Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


To avoid any confusing when I say pop records I don't mean Britney Spears and co. although they are all welcome, I'm simply talking about those brilliantly immediate three or four minute tracks that have an instantanious effect. So no Master of Puppets, and no paranoid android, no eight minute works of art, this is all about simplicity, short and powerful songs, that are designed to as immediately humable as they are emotional evocative. This also doesn't mean only happy songs, or only fast songs, just purely and simply short slices of musical pleasure. Still vague and confusing? Yeah I thought so, but here we go anyway, in reverse order;

5. Frankly Mr. Shankly - The Smiths (From The Album The Queen Is Dead)

Frankly Mr. Shankly as you won't be suprised isn't my favorite Smiths song and nor is it their best, but it is their best two and half minutes of pure pop brilliance. The genius of Morrissey's wit and Marr's jangle is that you can never quite tell when Morrissey and Marr are being deadly serious in the midst of all the whimsy. This subversive track compels you to sing along and have fun with its hilarious lines and bouncy beat but if you stop for a second to think about the lyrics are they scathing commentarys, are they making fun of you for singing along or are we just thinking way to hard? I still don't really know but it's a hell of a ride.

Great Lines: "Frankly Mr. Shankly This Position I've Held, It pays my way and it corrodes my soul"

"Fame, Fame, Fatal Fame, It can play hideous tricks on the brain, but still I'd rather be famous than rightious and holy any day, any day, any day"

"Frankly Mr. Shankly, I'm A Sickening Wreck, I've Got The 21st Century Breathing Down My Neck"

"I Want To Live And I Want To Love, I Want To Catch Something That I Might Be Ashamed Of"

4. Stop! In The Name Of Love - The Supremes (From the Album More Hits From The Supremes)

It's impossible to talk about perfect pop records with mentioning the Supremes, to this day their's no act that can combine the sugary sweet pop vocals with brilliant tragic song writing. Stop! checks everybox for the ideal pop record, a dance routine that any idiot can do, a perfect blend of soulful harmonies and a tragic tale of love, cheating, desperation and confrontation. Still sounds as fresh today as it did forty years ago.

Great Lines: "Baby, baby, I'm aware of where you go, each time you leave my door, I watch you walking down the street, knowing your loving me"

"This Time before you run to her, leaving me alone and hurt, think it over, haven't I been good to you, think it over, haven't I been sweet to you"

"I've known of your secluded nights, I've ever seen her maybe once or twice, but is her sweet expression worth more than my love and affection"

"I've tried so hard, hard to be patient, hoping you'll stop this infatuation, but each time you are together, I'm so affraid of losing you forever"

3. Dancing In The Dark - Bruce Springsteen (From the Album Born In The USA)

Despite being run closeline by mamoth comeback single Radio Nowhere, Dancing In The Dark remains Springsteen's best most immediate pop track. It's a song full a frustration and agnst that just screams out of action. The synths and sax may sound a bit dated but the feelings evoke never felt so fresh. While Dancing in the Dark will never be acused of being the Boss's most subtle or complex song writing moments it is nevertheless one of those tracks with such immense resonance it cuts right to the heart of a feeling that every single human being as felt.

Great Lines: "I wake up in the evening and I ain't got nothing to say, I come home in the morning, I go to bed feeling the same way, I ain't nothing but tired, I'm just tired and bored with myself"

"I check my look in the mirror, I wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face, I ain't getting no where living in a dump like this"

"They say you gotta stay hungry, hey baby I'm just about starving tonight, I'm dying for some action, I'm tired sitting around here trying to write this book, I need a love reaction, come on baby give me just one look"

"You sit around getting older, there's a joke, here's some wine it's on me, I shake this world of my shoulders, come on baby the laugh's on me"

2. I Heard It Through The Grape Vine - Marvin Gaye (From the Album In The Groove)

Similar to Stop in the name of love this is the combination of genius songwritting with one of the world's most beautiful and soulful voices. Out of all the songs on my list it's almost pointless describing this one as it's been giving every possible acalade and all the praise in the world so I'll keep this short. This is the most soul and heart ache that it's humanly possible to cram into a light loveable pop song.

Great Lines: "I better you wonder how I knew, about your plans to make me blue"

"I know a man ain't supposed to cry, but these tears I cannot hold inside, losing you would end my life you see, because you mean that much to me"

"People say believe half of what you see, Son and none of what you hear"

"You could have told me yourself, that you love someone else"

1. Trying Your Luck - The Strokes (From the Album Is This It)

A wonderful three and a half minute track, full of sorrow and heartbreak but driven by a lovely but tragic guitar line, that congers the image of a convertable driving with the top down in the midst of a dark and lonely road in a bleak and dismay town. The guitar solo is simple but magical. It's the soundtrack to a plane flying magistestically only to spin out of control (reminiscent of Road Rash on the Sega Megadrive). Julian sings beautifully with a tragic and desolate croon. Julian's voice has been criticized so often but he's fragile tone conveys a depth of emotion and such a raw sense of desperation that a great vocalist like Leona Lewis could only dream of. The song is a mixture of fantastic imagery and fun singalong rhymes. All in all, three minutes of tragic perfection. Kind of like being walking through a depressing town in the middle of the nowhere, cut of from civilization, alone. Of course it's about girls and fucking up if you didn't know, all that imagery probably makes sense now.

Great Lines: "Let's see what is for sale, he's trying not to give his job a chance, It's never gonna be, it's sad but I agree"

"The signals don't seem right, they last for just one night, And then I'm sorry that I said that we were just good friends"

"And Store Fronts rarely change, At least I'm on my own again, Instead of Anywhere with you"

"No Harm, He's Armed, Setting Off All Of Your Alarms, When I Find Out, I Hope It's You Who Set This Trap"

Well that was alot of fun, I want to get more movie and features going on my blog I'll probably have more music top fives coming your way, enjoy!


We start with a cheesey introduction before rolling the vignettes for the first match up, this doesn't look promising.
Dark City Fight Club vs. Grizzly Redwood & Andy Ridge
Ridge and Davis start in the ring, Davis slugs Ridge down hard adn hits a big body slam. Chavis tags in and he's whipped into Ridge hard by Davis, before hitting a double arm suplex. Chavis slugs down Ridge hard. Davis tags back in and they hit an ace crusher face buster combo. Davis throws Ridge to Grizzly who tags in. Grizzly dodges two closelines but Davis blocks an arm drag and hits a huge one arm slam. Davis hits a hanging vertical suplex for a two count. Chavis tags in knocks Ridge off the apron and hits a hard Irish whip. Chavis misses a blind charge and Grizzly gets a head of steam but Chavis just kills Grizzly with a monster shoulder tackle. Ridge tags in but all of his offence and hits a two man full nelson slam and then a huge neck breaker powerbomb combo for the 1-2-3.
That is much more like it ROH, a great show case for the Dark City Fight Club, Ridge and Redwood bumped all over the ring to make their offence look devastating. A mixed of squashes and long competitive matches and this show might just go somewhere. (*)
Danielson cuts a good cool, calm, collected and serious promo. We go to the ring where Nigel McGuiness is on the mic, he lists his injuries and says he still doesn't have the respect of "you wankers", but he prefers it that way, why would he want the approval of disease ridden, social maljusted muppets. Nigel then tells the crowd to kiss his arse.
Nigel McGuiness vs. Alex Payne
Payne gets two dropkicks and a bulldog from the second rope for a two count. Payne can't whip Nigel who responds with his back kick and closeline combo. Nigel gets an arm wrench suplex before getting in the crowds face. Nigel gets a wrist frag and then a hammerlock divorce court. Nigel tells the fan to go fuck themselve. Nigel gets a nice rolling step over head and arm lock. Sugarfoot floats over Nigel and gets a jacknife pin for a near fall. Nigel kills Payne with a lariat and the Tower of London finishes it.
Another fine showcase for Nigel more an excuse for Nigel to get his character across. (3/4*)
Tyler Black is backstage and he says that Bryan Danielson is the best wrestler in the world. Black says tonights is his chance to prove he's got what it takes to hang with the best wrestler in the world.
We then get a promo from Hero, Edwards and Larry Sweeney its pretty decent. Steen, Jay and Mark Briscoe cut a fun little promo backstage.
Jay Briscoe & Kevin Steen vs. Chris Hero & Eddie Edwards
Hero and Edwards jump Steen and Briscoe from behind but Steen fights them off allowing Jay to closeline Hero over the top rope. Steen hits Edwards with a closeline and unloads with Edwards in the corner. Steen lays in a chop on Edwards before knocking Hero off the apron. The crowd chant "Fuck you Hero". Jay gets a hard Irish whip and a shoulder tackle in the corner as the crowd chant "Man Up". Jay hits Hero with a back elbow strike the faces then play ping pong with Hero in the corner. Jay hits a nice dropkick on Hero for a near fall.
Sweeney grabs the boot of Jay allowing Hero to catch Jay with a diving Yakuza kick. Jay rolls to the outside where Sweeney and Edwards lay the boots in until Mark Briscoe runs out to make the save. Hero hits an uppercut on Jay before tagging in Edwards, Edwards gets a back elbow, Jay dives for a tag but can't quite reach it. Edwards locks Jay in a leg scissor. Hero hits a sloppy roaring elbow for a two count. Jay fights off both men and flatliners Edwards into Hero's balls.
HOT TAG! Steen cleans house and gives Edwards an inverted atomic drop head and arm suplex combo. Steen throws Hero into Edwards to knock him off the apron. Steen hits the Cannon ball in the corner and follows up with the moonsault on Hero for a very near fall. Hero blocks the package piledriver and hits the roaring elbow for a near fall. Steen blocks a second roaring elbow but can't avoid a Yakuza kick, code breaker and Roaring elbow combo for a 1...2...kick out! Jay lowbridges Hero out of the ring leaving Edwards to be hit with a powerbomb for a near fall, when Edwards kicks out Steen locks in the sharpshooter but Sweeney gets on the apron. Steen releases the hold. Edwards floors Steen with a Yakuza kick, Jay hits a diving closeline off the apron on Hero while Steen hits the Package piledriver for the 1-2-3.
Well that was rather paint by numbers until the hot tag when it turned into an ROH everything breaks down move fest. Fine for what it was but nevertheless dissapointing. (**)
Bryan Danielson vs. Tyler Black
The crowd chant "your gonna get your Fucking kicked in" and Danielson nods cockily. Black gets an arm drag to start the match up, Black gets a leg trip from a test of strenght and he pins Dragon down until Dragon bridges up, Black tries to break the bridge but can't Danielson tries a monkey flip but Black lands on his feet. Danielson picks a leg and applies a deathlock/figure four varient, Black uses power to block and Danielson has to scramble to the ropes. That leads to another stand off. Black grabs a side headlock and hits a shoulder tacklea and follows up with a big body slam, Black stands on Dragon's face but Bryan rolls out the way of the giant stomp and wags his finger at Black.
Danielson gets a leg trip and applies a bow and arrow lock, Black makes the ropes and Danielson smiles cockily. Dragon won't let Black lock up and Dragon has some fun. Dragon then hits a huge European uppercut in the corner. Black shoves Dragon who backs off. Black doesn't give Danielson a clean break adn gets a shoulder block goes for a dropkick, Dragon puts the breaks on but Black flips landing on his feet and then a ranna for a two count. Black grabs an arm wringer Danielson rolls out but gets caught with the giant stomp for a two count. Black lays some stomps in of Danielson in the corner but Dragon explodes with a pair of huge European uppercuts and follows it up with a snapmare and a spinal tap. Dragon then locks in the Woah....Woah....Woah....surfboard and bridges into a sick locking dragon sleeper variant, that really could be a finisher.
Black manaders to escape but is met with some stiff kicks as the fans exchange chants. Danielson then hits a running knee strike and then Danielson applies a sick half crab. Dragon gets a knee smash on Black before followign up with some European uppercuts, Black gets a roll up but only gets two before Dragon slugs him down hard. Dragon hits a hard kitchen sink and gives Tyler an almighty pair of bitch slaps before running into a back body drop and a closeline. Dragon responds with a diving Yakuza kick sending Black to the outside, Danielson hits a suicide dive but Black manages to turn to send Dragon into the guard rail.
Back in the ring Dragon goes up top but Black catches him coming off top with a dropkick. Black dodges a closeline and hits the enzenguri, Black then gets the head of Steam forearm and follows it up with a Frankensteiner for a two count. Dragon runs into a boot, Tyler runs into an elbow, both men dodge kicks before Dragon runs into a dropkick sending Daneilson to the outside. Black runs the ropes before hitting a front flip plancha. Black works the crowd before hitting a huge springboard closeline for a near fall. Dragon looks seriously pissed off.
Danielson blocks God's last gift and back flips over Tyler, Tyler goes for the Pele but Dragon counters beautifully into an ankle lock, Black struggles but made the ropes, that was really great sequence. Danielson tries a German suplex but Black lands on his feet, Black goes for a ranna but Dragon rolls through and gets an insanely near fall. Danielson hits a dropkick to the knee but runs into a TKO, Danielson blocks the seated superkick and counters it into the ankle lock and heel hook, Danielson lifts Black up and hits a hooked leg german suplex for a near fall. Danielson look mega angry and he's Bob Backlunding up.
Dragon stands over Black and bitch slaps the taste out of his mouth. Danielson puts Black on the top rope and goes for the super back suplex but Black counters by landing on top and both men are down. Danielson and Black exchange forearms Danielson hits a roaring forearm and Black springs into this insane rolling stiff kick. Black hits a lifting reverse DDT for a near fall. Black goes for the Pheonix Splash but misses and lands on his feet. Danielson hits the running knee strike and locks in the triangle choke with thirty seconds to go. Black powers up and gives Dragon the buckle bomb and both men are down as the time limt expires. The crowd chant "Five More Minutes" as the match is declared a time limmit draw. Both men shake hands to end the show.
Well that was really good you can tell they were holding back a little to start the match up but they built and built really well and the conclusion while a let down for the live crowd was without doubt the right finish for TV. A great twenty minute sneak peak that should hopefully encourage people to buy a DVD. There were some really nice and innovative exchanges I loved the pele ankle lock counter and Black's rolling scissor kick counter. This is the state of the art wrestling that ROH has to present and continue to present if it wants to stay alive. Slightly reigned in but you'll have to go along way to see a better match on free tv this week.(***1/2)
Overall Thoughts: I really enjoyed this weeks episode of ROH on HDnet, the main event while not a full force affair was great stuff and they threw in enough new touches to not feel like a re-run. The show had more direction this week the squash matches were actual squashes making the stars look like stars and getting their key spots across. Dark City Fight Club looked exciting this time around where as last time they looked like also rans. I found the tag match dissapointing but it was still a fine TV match. Their are still the same old problems, presentation, sleepy crowd (they were better this week), I thought the commentary was particularly annoying this week. Regardless the wrestling this week make this a must see show, the presentation and lack of stories make this not for the casual fan, but if your even slightly interest in ROH download this weeks show. (7/10)


