Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


It would be tedious and dull to run through the entire documentary but I’ll try and hit on the key points and newsworthy notes.

· Dusty came up with the idea of the mega show Starrcade

· Town’s battle over who would get to host the original Starrcade

· They use lots of fun early TV footage

· They talk about having the greatest level of talent: Steamboat, Flair, Race, Funks, Briscoes, Wahoo, Black Jack Mulligan

· Dusty said Starrcade was the change from sports to entertainment

· Piper tells the story of him creating the Dog Collar match for his legendary match with Greg Valentine

· They talk about the first Starrcade hitting a home run, they do an amazing interview with a hick family who drove over and hundred and fifty miles to be there

· They then talk about Starrcade 1985 being the first ever simulcast selling out both North Carolina and Atlanta

· They then tell the story of the legendary “I Quit” match between Magnum T.A and Tully Blanchard

· They then talk about Magnum T.A being the potential Hulk Hogan of the NWA before plans were laid to waste, he talks about his Porche hydro planning and shattering his vertebrae.

· They talk about how if it wasn’t for the accident it would have been one of the all time greatest main events in history between Magnum T.A and Ric Flair

· Starrcade 1986 made over a million dollars and was the first wrestling DVD to go Gold.

· They then go to another legendary match, this time the scaffold match where Jim Cornette broke his arse, destroying his knee

· Jim Ross talks about his first Starrcade and having to move it from Greensboro to Chicago

· It’s interesting that on the old footage you can really tell the difference between the fans from clothes to attitude between the two markets

· They then go to the War between WWF and NWA with the creation of Survivor Series on the same night, WWE gave the PPV and cable stations the choice between carrying Wrestlemania or Starrcade

· JR explains that this move by the WWE lead to the death of Crockett promotions and the beginning of the Turner era.

· They talked about moving the Starrcade to November and Ted Turner massively upping the production levels of Starrcade

· They then talk about Ric Flair generally being the greatest of all time and they talk about Flair’s match with Vader

· Dusty said Ted was really cool but he and his people new jack shit about wrestling. They talked about the new ideas in wrestling like the Iron Man tournament

· They then talk about Starrcade 91 and the Battlebowl lethal lottery and bringing in all the Japanese talent

· Dusty Rhodes calls Eric Bischoff a visionary and they then move to talk about signing Hogan

· They talk about bringing in talent Rey, Jericho, Eddie, Liger and the Outsiders

· They then talk about the Goldberg era, Arn Anderson says Goldberg was as hot as Hogan, Flair or Dusty

· J.R. says you’ll get alot of differing opinions when you talk about Goldberg’s winning streak and ending it with Nash, JR says that they should never have ended it and they said it was absolutely insane because its not good business sense when he was so hot, Arn Anderson though beating Goldberg was long over due

· JR says that WCW had the right idea but he says that JR had no identity and outside the time when Bischoff was in charge they never managed to make Starrcade feel as special as it should have

Documentary Thoughts: It’s a very nice succinct run through of Starrcade, it serves it’s purpose very well and there are some good aspects but you couldn’t help but feel like it was on fast forward. Then again they are just talking about one PPV, this DVD is sold on the matches and this documentary is merely a companion piece.

We then go to the top twenty five Starrcade matches, they are rated on quality, entertainment, influence, importance, memorability and of course those requested by the fans, the matches are introduced by Gene Okerland.

25.Hulk Hogan vs. Roddy Piper

(The Match of the Decade -Starrcade 1996)


Hogan bails to the outside before the match. Hogan tells the referee to watch for the clean break before repeatedly bitch slapping Piper who just no sells and stares down Hogan. The crowd chant for “Roddy” and he explodes with some right hands and a flurry sends Hogan flying to the outside. Piper puts the referee on the top rope? I think he’s trying to stop the could but who knows. Hogan returns to the ring and uses an eye rake to get the advantage and then unloads with some of the worst offense you could ever imagine before missing a closeline in the corner. Piper responds with a dreadful closeline and the eye poke of doom before hitting another disgracefully bad closeline and Hogan has to bail, again. Not exactly a hot start


According to Dusty this has been “Skirmishing”. Piper grabs a side headlock and Hogan can’t shoot him off, Hogan tries a back suplex but Piper refuses to release the headlock. Hogan breaks the hold with a shoulder block and a jaw jacker. Hogan then takes Piper outside for the dreaded back rake. Piper dodges a closeline and hits one of his own. Piper hits an....an....an.....Enzenguri???? Whatever. Piper knocks Hogan to the outside and gives chase. Piper takes the belt from his kilt and whips Hogan on the outside and back into the ring.


Piper then chokes Hogan with his belt. Piper hits a body slam but Ted grabs his foot, the distraction allows Hogan to take advantage. Hogan then introduces Piper to the steel steps and the crowd chant for “Roddy”. Hogan and Piper briefly brawl into the front row before returning to the ring. Hogan hits a kick to the HIP, OH NO NOT THE REPLACED HIP. Nothing says excitement like working the hip. Hogan then cinches in a devastating abdominal stretch! The crowd chant for Roddy again and Piper hits a horrendous hip toss.


Piper fights out and hits a double fist to the head. Piper then chokes Hogan and pulls his hair out. Piper gets a lame inside cradle for a near fall. Hogan unloads but Piper no sells, both men unload and Piper gets an eye rake and an eye poke. Piper then hits a vertical suplex for a near fall, Yes a vertical suplex is a high spot in this match. Piper misses a knee drop and the crowd are in a stunned silence but Hogan misses the big leg drop.

Piper starts hoping around and unloads on Hogan who begs off. The Giant comes out and lifts Piper in a choke slam, a fan runs in and Hogan and the ref beat him up. Piper then bites The Giants poses and shoves him over the top rope, Piper then locks Hogan in the Sleeper and Hogan begins to fade and Piper wins by KO.


For those of you who didn’t remember the intricacies of this “legendary” feud, Piper got to make any match he wanted, and he wrote a match contract for this match but in his anger to wrestle Hogan he forgot to write in that this match was for the World Title....WHOOPS! So the fans did know that the world title wasn’t on the line, so yes, the entire crowd got entirely screwed. Anyway the match was utterly horrible, this was patternted WCW awesome undercard incredibad main event. (1/4*)


J.R. then introduces the Iron man concept and bigs up the Great Muta leading to our number 24 greatest Starrcade match.


24. Sting vs. The Great Muta

(Iron Man Tournement Match – Starrcade 1989)


Muta misses a wild kick before slapping on a full nelson but Sting reverse so Muta has to use a mule kick to escape. Muta gets a side headlock takedown, Muta gets a shoulder tackle but Sting responds with a monkey flip and a lariat. Sting then hits a vertical suplex for a two count. Sting then hits an atomic drop and kicks down Muta. Sting goes for the Scorpion dropkick but Muta immediately grabs the ropes and bails to the outside.

Muta returns to the ring and gets an eye rake. Muta gets a back body drop and follows it with a snapmare and an elbow drop. Muta then locks Sting in Cattle Mutilation Sting manages to power out and unloads with a mounted flurry. Sting then nails a big military press for a two count. Sting hits a body slam and a high elbow drop for a two count. Sting then applies a chinlock, Muta breaks the hold and works over Sting in the corner. Muta hits Sting with a pair of big chops and a gut kick. Muta hits a back breaker and goes for the Moonsault, Sting rolls out the way but Muta lands on his feet and hits a spinning back kick. Sting catches Muta on top with a dropkick that crotches Muta and Sting hits a not so superplex for the 1-2-3.


Well that was a simply bizarre choice for a best of Starrcade match, these two are certainly both legends but this was not there finest hour. (*1/2)


J.R. talks about great tag wrestling, he says this next selection is a great match but one that is often over looked because of the imfamous battle bowl.


23. Shane Douglas & Ricky Steamboat vs. Brian Pillman & Barry Windham

(WCW World Tag Team Championship - Starrcade 1992)


Pillman unloads on Douglas in the corner before floating over Douglas and getting a hip toss, Pillman goes for a crucifix but Douglas blocks it and unloads on Pillman’s face. Douglas gets a hammerlock but Pillman breaks it with a stiff chop. Douglas floats over Pillman and the exchange counters before a dropkick sends Pillman to the outside. Dragon and Douglas hit a double dropkick on Windham and a double back body drop sends Barry to the outside.


Windham wants Steamboat and the two men exchange, Ricky gets the better with his karate offence and hits a double chop and a vertical suplex. Ricky gets a snapmare and tags in Douglas who comes off top with a double axe handle before getting a snapmare and slapping on a chinlock. Windham manages to break the hold with a nice back suplex. Steamboat tags in and unloads with a big chop and gets a neck snapper. Steamboat then closelines Windham over the top rope in a sloppy spot before body slamming Windham on the floor.

Douglas then hits a big body slam on Windham on the ramp. Steamboat then throws Windham into the ring where he hits a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Douglas tags back in and he gets a snapmare and a chinlock, wow great Shane. Windham breaks the hold with a nice jaw breaker. Pillman tags in and unloads on Douglas slamming him repeatedly into the mat. Pillman gives Douglas a hard chop. Pillman is pressed on the apron and Douglas dropkicks Pillman sending him crashing into the guard rail in a contrived spot. Pillman then catches Douglas dilly dallying and a dropkick sends Douglas flipping to the outside.


Windham gives Douglas a hard closeline before rolling him onto the apron. Pillman hits a jaw jacker and Windham tags in. Windham hits a headbutt before slugging Douglas down hard with a big right hand. Windham distracts the referee and Pillman does some sneaky heel work. Windham then hits a sloppy catapult into the bottom rope. Pillman tags in and knocks Douglas down with a hard chop. Douglas tries to fight out but Pillman gets a drop toe hold. Windham tags in and throws Douglas hard to the outside where Douglas’s leg smashes against the guard rail.


