Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

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ROH Tokyo Summit



Larry Sweeney announce that Davey Richards partner against the Briscoes will be Morishima.


Austin Aries then interupts the ring announcer and calls Tyler Black out.
Austin Aries vs. Tyler Black
They brawl on the ramp and exchange wild blows. Tyler hits an enzenguri and then goes for a springboard lariat but Aries dodges and back body drops Black into the ring. Aries then takes Black on a tour of each top turnbuckle introducing Black to all of them. Aries then hits a sunset flip and hits the knee strikes. Black crawls out onto the ramp but Aries stays on him and locks in the horns of Aries on the ramp. Aries goes to the top rope but Black crotches him sending Black down hard. Black then throws Aries hard face first into the guard rail and then the ring apron before Rolling Aries back into the ring for a one count. Really hot start.
Black drops an elbow and slows the action down, Black gets a corner closeline, a snapmare and a second rope diving neck snapper. Black then locks in a chinlock, Aries fights his way out dodges a closeline but runs straight into a nice dropkick for a near fall. Aries responds with a brutal chop to the chest. Black gets a scoop slam and then a leaping stomp on the face, Black then hits another leaping boot this time to the throat before choking Aries on the second rope. Aries sells this very well. Black then lays a choke in with his boot before stomping on Aries gut for two. Aries tries to fight back with some brutal open hand chops but Black replies with some brutal knife edge chops in the corner. Black then executes a hard Irish whip and then cinches in a deathlock with a foot on Aries back. Black then drops two knees onto Aries back and plays to the crowd. Very Slow and Deliberate mid portion.
Black then introduces Aries to the top turnbuckle but Aries fights out, Black tries the small package drive but Aries blocks, Aries fights out of the TKO and goes for the knee breaker but Tyler counters that and goes for a power bomb which Aries counters with a ranna sending Black face first into the turnbuckle. Aries then hit a face buster STO combo and the swinging elbow drop and plays to the crowd, they liked that. Aries side steps Black sending him crashing to the outside and immediately hits the Guided Missile Suicide Dive. Aries hits the slingshot back elbow strike combination. Aries gets a strike combo ending with a high knee but Black counters the running dropkick into a TKO and then hits a running turnbuckle powerbomb for a near fall, Brilliant sequence.
Black goes for the Pheonix splash but Aries evades Black lands on his feet but is arm dragged into the turnbuckle, Aries gets the knee breaker back suplex combo. Black stumbles into the corner and Aries hits the running dropkick and Brainbuster combo for a nearfall. Really good stuff here. Aries goes up top, Black goes to meet him but Aries gets a sunset bomb, a kick of death and Brainbuster and the Last Chancery, but Black won't tap. Aries floats over hits some more big knee strikes and floats back into the Last Chancery and Black has to tap.
Really hot start, and a brilliant final portion to the match but it slowed down so much, to a really deliberate paced set by Black in the middle. Black really should be a face, he's far better suited to that kind of match lay out. All in all this match was tremendous for two thirds, and the slow portion only served to make the final portion that much more exciting. Japanese crowd really hurt this one. (***1/4)
After the match Jacobs runs out and chokes out Austin Aries and proclaims that tonight he will win the World Title.
Kazushi Miyamoto vs. Eddie Edwards (w/Larry Sweeney)
Eddie gets an arm wrench and headlock before they go to a shoulder tackle battle spot, no one budges, they then try Yakuza kick but no one is moving. Eddie dodges a Yakuza kick, and a closeline then finally floors Kaz with a brutal Yakuza kick. Edwards enzenguris Kaz on top, Kaz escapes the Backpack but can't avoid a stiff kick to the chest and a lionsault for a near fall. Both men exchange strikes with Edwards coming out in control. Good start.
Edwards chokes Kaz in the ropes and then distracts the ref allowing Sweeney to get a cheapshot. Edwards hits a back elbow and then goes for a suplex but Kaz blocks and counters with a vertical suplex of his own and both men are down. Miyamoto fights out of a waist lock and hits a flying forearm and a nice corner closeline. Kazushi takes Eddie to the top rope for a super plex which gets a near fall. Eddie blocks a suplex attempt this time and hits a back elbow and a driving second rope Code Breaker. Eddie hits two superkicks and an enzenguri to tee up a pinning suplex for a near fall.
Eddie shouts to the crowd but Miyamoto blocks 2K1 bomb and kills Eddie with a closeline for a near fall. Kaz hits a brainbuster and goes for after Larry Sweeney. Edwards holds Kaz back and Sweeney swings but hits Edwards by mistake allowing Kaz to get the roll up for the ring.
