Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


20. Brock Lesnar arrives at Wrestlemania (Wrestlemania XIX)

Wrestlemania XIX was the moment when Brock Lesnar truly cemented himself as the next great wrestling superstar. Even though he originally won the title from The Rock at Summerslam, it was his victory over Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania XIX that felt like the beginning of a new era for WWE. The first major talent of post attitude era to emerge as a new top babyface. Looking back now the moment has even more resonance, as Lesnar has since become the UFC Heavyweight Champion and an even bigger superstar, this feels like a lost age of WWE. To make matters even more memorable Brock not only wrestled a classic main Event with Kurt Angle there was the famous botched shooting star press and one of the most jaw dropping and terrifying moments in wrestling history.

19. Hulk Hogan and Mr. McMahon Face Off (Wrestlemania XIX)

A decade after Hulk Hogan gave evidence against Mr. McMahon in the steroids trial, and after going to WCW and nearly putting Vince out of business, Hogan not only made his improbable return to WWE but had his iconic show down at Wrestlemania. Credit to Vince McMahon and Hulk Hogan they know how to use the bag of tricks and pulled at a remarkable fun match that held peoples attention remarkably well. Of course this match was never about Work Rate it was always going to be about iconic images and feel good moments. Of course the stare down for the ages has been sketched into all wrestling fans collective memories.

18. Ric Flair and Randy Savage steal the show (Wrestlemania VIII)

This was one of the dream matches wrestling fans had been waiting for over a decade. Ric Flair had established himself as the greatest wrestler of all time and without doubt the greatest wrestle of the 1980s. Randy Savage has been the leading light for WWE in a decade where in ring wrestling was downplayed in favour of cartoony characters. Behind the Hogan and Sid show down this should have been main event was shuffled down the card but this was one hell of a match, especially in the context of 1992 WWE. Flair clearly wasn't happy with Savage's overly pre-planned match style but this match comfortable blew every other match on the card out of the water and for the final seven minutes they had the crowd in the palms of their hands. After the match Ric Flair stole the show completely with one of the all time great money promos that had fans begging for a rematch. WCW would take this match and use it to spur on one of the most successful house show runs in their history.

17. Shawn Michaels takes on Kurt Angle (Wrestlemania XXI)

Wrestlemania 21 saw the greatest wrestler of the 90s go head to head with Kurt Angle the heir to throne of the greatest wrestler in the world. One problem Shawn Michaels wasn't going to be over shadowed by anyone. Looking back this seems like the moment when Shawn Michaels reasserted himself as the greatest wrestler in world. The match started slow but built and built into an an all time classic, with the final few minutes and Shawn's eventual submission being one of the most dramatic and captivating moments in Wrestlemania history.

16. The Rock and Stone Cold end an era (Wrestlemania XIX)

The Rock and Austin faced off three times at Wrestlemania in three classic matches, and their final was a dozee. Stone Cold was broken down and shouldn't have been in the ring but he wanted to go out with a bang and he tore down the house with the Rock. Finishes glory, ridiculous kick outs, oversells, all the things wrestlers shouldn't do but they had to do because this feud had been so epic it deserved an OTT feel good send off. The fans seemed unhappy that The Rock finally got his victory over Austin but the three Rock Bottom finished made for a cool visual, to end an iconic feud, and put the Attitude Era to bed once and for all.

15. Shawn Michaels boy hood dream comes true (Wrestlemania XII)

So was the Iron Man match the most overrated match in history? Yes it almost certainly is, but still a damn good match, and the overtime finish made the match. The visuals were superb, Bret and Shawn squaring off just looked legendary and most importantly Shawn's tearful celebration created one of the legendary visuals. This was the moment when the little guy and the best worker in the business proved he could make it to the top of the WWE paving the way for two generations of under sized talent.

14. The McMahon Family Implodes (Wrestlemania XVII)

The biggest soap opera in professional wrestling came to ahead at Wrestlemania 17 as Shane McMahon took on Vince McMahon in a street fight. The match was a legendary smoke and mirrors spot fest, with all the stops being pulled out to ensure a classic encounter. Shane hit the van-Shaninator and Linda rose from her wheel chair to kick Vince in the grapefruits what more could you possibly ask for?

13. Mr. WCW goes head to head with Mr. WWE (Wrestlemania XVIII)

At Wrestlemania 19 Ric Flair made his improbable return to the WWE after a decade the man who represented everything good and everything great about WCW went one on one with the iconic figure who had come to define both the WWE and Wrestlemania: The Undertaker. There were a couple of shaky moments and Ric was still recovering from self confidence issues but both men went out there and showed and a whole new generation of wrestling fans why he is the greatest of all time.

12. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit win Gold and shed tears (Wrestlemania XX)

At Madison Square garden the home of the WWE, the mecca of sports entertainment, at Wrestlemania's twentieth anniversary, the two men dubbed "vanilla midgets" by Kevin Nash stood tall holding both the WWE World and World Heavyweight titles. No one thought they'd see the day, but two of the best workers in the business finally made it to the top. Eddie beat Kurt Angle in a strong match and Chris Benoit claimed the world title in the greatest Wrestlemania main event match of all time, a awe inspiring triple threat match. The ticker tape then reigned and Eddie and Benoit embraced, a perfect moment. It just seems so tragic now.

11. Hulk Hogan slams Andre The Giant (Wrestlemania III)

At Shea Stadium, in the most iconic visual in wrestling history, in the biggest super match of all time Hogan and Andre went toe to toe and Hogan hit the body slam heard round the world. Was it a great match? Of course not, was it a perfect moment? Hell Yes. This is the greatest wrestlemania moment of all time, without doubt, but it's not my greatest Wrestlemania moment.

(apologise the picture uploader is down, I will re-up later)


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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