Nothing particular special about tonights opening but then again it is Backlash.

ECW World Title
Christian vs. Jack Swagger
Swagger gets a double leg ammatuer takedown and then rolls into a front facelock. Christian responds with a huge bitchslap. Cage slides under Swagger and hits a spinning heel kick and a diving forearm from the second rope. Swagger responds with a pair of big shoulder tackles. Swagger then powers Christian up in a military press and throws Cage out of the ring in a nice spot. Very nice opening.
Swagger gets a kitchen sink and a pair of waist lock tackle down, King compares this to an alligators death roll? Huh? Cage elbows his way out, Swagger blocks Christian's boot move in the corner and then stomps Cage down hard for a two count. Swagger then locks on a bear hug, Swagger holds Cage in position for a near fall, they work the bear hug for a while. Swagger goes for a military press but Christian slips out Swagger immediately counters with a nice bit of wrestling into a gut buster before reapplying the waistlock, the crowd come to life as Christian makes it to his feet. Swagger misses a blind charge and Cage hits his double boot move, Cage runs straight into a kitchen sink but Cage gets his knees up to counter the Vader Bomb.
Cage does some bad over acting and then hits a bitch slap and a flying forearm. Swagger shoves Cage off a tornado DDT and Cage comes off the second rope with a sunset flip for a near fall. Swagger gets an ammatuer wrestling powerslam. Cage blocks the gut wrench and holds onto the leg. Swagger carries Cage into the corner but Cage fights him off and hits the tornado DDT for a near fall. Swagger pops up and hits a one arm side belly to belly suplex. Cage counters a fireman's carry with an arm drag and Swagger goes to the outside. Swagger pops onto the apron and goes for a German suplex but Cage blocks and flips Swagger into the ring. Very Flat section.
Swagger catches Cage on the top rope and hits a back body drop and follows it with a Vader Bomb for a near fall. Swagger counters the kill switch, Cage counters the Oklahoma Stampede and gets a sloppy jacknife pin for a near fall. Swagger responds by hitting the Oklahmoa Stampede. Both men remove turnbuckles the referee catches Swagger, so Swagger charges Cage and hits the turnbuckle as Cage side steps and then Cage hits the Kill Switch for the 1-2-3.
Well on a second viewing this match wasn't so hot, lots of awkward spots and dead moments, Swagger was very good, I felt Christian was sloppy and just does not have the main event level intensity to his work. One nice touch is that Swagger made sure that when he missed blind charges earlier in the night he went face first into the turnbuckle in the same fashion as the finish. It was a little detail but its what the top guys do. Some good action and near falls that fell flat. Good choice to open the show. (**1/4)
Christian is celebrating with Evan Bourne and Tommy Dreamer when he sees Edge. Edge acts awesome and cocky, Christian wants to know why Edge isn't fun, Edge says John Cena is the reasons why he's no fun. Good exchange between the two but it didn't feel like a first meeting.
Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Steamboat
Jericho hides in the ropes to start the match. Steamboat gets a waistlock takedown and Jericho scrambles to the ropes. They exchange shoves and Steamboat slides under Jericho and out of the ring. Jericho is angry and goes for a baseball slide but Ricky side steps and Ricky hits a baseball slide and a plancha. Back in the ring, Ricky gets a polish hammer and a deep arm drag and Steamboat locks in an arm bar. The crowd chant "You still got it", Jericho gets a shoulder tackle and Jericho looks down a Steamboat with distain. Ricky gets an arm drag and a wrist lock, Jericho breaks the hold with two big forearms and Ricky responds with a stiff chop and a shoudler tackle. Jericho tries to toss Ricky but the Dragon skins the cat and Jericho closelines Ricky over the top rope straight away. Good start.
Jericho hits his second rope dropkick to the apron and then plays to the crowd to huge heat. Jericho hits a back suplex, Jericho tells Steamboat he's washed up and gets a snapmar and a half nelson chinlock. The crowd chant "lets go Steamboat". Ricky fights out and gets an arm drag but Jericho immediately responds with a closeline and he goes back to the chinlock. Ricky tries to fight out but Jericho won't let go of the hold, Steamboat hits a back suplex but Jericho still won't release the hold, Jericho shouts "Your finished" as he holds on. Jericho goes for the bulldog but Ricky runs Jericho into the corner and Jericho lands on the top rope.
Ricky gets a kick to the gut and they battle on the top rope and hits a super back suplex and both men are down. Ricky crawls over and makes the cover for a near fall. Ricky unloads and hits a series of karate chops and then the gut punch and back fist combo. Jericho charges into a snap powerslam for a near fall. Ricky hits another hard chop but Jericho responds with a running enzenguri for another near fall. Jericho hits the running bulldog to a round of boos. Steamboat counters the Lion Sault with an electric chair but Jericho gets a victory roll into the Walls of Jericho. Ricky breaks it with a karate chop and very sloppily counters into a figure four.
Jericho charges Steamboat on the apron but Ricky back body drops him into the ring. Steamboat goes up top, Jericho charges and Steamboat dodges and Jericho hits the ring post. Steamboat goes back up top and scores with the flying cross body for a nearfall. Steamboat comes off the second rope but the chop is countered with the Code Breaker for a 1...2...foot ont he rope. Steamboat counters a suplex with an inside craddle for a veyr near fall. Jericho then gets the double leg trip and he slaps on the Walls of Jericho and Steamboat is forced to tap out.
Steamboat can be very proud of himself, this was a very good effort with some creative spots and nice moments. There were of course some sloppy spots in particular that figure four spot but it didn't overly detract from the match. They really deployed the hope spots brilliantly, especially that final near fall, to bring a sleepy crowd to life. This really should have been on Mania. (***)