Steamboat sneaks up behind Windham and nails Douglas with a steel chair. Douglas nearly makes it to his partner but Pillman cuts him off with a back suplex. Pillman introduces Douglas to Windham’s boot before Windham comes off top with a straight right hand and a back suplex. Pillman tags in and hits a running reverse elbow and a vertical suplex before scoring with a big splash for a near fall. The heels double team Douglas against the ropes and that gets a near fall. Windham goes for a suplex but Douglas reverses and hits one of his own.


HOT TAG! Steamboat cleans house with dropkicks and hits a pair of body slams before running straight into a power slam, that was really nice. Windham then hits a big back suplex and tags in Pillman who tosses Steamboat over the top rope. Windham then ramps Steamboat into the steel post. Steamboat gets a slingshot karate chop for a two count. Steamboat and Pillman exchange chops and Pillman counters a back breaker into a hurricanrota for a two count. Windham tags in and Steamboat points at Windham before firing back with some big shots but Windham cuts himt off and goes up top but misses! Steamboat catches Windham with a superkick and a bulldog.


Douglas tags in and cleans house, body slams for both men. Douglas back body drops Pillman. Steamboat hits a flying cross body on Windham and they brawl to the outside and Windham bumps landing with his head right on the ramp. Pillman rebounds right off the ropes and runs straight into the Belly to Belly suplex for the 1-2-3.


Long match with some good action and nice sequences, however there was a mix of sloppy moments and an incredibly long extended beatdown that served to undermine the match as a whole. A Perfectly fine PPV match that never quite clicked into full gear, this must be one of J.R’s favourites because I can’t understand why this would be consider a classic. (**3/4)


22. Kevin Nash vs. Goldberg

(WCW World Heavyweight Championsip – Starrcade 1998)


Both men exchange poses and the crowd come to life. Nash locks on a side headlock but Goldberg powers out with a back suplex and stares intently at Nash who has to bail to the outside. The crowd are exchanging chants as Nash drives down Goldberg with some elbow smashes and some big knees in the corner. Nash then gets the picture perfect reverse elbow, Nash goes for the boot choke but Goldberg takes him down, Nash tries to counter with a cross arm breaker but Goldberg powers out and gets an ankle lock but Nash makes the rope. That was some nice action.


Goldberg hits a big right hand planting Nash on his arse. Goldberg is then sent head first into the middle turnbuckle. Goldberg dodges a big boot and hits the Spear and calls for the Jackhammer. Nash sells like he’s out cold, wow this must be Nash’s greatest sell ever but he’s playing possum and he low blows Goldberg. Nash hits a hard Irish whip and a big side salto for a two count. Nash hits an elbow drop for a two count before choking Goldberg on the middle rope and hitting a rope rider. Nash then hits the forearms to the kidneys of certain doom.


Goldberg manages to hit a back kick before running into a back elbow and a sloppy closeline for a two count. Nash goes for a suplex but Goldberg counters with a swinging neckbreaker and a single under hook suplex for a two kick. Goldberg then hits a standing side kick and a running powerslam for a two count. Goldberg then hits a spinning heel kick. Disco inferno runs in but Goldberg kills him with a spear, Bigalow runs in but Goldberg closelines him over the top rope. Scott Hall appears on the apron and he stuns Goldberg with a Taser before Nash hits the Jacknife powerbomb for the 1-2-3.


The crowd popped big for the defeat of Goldberg but I have to agree with JR that this was not the time to beat Goldberg and this certainly was not the man to do it. The match it self was sloppy but perfectly fine, solid Nash style main event. (**1/4)


Battle Boyal Lethal Lottery is up next, you had to win a randomly drawn tag team match to enter this match. You have to throw a man from ring number one into ring number two and then out of the ring to win the match, the man left in ring number one then faces the man in number two.


21. The Battle Bowl – Starrcade 1991

(Jimmy Garvin, Lustin Liger, Steve Austin, Dustin Rhodes, Buff Bagwell, Ricky Morton, Todd Champion, Vader, Abdullah The Butcher, Firebreaker Chip, Thomas Rich, Ron Simmons, Ricky Steamboat, Mr. Hughes, Scott Steiner, Lex Luger, Rick Rude, Arn Anderson, Sting)


Okay everyone is in ring one and it is of course a complete cluster fuck. Anderson hits a body slam on Ricky Steamboat out on the ramp. Steamboat then hits Arn Anderson with an atomic drop before coming in with a karate chop. Vader slam Steamboat on the ramp but Dragon manages to avoid the big splash. After a few minutes of lame battle royal stuff Vader military presses Steamboat over the top rope onto the ramp before throwing Steamboat back into the ring. Dustin Rhodes gets crotched onto the top rope. Thomas Rich is thrown into ring two. Rich gets to stand around in ring two, Sting and Luger brawl to a big pop from the crowd. Bagwell is thrown into ring two.


Rich hits Bagwell with a closeline and a suplex in ring two. Hughes bumps onto the ramp and he’s still wearing his sunglasses. Vader hits Sting with an atomic drop and you have no idea how lame this match is. Firebreaker chip is thrown into ring two. Ricky Morton and Justin Liger throw each over into ring two. Liger counters a flying cross body into a powerslam and hits a front flip senton and then a lion sault press. Liger then hits a sick knee driving front roll off top in a great spot. Liger then hits a spinning heel kick and Morton and Liger bump over the top rope. Liger, Morton and Rich are Eliminated.


Steamboat, Anderson and Champion are in ring two. There is lots of brawling going on all over the ring. Scott Steiner is throw into ring two. Jimmy Garvin is Eliminated. Ron Simmons is thrown into ring two, Dustin Rhodes is thrown into ring two. Sting and Rude brawl into ring number two. Leaving Vader and Luger in ring number two. Vader hits a closeline and a big splash on Luger. Vader hits Luger with an avalanche but Luger responds with a big closeline sending Vader into ring number two. Luge is the last man in Ring One. People are beginning to be eliminate from Ring two. Anderson is crotched on top and Anderson is dropkicked over the top rope. Dustin, Anderson, Mr. Hughes and Ron Simmons are all eliminated. Vader and Bagwell are eliminated as is Scott Steiner apparently. This is a total fucking mess. Steamboat slides down allowing Sting to dive and hit a flying closeline on Rude.


Sting hits a Stinger Splash on Steve Austin while Steamboat hits a superkick on Rude. Steamboat gives the heels a noggin knocker and then dodges allowing Rude to eliminate Austin, Steamboat then skins the cat and rannas Rude out of the ring but Rude then pulls Steamboat to the outside. Steve Austin, Rick Rude and Ricky Steamboat are eliminated. Rude runs back into the ring and hits Sting with a Rude Awakening.


It’s now down to Sting and Luger. Luger hits Sting with a running lariat before playing to the crowd. Luger then hits a running inverted atomic drop. Luger then grates Sting’s eyes on the top rope. Sting body slams Paul E Dangerously on the ramp. Luger sees it and shoves Sting off the ramp sending him into the guard rail. Sting rams Luger into the guard rail and they wrestle their way around the ring. Sting rubs Luger’s face in the canvas. Sting tries to put Luger over the top rope and kicks Luger in the gut. Sting then gives Harley Race a vertical suplex. Sting misses a Stinger splash and Sting is hung up on the top rope. Luger tries to throw Sting over the top rope but Sting clings on as Luger poses. Sting unloads with some of the goofiest offence ever hitting a bulldog and then tossing Luger. Sting is your winner.


I understand why they put it on the DVD for historical purposes but that was without doubt one of the all time worst concepts, one of the all time worst matches and one of the all time worst shows, utterly dreadful. (Negative -***1/2)


Tully Blanchard is up next and he cuts a promo about how great Starrcade is as an event before introducing the 2 out of three falls match between Steve Austin and Dustin Rhodes.


20. Steve Austin vs. Dustin Rhodes

(Two Out of Three Falls – Starrcade 1993)


Dustin gets a leg tip and both men exchange waist locks. Steve Austin then gets a side headlock takedown but Rhodes counters with a head scissors. Austin hits a shoulder tackle before running right into a bionic elbow and Steve Austin has to bail. Austin gets a snapmare but Rhodes counters with a hammerlock and drops some knees. Austin bails to the outside again and gets in the crowds face. Rhodes gets a sidehead lock takedown before hitting a shoulder tackle. Rhodes floats out of a powerbomb and gets a back slide for a two count and Austin has to bail yet again.


Austin gets a double leg takedown and he lays Rhodes on the apron and drops and elbow. Rhodes and Austine brawl on the outside and Rhodes whips Austin sending him crashing face first into the crowd and the crowd went nuts for that and Austin calls for a time out. Austin offers a hand shake but Dustin slugs him down hard instead. Dustin gets a side headlock takedown, Austin fights out and slugs Dustin down with a cheap shot.

Austin then hits a knee drop and goes to work slamming Dustin face first into the mat for a two count. Austin gets a snapmare and a knee drop for two. Dustin fights back with some big uppercuts but runs into a reverse elbow for a two count. Austin dodges a wild closeline and throws Dustin to the outside. Dustin gets a sling shot sunset flip for a near fall. Dustin then hits a dropkick that hits Austin in the gut. Austin dodges a closeline and hits a back suplex for a two count. They then go to a collision spot and they’ve completely lost the crowd. Rhodes dodges a closeline but Austin falls ontop of a body slam for a near fall. Austin comes off the second rope but misses a knee drop.


