Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


I haven't done any wrestling reviews in a long time and we're just a week away from Wrestlemania so I thought I'd get back in practice with a short review of TNA's Destination X. For those who don't remember Destination X 2009 was one of the worst and most embarrassing PPVs in TNA history, so the 2010 edition couldn't possibly be worse right?...right?

1. Kaz defeats Brian Kendrick, Amazing Red & Daniels in 13 minutes of a Ladder Match to earn an X Division Title Shot.

TNA returns to it's trusted formula of opening the show with a spotfest, and this one was just as interchangeable and forgettable as all the others. There was no attempt to tell a story and there was absolutely no drama, it was just a collection of moves, some we're better than others, and some we're pretty darn exciting, but it ultimately added up to a forgettable hit and miss match where no one got over, and nothing seemed memorable. (**1/4)

2. Tara defeats Daffney in six minutes to retain the TNA Knockouts title.

Good solid Knockout's title match, this feud has been built well and the match was satisfying if mediocre. Daffney makes for a great heel but she's no great shakes in the ring, Tara is a good transitional champion until TNA gets fully behind Angelina Love. The knockout's division remains well booked but with the loss of Kim and Kong it's sorely lacking in work rate. (*3/4)

3. Rob Terry defeats Magnus in just over a minute to retain the Global Title.

Why is Rob Terry being pushed this isn't 1986? Terry offers nothing of interest, Magnus still has potential and will be able to rebuild himself on the microphone. God I hope Rob Terry isn't the first monster to be fed to Hogan, oh sorry, I mean Abyss. (n/a)

4. The Moter City Machine Guns defeat Generation Me in twelve minutes of an Ultimate X Match.

Spotfest number two, this was far smoother and more innovative than the ladder match, but this match was vastly more contrived and felt over choreographed on several occasions. Nonetheless the spots were very cool and very smoothly executed even if at times the match did feel pointless and more like a gymnastic meet than a wrestling match. It's a shame, I know the MCMGs can tell a story in the ring and bring the flashy spots, I would love to see these two have a traditional twenty minute tag match, I guarantee it'd be more epic and mind blowing than this goofy cringe inducing spotfest. Also it would really help if Taz didn't laugh at genuinely dangerous spots. (**3/4)

5. Hall & Waltman defeat Nash & Young in seven minutes to acquire TNA contracts.

Well the most predictable finish of the night. This whole storyline has been an uninteresting mess, so it's no surprise that the blow off match ended with a disorganised and largely irrelevant mess. Most depressingly no one was over in this match, Young was booed, Waltman was booed, and Hall was jeered. Over the last year Nash had done a good job of getting himself over and making himself relevant once more, however this programme has returned him to cringe inducing relic status. The match itself was embarrassing enough but the post match was just horrid. Waltman looking into the camera and saying "where the fuck is it" and "why the fuck you gotta hide it" when looking for the spray can summed up just how much of a mess this program and TNA is in general. Hall has no business being in a wrestling ring at this point. (n/a)

6. Doug Williams defeats Shannon Moore in six minutes to retain the X Division title

So on a PPV where TNA said they'd showcase the X Division they give us two interchangeable spotfests and a Shannon Moore vs. Doug Williams title match, seriously? This is no knock on Doug Williams he's a talented wrestler but he certainly doesn't fit into the X Division aesthetic that TNA have attempted to cultivate. To make matters worse Williams has been booked into oblivion including a thirty second loss to Rob Terry. Moore is still a nobody, a passable wrestler, with friends in all the right places, he peaked in 3 Count and has shown no signs of catching on or improving as an act. The result as a forgettable match between two workers who do not compliment each other stylistically. Doug Williams post match promo was the only saving grace. Remember when this Division was relevant and Samoa Joe was the hottest act in wrestling? Don't worry most people don't either. (3/4*)

7. Matt Morgan & Hernandez defeat Beer Money Inc. in twelve minutes to retain the TNA Tag Team Titles.

Another booking quagmire, so your turning Matt Morgan heel, and you've just turned Beer Money heel too (just barely, you might not have noticed), so you decided to book two poorly defined heel acts against one another. Morgan's heel act almost made Beer Money faces by proxy. It's good that they're breaking up Hernandez and Morgan as they were a horrible combination in the first place (two power guys who don't sell..ugh..it's not the eighties, there not the Road Warriors) but you have to ask why they were teamed together in the first place. The match itself was as convoluted and awkward as the booking itself. Thankfully Morgan is a natural heel and once this whole situation is resolved Morgan and Beer Money both have key roles to play if they can escape from booking purgatory. The match itself was rudimentary, confused and clunky. (*)

8. Kurt Angle defeated Ken Anderson in seventeen minutes.

This was a fine albeit disappointing PPV encounter. Anderson is a great character but a basic and largely pedestrian wrestler and the solid fundamental wrestling story they told would have been fine were this a first encounter or a storyline based around one upsmanship. The problem is the whole Angle-Anderson programme has been a blood feud, based around disrespect and brutal beat downs. Both men wanted to destroy each other, and they wrestled a match where neither man looked like they were trying to hurt the other. There was no intensity, it's as if they were being scored by judges. To make matters worse Ken Anderson didn't care that he lost the match and made this clear with his post match interview immediately defining down wrestling matches and PPV matches unimportant. This felt like an elongated house show match with an overblown finish. Passable but way below expectations. (**) (looks like Kurt he's back on the roids and/or HGH)

9. AJ Styles & Abyss wrestle to a No Contest in seventeen minutes of a TNA World Title Match.

AJ is a terrible fit for the Nature Boy gimmick and this match was the definitive proof. He just doesn't work in this role, it's not his fault, he's simply miscast. Other than being a great wrestler he and flair have little in common, Desmond Wolfe and Beer Money would have been far better choices to follow Flair's lead. AJ looked awkward during the entire match and it really hurt the crowd heat, Abyss is equally struggling against a bad gimmick and two years worth of bad booking. The match itself was good in patches, with some nice sequences and a few memorable moments but it was all undone by a mind numbing conclusion.

Now if you didn't know, the finish involve Flair spraying perfume in the Referee's eyes blinding him, AJ low blowing Abyss and hitting him with the title belt. Then Hogan's music hits and Hogan brings Earl Hebner to the ring and wheels out Chelsea and Flair. AJ then hits a springboard 450 splash and Abyss hulks up, after the regular routine (God Abyss makes you appreciate how good Hogan was at this) Abyss then chokeslams AJ through ring creating a gigantic hole with AJ's legs sticking out and Hogan gives Abyss the title belt, but Earl Hebner takes it away as Flair wheels himself (he's in a wheel chair) down to ringside. Hebner falls over, Abyss falls over, Flair falls over. Hogan sprays perfume in Flair's eyes and Chelsea runs away scared. Desmond Wolfe runs in and is pin balled around the ring before the perfume is sprayed in his eyes and he falls in the hole in the centre of the ring, as does Flair. End of show.

As you've probably gather this was one of the most cringe inducing, mind boggling and plain terrible endings to a PPV in wrestling history. The good work by AJ and Abyss was washed away by a host of cartoon show crap. This company deserves to go out of business. (**)

Overall Thoughts: Quite simply Destination X is one of the worst booked and most painful PPVs I've ever watched. Last years event was horrible, but that was to be expected, this show had potential, and coming into the event there were four matches that could have really delivered, but they didn't. Partly undone by disappointing wrestling, but more so this show was completely weighed down by terrible convoluted ill-thought out booking. It's a shame, as a show I hoped would be forgettable fun was actually torturous to watch. Once again, another TNA PPV and another month where I'm left think "it can't get worse than this, can it"?


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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