Short and sweet all action match to get this Japanese crowd into action, Edwards was quite impressive in this encounter. (**)
Sweeney begs Eddie Edwards to forgive him and the crowd get on Sweeney's back, and chant for Eddie, but Sweeney and Edwards embrace to a chorus of boos.
Bryan Danielson is backstage and cuts a promo. He's going after the Junior Championship tonight, he says he's been a champion all over the world but not here in Japan. He says tonight is his chance to prove why he is beyond a shadow of a doubt the best wrestler in the world. This is impressive promo from Danielson, he really needs to be picked up.
El Generico vs. Taiji Ishimori
Generico works the crowd and is the first worker to really get some life out of this Japanese crowd. Rather than locking up Generico shouts "ole", this of course starts an ole chant. Ishimori walks out of the ring until the crowd chant "Ishimori" and he returns. Fun prematch. Generico gets a shoulder tackle and plays to the crowd before hitting two arm drags, Generico then counters a closeline swings around Ishimori and arm drags him to the outside. Generico the fakes out Ishimori on a dive and sprinboard back flips into the ring landing on one knee to a big round of applause. Ishimori then gets a botched headscissors sending Generico to the outside and he hits a 6-1-9 style fake out and the two men stand off. Fun openening.
Ishimori gets a waist lock, Generico counters into an arm wrench and they trade counters but Taiji manages to power Generico down and stomps on the elbow. Taiji gets an arm drag and then applies an arm bar. They trade strikes a before Taiji runs straight into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a near fall. Generico then sushes a small child chanting for Ishimori in a funny moment. Generico drops an elbow on Ishimori and gets standing moonsault on Ishimori for two, and then plays with the kid some more to a round of laughs. Generico then hits a lovely crescent kick leg lariat. Generico hits a back breaker and plays to the crowd before hitting a split legged moonsault for a near fall.
Both men exchange big knife edge chops and strikes, Generico wins but misses two closelines and Ishimori gets a pop up ranna. Ishimori floats over onto the apron, scores with a roundhouse kick from the apron and then a springboard dropkick that sends Generico to the outside. Ishimori then hits a picture perfect top rope moonsault press to the outside on Generico. Back in the ring Ishimori hits a hand spring pele for a near fall. Ishimori reverse a waist lock in an excellent small package. Then in a quite brilliant sequence, Generico coutners an Irish whip holding onto the arm, sliding between Ishimori's legs into a pumphandle, he then puts Ishimori into a Powerbomb position with both arms crossed, he lifts Ishimori up into a fisherman's postion and flips him into a brilliant Sitout Brainbuster bomb for a near fall. That starts a big Generico chant.
Generico goes up top but Taiji catches him and hits a top rope Super Frankenstiener and a bridging German suplex for a near fall, great stuff. Ishimori goes up top but Generico catches him and goes for the Top rope Brainbuster but Taiji blocks it and hits a Super Tornado DDT, Taiji runs to set up a corner move but Generico follows him and kills him with the Yakuza kick and then a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. This is really good stuff. Taiji counters a brainbuster by pushing off the top rope and reversing into a crucifix bomb for a near fall, and then a Hammerlock and Bearhug DDT, that was just brutal and that gets a near fall. Ishimori hits a front slam and the Super Star Elbow gets the 1-2-3.
That match was just tremendous fun and had some superb athelticism and mind boggling counters. Generico did superbly and got both his personality and wrestling ability over big time with the crowd. Ishimori was very impressive. This much is exactly what you want from a lower card match, short and entertaining, waking the crowd up but not burning them out. (***)
Davey Richards & Takeshi Morishima (w/Larry Sweeney) vs. The Briscoe Brothers
Davey Richards and Jay start the match as Takeshi gets the crowd going. Richards gets an armwrench but Jay counters with an arm drag, leg trip and pop up ranna. Davey runs into a drop toe hold but avoids a elbow drop and misses a stiff kick leading to a stand off. Richards asks the crowd if they want Morishima and tags him in. Jay can't gets Morishima off his feet with a shoulder block, Mark tags in and he doesn't have any better luck. They then get a closeline, northern lariat combo and finally take Morishima down with the double shoulder tackle. Morishima then blocks a suplex and scores with one of his own. Richards tags in and gets a closeline. Jay tags in and they get a back elbow, Russian Legsweep and senton back splash combo for a two count. Jay hits Davey with a spinal tap and then a snap suplex for a two count.
Richards manages to drive Jay into the heels corner and tags in Morishima, Takeshi gets a snapmare and the diving hip attack. Mark tags in and they go for the double team suplex but Takeshi blocks and scores with a double suplex, impressive strenght. The Briscoes go for simultanious sunset flips but in a nice spot both Takeshi and Davey sit down on them for stereo near falls.