Dustin unloads with some big right hands and a bionic elbow, Rhodes then hits a flying closeline and a powerslam gets a two count. The colonel gets on the apron and Dustin throws Austin into the corner but Austin goes over the top rope for a DQ. Steve Austin wins the first fall by DQ. Dustin is not happy and rather than resting he brawls with Austin around the ring, they then make the announcement and the crowd are not happy, Austin is bleeding all over the place.


Second Fall: The lights fliker on and off and then go out as Dustin Rhodes hits a flying axehandle off top and a vertical suplex for a two count. Rhodes hits a corner closeline and plays to the crowd as the lights come back on as Dustin hits a ten punch which Austin counters into a double leg takedown but Austin falls on top and gets the tights for a quick 1-2-3.


What? Seriously? Who on earth thought that would be a great match? That was terrible two completely cheap awful screwy finishes in one match. The match never really got going, this was just an excuse to get Austin on the DVD. The selections so far are incredibly dubious why so much from the 1990s? (3/4*)


End of Disk One


19. The Road Warriors vs. Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard

(NWA World Tag Team Championship – Starrcade 1987)


Hawk grabs Arn by the throat but runs into a knee, Arn goes up top but he’s power to the middle of the ring for the military press and Arn has to bail. Arn grabs a side headlock but Hawk powers out and drops a leg drop on Anderson’s arm and Arn has to bail. Tully tags in and he gets shoved down hard, he puts the brakes on to avoid a big boot but runs into a closeline. He tries to bail but Animal military presses him back in. He tries to run again but Hawk drags him back and hits a dropkick for a near fall.


Animal tags but runs into a boot, Tully comes off top but is met with a monstrous powerslam and Arn has to make the save. Arn floats over Animal in the corner but when he plays to the crowd he’s met with a big closeline, Tully tries to run in he’s met with a big closeline and the Horsemen have to regroup outside the ring. Animal spits his gum at JJ as Arn and Hawk wrestle but Arn runs into a bearhug. Tully breaks that up but the double team is countered with a big double closeline which gets a near fall. Hawk then the military presses Tully and Animal catches him in bearhug, Hawk then hits him with a big right hand and then Animal hits a big inverted atomic drop.


Tully is angry and he refuses to stay down taking a hell of a beating before being put down for good with a dropkick from Animal. Anrn runs away to get a sneak attack but he finds that his piledriver is reversed and he’s given a big gorilla slam. Hawk tags in and goes for a military press but Tully hits him with a chop block. Tully tags in and works the leg over. Arn slams Hawk’s leg into the ring post and then slams him down onto the concrete. Tully then nails Hawk in the knee with the steel chair before rolling Hawk into a DDT from Arn Hawk kicks out with ease at two.


Tully goes for a figure four but Tully counters with an inside cradle for a two count. Arn tags back in applies a spinning toe hold but Hawk kicks him off. Hawk goes for the tag but Arn manages to grab the ankle just in time. Tully tags in and he cinches in the figure four and the crowd are worried. Arn tags in with a snapmare and gets a series of near falls, he tries to jump on Hawk but its crotched with two knees.


HOT TAG! Animal cleans house with closelines and dropkicks before he’s tripped by Tully. Tully is chased by Hawk. Tully destroys the referee sending him flying to the outside. Hawk then closelines Arn over the top rope and then they hit a double closeline sending Tully over the top rope. The Road Warriors then hits the Doomsday Device on Arn for the 1-2-3. However Tommy Young comes into the ring and DQs the Road Warriors over turning Earl Hebner’s decision.


A classic double Dusty finish, asides from the bullshit finish this was a really great match, Arn and Tully were utterly superb bumping and showing arse to make the Road Warriors look amazing. The match of course was in the Warrior format where they never show weakness and don’t take any bumps but this is about as good as their formulae can get, the crowd loved it. We have are first good match on the DVD. (***1/4)


Tully Blanchard talks about Starrcade 1996 and how the show was headlined by the match of the decade, Piper-Hogan but that match didn’t steal the show, the show was stolen by two crusierweights.


18. Rey Mysterio Jnr. vs. Justin Thunder Liger

(Starrcade 1996)


Both men shake hands to start the match. Rey tries to pick the ankle and gets a double trip leading to a surfboard but Liger counters into a double arm but Rey kicks out in a mule kick. Liger hits a shoulder block but Rey kips up and he’s met with a dropkick. Liger then hits a body slam and a stalling vertical suplex. Liger hits a stiff chop before sending Rey hard chest first into the turnbuckle. Rey runs straight into a big farewell. Liger then hits a big powerbomb, Liger tries another farewell but Rey counters with a ranna, Rey then back flips over Liger and then counters a powerbomb into a ranna sending Liger to the outside and then fakes out Liger with a 6-1-9.


Liger grabs Rey on the apron and Liger hits a suplex to the outside. Liger then powerbombs Rey on the outside but Liger refuses to accept the count out. Liger puts Rey on top but is shoved down hard, Rey goes for a torpedo dropkick and Rey swats it away. Rey charges but is caught with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and then goes to the Mexican surfboard Liger then kicks Rey crashing face first into the mat. Rey floats over a suplex from Liger and hits a release German suplex and a back flip splash gets a two count.


Rey gets a flying headscissors and an Arabian moonsault gets a two count. Rey gets a springboard dropkick and then kips up before slapping on a camel clutch. Rey goes for another springboard move but he’s caught with a dropkick by Liger for a near fall. Liger slaps on the half boston crab before Liger gives Rey a dragon screw leg whip. Liger then hits a sommersualt coppokick in the corner on Rey, Rey then catches Liger with a monkey flip and a spinning heel kick. Rey catches Liger with a head scissors, Rey flips and flops all over Liger sending him to the outside before a hitting a baseball slide. Rey then hits a springboard moonsault press.


Rey hangs Liger in the ropes and hits a springboard guillotine leg drop for a near fall. Rey gets a double leg takedown but misses the slingshot senton bomb. Liger comes off top with a diving headbutt for a near fall. Liger press Rey to the apron but when Rey tries a slingshot move Liger catches him sends him crashing to the outside. Liger then counters a Frankensteiner by landing on his feet and nailing Rey with a rolling heel kick that sets up Rey for the Ligerbomb for the 1-2-3.


Good cruiserweight match, the lack of crowd heat really hurt the match, there was a lack of psychology in this one for sure but it was overcome with some good in ring action. Not the best cruiserweight match up of all time but still good stuff. (***)


17. The Midnight Express vs. The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express

(Scaffold Match – Starrcade 1987)


Robert climbs to the top of the scaffold and so does the Midnight express but Big Bubba attacks Ricky Morton on the ground leaving Gibson isolated atop the scaffold. Big Bubba tries to climb up but Morton kills him with the tennis racket and then climbs up and cleans house with the tennis racket. Morton slams Eaton on the scaffold and then slams him face first into the scaffold. They throw powder in Gibson’s eyes and they then double team him. Morton rocks Eaton with the tennis racket sending Eaton rocking into a big right hand from Gibson. There is alot of nervous tettering around going on. Eaton manages to get the tennis racket and he beats the hell out of Gibson but Gibson grabs a peice of metal railing and kills Eaton sending the racket flying.

Sweet Stan is just hanging on to the under side of the scaffold and teases some falls with some eye rakes. Eaton beats Morton with the racket but Gibson steals it back and brawls with Eaton. Morton and Lane brawl underneath the scaffold. Morton nails Eaton with the tennis racket and he does some great teases of falling off the ladder before falling safely onto the scaffold. Morton then kicks sweet Stan and he crashes off the under side of scaffold. Eaton is then hanging underneath the scaffold and Gibson kicks him off for the win. Cornette then sends Big Bubba to the top of the Scaffold but Morton distracts Bubba and low blows him before running away and Big Bubba isn’t happy as Morton steals his hat and coat.


That was a relatively fun match up, they did the best they could do with a pretty horrible gimmick match. Still a good choice for the DVD for historical purposes. (**)


Ric Flair then introduces the next match up, he says its one of his all time great matches as he faced the man he’d groomed Luger to be the next Horseman, Lex Luger .


16. Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair

(NWA World Heavyweight Championship – Starrcade 1988)


Flair struts and woos right in Luger’s face. Flair lock up with a headlock but grabs the ropes to avoid the shoulder tackle and struts, woos and mocks Luger’s muscle poses. Flair gives Luger a clean break before unloading with a chop, Flair again puts the breaks on and woos but this time Luger kills Flair with big closeline sending Flair crashing over the top rope and Luger plays to the crowd while Flair regroups. Flair wrestles Luger into a hammerlock but its no sold and Luger reverse into one of his own, Flair breaks it in the ropes and gets in Lex’s face.


Luger grabs a side headlock before exploding with a shoulder tackle, Luger no sells Flair’s chops, Flair scores with a shoulder tackle but runs straight into a big powerslam, Flair then runs straight into a military press and Flair sells like mad before Luger gets a two count. Flair tries to begs off but Luger grabs and arm wringer and then he throws Flair hard into the corner. Flair responds with a huge chop but Luger no sells and Flair begs off all around the ring before catching Luger with a boot to the gut. Bug Luger explodes with a hard Irish whip on Flair drawing a Flair flop.


Luger then wrenches away at a hammerlock on Ric Flair, Ric elbows his way out but runs straight into a back elbow. Luger then counters a hip toss and powers Flair down with one of his own. Flair finally manages to cut Luger off with an eye poke. Flair then gets a short arm punch. Flair unloads with chops on Luger in the corner and then tries the Flair flurry but Luger no sells it all and Flair tires to run away but Luger chases Flair and works over his arm on the guard rail and then sends Flair shoulder first into the ring post. They return to the ring and Luger shows off some muscle poses. Luger then locks in an arm bar.


