Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


We start with a video package about young vs. old, its well put together but very very silly. I love the out right lies, for example Booker T "the ratings have gone through the roof since I arrived", I know it doesn't really matter but its just not true, and the thing is if he says it enough people will believe its true just like Honky Tonk.
The Main Event Mafia arrive, they all ignore Borash except Scott Stiener who is mad that the boys in the back don't respect them and ignore them and play computer games when there in the back, he then tells Borash to get his bags.
Oh joy yet again the X Division thrown out in a meaningless multiman match.

X Division Ranking Match
Consequences Creed vs. Sonjay Dutt (w/So Cal Val) vs. Petey Williams vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Volador vs. Eric Young vs. Doug Williams vs. Yiroshi Tanahashi vs. Homicide vs. Jay Lethal
Creed and Rave start the match. Rave gets a snapmare but Creed rolls to a hammerlock and Rave switches into a headlock, Creed counters to an arm wrench and arm breaker. Creed scores with a closeline and then unloads on Rave. Rave replies with a nice closeline and then celebrates. Dutt comes in with a nice flying headscissors and plays to the crowd. Lethal comes in and Dutt slides to the ring to escape and sucks face with Val. Lethal doesn't like that and breaks it up with a suicide dive. Homicide gets an overhead suplex on Tanahashi and follows that with a back elbow. Tanahashi misses a cross body and Doug Williams comes in with a closeline. Petery comes in with a gut buster but Williams replies with a high knee. Petey hits a spining heel kick and a dropkick. Williams tries to escape to the outside but Petey hits teh Plancharanna. Young and Volador battle, Volador gets the upper hand with some arm drags. Young powers out of an arm bar and puts Volador on the top rope. Volador comes back with a top rope arm drag. Volador and Lethal do a nice if contrived crusierweight sequence. Volador gets a spring board arm drag on Lethal but runs into a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Dutt runs in and clobbers Lethal. Volador unloads on Dutt who scores with a back flip dropkick and then another nice headscissors. Volador ties Dutt in the ropes and then hits a basement dropkick. Dutt counters a slam into a DDT in clunky fashion. Dutt plays to the crowd and gets caught on top with the super Frankenstiener fo the 1-2-3. Sonjay Dutt is eliminated.
Volador sees Rave coming and blocks a torpedo dropkick. Volador scores with a running ranna and then a lovely front flip tope onto Rave. Rave gets a back kick and the Move that Rocks the World for the 1-2-3. Volador is eliminated.
Rave kills Williams with a brutal closeline for two. Williams responds with a flying back elbow. Williams scores with the Chaos Theory for the pin. Jimmy Rave is Eliminated.
Eric Young and Creed are back body dropped out of the ring. Williams avoids the Destory and suplexes Lethal. Homicide nails Williams with the Gringo Cutter but he goes for a cannon ball suicide dive but he over shoots it and kills himself on the guard rail. The ref says he can't continue. Homicide has been eliminated.
Petey and Lethal get a double dropkick on Tonahashi. Creed body slams Williams and then Eric Young scores with a swanton bomb for two. Petey and Creed kill Tonahashi with dropkicks. Petey and Creed exchange knife edge chops before Creed unloads with his dancing flurry. Petey goes for his Russian leg sweep but Creed block. Petey dodges Creeds kicks and he scores with a lovely Canadian Destoyer out of nowhere. Creed is Eliminated.
Tonahashi work over Petey and Tonahashi gets a frogsplash for a 1-2-3. Petey Williams is Eliminated.
Young is enzenguried off the apron. Williams floors Lethal with a european uppercut. Williams scores with a high knee in the corner and Tanayashi follows up with a corner dropkick. Williams hits a side suplex and Tonahashi follows up with front senton for two. Lethal slips out of a suplex and pins Tanahashi with an inside craddle. Tanahashi is Eliminated.
Lethal is killed by a closeline but he kicks out at two. Williams goes for the Chaos Theory but Eric breaks it up and scores with the Show Time Cutter for the 1-2-3. Williams is Eliminated.
Young gets a crucifix off of a clumpsy exchange for two. Another awkward exchange ends with a diving forearm for two by Young. Young runs into a boot but he responses with a Northern lights suplex for the win. Lethal is Eliminated, Young is the Winner.
