Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


We start with a really funny graphic set with Vince going crazy on commentary. The theme of this show is a "A Match Made in Heaven, A Match Made In Hell".
Ricky Steamboat, Texas Tornado & British Bulldog vs. Warlord, Power & Glory

Ricky and Roma start the match and Roma hits a body slam before following up with a dropkick. Roma plays to the crowd and he attempts to comes off the second rope but Ricky counters with an arm drag and then a lifting arm wringer and thrust kick. Ricky dodges a blind charge before getting an arm drag and a dropkick. Steamboat gets a snapmare and Hercules tags in, Dragon gives him a hip toss before tagging out.

Kerry tags in and they exchange arm wrenches before Kerry gives Hercules ten head pounds in the corner, Kerry then gives Hercules another ten head pounds in the other corner before slugging down Hercules. Bulldog and Warlord tag in. Davey hits a pair of shoudler tackles and then a closeline to take the Warlord down, Davey then hits a nice stalling vertical suplex. Ricky comes in with a flying karate chop off top. Ricky attempts a monkey flip out of the corner but the Warlord powers him down hard.

Roma tags in and hits Steamboat with a closeline, Steamboat floats over a body slam and gets a roll up, he dodges a closeline from Herc but gets kicked off into a huge closeline from Warlord. Roma then hits with a nice snap suplex on Dragon. Roma then hits four straight back breakers before dropping Steamboat. Herc tags in and clubs the holy hell out of Steamboats back. Herc lays in some knees before tagging in the Warlord. Warlord hits a big body slam before tagging Roma in. Roma jumps on the back of Steamboat. Steamboat tries to fight back but the heels have him isolated. Steamboat slides through Herc's legs before running into a flapjack with Dragon landing throat first on the top rope.Warlord tags in and e no sells Dragon's offence before hitting a big back club. Warlord hits a body slam and goes to the second rope, plays to the crowd and is meet with a double boot and the crowd goes nuts.

Kerry Von Erich gets the hot tag and unloads, Warlord gets a sunset flip but Davey tags in. Davey hits a flying cross body but Warlord catches him and Texas gives him the discus punch and Davey falls on top for a near fall. Davey then hits Hercules with the Running Powerslam for a near fall. Ricky tags in and hits a flying cross body for the 1-2-3.

That was a very good choice for the openers, the heels did the best they could while Steamboat carried the match. Good opener. (**1/2)