Davey then drops Mark throat first on the gaurd rail. Davey then holds Mark in position for Larry to get a cheap shot and the heels then mock the crowd. Richards tags back in and runs straight into a big boot, but replies with a stiff kick to the chest and a diving enzenguri to the back off the head off the second rope. Davey applies a camel clutch but Mark breaks it by biting his hand. Richards takes him back down with dropkick and puts Mark on top. Mark shoves Davey off top and hits the diving reverse elbow. Morishima tags in and runs to prevent the hot tag. Morishima misses a blind charge but Takeshi again stops the tag. Mark then back flips out of the Back suplex attempt and dives for the tag.
HOT TAG. Jay gets a series of closelines but Takeshi won't go down, a flying cross body does the job, Jay then dropkicks down both Takeshi and Richards sloppily before going up top and scoring with a torpedo dropkick. Takeshi then blocks the DVD and hits a boss man slam. Davey tags in and floats over and suplex and unloads with stiff kicks before hitting an enzenguri. Davey then catches Jay on top with a enzenguri and a Frankenstiener followed by a German suplex for a near fall. Davey hits a running forearm but runs into a superkick and then clevely takes him down with a school play ground trip. Sweeney pulls Mark off the apron so there is no one to tag and Davey charges. Jay manages to counter a closeline into a flatliner into the second turnbuckle.
Mark tags in and unloads with a nice strike combo and hits a fisherman's buster for a nearfall. Mark lands on his feet on a back body drop and hits a superkick. Jay tags in and hits a Yakuza kick, they then hit the back breaker, flying knee drop combo. Mark throws Takeshi out of the ring and they go for the Doomsday device. Davey unloads on Jay to block but Mark runs in and hits an exploder and a death valley driver. Sweeney gets on the apron and gets killed by Jay. Mark in the meantime hits a swantom bomb for a near fall. Mark can't believe it. Davey gets a Jacknife roll up for a near fall. Mark goes for the Cut Throat Driver but Davey counters with the Alarm Clock (WHAT A FINISHER) for the win.
If that match had happened in the US the crowd would have been going absolutely bananas for everything but in Japan it was most met with silence and quite applause. Regardless there was some very good wrestling in this match, a couple of notable botches from Jay in there both the overall action was very strong. You do wish there was more selling and Story telling in Briscoes matches but they certianly over come that with fast paced hard hitting action. (***1/2)
Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black run out as the Briscoes where enjoying a round of appluase. Black gives Mark God's Last Gift and then Jimmy Jacobs chokes him out and reiterates that he will be the new world champion.
Nigel grudgingly admits to losing to Bryan Danielson and then says he will not under estimate Jimmy Jacobs tonight and promise victory. Good promo from Nigel. If Dragon and McGuiness leave ROH this year, TV deal or not there screwed.
GHC Junior Heavyweight Title
Bryan Danielson vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru
They lock up but no one gets the better of it and they have to break in the ropes but Dragon gets a cheap shot in to the referees disapproval. Yohsi gets an arm drag but Danielson monkey flips him off and we have a stand off. Danielson gets a sideheadlock takedown. Kanemaru tries to roll to break it but can't and Danielson cranks in the holds. Danielson locks in the hold for awhile and then traps the arm and gets a really nice stretch forcing Yoshi to make the ropes. Danielson gets an arm bar and lifts Yoshi high into the air and then drops him down and works over the arm. Danielson gets a shoulderblock but runs straight into a dropkick. Dragon then back flips over Yoshi and goes for a hip toss but Kanemaru counters to one of his own and then dropkicks Dragon to the outside.
Yoshi then follows up with a plancha and whips Dragon into the gaurd rail and then stands on Danielson's neck and drops a leg drop crushing his throat on the gaurd rails before hitting a DDT on the outside. Danielson manages to answer the count at seven but is immediate hit with a helo. Yoshi then slows it down and locks in a headscissors. Bryan cleverly bridges into a cover for a nearfall but can't break the hold. Danielson wriggles out into deathlock but Kanemaru immediately slides into a chinlock, Danielson then goes for the ropes but Yoshi brutal pulls him back accross the ring by the neck for a near fall. Yoshi then hits a DDT for a two count before applying the camel clutch. Yoshi does one of the better application of his hold I've ever seen switching up his grip into many different forms before running up top and scoring with diving splash for a two count.