That was a perfectly acceptable opener, started very tamely but picked up in the middle. The match was of course meaningless and totally forgetable but everyone got their spots in, and it got the crowd going nicely. The ending sequences was very clumsy and anticlimatic. (**)
Young gives a rally the troops speech about the companies history and how their wrestlers not entertainers, and that they will create an unforgetable legacy. Weak Promo.
Lauren is backstage with Foley and Jarrett, Mick does a lame joke about his kid and rollercoasters. Jeff Jarrett says he's gonna go talk to Mafia as its his responsibility to deal with matters outside of the ring.
Taylor Wilde & Roxxi vs. Awesome Kong & Raisha Saeed
Big brawl to start. Roxxi tries a sunset flip on Kong but is squashed. Saeed tags in but is met with an arm wrench and top rope axe handle from the face, they do this five times in a row. Saeed comes back with a bitch slap and goes for a powerbomb but its countered wtih an arm drag by Wilde. Wilde hits an arm drag off the second rope. Kong tags in but is met with a double dropkick, Roxxi then wheel barrows Tyler into a senton back splash on Kong for two. Kahn trips Roxxi as she runs the ropes allowing Kong to hit a club. Kong then chokes Roxxi in the ropes . Saeed tags in with a series of shoulder tackles and a body slam. Saeed hits a elbow drop for two. Saeed hits a sloppy reverse elbow and Kong tags in. Kong squashes Roxxi in the corner with an avalanche before applying a camel clutch. Roxxi fights out and scores with a jaw breaker, it looks like Roxxi's gonna get a tag but Kahn holds back Taylor. Kong scores with a body slam and a big splash for two before tagging out. Saeed works over Roxxi in the corenr and then scores wtih a suplex for two. The crowd chant for Roxxi but Saeed scores with the deathlock surfboard and curb stomp combo. Kong tags in and scores wtih a body slam and then flips Saeed off her shoulders, that missed by miles! Kong misses a big splash off the second rope, Roxxi gives Saeed and enzenguri.
HOT TAG, Taylor gets a closeline on Saeed and flying leg lariat for a near fall. Wilde scores with a roundhouse of Saeed and then knocks Kahn off the aporn with a reverse elbow. Roxxi then takes Kong and Saeed down with a double closeline. Kong and Roxxi whip Taylor and Saeed into each other. Kong then charges but is low bridged by Roxxi who follows up with flying cross body off the top rope to the outside, impressive spot. Taylor Wilde then scores with the German suplex for the win.
Well that started abysmally, then became poor, then just before the hot tag was competant and then had a really hot finish. So its hard to rate. Alot of draw backs but a strong finish that worked the crowd into a frenzy. (*3/4)
Jeff Jarrett goes to the lockeroom of the Main Event Mafia and tells them to behave themselves tonight for the sake of the company. Kurt gets in Jeff's face and calls him a bitch before storming out. Kevin Nash tries to calm everything down and tells Jeff he should go and talk to the kids.
Rhino vs. Shiek Abdul Bashir
Rhino catches Bashir's boot and slugs him down. Rhino then scores wtih a flapjack and a hip toss. Bashir bails to avoid a spear as Scott Hall and the Insane clown Posse make there way to ringside completly distrating from the crowd. Bashir begs off before Rhino charges into a back elbow. Bashir distracts the referee and low blows Rhino and pounds away at Rhino. Bashir spits at the ICP in the front row and then they spit back. This is really bizarre. Rhino runs into a pair of boots and Bashir tosses him to the outside. Bashir tells Scott Hall to suck it, and then shoves one of the ICP's groupies and then bitch slaps him before returning to the centre of the ring and locking in a chinlock. Tenay acknowledges that there are some familar faces in the crowd tonight. Bashir then drops and elbow on Rhino for a near fall before reapplying a chinlock. The crowd start a loud "Razor" chant dirrected at Scott Hall. Rhino fades before making the comeback, the crowd chant "lets go Rhino". Rhino powers out and sits down on Bashir. Both men are down but manage to answer the count at six.
