Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Driven 2007
Its worth noting that I've watch this show before and enjoyed it immensely especially the excellent main event. This time I'll try to focus more on the flow of the matches and how the show held together as a PPV not just a stack of match.
Dave Prazak is in the centre of the ring and the sound is much improved but still a million miles from crystal. Prazak talks up Ring Of Honor before he's interupted by Erik Stevens, Matt Cross and Delirious. They demand a six man tag right now and then Delirious grabs the mic and shouts Bah Bah Bah. Well that might not have been smart as it would have turned off any new fans with the oddness of Delirious, although its probably their Knights of Cydonia moment, love it or leave it.
Opening Credits roll.
The Resiliance vs. No Remorse Corps
The Resiliance clear the ring and then have competition to see who can chop Rocky Romero the hardest. NRC recover but are immediately tosses to the outside. Cross gets a spinning headscissor before Delirious scores with a top rope press on to all three members of the NRC on the outside. Back in the ring Delirious scores with a back suplex and acts Delirious. Romero comes back with a stiff spinal tap. Davey Richards tags in with a running closeline and a snap suplex before tagging in Roderick Strong. Romero and Richards hit stereo stiff kicks to Delirious. Strong scores with a brutal stiff chop. Roderick fakes the huge chop and instead gives him a thumb to the eye. Roderick lays Delirious accross his knees and Romero comes in with a slingshot knee drop. Richards tags in but runs into a diving headbutt to the gut. Delirious lands on his feet on a back suplex attempt and he makes the HOT TAG. Steven's kills everyone with suplexes and slams. They put all three in the corner, Cross gets a handspring elbow, Stevens gets a double closeline and Delirious gets the Panic attack. Stevens gives Roderick the TKO for two! Cross then gets a handspring double front flip plancha onto Romero and Richards and he poses to the crowd. Stevens gets a pop up powerslam for two. Davey Richards gets a springboard dropkick to the back of the head of Stevens, he goes for the DR driver but Cross jumps on his shoulders and gives Richards a brutal reverse ranna. Romero kills Cross with a running knee strike and Delirious scores with a brutal kick and a leaping lariat and everyone is down. Cross blocks a tiger suplex but runs into a gut buster from Strong and stiff kick from Richards and a diving DDT from Romero for two! Strong is unloading with stiff chops on Stevens. Strong spits on Stevens but his big boot is countered into a trapped leg powerbomb. Cross and Stevens scores with a wheel barrow bomb double stomp combo for a near fall. Stevens dodges a kick and scores with a release German suplex as soon as he gets up Delirious scores with Shadows over hell and Cross follows up with the Shooting Star Press but Strong makes the save at two! Strong gives Delirious a brutal back suplex onto the ring apron. Richards gives Delirious a diving Swinging DDT off the apron. Cross lands on his feet off a tiger suplex and Cross scores with the Death Valley Neckbreaker and a Sky Twister Press gets two! Cross gets a roll up on Romero for two! Romero botches a stiff kick and gets it the second time, Richards then follows up with the DR Driver for the win.
Well its our typical ROH none stop movefest with absolutely no selling going on in this one. It was pretty incredible to watch but of course instantly forgetable and incredibly interchangeable, only one botch not bad going. (***1/4).
Post match the NRC start laying down a beat down the crowd chant "Austin Aries" and point in his dirrection. Aries comes flying out of the crowd cleans house and gives the NRC the guided missile suicide dive. Aries then gets on the mic and say he bought his ticket to be here tonight but he has a suprise for everyone. He says he has an ROH contract and he asks the audience for a pen they throw tonnes, he catches one and signs. He then launches into a speech where he concludes this is ROH, he is Austin Aries and We Are WRESTLING! Hot opening segment.
We then go to a video introduced by the Briscoes highlighting ROH's recent tour of Japan.