Danielson begins to fire back with three big European uppercuts and Danielson is pissed. Danielson then hits a nice series of arm breakers before driving Yoshi down onto the canvas and taking him back up for the over the shoulder arm breaker back suplex for two count. Dragon then locks in a straight jacket hol and then takes Yoshi down with a keylock and stomps on elbow, Dragon then again sets the elbow and stomp down on it yet again. Danielson extends the arm before getting an arm drag, he holds onto the arm and hits a brutal arm twist and then locks in the triangle choke and works over the injured wrist at the same time. Yoshi scrambles for the rope but he fades and Danielson gets a near fall. Dragon then stands on the back of Yoshi's head and plays to the crowd, suprising to a round of applause. Dragon then chokes a bitch slaps Yoshi. Dragon then hammerlocks the arm and hits a series of European uppercut on the arm, wow never seen that before, great selling from Yoshi.
Danielson goes for a suplex but Yoshi counters with a snap suplex of his own. Dragon misses a closeline and Yoshi hits a basement dropkick and then springs to the top rope and scores with a torpedo dropkick for a near fall. Yoshi hits a scoop slam, Yoshi goes for a moonsault Danielson roll out the way but Yoshi just lands on his feet. Kanemaru then counters a tilt-a-whirl into a DDT for a near fall. Yoshi then hits a top rope diving DDT for a near fall. This is really strong stuff. Kanemaru goes for a suplex but Dragon blocks in mid air with a knee, Kanamaru floats over a suplex into a sleeper but Dragon rolls him off. Kanamaru charges into a Boss Man Slam style backbreaker and both men are down. That was really tremendous stuff.
Danielson makes it to his feet and unloads with a series of European uppercuts beating the crap out of Kanamaru, Dragon hits a leaping corner forearm, then a Diving European uppercut off the second rope, Danielson then hits butterfly suplex for a near fall. Danielson locks in a cross arm breaker and Kanamaru Struggles, he rolls to coutner but Danielson rolls with him right into him Arm bar of Doom, Daneilson really grind on the arm but Yoshi makes the ropes to end another truely excellent segment.
Danielson goes for the Cattle Mutilation but its blocked, both men trade European upper cuts, Dragong gets a running closeline and goes for a suplex but its coutnered by Yoshi into a lovely suplex. Yoshi goes for the diving DDT again but he's killed with a european uppercut and Danielson gets the German suplex with the squating pin for a near fall. Danielson places Yoshi on the top rope but Yoshi shoves him off top but again Danielson comes after him. Yoshi hits a DDT off top but Danielson gets his foot on the ropes. Yoshi hits a brainbuster for a near falls. Yoshi goes for the Moonsault but Dragon crotches him and hits the belly to back suplex and both men are down! More superb stuff.
The crowd are coming to life in response to this excellent action. Both men answer the count and we and have a big running forearm battle where Yoshi brilliantly cuts Dragon of with a lightening basement dropkick. He charges Danielson but is caught with a single arm takedown and Danielson goes for Cattle Mutilation but Yoshi rolls through so Dragon rolls through too into a Tiger Suplex for a near fall! Still holding the Chicken wing Danielson goes for Cattle Mutilation gain but Yoshi flips ontop for a near fall! Still holding the arms Danielson gets in postion for the Elbow Strike of Certain Death that sets up another tiger suplex for a near fall, the crowd are going Bananas and Danielson STILL HOLDING THE ARMS locks in the Cattle Mutiliation and Yoshi has to tap out.
What an excellent match, the crowd really respected the efforts of both men and the match told a superb story, the clash of styles was suberbly done with Dragon working over the arm with a European wrestling style to counter act the high flying, fast paced, high impact offence of Yoshi. It a battle to see Yoshi's arm or Danielson's head would weaken quickest. The only real complaints, Danielson was sloppy on one German suplex cover but who cares, the real weakening factor was that Yoshi just didn't long term sell the arm properly, if he had it would have kicked the match up one notch higher. These quibbles don't matter really, as the match was superb and the finishing sequence was utterly brilliant and classic Danielson. (****)
Post match we get a really great and respectful celebration with Danielson, the title belt and a trophy. The crowd really got behind him chanting "Dragon", Danielson then gave a press conference backstage to the Japanese media, it was really interesting to see how the Japanese media treat wrestling.
Naomichi Marufuji & Katsuhiko Nakajimi vs. KENTA & Kota Ibushi
Majufugi's new hair cut is totally whack. Kota gets an Arm wrench but Marufugi flips and cartwheels to reverse the hold but Ibushi flips around into a sideheadlock takedown, Marufugi gets to his feet and scores with a shoulder tackle, but Kota dodges a superkick and scores with a spinning back kick, Kota misses a roundhouse and Marufugi gets a basement dropkick but misses another aimed at the skull, Ibushi then misses a kick of death and Marufugi gets a legsweep and cover for one, but the Ibushi replies with a legsweep and cover for one, both men throw dropkicks and we have a stand off. Lightening exchange, nice start.