Rhino unloads on Bashir, he scores with a flying shoulder tackle, a closeline, a corner Gore and then the belly to belly suplex for a two count. Bashir comes back with jaw breaker, Rhino tries a DVD but Bashir slips out and kicks Rhino's leg out. Bashir plays to the crowd and charges into a spine buster. Rhino sets up the Gore, Bashir blocks it with a boot to the face. Bashir then argues with the referee allowing Rhino to suprise him with Gore for the win.
That was just a basic house show match up, very dull. Scott Hall and the ICP completely distracted from the match and if that was planned it was terrible and pointless. (*1/4)
Foley is giving a speech to the TNA Originals when he here's Shelley and Sabin making jokes, Foley confronts them, and Shelley pretends to know who he is before mocking Foley. Jay Lethal gets in Shelley's face and Petey and Lethal get Shelley and Sabin to leave the lockeroom and prepare for their match. Foley says he'll ignore the incident otherwise it proves everything, the MEM says to be true.
TNA Tag Team Title
The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money Incorperated
Chris Sabin scores with a shoulder tackle adn James Storm crawls on his knees and hugs Roode as the crowd boo and mock. Sabin flip and kips to counter a arm wrench into a series of arm drags. Shelley tags in and comes off top with a flying axe handle to the back. Shelley scores with some over the shoulder arm breakers. Roode tags in and goes for a closeline but Shelley counters into crucifix craddle for a two count. Shelley then kills Roode with a spinning heel kick and Sabin jumps off Shelley's back and dropkicks Storm off the apron. The Motor City Machine Guns then plays to the crowd. Shelley then tosses Roode and hit stereo planchas.
Back in the rin they get the inverted atomic drop, basment dropkick, bridging facelock and basement dropkick to the face combo on Roode. They hit the double roundhouse combo on Storm. Shelley snapmares Roode and tags in Sabin who comes in with a helo. Sabin gets a snapmare and tags in Shelley for a slingshot elbow. Shelley works over Roode in the corner and then lays in a stiff kick to teh head and a corner closeline. Shelley then gets a double leg take down and a lion sault for a two count.
Storm gets a blind tag and flap jacks Shelley on the top rope and Roode kills Shelley with a closeline. Roode tags back in and unloads with a fast flurry of punches. Storm tags in and Beer Money apply the double stomp in the corner. Beer Money hit a body slam and double elbow drop combo for a two count. Roode then locks in a chinlock and then facelock. Shelley fights out with stiff leg kicks but Roode just clubs him back down. Roode charges into a boot, Shelley goes for a tag but Roode takes him down with a droptoe hold and holds him in place. Beer Money tag in and hit the double suplex before shouting BEER MONEY! Storm tags in and pounds Shelley in the ribs. James Storm puts his cowboy hat on and tries a blind charge but is crotched on the middle rope. Shelley gets a hot tag but Roode has the referee distracted and the ref tells Sabin to get out of the ring. Beer Money throw Shelley to the outside where Jackie unloads viciously. Shelley fights out of a back suplex and Roode accidently closelines Storm. Shelley then hits a DDT and Flatliner combo which Roode sells superbly and everyone in down.
HOT TAG! Sabin comes in with a springboard cross body on both men, closelines for both men, then a brutal leg sweep on Storm, Sabin then body slams Roode onto Storm. Sabin floats over Roode and he crashes into the corner, Shelley then leap frogs Storm adn he spears Roode by mistake. Shelley then puts Storm in the tree of woe ontop of Roode and the Guns hit the stereo basement dropkick running Yakuza kick combo. Sabin then scores with a springboard tornado DDT for a near fall. Roode blocks the craddle shock, Second time he gets the lift but Storm gets a blidn tag. Sabin counters Roode's suplex with a knee strike and gives Storm a spinning back kick. He puts Storm on top and sends Roode head first into Storm's groin. Shelley closelines Roode to the outside and hits a suicide dive. Sabin then Frankenstieners Storm off top and Shelley hits the frog splash for a 2.9999 count.
