Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Wrestlemania 25
Reliant Arena, Texas
The show opens with an abosultely brilliant video package with Shawn, Steamboat, Christian, Edge and many more discussing there favorite wrestlemania moments, and how they will create there own Wrestlemania moment tonight! It's just brilliant emotive and utterly epic, everything this card isn't, well with one notable exception.
We go to the formal introduction with Howard Finkel and the arena is absolutely huge, mamoth unfortunately the main set is rather underwhelming, perhaps its been credit crunched but the crowd is suitably epic its literally an endless sea of Humanity.
Its time for the lovely Nicole Swescherlinger to sing the national anthem, well butcher would be more accurate, its not as bad as Arthea's version a few years back but its not exactly rousing.
Money in the Bank Ladder Match
CM Punk vs. Christian Cage vs. MVP vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Mark Henry vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Finlay
The Huge video screen looks particularly impressive during Kane's entrance with the huge wall of fire effect.
All eight men tee off on each other. Kane tosses MVP, leaving Henry and Kane standing tall. Henry gets an avalanche on Kane but turns to be leveled with a ladder closeline, Kane meets the same fate. Kofi then leaps over the ladder with a standing jump and dropkicks the ladder back onto shelton and Cage before hitting the Boom, Boom, Boom leg drop. Henry and Kane climb the ladder in the centre of the ring but the other six competitors scramble to the ring and beat the two big men down. Five men battle atop two ladders before Kane and Henry return to the ring to knock over both ladders and send everyone flying.
Kane knocks Henry out of the ring, throws a ladder out and then climbs but Henry shoves the ladder over leading to the worst sell of falling off a ladder I've ever seen. Henry throws a ladder out of the ring and nearly kills a referee before Finlay gives him a drop toe hold and a basement dropkick. Finlay then hits a suicide dive onto Kane. Christian hits his second rope over the top rope crossbody onto Kane and Finlay. MVP then hits a cannon ball plancha off the apron onto Finlay and Kane, before Kingston and CM Punk hit stereo suicide dives. Shelton then hits a senton bomb off the Huge ladder to the outside and very nearly kills himself in a truely scary and unpleasent spot. Henry goes up top but Finlay nails him with the Shelliah. Hornswaggle climbs a set ladder and jumps off Henry's back hitting a tadpole splash onto seven men.
Finlay sets up a ladder in the centre of the ring before beating down Kofi Kingston but Kofi recovers and hits a dropkick through the ladder and then sends its crashing onto Finlay. Kofi tries a avalanche but is crushed with the step ladder. Finlay again clears the ring with the step ladder.
Finlay attempts to climb the ladder but Kofi kills him with the Trouble in Paradise to send him flying off the ladder. Henry folds up the ladder and floors Kofi. Kofi then charges Henry runs up the closed ladder he's holding and before Henry shakes him off the top catches Kofi and hits a World's strongest Slam on the ladder, amazing spot.
MVP knocks Henry off the ladder and lays a ladder about half way up the ladder balanced on the top rope. Shelton flips out of a suplex dodges the ladder and tries a Ranna off the ladder table but is countered with a powerbomb. Punk and MVP battle atop the ladder but Christian breaks it up, knocks MVP off and battles with Punk on the balenced ladder. Cage counters the Go 2 Sleep and hits an awful Kill Switch off the ladder table thingy.
Shelton runs up three ladders from the outside to catch MVP and hit a horribly botched Sunset bomb, that was plain embarsing. Shelton calls an audible and powerbombs MVP to the outside onto Henry and Atlas. Shelton knocks Finlay off the ladder and he falls hard back first on the ladder table thing.
Shelton removes the three ladder set up and climbs a second ladder against Christian. Christian tips over the ladder and sends Shelton flying but bounces off the Top Rope and back to the centre, the crowd go nuts for Christian but Punk springs up the ladder. Christian hangs Christian upside down but Kane appears with a horrible chokeslam off the ladder leaving Punk and Kane. Kane goes for a chokeslam but Punk hits a series of boots to send Kane flying and he retrieves the briefcase for the win.
