Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.

The show opens with Bisping and Dan Henderson discussing the potential fights for the quarters and semis. Damarquez says he wants James "because I want to hurt his feelings", Jame was Damarquez too. Most people pick people on the other team they don't like. Cameron really wants to fight his team mate Dent! Dana loves it.

Dana wants to make sure its a USA-UK final, Bisping gets in his face and says he knows that the British will destroy the US team. Bisping as really got under Henderson's skin, you can tell he's relishing fighting Bisping. Dana makes the announcement and he decides to not fuck with the formula.

Pierce is still being a giant vagina on the whole, he's saying how much he loves Team UK, Ritchie gets in his face, Pierce calls Whitson a retarded animal, Whitson gets in his face and calls him a total and absolute pussy. Pierce tells Whitson to jump weight so they can fight. Ooooooh. Apparently Jason Pierce is then over heard telling Nick how Damarquez fights and how he trains, Ritchie isn't happy.

Dan Henderson says what everyone has been thinking from day one that Damarquez is going to win the show because he's clearly the best fighter. Let's hope for a supirse knock out or at least that someone will give Damarquez a good fight. I can totally see a Cameron-Damarquez final at the moment.

Dan asks Jason whether he's been telling team UK about Damarquez, he says no. Nick then admits that Jason's told them everything, he does know alot about his style and that he hasn't trained in the last two days. Nick has absolutely awful takedown defence and he appears to be getting murdered in training although he does one insane pro wrestling style flip counter.

Damarquez Johnson (13-6)vs. Nick Osipczak (3-0)

My Prediction: Got to go Damarquez he's clearly the best fighter in the competition and while Nick has improved he still looks to be a million miles from the finish article. (My record 4-4).

Round One: Nick hits a nice leg kick, but looks nervous when throwing hands, Nick connects with a leg kick but gets tagged with some straight rights. Damarquez hits a lovely counter uppercut, they go to the clinch and Damarquez gets a brutal leg trip but Nick to his credit makes it to his feet and throws hands. Nick hits a leg kick but misses a head kick. Damarquez hits a hook but Nick manages to block the follow up knee. Damarquez catches Nick right on the button with a Jab. Damarquez counters a straight right into a takedown. Damarquez avoids a arm bar and passes to half guard. Damarques is working hard but Nick recovers to full guard. They have a really good scrap for position. Nick hits a nice elbow from below. Damarquez nearly gets to ope guard. Nick shoots for a takedown and unloads on Damarquez and ROCKS HIM. Nick unloads with everything he's got knocking the shit out of Damarquez but he recovers with three monsterous hooks, just an insane brawl as the buzzer ends.

Fantastic round, obviously scores count for nothing.

Round Two: Nick gets a leg kick and a straight right hand as both men trade. Nick shoots for a takedown but nearly gives up his back. Damarquez passes guard and drops elbows but Nick superbly recovers to full guard but Damarquez passes guard and goes for a kamora but has to give it up and ends in a half guard. Nick guard has been fantastic thus far although that's normally the kiss of death to any fighter. Nick looks tired. Nick tries to turn it aroudn but can't and Damarquez ends up in half guard. Damarquez gets to full mount and then surrenders his back. This looks bad. Nick is covering up and just hanging on, the referee threatens to stop the fight but the buzzer expires and Bisping has to help him up.

This is very very dramatic. Nick roars in his corner he still wants to go!

Sudden Victory: They touch gloves and Nick lands a straight right and a leg kick, Nick hits a body shot and leg kick. Damarquez nearly connects with the big uppercut. Damarquez throws a big haymaker through Nick's guard. Nick looks tired and Damarquez tries the big knee but its defended well. Nick tries a spinning back fist. Nick has a cut on his eye and looks ropey, Damarquez lands some heavy shots, Damarquez catches a leg kick and gets a hard takedown. Nick tries to reverse from the floor. Damarquez seems to be opting for a bit of lay and pray. Damarquz gets teh mount and then gets Nick's back but Nick turns it around and gets on top. Nick tries to through hands but Damarquez guard is very good and Nick's very tired. The scramble and fight in a girly manor but its a fun end to the round.

My Scorecard: 10-9 Damarquez (if scoring the whole fight it'd be 29-28 Damarquez),

Dana talks about how amazing the first round was with some incredible action and that unbelievable brawl at the end was just outstanding. They then talk about Nick surviving the second round and they described the third round as Nick being dead but Dangerous.

Judges Decision: Unanimous Decision for Damarquez Johnson

Outstanding fight, the first round was brilliant, but the fight was always competative and consistantly dramatic, about as good as an Ultimate Fighter fight could be. I have to apologise for Nick he should tremendous ability against a top level fighter, awesome stuff. (B)

Overall Thoughts: With a fight that dramatic and long it couldn't help but be a great episode, the drama with Dana-Bisping-Henderson was great at the begining and the Jason Pierce vs. Team US feud is carryign the reality TV nicely. (9/10)


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