WWE Intercontinental Title

Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect
Hennig cockily holds the title in Bret's face at the start of the match. Bret grabs a sideheadlock, Bret hits a shoulder tackle and then a hip toss from Perfect is countered and Bret hits a hip toss and Perfect does his crazy sell going to the outside. Back in and Bret gets a crucifix roll up for a near fall and then gets a headlock takedown, Curt tries to counter with an Irish whip but Bret grabs the hair and reapplies the hold, Bret does this again when Prefect tries another escape. Perfect finally breaks the hold with a knee to the gut. Bret dodges a closeline and hits a cross body for a two count. Bret gets a sunset flip from the apron for a near fall before reapplying the side headlock, Curt is selling everything brilliantly.
Curt gets a big knife edge chop, Bret catches a boot from Perfect and gets a leg trip before hitting the sternum stomp. Perfect responds with a hard Irish whip and body slam, Bret kicks Perfect away and gets a body slam Perfect kicks Bret away but Bret comes back with a cheeky trip. Bret closelines Perfect over the top rope and Curt tries to walk away. Bret chases Perfect rips his tights and pulls him back into the ring. Perfect gets a huge cheap shot while the referee attempts to enforce a clean break. Perfect then lays in a boot to the chest sending Bret to the outside. Perfect hits a big knife edged chop on the outside before returning to the ring.
Bret tries to get back in the ring but Perfect slugs him off the apron, Bret tries to climb back again but Perfect shoulder blocks Bret off the apron into an internation photographer. Bret gets back in the ring and floats over Perfect into a reverse sunset roll up for a near fall. Perfect rams Bret head first into the top turnbuckle before hitting a stiff knife edge and a hard Irish whip. Perfect then hits the neck whip and a Jacknife pin gets a near fall. Perfect gets a dropkick sending Bret to the outside, Bret didn't sell that very well. Both men brawl on the outside a little before Perfect goes up top and Bret joins him and they brawl. Both men fall off top in a terrible lookng spot.
Perfect rolls ontop of Bret for a near fall and then complains to Earl Hebner about the count. Perfect hits Bret with a series of bitch slaps and then throws Bret accross the ring hard by his hair. Perfect locks on a flying sleeper in a really great looking spot. Bret fights out with a series of elbows and goes for a crucifix but Curt counters with a samoan drop for a two count. Curt hits another hard Irish whip sending Bret chest first into the top rope. Perfect hits the Perfect Plex 1...2...kick out! The crowd were shocked by that.
Bret begins to fight back with some gut punches and then the inverted atomic drop then a regular atomic drop, Bret then throws Curt by his hair and Curt does his famous ring post crotching spot. Bret hits a vertical suplex for a near fall, the crowd genuinely thought that was it. Bret gets a small package for a near fall and then the side Russian leg sweep, Bret then hits a back breaker and then second rope bionic elbow drop gets a near fall and Bret complains to Earl Hebner. Perfect gets a roll up and that gets a near fall.
They brawl to the outside and Bret whips Perfect into the ring post and Perfect takes the big bump. Bret then kicks Curt's legs out and Perfect sells this brilliantly landing on his head, Bret goes for the sharpshooter but the Coach gets on the apron and Bret hits the Coach off the apron. Curt then kicks the top rope crotching Bret Hart. Perfect then stomps on Bret's balls and then drops a low blow, Earl Hebner warns him but lets it go. Perfect goes for another low blow leg drop but Bret counters into the Sharpshooter and Curt taps out almost immediately.
Really good match, at first it seemed like it would be a good but dissapointing Hart match but it really kicked into gear and built well. Perfect's selling was utterly superb through out especially the kicks to back of the leg. Not an amazing match but a really good one especially for early nineties WWE. Curt brought out the best in Bret, the finish was really clever but I'd off liked to have seen Perfect last a little longer in Sharpshooter. Good stuff I might be overating this slightly but who cares. (***3/4)
We then go to a promo with the Bushwhackers and Andre the Giant and yes its just as funny as it sounds.
The Bushwhackers vs. The Natural Disasters
Please for the love of bunny rabbits let this match be short. The Whackers start with a double eye poke, they get a bit of a pounding before Luke dodges bites Earthquakes arse and then Typhoon runs into Earth quake, they whip Quake onto Phoon and then they dance around the ring. Earthquake sneak attacks Butch and takes him into the corner. Quake gets a snap mare but misses the elbow drop, Earthquake pulls Luke back to avoid a hot tag and Typhoon tags in. Typhoon hits a back breaker and then rams Luke back first into the turnbuckle. Typhoon applies and over the shoulder back breaker before handing Luke over to Quake who holds on a bearhug. Luke tries to fight out bur Quake gives Luke a back breaker. Phoon hits a back elbow for a two count. Quake accidently closelines Phoon.
