We Are Still Petulant Hypocritical Tapeworms: Yes Chris Jericho starts the Show tonight and he refuses to introduce himself as we all know who he is already. He is his usual brilliant self as he tells us to forget everything we’re seen or heard on this show because he’s “taking over” and there is nothing we can do about it. Jericho goes on to tell us that its a travesty that he is forced to wrestle in a fatal four to earn the Number One Contendership. Nevertheless Jericho promise he will win tonight and then win at Judgement day when....Edge’s music hits. This is one of the those showdowns on the mic I think every wrestling fan has wanted to see since Jericho’s return. Edge says that Jericho is a bit rude but if Jericho won’t introduce himself Edge will introduce him for us. Edge has a great line calling Jericho the beater of senior citizens. Edge goes on to mock Cena and mock Jericho for losing to Cena. Edge tells Jericho that he beat Cena and tells Jericho to take his “little self righteous angry man in a suit routine” and piss off its not going to work around here. Edge reminds us that Smackdown is his show. Edge even lays some smack talk on the MSG crowd calling the air Canada arena in Toronto the greatest arena in the world. “Smackdown isn’t yours to take because it belongs to me”.
Then CM Punk’s music hits! CM Punk introduces himself to a big crowd reaction, CM Punk then reminds Edge of how he cashed in his Money in the Bank last time. Jericho tells us that no one cares what Punk has to say, Jericho says he allowed Edge to interrupt him because he’s the champion but he tells Punk to get the hell out of his ring. Punk simply ignores Jericho and start to talk to Edge and uses the line of the week: “You can continue to disrespect me all you want, you recalcitrant frauds can continue to wallow in your own sea of insecurity and disrespect, and fine, I’m done, I’m done will all of you” Jericho then storms off, and yes Chris Jericho said Recalcitrant on a wrestling show what a dude!!!
Punk says well “that was awkward, really awkward”, Punk tries to continue talking but Edge interrupts and says he doesn’t care what Punk has to say and Edge tries to walk off. Punk says we’re in a new era on SD! And it has nothing to do with Edge, Vickie Guerrero is gone! Edge has no one to protect him. Punk then announces that Teddy made a match between the two tonight. Edge says that’s what he calls a “warm up match”, Edge says he’ll crush Punk and then go on Judgement Day. Punk then says he’s Mr. Money Bank and he’ll cash in the brief case after he’s beaten Edge tonight. Just an awesome opening segment to a show, just like RAW’s opening segment it felt so fresh new and exciting. We’ve waited far to long to see Edge and Jericho in the ring together, both brought their A game tonight on the stick and Punk held up his end of the bargain.
Welcome To Smackdown John Morrison: John gets a showcase match with Shelton Benjamin? Wait heel vs. Heel, the fans seem unsure. The match has some real nice hard hitting kicks, and crisp offence. They managed to work in a chinlock before Morrison won with a very nice springboard enzenguri and the Moon light drive for the 1-2-3.
Good short showcase match. (*)
MVP farewell to Smackdown: I don’t know what the view is but judging by the clips it looks like a US version of loose women, and I really don’t think a cool contemporary bad arse like MVP should say it’s one of my favourite shows I watch it all the time. Sherri has a Ric Flair style robe and she goes mental trying to motivate MVP. Its annoying but acceptable. Of course Sherri is here to accompany MVP for his US Title match with Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler is out first and he mocks the crowd before MVP and Sherri make their entrance. MVP hits a big hip toss and a pair of arm drags to start the match, Sherri is insanely funny at ringside making mad black lady stuff at ringside. They do some mid match comedy with Sherri and MVP nearly kissing. Dolph goes to a chinlock but MVP counters with an electric chair drop and a nice over head Greco Roman throw. Dolph beats down on MVP until Sherri gets on the apron, Dolph asks for a kiss and gets a bitch slap. MVP hits a face buster and after playing for the crowd for ridiculous amount of time hits the Ballin’ elbow drop. MVP swats away a dropkick before hitting the playmaker for the 1-2-3.