Well that match was full of botches, awkward spots and some sickeningly dangerous moments, however it was also incredible innovative and much more creative than last year. The crowd were big into Christian and Kofi Kingston (who totally stole the show, without killing himself (note to Shelton)) but Punk was a sensible choice. The match was nonstop action and very dramatic, hot opener. (***1/2)
We go to some footage of fan access and some of the charity work WWE has done in the build up to Wrestlemania.
Unfortunately this is followed by a horribly unnessecary Kid Rock concert that goes on far far far to long to absolutely no crowd reaction what so ever. An absolute waist of PPV time.
25 Diva Battle Royal
I still don't really know who the hell was in this match, Victoria, Sunny, Molly Holly, Victoria and Joy Giovannia was spotted, but its a total waist of time with no introductions and absolutely nothing memorable except a moderately impressive top rope bump taken by Michelle and Mickie James to eliminate one another. Santina Marrella wins the match eliminated Beth Pheonix and does a moderately funny post match celebration. (-**)
Chris Jericho vs. Roddy Piper, Jimmy Snuka & Ricky Steamboat (w/Ric Flair)
Michael Cole manages to call Chris Jericho "Chris Jeritol" no he wasn't joking he is that bad. Piper starts the match by spitting gum at Jericho and unloading with some horrid offence before hitting a flying cross body over the top rope, yes you did read that correctly. Jericho catches Piper on his return to the ring but can't avoid a sunset flip before hitting the worst and probably first dropkick of his career. Piper unloads with a flurry of offence and tagging out to Snuka. Snuka hits a headbutt and unloads with a chop before hitting some dreadful offence and the Superfly chop.
Steamboat tags in to a big pop and hits the flying karate chop and two big arm drags before locking in a arm bar and dropping a series of elbows and knee drops. The crowd start "Steamboat" and "You Still Got It" chants. Snuka tags in and Steamboat and Snuka hit a double shoulder tackle. Jericho gets a double leg take down before forcing Snuka to tap out to the walls of Jericho. Snuka is Eliminated.
Jericho tosses Steamboat and unloads on Piper. Piper comes back whipping Jericho onto the top rope and giving Jericho a stiff kick to the gut. its then time for the eye poke and sleeper hold but Jericho runs him into the rope to counter and hits the Running Enzenguri for the 1-2-3. Piper is Eliminated.
Steamboat comes flying in with a lovely flying cross body for a near fall before Jericho takes his head off with a closeline. Steamboat fires back with a pair of big knife edge chops but Jericho gets a snapmare and a spinal tap before playing to the crowd to a huge round of boos. Jericho then locks in the worst half nelson and chinlock in wrestling history. Steamboat fights up as the crowd comes to life. Steamboat hits a shoulder tackle and then skins the cat before back body dropping Jericho out of the ring and hitting a PLANCHA!!! Steamboat then hits the top rope Karate chop and the double chop combo. Steamboat then leapfrogs Jericho out of the corner and gets a roll up for a near fall. Jericho comes back with a stiff kick and the running bulldog but he misses the Lion Sault. Steamboat runs into a back elbow before scoring with a nice powerslam for a nearfall. Jericho dodges a closeline and gets the double leg takedown but Steamboat counters with the inside cradle for a near fall!!! Steamboat counters a back suplex with a back flip landing on his feet! But Jericho charges and suprise Steamboat with the Code Breaker for the 1-2-3.
Well the first five minutes were about as good as you could hope for from Snuka and Piper but from then on in Steamboat turned back the clock and put in a brilliant performance. With great counters the roll up on the Walls of Jericho was a great nod to his epic title win over Ric Flair. This was great nostaligic fun the only regret is that it wasn't a straight up Steamboat-Jericho match which could have really torn the house down as the fun sleeper match of the night. Much better than expected. (**1/4)
Post Match: Flair charges the ring absolutely kicks the crap out of Jericho with the Flair flurry and some monster chops playing to the crowd and looking in great nick. Jericho however counters an Irish whip and scores with a back body drop before nailing a Code Breaker which Flair sells brilliantly. Jericho then gets on the mic and says he's the best in the world and says he finished off the hall of fame hasbeens just like he said he would. Jericho then gets in Rourke's face whose sitting at ringside until Mickey makes his way to ringside. Rourke then shows absolutely no ability to work a crowd and painfully makes his way to the ring before flooring Jericho with a horrible looking right hand. Flair and Rourke pose in the centre of the ring giving Flair one more Wrestlemania moment to look back upon. Rourke however looked like shit.
