Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Royal Rumble 1989
Best Two Out Of Three Falls Match
The Heart Foundation & Jim Duggan vs. Dino Bravo & The Fablous Rougeau Brothers
Jock flips over Bret's back drop attempt but Bret scores with a diving closeline. Bret stacks the heels in the corner and Niedhart scores with a charge and then a series of shoulderblocks on all three men. Raymond low bridges Bret Hart to regain the momentum for his team. Bravo scores with a side walk slam and the The Rougeau Device secures the first fall. The Rougeau Brothers & Dino Bravo win the first fall.
Bret is still out of it, Raymond scores with a nice side gut wrench suplex for two. Jock in and he scores with a flying reverse elbow, and then a hard irish whip for two. Dino Bravo comes in and scores with an inverted atomic drop. The Rougeaus get a double team gut buster for two. Bravo comes in and locks in a bearhug. Bret slugs out of the hold but Dino holds on to stop the tag. Jock comes in but Bret scores with a sunset flip for two. Jock regains the momentum and locks in a camel clutch. Raymond sneaks in and he applies the hold. We then get a really sloppy closeline spot with Bravo and Jock comes back in and applies the boston crab. Bret crawls in the hold to the tag but the ref is distracted and he won't let the Anvil in. Raymond goes to an abdominal stretch and Jock lays in some mocking slaps. Raymond flips into the ring and showboats before scoring with a back kick for two. Bret falls ontop of a slam for two. Jock goes for a monkey flip but Bret blocks and counters into a nice inverted atomic drop. HOT TAG, Duggan is in and he's throwing cartoon sailor bombs. He gives the heels a noggin knock knocker. He gives Jock a body slam and shoots Anvil in with the slingshot splash, he does the same with Bret and they win the second fall. The Heart Foundation and Jim Duggan win the second fall.
Duggan lays in the stomps and then gives Raymond a ten punch in the corner. Duggan gives Raymond a closeline but tries to attack the heel corner but gets overwhelmed. Bravo scores with a kick to the gut. We then get the GAYEST ROPE CHOKE IN THE HISTORY OF MAN. Duggan no sells Bravo's head pounds but the heels use the numbers to overwhelm Duggan. Bret and Anvil dive in to break up the cheating. Bravo scores with a body slam and an elbow drop for two. Bravo gets an inverted atomic drop and it sends Duggan into Bret for the tag. Bret cleans house with atomic drops. Bret scores with a nice back breaker, he goes for the second rope elbow but Raymond shoves him off the second rope. Anvil dives in and the ref tries to pull him out and while the ref isn't looking Duggan nails Bravo with the 2x4 and that wins the final four. The Heart Foundation & Jim Duggan win the first fall.
Very wise choice for an opener, nothing mind blowing but a good way to start the show and get the crowd pumped, everyone played there rolls well. (**1/2)
We then go to wrestlers drawing ther number, Ted isn't happy and ask Slick if they can talk. The rest is bad comedy. Apparently its "Good News For Bad News". Demolition and Honky aren't happy. Jake hopes Andre's still in there when he gets in. The Rockers don't really give anything away. Oh and the Bushwhackers trade numbers ugh.
Oh god, its time for the super pose down, god this is gay, I'll never complain again in my entire life about a bikini contest again, I'd kill for Kelly Kelly and Layla right now. It's Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior incase you didn't know. Well the Warrior obviously wins each round, first its biceps, then its abs. Rude is clearly the winner realistically, but no suprise who the crowd pick. Basically this goes on for twenty minutes, its not we're near as bad as the weight lifting Rude and Heenan play there roles very well. Rude nails Warrior with a pipe and then chokes Warrior with it to end the segment.
Sherri gets on the mic before hand and challenges the winner.
WWE Woman's Title
Judy Martin vs. Rockin' Robin
Robin unloads to start the match. Judy misses a blind charge and Robin scores with two dropkicks. Sherri gets on the mic and calls both challenges overated. Robin runs straight into a knee. Robin scores with a horrible closeline. Judy scores with a slam of sorts and a knee drop. Sherri is awesome on commetary, she has quite a sexy voice. Robin gets a leg trip and applies a boston crab. Judy flips out and Robin rolls through in a roll up for two. Judy gets a small package for two. Robin gets a knee lift and an elbow drop for two. Robin misses a dropkick. Robin counters a suplex landing on her feet and gets shoved off. Judy scores with a closeline for two. They do a horrible spot leading to a DDT for two by Robin. Judy misses an elbow drop. Judy counters a body slam into a scoop slam for two. Judy gets a backslide for two. Robin kicks Judy off a back drop attempt for two. Robin scores with a small package for two. Robin fakes a second rope dive, and Judy drops down, Robbin then leaps and wins with the flying crossbody.