HOT TAG! Butch hits a headbutt to the chest, they give the Disasters a pair of Battering rams before whipping both men into each other. Quake gives Butch a back breaker on the outside. Earthquake sells its over and then the tremors signal the end of the match up. The Legion of Doom run off the heels after the match.
Exactly what you'd expect from these two teams, actually it wasn't that bad. (3/4*)
Bobby Heenan has a special report with Hulk Hogan, Bobby has the real world's title and challengers Hulk on behalf of Ric Flair but Hogan slams the door in Bobby's face. We then go to Ted Dibiase and Sensational Sherri and we get some highlights of the Ted humiliating Virgil.
Million Dollar Title
Virgil vs. Ted Dibiase
Virgil attacks Ted from behind and unloads with a series of rights before getting a hard Irish whip, a back body drop, two big closelines and a big closeline sending Ted over the top rope, lightening start. Virgil after a break to catch his breath introduces Ted to the steel steps. Virgil hits his big dancing jab flurry and a atomic drop sends Ted for his famous top rope bump to the outside. Heenan returns to commentary during this down period. Virgil goes for a plancha but Ted manages to side step and Virgil crashes and burns. Ted then introduces Virgil to the steel steps, Ted does it one more time before playing to the crowd.
Ted rolls Virgil back into the ring and unloads. Ted then hits a series of falling fist drops and then a stomp to the head. Ted goes to the second rope and scores with a flying axe handle before reminding the crowd that they've all got a price. Ted then gets a casual cover for a near fall. Ted hits a hard Irish whip and back body drop and that gets another two count. Ted signals to the crowd that its over, Virgil dodges a closeline and he locks Ted in the Million Dollar Dream. Sherri is going nuts at ringside and runs in and hits Virgil with a loaded purse shot leading to a DQ but Earl Hebner instead orders Sherri from ringside and that the match will continue, Sherri is pissed off and is dragged away from Ringside.
Both men stagger to their feet and Ted unloads, Virgil blocks and then gives Ted ten headpounds in the corner. Virgil unloads in the corner and then gets a ten punch, Ted counters an Irish whip sending Virgil into the referee crushing Hebner. Ted gets in Piper's face at ringside and Ted then hits a vertical suplex on Virgil, Ted then hits another nice vertical suplex, Ted then hits a third big vertical suplex. Ted says he's got another one Piper and then scores with a big piledriver as the crowd chant "Roddy". Ted gets the cover but there's no referee and counts his own three. Ted then removes the steel ringpost in the corner. Ted shouts in Virgils face and runs Virgil to the corner but Virgil counters and Ted goes head first into the steel turnbucle. Both men are down and the referee starts a ten count at nine Virgil crawls over and gets the cover for the 1-2-3.
Really good fun little match up that told an effective story and had lots of nice touches. They delved into the bag of tricks for a good undercard match. (**3/4)
We then go to a promo with the Mountie and clips of Mountie handcuffing Bossman and then tazing him. This is a really bad promo.
Jailhouse Match
Big Bossman vs. The Mountie
Just incase your expecting a silly gimmick match its just a regular match where the loser will be taken to jail. Bossman bitch slaps the hell out of the Mountie to start the match and then unloads. The Mountie fires back and we have a slugfest, Bossman hits a back elbow and a big splash for a near fall. Bossman then slugs down the Mountie with a straight punch. Bossman then hits a rope rider and plays to the crowd. Bossman slides out of the ring and hits his uppercut spot. THe Mountie attempts a flying axe handle but Bossman catches him and then hits a huge spine buster. Bossman the face then applies a chinlock? Eh?
Bossman goes after Hart in short order and the Mountie sneaks up behind Bossman and shoves him into the steel steps. They return to the ring and the Mountie hits a closeline and follows it up with a pair of fist drops. The Mountie hits a hard Irish whip. The Mountie hits a body slam for a near fall. Bossman gets an Irish whip but misses an elbow strike in the corner. THe Mountie gets a snap mare and a pair of elbow drops for a two count. The Mountie scores with a dropkick and gets a two count and the kick out sends The Mountie out of the ring. Mountie then pulls Bossman onto the apron and hits an elbow smash on the apron.
Bossman tries to unload but the Mountie bites the Bossman and then scores with a sickening piledriver, Gorrilla Monsoon says it wasn't well excecuted but he's talking bullshit. Jimmy Hart distracts the referee and Mountie tries to use the Tazer but Bossman dodges and hits an uppercut sending the Tazer flying. The Mountie gets a leap frog and another huge uppercut kills the Mountie. Bossman hits the Bossman slam 1...2....Kick Out! The crowd really bought into that. The Mountie trips Bossman and goes for a piledriver but Bossman powers up and scores with the Alabama Slam for the 1....2....3.