Kenta and Nakajimi tag in and the crowd get rowdy. They wrestle to the ropes and Kenta gives a clean break, Kenta gets a side headlock, they do a shoulde tackle but no one budges, Kenta gets a Yakuza kick but Nakajimi won't go down, both men then hit brutal Yakuza kicks at the same time, and neither man goes down, they then exchange big kicks to the chest with neither man going down. All of this is very stiff, Kenta leaps over a reverse legsweep and Nakajimi dodges a Kick of Death and they have a stand off as the crowd go Bananas.
Kenta works out of a headlock into a back leg trip, Nakajimi gets a snapmare and a spinal tap that really pisses of Kent who gets right up and bitch slaps the hell out of Nakajimi, but he returns fire and we have a stiff bitch slap battle on our hands. Kenta hits a big spinning back kick and stiff kick to the chest floors Nakajimi. Kota tags in and they exchange stiff kicks, no one is going down not even on Yakuza kicks. Nakajimi catches a Yakuza kick and hits a back legsweep to take Ibushi down.
Marufugi tags in and chokes Ibushi in the corner. Ibushi flips out of a scoop slam and two suplex and lands on his feet on a German suplex and hits a shinning wizard for a near fall. Kenta tags in and hits a Yakuza kick for a near fall. Kenta applies a headlock who tags in Ibushi. Ibushi unloads with stiff kicks but Marufugi no sells and both men unload before Ibushi finally floors Marufugi with a big kick to the chest and he slaps on a chinlock. Nakajimi and gives Ibushi a spinal tap to break the hold. Kenta tags in and Yakuza kicks Nakajimi off the apron. Marufugi floats over a suplex and then appears to try and back drop Kenta onto the apron but Kenta blocks, looks like they had a comunication breakdown, anyway Marufugi sorts it out suplexing Kenta who floats over onto the ring apron where he is killed with a Yakuza kick by Nakajimi. Nakajimi holds Kenta against the apron and kicks the crap out of Kenta.
Back in the ring Marufugi gets a two count. Nakajimi tags in and scores wtih a nice dropkick for a two count. Both men exchange forearm strikes until Nakajimi hits a nice spinning back kick, before kicking the crap out of Kenta in the corner. Marufugi applies a side russian legsweep style side headlock and he takes Kenta down to the mat. Ibushi decides to come into the ring and break the hold with a spinal tap. Nakajimi tags back in with a leaping forearm. Kenta blocks the suplex and Ibushi and Nakajimi come in to join a suplex battle, they double front suplex their opponents onto the top rope, hit a few stiff kicks then hit two Top Rope Flying Knee drops onto their dangling opponents and then Kenta gives Nakajimi a shinning wizard.
Ibushi and Nakajimi unload both trying to no sell but Ibushi manages to take down Nakajimi wtih three killer kicks to the chest. Ibushi locks in and Camel clutch as Kenta gives Nakajimi three stiff kicks to the chest for a near fall. Ibushi won't go down off a closeline and floors Ibushi with a round house kick. Ibushi hits a sloppy pop up ranna sending Nakajimi to the outside. Ibushi goes for a tope but Nakajimi pops up on the apron and meets him with an enzenguri. Nakajimi then comes off top with torpedo dropkick. Marufugi comes in and scores with a lovely flying reverse elbow but a cocky pin only gets two. Marufugi tosses Ibushi and knocks Kenta off the apron. Marufugi then Irish whips Ibushi into a brutal stiff kick from Nakajimi. Marufugi then gives Ibushi a apron brain buster. Marufugi Irish whips Ibushi into the guard rail and then slams the Gaurd rail door shut on his head, OUCH.
Back in the ring Marufugi gets a near fall. Marufugi locks in a chinlock in the ring and rolls off when he sees Kenta sneaking in. Nakajimi then locks in a good High Angle boston crab. When Ibushi makes the ropes Nakajimi charges and Yakuza kicks Kenta off the apron. Nakajimi then locks Ibushi in the dragon sleeper and then drops and elbow. Marufugi tags in and stands on the neck and then the face of Ibushi in the corner, brutal spot. Marufugi stomps on the face of Ibushi then gets the twisting neck breaker for a near fall. Ibushi tries to fight back but he's knock down and Marufugi cockily kicks away, Ibushi is insensed and we have a forearm battle, Ibushi hits a spinning back kick, Ibushi matrixes down to dodge a closeline kips up and then hits Pele to floor Marufugi, wow that was cool.