Matt Sydal vs. Claudio Castagnoli
Claudio gets an armdrag and he poses for everyone to shout Hey! Both men exchange arm drags before Claudio blocks a hiptoss but Sydal rolls into an arm drag. They do a some knuckle lock spots ending with Sydal on Claudio's shoulders before he spins into an arm drag. Claudio scores with a farewell for two and a leg drop for two. Claudio then scores with a hanging vertical suplex walking round the ring getting the crowd to chant hey. Claudio then scores with the Giant Swing for two. Claudio scores with a gut wrench suplex for two. Claudio charges and Sydal kicks Claudio's legs out sending Claudio flying through the bottom ropes to the outside in a cool visual. Sydal follows up with a twisting tope. Sydal scores with a double knee in the corner and then a leg lariat for two. Claudio scores with his swinging x-factor for two and then the Water Slide for two. Sydal counters the pump kick with a leg whip leading to a pin sequence. Sydal hits a sloppy kip up ranna leading to another pinfall exchange that ends when Sydal hits the standing moonsault. Sydal dodges a pump kick and scores with a brutal DDT for two. Sydal is caught on top with a European uppercut and then a run up Enzenguri on the top rope. The Pump Kick scores for a near fall! The giant European uppercut gets two. Sydal scores with a ridiculously jaw dropping counter into headscissors and then an even more incredibly counter of a powerbomb into a ranna for two. Claudio then rolls through a pop up ranna ending in a sit out powerbomb for the win.
Well that was three incredibly spots to end that match. The match had excellent atheliticism but not much else. Decent match. (**3/4)
Larry Sweeney comes out with his stable post match and he has a contract for Matt Sydal and he wants Matt Sydal to sign for them, promising him nothing but the best, its first class all the way. Claudio gets on the mic and calls Sweeney a scumbag, the crowd start a "your a scumbag" chant. Claudio says ROH is about the sport of proffesional wrestling, Larry Sweeney is about pure business. Claudio rips up the contract and fights off Sweet and Sour incorperated. Sydal attacks Claudio from behind and the beat down commences, Sweeney calls it a great day for Sweet and Sour incorperated.
A video package then airs of Jimmy Rave saying that he will win the ROH title tonight because he has more experience than anyone else, and size doesn't matter when your on the mat because everyone taps out to his submission hold. Good vinette.
BJ Whitmer vs. Naomichi Marufugi
Marufugi gets an arm wringer to start the match up, Whitmer counters and Marufugi uses flips and kips to reverse the hold to a round of applause. Whitmer gives Marufugi a clean break in the corner. Marufugi tries a shoulder tackle but BJ Whitmer isn't goind anywhere, both men exchange arm drags and then we get the simultanious dropkick spot leading to a stand off. We have a chop battle which is a draw before Whitmer scores with a leg lariat and a awkward looking suicide dive for two. Whitmer scores with a snap suplex for two. Marufugi flips out of a back suplex and scores with a droptoe hold and a basement dropkick. Both men battle over a suplex on the apron but Marufugi decides to break it and score with a slingshot DDT with Whitmer landing hard on tha apron. The crowd chant Marufugi as he introduces Whitmer to the ringpost. Marufugi then hits the bufferfly suplex-cross arm breaker combo but Whitmer make the ropes. Marufugi gets a caveat and then a nice corner closeline. Whitmer catches Marufugi on the top rope and gives Marufugi the Benoit style suplex and both men are down. Both men exchange strikes in the centre of the ring with the Yah-boo reaction from the crowd. Whitmer gets the rolling German suplex, then a dragon suplex but when he tries to roll into the powerbomb Marufugi lands on his feet. Whitmer scores with a brutal knee strike for two. Marufugi dodges a closeline and scores with the Straight Jacket suplex for two! Marufugi follows up with a well executed Code Breaker for two! Whitmer swats away the superkick and Whitmer scores with a powerslam for two. Both men try closelines but neither falls until Marufugi manages to criss cross Whitmer making him lose his balence and Marufugi scores with a brutal closeline. Whitmer see the Sliced Bread coming and scores with a nice brain buster for two. Marufugi crotches Whitmer on top and he falls nicely into the tree of woe, Marufugi then scores with the springboard Coast to Coast dropkick for two! Marufugi scores with the super kick but Whitmer shoves Marufugi off the sliced bread. Marufugi lands on his feet off a dragon suplex attempt and he nails a superkick and the sliced bread number two gets the three count.
That was a really nice match, I'm a real fan of Marufugi he has a very smooth style that looks impressive without ever doing anything really dangerous. The match created drama nicely without having to resort to non stop moves, the selling wasn't consistant but at least there was some. Good match. (***1/4)
Next its the absolutely lovely Becky Bayliss here to tell us about up coming ROH dates, what she's saying may be incredibly dull but darn she's so perky and cute frankly I just don't give a damn.
