Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Summerslam 2008
The opening video package is abosutely brilliant its got that cheesy tinge we love and then the undeniable brilliance that is Edge!
Jeff Hardy vs. Montel Vontavious Porter
MVP misses a running boot and Jeff unloads, Jeff dodges another big boot and Jeff pulls him to the outside and introduces MVP into the barracade. Back in Jeff gets a body slam and a slingshot leg drop for two. Jeff goes to an arm bar to thrill of nobody. MVP fights up and goes for an arm drag but Jeff holds on, who does he think he is Shawn Micheals? MVP makes the ropes to break the hold. MVP is still going for big kicks but Jeff beats him to the punch. Jeff runs right into a lovely snap overhead belly to belly suplex for two. MVP applies a reverse seat full nelson. MVP breaks the hold and hits a spinal tap before reapplying the hold. The crowd come to life as MVP switches holds to the Stiener Recliner. Jeff tries to fight MVP off as he changes holds with a monkey flip but MVP holds on and rolls into a half boston crab and then a legscissors but Jeff makes the ropes. Jeff tries a slingshot move but MVP just slugs him down and jumps on his back. "MVP" chant as MVP gets two. MVP ties Jeff up in the tree of woe and swings Jeff's head hard into the canvas in a unique move that gets two. Jeff slips out of a powerbomb and scores with a neckbreaker. Jeff Hardy scores with a mule kick but MVP blocks his corner dropkick move with a brutal kick to the gut, nice bump from Hardy. MVP drokicks Jeff into the corner and charges but Jeff mets him with a diving closeline. Jeff dodges a closeline and gets a side russian legsweep and the compactor pin gets two. MVP again tries to counter the corner dropkick but gets rolled up for two. Jeff gets a sloppy whisper in the wind but Shelton runs out and Jeff dives onto him on the outside. Jeff runs back up top and misses the Swanton bomb and MVP scores with the Drive By for the win.
Good basic opener, below expectations but it wasn't given a great amount of time, good choice as opener with a nice finish. (**1/4)
Santino and Beth are backstage with Maria who seems smart again, Santino get a big pop. Santino doesn't recognise Maria she's really fallen apart. He has a new amore, Maria makes fun of his unibrow and Santino says that's what the Glamazon likes, and says that's enough talking about his "manscaping". Beth and Maria stare down and Beth says "he's all mine" and Santino walks away smiling. Fun Segment.
WWE Women's & Intercontinental Title
Winner Takes All Match
Santino Marrella & Beth Pheonix vs. Mickie James & Kofi Kingston
Mickie looks very hot but I'm not into her Japanese style attire. Santino wanted to start the match but Beth says no. Betha and Mickie lock up, Beth blocks a headlock takedown but Beth blocks and throws her but Mickie lands on her feet. Beth breaks a waist lock with an arse thump and a back elbow. Mickie spins over Betha nd gets a dropkick to the knee and one to the face for two. Beth comes back with a back suplex. Santino tags in, Mickie gives him a kick to the head, a comedy finger lock and a monkey flip before tagging in Kofi. Kofi comes in with a monster springboard crossbody and a high dropkick. Kofi gets his leaping ten punch shoulderblock combo and Santino bails. Beth shouts a Santino but Mickie dropkicks her off the apron. Kofi then sets up a dive but does his shoulder fake and Santino jumps into Beth's arms to a big pop from the crowd. Santino then gives Kofi a neckbreaker on the top rope. Santino goes to a camel clutch as Mickie goes nuts on the apron. Beth tags in and unloads on Kofi before tagging out. Santino gets a snap suplex for two and Santino goes to a camel clutch "how about this again" says Santino. Santino tells teh ref to ring the bell. Kofi escapes and they do a nasty head to head collision spot. Mickie unloads on Beth with a flying closeline. Mickier then gets her cut throat closeline and the Mickiecanranna. Mickie goes up top with the driving Lou Thez press. Santino breaks up the pin and Kofi misses a dive and crashes to the outside. Mickie gives Santino a tornado DDT knocking him out cold. Beth sneak attacks Mickie and gets her double kitchen wing implant buster for the win. Beth revives Santino and he pulls out an amazing celebration. Beth then carries Santino on her shoulders as they celebrate down the ramp in a good comedy moment. Santino shouts "I did it all by myself" and "I missed you" to his title belt.
