Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


The Best Of CM Punk Volume III
The Final Fifteen Minutes
CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe
World Title Classic 2004
Joe scores with the snap powerslam and goes to a cross arm breaker but Punk rolls through and makes the ropes. Joe unloads with a combo of kicks to the face but Punk comes back with a victory roll for two. Joe comes back with the powerbomb for two, which he transfers into the boston crab and then the STF but Punk makes the ropes. Joe can't pull Punk out of the corner, Joe tries again and Punk flips up and scores with a running Yakuza kick. Punk scores with a Frankenstiener but it only gets two. Punk gets an arm wrench and mule kick and then a hammerlock backsuplex for two. Punk plays to the crowd and unoads with forearms before charging into a farewell. Joe gets the rolling sunset flip into a Oklahoma roll for two. Joe blocks a tired lariat and a crucifix gets two, Joe comes right back witha brutal closeline for two. Both men are down, Joe makes it to his feet first they trade standing switches, Punk comes back with a series of back elbows and a shinning wizard for a near fall! Punk misses a sloppy closeline and follows up with a low blow, Joe scores with a brutal looking knee breaker and then applies a half crab but Punk makes the ropes. Joe goes for a top rope muscle busters but Punk counters and slips out. They battle on the tope Joe goes for a superplex but its blocked and Punk scores with the Pepsi Plunge. Punk's knee buckles on the landing and he goes flying to the outside. By the time he makes it back to the ring Joe is up and they go straight to double closeline spot and the crowd errupt. Punk scores with a shinning wizard and a vertical suplex but in his rush Punk allows Joe to score with the dragon screw leg whip. We have two minutes to go and both men are down. Joe puts Punk on the top rope and scores with a Cobra bomb and both men are down again. Both men get to there hands and they exchange bitch slaps and Punk scores with a DDT but Punk collapses before he can crawl over and get the pin, he eventually crawls over and gets two as the time expires.
Well they were a strong final few minutes as part of a Sixty minute matches, of course both men where completely knackered so it was an odd choice to start a DVD but the action and near falls were intense, the sixty minute match would no doubt have been phenominal.
Final Fifteen Minutes
CM Punk vs. Samoe Joe
Punk vs. Joe II 2004
Punk scores with an enzenguri and then with eight arm wrench mule kicks but he then charges right into Joe's snap powerslam and cross arm breaker. Punk crawls over and makes the ropes. Joe counters a power bomb with a ranna and then scores with a running Yakuza kick for two! Joe hangs Joe on the top rope and scores with a neckbreaker for two! Joe shoves Punk off a swinging DDT but misses a running closeline and then Punk gets the swinging closeline and locks in the anaconda vice but Joe makes the ropes. Punk says its over but Joe blocks his suplex attempt Punk gets a couple of knees to the gut before floating over a Joe suplex attempt, Joe promptly follows with a closeline for two. The crowd tap the CM Punk music. Joe gets a sloppy Gut buster and a running punt for two. Joe then scores with a lovely brainbuster for a near fall! Joe is frustrated Punk counters a closeline into a amazing hammerlock and legsweep DDT for a near fall! The crowd chant "ROH". Joe counters one of Punk's moves nicely into the powerbomb STF combo. Punk crawls toward the rope so Joe switches to the crossface but Punk makes the ropes. Punk blocks a dragon suplex and comes back with a drop kick to the knee, Punk then counters a spine buster with a sunset flip for two and a brutal shinning wizard where Joe just gets his hand on the rope at two! The fans bang out the Punk anthem. Punk gets his hammerlock closeline and a moonsault for two! Punk can't believe that wasn't enough. Joe comes back with an awkward slam but he misses a closeline as Punk jumps on his back with the rear naked choke. Joe manages to escape and then we go to the double closeline spot. Both men are down for the count as the crowd comes to life. Punk works the crowd and goes for the Plunge. Joe fights him off but Punk blocks being pressed off, both men battle on the top rope as the crowd go nuts. Punk nearly gets the hold but Joe just unloads and we have a top rope slugfest. Punk wins but Joe again blocks the Plunge with a shoulderblock and in the end scores witha superplex. They then battle on the top rope again and Joe scores with the top rope Muscle Buster but the time limmit expires.