Roode tags in and cleans house, the Guns hit the larait, northern lariat combo. Sabin hits the flying back elbow and follows up with a spring board closeline but Roode dodges. Roode runs right into a back breaker and Shelley comes off top with a back senton. Shelley locks Roode in a surfboard and Sabin comes off top with the guillotine leg drop for a near fall. Storm comes into the ring and gives Shelley a botched Playmaker, Sabin gives Storm and enzenguri but runs into Roode's spinebuster for a nearfall. Shelley flatliners Roode into the bottom turnbuckle and they go for the power bomb sliced bread combo but Roode fights out. Shelley gets stuck in the tree of woe as Storm powerslams Sabin. Roode goes up top but Sabin gives Storm a stiff kick and then catches Roode on the top rope. We then get a four man Tower of Doom and everyone is down. Sabin crawls over and gets a near fall on Roode.
Shelley gives Roode a kick to the back of the head. Shelley blocks the Fisherman's suplex and the Guns unload with a enzenguri combination. Roode then distracts ther ref and Jackie attacks Sabin, Sabin thinks about attacking her before scoop slamming her and playing to the crowd. Sabin flaots over Roode and gets a roll up, while the ref is distracted with Jackie Storm spits right in the eyes of Sabin and Beer Money hit the D.W.I combo for the 1-2-3.
That was a fun spotfest with lots of good back and forth action and lots of creative tag wrestling, there was of course some plodding action and chinlocks from Roode but it was mostly exciting action throughout. (***)
TNA Legends Title
Christian Cage vs. Booker T
They stall to start the match before booker powers Christian into the corner for a clean break. Christian scores with a shoulder tackle for one and mocks Booker. Booker takes Cage down with a hammerlock, Christian tries to reverse but he's met with a back elbow. Christian replies with a reverse elbow of his own and he bails. Booker returns to the ring and both men exchange stiff chops before Book scores with a spinebuster. Booker gives Christian a Jaw Jacker sending him to the outside. Book gets a double leg trip on Cage and then stomps on his sternum before catapulting him into the ringpost.
Booker hits a horrible superkick and play to the crowd before making the cover for a two count. Christian dodges two closelines but can't dodge a flying forearm from Booker T. Booker applies a keylock and Cage fights up but is cut off with a knee. Booker then charges right into a spinebuster. Booker misses a axe kick and crotches himself on the top rope. Christian then hits a ten punch, Book then runs into a back elbow, Christian then scores with a diving reverse elbow off the second rope. Book shoves Cage off a unprettier attempt. Booker misses two axe kicks before Cage hits him with a diving reverse DDT for two. Sharmell distracts Cage allowing Book to catch him on the top rope and score with a super plex for a near fall. Booker spinaroonies and goes for the Book End but its block, Book tries an unprettier but Cage counters with a Edge-o-Matic, Cage mocks Book before tossing him from onto the apron. Booker then scores with the Axe Kick on the apron for a near fall. Cage then locks Book in the Texas Cloverleaf but Sharmell gets on the apron and distracts Cage. Sharmell then bitch slaps Cage, Book nearly hits Sharmell with an axe kick and Cage hits a Book End for a near fall. Book then counters the Unprettier, Booker misses the axe kick, Cage goes for a roll up but Booker counters to a pin of his own for the win.
That was a horrible mid nineties house show match. Plodding, basic, boring and one of the most unrealistic matches I've seen in wrestling. (1/2*)
Abyss cuts a promo promising that he will not let Kurt hurt him tonigh, Abyss explains he picked the falls count anywhere stip so Kurt has nowhere to run.

Falls Count Anywhere
Abyss vs. Kurt Angle
The crowd are on Kurt’s back and so is Abyss so he bails and takes a breather. Kurt dodges Abyss attempts to lock up and then bails. The commentary is so insanely annoying after doing the WWE Match of the year list its really noticeable. Abyss finally catches Kurt and unloads until the ref forces him off. Kurt tries a sneak attack but is met with a closeline. Kurt manages to dodge a closeline but he can’t avoid a big boot, and Abyss quickly hits the Shock treatment for a near fall. Abyss then closelines Kurt to the outside and they brawl through the crowd, obviously channelling the power of 1998. Abyss knocks Angle around with big clubs. Kurt tries to hide behind a fan but Abyss won’t stop coming. God I hate brawls through the crowd. Abyss tries to throw Kurt off the bleachers but Kurt hangs on and gives Abyss a rake of the eyes. Kurt jumps down a level to escape Angle. Finally they make it to ringside.