Flair unloads on Luger with some kidney punches before hitting a shoulder tackle, Flair dodges a closeline but can’t dodge a second and that gets a very near fall. Luger then catches Flair trying to runs away and hits a nice stalling vertical suplex bringing Flair into the ring for a near fall. Flair then rolls out the way of an elbow drop. Flair hits a flying forearm which Luger sells terribly, Flair then throws Luger through the ropes to the outside. Flair then slams Luger into the guard rail and hits Luger with some big chops and right hands before slamming Luger into the guard rail yet again.


Back in the ring the referee gets in Flair’s face and shoves him hard. Flair gives Luger a snapmare and then hits the Flair rolling knee drop and begins to get cocky. Flair hits Luger with a big chop, Flair then gives Luger a snapmare and a double stomp to the chest. Flair nails Luger with some big chops in the corner but Luger starts to no sell and does his wobbly chest thing. Luger continues to no sell everything and unloads with a series of big rights. Flair responds with a shoulder tackle before running into a sleeper hold. Flair looks like fading but manages to counter with a back suplex and both men are down.


Flair gives Luger a snapmare and goes for the figure four but Luger counters with an inside cradle for a near fall. Flair gets another snapmare and goes to the top rope where he’s crotched by Luger who hits a no so superplex for a near fall but Luger immediately locks Ric Flair in the figure four which Flair sells like mad. Flair makes the ropes but Tommy Rich kicks Flair’s arm of the ropes but eventually Flair manages to grab the ropes with both arms. Flair unloads on Luger with both hands. Luger accidently hits the ref allowing Flair to hit and eye poke and to throw Luger over the top rope. Luger no sells and hits a flying cross body off top for a very near fall.


Luger then counters a kitchen sink into a back slide for another near fall and follows up with a ten punch in the corner. Luger gives Flair a hard Irish whip and Flair gets a Flair flip but lands Hard and Luger hits him with a vertical suplex for a two count. Flair tries to fire back but Luger no sells everything. Flair then charges straight into a military press and a powerslam and Luger calls for the torture rack. JJ distracts the ref and Flair bails and trips Luger. Flair then lays Lugers leg across the apron and nails Luger with a steel chair which Luger sells like mad.


Flair then works over Luger’s leg against the ropes and he begins to go to town. Flair then hits Luger with a chop block and Luger can’t stand. Flair then kicks away at the leg and drops a knee drop right on the leg that looked brutal, Flair then slaps on the Figure Four and Luger is in trouble. The crowd start a huge “Luger” chant, Flair slaps Luger who starts to hulk up and muscle poses and manages to overturn the hold. Luger is struggling and Flair goes straight back to the leg. Flair gets another snapmare and drops a knee right on the leg again. Flair goes up top but Luger catches him and press slams him across the ring but Luger’s leg gives out.

Flair then gives Luger a jaw jacker but Luger no sells it and Flair begs off and Luger hits a military press but again the leg buckles on Luger. Flair throws Luger to the outside again but Luger responds with a sunset flip for a near fall. Flair hits a flying forearm but Luger no sells it and Flair bounces off. Luger then gives Flair a ten punch at the thirty minute mark. Luger then hits Flair with a hard Irish whip and a big closeline. Flair then hits a powerslam and calls for the torture rack and locks it in but Luger’s leg buckles and Flair puts both his feet on the middle rope for the 1-2-3.


That’s as good a match as you’ll ever see out of Luger, Flair showed arse and made him look like an absolute star. You could see at times just how awkward and sloppy Luger was. Flair perceived and the match told a really good story as Flair couldn’t beat or even hurt Luger when playing by the rules and had to use JJ Dillon’s distraction to put Luger in jeopardy. Flair really does work the leg better than anyone else in wrestling with the knee drops to the knee locking brutal and the finish of the match fitting perfectly within the psychology of the match. Who would have thought watching Lex Luger wrestle for over 30 minutes could be so enjoyable. (***3/4)


15. Eddie Guerrero vs. Shinjiro Ootani

(Starrcade 1995)


The crowd are behind Eddie as they lock up, Ootania gets an arm wrench takedown before going to a camel clutch. Ootani tries to pick a leg but Eddie counters with an ezenguri. Eddie gets a snapmare and his face stomp. Ootania counters with a single leg crab and both men wrestle on the floor and Eddie grabs a chinlock. Eddie flips over Eddie but Ootani hits a monkey flip but Eddie responds with a flying head scissors sending Ootani to the outside.


Eddie fakes a chest of strength and hits a dropkick and the helo. Eddie then locks in a boston crab and then changes up to a half boston crab but Ootani manages to make the ropes. Eddie then hits a snap powerslam for a near fall. Eddie then follows it up with a brainbuster for a near fall but Ootania gets his foot on the ropes. Eddie hits a corner closeline, Ootania does a Flair flip to avoid Eddie and then hits a springboard dropkick sending Eddie to the outside and then Ootania hits a springboard flying forearm to the outside, nice change of pace.


Ootania then hits a dropkick and chokes Ootani in the ropes. Ootani then slaps on a camel clutch on Eddie Guerrero and then switches to a chinlock. Eddie fights out and hits a nice back drop driver for a near fall. Ootani floats over a brainbuster and hits a German suplex for a near fall. Ootania follows it up with a springboard spinning heel kick. Ootania hits the body slam and goes up top but Eddie catches him with a lovely frankensteiner for a near fall. Eddie has Ootani up and hits a lovely splash mountain bomb for a near fall. Both men exchange standing switches and Ootani counters into a brilliant ankle lock and Eddie has to scramble to the ropes.


Ootania charges but Eddie dodges sending him to the outside. Eddie throws Ootani into the guard rail and then body slams Ootani on the outside before hitting a springboard flying crossbody. Ootania blocks Eddie and suplexes Eddie back into the ring. Ootani then hits a springboard dropkick to the back of the head of Eddie Guerrero. Ootani says its over and goes for the full nelson but Eddie fights out and gets a pop up ranna, Eddie rolls through into roll up, Eddie jumps on top but Ootani reverses into a pin of his own for the dramatic nearfall.


Unfortunately this match lacked crowd heat but the wrestling was of a high standard, as Eddie and Ootani pulled out some great offence and nice exchanges. The finish was pretty dramatic and took the crowd by suprise, not a classic but a solid match up and a way to get Eddie Guerrero on the DVD. (***)


14. Dusty Rhodes & Sting vs. The Road Warriors

(NWA World Tag Team Championship – Starrcade 1988)


Sting is powered to the corner but he dodges Animal, Animal hits a shoulder tackle but Sting responds with a leap frog and a dropkick. Sting applies an arm wringer to Animal before tagging in Dusty who hits a series of bionic elbows and Animal has to bail. Hawk tags in and Dusty unloads on Hawk before tagging in Sting. Hawk however unloads with a brutal flurry of stomps and then some big rights and lefts but Sting responds with a haymaker before scoring with a power slam and an elbow drop.


Animal tags in and hits a military press before dropping Animal throat first on the top rope but Sting explodes with closelines and dropkicks before Sting hits a flying closeline off top to the outside and the crowd are going absolutely ballistic. Dusty tags in and gets a double leg takedown before working over Animal’s leg on the ring post. Hawk tags in and calls for the test of strength but Dusty kicks him in the gut gets the trip and goes for the figure four but Animal makes the save and Hawk and Dusty brawl to the outside.


Back in the ring Hawk hits a standing dropkick, Hawk unloads but Dusty starts to dance around and responds with a dropkick but Animal tags in and stomps the hell out of Dusty. Animal then cinches in a chinlock on Dusty and the crowd come to life as Dusty tries to fight out. Hawk tags in and hits some stiff chops before applying a sleeper but Rhodes breaks it with a jaw breaker and the race is on.


HOT TAG! Sting unloads on Animal and hits a bulldog. Sting floats over animal in the corner and dropkicks him in the back before hitting the Stinger Splash and locking in the Scorpion Death Lock but Hawk manages to break up the hold. Dusty is isolated but he fights off the doomsday device and Sting nails Animal with a flying Stinger Splash from the top rope for the 1...2...DQ! Paul Errling runs in and breaks up the pin. A brawl erupts and Sting clears the ring with enzenguris.


This was a fun little tag team match, not much selling going on in this one the action slowed down alot when Dusty got isolated and the finishing sequence was very abrupt but this was a solid tag team encounter with massive crowd heat and four of the biggest stars of the decade. (**1/2)


Flair and David Crockett are in the Greensboro coliseum reminiscing Flair seems like he’s having fun, he looks like he’s off his face on smack talking about the women going wild before introducing Sting vs. Vader.


13. Sting vs. Big Van Vader

(King Of Cable Match - Starrcade 1992)


Vader shoves Sting down but Sting responds with a flurry of lefts and right but Vader no sells it and shouts “no pain”. Vader then scoop slams Sting with ease. Sting locks up again and Vader body slams him again. Sting charges straight into a butterfly club from Vader who picks Sting up and military presses Sting throat first onto the top rope. Not content with one Vader lifts Sting up and does it again. Sting dodges two closelines and Sting hits a nice rolling heel kick and follows it up with an ezenguri and a German suplex. Sting follows it up with a closeline and then a big flying closeline sends both men over top rope tearing off Vader’s mask. Vader regroups with Harley Race and Sting hits plancha taking out both men.


Vader clubs the hell out of Sting min the corner but misses an avalanche and Sting gets a quick arm drag. Sting goes for the Stinger Splash but Vader counters with a big boot. Sting then dodges a closeline and hits Vader with two big boots and a DDT. Sting then puts Vader on the top rope and hits a Super DDT for a near fall. Sting then locks Vader in the Scoripion Deathlock but Vader manages to make the ropes. Vader bails to the outside and Sting chases him and goes for a Stinger splash but Vader side steps and Sting crashes and burns into the guard rail.