Absolutely great fun. Fun comedy match with everyone playing their rolls very nicely. (**)
Shawn Micheals comes out with his wife Rebecca and holds her hand. The crowd chant "HBK". HBK first thanks everybody whose supported them through this difficult time. Shawn says he recently had a meeting with doctor about his eye and his knee and back surgery. The doctor recommended that HBK walks away HUGE boos, really huge! Shawn says having talked it over with his wife he's going to heed the doctor's advice and walk away. HUGER BOOS. Shawn says he's had a wonderful career and he regrets nothing, he remembers his first Summerslam to this one, he talks about the crowd giving him the chance to be the showstopper, the main eventer, the Icon, Mr. Wrestlemania, he's also, the guy who screwed Bret, who formed DX, innovated the ladder match, the guy who lost his smile and ended Ric Flair's career. Now he wants to be known as a great father and husband, an assorted variety of big pops throughout that speech. He wants to thank.....
Jericho's music hits to a big pop. Chris Jericho comes out in a suit. Jericho says no, Jericho won't let him go out like this. He says HBK is leaving this business because of Chris Jericho and he wants HBK to admit that right now. Shawn says if you have the smallest amount of decency you'll leave this ring right now. Jericho said he won't leave the ring until HBK admits its not the family or doctors or made him that retire but it was what Chris Jericho did. Shawn should admit it to his family and wife and then admit it to Jericho. Jericho wants Shawn's last moment in the WWE to be HBK admitting that Chris Jericho put him out for good. All Shawn's accomplishments won't matter because HBK's epitaph will be the man who had to walk away from the wrestling business because of Chris Jericho.
HBK says he'll admit it, he'll tell his wife and kids that he can't wrestle because of the actions of a worthless vile human, but he wants Chris Jericho to admit to his wife and kids that he will never, ever, be Shawn Micheals, that got a RIDICULOUS POP! Rebbecca tugs on Shawn's arm and HBK starts to walk away when Jericho throws a punch, HBK dodges and Rebecca gets absolutely nail. Shawn goes to reconcile her and thinks about attacking Jericho but stays by her side. Jericho walks of looking like he's gonna throw up. HBK stares a hole in Jericho as he walks backwards up the apron. EMTs run out and help Rebecca up to a big pop from the crowd and Shawn embraces her.
Absolutely brilliant segment in what is clearly the fued of the year, and the most well written, well acted, subtle storyline possibly in the history of wrestling. Even Rebecca played her part well.
ECW World Title Match
Matt Hardy vs. Mark Henry (w/Tony Atlas)
Matt unloads on Mark Henry but Henry powers Matt to the corner and misses a stinger splash, Matt scores with a Twist of Fate and Tony Atlas pulls Matt of Mark and throws him into the steps for a DQ? Jeff runs out and gives Tony Atlas a Swanton off the apron and the Hardys then double suplex Henry on the outside
What the fuck? Seriously I was really looking forward to this. I rate Henry, he cuts good promos and plays a really good bad arse. Matt Hardy had been built up well and was mega over as a face and Henry was built up brilliantly as a heel. So I'm not happy as this was a real rip off. A snub to the ECW fans and a shame that they spent so much time building up to this on TV only to screw the paying customer and then give the rematch away for free on TV. (DUD)
WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
John Bradshaw Layfield vs. CM Punk
JBL powers CM Punk into the corner but gives a clean break. JBL gets a knee to the gut and unloads with his clubbing and slugging. JBL grabs a side headlock, JBL gets a hard shoulder block but CM Punk blocks a hip toss and scores with a flying forerarm, dropkick and then a nice suicide dive. CM Punk follows up with a flying cross body for two but JBL comes right back with a big shoulder block. JBL runs into a boot but comes back with a second rope fall away slam for two, nice impact on that. JBL throws his diving forearm into the back of a seated Punk. JBL is showing a wide variety of clubs and he then gives CM Punk a hard Irish whip. JBL decides to play kill joy and lcok in a bearhug. CM Punk sells it very nicely with good facial expressions but make no mistake this hold is lame. CM Punk unloads with a spinning back fist but runs straight into a big boot. JBL gets a float over suplex for two. JBL scores with a back suplex for two. JBL decides to return to a bearhug on the mat. CM Punk escapes leading to a sloppy shoulder block spot and JBL cinches in an abdominal stretch. Wow JBL is really showing of the full range of rest holds if only he'd throw in a nerve pinch and chinlock. Punk breaks the hold with a hip toss. Punk then gets the running corner knee and bulldog combo, JBL escapes the G2S and hits a hard short arm closeline and JBL drops five elbow drops and gets 2! Slugfest, not a great one, Punk dodges a short arm closeline and gets his strike flurry for two. JBL counters a springboard move with a nice powerslam for two. CM Punk counters the closeline from Hell with a crescent kick. Punk gets the high knee in the corner but JBL counters the bulldog and JBL puts him on top. JBL hits several hard clubbing blows and then a second rope back suplex and both men are down. CM Punk is bleeding from the back of the head when JBL fell on him. Punk counters the closeline from hell with the Go 2 Sleep for the win.