Extreme Rules Match
Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy
Jeff bitch slaps Matt to start before unloading with some right hands. Jeff then hits Matt with a framed Wrestlemania poster. King gets the line that "at least Matt can't say he never got his face on a wrestlemania poster". Jeff then hits a poetry in motion off the ring steps on Matt. The crowd are just completely uninterested thus far. Jeff gets a steel chair and misses a poetry in motion in the ring. Jeff then goes for a Whisper in the Wind but Matt counters smashing him with a chair in a cool spot, that was completely forgotten in ten minutes time. Matt then chokes Jeff on the ropes before hitting Jeff in the skull with a vacuum clean, oh that's like so 1996. Matt runs into a pair of boots before hitting a side effect on a steel chair for a two count.
Matt gives us somemore super exciting choking before stretching Jeff against the ring post, oh Matt your so extreme. Matt then sets up a table at ringside before attempting to suplex Jeff over the turn buckle. Jeff blocks and hits a flying closeline off the ring apron. Jeff then hits a sloppy mule kick that sends Matt crashing into the steel steps. Jeff then wails on Matt with a kendo stick and a crutch.
Jeff puts a trash can on Matt's head before nailing him with a crutch in a brutal spot, Jeff goes for his corner dropkick and just about skims the crash can for a near fall. Jeff hits the front suplex and goes for the Swanton Bomb but Matt rolls out the way. Matt hits the twist of fate for a near fall. This is like a bog standard indy match. Matt makes fun of Jeff and goes up top but Jeff catches him and hits a not so superplex. Jeff then gets the steel chair and hits an unprotected chairshot to the head, that's just unnessecary.
Jeff lays Matt on the table at ringside and stacks a chair on top of Matt. Jeff looks like he's going to the top rope but instead gets another table and stacks that ontop of Matt. Jeff then hits a big splash off the top rope which he slightly over shoots but still looks pretty cool. Jeff rolls Matt back into the ring and gets a near fall, you could hear that the crowd wanted that to be the end.
Jeff then gets two ladders and sets them up next to each other facing each other. Jeff hits a running step up leg drop off a chair onto Matt before scaling the ladder. Jeff then goes for the ladder leapfrog leg drop, yes the one we've seen a thousand times, nearly kills himself as Matt barely manages to roll out of the way. Jeff managed to take the bump on his back so it wasn't as dangerous as it looked. Matt then puts the steel chair around Jeff's neck and hits a lovely twist of fate on the chair for the 1-2-3.
Well that was underwhelming but not as much of a let down as your usual Hardy-Hardy match, the finish was excellent that Twist of Fate was what wrestling is all about something that looks stupidly dangerous but is in fact very safe. Jeff's ladder leap was totally unnessecary and utterly forgotten already, same goes for the Whisper in the Wind counter. The match never attempted to tell a story and was just a collection of spots and garbage wrestling that never managed to hold the crowds attention, not bad but nothing special. (***)
We see Randy Orton looking serious backstage as he prepares for his match up with Triple H for later tonight.
JBL comes to the ring and says this is the "Greatest day in JBL's Great life" that was an awesome line. JBL then makes fun of Texas for having no champions and no men and promise to win his match in record time.
WWE Intercontinental Title Match
Rey Mysterio vs. John Bradshaw Leyfield
JBL hits Rey with a awesome big boot before the bell, the referee keeps JBL back like he's supposed to rather than ringing the bell as JBL tries to kick the crap out of Mysterio. Rey says he's ready to go, he hits an enzenguri, a 6-1-9 and the Springboard Splash for the win.
Post Match: JBL looks in a state of shock and then gets angry and shouts "I Quit".
Well that was fine for what it was, not exactly a glorious send off for JBL. (1/4*)
Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker
Shawn's entrance is absolutely brilliant decending in his pod dressed as the anti-Undertaker before throwing off the ropes and dancing old to the ring HBK style.