Not as good I was expecting but still a good match up, they went for an intense brawl but with out blood and weapons it was a little hard to buy. After the match settle down into a wrestling contest it turned into a good contest. A nice change of pace. (**1/4)
The New York City Cops come to ringside and with Bossman's help they cuff the Mountie and put him in the back of the paddy wagon and take him away. We then gets a unhappy promo with Ted Dibiase, a happy promo with Bret and some stand up comedy from Bossman "What kind of bird can't fly? A Jail Bird", Bossman won but he still sounds pretty angry.
We then go to Gene Okerland with Randy Savage, Savage is on an old school telephone. He's too busy talking on the 800 number to talk with Gene.
We then see Mountie being taken to Jail before going to a Nasty Boys promo they say that this will be the LOD's last trip to Nastyville.
We then see the Mountie being tricked into having his mug shot taken. Jimmy Hart complains backstage that that was an invasion of privacy. The Legion of Doom then cut a promo on the Natural Disasters and the Nasty Boys, apparently "there's boys, there's men and there's monsters".
We then go back to jail to see the Mountie having his finger prints taken. Back to back stage and Sarge cuts a promo on Hogan and Warrior. Shiek and Anman laughing in the back ground is just pure comedy gold. Sid Justice says he's a man who stands alone, Gene then shows footage of Sarge and Sid talking backstage, Sid says they stopped them in the hall, Sid promises that tonight Justice will be served.
WWE World Tag Team Title
No Disqualification Match
The Nasty Boys vs. The Legion Of Doom
The LOD unload to start the match and a wild brawl erupts. In the ring Animal hits a big powerbomb for a two count. Hawk hits Sags with a enzenguri and then and big shoulder tackle for a two count. Saggs gets control and rakes Hawk's eyes on the top rope. Saggs hits Hawk with a tray full of ice water and drinks. Knobbs tag in and tey hit the worst double boot ever. Saggs cokes Hawk in the corner with the tag rope. Knobbs then kicks Hawk out of the ring where Saggs introduces Hawk to the steel steps. Knobbs dives off the apron onto Hawk at ringside.
Hawk unloads with some big chops but Saggs recovers with a corner choke. Knobbs tags in and hits a back elbow on Hawk for a two count. Saggs tags in and kicks Hawk in the gut. Sags Irish whips Knobbs into a Stinger Splash, Saggs then scores with a flying elbow drop from the top rope. Knobbs goes to the second rope but he's met with a boot.
HOT TAG! Animal cleans house with two big closelines and a ten punch, he sees Sags coming and its a diving closeline from the second rop on Sags. Animal its a power slam on Knobbs for a two count. Saggs nearly hits knobs with the Motor cycle helmet but puts on the breaks and hits Animal. Animal powers out. Hawk kills Knobbs and then Saggs with the Motorcycle helmet and then the Doomsday Device finishes the match.
Fine for what it was, nothing special but it avoided the potential clusterfuck which might have been expected from these two. (*1/2)
We then see the Mountie being put in a cell and he's complaining out his arms hurting, he tries to escape but fails miserably. IRS is in the ring and he calls the audience a bunch of finger pointers and cry babies.
Irwin R. Shyster vs. Greg Valentine
They trade arm wrenches and IRS gets a break in the ropes. Greg grabs a side headlock before hitting a shoulder tackle. They are pacing themselves as if this matach is going long. Greg grabs a side headlock before hitting another shoulder tackle. IRS complains to the referee I'm not sure what about. Greg blocks a hip toss and scores with one of his own. IRS bails to the outside before unloading with a right hand. Greg gets a sunset flip for a two count and then a body slam. Greg and IRS brawl on the outside. IRS locks on a abdominal stretch to the thrill of no one, IRS continues to hold the top rope. Greg eventually counters with a hip toss but misses a knee drop and Irwin hits a closeline and an elbow drop for a nearfall. IRS locks on a chinlock before hitting a back breaker and going to the top rope. Greg catches him and takes him off top with a press slam. Greg unloads and IRS misses a blind charge, Greg kicks away at the leg and locks on the figure four but IRS makes the ropes. Greg pulls Irish hard into the middle of the ring. Greg dodges a closeline and hits a knee breaker, a headbutt to the sternum and goes for the Figure Four but IRS counters to the inside cradle for the 1-2-3.
Very basic completely forgetable match. (*)
Warrior and Hogan are backstage together, Hogan says he's looking for a rush like the first time he won the WWE Title. Warrior talks about cobra, tanks, airplanes, and jumping on backs, Hogan takes over from Warrior toward the end, Warrior screams in Hogan's face to end the promo.
Gen. Adnan, Iron Shiek & Srg. Slaughter vs. The Ultimate Warrior & Hulk Hogan
Special Referee: Sid Justice