Glamerella break up backstage.
CM Punk vs. Kane
Punk gets a kick to the ribs as Kane attempts to cover up. Punk dodges a closeline and hits another high kick. Kane manages to catch Punk in the corner and unloads with a knee to the gut and an uppercut. Kane runs straight into a pair of boots and Punk locks Kane in an arm bar over the top rope in a nice spot. Punk comes off top with a strike and he unloads with some more strikes and a dropkick sends Kane to the outside. Punk goes for a Plancha but Kane catches him by the throat and goes for a chokeslam but Punk gets his feet on the apron and hits a series of stiff kicks and a flying closeline. That was a really creative modern style openening.
We get some awkward wrestling and Kane throws Punk and he slides along the mat and Kane dropkicks Punk hitting his back hard agains the turn buckle for a near fall. Kane then goes to the body scissors rest hold than normal but still it was only a matter of time. Kane gets some headbutts to the back of the head. Punk manages to fight out but runs in to a brutal closeline for a two count. Kane goes to the back breaker submission classic big man offence. Punk fights his way out but Kane kicks Punk in the arse. Kane goes for a chokeslam but Punk counters with a single arm DDT.
Punk unloads with a pair of stiff kicks, Punk gets the arm scissors and head lock in the ropes and follows it up with a springboard closeline to the back. Kane responds with a big boot and goes up top. Punk charges and catches Kane with a enzenguri. Kane avoids the G2S and Punk hits the knee lift and bulldog combination. Punk goes for a springboard move but he's met with an uppercut for a near fall. Kane goes for a tilt-a-whirl but Punk counters with a arm bar takedown into a painkiller. Kane powers up and hits a side walk slam before signalling for the chokeslam. Punk fights it off with a monster kick and spinning back fist combo, Punk goes for another big kick but Kane taps his boot and hits a chokeslam for the 1-2-3.
Kane looked very motivated for this one and showed off some new tricks but it was still the awkard Kane you know and erh...don't love. Kane might be happy to move to Smackdown but judging by how he applied himself in this match I suspect he's getting rebuilt, again, sigh. Punk played his role well but the finish is baffling, so much for learning the lessons of last year Punk wins MITB and gets promptly buried again. Above Expectations. (**)
"I Quit" Match
Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy
Jeff meekily slugs down Matt in the corner before hitting a big right hand and a low blow leg drop, Matt bails to the outside and Jeff follows right up with a plancha. Jeff whips Matt into the barracade and Jeff hits a poetry in motion off the ring steps. Jeff hits a pair of closelines in the corner and then his corner dropkick spot. Jeff body language is just terrible he really looks disinterested. Jeff drops a pair of leg drops on Matt and then comes off the second rope with a leg drop. The referee asks Matt but he says no. Jeff Hardy slaps on a sleeper hold but Matt counters by running Jeff into the top turnbuckle. This is the least intense I quit match ever. Matt hits an elbow drop, Jeff tries the Whisper in the Wind but Matt shoves Jeff off the top rope to the outside. Jeff says he won't quit.
Matt crotches Jeff on the ringpost and works over his leg on the ringpost, Matt then applies the worst ringpost figure four in history. Matt then hits a chop block and then applies a figure four. The referee asks Jeff if he quits but he tells the referee to forget it. Matt releases the hold and kicks out Jeff's legs before reapplying the figure four. Jeff turns the hold over but Matt won't quit either. Matt then applies a single leg quit but Jeff won't quit. Matt release the hold and screams at Jeff to quit. Matt hangs Jeff in the tree of woe and pulls back on his chin from outside the ring but Jeff still won't quit. Jeff fights off Matt adn then hits the Whisper in the Wind.
Jeff slugs down Matt and hits his mule kick move before applying a texas cloverleaf Matt won't quit so Jeff releases the hold. They totally blow a Twist of Fate spot and Jeff covers up with a leg drop and Jeff hits a Twist of Fate and the Swanton Bomb but Matt still won't quit. Jeff looks frustrated and goes up top and hits another Swanton Bomb but Matt still won't quit. Jeff gets a table, slowly. Jeff sets up the table in the corner and Matt rolls outside the ring. Matt goes for a Twist of Fate but Jeff spins out and hits Matt with the twist of fate on the outside.
Jeff lays Matt on the table and gets masking tape and some ropes. Jeff ties up Matt's feet and hands and then ties him up with rope on the table. Jeff then gets a ladder and looks to go for the leapfrog move. Matt says "Jeff we're brothers, that's the strongest bond in the world, don't listen to them they always get you into trouble" he talks about the dead mum "Daddy won't like you if you did this", Matt then shouts "I quit" and Jeff jumps through the table anyway.
That was one of the worst incarnations of the "I Quit" match I've ever seen. There are four main criticisms I have of the match: 1) The referee should not ask the combatants if they want to quit it kills the blood feud aspect Matt and Jeff should shout and scream at their opponent down the mic to sell the feud 2) Jeff Hardy looked completely disinterested throughout the entire match and the intensity level was just not there 3) The fact that this feud has not been impressive or blood thirsty enough to warrant this match up and 4) The submission style "I quit" match is terrible why would two guys who hate each other lock each other in a series of holds this needed to be a wild brawl in the style of Terry Funk and Ric Flair other wise "I quit" just doesn't work. The finish was terrible and embarssing this feud has buried both men. Bad, dissapointing, poorly thoughtout match. (*1/2)
Its Kiss Cam time, I'll run through this as quickly as possible, Santina claims she has a lover....Jim Ross (they damn sure didn't tell J.R. about this ahead of time) before things get too awkward Beth Pheonix comes out and gets in Santina and Khali's face and challenges Santina to a match. Khali bonks Beth on the head like a caveman and Santina gets the pin. Khali then removes Santina's bra and Santina runs away screaming. This is just terrible, it makes no sense, its not funny, its mean spirited to J.R., and is poorly though out and makes everyone looks like idiots. The only remdeeming feature was J.R. owning Cole on commentary and turning around Cole's coming out of the closet comment back on Cole.
WWE World Title
Six Man Tag Team Match
Legacy vs. Batista, Shane McMahon & Triple H
A wild brawl erupts, Rhodes and Dibiase leave Orton alone and Triple H chases Randy Orton to the back, Triple H returns but Orton doesn't leaving Rhodes and Dibiase to fend for themselves. Batista brings Cody into the ring the hard way and he gives Cody some hard shoulder tacles in the corner before hitting a snapmare and a basement big boot. Batista holds Cody in a back breaker and Shane hits a second rope elbow drop before tagging Triple H in who stomps a mud hole in Cody Rhodes. Triple H gives Cody a hard Irish whip and a stiff kick to the chest. Triple H tells Cody to suck it but Cody responds with a stiff kick. Ted tags in but he's met with a stiff closeline. Triple H and Shane get a tandem closeline spinebuster combination. Batista tags in and lays some boots in before hitting a lovely hanging Vertical suplex.
Cody Rhodes gets a sneaky eye rake and Ted tags in and lays in some hard stomps in on Batista. Cody tags in and he pounds away in the corner with a series of stomps. Batista explodes with a double flying shoulder tackle and he closelines Cody over the top rope. Batista hits Ted with a big spine buster and Batista shakes the ropes before going for the Batista bomb but Ted sees it coming and scrambles to the outside. Orton runs out from the back and introduces Batista to the steel ringpost and lays in a series of boots in the corner.
Orton tags in Rhodes and they give Batista triple team beat down in the corner. Randy Orton then gives Batista the hanging DDT for a near fall, Orton has really brought the crowd into this match. Orton then hits his Sternum stomps on Batista and cockily walks over Batista's chest. Ted tags in as Batista manages to knock Orton and Cody off the ropes but Ted gets a drop toe hold and a side headlock to ground Batista, that does work over too well as Batista breaks it with a big back suplex. Batista goes for a tag but Orton breaks it up at the last moment and stands over Batista. Orton then hits a combination of knee drops before going the the Randy Orton main event chinlock of doom. Batista explodes with a flying headbutt.
HOT TAG! Shane unloads with his Shane-o-Mac combo and a neckbreaker on Ted gets a near fall. Shane spears Ted on the outside and gives Cody the jaw jacker, this is completely ridiculous Super Shane stuff. Shane scores with the flying elbow drop off top for a near fall. Orton pulls Shane out of the ring and whips Shane knee first over the steel steps. Orton tags in and the suplexes Shane back into the ring for a two count. Ted tags in and works Shane over, Cody tags in and he pounds away at Shane. Orton tags back in and works over Shane before hitting a nice standing dropkick. Ted tags in and drops three elbow drops before getting a two count. Ted applies a chinlock, Shane tries to fight out but Ted manages to counter a hip toss with a rolling arm drag. Cody tags in and he applies a front face lock. He holds this on for quite awhile, this whole section has dragged on for an age. The front face lock appears to absorbed about two minutes. Shane gets a back body drop and drops to his knees but Ted tags in and hits some of his father's fist drops to avoid the tag. Ted goes for the Million Dollar Dream but Shane hits a DDT and both men are down.
HOT TAG! Triple H unloads on Orton with a flurry of huge rights, Triple H scores with a big closeline and the facebuster. Cody and Ted charge but Triple H tosses them like bitches. Tripper runs into a boot but responds with a big spinebuseter. On the outside Rhodes gives Batista drop toe hold into the barracade. Cody breaks up a Pedigree and gives Tripper a DDT. Shane closelines Cody over the top rope and then over the barracade. The referee is in the ring counting and Cody hits Shane with a steel chair, Cody them hits Batista with a chair. Batista gets the chair from Cody, Triple H shoves Orton off the RKO and goes for the Pedigree but see Batista with the chair and takes it away. Orton suprises Triple H with the RKO for a 1...2...kick out, the time keeper rings the bell by mistake as Orton kills Triple H with the Punt of DOOM for the 1...2...3.
The finish to this match was superb, you know when you fool the time keeper you've nailed it. Everything else was mediocre, two extended beat downs where less than thrilling. It was a long match but never quite reached a high level. This was one of those matches that was simply satisfactory, it delivered exactly the what you'd expect nothing more nothing less. (**3/4)
After the match Triple H does a stretcher job they give it the hard sell and a long focus. The crowd sing the goodbye song summing up the general apathy towards Triple H right now.
WWE World Heavyweight Title
Last Man Standing Match
Edge vs. John Cena
They lock up to start and power each other around the ring. Edge misses a wild swing but shoves Cena off a bulldog and goes to the outside. Cena chases Edge around the outside and back into the ring. Edge charges and goes for a spear but Cean leapfrogs Edge leading to a stand off, that was a nice sequence. Edge hits a shoulder tackle but can't avoid a hard Irish whip and a release fisherman's suplex but Edge manages to float over Cena and hit the Edge-o-Matic. Edge hits a hard closeline as the crowd trade chants, Edge follows up with two more closelines and pounds away at Cena from a mount. Edge tells the referee to count but Cena answers the count at six. Edge hits a spinning heel kick and Edge asks for another count which Cena answers at five. The crowd are trading chants once again as Edge hits a flapjack and slaps on a Sleeper hold. Edge looks demented as Cena fades. Cena tries to fight out but Edge jumps on his back, Cena breaks the hold in the corner but Edge immediately reapplies the hold and Cena fades and drops down. Edge releases the hold and tells the referee to count, the crowd chant "let's go Cena" as Cena struggles to his feet at seven.
Cena dodges a closeline and hits the two flying shoulder tackles and the Protoplex but when he goes for the five knuckle shuffle Edge kicks Cena in the head hard and applies the sharpshooter right in the corner. Edge cranks away at the hold before releasing the lock and telling the referee to count. Cene gets to his feet at five but Edge immediately knocks Cena off the apron into the announce table ribs first. The referee starts another chant and Edge does some great facial acting as Cena makes it to his feet. Edge lays Cena in the steps and goes for a spear but Cena dives out the way and Edge goes head first into the steel steps. Edge answers the count at six.
Edge whips Cena into the other set of steel steps and Cena answer the count at seven. Cena immediately Irish whips Edge into the other set of steel steps and Edge answers the count at eight. Cena then does a very silly looking and double botched lifting of the steel steps into the ring. When Cena finally gets into the ring Edge is waiting for him with the running big boot. Edge then smashes Cena with the steps in the corner and then dropkicks the steps into a prone Cena leaving a mark on Cena's shoulder. Cena answers a count at six and Edge charges only to be back body dropped to the outside. Then in a really nice spot Cena throws the steel steps over the top rope hitting Edge, Edge just manages to crawl to his feet at the eight count.
They return to the ring and have the boo-yeah slugfest that ends with both men knocking each other over. Both men beat the count, Edge counters the Attitude Adjuster but Cena goes for it again Edge tries to counter with the Edge-o-Matic but Cena powers out and goes for the Attitude Adjuster but Edge finally counters scoring with the reverse DDT. Edge mocks Cena and goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Cena counters with the STF and Edge starts tapping like a mad man, Cena lets go but Edge answers the count at seven. Edge escapes the Attitude Adjuster again and this time he hits the big spear and both men are down. Edge is up at six and Cena is up at eight. The crowd trade some more chants. Cena catches Edge on the top rope and scores with a super Attitude Adjuster in a nice spot and both men are down. Cena makes it up at five and Edge is looking in bad shape but gets to his feet at nine and then immediately falls over.
Cena goes for the top rope leg drop but Edge immediately counters with the spear and the referee starts the count again. Cena makes it to his feet at eight but immediately falls out of the ring. Edge readies the announce table and rolls Cena onto the table. Edge goes for a DDT but Cena pops up and gives Edge an attitude adjuster into the front row in a great visual. The referee begins the count in the front row and the count reaches nine as Edge staggers to his feet. Edge tries to run away and runs up and around the arena. They re-emerge near the stage and Cena bulldogs Edge off the steps onto a big equipment box in a nice little spot and the referee begins the count. Edge manages to rolls off the box at seven.
Edge hits Cena with a hard hat and goes up onto the stage. Edge gives Cena an implant DDT on the stage but Cena makes it to his feet at nine. Edge goes back stage and grabs a chair and whacks Cena in the back and then hits a con-chair-to on the stage but Cena after lying unconscious manages to power up and answer the count at nine. Edge charges but Cena counters and goes for the Attitude adjuster but Big Show comes out from backstage and chokeslams Cena through a spot light that in a very silly spot explodes and that keeps Cena down for the ten count and Edge is your new World Heavyweight Champion.
There was a lot to like about this match, Cena sold superbly, Edge's facial expressions were superb throughout, they used so many clever and innovative touches. I really liked the sub story of both men knowing each other so well even after two years apart that they had counters for each others moves. The finish was a bit silly and cheap but didn't really detract as it suited the match. I felt the match was really let down by far too many counts early on in the match from moves that had no real credibility to end the match. That said this match was very Epic, and a very suitable ending for the PPV but just fell short of being must see. (***3/4)
John Cena like Triple H is given the stretcher treatment post match as Edge celebrates on the stage.
Overall Thoughts: This was a solid PPV, it delivered in every match exactly what it promised but nothing more, I don't think any match is worth ording the PPV alone for but together they combined well to create an enjoyable two and half hours of wrestling. The Santina skit was just horrible but what to you expect to be honest. The one thing this PPV really had going for it was newsworthiness, three major title changes and two stretcher jobs for the two main babyfaces on RAW. It sets up some interesting TV. So a mild recommendation, this show doesn't dissapoint but it doesn't inspire either (Unless your a Hardys' fan). (6/10)