Well this is it, will it hold up on a second viewing, I sure as hell hope so. Taker and Michaels stare each other down and Shawn looks cocky and confident, J.R's commentary is just perfect for the stare down. Michaels dodges a haymaker and hits a chop, HBK dodges another swing and hits two more lightening chops, the crowd are split as Michaels fakes Sweet chin music and unloads on Taker in the corner. Taker catches HBK's punch and throws Shawn to the corner but he glides over the top rope, slugs Taker, tells Taker to suck it and leaps off top over Taker. HBK fakes a ankle injury and then pops up with a Lou Thez press. Great stuff.
Taker is pissed off now and starts pounding the shit out of HBK and the crowd are going absolutely bananas. Taker hits the hard Irish whip drawing the HBK flip and a huge back body drop. Taker then gets a fast lift and a hard Military press and and elbow drop for a two count. That was so crisp. Taker gets an arm wrench and a pair of shoulder tackles before hitting the arm wrench, that was a great visual with a million flashes going off in the back ground.
HBK dodges a big boot hanging Taker up on the top rope. HBK comes back with a knee breaker and two chop blocks before hitting an absolutely brutal shinning wizard. Michaels stomps the crap out of Taker before locking in the HBK variant of the Figure Four. An great start to the match, already telling a strong story.
Taker manages to slug his way out but Shawn takes him right back down with a basement dropkick and the crowd go nuts once again. Taker pops up and throws HBK hard into the corner and unloads. Taker punches his leg to get some feeling back. Taker gets a hard Irish whip and two brutal corner closelines. Taker follows up with the Snake Eyes and a big boot that Michaels sold perfectly, before Taker hit a running leg drop for a near fall. Taker calls for the Chokeslam but Shawn counters into the Crippler crossface, Taker turns his head to counter but Shawn wrenches away hard. Taker counters with a roll up for two but it doesn't break the hold. Taker then powers up as the crowd come to life and Taker hits a big side walk slam to break the hold and get a two count.
Taker and HBK slug the crap out of each other, Taker no sells a stiff kick and is pissed off but HBK just dodges his big right and unloads with stiff chops and again dodges the swing and hits the flying forearm. Shawn jesuses up and hits the inverted atomic drops which Taker sells properly before HBK hits a flying closeline. Shawn heads to the top rope but Taker sits up and counters with a Chokeslam but Shawn spins out and goes for the superkick but Taker drops down so HBK goes for the sharpshooter but its countered into the Death Sentence and the crowd go Ape Shit!!! Shawn scrambles and manages to make the ropes. This is just brilliant, brilliant stuff, amazing counters.
Taker lays HBK on the ring apron and hits a big boot before going for his apron running leg drop but HBK pulls himself into the ring at the last possible moment. Taker is staggering and HBK hits a baseball slide and then heads to the top rope. Shawn goes for a moonsault press but Taker swats him away and HBK crashes and burns with a sickening thud and the crowd are shocked. Both men are down, Taker manages to crawl to the ring and sit up. Shawn pulls himself up on the referee as Taker goes for the suicide tope but HBK pulls a camera man infront of Taker WHO OVER SHOOTS AND NEARLY LANDS ON HIS FUCKING HEAD, luckily he only landed on his neck. That just gets scarier every single time you see it. This is brilliant stuff but boy oh boy their both lucky to walk away from those two spots.
The crowd are still in a state of shock and sound genuinely scared for Taker's life, Shawn pulls a referee back into the ring and demands that the referee count the Undertaker out. The referee then against his will starts a slow ten count. Shawn is on his knees praying Taker stays down. Taker brilliantly milks his comeback and just makes it to the ring in time, and Michaels hangs his head in shock before becoming insensed.
The crowd go nuts as Shawn tunes up the band, Taker side steps and hits the absolute BEST CHOKESLAM EVER!!! for a nearfall! Taker goes for a Tombstone but Michaels slips out and goes for the superkick but its blocked and countered to the chokeslam again and this Time Shawn counters to the Sweet Chin Music for a 1-2-2.9999! The crowd are just loving every moment as HBK kips up and he looks like he's gonna Murder Taker. Taker goozles him from the floor and goes for the last Ride but Shawn counters with a victory roll but Taker counters and drags him by his throat back up for a Last Ride and that only gets a nearfall!!! The crowd are just going so far beyond ape shit its ridiculous. Taker looks in absolute shock and Taker heads to the top rope and goes for Shawn's elbow drop but Shawn manages to roll out the way and both men are down.