Kurt manages to slow Abyss with a rake of the eyes. Kurt walks up the ramp as Abyss is crawling after him. Kurt dives and hits a huge front flip tope off the stage onto Abyss, that was superb, not as hard hitting or natural as the one on AJ a few months back but it was very very pretty. The crowd clearly think it’s Awesome. Abyss throws Kurt face first into the stage and then goes for a choke slam but as Don West points out a kick in the nuts will stop that. Kurt Angle then spears Abyss through a dry wall in the stage. Both men have disappeared?
We go to the announces wondering where they are and then Kurt Angle comes flying through the dry wall on the other side of the stage, that was very cartoony but well done. Back in the ring Angle cuts Abyss of with a reverse elbow and a basement dropkick. Kurt now begins kicking out the injured leg of Abyss. When Angle charges Abyss catches him with a closeline. Abyss hits two more closelines and then a side walk slam for two. Kurt counters the shock treatment into the Angle Slam for near fall. Kurt rolls to the outside and grabs a steal chair but when Angle charges Abyss punches it back into his face. Abyss lodges the chair between the top and middle turn buckle. Kurt leap frogs to avoid the chair but Abyss catches him on the way down with a low blow and throws Kurt head first into the chair. Abyss then hits the chokeslam for a nearfall! Abyss lays a chair on Kurt and goes to the second rope. Kurt avoids the elbow drop and kills Abyss with the chair. Angle lays the chair on Abyss and Kurt scores with a nice moonsault for a nearfall! Kurt tries a flying crossbody but Abyss counters and goes for a Tombstone but Angle counters to the Ankle lock, Abyss counters kicking Angle off. Angle charges right into the Black Hole Slam but it only gets two!
Kurt rolls out of the ring and crawls away. Kurt escape past Dixie Carter to the Spanish announce table. Kurt throws the Spannish announcers of the stage and then tries to climb the scaffolding to escape but Abyss catches him and calls for a slam. Abyss lifts Kurt in a Gorrilla press but Kurt wriggles out and gives Abyss a European uppercut sending him off the stage through announce table. Kurt crawls down and gets the 1-2-3.
This is a really tricky match to rate. It’s definitely worth checking out but it’s not worth ordering the PPV or buying the DVD to see alone. The spots were all pretty good and relatively creative definitely felt fresh. The near falls were very good and exciting they totally had the crowd fooled on several occasions. However there was so much sloppy brawling, awkward moments and the brawl through the crowd was a total dirge. On the plus side the match told a nice story with Kurt running away and Abyss own aggressiveness and stipulation he wanted him actually allowing Angle to win and in away the sloppy brawling helped the ruff and rumble feel of the match. Someone needs to teach Abyss how to throw punches. If you can look past the flaws you’ll probably rate this match higher than I did, that said this is a strong (***1/2).
Samoa Joe vs. Kevin Nash
They go face to face to start the match and Joe just unloads on Nash, dodging Haymakers and beating the holy hell out of Kevin Nash. Nash has to hold himself up in the corner. Joe gets a running elbow in the corner, a spinning enzenguri and a running closeline to take Nash down. Joe gets the back chop, chest kick and knee drop for a two count. Joe punches Nash through the middle ropes. The brawl to the outside Joe headbutts Nash and then cordial acquaints him with the announce table. Nash manages to Irish whip Joe into the steel ring post. Nash then whips Joe face first into a another ring post. Nash then gets bolt clippers and takes the turnbuckle off exposing the steel. Nash misses a chair shot. Back in the ring Joe counters an Irish whip and floors Nash with one hand. Joe charges in and Nash trips him sending him face first into the ringpost. Nash then lays some knees in to the back of Joe in the corner and then follows up with a rope rider. Nash follows up with a running elbow drop for two. Nash hits another running elbow drop to the back and the pace has sloooooowed way down. Nash hits a club to the back of Joe, rebounding him off the ropes. Joe explodes and unloads with elbow strikes. Joe then hits a diving Yakuza kick and the senton back splash for two. Nash runs into a back elbow before Joe comes off the second rope with a high leg lariat. Joe gets a mount and unloads but Nash cuts him off with an eye rake and bails.
