset flip.
Well that was like a match on quadrouple fast forward. (1/4*)
Post match Bashir gets in the referees face, the ref won't hit him so Bashir bitch slaps him and the ref unloads on Bashir and gives him a back body drop and a closeline and Bashir looks shocked.
Nash is up next and agrees with Joe that he didn't practice what he preached at all. Nash said he'd still like to help and talk to Joe but he doesn't think Joe will let him. Nash is acting cool and says if Joe doesn't listen to him he'll listen to Sting.
Lauren is with Beer Money, and they have a big announcement that their the last to wrestles in the TNA Impact video game. They dance and spank in each other. Storm doesn't understand why this is a big deal. Roode explains that means big royalty money.
The Brother hood confront them, Eric says he'll get them pulled and then Daniels does some terrible Asian impression and then Shark Boy calls them gay doing his Stone Cold impression and they brawl.
The Beautiful People and Kip are backstage, Kip tells Lauren to watch her tone. Sky says beating Taylor Wilde is not enough, so its going to be Taylor Wilde vs. Angelina love in a beautiful people. They detail the rules of contest and generally act awesome. These two are just an awesome act.
We see Curryman backstage being seduced by Christy Hemme. So he doesn't turn up for his match.
Beer Money Inc. vs. Shark Boy & Super Eric
Roode misses a closeline and Shark Boy gets the Lou Thez press but Storm comes back with his unique over the knee neckbreaker. Roode comes in and unloads on Shark Boy and scores with a back suplex. Shark Boy comes back with his face buster and gets the tag to Eric but the ref won't let Eric into the ring. Beer Money get the Beer Money double suplex but James Storm misses a bronco buster. Super Eric gets a back body drop but the ref throws him out. Beer Money then hit the Last Call Pay Off combo for the win.
Well again totally on fast forward, just an angle. (1/2*)
LAX with Homicide in an eye patch clear house, also during the match we saw Christy Hemme and the Rave and Rock infection beating up curry man.
We see Abyss sitting alone backstage.
Abyss comes to the ring and Ray and Devon accept Abyss' match on behalf of Johnny Devine.
Hardcore Match
Abyss vs. Johnny Devine
Devine hits Abyss with a bin, a tray and a chair but Abyss absolutely no sells it before punching the chair into Devine's face and then giving him a chokeslam. Abyss picks up the chair and looks trouble and stops the chair shot half way through. Team 3D jump Abyss and beat the crap out of him with the trash can. Matt Morgan runs out to make the save and he cleans house and gives Devine a big boot off the apron. Morgan throws Abyss a chair but he throws it away.
Make of that what you will. (DUD)
ODB is holding her crotch talking about the beans and she runs to men's toilet and it gets suitably retarded from then in.
Sting snubs a Lauren interview coming to the ring.
Raishi Saeed vs. ODB
ODB pulls Saeed to the outside and throws her into the gaurd rail. Saeed turns it around and sends ODB into the gaurd rail. Saeed dropkicks ODB of the apron and ODB crashes into the gaurd rail. Saeed gets a two count in the ring and some cross face clubs on ODB. ODB gets slugged down by Saeed to silence the crowd. Saeed scores with a body slam and then mocks the crowd and heads to the top rope. Saeed misses a moonsault ODB pounds her breasts and then unloads with three running closelines and then the ODB fallaway slam. ODB drinks what looks like sambuca before scoring with the running powerslam for teh win.
Tolerable, its a shame Cheerleader Melisa can't just be herself, ODB properbly should have been put over stronger before the PPV.
ODB tries to remove the Burka of Saeed and they battle around ringside and ODB tackles her on the entrance ramp. Saeed just about manages to escape.
ODB then reappears at ringside and she has Saeed's burka but of course Kong appears from behind and gives ODB a back breaker against the ring apron as Saeed puts her mask back on.
We come back from adverts and Kong gives ODB an implant buster. Saeed gives Kong a chair but Roxxi runs out to make a save. However Saeed sneak attacks her and the heels give them both a beat down. Kong then gives Roxxi a sick Awesome Bomb on the steel chair.
Lauren is with the Beautiful people who make fun of her. Then Angelina with her back to the camera give Kip and Velvet a sneak peak. I wish, I wish it was Velvet in the beauty contest (Velvet is wearing an "OMGSTFU" t-shirt on).