HOT TAG! Kenta gets a flying forearm, a lariat and a closeline, hard Irish whip, Kenta Yakuza kicks Nakajimi off the apron and a springboard missile dropkick gets two. Marufugi back flips over a back suplex and gets a drop toe hold but Kenta dodges the basement dropkick and counters to a STF. The hold is broken by Nakajimi but Kenta is pissed and clubs him out of the ring. Marufugi blocks the Go 2 Sleep but gets hit with a spinning back kick regardless. Kenta blocks a closeline and gets a backslide for two. Marufugi counters the G2S into the Slide bread but Kenta counters sending him to the turnbuckle but Marufugi leapfrogs to counter, Kenta blocks a Roaring elbow, Kenta misses a superkick, Marufugi hits the Curb Stomp and a basement Superkick. Nakajimi tags in and kicks the holy shit out of Kenta in the corner and scores with a running Yakuza kick and a butterfly suplex for two.
Both men unload, Nakajimi blocks a roundhouse but can't avoid a diving Yakuza kick, but does manage to counter a running Yakuza kick with a dragon screw leg whip. This is fast paced stuff. Marufugi knocks Ibushi to the floor as Nakajimi locks in the Heel Hook. Ibushi manages to make the save. Nakajimi kicks the crap out of Ibushi and tosses him. Nakajimi hits the knee breaker and comes off top but is met with a dropkick. Ibushi and Nakajimi exchange blows, Ibushi dodges a closeline and hits a Lightening and I'm bloody well mean lighting jab, leg lick, spinning back kick combo. Nakajimi blocks a German suplex but is killed with a leg larait. Ibushi back flips over Nakajimi, Nakajimi gets a sunset flip but Ibushi rolls through with a basement dropkick, Nakajimi rolls back with a basement dropkick, Ibushi rolls back with a stiff kick and then hits standing Sky Twister Press for a near fall, Fuck me this is insane.
Ibushi gets a front slam and goes up top, Ibushi goes for a moonsault but Nakajimi rolls out the way so Ibushi lands on his feet and tries an instant standing moonsault but Nakajimi avoids that too. Nakajimi gets a spinning back kick, a roundhouse to the back of the head, then to the chest and then a top rope diving Roundhouse. Marufugi runs in and knocks Kenta off the apron, Marufugi misses a flying forearm in the corner and Ibushi sends Nakajimi crashing into his own partner, that was sloppily done. Kenta hits a springboard dropkick and Nakajimi staggers back into a German suplex for a near fall. Kenta chokes Marufugi on the outside. Ibushi goes up top but Nakajimi was playing posum and hits a spinning heel kickt to take Ibushi off the top rope.
Kenta comes in to do battle, they trade forearms, Kenta hits a European upercut and charges, Marufugi shoves Nakajimi out the way and does a double closeline spot with Kenta. Then Nakajimi absolutely kills Ibushi with a diving Pump Kick but Ibushi no Sells and Hits a Dragon suplex but Nakajimi no sells and hits a German suplex and Everyone is Down.
Nakajimi and Ibushi exchange forearms and brutal open hand slaps on their knees. Nakajimi kills Ibushi with two big stiff kicks and then ges a near fall with a diving pump kick. Ibushi hits a Roundhouse to the head, a spinning back kick and then a brutal roundhouse to the back of the head for a nearfall. Both men can bearly stand as they continue to unload, Nakajimi then hits a NASTY knock out run house kick and drags Ibushi to the centre for a 2.99999. Nakajimi is shoved off top and Ibushi hits a lovely Hesititation Torpedo dropkick, the ring announcer says there is one minute to go and everyone scrambles for pin falls. Kenta kicks Marufuig to the floor and holds him there as Ibushi locks in the cross arm breaker but Nakajimi makes the ropes, Ibushi hits a big kick tries another but is countered wtih a dragon screw leg whip and Nakajimi locks in the Ankle Lock with less than thirty seconds to go. Kenta is being held back by Marufugi, 5-4-3-2-1 and the Time Limit has expired.
Kenta asks the referee for five more minutes, the referee seems game and the announcer says the game is on.