Well they didn't fuck too much up. (3/4*)
Slick is backstage with the Twin Towers he says there gonna kick arse. Slick is asked about the Million Dollar Man, Slick says he doesn't even know who he is. They look at the footage of Ted's draw. Slick tells him to stay out of his business.
Okerland talks to Rude about the pose down, Rude says he didn't lose and he blew the Warrior away.
We then go to some pre recorded promos with various wrestlers saying there gonna win the rumble.
King Haku vs. Harley Race
Harley shoves Haku and his podium over. Race then introduces Haku to the ringpost. Race scores with a knee lift, a closeline and a nice suplex for two. Race throws Haku to the outside but this time Haku introduces Harley to the ringpost. Big knife edge chop from Haku. Harley scores with an inverted atomic drop and a series of elbow drops. Haku gets a thrust kick and lays some shoulders in the corner. Hard Irish whip from Haku and its the Race corner spot. Haku then brings Race in with the Race rope flop. Haku lays in some chops and headbutts. Headbutt and punch no sell fest. Harley Race scores with a big closeline and a piledriver gets two. Tame shoulderblock spot and then its a totally uncalled for Harley Race rope spot number two. Haku suplexes Race back into the ring for two. Haku misses with an elbow drop. Harley Race scores with a suplex for two and tosses him to the outside. Race goes for a piledriver on the outside but ends up getting back body dropped hard on the floor. Haku throws Harley back first into the ring apron but Harley comes back with the piledriver on the outside. Race scores with a spinning neckbreaker for two. Harley floors Haku with a short arm closeline for two. Haku comes back with some big chops and shoulders in the corner. Haku scores with a body slam and Haku misses a top rope flying headbutt. Race then misses with a second rope headbutt. Harley misses with a closeline and Haku scores with the Thurst Kick for the win
Fine match very sloppy in places. (**)
Another batch of Rumble interviews.
The Royal Rumble
Entrant Number One is Demoliton Axe. Entrant Number Two is Demolition Smash. They are equal to start neither man can shoulderblock the other over. Well if they were smart they'd just wait for the neck guy to come in. Axe scores with a closeline but Smash came back with a body slam and closeline. Smash applies a chinlock but Axe breaks it. Axe unloads and nearly elimates Smash who lands on the apron. Smash begins pounding Axe in the corner. Entrant Number Three is Andre the Giant. Smash and Axe brawl as Andre walks to the ring. Demolition score with the double closeline and floor Andre and they start working down Andre. Andre battles up to his feet and he swats both men with a knee smash and a chop. Entrant Number Four is Mr. Perfect. Andre gives Demolition a Noggin Knocker. Andre gives Axe a big boot and he tosses Smash. Demolition Smash is Eliminated. Henning in working over everybody before settling into double teaming Andre. Axe gives Perfect a hard Irish whip. Andre gives Axe the Giant choke and Henning then monster sells Andre's headbutt. Entrant Number Five is Rugged Ronnie Garvin. All three men have Andre tied in the ropes and they try to tosses Andre but he kicks them all off. Andre floors Garvin. Andre sits on Axe in the corner. Henning does the mega sell off an Andre punch. Andre puts Ronnie Garvin in the double nerve pinch. Chopfest between Garvin and Mr. Perfect. Entrant Number Six is Greg Valentine. Valentine starts laying in the bionic elbows on Valentine but Andre still manages to fight them all off and Andre hiptosses Garvin over the top rope. Ronnie Garvin is Eliminated. Curt Henning body slams Axe who comes back with a closeline and its another oversell from Henning. Andre locks in some chokes on Axe. Entrant Number Seven is Jake The Snake. He goes right after his enemy Andre and they brawl, Andre locks him in a choke. Valentine tries to break it but Andre will not let Andre go. Andre has just killed Jake as Henning oversells a knife edge chop, I'd be lying if I said he's selling wasn't cool. Andre lays shoulders in on Jake in the corner. Entrant Number Eight is The Outlaw Ron Bass. Andre tosses Jake the Snake with ease. Jake The Snake is Eliminated. Andre gives Henning and Valentine a noggin Knocker. Ron Bass mounts and rains down blows on Axe. Andre shoulder blocks but Henning and Valentine in the corner. Andre gives Henning a giant chop. Entrant Number Nine is Shawn Micheals. HBK unloads on Ron backs. Mr. Perfect back body drops Axe over the top rope. Axe is Eliminated. Perfect tosses