Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Stargate: Ark Of Truth
Plot Summary: SG1 are trying to make sure the Ori are defeated, a race of religious Gods who chanel power from the belief of there devotees and are of course bent on death and domination. SG1 are in search of the ultimate weapon the Ark which is of course located in Ori Space. They are being led by Daniel's visions and the assistance of Tomin a Ori general who like Teal'c saw the errors of his ways but they also have IOA agent Marrick on board to cause tension.
Review: Very dramatic and action packed episode of Stargate. It does what Stargate does bet stack the odds have several impluasible hopeless situation all stacked ontop of each and build to a feel good finale. The Ori were a fine bad guy but the return of the Series ultimate foe really help strenghten the episode. Oldly the real weakness in this feature lenght installment was that there was almost too much action, too many moments of impending doom, and generally too much of everything. One of the showdown's descended into B-Movie silliness but it was secretly alot of fun. So all in all at bit overstretch and some pacing issues once the action kicked in but very good feature length episode it's easy to see why they commisioned another. (***1/2)
Stargate: Continum
Plot Summary: Having nearly achieved ultimate victory and peace accross the galaxies the Tocra prepare to seperate the last of the system Lords from his host. However Ba'al reveals his plot that he is just a clone and the real Ba'al is to go back in time and stop the Stargate programme. Ba'al suceeds killing Jack in the process. Sam, Daniel and Cameron are stuck in a past with no Stargate programme and an all conqueroring Ba'al ready to crush the earth. Only Sam, Daniel and Cam can save the day and set the time line right.
Review: The movie starts laced with cheese with Claudia Black's terrible portrayal of Vala stinking up the joint. Thankfully she's disapears quickly and returns to her Evil role. From there on its a more straight forward film with a good narrative and strong story telling. It feels very been there down that but what it lacks in originality it makes up for with charm and that warm Stargate fuzziness. Sam, Daniel, Cam and Teal'c play there roles well and the conclusion is very satisfying. The first twenty five minutes or so of the movie are a dirge but once the plot gets going its a fun little romp. (**1/4)


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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About this blog

This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
