Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Everyone make these fake posters, so I thought I'd finally get in on the game, seeing as I had alot of fun playing Fantasy Festival earlier in the week. I thought I'd do a series of fake festival posters starting with Reading.

Now while I'll obviously admit that the line ups I'll produce are definitely fantasy line ups and lack realism, I'll try and base each fake poster on bands who are well suited to that festival and who could plausible play (and in the positions they might appear). Obviously I'm going to have fun and exaggerate, as you can see from my ludicrous Sunday line up where I have three headliners stacked one after another (My Chemical Romance, Black Sabbath & Led Zeppelin).

However I've tried to create a line up that the typical clientèle of the festival will enjoy. Anyway for those of you that don't know Reading is one of Britain's most historic festivals it started as a Jazz and blues festival and evolved into a alternative and hard rock festival, before becoming more mainstream in recent years with a mix of indie, metal, hard rock, punk and electronica.

I've tried to theme the festival to reflect how it's been themed historically, with one day of lighter indie on Friday, one metal day (usually sunday) on Saturday and a hard rock day sunday. The festival tends to close with a legendary headliner. Anyway, as I say while this certainly would be a fantasy line up, I've tried to include some festival favourites, and rather than just listing all my all time favourites, I picked a mix of bands, particular bands I've either never seen or only seen once before.

One of the big problems at Reading has always been balancing the stages so that there are suitable alternatives to accommodate the varying tastes of the festival goers. So I've balanced my Dance/Indie mainstage of Friday with a day of classic Metal vetarans on the NME stage. I flipped the process round for the Saturday where I offered Indie's biggest hitters as an alternate to a mainstream metal mainstage, and on Sunday I balanced the classic rocks against a mainstream indie on the NME stage and then a ice cool dance tent on Sunday. I think this should work out well, Reading festival normally make a real mess of the stages offering a poor choice of alternates, I'd like to think with my fantasy festival I've corrected this issue.


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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About this blog

This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