Both men struggle to their feet Shawn misses a charge and is tossed but HBK skins the cat but Taker catches him with the Tombstone counter 1-2-HOLY SHIT the crowd even audibly scream "Nooooooooooo!", Best of all Taker pulled the face with the tongue sticking out and then they zoomed in on Taker's face in absolute shock. Taker lowers the straps and cuts his throat and stares down at Shawn, this is just brilliant imagery. Taker goes for another Tombstone but Michaels counters with a lightening crucifix DDT, Taker didn't land on his had but it was still cool as fuck. The speed of the execution was incredible. HBK crawls his way slowly to the top rope and hits the Picture Perfect Elbow Drop and then HBK pulls his way up to the corner and tunes up the band. And Shawn absolutely takes his head off, I still can't believe he hit it even second time around, Taker kicks out at the absolutely last second, and you know what even for just one second everyone doubted that Taker was gonna win. There's a huge murmour combined with a This is Awesome chant, the crowd are in disbelief.
Both men drag each other up and we have a big time slug fest with huge chops and big right hands, the selling is just incredible, Shawn gets three big chops but Taker takes him out with a giant big boot. Shawn elbows his way out of a Tombstone and hits a series of knife edge chops, Taker runs full steam into a brutal big boot and both men are down once again. Shawn heads to the top rope as Taker staggers and goes for the Moonsault Press but Taker catches him absolutely perfectly and hits the Tombstone in the centre of the ring for the 1-2-3, and both men are spread eagled in another great visual. J.R and King have just the prefect calls for the occasion.
J.R's final words were "I feel like we've just seen heaven, as a wrestling fan how could you ask for anything more", and there couldn't be a better call for this occasion. This match was just brilliant, it told a brilliant story, Michaels was in Taker's head one step ahead, frustrating Taker with an answer for everything he had to offer. The match just built and built and built, draining every last drop of energy out of the 70, 000 strong crowd. Guess what a deadly dive and a slightly dodgy DDT doesn't matter one jot, this was a simply brilliant a brutal match, everything from the facial expression to the camera work to the moonsault counter finish was sublime. It's obviously jumping the gun but HBK may have clinched two back to back match of the year awards. In my opinion this is the greatest match in Wrestlemania history, leapfrogging some great competition, it can't take Flair-Michaels crown as the perfect Mania moment but this match will never be forgotten. Shawn Michaels does it again, bring on next year. (*****)
Cena gives us the impressive but infinitely hateable thousand Cena entrance, Michael Cole say no one envokes as much emotion from the WWE crowd as John Cena, well he obviously must have missed that last match up.
WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
John Cena vs. Big Show vs. Edge
Cena unloads on both men to start, cause Big Show to hit Edge. Cena hits a nice running bulldog on Edge before running into a brick wall in the form off Big Show's shoulder tackle. Edge goes for a high five but Big Show instead crotches him on the top rope and shakes the rope. Show whips Edge into Cena who goes for an Attitude Adjuster but Big Show knocks both men down with a thrust kick. Solid opening.
Big Show works over Cena and standing on his back as Cole runs down the whole horrible storyline. Big Show then hits a farewell on Cena before missing a big boot and being crotched by Cena. Edge then dropkicks the steps into the knee of Big Show allowing Cena time to hit a diving legdrop off to the top rope to the outside. That was quite impressive but overly contrived.
Edge plays to the crowd allowing Cena to pop up with the Attitude Adjuster but Edge counters with the Implant DDT for a near fall. Cena then slugs Edge off the top rope but as he turns he's met with a big side salto from the Big Show. Cena unloads on Big Show before he's tripped by Chavo. Cena then gives Chavo the Attitude adjuster before returning to the ring.
Cena hits a flying shoulder tackle locking Show in the ropes. Cena hits a tackle on Edge, the Proto plex and the five knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjuster but is distracted by Vickie, Edge tries a spear but its side stepped and Vicky takes a terrible bump off the apron onto Chavo. Edge and Cena do the double closeline spot as the Referee frees Show.
Big Show hits some avalanches and frying pan chops before hitting the double arse thump. He goes for a double chokeslam but only scores with the move on Edge, Cena lands on his feet and goes for the attitude adjuster but Big Show slips out and hits the Right Hand of Certian Doom.
