Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Oh yes it's that time of year, and I'm pretty excited, so to help us all get ready I've composed a list of the top 30 Wrestlemania moments. Now this years mania's card is absolutely stacked from top to bottom and has the potential to spawn multiple unforgettable moments, so by the end of the week this list could have changed beyond belief. But to get us all in the mood here's my list of the top thirty Wrestlemania moments (I'll also be running a parallel worst Wrestlemania moments article).

30. The Dragons Still Got It (Wrestlemania XXV)

Some classic Mania moments don't come from the best shows, and aren't necessarily from the greatest matches; they just have to feel special, and that was certainly the case at Wrestlemania 25. No one will be talking about the classic Steamboat, Piper & Snuka vs. Jericho match, because lets face it, it wasn't a great in ring spectacle. Piper looked terrible, Snuka looked worse, but when Ricky Steamboat got in the ring something special happened. The match became a hell of a lot of fun. Ricky was slower but he definitely still had it, running through all his signature spots including flying off the top rope with both his trademark chop and his flying cross body. The crowd absolutely ate it up chanting "You've Still Got It" and everyone involved seemed genuinely moved. On top of all that we also got to see Ric Flair and Rick Steamboat side by side one last time, in an unforgettable nostalgic moment.

29. Triple H turns Heel (Wrestlemania XV)

DX had taken over from the n.W.o as the hottest stable in wrestling in 1998 and by 1999 they'd become part of the fabric of RAW. So it came as a massive shock to many when Triple H and Chyna ran in, seemingly coming to X-Pac's rescue against Shane McMahon only to turn on their little buddy and join the Corporation. This was the first of many attempts to elevated Triple H, it didn't succeed this time around, but it did produce a memorable moment.

28. LT defeats Bam Bam Bigalow (Wrestlemania XI)

Wrestlemania eleven saw the return of the big showbiz cross over as Wrestlemania attempted to re-establish itself as pop culture icon. Pamela Anderson and Jenna McCarthy accompanied Shawn Michaels to ringside for the title match, but the unforgettable moment came when NFL legend Lawerence Taylor squared off with Bam Bam Bigalow. Shockingly Bam Bam carried the NFL star to a serviceable match and helped turn a could be disaster into a classic moment.

27. Brother vs. Brother (Wrestlemania XIV)

Following WCW's lead with Sting and n.W.o, all through 1997 WWE ran an incredibly disciplined program where Undertaker refused to face his brother Kane. After months of being beaten down by his unstoppable brother Undertaker finally broke his vow when Kane locked Undertaker in a casket and set it on fire. Undertaker then rose from the dead (I'm not joking) walked through fire and challenged his brother to a showdown at Wrestlemania XIV. Now those in the know expected a stinker, but among casual fans the hype was through the roof and people still talk about this match fondly. The stare down was iconic and the three tombstone finish remains among the best remembered in wrestling history.

26. Edge and Mick Foley turn Wrestlemania Hardcore (Wrestlemania XXII)

Until very recently WWE had always been incredibly disciplined with it's use of gimmick matches. In 2006 the WWE had stayed well away from hardcore action and when they finally let Edge and Mick Foley loose at Wrestlemania 22 the results were unforgettable. The match fell short of a classic but was beyond memorable. The finish that involved Edge spearing Mick Foley through a flaming table was about as Iconic as visuals come.

25. Mr T. goes head to Head with Roddy Piper as MTV takes over (Wrestlemania I)

Wrestlemania 1 wasn't much of an event. It was full of quick forgettable action and was more of a television landmark than a wrestling icon. That being said it did manage to produce a series of iconic moments packaged together under the banner of "rock and wrestling". Cyndi Laupa went head to head with Lou Albano, Alice Cooper and Jake the Snake stood side by side and Mr. T went to war with Roddy Piper and Cowboy Bob Orton. Piper carried many of the early manias with his charisma and enthusiasm and Wrestlemania I was his crowning glory.

24. Money In The Bank Is Born (Wrestlemania XXI)

Back in 2005 the world was treated to the first ever Money In The Bank Ladder match. A truly fantastic concept that has become a great way to elevate talent and create intriguing storylines. While MITB is increasingly becoming Wrestlemania's annual spotfest, it started out with a true classic. In 2005 ladder matches were stale (and they still are with the odd exception) but in this one match WWE showed how innovative and creative their young wrestlers could be while still telling a compelling story. Edge's victory was epic, and Shelton Benjamin running up a side ways stacked ladder to hit a flying closeline was simply unforgettable.

22. The Mega Powers Collide (Wrestlemania V)

The earlier Wrestlemania's were hardly known for their match quality, they're remembered as grand spectacles and great feel good shows, but one man, kept bringing the work rate time and time and time again. That man was Randy Savage. After the disaster of Wrestlemania IV, Randy was back again this time to have the dream match with Hulk Hogan, and even the stilted environment of Trump Plaza couldn't contain this epic encounter. Whatever you say about Hulk Hogan the man knows how to tell as story in the ring and this was one of his finest. Who can forget the moment when Savage hit the flying elbow sucking the life out of the arena only for Hogan to kick out a two and hulk up to victory. Classic match that still holds up outside it's era and another tremendous visual.

21. Randy Savage and Ricky Steamboat steal the show (Wrestlemania III)

As I said in the previous entry, Wrestlemania and work rate were not words that went together in those early years. Matches rarely went beyond five or six minutes and the emphasis was on crazy characters and finishing holds. Yet one match stood out from the crowd Savage vs. Steamboat. Widely regarded as the best match of all time, it was a classic, a great back and forth with good athleticism and both guys selling hard for each other. Now by modern standards this was probably a ***+ affair and would make a good TV main event or solid PPV match but you can't take a match out of it's initial context and to WWE fans unexposed to the NWA this match blew people's minds, and was WWE's stand out match of the 1980s. The fact that people still talk about this match today is testament to it's quality.


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