Sarge has a belt but Sid takes it from him and throws it out of the ring. Sarge unloads in the corner with some clubbing blows, Hogan gives Sarge and he take his famous corner bump. Hogan and Warrior play ping pong with Slaughter before hitting a double closeline and Warrior hits an inverted atomic drop. Hogan tags in and Hogan and Warrior hit a double big boot. Hogan then introduces Sarge to the ring post. Hogan hits a reverse elbow before tagging in Warrior. Warrior hits a gut punch adn then runs Sarge into Hogan's boot before tagging out. Hogan hits a second rope axe handle for a near fall. Hogan hits a corner closeline and unloads on Sarge. Sid then forces a clean break. Hogan uses a choke and Hogan breaks the hold again.
Sarge gets an eye rake and Sarge unloads with some short range punching. General Adnam tags in and unloads with some big clubbing blows the then THREE BACK RAKES OF DOOM!!!! The crowd chant for Hogan as Shiek is tagged in. Shiek hits a gut wrench suplex and then slaps on the camel clutch. Warrior comes in to break up the hold. Slaughter tags in and breaks up the hold with a back breaker. Sarge tries to use a choke but Justice pulls Sarge off. Sarge Irish whips Hogan into Sid and they stare each other down, Sarge gets a sneak attack. Adnam tags in with MORE BACK RAKES OF DOOM!!! Sarge tags back in and goes to the top rope but Warrior shoves Sarge all the way across the ring.
HOT TAG! Warrior tags in and does his crazy dancing before unloading with a series of closeline. Warrior then runs into Justice and Hogan comes in to explain things. Sarge, Adnan and Shiek triple Team Warrior in the corner. Adnam tags in and gives Warrior TWO BACK RAKES OF DOOM!!! Shiek tags in and goes for a suplex but Warrior reverse and scores with one of his own. Sarge breaks up the potential tag and locks in a chinlock. Adnam sneaks in and locks in some sneaky sompts to the foot? Sarge hits a short arm closeline that Warrior sells horribly. Warrior dodges a closeline and explodes with a flying closeline.
HOT TAG! The crowd come to life, and Hogan goes after Slaughter Boom...boom...boom...big boot, Warior clears out Shiek chasing them to the back with a steel chair and Hogan throws powered in Slaughters eyes that knocks him off his feet? Hogan then hits the leg drop of DOOM for the win.
A perfectly acceptable Hogan main event but what was really noticably lacking in this match up was the lack of crowd reaction. Compared to last year they just weren't that into Hogan and Warrior. They were still the two most over men on the show but they weren't white hot tonight. Sid actually plaid his roll very well, Adnam set the world record for most back rakes in the history of wrestling. Exactly what you'd expect. (**1/2)
After the match Hogan calls Sid to the ring, rips off his shirt and they do the pose down celebration, Sid is just hilarious hear you can tell he really doesn't know what he's doing but he's having a good time.
We then go to the Mountie screaming about wanting his own cell mate, and they do the gay gags with the cell mates "don't you just love the way leather feels against your body", Piper is going mental laughing on commentary.
We then go to a video package on Randy Savage and Elizabeth showing the proposal the imfamous and recently paraodied in TNA "Will you Marry Me" "Oooooh Yeah" moment. They then go to a video package set to romantic music showing the tender moments between Liz and Savage, its the "Together our love will last forever" song.
They have removed the ring ropes and created a wedding podium. The reverend is there, Savage takes his place and his outfit is pretty hysterical, we then gets brides maids, ring bearers and best men. We then go to the ceremony and they play it absolutely straight with all the audience blacked out. Randy removes his sunglasses and looks aroudn to the audience before saying "Oooooh Yeah", they then runs through the same spiel for Liz and she says "I Will". They place the ring on Liz's finger and Savage repeats the vows, they are bloody odd vows. The priest then pronounces them Husband and wife, Randy removes his hat and they kiss and Randy's music hits as confetti and a million baloons are fired into the air.
Overall Thoughts: Well this really is a tricky show to rate, and I'm not just saying that, at the half way point this show looked like being a classic with one really good matches and every other match being alot of fun and really well paced. However then the wrestling quality dipped and we got alot of interviews and angles. The Hogan main event was a Hogan main event, and that leaves the wedding which was not an exciting angle but it was straight up, very respful and the perfect end to one of the biggest and longest running stories in WWE history, I think it was a really nice concluding segment. However if you were to just pick this show up with out having the benefit of all the back story it'd probably just seem dull and odd. So for that reason I give this show a recommendation but nothing beyond that. Good show but you should check if the line up is to your taste before watching or purchasing it. (7/10)


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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About this blog

This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