I'm still fiddly my review style, I'm not sure whether to go with Hits and Misses or the headline style that I've used for RAW this week, I'm going to try hits and misses this week and then see which I prefer so bare with the format changes.


Team 3D Tag Team Tournement: Team 3D set it up with a great respectful promo putting over the importance of Tag Team wrestling and how their glad to be in a company where tag teams are important was a really nice touch. I just hope we don't get one of the those stupid deals where we have a tag team tournement only for the night after the PPV for a random team to be given a title shot for no apparent reason. Beer Money vs. Lethal Consequences was a fun TV match shorter than I'd like but still a fine tv match up, same goes for No Limit vs. Holliday and Young.

Scott Stiener & Kurt Angle Promo: I liked this alot, it wasn't anything to write home about but I'm glad to see Scott Stiener being the angry arse kicking monster. While I think the character consistency is all over the place I'm glad to see them return to clear heels and faces. Scott Stiener should not be likeable he should be a straight up bad arse.

The Beautiful People Celebration: I'm going to catch alot of flack for this but I thought this was a really good segment, as was the interview early in the show, I thought this was the kind of ultra obnoxious heel promos that will make people hate and thoroughly boo the beautiful people. Obviously bringing out male strippers is not a great idea on the program where the key demo is men 18 to 34 and a few people might have switched channel the minute they said "bring out the dancing" boys but this should serve the purpose of removing any lingering cheers for the Beautiful People. It also made Kong look like a bad arse and for ending the male stripping should stop anyone asking themselves why they are supposed to cheer the big nasty heel.

Christopher Daniels Sitdown Interview: He said all the right things in all the right way, I'd be really interested in seeing who they progamme him in against. This promo summed up the three dimensional characters that Vince Russo loves to create, sometimes it works really well, some times (most times) it fails miserable, this was a success. Daniels return has been very well handled.

Scott Steiner bounces on a Pogo Stick: No joke he did this during the Cactus Jack Smack Attack.


Openening Segment: Mick Foley comes out and does his usual mild comedy friendly Foley stuff, which is love it or hate it, this week its hate it, Foley runs through a series of out of date references but the real problem is the horrible Sacrifice Main Event they announce. Mick Foley will defend the title in a four way match, sounds fine right, well seeing as Foley will be sacrificing his World Title, the other contenders will be chosen based on who will sacrifice the most? Yes not who deserves a shot or whose earned one or anything like that. Why does every bloody TNA show have to have a theme, its not like on Summerslam every match takes place in a swimming pool or on the fucking beach. Foley and Jeff have a lovers tiff over who really runs the show and Foley then goes through some cringe inducing catches phrase and then books Jeff in a Cactus Jack Smack Attack, ugh.

Booker T & Nash tension: Sharmell and the stupid z list celebrity tension is just horrible, I really hope this doesn't run or lead to an kind of match.

Mick Foley-cam: God I hate Mick Foley, I really do, I found all of these segments completely pointless, other than making Foley seem like a total prick, if you find Foley funny you'll probably love this.

Taylor Wilde vs. Sojo Bolt Ladder Match: This was just horrible in every way, a three minute ladder match? A ladder match on free tv with no prior build up? Sojo is number one contender again? The last point is actually the hardest to understand of the bunch why is the least over knock out on the roster getting another shot. Sojo isn't ready for TV and damn sure isn't ready for PPV. This was just a terrible idea from start to finish.

Doctor Stevie: They shouldn't have involved Lauren in the Doctor Stevie skits, she'd been doing a really good job of being the voice of reason and asking the sensible questions that fans would ask of the ludicrious TNA storylines. I don't mind Stevie Richards I think he plays this role well but I'd much rather see him and Abyss wrestling and playing as legitimate bad arses. I hate that the commentators are still pretending they didn't know who Dr. Stevie was until lockdown, it makes them look like morons, and patronizes everyone who watches TNA.

Other Newsworthy Happenings:

-AJ Styles defends the TNA Legends Title against Kevin Nash in a servicable TV match, which is about the best you can hope for from Kevin Nash these days. The match ended when Rudy Charles spotted Booker T's inteference out of the corner of his eye.
-Kevin Nash and his Z list ho argued with Booker and Sharmell backstage, please tell me this does not end up being a PPV match, nobody wants to see that.
-Trevor Murdoch debuted as The Outlaw Jethro Holliday and Teamed with Eric Young to defeat No Limit and advance in the tag team tournement.
-Beer Money defeat Leathal Consequences to Advance in the tag team tournement.
-Sojourn Bolt became number one contender to the Knockouts Title
-Jeff Jarrett defeated Scott Steiner in a Cactus Jack Smack Attack after a guitar shot and the stroke. Embarsing in places but had enough solid action towards the end to make it an acceptable Main Event.
-After the Main Event Mick Foley saves Jeff Jarrett from an Ankle Lock Steiner Recliner combinition only to turn on Jeff Jarrett with a chair shot once e ran of the MEM.
-Jeff says Mick made things personal and he's going to shove a pink slip up Mick Foley's arse, then Bobby Lashley's music hits and Kurt looks happy and Jeff Jarrett looks pissed off.

Overall Thoughts: This show was a total drag to watch, lifeless and utterly horrible in places. Totally skipable, this breaks the streak of good iMPACT!s but at least if impact sucks we might get a good PPV it normal works that way around. (3.5/10)


It's time for Disk Two and that means WWECW, it'll be interesting to see which disk ranks higher. Joey Styles and Taz talk about the fans never forgetting about ECW and how the WWE gave the fans what they wanted and brought back first the DVDs then One Night Stand and then the tv show, "This ECW thing, it wouldn't die, because the fans would not let it die".


Sandman & Tommy Dreamer vs. The Dudley Boyz
One Night Stand 2005

Big "ECW" chant to start the match. Just before they look like locking up the b.W.o's music hits and Stevie, Nova and Meanie make their to the ring, "if any gimmick never deserved to make a dime and made a boat load of cash, this is it, and they couldn't sue us because its a parody" geat stuff from Joey. Stevie informs the world that the b.W.o is taking over. The crowd promptly start a huge "b.W.o" chant. Stevie Stevie Kicks Sandman and a big brawl erupts. Kid Kash's music hits and he charges to the ring blows and spot and is knocked over the top rope. Ball's music hits and Balls and Axl clear the ring with a Balls flurry and some monsterous chair shots kill Stevie, "that's more painful than having to be Simon Dean on Nation TV".

The brawl spills to the entrance ramp way and Kid Kash hits a triple Jump front flip tope onto everyone, using the Referee's back as the second jump. The crowd chant "New Jack", Ray throws a trash can into the ring and the bell rings. Tommy kills Ray with a chair but Ray dodges a cheese grater shot and hits a back suplex. Ray then massacres Dreamer with a sign. The crowd chant "Cactus Jack", Dreamer is bleeding and Ray grates Dreamers face and he is busted wide wide wide open. Ray then goes for the Second rope senton back splash but misses. It doesn't matter as Devon sneaks in and they hit the 2D. Sandman kills the Dudleys with the ladder and puts it on Dreamers head and kills both Dudleys. The crowd are going nuts as Dreamer grates Rays face.

Sandman hits a drop toe hold into the trash can on Devon, Tommy hits Ray over the head with a beer. Dreamer than massacres Ray with a cookie sheet. Ray crotches Dreamer on the guard rail and Sandman hits the top rope Rolling Rock onto the ladde rontop of Devon. Ray who is a bloody mess destroys Sandman with a chair, "ECW" starts a huge chant. Devon lays Sandman on a ladder and hits a frog splash off the second rope. Devon goes for a cane shot but kills Ray by mistake and Sandman gives Devon the White Russian legsweep. They then lock in stereo figure four leg locks, Joey says "I'll be dammed a wrestling hold".

The Impact Players then run in, Credible hits a barbed wire that's incredible. The impact players hold Tommy still so Francine can run in with a low blow. Bealuh runs in to have a catfight wth Francine. Storm accidently hits Credible and Dreamer clears the ring and Tommy and Bealuh share a hug in the centre of the ring. They then stereo DDTs for the dudleys for a double hear fall. Sandman lays a chair on Devon balls and Tommy smashes another chair down into the wang, Joey says "My God He's just crushed his balls". Ray returns to the ring and canes the hell out of Dreamer and Sandman.

Ray gets a table, the crowd chant "she snorts blow" at Francine, The Dudleys then powerbomb Sandman through a table. Tommy throws a sign and kills Ray, but Dreamer gets the 3D for his trouble. The Dudleys get another table and Spike comes to the ring with lighter fluid and they set the table on fire and then powerbomb Tommy through the flaming table to a huge round of "Holy Shit" chants, and that gets the 1-2-3.

Brilliant insane hardcore brawl, a fittingly perfect tribute to ECW very similar to the Double Dog Collar match in the way that there were a plethora of run ins that fit together perfectly bringing different characters and story lines to their conclusion. This match was very well put together and never slowed down, a hell of alot of fun. I never thought I'd say this but this match really needed New Jack to push it over the edge. (***3/4)

Rey Mysterio vs. Rob Van Dam
WWE, ECW head to head
June 2006

Rey dodges a closeline and hits a dropkick, Rey misses a leg drop and we have a stand off. The crowd chant "ECW", RVD spins Rey out of a crucifix and hits a gorrilla press and back flip splash. RVD tries to play to the crowd but Rey dropkicks him in the back and goes for the 6-1-9 but RVD dodges. RVD goes for a springboard but Rey dropkicks him off the apron. Rey tries a baseball slide but Rope catches him and powerslams Rey. RVD slips off the barracade and then misses the Leg drop and falls into the crowd. Rey then hits a springboard flying cross body into the front row. Ad Break.