Pelle Primeau vs. Brent Albright
Poor Pelle not the debut he wanted, Brent slaps away Pelle's offer of a handshake and puts on his arse tearing face. Pelle gets a dropkick and a forearm but of course its no sold. Brent kills Pelle with one foreram but of course he continues to lay on a beat down. The crowd chant "please don't die". Brent hip tossess all the way accross the ring. Brent scores with a wheel barrow suplex, a tazplex and a half nelson suplex dumbing Pelle right on his head but he won't take the three count. Brent then gives Pelle the crowbar and he immediately taps out.
Impressive squash and they showed an excellent slow motion replay of that openning forearm. Pelle's selling was excellent especially in his face. (1/2*)
Ring Of Honor World Tag Team Title Match
Kevin Steen & El Generico vs. The Briscoes
The crowd start a huge "lets go Briscoes" chant. Kevin Steen grabs the belts and poses on the top rope to a big round of boos. Jay backs Generico into the corner and then gives him a trash talking clean break. Generico gets a waistlock but Jay counters into a full nelson then a headscissors. El Generico makes the ropes to break the hold. Jay asks for a knuckle locka and Generico plays tot he crowd and starts an Olle chant. Jay gets a arm drag and unloads with a series of stiff cross face blows. Jay gets a hip toss and then a shoulder tackle. Generico runs into a pop up ranna and a droptoe hold into the front face lock. Generico gives Jay a clean break in the corner and then scores with three fast paced arm drags including a nice closeline counter. Steen tags in to a chorus of boos. He stiffly unloads but Jay gets a blind tag and Mark gets a springboard flying back elbow. Steen gets a back elbow and dodges Mark's Karate kicks and scores with a enzenguri. Mark gets a leg lariat to the back of the head and then the Briscoes score with the facewash dropkick combo. Jay then scores with a dropkick for two. Jay unloads with chops but Steen comes back and throws Jay into Mark and then gives him a neckbreaker over the knee. Steen tags in Generico. Generico gives Jay a drop toe hold and then Steen scores with a front flip leg drop for two. Generico gets a body slam for two. Steen tags in and he beats the tar out of Jay choking him in the ropes. Steen plays to the crowd and then knocks Mark off the apron. Generico tags in and scores with a running leg lariat for two. Jay comes back with a jaw breaker and then he nicely counters a closeline with a swinging necckbreaker. Mark scores with an inverted atomic drop and Jay scores with a running Yakuza kick for two. Mark then scores with a suplex for two, he then gets an elbow drop, fist drop and finally knee drop for two. Jay tags in and they score with a gut punch diving leg drop for two. Jay then applies the half nelson half dragon sleeper. Jay scores with a body slam and he tags in Mark who scores with a diving knee drop from the second rope for two. Mark then scores with a nice samoan drop for two. Jay tags in and he runs across the ring and knocks Steen off the apron. Generico avoids the double shoulder tackle and tosses Jay out of the ring. Steen charges in and hits a lovely front flip plancha. In the ring Mark is shot onto the apron where he dives over top turnbuckle onto Steen. Jay then runs into the ring and closelines himself and Generico over the top rope. Mark score swith a moonsault off the gaurd rail onto Steen. The Briscoes then hip toss Generico into the front row and Generico crashes through a plethora of chairs. Steen spears Mark into the guard rail and then gives Jay a splash mountain bomb into the front row of the crowd. Steen plays to the crowd and helps Generico back to the ring. Slugfest between Jay and Steen before Jay runs into a pop up sit out powerbomb for a near fall. Steen says its over. Mark dives in to block the package piledriver. Generico takes Mark out of the ring and then gives him him a springboard moonsault to the outside, landin on his feet. Generico runs back into the ring and gives Jay the running Yakuza kick and then throws Jay into Steen's Fisherman's neckbreaker. Steen then scores with the Swanton Bomb for a near fall! Mark comes to the rescue with a springboard dropkick on Steen. Generico gets the knuckle lock and the rope walk springboard DDT. Mark blocks the Yakuza kick with a big boot and then dives to the outside with a double stomp through a table on Steen. Jay nails a military press into a death valley driver for two! Jay then says that's enough and the Briscoes score with the Spike J-Driller for the win.