The match restarts. Kenta and Marufugi unload with forearms, Kenta gets a forearm and a kick combo but Marufugi replies with a superkick and Kenta gets a brutal a lariat. Kenta drags Marufugi to his feet but Marufugi blocks a powerbomb but a sudden burst of strenght and Kenta hits a sit out powerbombr for a near fall. Marufugi blocks a German suplex but can't avoid a Tiger suplex for a near fall. Kenta gets a back hand strike combo, Kenta charges but is met with a killer closeline. Kenta charges into a step up enzenguri, Marufugi hits the Sliced Bread but Ibushi makes the save. Marufugi hits the front slam and goes up top but Kenta meets him with a Yakuza kick. Marufugi front suplexes Kenta off top and out of Nowhere, Ibushi gets a handspring Pele on Marufugi on the top rope and Kenta hits the Super Falcon Arrow for a Near fall as Nakajimi makes the save. Ibushi gets a front slam and then hits a Pheonix Splash with an extra rotatation but Marufugi sort of got the knees up. Kenta gets the cover for near fall. Marufugi hits a Superkick, a spinning back superkick but Kenta fires back with a Yakuza kick and a Banzu Diving Knee Strike and both men are down. 15 seconds remain, with three seconds left Kenta makes the cover and Marufugi kicks out with 0.11111 of a second remaining.
This was just a truely execellent Japan psychology style match up, with brutal stiff strikes, incredible action and unbelievable near falls. The selling was good and the moves for the vast majority were devastatingly crisp. All four men gave it there all and were absolutely exhausted after 35 minutes of brilliant action. The nicest touch was to the story with Kenta and Nakajimi refusing to shake hands at the begining but earning there respect by the end. To be critical there were a couple of blown spots, sloppy moments and do overs, but with that much top level action anyone whose picking bones is a total dick head. A different style to Dragon's Gate but equally as awesome. (****1/2)
Tyler Black psyches up Jimmy Jacobs backstage but Jimmy says he doesn't need it he's ready, he knows what he has to do, tonight is his night.
Kensuke Sasaki vs. Roderick Strong
They shake hands to start the match. Roderick gets an arm wrench but Sasaki immidiately counters. Roderick takes down Kenuske and works over the arm, Sasaki powers out and shoves Strong down hard. Strong tries a shoulder tackle but can't move Sasaki, Sasaki easily knocks down Strong and they then exchange brutal chops in a chop battler and after a brutal exchange Sasaki floors Strong. Strong replies with a series of chops and then hits a back breaker for a two count. Strong pounds down on Sasaki and then hits a big chop and follows up with a fallaway slam for a two count. Strong applies a seated waistlock, Strong hits a body slam and works the crowd before going up top. Sasaki pops up and scores with a frankenstiener and both men are down. Sasaki then hits a nice vertical suplex for a two count. Sasaki hits a stiff corner closeline for a two count. Sasaki locks Strong in the boston crab, Strong is really over selling verbally and tries to crawl to the rope but Sasaki pulls him back to the centre but Strong scrambles and manages to make the ropes. Sasaki hits another vertical suplex for a two count. Sasaki follows up with a not so super superplex. Roderick manages to avoid and closeline and hits a leg lariat.
Strong unloads with knife edge chops and hits a dropkick for a two count. Strong hits a sling shot suplex for a two count. Sasaki blocks the half nelson back breaker with elbows, but after an enzenguri hits Strong manages to score with the half nelson back breaker. Sasaki blocks the gut buster and Strong runs into a powerslam. Sasaki is gassed but hits a really nice tackle into the corner a series of stiff corner closeline before a big running head pound lariat combo. Sasaki is breathing really heavily and gets a closeline combo leading to a Judo throw for a near fall. Sasaki hits a single legged powerbomb for a near fall. Sasaki then locks in a head and arm lock and Roderick begins to fade, Sasaki goes for a cover and gets a near fall. Strong floats over a suplex and hits an enzenguri, a yakuza kick, a gut buster and then a running Yakuza kick.
Strong works the crowd, dodges a right hand lariat but can't judge the left, Sasaki then gets a northern lariat and lariat combo. Sasaki then hits a flying larait off the top rope for a near fall and Sasaki says its over and hits a Northern Lights Bomb (apparently) for the 1-2-3.
Anything was going to feel like a let down after the previous match, but they had a decent go, but there match just felt flat and unimaginative, no real story, just I hit a move you hit a move, still not a bad effort all the same. (**1/2)
ROH World Title
Jimmy Jacobs vs. Nigel McGuiness
Jacobs jumps Nigel during the introductions but Nigel rolls in and out to confuse Jacobs and settle the match down as the crowd chant "Nigel". Jacobs goes after the ankle but misses each time. Nigel gets a snapmare and locks in a chinlock and then locks in a front facelock. Jimmy refuse to give a clean break and slugs Nigel in the face, Jimmy tosses Nigel but yet again Nigel rolls straight back in to frustrate Jacobs. Jacobs is pissed and walks down the apron and hurts his foot kicking the entrance way, in a fun spot.