Micheals but he skins the cat and stays in, HBK then dropkicks Henning and he goes flying over the top rope and manages to pull him self back under the bottom rope on the way down. Perfect and Valentine kick the crap out of Shawn drawing some big sells. Entrant Number Ten is Bushwhacker Butch. But Jake runs in with the snake and throws it in the ring and Andre runs and jumps over the top rope, everyone is scared. Andre The Giant is Eliminated. Wow the crowd went nuts for that. Ron Bass whips Shawn into a Perfect closeline, They try it again but Shawn counters and Sends Bass into Perfect. HBK scores with a noggin Knocker and then a second rope flying fist. Entrant Number Eleven is The Honky Tonk Man. Shawn Micheals and Mr. Perfect are whipped head first into each other. Shawn is nearly gone and Perfect makes the save. Henning makes a good effort to eliminate Honky. Entrant Number Twelve is Tito Santana. Tito goes aggresively after Mr. Perfect and he kills him with a back body drop and a closeline. Ron Bass stops that moment giving Tito a shoulderblock. Perfect and Bass double suplex Shawn Micheals. Entrant Number Thirteen is Bad News Brown. Luke and Tito work together to toss Honky. Honky Tonk Man is Eliminate. Tito gives Valentine a stump puller. BNB chokes HBK in the corner as Valentine drops Elbows on Luke. Shawn Micheals comes off top with a double closeline on Brown and The Outlaw. Valentine gives HBK an atomic drop and he nearly goes flying over the top rope. Entrant Number Fourteen is Marty Jannety. The Rockers double team Bass scoring with a double back elbow and a double dropkick sends Bass over the top rope. The Outlaw Ron Bass is Eliminated. Jannety gives Perfect the descending head pound spot in the corner. Tito scores with the flying forearm on Valentine but can't eliminate him. Perfect crotches Micheals on the top rope. Entrant Number Fifteen is Randy Savage. He explodes on Brown and gives him a running reverse elbow in the corner. Its getting pretty crowded and its rumble brawling all round. Savage scores with a second rope double elbow. Brown misses a blind charge on Savage and floors himself. Entrant Number Sixteen is Arn Anderson. Randy Savage back body drops Valentine over the top rope. Greg Valentine is Eliminated. Shawn floats over a body slam and scores with a super kick on Arn Anderson. Savage and Arn scores with a double reverse elbo of Shawn sending him backwards over the top rope. Shawn Micheals is Eliminated. Jannety scores with a second rope missile drop kick on Arn. Jannety crotches Arn on the top rope. Entrant Number Seventeen is Tully Blanchard. Randy Savage scores with a back elbow. Tully comes off the second rope with a flying axe handle on Tully Blanchard. Jannety counters an inverted atomic drop with a closeline. Arn scores with a perfect Spinebuster on Jannety and Tully and Arn start dropping elbow and after a struggle they eliminate him Marty Jannety is Eliminated. Entrant number Eighteen is Hulk Hogan. He cleans house and tosses Mr. Perfect. Mr. Perfect is eliminated. He gets a noggin knocker and then a flurry of punches on Bad News Brown. Tito Santanta has dissapeared so Tito Santanta is Eliminated. The heels work over the mega powers. Entrant Number Nineteen is Bushwhacker Luke. Oh great. Hogan and Brown toss Butch.Bushwhacker Butch is Eliminated. Savage scores with a running Bionic elbow on Brown who comes back with a running boot. Hogan gorrilla presses Blanchard onto the top rope. Brown gets a running back elbow on Savage. Hogan gives Blanchard and Luke a Noggin Knocker and then Hogan scores with the Big boot on Arn. Entrant number Twenty is Koko B. Ware. Koko socres with a dropkick on Blanchard. Arn goes up top but Hulk Hogan takes him down with a military press. Randy Savage gives Arn a atomic drop and Arn goes flying into Tully. Hogan tosses Koko and Luke. Koko B. Ware and Bushwhacker Luke are Eliminated. Brown floors Savage with a big knife Edge chop on Savage. Entrant number twenty one is The Warlord. Hogan closelines the Brainbuster over the top rope. The Brainbusters Are Eliminated. Hogan closelines The Warlord out. The Warlord is Eliminated. Brown and Savage are both nearly out when Hogan comes and tosses both men. Bad News Brown and Randy Savage are Eliminated. Savage is angry and shoves Hogan, Eliz runs down to stop a fight and Savage and Hogan end up shaking hands. Entrant Number Twenty Two is the Big Boss Man. Boss Man gets an eye rake but Hogan kills him with a closeline and Hogan drops three elbows and pounds the shit out of Bossman. Hogan scores with a body slam but Boss Man comes