Edge scores with a DDT on Big Show outside the ring, Show does the Over the top sell. Edge then charges and jumps off the steel steps spearing Big Show into the front row through the barracade.
Edge rolls the knocked out Cena into the ring for a near fall. Cena crawls to his feet as Edge prepares a spear. Edge charges but its countered into the STF and Edge crawls toward the ropes but Cena pulls him back into the centre of the ring, he really has this move applied terribly. Big Show reaches in from outside and drags Cena outside and hits him with a headbutt. Big Show goes for the Vader bomb but Edge rolls out the way and everyone is down.
Cena goes for a suplex but can't lift him, Edge comes over and helps out and they work together to suplex Big Show, and the two adversaries look at each other in shock. They then double closeline Big Show out of the ring and Edge hits a brutal big boot while Cena is distracted for a near fall. Cena breaks an Edge-o-Matic and counters with the throwback before going up top but Show shoves Cena off top and into a spear from Edge for a near fall.
Big Show runs into a pair of boots and Edge locks in a sleeper hold, Show tries to break it but Cena pops up and gets the double life, Edge slips out but Cena hits the Attitude Adjuster on Big Show and then gives Edge the Attitude Adjuster ontop of Big Show for the 1-2-3.
That was a pretty good triple threat match. Nothing overly memorable but well executed with some creative and impressive spots. It couldn't help but feel like a let down after what had preceeded it but this was not a bad match not in the slightest. Had this been on any other show or after any other match we'd all be saying that was a fun little triple threat. Problem is Wrestlemania has to be more than fun, it has to be EPIC, this match wasn't epic, bad placement, good match. (***1/2)
We then get our Hall of Fame announcement but this time with a twist Austin comes flying out on an ATV and gives the Texas crowd one last beer bash, if this is Austin's last ever appearence its a fitting way to go out. However with the video package this was another half hour without wrestling, which would have been fine if it wasn't for the prior dead half hour with Kid Rock, Rourke and the Divas.
WWE World Title Match
Randy Orton vs. Triple H
We start with the epic staredown as the referee drills both men. Triple H spears Orton to start the match and unloads with some big right hands, slugging the shit out of Orton in the corner. The referee has to drag Hunter off Orton but as the referee tells Hunter to calm down Orton pops up out of nowhere with the RKO and tees up with the punt of doom. The crowd is dead. Triple H dodges the Punt of Doom and Triple H hits the Pedigree, which Orton sells superbly. Well that's a pretty good start but they have a long way to go to win the crowd over.
Triple H attacks Orton on the outside and introduces Orton to the announce table before pouring a bottle of water over his head. Triple H slugs the shit out of Orton before tamely introducing Orton to the rinp post. Orton begs off and tells Tripper to wait but he's met with a stiff boot and a series of right hands. Tripper then hits the throat first catapult into the bottom rope.
Triple H hammerlocks the arm and drops a knee drop onto it. The crowd are still completely restless, they're just dying for both men to step it up. Tripper hits the running forearm to the bakc of the head and a hangman's neckbreaker. Orton whips Hunter into the steps shoulder first before whipping Triple H over the barracade. We can then here the Cameraman saying he's on my cable I can't go anywhere. Orton tells the referee to count Hunter out. Tripper tries to milk a count but it only serves to show just how much better Taker is at the little things. Orton slugs away at Triple H and hits a stomp as the crowd chant "we want wrestling". Orton hits a knee drop tot he back and a straight kick as the crowd seek to entertain themselves.
Orton continues to lay in even more punches this time from a mount. Orton unloads some more before locking in the Chinlock of Ultimate Doom but Tripper quickly counters into a back suplex before running full steam into a powerslam for two. Orton then sensing the crowd aren't quite excited enough decides to lock int the Orton Trademark Chinlock of Ultimate Doom! The crowd mildly come to life and then fade.
Tripper fights out but he's met with a flurry of punches, Triple H tries to fight back, both men unload and the crowd are getting into this. Orton dodges a closeline but can't dodge the Harley Race High Knee. Tripper hits a corner closeline and the facebuster before going for the pedigree but its countered to the catapult but Tripper fires back immediately with a running closeline. The crowd start what sounds like an "Undertaker" chant.