Rey blocks a back body drop with a stiff kick. RVD counters a wheel barrow by crotching Rey on the top rope, RVD then comes off the top rope with a Van Daminator sending Rey crashing to the floor. RVD plays to the crowd before laying Rey on the apron and hitting a slingshot leg drop on the apron. Taz, Joey and King arguign on Commentary great fun. RVD gets a drop toe hold sending Rey into the bottom turnbuckle, Lawler calls ECW shit. RVD then gets a steel chair and scores with the steel chair hesitation dropkick and that gets a near fall. RVD goes for the chair assisted Monkey flip but Rey counters and hits a bulldog off the second rope onto the steel chair for a very near fall.

Rey tries to Drop the Dime but RVD rolls out the way and Rey crashes and burs onto the steel chair. RVD lays a steel chair but Rey throws the chair off his chest but he can't avoid a Five Star Frog Splash for the 1-2-3! Rob Van Dam lifts Rey to his feet and raises his hand after the match.

That was a really good fun little match, they were a little sloppy in places but very good and creative in places. It's a real shame these two didn't get to have a program while RVD was still in WWE. Great TV match. (**3/4)
WWE World Heavyweight Title
Extreme Rules Match
Sabu vs. Rey Mysterio
One Night Stand II 2006


Both men are armed with chairs to start the match, it's a lot of fun to see Rey play heel. The crowd chant "Fuck 'Em Up Sabu" chant to start the match, the drop the chairs and go to a wrestling sequence Rey rolls out of an arm wringer and then kicks Sabu off. They exchange chair shots but hit each others chair each time. Sabu hits a back body drop and follows it up with Air Sabu and the crowd are going mental. Sabu goes for a Triple Jump but Sabu botches the spot and the then runs straight into the drop toe hold spot anyway. Rey leaps off a chair and hits a ranna. Sabu dodges the 6-1-9 and throws a chair hitting Rey hard into the head.


The action spills to the outside and Sabu unloads after setting up a table. Rey is on a table Sabu goes for a triple jump but Rey rolls off and Sabu sort of crashes and burns into the guard rail. Rey introduces Sabu to the steel steps, Rey then hits a moonsault press for a near fall, Sabu runs into a pair of boot and Rey tries a shoulder from the apron but is met with a knee and Sabu hits a guillotine leg drop over the middle rope before slapping on the Camel Clutch, nice sequence, the crowd chant "Shiek" and Sabu does his pose. Sabu hits a Arabian facebuster for a near fall and then sets up a table at ringside.


Rey dropkicks Sabu onto the table and Rey hits a springboard senton through a table and the crowd goes absolutely mental chanting "ECW" and "Holy Shit". The crowd then chant "you still suck" they chant that at Reya dn they are cheering for Sabu? Rey drops the dime for a near fall. Rey misses a moonsault lands on his feet and Sabu hits a springboard leg lariat to a big "Sabu" chant that was very contrived, Sabu follows up with the Triple Jump Moonsault for a near fall. Rey avoids the Atomic Arabian Facebuster and gives Sabu a stiff kick giving him a seat. Rey goes for the springboard seated Senton but Sabu moves and Rey crotches himself on the chair, Sabu then kills Rey with a chair. Sabu then hits a Triple Jump Springboard DDT through the table at ringside and both men bump onto their heads. The crowd chant "Holy Shit" really loud, Taz says "That was amazing, okay". A really funny actor in a bow tie comes out playing the doctor and says they can't go, its over. The crowd start a massive "Bullshit" chant.


Really good match, okay this is now the best Sabu match I've ever seen, I'd seen it before but I forgot how good that match was, the finish was really good despite the fans shitting on it a little. Rey is a miracle worker, Sabu still managed to blow a spot, make wrestling look more fake than ever and be really sloppy but it was damn entertaining and creative action. (***1/4)



Mick Foley,Edge & Lita vs. Tommy Dreamer, Terry Funk & Beaulah

ECW One Night Stand 2006


Foley's pre match promo is absolutely gold. Edge's promo is excellent "Your gonna go home and text your imaginary Girlfriend about how great this promo was, then your gonna go on the internet and masterbate over my actual girl friend". Lita's promo is not so good but it serves it purpose. Beaulah gets on the mic prior to the match its not so good but serves the purpose. Beaulah goes straight after Lita but gets pulled off, "Fuck her up Beaulah" chant.


Edge and Dreamer start, Tommy gets a shoulder tackle and then a headlock takedown, Edge misses an ezenguri as a big "Tommy Dreamer" chant goes out. Foley tags in and he wants Terry Funk. The crowd start a big "Terry" chant, and Terry duly tags in. Funk hits a series of bitch slaps, Foley says it wasn't a good idea I don't want to beg here. The heels jump Funk and Tommy tosses Edge over the top rope. Funk throws a chair on Foley and then pounds the crap out of Foley. Edge hits Edge with a sign before throwing a trash can of toys into the ring. Tommy kills Foley with a sign and Funk kills Edge with a trash can. Tommy then baseball slides a trash can into Foley's face and then they throw it over the top rope ontop of him.


Edge dodges the cookie sheet on the outside and kills Dreamer with it outside the ring. Foley gives Funk the Foley flurry against the guard rail. Foley knocks Funk into the crowd as Edge runs over Dreamer with a ladder and then lays it in the corner. The crowd chant "Fuck You Edge". Edge goes for a spear but Dreamer counters hip tossing Edge into the ladder. Funk introduces Foley to the steel steps before returning to the ring. Funk does his spinning ladder spot and kills Edge and Foley.


Funk and Dreamer set the ladder up in the corner and Funk climbs the ladder but Edge tips it over and Funk takes the flat back bump. Edge lays the ladder down, Tommy goes for the Dreamer driver but Lita breaks it up with a low blow. The crowd start a big "she's a crack whore" chant. Foley and Edge get the ply wood covered in Barber wire and the crowd go nuts, they then suplex the barbed wire board onto Dreamer and as they pull it off Dreamer you can see it badly stick in Dreamer. They try to suplex it again but Funk trips them and it lands on Foley's face. The crowd chant "We want Fire", Foley puts the breaks on before going into the barbed wire but Dreamer and Funk it a simulatanious flurry and they then throw Foley through the barbed wire board.


Edge crotches Dreamer on the guard rail the crowd chant "This is Awesome", Foley throws the barbed wire board on Funk and Lita hands Foley some Barbed wire and Foley wraps it around his arm. Funk is bleeding from just about everywhere as Foley lays a barbed wire punch and then a grate to Funk's all ready bloody face. Edge then hits a baseball slide on Tommy and lays to the crowd. The crowd chant "You Sick Funk" there is one very scared chinese girl at ringside, she's crying, why did she come to this show?


The crowd chant "We want Sandman", Foley gets the barbed wire bat and slug away at the bat of Tommy as Edge brilliantly mocks Bealuh, they lay the barbed wire back on Tommy's balls and spread his legs and Lita drops the leg drop. Foley crowds plays to the crowd who chant "We want Sandman", Mick gets Mr. Socko, Taz says enoguh with this crap and Foley gives Beaulah and then Tommy the mandible claw and Edge spears Tommy Dreamer. Edge does want the cover and he goes after Beaulah rubbing her face in his crotch while Lita mocks, Edge then bends over Beaulah in a pump handle and high fives Lita and Foley.


Funk then appears in the middle of the crowd covered in blood with a barbed wire 2x4. Tommy low blows Foley and Edge and Funk gets in the ring. Lita runs away as Funk unloads with the barbed wire 2x4 on Foley and Edge. Funk then gets ligher fluid and he sets the 2x4 on fire, he hits Foley in the gut, then in the back setting his jacket on fire, and then he knocks Foley off the apron through a barbed wire table, Edge knocks Funk off the apron onto the table. Tommy hits the DDT on Edge and then gets a sick Barbed fire crippler crossface. Lita breaks it up leading to a catfight. Tommy hits a Dreamer Driver on Lita and plays to the crowd with Bealuh. Edge then puts the barbed wire across Tommy's eyes and hits an Edge-o-Matic. Edge then spears Bealuh hard and pins Bealuh with her legs behind her head and air humps her 1-2-3! Terry has to be cut out of the barbed wire at the end of the match.


Edge is so fucking cool, just incase you needed anymore proof, I miss pre Vickie-whipped Edge. Great match, very entertaining, insane brawl with a tonne of sick spots and ridiculous action, but it was well structured, well paced, and very dramatic, my choice as the best hardcore brawl in ECW history. Prob my second favorite ECW to the Double Dog Collar match. (****)


ECW World Heavyweight Title
Extreme Rules Match
Big Show vs. Rob Van Dam
July 2006


The crowd are thoroughly behind RVD at the start of the match. RVD dodges Big Show to start the match, "Marijuana/Big Show sucks Dick" chant, RVD runs the ropes before running straight into a big closeline. Big Show headbutts RVD sending to the outside, the crowd chant "You can't wrestle", RVD slips out of Big Show's clutches and sends Show crashing into the ring post. RVD jumps onto the barracade but Show sweeps the legs crotching RVD, Big Show then clubs RVD into the crowd. They do some brawling into the crowd, its very lame as I'm sure you can imagine. RVD jumps onto the barracade and hits a stiff kick to the back off the head before playing to the crowd and hitting a spinning leg drop off the apron onto Big Show. Ad Break.


We come back from ads where Show dropped RVD throat first on the guard rail and then hit a big boot. Show runs into a pair of Boots and RVD hits a springboard Van Daminator and RVD goes up front but Show crotches him and they battle on the top rope and Big Show hits a not so super plex. Big Show then hits his standing leg drop, think its called the Hog Lock or Hog Log for a nearfall. Big Show then hits a straight boot to the head. Big Show then stands on RVD's throat. The crowd chant "Marajuana" loud. Big Show then hits a pair of big elbow drop for a near fall. Big Show locks on a bear hug and then changes it up and goes to the back breaker submission. This goes for a little while.


RVD knees his way out of the Back breaker and hits a tame closeline, RVD then hits a dropkick to the knee of Big Show before running into a chokeslam with RVD counters into a DDT which Big Show sells it brilliantly. RVD hits a basement crossbody, a basement dropkick and then the Rolling Thunder for a near fall. RVD hits a corner spinning heel kick, He goes for a top rope Van Daminator but Big Show catches him and throws him over the top rope. Big SHow charges with the steel steps and RVD gets a drop toe told sending Show face first into the steel steps. RVD goes for a huge flying crossbody off top but Big Show catches him with ease and rams RVD back first into the ring apron. Great spot.


RVD gives show a jaw jacker and brings in a steel chair but Big Show punches away a chair and htis the Choke Slam for a 1...2....kick out! Big Show then gives the referee his sick Cobra toss. Big Show lifts RVD up for a powerbomb but RVD counters by killing Big Show with a chair shot. RVD then hits the chair version of the Van Daminator and then the Five Star Frog Splash and there's no referee. Paul Heyman runs down and counts 1...2...and he stops. Heyman gets out of the ring and the crowd chant "You sold out" RVD looks shocked. RVD turns round into a massive chair shot, Heyman tells Show to chokeslam RVD on the chair and he promptly does for the 1-2-3. The crowd then pound the ring with garbage.