Ending comes out of nowhere a bit. JBL displayed some good offence but alot of boring holds as well. Punk was fine but seemed off his game tonight and that collision was nasty and seemed to genuinely wobble Punk. (**)
WWE World Title Match
The Great Khali vs. Triple H
Triple H dodges a closeline and unloads on Khali, Khali blocks a Pedigree and Triple H flies into Khali with no effect, Khali then hits Tripper with the Giant bomb! Khali showboats rather than getting his pin. Khali locks in the vice grip of unending certian doom. Triple H escapes by going to the leg and scoring with a chopblock. Khali goes and regroups with him manager. Triple H goes outside but Khali catches him with the Giant chop and he whips Hunter into the barracade. Khali scores with some reverse elbows in the corner and Tripper pulls out a Flair flop. Khali scores with a short arm closeline for two as the crowd start a huge "You Can't Wrestle" chant. Khali then applies the Nerve pinch of deadly death. Khali then scores with a hard body slam and a leg drop for two. Khali is showing some nice offence here. It's back to the most electrifying move in sports entertainment the nerve pinch. Triple H fights his way out and hits a totally blown facebuster and Khali falls back and gets tied in the ropes. Triple H charges but runs right into a boot. Triple H goes for the pedigree but Khali back body drops him over the top rope to the outside. Tripper pulls Khali to the outside and works over Khali's knee on the ring post. Khali coms back closelining Triple H on the apron. Khali locks in the Vice Grip of inescapability, Tripper throws body shots but fades. Triple H warriors up and powers Khali's hands apart only for Khali to reapply the hold. Khali breaks the hold and misses a charge and Triple H struggles but eventually hits the pedigree for the win.
Not bad at all, they put together a nice match to hide Khali's many weakness, the facecrusher spot was a disgrace however. (**)
John Cena vs. Batista
Here we go will it live up to the hype? Batista gets a side headlock and then a shoulderblock but runs right into a hip toss and a body slam. We have our first stand off. Cena gets a shoulderblock but runs into a boot and Batista goes for the Batista Bomb Cena runs away but Dave chases him with a closeline and scores with a jackhammer for two. Cena gets a hard Irish whip and a release Fisherman's suplex. Cena runs right into a side walk slam from Batista for two. Cena goes for an FU but Batista slips out the back with a chop block. Batista follows up with a knee breaker and goes to the Figure Leglock nice homage to his mentor Ric Flair. Cena tries to power out of the hold but fails and instead ends up going to the ropes. Cena then comes back right away FUing Batista over the top rope to the outside and both men are down. Hot openning. Batista misses a closeline and Cena scores with two shoulderblocks and the Protoplex. Cena then scores with the Five Knuckle Shuffle, Batista slides out of the FU and scores with a big boot and both men are down. Batista takes Cena into the corner hard and unloads with shoulders, Batista then gets a corner closeline. He tries it again and runs into a back elbow. Cena charges but runs into the spinebuster. Cena counters the Batista bomb by ripping away at Batista's leg and then locking in the STFU. This is possibly the worst applied STFU you could imagine. Batista slowly crawls to the ropes so Cena breaks the hold pulls Batista to the centre of the ring and reapplies the hold. Batista eventually makes the ropes and Cena goes for the FU Batista counters nicely into a rear naked choke, unfortunately this hold is also terribly applied. Cena breaks the hold by working on Batista's leg. Batista runs over Cena with a nice spear which gets two! Cena counters Batista's powerslam into a really nice FU, great counter! Cena crawls over for the pin and gets two! The crowd is going bananas! Cena climbs to the top rope and Batista joins him and they battle. Its some Cheer/boo punching on the top rope which is a really nice moment. Cena gets a flurry and knocks Batista off top. Cena goes for his diving leg drop but Batista counters into the Batista bomb but it only gets two! Batista kicks Cena in the face and scores with Batista Bomb for the win.