Sting barely manages to beat the count and Vader hits a short arm closeline. Vader then hits a big Avalanche and closeline combo for a near fall. Vader hits Sting with some of his legendary straight rights before scoring with a back suplex and a big splash for a near fall. Vader then slaps on a seated abdominal stretch while working the face with his free arm before getting another near fall. Sting counters a short arm closeline with a back slide for a near fall and goes for a sunset flip but Vader tries to sit out on it but Sting rolls out the way. Sting then pops up with a back suplex but Vader crawls over for a near fall. Vader then unloads on Sting in the corner with his big jabs and Sting flops down to the canvas.


Vader places Sting on the top rope but Sting unloads and knocks Vader from the top rope and Sting falls off also and both men are down. Vader unloads with his big right and left hooks and Sting tells him to bring it on and Sting covers up. Vader’s punches get weaker and Sting begins to hulk up. Sting hits a series of big rights and a discus punch takes Vader down. Sting then hits Vader with a Samoan drop and heads to the top rope and hits a big flying splash for a near fall. Harley Race gets on the apron and that allows Vader to hit Sting with a northern lariat. Vader hits a weak chokeslam and then scores with a second rope splash, Vader goes up top one more time and goes for the flying crossbody but Sting counters with powerslam for a flash 1-2-3.


Considering these guys had already wrestled one match already and had another to come this was a very good performance. A good power main event style, with both Vader and Sting creating good movement making for a fun crowd pleasing match up. (***)


12. The Brisco Brothers vs. Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood

(NWA World Tag Team Title – Starrcade 1983)


Steamboat gives Jack a clean break in the corner, Ricky leap frogs Jack but Jack grabs the ropes to avoid the double back chop. Jack gets an arm wrench and tags in Gerry but Ricky responds with a drop toe hold and Gerry immediately tags out. Jack grabs a hammerlock but Steamboat flips over Jack and gets an arm drag and Gerry has to tag back in. Gerry fakes a clean break and unloads on Steamboat. Gerry gives Ricky a hard Irish whip but Rick puts on the breaks and sends Gerry headfirst into the top turnbuckle. Steamboat unloads with a series of karate strikes.


Youngblood tags in and gets a headlock takedown before laying in some shoulder block in the corner. Jay gets an arm wrench but Gerry tries to counter with a body slam but Jay rolls through still holding onto the arm. Steamboat tags in and hits a flying karate chop onto the arm of Brisco. Jay then tags back in and hits a flying axe handle to the arm. Jack manages to tag in and drops Jay throat first onto the top rope before hitting a knee drop. Jack then slaps on a chinlock and the crowd come to life. Ricky hits a shoulder tackle but he’s leap frogged by Jack who hits a back body drop and a double underhook suplex gets a two count from a bridging pin.


The crowd are going mental as Jack holds Ricky down in a waist lock. Jack then hits a hip toss before transitioning into a arm scissors. Ricky powers Jack up with one arm and hits a huge one arm suplex. Ricky tags in Jay who unloads with a big chop and goes for a suplex but Jack blocks and scores with one of his own. The Briscos then hit a double football tackle on Jay and Gerry hits a vertical suplex for a near fall. Gerry then gets an abdominal stretch cradle for a near fall. The referee gets in Gerry’s face and shoves him down allowing Jay to escape.


HOT TAG! Ricky unloads with a series of Karate strikes on both men. Jay and Ricky then hit a double team double back chop and then Ricky lifts Jay for a dropkick on Jerry. Ricky body slams Gerry and then Military press Jay ontop for Gerry for the 1-2-3. Jack runs in after the match and beats the hell out of Ric and the referee. They then lock Jay in a figure four and Gerry tries to come off top but the referee makes the save catching Jack in a bearhug and Ricky and Jay recover and clear the ring.


That was a very well wrestled match with a good mix of exciting fast paced action and really good amateur wrestling. This was great stuff, the finish was a bit anti climatic but the wild post match brawl made up for that. Would like to have seen this match go longer. (***)


11. Dusty Rhodes vs. Ric Flair

(NWA World Heavyweight Title – Starrcade 1985)


Dusty struts to start the match before Ric takes him into the corner were they exchange chops and Dusty kills Flair with some flip flop and fly action. Dusty hits a big right hand and Flair is knocked out of the ring and Dusty struts around in cocky fashion. Flair returns to the ring and hits some chops but he’s met with bionic elbows and a shoulder tackle, Flair leap frogs Dusty but when he turns he’s planted with a bionic elbow and Flair has to bail to the outside yet again. Flair returns to the ring and goes for a side headlock but Dusty counters into a hammerlock and takes Flair down. Flair is cautious but unloads with a series of chops and some short right hands. Flair gets a snapmare and the knee drop before playing to the crowd. Flair gets an arm wrench and then a leg kick sends Dusty to the outside for Dusty rest spot #1.


Dusty unloads on Flair from the apron with some elbows which the crowd “oooh” and “aaah” along with. Dusty then begins to work on Flair’s leg putting him in leg scissors. Dusty then grabs Flair’s leg and milks the crowd reaction before dropping an elbow. Ric responds with an eye rake but when he goes for the suplex his leg is too weak and it allows Dusty to score with a vertical suplex on his own. Dusty then goes back to the leg and locks on a toe hold. Dusty hits a shoulder tackle but Ric suprises Dusty with a sleeper hold but Dusty runs Flair straight face first into the turnbuckle. Dusty then pulls Flair to the corner of the ring and works over his leg against the ring post.


Dusty then unloads on Flair with a series of chops and a snapmare that sets up the elbow drop but Ric rolls out the way. Ric goes up top but he is of course body slammed off top and Dusty goes for the figure four but Ric manages to kick Dusty across the ring. Ric gets a chop before taking out Dusty’s leg and going for the figure four but Dusty kicks him off twice to avoid the hold. Dusty responds with a headbutt and sends Flair into the corner for a Flair flip and Ric crashes and burns to the outside. Dusty then introduces Ric to the guard rail at ringside.


Flair returns to the ring and he’s busted open, Ric throws Dusty over the top rope but the referee doesn’t see it. Dusty then comes off top with a flying cross body but there’s no referee the referee eventually spots it and gets a near fall. Dusty takes Flair down with a straight right hand and some bionic elbows in the corner. Dusty then hits a five punch in the corner drawing the Flair flop. Dusty then tees of with the jabs dodging Ric’s wild swings and Ric has to beg off, Flair goes for another Flair flip and runs up the top rope but Dusty counters the flying axe handle with a gut punch.


Dusty tries to hit a boot on Flair but misses and hits the bottom rope. Dusty is rolling in agony on the floor holding his ankle and Flair works over Dusty’s leg on the bottom rope and then hits a knee drop right on the leg of Dusty before slapping on the Figure Four right in the centre of the ring. Dusty does the flip flop and fly motion and tries to over turn the hold and manages it and Ric has to break the hold. Both men are down. Ric hits Dusty with some big chops but Dusty is no selling and unloads with some bionic elbows. Ric floats over a body slam but can’t avoid a flying closeline for a near fall.


The referee then gets bumped twice with Dusty landing on him and then Flair being thrown into him. Dusty and Ric battle in the ring and Dusty locks on the figure four, Ric is tapping but Arn runs in and Dusty kills Arn with a big boot, and Ole runs in with a flying knee to the back and Ric rolls on top for a 1...2....near fall. Arn and Ole can’t believe it, Ric tries to pick up Dusty but Dusty suprises him with the inside cradle for the 1-2-3.


Dramatic second half to a match that had the usual lull while Dusty lies on his back trying to catch his breath, Flair did of what he does best heeling it up throughout the whole match, bumping for everything Dusty did and basically looking like a million bucks. The finish was really nice as you could see that the crowd thought they were getting another screwy finish only to be surprised with a roll up for the big happy ending. Good Dusty-Flair encounter. (***1/4)


10. Dean Malenko vs. Eddie Guerrero

(WCW Cruiserweight Title - Starrcade 1997)


Eddie throws the referee into Dean and gets a waist lock takedown but Dean unloads on Eddie from the mount. Dean then scores with a high leg lariat and a nice vertical suplex, Dean then unloads on Eddie from and mount as the crowd count along. The crowd chant “Eddie sucks”, Eddie gets an arm wrench and runs to the top rope but Dean counters the ranna into a powerbomb for a neafall. Dean then kills Eddie with an Alabama slam for a nearfall, Eddie bridges up but runs straight into a powerslam for a two count and Eddie is very frustrated. Eddie then runs on his knees and bails to the outside.


Eddie dives back into the ring with a chop block on Dean Malenko. Eddie then hits a European uppercut and a knife edge chop on Dean. Eddie then hits a snapmare and his face stomp and a basement dropkick before getting in the crowds face. Dean blocks a suplex and unloads with knees before front suplexing Eddie onto the top rope and he follows up with a big closeline for a near fall. Dean then gets a snapmare and he applies a headscissors. Eddie charges and runs into a huge farewell. Eddie begs off and calls for a time out and offers Dean and handshake and kisses Dean’s feet. Dean decides to nails Eddie with a basement dropkick.


Dean wins a test of strength and then stomps on Eddie’s hands and hits a basement dropkick. Eddie explodes with a series of shoulder blocks and goes for a Tornado DDT but Dean throws him off and then presses Eddie into the turnbuckle before scoring with the back suplex for a near fall. Eddie goes for a suplex but Dean counters but Eddie floats over and gives Dean a reverse Jaw Jacker. Eddie then hits a plancha onto Dean’s leg which is laid across the ring apron. Eddie then smashes Dean’s knee into the ringpost and then dropkicks the ring steps into Dean’s knees against the ringpost.