Good Big Show match, RVD isn't Shawn Michaels but he did his best, Big Show isn't that bad to be fair. Really good dramatic match with the swerve finish, this was back when the ECW Main Event scene was really hot, you could hear the Male passion in the crowd. ECW has become a fun interesting show but its weird looking back to when ECW was a series show. Really good for a TV Main Event. (***)



ECW World Heavyweight Title

Extreme Rules Match
Ric Flair vs. Big Show

July 2006


Taz is impressed to see Ric Flair in ECW. Big Show shoves Flair to the corner and the Flair blocks the big chop, Ric tries and eye rake but Show blocks and shoves Flair out of the ring. Ad Break. Flair is unloading on Big Show in the corner with chops but Show shoves Flair down hard and he takes a hell of a bump. Flair runs straight into a military press and Big Show hits a series of headbutts and Flair is busted open. Show unloads with some huge rights, Flair chops are no sold and Big Show hits Flair with two huge clubs to the chest and that draws a Flair flop, Big Show continues to lay in these brutally stiff chops. Show then throws Flair hard across the ring and then closelines him over the top rope.


Flair looks under the ring and pulls out a trash can full of weapons. Flair hits a pair of chops, a woman in the crowd looks shocked as Flair is a bloody mess. Big Show then hits a huge vertical suplex and Flair is an absolutely bloody mess, Flair flips off Big Show and tells him to bring it on. Flair unloads with teh Flair flurry but Show hits a big head butt and then a powerslam. Big Show then gets in the crowds face, Flair throws a really stiff chop but Show just headbutts Flair down hard. Big Show stands over Flair so Flair whacks Big SHow in the balls, TWICE! Show swats away FLair who takes a great bump. Flair then kicks a field Goal between Show's legs and then running and nails Show in the balls.


Flair then gets a barber wire baseball bat, he nails Show in the face, in the gut and then grates it across his face, I don't normally like Style's commentary but he's bang on "I'll say that one for time for historical reasons Ric Flair is using the barbed wire baseball bat". Flairs blade job is just insane and the crowd is chanting "ECW" huge. Ric Flair then kills Show with two monsterous trash can shots bending them round shows head and holding them in place. Big Show now has a nasty blade job. Flair takes Show down with two huge chair shots for a near fall. RIC FLAIR GETS THE THUMB TACKS.


Flair waffles Show with three chair shots the third sending Show into the tacks and the crowd are going mental, Big Show hulks up and is mega pissed off and hits a huge closeline and a chokeslam, the Cobra Clutch back breaker and then he chokes out Flair in the cobra clutch for the win. Big Show then Cobra Clutch throws Ric Flair into the thumbtacks and Flair is covered in blodd and thumbtacks. Flair is carried out with a thumb tack sticking into the back of his skull as the crowd chant "Thank You Flair".


Wow that was just a great historic match started a little ropey but really got going and never looked back. By the looks of it Flair called this match in the ring, the match was historically brilliant seeing Ric Flair go extreme was just incredible. For a man his age Flair tooks some great bumps especially selling the swats like he's Shawn Michaels. The finish to the match was particularly excellent, this was without doubt one of the most memorable matches of the "new ECW" arguable the most memorable. Very good TV match. (***1/4)



Number One Contender

Ladder Match

Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu

August 2006


RVD dodges a chair to start the match, Sabu gets a leg trip takedown and Sabu makes his way to the ropes. They horrible botch a double springboard leg lariat spot, RVD then hits a leg drop on Sabu. RVD floors Sabu with a forearm, Sabu runs into an elbow, Sabu catches Van Dam on top and then botches a triple Jump move crotching himself on the top rope. Then in the stupidest spot ever RVD leaps for the contract but misses. Sabu then hits a double jump closeline sending RVD over the top rope, that was nice.


RVD takes a terrible hard Irish whip, Sabu then semi blows the springboard tornado DDT which RVD sells brilliantly. Sabu gets the ladder but RVD hits a plancha takign out both men. Ad Break. RVD front suplexes Sabu onto the barracade and then hits a spinning leg drop off the apron. Sabu gets a dropkick to the knee sending RVD face first into the ladder. Sabu hits an arabian face buster which RVD sells brilliantly upside down with his head in between the ladder rungs. Sabu applies a camel clutch in a ladder match? Sabu climbs the ladder but RVD shoves it over and Sabu lands on his feet. Sabu tries a triple jump off the lade but totally fucks up and it goes horrible wrong, RVD covers up by quickly hitting a leg drop on the ladder.


RVD whips Sabu into ladder, RVD misses the monkey flip spot and then in a silly looking spot RVD monkey flips the ladder into Sabu. RVD lies Sabu on the ladder and goes for Rolling Thunder but Sabu rolls out the way and RVD crashes and burns. Sabu then hits the triple jump moonsault. Sabu lays RVD on the ladder but misses the Arabian Facebuster. RVD sets up the ladder and he begins to climb very slowly, Sabu nicely pulls RVD off the ladder face first and throws the ladder onto RVD. RVD kicks over Sabu and hits the five star frog splash and Sabu rolls out of the ring. RVD climbs the ladder and Big Show slides into the ring. RVD dives off the ladder but Big Show catches RVD and throws him out of the ring through a table. Big Show calls for the contract to be lower so he can get it, Sabu comes off the top rope but Show catches him, from Show's shoulders Sabu grabs the contract, Big Show chokeslams Sabu right after the bell rings.


Embarsing to watch in places, the ending was very creative and unique but this was mostly terrible, I don't like giving away ladder matches on TV especially bad ones. When Sabu and RVD wrestle its always a terrible car crash and this was no exception. (*3/4)



Extreme Rules

Sabu & Rob Van Dam vs. Test & Mike Knox

September 2006


Sabu gets a leg trip on Knox to start the match, Knox powers out but Sabu counters with a hammerlock and stomps on the arm. Knox slugs down Sabu and pounds him down in the corner. Knox runs into a boot and Sabu hits a second rope flying closeline. RVD tags in and Knox pounds away on RVD. Sabu sets up a table outside the ring and gets a chair. Knox hits a body slam and an elbow drop for a two count. Test tags in and he hits a big elbow in the corner and then a corner closeline. RVD reverse hitting the corner spinning heel kick with RVD bumping over the top rope. Sabu and RVD get the rolling thunder splash, slingshot front flip leg drop combo. They then give Knox the stereo springboard leg lariats.


Knox and Sabu brawl on the outside and RVD dives off the apron with a press onto Knox. In the ring Test goes for a military press but RVD cuts him off with a beautiful spring board Van Daminator right in the face. Test goes for a powerbomb but RVD counters with a victory roll. Knox low bridges RVD onto the apron, Knox, RVD and Test are all brawling on the apron and Sabu hits a chair jump crossbody sending all four men through a table. Ad Break.


Sabu goes for the Triple Jump but Test trips Sabu sending him face first into the steel chair for a near fall. RVD throws a chair into chest face and then hits the chair assisted hesitation dropkick in the corner, RVD goes up top but Knox kills RVD with a chair. Knox goes up top and gives RVD a superplex but Sabu immediately hits Knox with the Arabian facebuster for a nearfall. Sabu then locks Knox in the camel clutch, they hold a chair against Knox face and RVD hits a basement dropkick for a near fall. Sabu catches Test with a drop toe hold and hits air Sabu and Test flops throat first onto the chair and then hits the Triple Jump Moonsault for a near fall. Great stuff.


RVD throws Test out of the ring and Sabu rolls a table into the ring. Knox fights back as Sabu sets up the table. RVD slips out of a slam and Sabu throws a chair into Knox's face, RVD throws a chair into Test's face to knock him off the apron, they then hit the double top rope flying leg drops through the table and of course that gets the 1-2-3.


Wow I really forgot how good some of these ECW TV main events were. Everyone played their rolls well in this one, was this is Test's last good match? Well plotted out organized chaos alot better than some of the genuine chaotic brawls in old ECW. Again for a TV match this was really good. (***)



Extreme Rules Match

Rob Van Dam vs. Hardcore Holly

September 2006


RVD blocks a hip toss and gets an arm drag before hitting the spinning heel kick in the corner. Rob gets in Holly's face but Hardcore fires back, RVD flips over Holly and hits a superkick before closelining Holly down and kicking him out of the ring. RVD plays to the crowd and gets dragged to teh outside, RVD front suplexes Holly onto the apron and then hits the spinning leg drop off the apron. RVD gets a table and sets it up at ringside. Holly introduces RVD to the steel steps before unloading with a stiff chop. Holly then being and gentlemen introduces RVD to the ring post and then drops a leg drop for a near fall.


RVD runs straight into a boot, Holly then chokes RVD on the ropes and then locks on a camel clutch, this goes on for quite a while. Holly hits RVD with two big clubs to send RVD down hard. Holly then hits a running back elbow for a count. Holly is just horrible on offence. RVD tries to fight back but Holly cuts him off with an eye rake. Holly floats over RVD onto the apron and then goes for a suplex they do a very good tease with both men nearly suplexing the other. Holly finally hits the stalling suplex through two tables openening up a huge nasty gash on Holly's back which bleeds all over the place. Ad Break.


It's a really sick visual and the crowd chant for Holly because of it. Holly drops RVD throat first across a steel chair. Holly lays a chair on RVD's head and scores with a second rope leg drop for a near fall. Holly goes for a suplex but RVD blocks and reverses suplexing Holly back first onto a steel chair. The crowd chant "ECW" and rightly so all things considered. Holly misses some wild swings and RVD unloads hitting a pair of weak closelines. RVD then hits the monkey flip and the top rope Van Daminator, Rob gets the chair and hits the hesitation dropick and Holly is selling really well. RVD puts a chair on Holly and hits the rolling Thunder that gets a near fall.


RVD goes for the monkey flip but Holly counters with a running powerbomb onto the chair for a near fall. RVD hits Holly with a straight kick to the face, RVD puts a chair on Holly's chest and goes up top for the Five Star Frog Splash but Holly counters throwing the steel chair into RVD's face right before the Frog Splash hits and that gets a near fall. RVD tries to counter the Alabama slam with a sunset flip but RVD float over to escape. RVD hits a van Daminator with the chair and then hits the Five Star Frog Splash end the match.