Well what can I say, there are plenty of artistic falls in the match but for a dramatic jaw dropping tag team match you'll be hard pressed to find better. The execution was uniformly excellent and the moves were incredible. (****1/2).
Post match: Steen absolutely brutalizes the Briscoes with a ladder and then blows snot on both of them setting up our next PPV.
Larry Sweeney is backstage with more silliness and its good stuff in general.
Ring Of Honor World Title Match
Jimmy Rave vs. Takeshi Morishima
Morishima catches Rave with a shoulder block before he's prepared and he unloads. Morishima tosses Rave to the outside but Rave manages to reverse a whip and sends Takeshi into the guard rail. Rave dodges a closeline and scores with a spear. Rave comes off top with an axe handle but Morishima catches him and scores with an overhead release belly to belly suplex. Rave catches Morishima on the top rope but is shoved off an Morishima follows up with a torpedo dropkick for two. Morishima gets a terrible closeline but Rave stays on his feet. Rave dodges a sit down by Morishima and he scores with the running knee strike. Morishima blocks the Pedigree but runs into the Heel Hook. Morishima makes the ropes to break the hold. Morishima then scores with a boss man slam, a brutal lariat and the Back Drop Driver ends it.
Well thats proberbly the best three minute match I've ever seen, aside from one terrible closeline. (**)
Dave Prazak explains that they didn't expect this match to go so short so they are gonna show ups the recent number one contenders match from Philly.
As the arena is being emptied and the ring is taken down Adam Pearce cuts a promo talking about how need drives us and if it goes too far it can make you go insane. Pearce says there are lots of needs and what Whitmer needs is acceptance from the fans. Pearce shows Whitmer looking dejected in the back ground. He says because of this need to please blood thirtsty fans he's on a downward spiral. He says what you need, what Whitmer needs and in time you will find out how I satisfy my needs and he goes over to talk to Whitmer in the back ground, they end up hugging before Pearce nails Whitmer with a right hand. Tank Toland walks by and laughs at Whitmer.
Number One Contership Match
Nigel McGuinness vs. Bryan Danielson
They shake hands to start the match. Nigel tries to pick a leg but Bryan drops down and Nigel scrambles out. "Lets go Dragon/Lets go Nigel" chant. Dragon gets a droptoe hold and he does the ammatuer wrestling ride but Nigel escapes and they wrestle to the ropes. Danielson gives Nigel the clean break. "Your gonna get your fucking head kicked in". Nigel gets a front face lock but Danielson escapes into a key and fingerlock. Danielson bends the arm and the fingers back Nigel counters into a headscissor but Danielson kips up into a deathlock and he shakes his head to the crowd. Danieslon applies the bow and arrow but Nigel counters and falls on top for two. Nigel grabs a side headlock and follows up with a shoulder tackle and then tells Dragon to bring it on. They lock up, Nigel gets the side headlock again and the shoulderblock but Danielson immediately sweeps the legs and gets the front mount Danielson tries to nail big elbow strikes but Nigel blocks and dodges cleverly, Nigel nearly escapes so Danielson twists his ear. Danielson misses a strike and Nigel counters into a key lock pin for two. Dragon offer McGuinness a handshake and Nigel accepts before being given an all mighty bitch slap. "You Got Bitch Slapped" chant, Dragon gets a snapmare, spinal tap and a knee drop. Danielson gives Nigel three stiff kicks to the chest which Nigel takes and powers up with a bitch slap. They go head to head and Danielson unloads with a series of bitch slaps in the corner, ITS ON!!! Danielson whips Nigel into the corner and he gets the headstand, Danielson charges and is met with the headstand mule kick. "Fuck him up Nigel" chant. Nigel scores with the diving arm breaker similar to the divorc court. Nigel then gets a knee drop hammerlock, he then bends Danielson's other arm behind his back and bridges back in a sick submission. When Nigel relaxes his back Dragon counters into a camel clutch, then a straight jacket strangle hold, then he goes to a straight jacked bow and arrow, then a brutal straight jacket camel clutch. Nigel works his way to his feet and turns the hold around into a short arm larait and you better believe that was stiff.