Eddie then hits a powerbomb pin for a near fall. Eddie tries the spinning headscissors but Dean counters with a wheel barrow suplex for a nearfall. Dean runs into a back elbow but Dean counters a spinning arm drag into a back breaker for a two count. Eddie floats over onto the apron but gets caught on the top rope. Dean and Eddie battle and Dean hits a kind of face buster and both men sort of block each others move.


Dean then hits a huge powerbomb and he calls for the clover leaf but Eddie kicks out Dean’s leg. Eddie misses a basement dropkick and goes crashing to the outside. Eddie recovers and hits a top rope missile dropkick to the knee and Eddie follow that up with a frog splash to the knee for the 1-2-3.


Really good opening match up for Starrcade 1997 there were a couple of awkward moments but most of the action was really crisp and really tight. The finish was very well done and excellently foreshadowed and for once Dusty actually did a good job of setting up the finish of commentary. Best Cruiserweight match thus far. (***1/4)


9. The Road Warriors vs. The Steiner Brothers

(Tag Team Tournament – Starrcade 1989)


Scott gets a single leg trip on Hawk to start the match, he tries it again but Hawk responds with an ezenguri, Hawk catches a boot but Scott spins into a leg trip of his own, that was pretty awesome from Scott. Rick tags in but he’s turned inside out by Hawk. Animal tags in and they hit a double back elbow, Rick dodges a closeline and hits a Steiner line on Animal. Animal then hits a flying shoulder tackle but Rick counters a bear hug with a side belly to belly suplex.


Scott tags in but he’s met by Hawk who military presses Scott Steiner with ease and a fist drop gets a two count. Hawk then hits a big boot for a two count. Animal hits a body slam but misses an elbow drop and Scott scores with a side belly to belly suplex for a two count. Scott lays in some shoulder tackles. Scott charges but Animal explodes out of the corner with a diving closeline. Hawk tags in and hits a train wreck on Scott and a gut wrench suplex gets a near fall. Scott then scores with an insanely dangerous second rope dead lift Belly to Belly suplex for a near fall.


Animal tags in and locks in a bear hug, Animal then kicks down Scott before Rick makes the save. Animal gets an arm wringer and tags in Hawk who kicks down Scott. Hawk then scores with a big powerslam on Scott for a near fall. Rick and Hawk have a big brawl. Hawk lifts Scott up for a back suplex and Animal hits a flying closeline. Hawk has a bridging pin 1...2...Scott lifts a shoulder....3! The Steiners win.


Well that was a pretty short match but contain good back and forth power offence, there was one really dangerous spot from Scott Steiner but all in all this was a pretty solid match up. (**1/4)


8. Jung Dragons vs. Evan Karagais & Jamie Noble vs. Three Count

(Ladder Match – Starrcade 2000)


God why do I have to review this match again? Well see if I like it any better this time around. Kaz sweeps the legs of Shannon Moore and they then totaly blow a spot with both men landing on the back of their heads. Shannon Moore then hits a sloppy ranna. They are tagging in and out for no apparent reason. Everyone the goes for the ladder but Three Count get one from under the ring and they climb the ladder but the Young Dragons shove the ladder over and closelines 3 Count out of the ring. Evan and Noble pick up the ladder but Yang dropkicks it back into them, Kaz then hits a back flip splash onto the ladder.


They set up a ladder in the corner and after some lame spots Noble drop toe holds Kaz into the ladder, they then botch a flap jack sending Noble crashing into the ladder. Noble goes for the contract but Evan pulls him down and the two men argue. Yang then dropkicks Noble and Evan into one another. Yang then whips Noble back first into the ladder. Yang hits a cheesy punch combo before he catches Shannon with a gut buster. Yang then hits a second rope Yang time. Helms then hits a front flip tope onto Yang, Kaz then hits a back flip tope on Evan, Evan hits a flying cross body, and Shannon Moore hits a Asai Moonsault. Then in a terrible spot Noble sets the ladder up by the ropes only to be shoved off and ontop of everyone.


Yang sets up two ladders forming a bridge accros the top rope to the ladder. Evan stands on the ladder bridge and catches a springboard move and counters with a powerslam. Moore hits a leg drop off the ladder bridge onto Evan. Sugar Shane then hits a neck breaker off the ladder bridge. They now set two ladders next to each other for no apparent reason. Three count Yang and Noble brawl atop the two ladders. Noble hits a sunset bomb on Helms off the ladder. Yang Moore then hits a neck breaker off the ladders.


Noble climbs the ladder but Meow pulls Noble off the ladder and spanks him. They then set up a ladder laying in the corner. Evan then hits a back breaker before he randomly climbs a Ladder to be hit with a double Criss Cross bomb from the Dragons. The Dragons then set up a huge ladder bridge. Yang and Kaz are thrown face first into the ladder bridge. Noble hits Moore with a tombstone and Noble climbs onto the ladder bridge with Kaz. Noble is kicked off the ladder and then Kaz is pushed off the ladder in a cartoony bump. Yang then shoves Evan over the top rope to the outside. Yang and Helms brawl on the ladder bridge before Moore rannas Yang off the ladder, Helms then throws Noble off the top of the ladder. 3 Count then shake hands and take down the contract.


That was a lame indy level spotfest, just a bunch of random spots with no suspense, story, drama or logic whatsoever. There were some exciting and creative moments but they were wedge between botches, sloppiness and some mind bogglingly contrived moments. Too crowded, too confused, too mind numbing. (**)


7. Ric Flair vs. Sting

(Iron Man Tournement – Starrcade 1989)


Sting gets a shoulder tackle, Ric goes for a hip toss but Sting counters into one of his own and Flair catches his breath on the outside. Both men Woo at each other before Ric gets a hammerlock but Sting counters with a drop toe hold, Sting gets an arm wringer but Ric counters and places Sting on the rope and gets in Sting’s face. The crowd trade Sting and Flair chants will both men try to power each other down but Sting wins. Ric hits a shoulder tackle they go to a leap frog exchange before Ric runs into a military press. Ric stands straight up and shoves Sting hard but Sting shoves back hard and Ric lands on his arse and Flair has to bail.


Sting gets a shoulder tackle but Sting responds going for a back slide and gets a near fall. Ric takes Sting down with one hard chop. Flair unloads with a pair of big chops in the corner. Sting respond with a hip toss and two dropkicks before hitting a closeline for a two count. Ric gets a kick to the gut and throws Sting out of the ring. Flair then throws Sting into the guard rail and returns to the ring. Flair then gives Sting a jaw jacker before giving Sting a hanging vertical suplex for a two count. Ric then hits a knee drop for a two count and then gets an abdominal stretch roll up for a two count and then gets in the referees face. Ric then applies an inside cradle for a two count. Ric then hits a vertical suplex for another near fall. Ric then gives Sting a pair of hard Irish whips before scoring with a double arm suplex for a near fall. Sting explodes out of the corner with a closeline for a nearfall and Ric bails to the outside. Flair tries a stiff chop but Sting is no selling.


Five minutes remain and Ric catches Sting with a bionic elbow but Sting responds by going for a sunset flip but Ric counters with a straight right hand and then tries to suplex Sting to the outside but Sting counters suplex Ric hard back into the ring. Ric unloads with some more stiff chops but Sting begins to no sell, Flair begs off but Sting gives him a ten punch and hits a hip toss and a closeline for a two count. Sting hits a Stinger splash drawing a Flair flop and Sting locks in the Scorpion Deathlock but Ric immediately makes the ropes. Ric responds with a knee breaker and figure four combination but Sting makes the ropes. Ric kicks away at Sting’s knee and Sting is hoping around. Flair works over Sting’s leg in the ropes and then drops a knee on the the leg of Sting. They then do some near fall exchanges and Flair hits another knee breaker as we go within a minute. Flair jumps down on Sting’s leg and we are within thirty seconds. Flair acts cocky and goes for the figure four but Sting counters with an inside cradle for the 1-2-3 with seconds remaining.


Well predictable finish but this was good match and an exciting finale to a tournament. Considering they had already wrestled two matches earlier on the card this was a really good effort. Not a classic but a find main event. (***)


6. Roddy Piper vs. Greg Valentine

(Dog Collar Match – Starrcade 1983)


Both men try to pull each other by the neck creating a memorable visual. Both men then pull each other towards each other and Piper whips Greg with the chain. Greg swings the chain at Piper but Roddy dodges and both men are back at a stalemate. Both men exchange strikes and then Piper whips Greg in the leg and unloads with some loaded right hands in the corner on Valentine. Piper then pulls Greg in with the chain for a straight right hand. Piper then crotches Valentine with the chain and slugs Valentine down. Greg responds with a snapmare and then in an iconic image Greg brutally wraps the chain around Roddy’s eyes and Piper’s face goes purple. Roddy returns the favour with a knee lift before Piper wraps the chain around the face of Greg in another brutal image.

Piper the ties the chain around the ring post and hangs Valentine in the corner in another cool spot. Piper pulls Greg in for a big right hand and Greg has bladed in gory fashion. Both Greg and Piper brawl to the outside. Piper throws a chair and then unloads on Greg. Piper then pulls Greg onto the apron where both men battle with the chain. Valentine mounts Piper on the apron and pounds the crap out of Piper. Greg then introduces Piper to the ringpost and then throws Piper through a whole host of chairs. Greg pulls Roddy back into the ring by the chain and Piper is bleeding from the ear, and Greg pounds the holy hell out of that ear with some loaded fists.