They do the knucklelock and Jimmy rolls into an arm and key lock, Nigel wrestles and swings Jimmy down again. Jacobs stomps on Nigel's foot and manages to counter into an painkiller arm bar. Nigel rolls and kicks and coutners into a wrist lock of his own, Nigel hammerlocks one arm and bends Jacobs other arm all the way back for a near fall. Jimmy comes back with a leg trip after distracting Nigel by undoing his knee pad. Nigel then uses a classic british wrestling counter. Nigel counters a hard Irish whip with the head stand. Jimmy refuses to charge, and Nigel gets down and Jimmy runs into a back elbow, Nigel gets the headstand again but Jimmy shoves the referee into Nigel but Nigel floats over the ref, and Jimmy punts him full belt in the balls for two. Jacobs then lays Nigel's head next to the ringpost and hits a running dropkick. Jimmy then hits a diving elbow of the apron to the floor, that was a really nice elbow drop. Jacobs takes Nigel around ringside and introduces Nigel to the ramp. Jacobs then plays to the crowd. Nigel no sells Jimmy's punches and unloads with strikes, he has Jimmy against the rope and charges but he's met with a spear and hits his head on the ramp.
Jacobs rolls him back in the ring and locks in the End Time but Nigel makes the ropes. While the ref checks on Nigel, Jacobs gets a chain the crowd boo, but Jimmy puts it back to some laughs. Nigel tries to fight back but Jimmy pokes him in the eye, Nigel counters the Contra code with the back kick lariat combo. Nigel crotches Jimmy on the top rope but Jimmy Dodges the big diving lariat. Jimmy applies the End Time over the top rope and drags Nigel hard to the outside. Jimmy gets a chair and gives Nigel a seat, and hits the twisting plancha, killing Nigel. Jacobs then shouts at the crowd. Jacobs tries to roll Nigel back in the ring but Nigel rebound with a back elbow and hits a Tower of London on the floor from the gaurd rail.
Nigel rolls Jimmy back in the ring for a near fall. Nigel hits a couple of European uppercuts then the head of Steam running European uppercut and a snapmare combo for two. Nigel puts Jimmy on top but Jacobs breaks the tower of London by bitting Nigel. Jacobs blocks a superplex again by biting and hits a senton back splash for a near fall. Up Down Left Right Left Right Up Down Select Start The Contra Code gets two for Jimmy Jacobs. The crowd come to life, abit, Jimmy goes for the End Time but Nigel is too Strong, he tries again and Nigel counters with a divorce court and then reverse suplexes Jacobs up and hits the Tower of London. Nigel crotches Jacobs and kills him with the diving lariat for a near fall. The crowd come to life but Nigel is frustrated. Jacobs wants a time out. Nigel runs the ropes but is met with a back elbow, Nigel rebounds with a Jaw Breaker Lariat but its countered into the End Time, Nigel unlocks the legs and powers up but Jimmy gets the legs hooked again and takes him back down. Nigel tries to roll but Jimmy rolls back over into the centre of the ring, Nigel fades but manages to roll to make the ropes. Jacobs is pissed and gets the chain, Nigel shoves the ref into Jacobs and Jacobs elbows the ref and kills Nigel with the chain and gets the cover. The ref crawls over and gets a near fall. Nigel then explodes with a killer lariat, Jacobs is really selling his teeth, look like he might have lost one, as Nigel gets a near fall. They exchange strikes and Jacobs spits in Nigel's face. Jimmy blocks a European uppercut and spins Nigel but Nigel kills him with lariat. Jacobs hits a jaw breaker but Nigel rebounds and hits a terrible Jaw Breaker Lariat for the win.
Well that was a real let down, make no mistake the crowd really hurt his match badly but these two weren't at the top of their game, with lots of uninspired and awkward moments, Jacobs didn't seem his usual self, and seemed to spend far too long trying to get his character over and not enough time wrestling. There was just so much sloppiness in this match. It still had some drama, but I just think the sub par performances combined with a Japanese crowd made for a lame main event. In fact a match of this style not based around wrestling but stooging and heel tactics really has to be done in front of a red hot crowd. (**3/4)
Overall Thoughts: Its hard to know how much to recommend this Show, as there was no doubt two tremendous match ups, and some great action on the undercard, and not really a bad match on the show, only the two two matches dissapointed but they were hardly bad but the Japanese crowd will really kill this show for some of you. The Tag match is worth going out of your way to see and while your at it, its definitely worth checking out the Danielson match too. So Good Show, Odd Crowd. Solid Recommendation.


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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