Joe tries to follow with a suicide dive but Nash is ready and waffles Joe with a steel chair. Joe is selling like he’s dead and Nash gets a near fall. Joe charges but he’s taken straight down with a big boot. Nash takes the straps down and plays to the crowd. Nash hits the Jacknife and Joe kicks out at two. Nash’s facial reactions are superb and he sells like he’s shock. Nash then throws Joe face first into the steel turnbuckle bolt. Joe is busted open and Nash hits Joe’s head into the bolt four times. Nash again plays to the crowd before hitting a Jacknife power bomb and Nash is shocked. Nash goes to attack but Joe locks in an arm bar. Nash punches his way out. The ref appears to have been bumped. Nash hits a monster low blow and gets a leverage pin with his feet on the ropes.
Well that started well but the momentum was just totally sucked out the match when Nash started to wrestle his speed. The match told a good story and protected Joe relatively well, with the Jacknife kick outs being particularly strong, however it would have served the match and Joe better if he could have got more offence in before Nash began the finishing sequence. (**1/2)

TNA World Heavyweight Title
Sting vs. AJ Styles
They lock up but nothing much comes of it. AJ gets a waist lock and powers AJ to the corner for a clean break. They exchange hammerlocks before Sting escapes with a snapmare but AJ immediately locks in an arm wrench but again Sting snapmares him and AJ hands on again and springs up into an arm wrench. The sequence goes one more time before Sting is frustrated and elbows his way out. Sting avoids a dropkick and Sting scores with a bulldog. Sting charges and gets killed by a lovely dropkick from AJ, Sting bails and takes his time. AJ gets frustrated and chases but Sting rolls back in.
AJ returns to the rings with a body slam and a knee drop. AJ unloads on Sting but Sting comes back press slamming AJ to the outside. Sting plays to the crowd. Sting whips AJ chest first into the guard rail, Sting then drops AJ onto the guard rail. Back in the ring and Sting runs right into a back breaker. “Let’s go AJ/Let’s Go Sting” chant rings out, AJ tries a hip toss but Sting locks in an abdominal stretch and pounds away at AJ’s ribs. AJ manages to counter the hold with a hip toss but Sting immediately flapjacks AJ onto the top rope. Sting lays in a few shoulder blocks in the corner and then continues to pound away. Sting gives AJ two hard chest first Irish Whips before applying for favourite hold and mine, yes that’s right kids the bearhug. Thankfully AJ fights out quickly so Sting instead lock him in the much more exciting Abdominal stretch. AJ fights out and they trade blows before AJ pops up with an enzenguri and both men are down.
AJ hits two closelines and then a back suplex. AJ is pressed to the apron and then follows up with his springboard flying forearm for a two count. AJ scores with a snap suplex for a two. Sting quickly tries for the scorpion Deathlock but AJ kicks him off. AJ misses a blind charge and Sting hits the Scorpion Death Drop for a near fall. Sting comes off top with a flying closeline but crashes and burns. AJ goes for the Clash but Sting kicks his legs and escapes. Sting then hits a pair of Stinger Splashes and AJ crumbles. Sting hits one last big Stinger Splash and he goes for a superplex but AJ counters with a sunset bomb. AJ pulls Sting into position and AJ nails a painful looking Spiral Tap. AJ says one more time. Kurt and Booker run to ringside but AJ knocks them off the apron. AJ goes for the pele but Sting quickly Evades and gets an Oklahoma roll for the 1-2-3.
A tricky one to rate as there were lots of rest holds and clumsy wrestling from Sting but it also had its share of exciting sequences. Something just didn’t click here, probably due to the massive styles clash (no pun intended, actually I lie), that held it back. Still plenty of action and a relatively dramatic ending to a match up I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. A rematch could definitely reach a higher level. (***1/4)
Overall Thoughts: One of TNA's better efforts in a terrible year for TNA PPVs, still completely skippable, but there's enough decent stuff on this show that'll mean you won't be disapointed but not thrilled either.


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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