A really good TV Main Event again, possible Hardcore's best match and undoubtably the one he'll always be remember for because of the sick cut. The openening portion was dull but it picked up so dramatically as it went on it pretty much negates the dulls spots. (***1/4)



Overall Thoughts: Great Disk almost everymatch on this disk is a hell of alot of fun, and it actually reminds you that those early days of ECW were pretty damn good. Definitely the better disk, with one or two most see matches, and the Flair match is simply Iconic, Flair goes garbage is a sight no one will ever forget. Good stuff, on balence makes the DVD set worth a purchase. (7/10)


The DVD starts with Ariel (Shelly Martinez) and her ludicrious boobs laying down the tarrow cards and asking us what the future holds. Barbed Wire, Ladders, Fire and Blood. She is really crap at being sexy.
We then go to Joey Styles and Taz. Joey then gives us a brief history of ECW, very brief. Taz talks about how ECW couldn't compete with production levels and star power, so they had to different, so they brought the violence.
ECW World Heavyweight Title
Cactus Jack vs. The Sandman
Hardcore Heaven 1995
Sandman takes almost ten minutes getting to the ring and it really doesn't work without Enter Sandman in the back ground. Jack has a fist wrapped in barbed wire and Sandman has two Singapore canes. Sandman gives Woman a Singapore cane before very slowly entering the ring. We are over twelve minutes into the DVD and there has been no wrestling yet? Sandman walks around the ring and talks to woman. Woman hits Foley with a cane and Sandman finally enters the ring.
Sandman tamely hits Foley with a cane before hurdling over the top rope and hitting a flying cane shot. Sandman then hits a really weak cane shot. Sandman continues to hit cane shots to no reaction. Sandman misses a wild swing, Foley misses a barbed wire right hand and Foley scores witha nice DDT. Foley steals the cane and slugs down Sandman with four shots to little reaction. Foley fakes a shot and then whacks Sandman with two cane shots and then a chair shot before playing to the crowd.
Foley goes for a barbed wire right hand but Sandman blocks with a steel chair. Sandman then goes about caning the hand of Mick Foley. The crowd chant for "Cactus" but Foley appears to be busted open. This is about as lifeless as a match could possibly be. Sandman then hits perhaps the worst DDT in human history. Sandman clutches his elbow before unloading with a cane shot. Sandman hits a body slam and follows it up with a slingshot leg drop for a near fall. Sandman then hits a soft body slam on a chair and then a top rope leg drop for a near fall.
Woman brings a strand of Barbed wire to the ring as Sandman hits a piledriver on the chair. Sandman then wraps himself in barbed wire before hitting a series of splashes and a body slam. Sandman then hits a truely horrible top rope big splash. Sandman charges and Foley back body drops Sandman over the top rope and follows up with a flying elbow drop from the apron. Foley hits a terrible Irish whip into the guard rail.
Foley pulls the barbed wire T-shir over Sandman's face then places a chair on Sandman's face and hits a second rope leg drop for a near fall. Foley hits a Sandman with a series of Barbed wire right hands and then gets another near fall. Sandman is busted open. Foley chokes Sandman with Barbed wire and Woman hits Foley in the back with the cane. Foley throws Woman down to the mat. The referee some how gets bumped and the Franchise runs in and gives Sandman a barbed wire piledriver. Douglas then canes Jack in the eyes and leaves the ring. Sandman rolls up ontop for the 1-2-3.
Utterly horrible match, this has no place being on DVD, the match had no heat, even in Philli. (1/4*)
We then go to a really nice video package on the main characters and some of the most memorable moments in ECW's history. It's a really great package.
ECW World Tag Team Title
Steel Cage Masked Executioner Match
The Eliminators vs. The Gangstas
Natural Born Killaz 1996
They brawl on the outside to start the match. Mustafa hits Kronus with a chair in the crowd and unloads with right hands. Kronus introduces Mustafa to a chair in return. Kronus holds the Gangstas in place so Perry Saturn can score with a flying press off the top of the cage to the outside. Perry and New Jack brawl on the outside and New Jack hits Saturn with a trash can. In the ring Mustafa introduces Kronus to the steel cage before scoring with a vertical suplex. Mustafa throws Kronus face first into the cage again. Saturn and New Jack brawl on the outside of the cage, Saturn low blows New Jack sending him for a front flip into the cage, Saturn then scores with a flying closeline off the top of the cell.
Saturn throws New Jack face first into the cage but when he turns around Mustafa is waiting with a big boot. Kronus, New Jack and Kronus have been busted wide open. Saturn is again thrown face first into the cage. All four men are now bleeding as the plodding action continues. The crowd chant "where's the weapons", Saturn hits a falcon arrow on Mustafa and then scores with a big splash off the top of the cage. New Jack comes off the top of the cage with a trash can shot on Kronus. There's locks of brawling going on and New Jack begins to assualt Saturn with a fork. Mustafa comes off the second rope with a cookie sheet shot on Kronus for a near fall.
New Jack hits Saturn with a crash can shot, Mustafa hits Kronus with a back breaker and then a top rope Vader bomb for a near fall. Saturn scores with a flying elbow drop from the top of the steel cage on New Jack and that gets a near fall. Kronus then scores with a pump handle plex on Mustafa. Saturn comes off the top rope but New Jack is ready with a trash can shot. New Jack tries to come off the top rope with a key board shot but Saturn counters with a dropkick and Kronus hits New Jack with the key board. Mustafa then kills Kronus with a trash can.
Mustafa low blows Saturn before hitting a double arm suplex. New Jack works over Kronus with a fork and Kronus is just cover in blood its a nasty nasty blade. New Jack goes to get a guitar but the Masked execution kills New Jack with the guitar, the Execution unmasks to reveal Shane Douglas. Saturn scores with a big splash off the top of the cage but it only gets a near fall. Saturn comes off the top of the cage but New Jack cuts him off with a trash can in a terrible spot. Mustafa goes face first into the cage. New Jack throws a trash can a Saturn knocking him off the cage through a table. Mustafa hits a powerslam and New Jack hits a diving chair shot for the 1-2-3.
Not great, very violent, basically just a bunch of moves, no attempt to really have a wrestling match, the Douglas suprise was very nice. (*3/4)
We then go to a video package on Sabu where he talks basically exactly what you'd expect.
Scafold Match
Tommy Dreamer vs. Brian Lee
Tommy Dreamer and Lee brawl on the outside, Dreamer rams lee loads of times into the candy machine. Dreamer then comes off the candy machine with a horrible flying trash can shot. Lee and Dreamer brawl around the ring. Tommy Dreamer is pretty funny on commentary. Lee throws Dreamer over a bar and then hits Tommy with a trash can and a pumpkin, yes that's right a pumpkin. Tommy and Lee unloads with a big brawl in the stands, a right from Lee busts Tommy open. Lee lifts Tommy by the throat and drops Tommy throat first on the balls. They exchange weapons shots. Lee whips Tommy repeatedly into the guard rail and then Lee scores with a body slam. Tommy hits Lee with Nachos. Tommy and Coach make fun of each other.
Both men climb the Scafold which apparently Sandman made. Lee carries Dreamer onto the swinging Scafold and rams Dreamer's bloody face into the wobbly wooden scafold. Tommy low blows Lee on top of the Scafold and then follows it up with a DDT. Tommy tries to throw Lee off the Scafold but Lee blocks. Dreamer and Lee brawl on their knees, Tommy blocks a chokeslam, Lee chokes Tommy with the live TV wire. Lee crotches Tommy on this little plank of wood hanging off the scafold!!! Fuck! Dreamer very nearly falls off but scrambles to hang on. Tommy and Lee brawl at the very top as the crowd chants "Fuck 'em Up Tommy", Tommy slugs Lee off the scafold and Lee crashes through a tonne of tables, Tommy wins! Tommy informs us of two things, firs that Lee was knocked out cold by that bump and two that this was the night that Kurt Angle appear in ECW.
Really good scafold match, the best I've ever seen very dramatic and exciting, they did a hell of alot of wrestling and dramatic nearfall atop the scafold. The crotching spot ontop of the Scafold was unbelievable, as was the DDT and final spot. Scary moment at the end for Lee. The beginning of the match prior to the Scafold action was pretty horrible and held the match back a little but it became excellent from there in. Dreamer on the over dubbed commentary really added a great element to the match. (***1/4)
We then go to some more clips of some of the most memorable moments and famous characters in ECW history. I don't really understand the glorifying of breaking Sabu's neck, nor violence against women for that matter.
Stairway to Hell
Sandman vs. Sabu
House Party 1998
The ladder is set up in the middle of the ring. The crowd come to life to start the match and Sabu isn't happy. The referee forces Sandman to give up the cane before the match. Sabu gets a low drop kick and shoves the ladder over onto Sandman. Sabu then repeatedly throws the ladder at Sandman. Sabu lays Sandman accross the ladder and Alfonso holds a chair above Sandman's head while Sabu hits a horrid springboard leg drop. Sabu lays a ladder on top of Sandman and then hits an Arabian face buster on Sandman. A baseball slide sends Sandman into the front row and Sabu follows up with a triple Jump plancha into the front row on the Sandman.
In the crowd Sabu nails Sandman with a chair actualy knocking over a fan in the process. Sabu and brawl tamely to the back of the arena where Sabu hits a stiff right hand. Sabu sets up a table as the crowd chant "Can't see shit". Sabu then runs up onto the balcony and scores with a leg drop through a table. Sabu continues to brawl on stage and Sandman body slams Sabu before hitting and elbow drop. Sandman then runs Sabu into the guard rail. Sandman throws Sabu into the front row and then throws the ladder from the ring apron onto Sabu. Sandman then does the see saw ladder spot in the crowd over the guard rail.
Sandman then suplexes Sabu onto a table and hits a sloppy leg drop off the apron kind of knocking the table over. Sandman bridges a table betweent he guard rail and the apron. Sandman then throws a table into Sabu's face. Sandman lays a ladder onto the table and hits a slingshot leg drop onto the ladder and sort of through the table. They return to the ring and Sandman drops and elbow. Sandman sets up the ladder and begins to climb and fetches the barbed wire. Sabu then shoves the ladder over the top rope and Sandman crashes with a front flip through two tables.
Sandman goes for a triple jump barbed fire shot but Sandman dodges and Sabut hits the guard rail. Sabu looks to have really hurt his jaw and they spend alot of time on the outside. Sabu looks completely fucked. Sandman tangles the barbed wire around the top turnbuckle. Sandman drops and elbow on Sabu and laces more barbed wire around the top rope. Sabu throws Sandman into the barbed wire and then hits him with a steel chair. Sabu wraps the barbed wire around Sandman's head and then jabs Sandman in the head with the scissors. Sandman is busted open.
Sabu hands Sandman in the tree of woe, Sandman has barbed wire on his face, Sabu then lays a chair on his face and hits a chair jump hesitation dropkick. Sabu tries some air Sabu but goes chest first into the wire. Sandman then clobbers Sabu with the singapore care. Sandman drops an elbow drop. Bill Alfonso tapes up the jaw of Sabu, Sandman is an absolutely blody mess, this really needs to end and fast. Sabu whip Sandman upside down into the Barbed wire and then hits triple jump moonsault. Sabu puts Barbed wire around the neck of Sandman and hits a springboard leg drop. Sabu then goes up top with an arabian facebuster but Sandman gets to his feet with wire wrapped around his head and a stiff cane shot gets the 1-2-3.
God if you like Gore you will love this match, it was sloppy as fuck, completely brutal, and in places very unpleasent. On a side note I love the way Sandman throws an elbow drop every five minutes just to remind everyone we are infact watching a wrestling match. One of the better Sandman blood brawls but that's not saying much. (**1/4)
They then go to a very nice "ECW Original" video packade on Sandman.
The Dudley Boyz vs. Spike, Tommy Dreamer & Sandman
Heatwave 1998