Not a classic by any means but it was fun for what it was and the crowd was into this big time. (*)
The Number One Contender for Judgement Day is ... : This is a fatal four way match Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, Kane and Chris Jericho. Kane cleans house to start the match up, with some big boots and closelines before throwing Rey Mysterio over the top rope onto all three opponents. When we come back from Commercial Jeff counters Kane’s flying closeline with a dropkick in a nice spot before Rey drops the dime on Kane for a near fall. Jericho hits a nice tilt-a-whirl back breaker on Rey before Jeff hits Jericho with his wrap around closeline. Jericho counters a ranna into the Walls of Jericho on Jeff, Kane tries to break it with a chokeslam but Jericho counters into the walls before Kane spins him off. Rey counters a chokeslam into a ranna and goes for the 6-1-9 but Jericho pulls him to the outside. Jeff gives Kane the Whisper in the Wind and the Swanton but Jericho pulls him out of the ring and sneaks in to get the 1-2-3. Kane is Eliminated. Kane isn’t happy and he kicks the crap out of everyone and throws a chair into the ring. Rey gives Jericho the 6-1-9 and goes for the West Coast Pop but Jericho throws a chair in his face and gets DQed. Jericho is Eliminated. Jericho is seriously pissed off as the crowd goes nuts for Hardy. Rey hits Jeff with a nice dropkick for a two count. Jeff avoids a dropkick and hits his low blow leg drop and basement dropkick for a near fall. The crowd are mentally into this match. Jeff goes for a diving sunset flip off the second rope but Rey rolls through with a stiff kick for a near fall. Rey gets his low leg drop for a near fall. They go to the crossbody collision spot. Jeff catches a springboard moonsault and goes for a twist of Fate but Rey counters with a double leg trip and Jeff counters into a flip pin for a very near fall. Rey flips over Jeff but he’s met with a mule kick when he lands. Rey dodges Jeff’s corner seated dropkick spot. They exchange wheel barrow roll up nearfalls. Rey rannas Jeff and hits the 6-1-9. Rey gets a springboard seated senton but Jeff immediately counters with a sunset style pin for the 1-2-3. Jeff Hardy is your number one contender.
Really good TV match, it got Kane’s character over well, gives Jericho something to moan about next week, and gave us a brilliant taster of a potential Hardy-Mysterio match up at the end. Some very nice counter exchanges in a strong TV match. (***1/4)
Maria is confused: We actually get some nice pleasant comedy on WWE, Maria is waiting in Teddy Long’s office and Jericho storms in complaining about inept referee and stupid useless divas, Maria looks sad and confused. Edge comes in in a rage complaining about his situation tonight and he storms offs saying “I’m gonna call my wife”, Maria looks sad and confused.
Cryme Tyme fit in much better on Smackdown: Cryme Tyme introduce themselves to SD! With their usual shtick but normally I’d complain but it leads to a dance of involving Layla so I’m extremely happy, Eve is decent competition she can dance a little but Layla massacres by an impartial standard. Of course face eve Torres wins. Layla punches Layla in the face leading to a cat fight. The crowd chant “let them fight” when Cryme Tyme break it up. This was a silly segment but i’m just happy to see Layla on TV.
Jericho and Morrison: Jericho is going mental at Teddy Long and threatens to quit Smackdown, John Morrison comes out and says “hi Teddy”, Jericho asks Morrison what he’s looking at and Morrison say “I thought I saw looking at a loser but it turns out I’m looking at a quitter”. A brawl breaks out and CM Punk walks through whistling holding his Briefcase. I hope they get a match at the PPV I’d love to see this two in a feud.
Will CM Punk cash in MITB?: Edge escapes the G2S to start the match before Punk unloads with kicks. Punk gets a nice counter hanging Edge in the ropes and giving Edge a dropkick to the back. Punk gets a kitchen sink for a two count. Punk gives Edge a jaw jacker before being crotched and tied upside down on top, Edge then spears the tied up upside down Punk. Edge gives Punk a front suplex on the top rope and then big boots Punk to the floor. Edge hits a kitchen sink when we come back from commercial. Edge misses a catapult and gets hung up in the ropes. Punk gets a crisp crescent kick and he follows it up with a big strike combo. Edge tries to silver out of the G2S but Punk sits down for a near fall. Edge hits a half nelson facebuster for a two count. Punk counters a spear with a big knee strike and gets his running bulldog combo for a nearfall. Edge dodges Punk coming off top but runs into a snap powerslam for a near fall. Edge counters the G2S into the Sharpshooter in a nice spot but Punk manages to crawl to the ropes. Punk floats over Edge and hits the G2S and Edge sells it brilliantly that gets the 1-2-3. POST MATCH: Punk wants to cash in Money in the Bank, just before the bell rings Umaga runs in from the crowd and kills Punk. Edge has the case and prepares to kills Punk but Jeff Hardy runs in and gives him the Twist of Fate and the Swanton.
Good main event started a little awkward and sloppy but delivered with some creative moves and counters. The post match was really entertaining stuff after a Satisfying Main Event. (**1/2)
Overall Thoughts: Really great post Draft episode of Smackdown, the new characters introduced themselves well, the show never lagged even the silly stuff was well played and relatively entertaining. What was really great about this show was how fresh and exciting it felt. We got some great interaction between Edge-Jericho-Punk, Jericho and Morrison and the fatal four way was a really great tv match. This shows pacing was just right a great balance of strong in ring action, entertaining promos, new character dynamics, some nice pleasant comedy for a change and a real newsworthy feel. Keep in mind this show didn’t even use Undertaker. Smackdown may just be the best wrestling show on Television if it keeps this up. (9/10)
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