Piper tries to get to his feet but Greg pounds him down and wraps the chain around the head of Piper in the corner. Piper blocks the suplex with a load fist and Piper fires back but Greg cuts him off with a bionic elbow to the ear for a two count. Greg then drops an elbow, Greg plays to the crowd and tries to run the ropes but Piper uses the chain to pull him down hard. Piper then explodes and slugs the hell out of Greg with some right hands. Roddy then whips the hell out of Valentine hitting him right in the skull with the chain. The blood is absolutely pouring out of the ear of Piper.


Greg makes a come back throwing strikes to the ear but Piper unloads with a snap jab combo before winding up and hitting Greg with some big haymakers. Greg then wraps the chain around Piper and hits a sloppy closeline. Valentine then hits a knee drop to the chest for a near fall. Valentine then drops a series of knees to the chest of Piper and then they battle over a suplex which Piper wins and both men are down laying on top of each other drenched in blood, the mat is a mess and this is about as Iconic as it gets. Both men exchange strikes before Valentine slaps on a sleeper hold and Piper fades but manages to hang on.


Piper wraps the Chain around his fist but fades again before surprising Greg with a diving loaded fist. Greg goes to the second rope and scores with a bionic elbow before dropping an elbow drop. Piper then pulls Greg off the second rope via the chain into a loaded fist and then he mounts Greg and whips him about five or six times in the skull with the chain before wrapping the chain around Greg’s legs and getting the 1-2-3.

After the bell Greg wraps the chain around Piper’s neck in a scary spot with Piper’s face going bright red and purple and the referee has to save Piper. Greg then whips Piper with the chain and Piper tries to fight back but Greg wears him down.


Dramatic, bloody and Iconic. Make no mistake this match was sloppy as fuck but equally as brutal and intense. The finish was pretty all over the place but was a suitably sick way to end the match up. This was a perfect gimmick match for a blood feud. You rarely see a bloody brawl this intense , this important and this well booked these days. Roddy Piper’s most Iconic match. (***1/4)


5. The Road Warriors vs. The Midnight Express

(Scafold Match – Starrcade 1986)


The Road Warriors climb to the top of the scaffold but Dennis and Bobby aren’t so keen and Cornette gets on commentary to complain about the match up. Hawk unloads on Dennis and they pretty much just crawl along the scaffold, Hawk rakes the eyes of Bobby Eaton. Dennis responds by throwing powder in the eyes of both of the Road Warriors and Dennis works over Hawk on one end while Bobby works over Animal at the other end. Hawk hangs on to the side of the Scaffold and teases falling. Bobby Eaton ends up hung upside down and has to jump to the under Scaffold to save himself, that was a very nice tease. Animal slams Bobby face first into the scaffold. Bobby Eaton has been cut wide open by Animal. Dennis tries to climb down but in the process gets slugged down and teases falling off the scaffold. Hawk goes down to meet him. Dennis and Hawk brawl on the under side of the Scaffold and the crowd chant along with each of Hawk’s punches. Dennis tries to kick Hawk off and both sets of men begin to monkey bar and have chicken fight and the Road Warriors kick down Bobby and Dennis for the biggish bumps. Paul then chases Jimmy Cornette to the top of the Scaffold where Animal waits. Jim holds on to the scaffold for dear life before falling and breaking his arse and shattering his muscles with bump straight on his arse. Cornette screams in pain as he leaves.


Well it was pretty much what it was, this had some added bonus with some decent teases and some cool blade jobs from the heels. The real great moment was the ultimate fan revenge moment with Cornette taking the sickening bump. (**1/4)


4. Holywood Hulk Hogan vs. Sting

(WCW World Heavyweight Championship – Starrcade 1997)


Without doubt the greatest hyped match in the history of WCW, these two were kept apart for an entire year in a decade and an era when big matches were being given away on free tv. This was the ultimate WCW revenge show, or it was supposed to be at least and this was the ultimate revenge match. People were begging for Sting to tear Hogan to pieces, will this match live up to the hype? Your about to find out.


Sting shoves Hogan, Sting looks all sad and disenfranchised while Hogan dances and prances around him. Hogan powers Sting to the corner but Sting blocks a right hand and unloads with one of his own and the crowd start a huge “Hogan Sucks” chant. Hogan fakes a test of Strenght and then unloads on Sting who is sort of no selling, kind of fighting like a zombie. Hogan hits a corner closeline and then a body slam but misses two elbow drops and Sting hits a dropkick sending Hogan to the outside. Sting’s body language is so languid and Sting just stands in the centre of the ring looking as if he’s going to cry.


Hogan applies a side headlock before hitting a shoulder tackle Sting leap frogs Hogan and hits two dropkicks sending Hogan to the outside, Hogan oversells like mad. Sting grabs a side headlock and Hogan tries to shoot him off but fails. Sting holds the headlock in for quite a while before scoring with a shoulder block, Sting dodges a closeline and hits one of his own. Hogan hits a vertical suplex but Sting no sells and stands behind Hogan. Sting then unloads on Hogan as he tries to beg off. Hogan responds with a eye poke to get control before throwing Sting to the outside.


On the outside Hogan hits Sting in the back with the baseball bat. Hogan holds a tee shirt in Sting’s face before beating the tar out of Sting. Sting responds by whipping Hogan into the guard rail but Sting misses a Stinger Splash and crashes and burns into the guard rail. Hogan crotches Sting on the guard rail and then closelines Sting. Back in the ring and Hogan hits Sting with an inverted atomic drop and he works over Sting against the ropes. Hogan then hits the big boot and plays to the crowd who boo like mad. Hogan then hits the Atomic Leg Drop for the 1...2....3????


Bret Hart gets on the muffled Mic and says its not going to happen again and restarts the match. Sting hits a big Stinger splash. Sting then nails Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton, Sting then hits a second Scorpion Death Lock and Bret goes over to Hogan who clearly isn’t tapping and Bret calls for the bell and Sting is the new world champion.


Yes that was it, I’ve written about this match before but my reaction remains the same it was as the day I first saw this match, what the fuck was that? On the ultimate revenge show we watch Hogan roll all over Sting with his snoozefest offence before hitting Sting with a leg drop and pinning Sting clean. No fast count whatsoever, then the ridiculous restart with Bret, it was just terrible. This was still the pinnacle of the best booked Feud in WCW and then end to a great year but the total botching of this match set the stage of what was to come for the next three years of WCW. Total and utter disappointment but historically huge, the first nail in WCW coffin. (*)


3. Ric Flair vs. Harley Race

(NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Steel Cage Match – Starrcade 1983)


Gene Kinitsky is your referee for this match, unfortunately. Gene botches ringing the opening bell. Ric wrestles Harley to the ropes and Gene forcibly breaks the hold. Flair gets a headlock takedown and gets a right hand but Kinitsky tells him not to use a closed fist. Ric unloads with a chop and a bionic elbow. Flair grabs a side headlock and Harley forces Flair into the ropes and Harley hits a knee to the gut. Gene gets involved again. Flair hits Race with a knee in the ropes and then gets a snapmare and a chinlock. Race shoots Flair into the ropes and scores with a high knee and Race goes for the headbutt but Flair rolls out the way.


Flair gets a big chop but gets a zero count as it takes Kinitsky an eternity to get down. Flair then gets a side headlock takedown, Race rolls Flair onto his shoulders for a very slow one count. Ric switches to a front facelock and this is held in for an age. Race fights up and hits a suplex for a one count. Race then misses a big elbow drop, Flair goes for a body slam but Race falls ontop for a mega slow two count. Race then hits a knee drop before choking Flair with his knee against the ropes. Gene then pulls Race off of Flair. Race hits Flair with a rabbit punch and then drops another knee choking Flair on the floor. Harley then gives Flair a piledriver and drops an elbow for another two count. I’ve seen ice ages pass quicker than Gene’s three count.


Race then gives Flair a neck breaker for a two count. Race then throws Flair face first into the steel cage before hitting a powerslam for a two count. Flair tries to fight back but Harley takes Flair down with a headbutt and follows it straight up with falling headbutt. Race then throws Ric face first into the steel cage. Ric is busted open and Race then throws Ric face first hard into the cage. Ric is flopping around as Race bounds away, there is blood on the camera. Gene pulls Race away as we get our first view of Flair’s face, Ric is wearing the crimson mask as he begins to unload on Race but he’s cut off with a straight headbutt.


Ric then counters an Irish whip and sends Race hard into the corner of the cage and Race is cut over the eye and the crowd come to life. Ric then throws Race hard face first into the cage. Ric then gets a snapmare and a knee drop. Ric kicks Harley in the skull before hitting a pile driver of his own for a near fall. Gene’s slow counts ar killing the match. Ric then gives Harley a big neck crank before hitting the double underhook suplex for a two count. Ric hits a hard chop before reintroducing Race to the steel cage. Flair then throws Race into the steel pole section of the cage. Gene then gets in Flair’s face.


Race then responds with a headbutt to the gut of Flair before grating Ric’s face against the chain link fence. The crowd come to life as Flair takes a huge face first bump into the cage. Harley hits Flair with a head butt but Flair fights back with a big right hand and a hard chop for a two count. Ric drops an elbow and Flair unloads from a mount before strutting around the ring, Flair is complete and utter bloody mess but it’s not slowing him down as he hits a back suplex and locks on the figure four leg lock and we get a great shot from the sky cam.

Race manages to turn the hold over Flair turns it back over and Race makes the ropes. Race respond with a gut punch and a headbutt. Race then goes for a vertical suplex but Flair lands on top for a near fall. Both men struggle to their feet head to head and Race hits a headbutt. Harley then comes off the second rope with a diving headbutt and Ric screams and that silences the crowd. Ric manages to kick out at two. Race then hits vertical suplex for a near fall. Harley rains down blows on Flair’s bloody head. Race then hits a knee drop and Flair has nothing left as Flair throws life less hands.