This match was just tremendous fun. Incredibly satisfying and gave the fan base exactly what they wanted with some really cool exchanges and counters. From the critical perspective it was a short match albeit a good lenght for these two. The mat holds were horrible, they were just locked in loosely exposing how fake they were and the facial expressions were silly which was a real downer for me especailly as the sequences that led to them were very good. This all doesn't matter because this was the big showdown that the fanbase wanted and it delivered excellently. (***1/4)
Hell In The Cell
Edge vs. Undertaker
The bell rings and Edge is looking cocky, confident and kind of nuts smiling the hold time. Edge unloads on Taker. Taker tosses him into the corner but Edge escapes and then runs right into a big boot. Taker then tosses Edge over the top rope and shoots Edge back first into the steel cage. Undertaker sends Edge face first into the door off the the cage and grates his face. Taker then throws Edge into the steel steps. Taker lays Edge on apron and scores with his apron leg drop. Taker then slides the steps into the ring and sets them up in the corner. Taker gives Edge a hard Irish whip and then a snake eyes onto the steps. Edge sees the big boot coming with a back elbow and throws Taker into the steps. Edge then dropkicks Taker into the ringsteps and then gives him a seated spear into the steps. Edge then nails Taker with the steps and gets two tables. Edge scores with a running closeline on Taker and then sets two tables ontop of each other on the outside. Edge tires to suplex Taker through them but its blocked. Edge then counters a chokeslam with a jaw jacker. Edge then nails Taker nastily in the face with a steel chair. Edge gets another table and cloats Taker with a steel chair in the back. Edge sets up a table in the ring. Edge then gets a ladder make that two ladders. Edge then masacres Taker with a chair shot to the head. Edge lays two chairs on a table and sets up a ladder in the corner. Edge then swats Taker with another chair shot and collapses on the steps. Edge puts Taker on the table and comes off the top of the ladder with a diving chair assisted elbow drop for two! Edge goes for a Con-Chair-to but Taker goes for a Chokeslam and Edge escapes and runs into a big right hand. Taker then big boots Edge off the apron hard into the steel cell. Taker then gets the ringsteps and absolutely kills Edge with the steel steps. Edge escapes a snake eyes and shoots Taker face first into the steel ringpost. Edge then gets a diving spear off a ringsteps sending both men through the side of the cage onto the announce table. That busted Taker's arm open. Both men brawl and Taker introduces Edge to the cell and the announce table. Not one to leave anyone out Undertaker then introduces Edge to the barracade. Taker misses a wild swing with the television monitor and Edge replies with two hard monitor shots of his own. Edge then runs from the SD! announce table onto the RAW announce table and spears Undertaker sending both men crashing through the ECW announce table, great spot. Taker unloads with a big flurry of slugs on Edge. The crowd boo as they return to the sell. Back in the ring Edge runs Taker over with the ladder. Edge then gets his trusty WWE video camera and wallops Taker in the face with it alla Survivor Series and that gets two! Edge attempts the Spear but Undertaker counters with a Chokeslam and that gets two. Taker goes for the last ride but Edge counters with the greco roman low blow. Edge then scores with the Impaler for two! Taker sits up and goes for the Last Ride but Edge slips out the back and scores with the spear for two! Edge goes for a ten punch but Taker counters with a big Last Ride for two! Undertaker sets up the steps and a chair and goes for tombstone but Edge slips out with the Edge-o-matic on the steel steps, ouch, that gets two! The crowd come to life. Edge lugs away at Taker's face and Edge goes for the Old School but Taker crotches Edge and then Chokeslams him off the top rope through two tables! Back in the ring Undertaker scores with a spear on Edge, Taker says now we go to hell and he breaks the televison camera over Edge's head and then gives Edge a brutal Con-Chair-To. Edge's back is bleeding from the table bump and Undetaker finishes it with a Tombstone.
I loved this match. Not their best match together I prefered Mania and Backlash but the pacing and the finish was just superb with Edge getting his cumuppance. It was a slower pace with some dead spots with both men setting up spots but it was just incredibly dramatic. I'm gonna over rate this one slightly and tact on 1/4* for that excellent finish that played into the fueds history. (****)
Taker returns to the ring and puts Edge ontop of the Ladder and Taker gets a second ladder. Edge is absolutely dead. Taker kills the ref and climbs the second ladder. Taker says Edge will go to hell and cuts the air. Taker then chokeslams Edge through the ring and makes the Kane poses and the hole in the ring sets on fire, I mean big arse fire, this is a really silly but dramatic video.
Overall Thoughts: Not a Great show but a very good one, the star ratings may look a little low but this was a very entertaining show that hung together brilliantly and built stedily to a dramatic finale, the only shame was the ECW title match but that's little bother. Strong Recommendation.


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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
