Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Monday Night Raw
Adamle is here! Ratings! And he's got classes how cute. He compares himself to monkey going from crap actor to great president, hmmn...arguable but a fine comparison. He says everyone makes mistakes, he says he wasn't a great announcer but people have to let that go, he admits to his mistakes. He's fumbling over his words, he references a WWE Forum topic saying he should retire immediately. He believes in the American Dream, no not Dusty Rhodes, he means a land where a midget like him can play at Running Back in the NFL. Anyway, he put Cole in a match last night to bring some unpredictability into the show. Adamle then polls the crowd and asks if they'd like to see 1, 2 or 3 title matches. It's three! Of course. Ted & Cody vs. Cena and Batista, big cheers.
JBL comes out and interupts to big heel heat, big "You suck" chant. He says he agrees images can be desceiving. JBL says everyone used to think he was a Beer Drinking Cowboy and now they know he's a multi millionare smart arse. He then says he's a fellow footballer and that Mike should put him in a Match with CM Punk at Summerslam.
Jericho runs out before Adamle can respone, Jericho gets a face pop, "HBK" chant, Jericho says he ended Micheals career and deserves a title shot. JBL says he beat Cena and Jericho just beat a man with one eye. JBL says he's not in the same league. Jericho says last time he beat JBL senseless, and that he's not in JBL's league he's in a league of his own. Adamle tells them to knock it off, he says the easy way out would be to make a three way, Adamle he says he doesn't do it the easy way he does it the right way. Mike Adamle says its gonna be a 2 on 1 handicap match, if JBL or Jericho get the pin, whoever does gets the match at summerslam, if CM Punk gets the pin neither does.
Well Adamle was anything but smooth but that's why we love him, it felt like a much fresher start than it would have been a few months ago, and the main events seem good.
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WWE Intercontinental Title Match
Paul Burchill vs. Kofi Kingston
Burchill takes Kofi down and works his way to an arm wringer Kofi tries to kick and flip out but Burchill managers to keep a handle on him until Kofi kips up and gets a an arm drag. Burchill gets a matt slam, and Kofi comes back with a series of leapfrogs and a flying back elbow. Kofi then gets his corner ten punch, flip and shoulder block combo. Kofi tries to gets Katie Lea off the apron and walks into a swinging neckbreaker for two. Kofi gets a roll up for two. Snapmare and a face rake gets the momentum back in his favour. Burchill goes to a half chicken wing camel clutch but Kofi fights up with an arm drag, Kofi gets a couple of high impact strikes. Kofi gets a dropkick, flying forearm and a second rope crossbody gets two, the Boom Boom Boom leg drop and the Trouble In Paradise finish it off.
Fine little match up, too short for seemingly even matched characters, and a little clunky in places.
Kofi fights off Paul Burchill as Mickie James' music hits.
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WWE Woman's Title Match
Katie Lea vs. Mickie James
We join this in progress as Mickie scores with a snapmare and a flying closeline. Mickie gets a weak mat slam, Mickie follows up with an awkward neck breaker and a seated dropkick. Katie bails but Mickie comes flying out of no where with a Lou Thez press. Mickie misses a blind charge because she's to emotional. Katie Lea gets a neckbreaker on the top rope and Mickie is selling like she's dead and Katie Lea celebrates and kicks out late, huh that was suprisingly dramatic. Katie Lea scores with a snapmare and a spinal tap, Katie Lea then locks in a bow and arrow lock, Mickie counters to a pin for two. Katie powers her to the corner but Mickie comes back with the Mickie-canranna. Mickie gets a running forarm, and the Mickie-neckbreaker gets two. Katie Lea comes back with a jaw breaker and a norhtern lights suplex for two. Katie Lea tells Mickie to get up and goes for her finish but Mickie counters with the Mickie-T for the win.
All kinds of sloppy in places but fast paced non-stop action alot of fun, again too short. (*1/4)
Beth Phenoix assualts Mickie after the match, Mickie tries to counter Beth's finisher but Beth nails it anyway and Santino comes out and claps. Beth pats his arse, Santino does a very sissy one of his own. They both showboat and walk off.