Danielson bails but Nigel follows him straight out and gives him a big european upper cut and the throat thrust. Nigel then gives Dragon some uppercuts to the chest and then one big running european uppercut. Dragon comes right back with a series of uppercuts and he introduces Nigel to the time keepers table. Dragon then throws a chair at Nigel and then tosses a table on Nigel. The crowd chant "Dragon". Danielson tries to toss Nigel back into the ring but Nigel rebounds and lariats Danielson into the front row, that was cool. Nigel then goes up top and hits a flying cross body into the front row, wiping Dragon out. The crowd chant "ROH". Nigel gives Dragon who looks dead an upper cut. Nigel charges him but Danielson meets him with a running forearm. Danielson then suplexes Nigel back first on the guard rail sending McGuinness into the crowd. Danielson stands on the apron and shouts "best wrestler in the world", Bryan then suplexs Nigel back to ringside for two. The crowd chant "Fuck 'em Dragon". Bryan drives the knees into the back of Nigel and then puts Nigel in the crossface. Dragon the drops more knees onto Nigel and grinds Nigel face into the mat. He then reminds the ref "he has until five". He then cockily stands on Nigel's face and then lands some stiff blows right accross the face of Nigel before standing on his face again. Dragon scores with a couple of European uppercuts and then a headbutt. He then scores with some cocky kicks, Bryan bitch slaps Nigel and Nigel says bring it on, he no sells aload of Bitch slaps. Nigel goes for a european uppercut but Danielson blocks it but Nigel spins into an absolutely brutal lariat. Nigel unloads and hits his running European uppercut in the corner. Dragon moonsaults over a charging Nigel but misses a closeline and Nigel scores with a superkick and a lariat for two. Bryan misses a blind charge and Nigel gets the back kick closeline combo. Nigel's back is still hurt and he can't score with a suplex, Danielson runs into a boot but scores with a spinning back kick and a stiff kick on a kneeling Nigel for two. Bryan says its over and pulls Nigel to the centre of the ring. Nigel crotches Bryan ontop and goes for the tower of london, Danielson blocks it with strikes and goes for a diving sunset flip, Nigel rolls through into a toe hold but Danielson rolls him off and Nigel cartwheels through. Nigel then counters a leapfrog into a powerbomb for two! Nigel then locks in the single leg boston crab but Danielson crawls so Nigel sits down with his knee in the back. The crowd chant "This is Wrestling" you ain't fucking kidding. Dragon just about manages to make the ropes. Nigel misses a blind charge and goes for the headstand but Danielson catches him with a boot hanging him on the top rope. Danielson scores with two stiff kicks and a brutal super back suplex for two! Danielson then locks in the Cross Face Chicken wing, the crowd chant please don't tap. Nigel powers to his feet and tries to counter to the Tower of London but his back hurts too much. On a big second effort he scores with it. The crowd chant "This is Awesome" I Concur. Danielson crotches Bryan on the top rope and scores with the diving second rope lariat for a near fall! Nigel tries to pull Bryan to the centre of the ring but Dragon scores with a enzenguri and both men are down.
"Lets go Nigel/Lets go Dragon" chant errupts. The two men get up head to head and echange bitch slaps Danielson wins with a brutal flurry and they exchange JUMPING FUCKING HEADBUTTS. That bust Danielson wide open with hard way blood, neither man goes down and Nigel dodges a closeline and kills Danielson with a killer lariat. Bryan blocks the jaw breaker Lariat with a running forearm and Danielson comes back with a Tiger suplex with Nigel kicking out at the last possible minute! Dragon of course rolls into the Cattle Mutiliation but Nigel rolls ontop for two, Dragon rolls through traps the arms and knocks the Holy SHIT out Nigel with elbow drops and then rolls into the Cattle Mutiliation and Nigel is out cold and the ref calls it. Danielson then soaked in blood looks into the camera and asks the crowd who is the best in the world. Nigel makes it to his feet and both men shake hands and the crowd chant "Thank You Both" and "ROH" to end the show.
Perfection. This is my favorite match of all time it lost none of its impact on second viewing. Those headbutts were incredible but I'd be glad if I never saw anyone do that ever again. My only real wish is that it didn't end, my Match Of The Year 2007 by a country mile. (*****)
Overall Thoughts: Well I have my usual stylistic complaints wrestling wise and my regular suggestion about the presentation both of the DVD and the PPV, it still didn't feel quite like a PPV but none of that matters. If every match on the card had sucked dick I'd still tell you to buy this for the main event. This PPV is much better than that, the undercard is strong and alot of fun and the Semi Main Event could have carried the show in its own right but it was totally blown out of the water by that main event.