Orton counters a superplex flapjacking Triple H onto the top turnbuckle before leaping off the second rope straight into a big boot but Orton counters into a roll up for two count. Triple H shoves Orton off and RKO and gets a roll up for a near fall. Orton then runs stragiht into a Arn Anderson Spinebuster and plays to the crowd. Orton then counters the Pedigree into the inverted back breaker to polite applause and a near fall.
Triple H comes limply off top and is met with a nice dropkick, Triple H actually blew that spot with a horrible jump. Orton actually manages to draw monster heat with a single look. Orton goes for the punt but its blocked and Triple H flips Orton over the top rope, that was pretty cool. Triple H has Orton on his knees and thinks about hitting Orton with a TV monitor, great camera work there, but the referee reminds him he'll lose his title and he thinks better of it. Triple H sets up the announce table and looks to the crowd, they give him moderate applause. Tripper goes for the Pedigree but Orton counters with a back body drop and Orton looks like he just surived a near death experience. Orton then sinsterly drags Triple H to the edge of the announce table and hits a sickening DDT on the floor.
Orton returns to the ring as Triple H lies spread eagled on the outside, the referee starts the count but Triple H again just cannot milk a count the way Undertaker can. Orton then unloads with a series of never ending brutal stomps kicking the absolute shit out of Triple H. Orton puts Hunter in the corner and just continues to pound the crap out of Triple H with non stop punches and stomps. The crowd are still uninterested. Triple H bumps the referee and then Orton throws Tripper into the ref and hits an RKO. Orton rolls to the outside and goes for the Sledgehammer. Orton slowly crawls into the ring and he's met with a Triple H punt of doom and Orton sells it brilliantly, that was an incredible job by Orton. Triple H then waffles Orton with the sledgehammer, the crowd all look to the ramp but no ones coming as Triple H hits a series of huge slugs on Orton to a round of boos, before the referee drags him off and a Pedigree finishes the match.
Well on a second viewing that was actually a good match, Orton in particular was very very good. There are two problems it was the wrong match for the occasion, they grave us a brawl with the odd sub theme of both men having counters for each others moves, what that has to do with the storyline I don't know. This match would have been great headlining a different show but not this show. The crowd knew what they wanted, they wanted the bag of tricks, they wanted the ref bump, the sledge hammer, the run ins of Dibiase and Rhodes, the McMahons coming to the rescue and then the kick out and counterathon, what they got was a well wrestled, intense brawl, that had it happened in December might have been a good set up for an epic blow off at Mania, but this was Mania and this wasn't epic. In Isolation a good match, in context a let down, in front of a crowd that had already seen the greatest match they could ever hope to see, they wanted over the top fun, they deliver methodically and traditionally. (***1/2)
Overall Thoughts: A second viewing definitely reveals a pretty good mania, but of course a second view has the added benifit of the fast forward button, so goodbye Mickey Rourke, bye bye Kid Rock, bye bye Diva Battle Royal, and even though it was good bye bye Hall of Fame. Thus with the fast forward button this is an 7 or 8 out of ten show, as a four hour no break wrestle-a-thon its simply 6/10.


Wonder if they intend to make further use of Steamboat? He's got to have done enough to warrant a 1 on 1 rematch with Jericho at Backlash?

Any thoughts on the veritable annihalation that Orton took in that Main Event? Thought it undermined him to an extent.

Overall a good review though. Man I've got to watch that Money in the Bank match again. If they were cats they'd be down to one life left each.

Yeah, it was unpleasent in alot of ways but I did enjoy the creativity, Shelton needs to calm down, if he stopped killing himself and worked on his facial expression, body language and not botching regular moves he could achieve so much more.

I didn't mind that finish too much, if you rewatch the match it makes a lot of sense in the context of the story they were telling. Booking wise away from the match quality your right it was totally horrible, Wrestlemania should have been used to crown the age of Orton and make him the Bad arse heel for the next year until his inevitable heel turn.

Steamboat had a very good match this week on raw as part of an eight man. They shouldn't over expose him but one or two more appearences would be great. His timing is still spot on and the crowd went even more nuts for him on Raw.

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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