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Mike Adamle is on the phone to Stephanie and he's thanking her on the oppurtunity and for the baby. Santino and Beth Phenoix are in his office. Santino and Beth think they both should have title matches at Summerslam. Mike says there's only one title shot left so they have to chose. They both pick themselves, Santino thinks he should win the woman's title because he easily could. Mike of course settles things with a tag match for both belts. Santino says its nice to have a fellow italian around "Mike Ada-Mar-Lay". Santino and Mike are gold.
We then go to a special look a John Cena ahead of Cena-Batista. Batista watches on backstage, he says he's happy he's getting a tag title shot, but not crazy about teaming with Cena. He says he'd rather have a world title at Summerslam but he'll happily beat Cena. He ends telling Cena to stay out of his way tonight.
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Leyla is dancing, me likee. Noble says Leyla's number didn't work, and he says he'll take her out to the waffle house tonight. Jamie always gets beaten up and she doesn't associate with losers. back to live footage and Regal's music hits breaking up Leyla's dancing, making him the biggest heel in this household. Regal said he's gonna remind everyone who he is, he's our king. Jamie Noble runs out for a pull apart brawl as Leyla looks stunning at ringside, odd segment, but it's Leyla so I'm happy.
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2 on 1 Handicap Number One Contendership Match
CM Punk vs. John Bradshaw Leyfield & Chris Jericho
The Y2J trousers are gone and JBL now wears Perry Saturn pants. It's definitely noticable that its a younger and trendier audience that are into Punk, but its still not a big pop. Mike Adamle appears on the big screen and says this match is alotted for ten minutes and then it becomes a triple threat and a count down clock is added.
JBL and Jericho argue and Punk jumps but is then slugged down. Moderate "CM Punk" chant. The heels score with a double shoulderblock. Punk hangs onto the ropes to avoid a double closeline. Jericho charges and is back body dropped over the top rope. JBL scores with a fallaway slam and gets two. JBL uses some unimaginitve brawling to work over CM Punk and then scores with a swinging neckbreaker for two. JBL tries to keep Jericho out of the match but ends up getting whipped into the steel steps. Jericho scores with a back suplex and a over shot senton for two and Jericho applies a variation of a chinlock, "CM Punk" chant, Punk however runs right into a kitchen sink and Jericho scores with a second rope fist drop for two. Jericho gets a body slam and heads up top. Punk catches him and goes for a superplex but he's shoved off and Jericho scores with a flying back elbow for two. Jericho goes to rest hold number two, that's the abdominal stretch if you didn't know. Punk breaks it with a hip toss. Punk scores with some knees but JBL comes in with a closeline from hell and Jericho and JBL argue over who should get the pin and they unload on each other. Punk rolls to the outside as JBL scores with a big boot. JBL rolls Punk back into the ring and Jericho scores with a lion sault before JBL breaks up the pin. Punk gets a spring board flying forearm on JBL and he blocks a bulldogg shooting Jericho off in between the ropes. Punk gets the corner high knee and bulldog on JBL, he tries it on Jericho but instead runs the heels into each other. Punk gets the Go 2 Sleep on JBL but Jericho breaks it up. Punk gets a snap powerslam on Jericho for two. Punk catapults Jericho into JBL and gets a roll up for a near fall, the crowd are going nuts. Jericho counters the Go 2 Sleep and locks in the Walls Of Jericho. Punk has 50seconds to hold on for. Jericho pulls Punk to the centre of the ring but JBL makes the save. Jericho gives JBL a jaw jacker and JBL falls ontop of Punk with three seconds to go for the win.
Well the ending was pretty contrived and the match started slow but really got the crowd going, the crowd were really into Punk. Punk still took a big beating for most of the match but actually got a decent chunk of offence in at the end, a sign that his push may be taken a bit more seriously. (**)
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We reacap what Jericho did to HBK before we go to the live interview, big pop, HBK says there's been some damage to his inner eye. He says he'll have to talk to his doctor, but before Jericho pats himself on the back, but at the moment the injures are stacking up, he's been wrestling with broken ribs, a battered knee and his never ending back problems. On August 15th he has a re-evaluation of his eye injury, he will publically announce his future status. He says for the first time he's gonna listen to the doctors advice. If they tell him he can compete even on a limmited basis he will but if they say there's a risk to his sight, he's gonna call it day. He says he's love performing for the WWE universe but there's one thing he loves more his family. Jerich said maybe he should spend his time with his family while he can, and maybe he's right. Nice solumn segment.