DVD Extras
The Minesota Home Wrecking Crew (w/Jimmy Jacobs) vs. MsChif & Daizee Haze
Man Rain was wasted in TNA she's both hot and talent and they turned her into a horrible one note gimmick. MsChif starts in the ring but Lacey is too scared to get in the rign adn tells Rain to start. MsChif screams to get Rain toback off. Rain misses a closeline and MsChif gets a waist lock takedown and a front face lock. Rain reaches for a tag but MsChif rolls back. The Haze tags in they score with a double suplex and MsChif slams Haze onto Rain for two. Lacey tags in. Lacey does the splits but Haze dives over her and closelines Rain. Haze then gives Lacey a dropkick to the back of the head and then a brutal surfboard. Rain makes the save and Lacey scores with a knee to the back before Rain tags in. The heels get a double Japanese arm drag for two. Rain clubs away on Daizee and scores with a Bow and Arrow but Haze falls on top for two. Haze gets a nice roll up for two before Lacey tags in. Lacey gets a headlock and then a drop toe hold and Rain drops and elbow. Lacey gets a nice bridging reverse bow and arrow but Haze makes the ropes. Jacobs then blows smoke in the face of Daizee Haze. Lacey scores with a running knee to the back of Haze. Daizee nearly makes the tag but Rain stops her. Rain scores with a odd straightjack neckbreaker submission. Daizee bridges out and gets the hot tag. MsChif kills everyone with brutal closelines and forearms. MsChif scores with a body scissors ranna into a deathlock and she puts Lacey into a statue of Liberty style choke while Haze has Rain in a camel cluctch. Rain and Haze hit a face crusher combo ending in a moonsault on Rain for two. Lacey runs in a Long Bower on MsChif. MsChif comes back with a body scissors into a bridge for two. Lacey comes back with the diving reverse back breaker. Lacey and Rain then hit the combination wheel barrow Unprettier for the win.
Well some good action and interesting manouvers but awkward spots galore and some real pacing issues but still a good match. (**1/4)
Chris Hero (w/Sweet & Sour Inc.) vs. Nigel McGuiness
The crowd encourage Nigel to fuck Chris Hero up. Chris Hero does an amazing comedy fake handshake that just has to be seen.
Chris Hero wrestles into a caveat before Nigel can roll him off. Hero spins from a knuckle lock into an arm wringer, Nigel then wrestles him way into an arm wringer of his own before Hero crawls to the ropes. Nigel gets a wrist lock and takes Hero down but Hero does about ten kip ups and then goes about proving he's the greatest athlete in the world to a round of applause. Hero then gets a sneak attack and they both trade counters trying to get a chinlock, Nigel then spingboards off the top rope into spinning back elbow to counters an arm wrench. Hero comes back by tripping Nigel from the outside and scoring with a slingshot double stomp. Nigel gets the headstand, Hero charges and dodges to mule kick, Nigel does it again but Hero won't charge until Nigel turns his back. Hero then shows he can do a head stand but Nigel shoves him off top onto Bobby Dempsey in a cool spot.
