Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


TNA Genesis
We find out right off the bat that Kevin Nash and Christy Hemme are injured and will miss both of there matches. To add to this stupidy they are playing up a mystery of Rhino going missing for the world title match. To clear this all up now, Kurt claims that main event mafia beat him up and left him for dead, Sting had nothing to do with it, Rhino makes his return but has a bad back. This was all very lame.
LAX & Eric Young defeat Jimmy Rave, Kioshi & Sonjay Dutt: The usual X division opener with some nice athleticism but nothing of any consequence. Homicide and Young are elimated early allowing Hernadez to destroy the oposotion with border tosses and powerbombs in true Triple H style.
Fun opener with lots of athelicism and bumping around, fun but forgetable. (**)
Alex Shelley defeats Chris Sabin to claim the X Division Title: This match told a decent story of two buddies having a friendly match the cranked up through the gears really quickly as the match became more intense, there was some great near falls and good atheliticism, before Shelley gave up on sportsmanship and cheated to win but Sabin respected him for it.
Good fun match, the nearfalls were tremendous and the second half of the match was top level stuff. However this was not a match of the year contender, the first half of the match was dire, the psychology was fine, but it looked like two guys rolling around pretending to apply holds and letting the other escape, I get that there friends but that's no excuse for tame holds and kip ups. It looked like a dance routine and these two throw dreadful punches and the slugfests were cringeworthy. There was also alot contrived holding in positions for eternity waiting for the other. That said this was a good fun match entertaining match up, not a great one. (***1/4)
Shane Sewell defeats Shiek Abdull Bashir: Shane gets the win with the help of an Earl Hebner distraction and then fast count, for those keeping score this is the second roll up for a win.
Fine match, totally forgetable but fitted the storyline perfectly. (*1/4)
Beer Money Inc. defeat Abyss & Matt Morgan & Lethal Consequences to win the Tag Team Titles: Beer Money get the win with a superkick while the referee is distracted.
This match was a complete and utter mess, terrible forgetable and very very bush league. (1/2*)
ODB wins the number one contender in a six woman tag team match featuring Taylor Wilde, Roxxi, Sojourna Bolt, Rhaka Kahn & Saeed: Lots of "chaotic" action, Taylor Wilde took everyone out with a flying cross body to the outside allowing ODB to pick up the 1-2-3 in the ring.
This match was an abortion, just plain horrible, ugly, they botched spot after spot, it was utterly dreadful, made the last match look like Flair-Steamboat. (DUD)
Kurt Angle defeats Jeff Jarrett in a No DQ match: This was a really good intense cartoonish brawl, some big spot including a nice angle slam through a table, a big OTT slugfest that fitted the fued down to a tee, some big near falls and yet another roll up finish after Jeff though he had the match won with a chair shot.
This was very good match, the intensity was spot on, there were some great spots and messurable visual. The match had flaws, the crowd turning on Jarrett doesn't help, some headlocks, and a botched plancha, the chinlocks didn't help either. Regardless this was a great blowoff to second chapter in an intense blood feud. (***3/4)
Sting defeats Rhino to retain the TNA World Title: Sting gets a phoned in victory in nine minutes with the Scorpion Death Drop.
Sting was the babyface all the way, the crowd didn't give Rhino a chance and the match never left second gear. The crowd got to see Sting do his spots and enjoyed them but nothing to see here. (3/4*)
Mick Foley, AJ Styles & Devon defeat Scott Steiner, Booker T & Kip James: Yes Kip James is your replacement, I'm not even going to comment, there's no point stating the obvious. The match was a sloppy lazy brawl that led to a double countout, Foley restarted the match as a hardcore match. Then it picked up as we didn't have to see these guys wrestle. AJ did a nice dive from the ring through the table before Foley pinned Steiner with a double Arm DDT on a chair.
This was pretty horrible but there was enough silly crap once they restarted the match to get crowd going and salvage a passable main event. Foley looked horrible in this match, just out of shape, terrible and not credible. Booker T phoned it in, Steiner does try but he's hardly mobile, Kute Kip was dire, Devon just isn't very good but tried at least, and I just feel sorry for AJ. The comedy moment of the match was Foley botching folding a chair while Booker stoop against the ropes Screaming, he even had to draw breathe and Scream again it took Foley so long to hit the chairshot. The match dug deep enough into the bag of tricks to send the crowd home happy. (*1/2).
Overall Thoughts: Despite alot of bad scores this show was a lot of fun, what was bad was dreadful and what was good was alot of fun. The Angle-Jarrett and Shelley-Sabin will are worth going out of your way to see. Shelley-Sabin didn't impress me that much but I'm sure it will blow some of your minds. Overall a total minor league clusterfuck but a fun clusterfuck.


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