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Matt Striker is redubetting on Raw. For those of us who might not remember, he's Matt Striker and he's our teacher. He thanks Mike Adamle for letting him compete on the RAW brand. He rips on the uni. He says he's sure Mike Adamle will pick a good opponent to show off....BANG...its Kane.
Matt Striker vs. Kane
Kane blocks a kick and scores with a closeline. Kane is in a no selling mood. He catches Striker trying to slide underneath him and scores with an uppercut. Kane gets a corner closeline and a big side salto, Kane scores with the flying closeline and the Choke Slam for the win.
I like Striker, he's good on the mic and sells well, perhaps he is better suited as a manager if he can find a good foil to Kane to serve as a mic peice for.
Kane scares the staff at ring side and then gets on the mic, he says he's been in a bad place lately and he's better now, he looks at his little bag thingy, he's not alive he's dead.
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We get a series of highlight packages before we go to a John Cena promo. Cena says everyone was suprised by the Adamle announcement, Cena references Tunney before saying Cena-Batista is the biggest showdown ever. He cheesily talks about one day, Cena-Batista, oh god this is awful, take the mic away please. I can't be arsed to recap it's terrible. Cena hopes they'll win tonight but he's ready for anything, geez.
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Adamle is in his office when Kelly Kelly comes in to congratulate him, and they basically run down the show. Kelly talks about how scary Kane is, and he says one way or another he'll be finding out whats in that bag. He then invites Kelly Kelly to sit down and watch the show with him. Please say they start going out.
WWE Tag Team Title Match
John Cena & Batista vs Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase
Ted and Cena lock up, Cena scores with a hip toss and introduces Ted to the turnbuckle he quickly follows up with a hard Irish whip and a bulldogg. Batista tags in, he shoves Cody down like a total bitch. Cody uses a knee to the gut but a sunset flip is block and Batista lifts and powers Cody into the corner. Batista scores with a backbreaker for two. Cody gets a big punt on Batista, and doges a closeline but soon runs into a back elbow. Batista misses a blind charge and goes shoulder first into the ringpost.
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Cody is working on the arm when we return. Cody has a loose arm bar on and Batista powers out and scores with a big boot. Cena comees in and explodes with a series of flying shoulderblocks, a protoplex, the five knuckle shuffle and he goes for the FU but Ted makes a blind tag and scores with a dropkick. Cody sneaks in a DDT as he leaves. The crowd chant "Cena" as Ted introduces Cena to the ringsteps. Cody comes in and the heels score with a double suplex for two. The heels then score with a double arm wringer and gut punch. Ted scores with a back suplex and a fist drop. Ted follows up nicely with a strong closeline for two. Cody comes in with a nice dropkick for two. Cena begins to fire back but Cody cuts him of with a side russian legsweep and a knee drop. Ter comes in with a top rope bionic elbow for two. The heels then score with a double back elbow for two. Cena fires back but runs into a sleeper, Batista looks rather passe on the apron. Cena reaches out for a tag and tries to power his way to Batista but Dave makes no real effort to tag in. Ted comes in and reapplies the sleeper. Cena powers out of the hold and applies a sleeper of his own but Cody breaks it with a flying axe handle. Cena comes back with a nice side walk slam. He tags Batista in with a bitch slap, oooooh. Batista runs over Ted with a closeline and then a back body drop, he knocks Cody off the apron before running into a boot, but Ted returns the favour running into a spinebuster, Batista then gets the snake eyes, spear and goes for the Batista Bomb. Cena runs in and absolutely takes out Cody Rhodes allowing Batista to finish Ted off with the Batista Bomb for the win.
Really good RAW main event, really don't like them taking the titles of Rhodes and Dibiase who looked excellent in this match together, that said it was all good fun. (**1/4)
Cena and Batista celebrate seeing who can get the bigger cheers and boos.
Overall Thoughts: Not a bad show, but rather spotty and uninteresting in places. The Main Event carried the show to a good level. The annoying effort to drive home the "Adamle Original" saying got really old really fast. Adamle however is fun general manager and its nice to see him playing a sensible roll resolving issues.


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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About this blog

This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