Nigel then hits Hero with a European uppercut and chases sweet and sour inc. around the ring. While he's distracted Hero scores with a baseball slide. Larry Sweeney slides Nigel back into the ring. Hero gets a snapmare a knee drop and a big leg drop for two. Hero kicks away at the head of Nigel but McGuinness refuses to go down so Chris switches to a front facelock. Nigel spins out and uses an arm wrench to send Hero down hard. Nigel then scores with the divorce court before running into a boot. Nigel is selling like he's out cold as Hero applies a boston crab as the crowd come to life. Nigel manages to make the ropes. Hero drops a leg drop to the back. Hero scores with a stiff chop but Nige sucks it up and fires back. Hero then floors Nigel with a forearm. Chris Hero then makes fun of Nigel while scoring with cocky kicks. Nigel is pissed and no sells everything. Nigel theng gets some stiff blows, but Hero fires back with a huge forearm that staggers Nigel, Hero blocks a European uppercut but can't block a spinning lariat. Hero misses a blind charge and Nigel gets the stiff back kick and closeline combo. Nigel scores with a back body drop and Nigel then gets the running European uppercut and then as Hero staggers out of the corner Nigel scores with a killer closeline. Hero blocks a suplex and dodges a closeline and scores with a cradle legged back suplex. Hero scores with the Cravat neck breaker for a near fall. Nigel spins out of the cravat and scores with an enzenguri to the back but Hero blocks the Tower of Lond and shoves Hero down hard. Hero shouts "Chris is Awesome" before scoring with a torpedo dropkick and a kip up. Hero then scores with a second rope cravat neckbreaker for a near fall! Hero then goes for a front flip Plancha but Nigel moved out the way so Hero lands on his feet, impressive. Nigel gets the rebound closeline and then a running European uppercut against the gaurd rail. Nigel gets the headstand but Hero meets him with a dropkick and a top rope double stomp for two! Hero then locks Nigel in the hangman's clutch, Nigel refuses to tap and makes his way to the ropes. Hero scores with a knife edge chop and a cocky headbutt. Nigel explodes with bitch slaps and when he goes for the Jawbreaker Dempsey pulls him out of the ring. Claudio Castagnoli runs out and runs off Sweet and Sour Inc. Hero misses the Yakuza kick and Nigel scores with the Tower Of London for the win.
Well the final third of the match was strong but the first half dragged. While Hero is a great character and an impressive athelete he is too concerned with getting accross his character rather than the match and it makes his matches awkward. However once he gets in all action mode he's really good. Solid match with big crowd heat. (***)
Ring Of Honor World Title Match
Adam Pearce vs. Takeshi Morishima
The crowd chant "Repoman" at Adam Pearce. Pearce can't knock Morishima over with a shoulder block he tells Morishima to try. Takeshi hits a brutal shoulder tackle that turns Pearce inside out. Takeshi gets a handspring forearm and a torpedo dropkick for two. Pearce manages to dodge a closeline and scores with a spinning heel kick. Pearce can't suplex Morishima so he goes for an eye poke and sends Takeshi to the outside. Pearce fires away unimaginatively on Morishima. Pearce does the hammock pose on the top rope before getting a two count. Adam Pearce scores with an impressive suplex on Morishima and a guillotine leg drop gets two for Pearce. Pearce misses a big splash and Morishima gets a snap mare and then nails the rolling arse thump. Pearce tries a sunset flip but Takeshi sits on him for two. Pearce blocks a back drop driver with a series of eye rakes. Pearce gets into it with the crowd and he puts on the repo man mask. Takeshi scores with a closeline and the Back Drop Driver for the win. After the match Hagadorn sneak attacks but eats a back drop driver and the ref counts the three.
Well Pearce was more interested in the crowd than the match but this was fine for what it was. (3/4*)
Kenta vs. Bryan Danielson
As the crowd are split right down the middle the two men shake hands. They go for a test of strenght but Danielson scores with a hip toss. Kenta gets a wristlock but Danielson spins into an ammatuer wrestling takedown both men battle to their feet for a stand off. Kenta gets a drop toe hold into a front facelock but Danielson countes driving Kenta down hard with the hammerlock and then its time to bend the arms and fingers, Dragon gets a unique pin which Kenta kicks Danielson in the face to break. Kenta bitch slaps Danielson in the corner. "You got bitch slapped" chant. Bryan gets an arm wrench and arm wringer, Kenta uses some kicks and then reserses the how, Danielson counter wrestles into a bitch slap. Kenta unloads with forearms, Kenta gets a shoulder tackle and then counters a leg frog with a driving Yakuza kick causing Danielson to bail. Kenta kicks Danielson down and then scores with a back elbow for two. Kenta scores with a spinal tap. Kenta gets a headscissor which Danielson flips and bridges into a deathlock which he then drives down on and turns into a camel clutch like facial claw. Kenta manages to make the ropes. Dragon gets a big uppercut, but Kenta blocks