back with an Avalanche in the corner and a beautiful piledriver and he plays to the crowd. Great action. Boss Man scores with a body slam but he misses the big splash. Entrant Number Twenty Three is Akeem. Hulk scores with a corner closeline on Bossman and then Body slams Akeem. The Twin Towers begin pounding down on Hogan as the crowd go bananas. Boss Man nearly eliminates Hogan. Hulk gets a noggin knocker and then scores with a back suplex on Bossman. The Twin Towers get a double Avalanche in the corner and they toss Hogan. Hulk Hogan is Eliminated. Hogan pulls the Towers under the ropes and both men brawl on the outside. Entrant Number Twenty Four is Brutus Beefcake. Hogan low bridges Bossman to eliminate him. Big Boss Man is Eliminated. Hogan beats Bossman to heel up the entrance way. Akeem is working over Beefcake. Entrant Number Twenty Five is Red Rooster. The crowd ain't thrilled. Akeem body slams the Rooster. Brutus scores with a second rope axe handle. Brutus and Terry Taylor whip each other shoulder first into the Akeem. The momentum has really dried up. Akeem is resting on the ropes as the faces lay the boots in. Entrant Number Twenty Six is The Barbarian. The life is just sucked out of the crowd. Terry Taylor gets a seven punch in the corner. Wow the pace has slooooowed, shame it was really rocking for a long time. Akeem scores with the big splash on Terry Taylor and he dances to the crowd. Entrant Number Twenty Seven is Big John Studd. The crowd aren't happy doesn't look to be a happy ending in sight, and to say they sucked the life out of the crowd would be an understatement. Its Rumble action all round nothing to see here. Entrant Number Twenty Eight is Hercules. He's supposed to be the hero? Really, they had the match perfectly book until Hogan went out, they should have left somebody for the fans to properly get behind. Brutus gets a ten punch in the corner. Big John floors Hercules with a closeline. Entrant Number Twenty Nine is Rick Martel. Martel tries to create some movement but its not really happening. Martel scores with a dropkick on Roster but he can't eliminate him. Its lame action all round. Entrant Number Thirty is Ted Dibiase. Ted pounds away on Hercules and then unloads on the Roster. Roster dodges Ted closeline and scores with a flying forearm. Ted gets some knife edge chops in the corner and Terry Taylor Flair flips out of the Rumble. Red Roster is eliminated. Hercules dodges Ted's closeline and scores with a series of closelines. Ted begs off but Herc keeps coming. Hercules puts Brutus in a bearhug, Brutus returns fire with a sleeper and Ted Dibaise eliminates both of them. Brutus Beefcake and Hercules are Eliminated. Barbarian scores with a running powerslam on Martel and he follows up with a top rope diving Headbutt. Barbarian misses a closeline and Martel eliminates Barbarian with a dropkick. The Barbarian is Eliminated. Final Four: Rick Martel, Akeem, Big John Stud & Ted Dibiase.
Rick Martel scores with three dropkicks on Akeem but Akeem catches him and tosses Martel. Rick Martel is Eliminated. Ted and Akeem double team Stud, Ted Dibiase scores with a second rope axe handle, Akeem scores with an Axe Handle. Akeem gets a Avalanche, Akeem goes for another but Stud pulls Ted infront and Stud tosses Akeem. Akeem is Eliminated. Ted tries to buy him off but it doesn't work, Stud chokeslams him into the corner. Stud scores with a body slam and then a double arm suplex. Then Stud gets a gut wrench suplex. Stud then scores with a closeline that Ted sells Beautifully and Stud tosses him for the win. Ted Dibiase is Eliminated and Big John Studd is Your Royal Rumble Winner. Post match Studd kills Virgil.
Well the first two thirds were incredibly good, once Hogan got eliminated it all went down hill as there were no over or credible babyfaces, it picked up again with the final four and the finish was a great moment for the fans but there were seven or eight awful minutes after Hogan left. (***1/2)
Randy Savage says everything is good with the Mega Powers and after that Jesse and Gorrilla talk about the show.
Overall Thoughts: That was a very good show all things considered, no awful matches on the show. The women's match was short enough to be inoffensive. The opener was strong, the rumble was a good one, a great one for twenty minutes and even the pose down was a fun memorable angle. Definitely a recommended viewing for anyone who likes historic shows and this was the first 30 Man Rumble and a fun show.


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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
