Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


10. For Tomorow - Blur

(Food 1993, Stephen Street)

Okay everyone prepare your best Bowie voice now 1...2...3...4 "He's A 20th Century Boy", that was fun wasn't it, now your best Damon (or Graham if you prefer) Voice 1...2...3...4 SINGING! "La-la-lalala-La-La-Lalala...Holding On For Tomorrow". This is probably the silliest interlude I've done yet. Again sorry there's no live Glasto footage yet, there was plenty of earlier footage but it was such a glorious triumphant moment to pick any other version seemed ludicrious.

9. The Bends - Radiohead
(Parlophone 1995, John Leckie)

Well if you need a describition of this song just go to The Bends entry in the top 50, I kind of said it all. Anyway I'm going to roll the clip from V Festival 2006, one of my best ever live experience, I was there belting it out, while my mate Benny stood there gormless, enjoy, I know I did.

8. Around The World - Daft Punk
(Virgin 1997, Daft Punk)

The song that made sure everyone everywhere knew exactly who these two French Robots were. Again this sound doesn't need introduction, it was one of the undoubted highlights of the most mental gig I've ever been too in my life. Unfortunately channel four in all their wisdom decided not to record Around The World At Wireless so I can't even reminiss, argh! I could only find crappy cam footage so I've opted for stills this is the mix of three of the best tracks ever! Television Rules The Nation into Around The World into Harder Better Faster, if you read my Discovery entry and didn't a have clue what I was talking about listen to this, then reconsider, the sound quality is a bit boomy but you'll get the jist.

7. Common People - Pulp
(Polygram 1995, Chris Thomas)

You know when this song is seventh that there was some seriously hop competition for the top spot. Now while this is Brit Pop's best song, it's not actually the highest ranking Brit Pop single in the list. That seems like a paradox, but it will make sense in light of the other track. Regardless of positioning this song could just as easily be number one is so bloody good, hell even Sadie Frost graced the video with her presence and Jarvis even improvised a dance routine! Even though it'd had only just come out it saved Glastonbury, turned disaster into triumph!

6. Paranoid Andriod - Radiohead
(Parlophone 1997, Nigel Godrich)

Now if Common People is seven and Paranoid Andriod is six there's no way I can avoid pissing people off from here on in. While if someone said they were the two best songs of the nineties, I wouldn't argue, but this isn't best track, this is best single, and that takes something different, this is a list where MC Hammer can be ahead of Bjork, it's not just sheer quality, it's something more, and less. Who cares anyway? This song is beyond brilliant just enjoy the live show. Yet again Channel Four managed not to get it on tape from the gig I was at, so I guess it has to be Glasto.

5. Just - Radiohead
(Parlophone 1995, John Leckie)

I remember when I was anxiously anticipating seeing Radiohead at V 2006 NME did a poll and asked Radiohead fans (and people going to V) to vote for which track they most wanted to hear live from the entire back catalogue. And above Street Spirit, Paranoid Andriod, The Bends, Idoiteque, Pryamind Song, Karma Police and even Creep, yes Creep they chose Just. What more do I need to say.

4. Girls And Boys - Blur
(Food 1994, Stephen Street)

So as I said it may only be the second best song of the Britpop era, but it is the most definitive, from the eras most definitive album. It says everything you need to know about the lad/laddette culture defining a generation. But besides all that nonsense, it's an amazing tune. Oh and holy shit someone actually put the live video of this up, see it must be the best, no more stills thank christ!

3. Karma Police - Radiohead
(Parlophone 1997, Nigel Godrich)

So its not forth time lucky for Radiohead. Yes this is their forth entry in the top ten and well they managed to crack the top three with this haunting ballad for the ages. I don't think there's a person walking the face of the earth who can't enjoy this song in some way, even if it's just watching the brilliant video. (Although Boys & Girls really should be third) and before you ask of course channel four didn't tape it, they had Radiohead performing live, had the exculsive rights and they only taped three songs!!! And one was by fucking accident, I hate channel four so much, so back to Glastonbury, and the BBC who have some bloody common sense.

2. Da Funk - Daft Punk
(Soma 1995, Daft Punk)

Okay I'm just going to say it, oh I don't know if I should say it, fuck it I'm going do it any way, Da Funk is the greatest dance song of all time, ever ever ever. Okay was that contentious enough? I'm not even sure if it's my favorite but I'm a hundred percent convinced it's the best. Disagree? Well there's a comment section for a reason. (Oh Christ Channel Four didn't film this either!!! I give up, seriously) Oh and apologises for the bad (cam) quality.

Endnote: I'm going to do the number one album and song together. I'll be intrigued to see if anyone has actually figured this one out.


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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About this blog

This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