AJ Styles is backstage and Borash asks him about his match with Christian Cage. Borash ask AJ if he can concentrate. AJ asks Borash why he had to bring it up, he said he listen to Sting like an idoit. AJ says if you want respect you've got to earn it. AJ says where was Sting when AJ got this company going and Sting just jumped on the band waggon when it got on TV. AJ goes nuts shouting saying Sting should thank him and thank his kids for playing alone while his dad was out busting his arse for this company. AJ then says he'll talk about a man he respects Christian Cage and he then promises victory. Excellent promo.
Four Ways To Glory Qualifier
Christian Cage vs. AJ Styles
Cage grabs a waist lock, AJ reverses but Cage gets a drop toe hold and a front facelock, AJ wrestles up into a side headlock and then scores with a shoulder tackle to start the match. Cage comes back with a shoulder tackle of his own for two. AJ counters a suplex into a cradle for two, Cage sweeps the legs and they exchange a variety of pins for a series of near falls. AJ grabs a side headlock but Cage runs into a back elbow. AJ misses moonsault but he lands on his feet. Cage sees a dropkick coming and avoids it, Cage sees a Plancha coming and avoids that, AJ lands on the apron and goes for a spring board but Cage shoves him off and AJ bumps to the outside. AJ avoids a plancha and then goes for a baseball slide Cage blocks but AJ counters to a flying headscissors to the outside. Great opening.
Ad Break.
Cage scores with a hangman's neck breaker for a near fall. AJ comes back but is cut of with a reverse elbow for two. Cage scores with a spinal tap and chops the crap out of AJ. AJ explodes and replies with chops of his own. Cage runs into a back elbow but Cage blocks the back flip reverse DDT but AJ gets it second time of asking for a near fall! Tame slugfest, AJ scores with a lovely dropkick and then a closeline. AJ mises a Stinger splash and Cage absolutely kills AJ with a lariat. AJ avoids a frog splash but has the Styles Clash countered. AJ counters the unprettier but Cage flips over AJ that doesn't matter because AJ kills him with the pele. AJ misses the slingshot forearm and is killed with a top rope flying reverse elbow. AJ catches Christian on the top rope but Cage shoves him off and in the same motion scores with the frog splash, that was a really nice move. It only gets two for Cage. AJ tosses Cage but Christian immediately runs up top. AJ catches Cage on top and back body drops him of top but misses the Spiral tap, ouch! AJ blocks the unprettier and shoves Cage into the ref. Trank Trigg runs out and kills AJ with the kendo stick and Cage gets the unprettier for the win.
Excellent TV main event, the story of Cage and AJ knowing the each others offence and having a counter ready for everything was brilliant and the moves that they did hit had huge impact because of it. The most credible Cage has looked in the ring in a long time. They weren't even going full pelt would love to see them hook it up again. Lame finish though. (***)
Sting is shown walking backstage.
Sting says last week when he came out here last week to talk about the lack of respect of the younger generation. He was cheered and he wants to thank the wrestling fans. He knows they want to bring the respect to wrestling. Sting says he knows there's no wrestling, no TNA and no Sting without the fans. He talks about the fans who want to see Booker and Kurt taken out. He says their was a percentage of wrestling fans who wanted to see AJ kill Sting with the bat. He says the fans want to be part of the show, and they should be. Sting says there's a percentage of fans who take it too far. Sting says if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything.
Joe comes out and says if you wanna know where I stand I'll be standing on your throat in about thirty seconds. The crowd chant "Fuck you Joe". Sting gives Joe the bat. Joe says much like your respect I don't need your damn bat. Joe looks set to hit Joe with a pipe.
Kevin Nash comes out and says he knows he's the last person on earth you want to see right now. Nash says if you want to do it do it man on man without the weapons. Sting sneak attacks Joe with the bat and theng gives him the reverse DDT. Jeff Jarretts music hits and says okay Jeff I get it, if you wanna talk come see me next week. Nash stands there looking baffled.
Overall Thoughts: Well that was a pretty terrible edition of impact for an hour but the final match and the final segments, no matter what your views on the booking were very impactful and important. Otherwise ODB was okay but it didn't make for stellar TV and the 45 seconds of Beautiful people were brilliant as always. So if you want to see this show, download it and fast forward to the last third and the Beaufiful People everything else will make your mind boggle.


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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