Race then throws Flair into the cage and tries to go after Flair with a choke but the referee gets involved as the crowd boo and Gene pulls Harley away by his hair. Ric blocks a suplex and scores with a hanging vertical suplex of his own but misses the running elbow drop and both men are back up and face to face. Harley headbutts the referee and Race knees Flair in the gut. Flair and Race brawl and Flair knocks Race down with a hard chop before killing Race with a flying crossbody for the 1-2-3.


Bloody and brutal cage match, intense match with some great scenes and moments. The blade job by Flair was an absolute classic and the image of Flair’s blood red hair is one of the most memorable in history as he was raised into the air by his friends and family. The match itself was held back from greatness by some terrible refereeing that slowed the pace right down to a methodical one, it ruined the wrestling sequences and meant that Flair and Race couldn’t use the ropes, use closed fists and stripped the match of dramatic near falls. Nevertherless an Iconic match up but you can’t help but feel we were robbed of a four star match by an awful referee. (***1/4)


Magnum T.A vs. Tully Blanchard

(NWA United States Championship Steel Cage “I Quit” Match – Starrcade 1985)


They lock up and Blanchard unloads in the corner but Magnum knocks Tully clean across the ring. Tully gets a single leg but he’s kicked off but Magnum, Tully jumps right back on and both men wrestle under the ropes neither man will give an inch. Tully hits some European uppercuts of Magnum and then some shots to the gut before both men stand and trade and Magnum gets the better of it knocking Tully through the ropes against the cage. Magnum gives Tully some hammer blows and tries to send him into the cage but Tully blocks and counters with a low blow before coming off top with a bionic elbow drop.


Tully then throws Magnum headfirst into the steel cage and slaps on a camel clutch and Magnum appears to have drawn some hard way blood. Magnum powers out of the camel clutch but Tully slows him down with a knee to the back. Tully charges but he’s caught with a military press dropping Tully throat first on the top rope. Magnum fires back with some big right hands but Tully drops down and sends Magnum face first into the steel cage. Tully rams the microphone against Magnum’s head but Magnum powers up and throws Tully hard head first into the steel cage repeatedly. Tully comes up bleeding a gusher. Tully gets the microphone but Tully says no. Both men are on their knees where Magnum unloads with strikes.


Both men claw at each other on the grown and Magnum is now bleeding. Tully kicks Magnum in the head and then screams at Magnum to say it before shoving the mic in Magnum’s face and blasting him in the skull but Magnum screams “nooooo” and the crowd go ape shit. Tully hits Magnum with a straight headbutt and shows that he has Magnum for a three count. Tully then lifts Magnum and slams him into the cage before coming off top with a bionic elbow but Magnum still refuses to quit so Tully waffles him with the mic.


Tully misses and elbow drop and Magnum begins to unload with some big reverse elbows and he clubs down Tully but Tully refuses to quit screaming out no at the top of his voice. Magnum then hits a microphone assisted haymaker but Magnum shoves the mic down Tully’s throat literally and Tully screams in pain. Both men rake and grate and struggle with each other on the mat. Tully hits Magnum with a big right hand and both men are on their knees. Magnum gets the microphone again but Tully kicks it out of his hands.


Magnum tries a ten punch but after five Tully shoves Magnum hard off the top rope and demands that Magnum says it before crashing the microphone down on the head of Magnum. Tully turns his attention to Magnum’s leg with a knee and then throws the referee down. Someone throws in a chair and Tully smashes it and takes a spike and tries to drive it into Magnum’s eye but Magnum blocks it at the last moment like a movie scene and fights off Tully. Magnum gets the spike and grates it across the face of Tully and Tully has to scream “yes”.


Not one for the purists but that was an absolute bloody and brutal war, sick brutal and bloody. This was intensity, this was a dirty mean and bloody bar room brawl right out of Hollywood movie scene. The finish was tremendous, this was all intensity, the ultimate ending to blood feud, an “I quit” match done right. (****)


1. Ric Flair vs. Vader

(Title vs. Career – Starrcade 1993)


Vader shows off his muscles before informing Flair that it’s Vader time. The crowd chant for Flair and Vader shoves Flair down hard. Flair tries to lock up again but he’s shoved down hard yet again. Ric is shoved to the outside and Flair runs back into the ring and plays to the crowd. Vader hits Flair with some clubbing right hands and Vader takes Flair down with a test of strength and then hits a hard closeline. Vader headbutts Flair and shouts “you ain’t man enough”, Flair unloads with some chops but Vader swats Flair away with ease. Flair bails to the outside and Vader poses. Flair returns to the ring but he’s pounded down hard in the corner before Vader lifts Flair with ease and hits him with a big military press and Flair has to roll to the outside.


Vader then lifts Flair in a military press and drops him head first on the guard rail. Vadder goes for an avalanche but Flair dodges and Vader crashes into the guard rail and Flair unloads with the Flair flurry before running Vader into the ring post but Harley cuts him off at ringside with a closeline. Vader then suplexes Flair back into the ring with great ease. Flair tries to escape on the other side but Vader catches him and again and suplex Flair down with ease. Vader then kills Flair with some hooks before hitting a corner closeline. Vader then gets a hard Irish whip drawing a Flair flip and Ric crashes and burns onto the entrance ramp.


Back in the ring and Vader nails Flair with a straight right hand and a big closeline. Vader hold Flair up in the corner and unloads with some straight rights, Flair fires back with a series of chops before he’s swatted down by Vader who follows up with a powerslam for a two count. Vader then comes off the second rope with a flying closeline. Vader snapmares Flair and goes to the second rope but misses the splash and Flair goes to the top rope. Flair then hits the flying Karate chop off top and then hits a horribly sloppy karate chop, Ric hits a knife edged chop and finally a third flying karate chop takes Vader down and Flair hits the knee drop for a near fall.

Flair is bleeding from the mouth, it wouldn’t be a Vader match without hard way blood. Vader puts Flair on top and hits a hanging not so hanging superplex before getting in the crowd’s face. Vader then drops an elbow on the leg of Flair. Vader goes for a splash but Flair rolls out of the way. Flair runs the ropes but runs straight into the butterfly club and Flair goes down hard. Vader throws Flair to the outside and Harley Race lays in some boots. The crowd come to life as Flair tries to fire back.


Flair dodges an avalanche and unloads but the second time around he’s crushed by Vader. Vader then pounds the hell out of Flair in the corner. Flair fights back with some rights and lefts and he chops the champion down to a knee and eventually manages to punch the champion out. Flair then drags Vader to the corner and works his leg over against the ring post and then nails it with a steel chair. Flair then drags Vader to the outside and pounds the hell out of Vader with an intense Flair flurry. Flair hits a headlock and punch flurry. Flair then clobbers Vader in the head with a chair and follows it up with a closeline and the crowd are going bananas.

Flair tees off on Vader who drops to his knees, Flair then bites Vader in the head before collapsing. Flair is pulling out all the stops. Flair then works over the leg of Vader on the ropes and the crowd go mental as Flair struts. The Flair knocks Vader down with two right hands but when he goes for the Figure four Vader kicks him away to silence the crowd. Vader goes for the Vader Bomb but Flair rolls out the way and then immediately slaps on the Figure Four Race thinks about getting into the ring but Vader manages to make the ropes.


Flair plays to the crowd before running into a big foot. Vader then drops and elbow to the gut of Flair and then drops some MMA style elbows to the face of Flair. Vader then goes to the top rope and goes for the moonsault but Flair rolls out the way. Flair rolls on top and gets two, Harley comes off top with a head butt but hits Vader. The referee throws Harley out of the ring as Flair goes mental knocking the hell out of Vader but he runs straight into a butterfly club from Vader silencing the crowd. Vader looks to the crowd but Flair suprises Vader by bending over his injured leg and rolling up Vader jumping on top for a quick 1...2....3.


That really was a great moment to pick for the conclusion of the DVD. Flair pulling out the impossible win in his hometown. The match told a simple story of the pluck veteran facing the invincible monster, Flair threw everything at him but took a big beat down for twenty minutes before pulling out the heel tactics to get the upper hand before finally suprising the heel with a roll up. There were definitely some sloppy moments and some slower patches but this was a good gruelling match up with Flair getting the big happy ending in North Carolina. Good monster vs. Underdog match up. (***3/4)


Overall Thoughts: Considering that WWE employs or has employed Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, Dusty Rhodes and Jim Ross you'd of thought they could have put together a better set of matches. This is not to say this is a terrible DVD or anything even remotely close. This is a really fun DVD and a nice walk down memory lane. There is a consistantly good ***+ level of wrestling. There are also some of the most historic matches of all time, some for the right reason (Flair-Race, Blanchard-Magnum) and some for the wrong Reasons (Battle Bowl, Hogan-Sting).

However there are some baffling head scratcher on this DVD Rhodes-Austin? Muta-Sting? The horrible Ladder Match? Who on earth selected these matches I don't know. I'd love to have seen the Midnight Express vs. The New Midnight Express, The Rock N Roll Express vs. Minasota Wrecking Crew, Flair-Koloff, Flair-Garvin, The Kolloffs vs. The Rock N Roll Express, Steamboat-Tully, Liger-Benoit and many more. Infact this is no slight to this DVD but they should have realesed a bloody boxset? Serious Starrcade 83-00 sounds pretty good would sell just as well as the Summerslam boxset.

If you have an interest in wrestling history or just seeing some historic matches with a mix of good wrestling, big names, gimmick matches and famous feuds then this disk set is a great place to start. Alot of fun covering alot of ground and a lot of famous talent. Could have been better but still good. (8/10)


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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