a sunset flip with a greco roman bitch slap. Kenta gets a snap mare and the slingshot bitch kick, that sounded brutal. Kenta gets a snapmare and a chinlock, Danielson fights right up and after absorbing a series of kicks he counters with a dragon screw. Dragon gives Kenta a spinal tap and then Danielson applies a brutal double chicken wing dragon sleeper combo. Kenta rolls over so Dragon drives his face into the mat. Dragon gets two brutal European uppercuts and then a fast head and arm suplex into a cross arm breaker but Kenta makes the ropes. Bryan then stomps on the elbows on Kenta. Danielson then applies a armbreaker then a nasty looking arm submission. Danielson then floors Kenta with a european upper cut and its time for the Woah Woah Woah Surfboard pin for a near fall which he disputes with the referee. Danielson then talks crash and bitch slaps Kenta. Kenta comes back and they exchange forearms. Kenta runs into a boot then Danielson runs into a boot, then Kenta runs into a boot. Danielson tries to come off top with a diving head butt but Kenta counters with an ace crusher. Forearm battle, Kenta wins with a spinning back kick and then a running Yakuza kick. Kenta scores with a springboard dropkick for two. Kenta dodges a closeline and then scores with a leg lariat which he follows up with a stiff kick to the chest. Danielson moonsaults over Kenta and a German suplex gets two. Kenta blocks the chicken wing with back elbows but runs into a really nice back breaker. Dragon runs into a boot and Kenta gets a swinging DDT move but instead lands on the apron droping Dragons Throat on the top rope. Danielson counters a springboard move with a killer dropkick! Danielson tries a suicide dive but Kenta blocks it with a Yakuza Kick, fucking hell!!! They battle for a suplex on the apron, Kenta hits some forearms but runs into a release overhead belly to belly suplex sending Kenta from the apron to the floor. Kenta is really selling that and Dragon has to drag him back to the ring for a near fall! Danielson then applies his Crossface Chicken Wing, the crowd come to life and Kenta makes the ropes. Danielson tries to throw forearms but his shoulde still hurts. Dragon gets a running forearm for two and then cinches in Cattle Mutiliation but Kenta makes the ropes. Danielson then informs the ref that he has until five leading to a "Dragon" chant. Kenta tries to slip out of a full nelson but Danielson falls on top for a pin and both men exhange pins. Danielson gets a over head release suplex but Kenta no sells and runs straight up and scores with a back drop driver. Danielson scores with a suplex but Kenta again pops up with a back drop driver. Both men exhcange tired chops getting more intense as they go, Danielson blocks a kick and holds Kenta and unloads with killer forearms but Kenta comes back with the Osaka running knee and both men are out. Danielson gets a running elbow in the corner but Kenta counters the Roaring Elbow into crucifix Danielson kicks out at two but he turns it inot the cattle mutilaition which he rolls into a Tiger Suplex for a near fall! Christ that was good wrestling. Dragon blocks a fisher man's suplex so he lays Dragon on the top rope and gets three stiff kicks in an awkward looking spot. Bryan crotches Kenta but Kenta counters the super back suplex with a running powerbomb into the turnbuckle, Kenta follows up with a shinning wizard for two. Kenta unloads with a kick combo ending in a diving Yakuza kick. Kenta gets a running knee to the back and Danielson comes back with an excellent bridge pin with Kenta counters at two into a rear naked choke, superb. Danielson fades but recovers and scores with a killer Go 2 Sleep on Kenta who looks glazed over but stays on his feet and bitch slaps Danielson!!! Kenta then gets the arm bar takedown into the cattle mutilation which Danielson counters into the non stop elbow elbows but Kenta fights up, Daneilson hits the Roaring elbow but Kenta doesn't go down. Danielson charges and Kenta gets a pop up go to Sleep but Danielson counters catches the foots slides underneat into a tiger suplex for a near fall!!!! That was amazing! Danielson holds on and goes for cattle mutiliation but Kenta rolls on top for two, Danielson goes for the nonstop elbow but Kenta fights up into the Go 2 Sleep but Danielson keeps throwing elbows but it can't stop who hits the G2S right on the money for the win!
This match was insanely enjoyable and had some moments of absolute brilliance and that finish was utterly superb. I feel like I'm going to under rate this match but looking at it objectively this match had a lot of awkard moments and some sloppy work epecially from Kenta but the finish was just unbelievable dramatic. I'm grudgingly going to give it (****1/4)
Overall DVD thoughts: Well with three matches over four stars its hard to have anything but huge praise for this DVD. Nothing on this disk overstayed its welcome or disappointed and while the extras aren't as strong as the main feature it doesn't detract at all because it was nice of ROH to give you the extra matches in the first place. High recommendation a Match of the Year as well as two other must see matches.


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