Tommy and D-von exchange leg frogs before they go a sunset flip leading to a nearfall exchange wow, wrestling and it only took over an hour of DVD time. Tommy Dreamer then hits a hangman's neckbreaker off the top rope and Ray tags in. The crowd chant "Spike" so Spike gets the tag. Ray throws Spike around wth a monster hip toss and a quick press slam. Ray goes for a hug stalling press slam but Spike falls on top for a one counter. Spike goes for a ten punch gets to nine before being killed with a diving powerbomb. Devon chokes Spike while the referee is distracted.
Ray then hits Spike with a hard closeline and a big back body drop. Ray then plays to the crowd. Ray then bitch slaps Spike to the canvas. Ray scores with a scoop slam but misses a splash and Spike unloads, Ray cuts him off and goes for a powerbomb but Spike counters with a ranna and a bulldog for a near fall. Sandman and Big Dick Dudley tag in. The crowd chant "Fuck 'em up Sandman" but Sandman has no luck with big Dick who no sells everything. Sandman closelines Big Dick over the top rope but Dick lands on his feet and pulls Sandman out and a wild six way brawl breaks out.
Tommy hits Devon wth a beer in the crowd as Spike Stands on Ray's back. Dreamer Irish whips DIck into the guard rail. In the ring Ray hits a corner closeline on Sandman and unloads. Sandman dodges a closeline and hits a Frankensander and follows it up with a closeline. Dick hits Spike with a chair on the outside. Ray crotches Dreamer on the outside. Sandman gets a ladder adn Spike scores with a flying cross body off the top of the ladder taking out everybody. Sandman body slams Devon and lays the ladder on Devon before hitting a front flip senton and Devon does the biggest oversell in history. Dick back body drops Sandman over the top rope onto the ramp.
Ray lays a ladder on Dreamer adn then hits a Huge second rope senton back splash crushing Dreamer. Spike low blows Ray and hits a very nice Acid Drop for a near fall. Devon then gives a bloody spike a side walk slam on the ladder. Sandman tries big Dick in the tree of woe. Dreamer puts Ray in the tree of woe and finally all three Dudleys are tied in the tree of woe. They lock sign guy in a figure four and Tommy Dreamer then piledrives Jeff Jones and they put Gertner int he tree of woe. Then with the referees help they give all four men chair assisted Dropkicks.
Dreamer hits the Dreamer Driver but Big Dick makes the save. Big Dick hits total Penetration on the ladder. Spike tries an acid drop but Dick throws him through a table. Sandman gives Dick a cane shot in the erh...Dick. Sandman misses a wild swing and Ray kills Sandman with a chair shot. Ray misses a big splash and Dreamer kills Ray with a DDT on the lader for the 1-2-3. Jack Victory then runs out and destroys Dreamer with an exploding guitar. New Jacks musci hits and we have a wild weapons brawl. New Jack hits victory in the balls with a golf club and then finishes him with an exploding guitar.
Well that was a pretty fun weapons brawl, it started with what can losely be described as wrestling and then turned into a nice little garbage brawl with some great spots and a nice finish. (**1/2)
Styles and Taz talk about Taz and not needing his weapons. Taz then tells the story of the Fuck The World title. Taz explains the feud without saying the word "Fuck"? Bizzare.
Championship Unification Match
ECW World Heavyweight Title & FTW World Title
Sabu vs. Taz
Living Dangerously 1999
Taz and Joey Styles are on commentary and before the match they show Taz breaking the jaw of Sabu on a house show the night before. Taz gets on the mic and does the "Beat me if you can, Survive if I let you" shtick. Sabu gets a leg trip and a waist lock, Taz rolls on top for a two count. Taz gets a standing switch leading to a rope break. Taz gets a back mount but Sabu counters the club with an arm drag and a head scissor, Taz gets a rope break. Taz gets a waist lock and some big crossfaces from a rear mount. Taz gets a knee to the gut and the Brooklyn boot.
Sabut gets a hard Irish whip and a springboard leg lariat for a two count and then a slingshot front flip leg drop for a two count. Sabu then throws the chair hard into a Taz's face and follows it up with air Sabu. Sabu then gets a baseball slide and triple jump springboard tope but Taz gets a chair up and hits Sabu in the face. Sabu and Taz then brawl into the crowd all the way up the bleachers. Taz pounds away on Sabu as they work through the crowd. Sabu then smashes Taz hard with a chair and the fans go nuts into the camera . Sabu counters an Irish whip and Taz goes crashing into the guard rail hard. Sabu gets a chair jump elbow smash into the audience for a near fall. They fight onto the ramp and Taz throws Sabu hard into the audience taking out Sabu.
They return to the ring and Sabu takes down Taz. Sabu kicks Taz hard into the chest. Taz catches Sabu and hits a beautiful over head Belly to belly suplex over the top rope through a table taking out the camera feed in the process, that was a really great spot. Taz hits a couple of big crossface blows and shouts at Flair and Hogan, Sabu then sticks his finger in Taz's eye and throws a chair on Taz's face. Fonzie tries to throw in the towel but Taz takes the chair out. Taz throws Sabu into the steel guard rail hard. Fonzie throws a chair at Taz and he's pissed and he chases Fonzie off.
They return to the ring and Sabu gets a low blow and a rocker dropper. Sabu's mouth is busted wide open as he applies a brief camel clutch. Sabu then hits a springboard frankenstiener, Sabu atempts a pop up ranna but Taz counters with a sit out powerbomb and both men are down. Taz crawls over and gets a two count. Sabu introduces Taz to the guard rail. Taz rolls Sabu into the ring, Sabu then gets a horrible botch of a sunset bomb with Taz landing on Sabu but its gets a near fall anyway. Sabu lays Taz on a table laid across the corner of the guard rail, Sabu then hits a flying top rope splash through the table. There is superb interplay between styles and Taz here that ends with Taz calling Styles a tool.
Sabu hits a chair leg drop on Sabu for a near fall. Taz replies with a pump handle Taz plex. Sabu then hits triple jump moonsault for a near fall but Taz immidiately replies with a head and arm Taz Plex for a near fall. Sabu then hits a triple jump leg drop for a near fall, Taz says that crushed his face. Taz no sells a couple of punches and gets another Taz plex. Taz then hits a top rope head and arm suplex for a nearfall. Taz sets up a table in the corner and then gives Taz a Dragon Suplex through the table for a very nearfall. Sabu tries to crawl away but Taz locks on the Tazmission and Taz won't release until Sabu is completely out cold.
Really good match by ECW standards, the crowd was suprisingly quite although it was slightly muted by the over dubbed commentary. They had some really nice sequences and spots too, their were alot of sloppy spots aswell and it was effectively a spotfest and degenerated into just a bunch of moves with no context after the ranna powerbomb counter. Regardless a good match and the best Sabu match I've ever seen. (***1/2)
We then go to a video package on some of ECW most famous big spots and great moments, my personally favorite was Taz killing 911 and Sabu appearing out of nowhere.
ECW World Heavyweight Title
Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka
ECW on TNN 1999
Awesome jumps Tanaka to start the match and then hits a realese northern lights suplex before closelining Tanaka over the top rope. Awesome then hits a tope onto Tanaka. Awesome sets up a table at ringside and goes for a powerbomb on the apron but Tanaka counters with back body drop and then a flying crossbody off the top rope. Tanaka then follows up with a weak running chair shot. Awesome whips Tanaka into the guard rail and then hits a sloppy closeline sending both men over the guard rail.
They return to the ring and Awesome scores with a slingshot splash for a two count. Awesome kills Tanaka with two monster chair shots but Tanaka no sells and hulks up. So Awesome hits a chair shot to the gut and one to the back. Awesome goes for the top rope chair shot but Tanak counters with a really nice dropkick and a brutal chair shot. Tanaka then hits a tornado DDT on two steel chairs for a nearfall. Tanaka lyas a chair on Awesome's head and then hits a top rope flying chair shot for a near fall. Tanaka then hits the Diamond Dust for a near fall.
Awesome dodges a closeline and hits a release german suplex and a sky high. Awesome then hits the Awesome Bomb for a near fall. Awesome gets a table and sets it up in the corner. Awesome goes for an Awesome bomb but Tanaka slips out, Tanaka attempts a german suplex but Awesome blocks and Scores with the Awesome Bomb through a table for a near fall! Awesome gets another table and sets that up in the corner. Tanaka catches Awesome on the top rope and they battle before Tanaka and scores with a Super DDT for another near fall.
Tanaka plays to the crowd and hits the roaring elbow but Awesome kicks out at the last moment. Awesome runs into a boot but Awesome counters the Diamond Dust into an Alabama Slam and scores with the Awesome Splash for a near fall. Awesome and Tanaka battle on the top rope and Awesome hits a Sit Out Awesome Bomb off the top rope in a fantastic spot and that gets the 1-2-3.
Well that was what you'd expect from Tanaka and Awesome absolutely no artistry, just move, kick out, move, kick out with no effort to tell a story. These two do have chemistry together and do this sort of spotfest better than anyone else, good final spot, fun but flawed. (***)
ECW World Heavyweight Title
Ladder Match
Justin Credible vs. Steve Corino vs. Sandman
Guilty As Charged 2001
Credible and Corino stomp the hell out of Sandman before Corino whips Credible into the ladder. Corino then throws the ladder into Sandman and dropkicks it hard into Sandman's face. Corino tries the dropkick on Credible but Credible throws the ladder hard into Corino's face. Credible hits a pair of basement dropkicks before looking under the ring for another ladder. Credible jabs Corino in the ribs with a ladder and scoop slams Corino. Credible lays one ladder on Corino and then gets a ladder rider on Corino. Sandman then tosses a ladder on Credible and whips Corino into the other ladder. Sandman then bulldog Credible on the ladder.
Sandman climbs the ladder but Corino takes him out with the cane. Credible puts the ladder on his head and spins to kill Corino, Sandman dodges and throws Credible into the corner. Sandman climbs the ladder and Corino sloppily shoves it over. Corino and Credible then use chairs to smash the ladder into Sandman's groin, ouch! Sandman is Irish whipped and in a silly spot jumps over the top rope inexplicably and goes through a table. Corino then drop toe holds Credible into the steel chair. Sandman slugs Credible off the apron send him into the barracade.
Corino kicks Sandman in the groin and sets up the ladder. Sandman gets the cane and kills both men before dragging Credible hard off the ladder and tossing him out of the ring. Sandman then suplexes Corino on a vertically stacked ladder. Sandman then throws Sandman off the apron through a table. Sandman then throws a ladder over the top rope killing Corino. Sandman climbs the ladder and the ladder buckles blowing their spot and Sandman looks hurt. Credible looks pissed off as this has clearly blown several designed spots. Corino sets up a table at ringside.
Credible unloads on both men with right hands. Corino climbs the ladder and Credible tamely dropkicks the ladder over sending Corino softly into a chair, They tried that spot four bloody times, I was expecting something much less shit. Corino shoves Sandman off the ladder and he falls through a table on the outside. Corino counters a double underhook and catapults Credible into the ladder. Credible blocks the Old School Explosion and Credible hits that's Incredible. Francie gives Sandman the Coochiecanranna.
Sandman brings in the giant ladder and Credible and Corino climb but the ladder gets hoisted higher up into the air. Sandman kills both Credible and Corino with the cane kncoking them off the ladder. Credible in a lame spot bulldogs Corino off the ladder through a table and Sandman climbs the ladder and retrieves the title belt.
Indy level ladder match, had enough garbage level chaos to keep everyone entertained but not much of a match. (**1/4)
Overall Thoughts: Well Disc One Focus on the classic ECW years and there is some suprisingly good action, three three star matches is about as good as it gets for ECW, that said the Cactus-Sandman match was a baffling choice, it just seemed like an excuse to get Foley onto the DVD. There's loads of the usual garbage Indy level wrestling if you like bloody hardcore you'll love it, if not this will be intolerable but the at least one of the three good matches should appeal. (6/10)

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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