That was a fantastic ending to a sixty minute match. The energy levels were insane and the action was incredibly dramatic. This again looked like an easy four star plus match. Again odd choice for a DVD collection, if your not gonna show it.
Up next is a nice CM Punk promo saying that he knows he can beat Joe with his Pepsi Plunge but he doesn't know if Joe can beat him.
CM Punk & Ace Steel vs. Austin Aries & Roderick Strong
Weekends Of Thunder Night II 2004
Steel scores with a suicide dive on Strong on the Outside while Punk scores with a Michinuko Driver for two. Punk whips Strong into the gaurd rail but Aries comes flying out of nowhere with a suicide drive killing CM Punk. Aries gets some brutal shoulder charges on Ace Steel against the ring apron. Strong is beating the hell out of Punk he then gives a Punk a half nelson back breaker on a steel chair for the win. Back in the ring, Generation Next hit the catapult, forearm, slingshot corkscrew press back breaker combo for two. Generation Next then hit the double hanging vertical suplex. Punk pulls Strong to the outside to block a double team, and Ace and Punk hit a back breaker sling shot leg drop combo. The Saints then hit a double spinebuster and follow up with an absolutely brutal low blow.
Jack Evans comes to ringside with a ladder but Punk dropkicks it back into Evans and then follows up with a plancha onto the ladder. Steel gets a running corner dropkick on Strong. Steel then gives Strong a Bossman slam onto the ladder. Steel blocks a suplex from Aries but Aries counters a hip toss into a Russian leg sweep onto the ladder. Aries and Punk do a pin counter sequence ending when CM Punk scores with a powerbomb onto the ladder. Punk and Steel tehn see who can hit the most brutal chop on Evans. Strong makes the save and Strong and Evans get a doomsday flying cross body device for two. Aries then gets a frog splash for two. Aries whips Ace into the ladder they then follow up with a pair of corner dropkicks on Ace for two. Its turned into a beatdown on both sides. Strong throws a ladder on Steel and then Strong gives Evans a boost as he hits an incredible splash with too many flips to count. Ace escapes a hanging suplex with a fisherman's buster. Aries blocks a powerbomb by Punk and they trap Punk's leg in the ladder and beat it down with a steel chair. They then give Punk a knee breaker on the steel chair and that gets two. They then give Punk a back body drop on the ladder and Aries follows up with a elbow drop on the ladder. After a little bit of dead air Steel and Strong exchange chops. Strong hits a nice back suplex on Steel and Aries whips Punk back first into a steel chair and follows it with a corner dropkick. Steel comes back with a release northern lights suplex on Austin Aries into the ladder in a brutal spot. Steel gets a chair assisted second rope chair assisted elbow drop and Punk gets a running face wash on Aries. Strong recovers with a series of chops but Punk back body drops him throuhg the ladder in an absolutely brutal spot. Aries is laid on a table outside as Ace climbs the battered ladder. Strong gets a electric chair drop on Steel and then puts him in an STF. They lay Punk on the table and Evans totally fucks up a move off the ladder and lands hard on his chest. Aries then misses a Cactus Elbow drop and hits the table but it doesn't break, that whole spot was horribly botched. Strong hits a train wreck on Punk and then he catches Steel coming in with a vertical suplex. They try the Doomsday device again but Punk counters Evans on Roderick's shoulders with a powerslam onto the ladder, that was sick. They then give Strong a spiked piledriver on the ladder. Aries slips out of a Splash mountain bomb and gets a Finlay roll on the ladder. Aries eats ladder on a 540 attempt. Ace gives Evan's a sitout powerbomb from the apron through a table. Strong gives Punk a half nelson back breaker, Steel throws Aries hard into the gaurd rail. Punk ends the match with a nasty half botched Pepsi Plunge on the ladder.
I really hate hardcore matches like this there dangerous stupid and normally lead to alot of botches. This was a good No DQ match but had its sloppy moments, and two big fuck ups. This match wreaked of Indy which ROH normal avoid. (***1/4).
ROH World Title Match
CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe
All Star Extraganza II
Punk misses a kick and Joe gets a headlock takedown and a stip chop. They trade wrestling holds and battle over a headlock neither man can lock it in and Joe scores with a big chop. Punk works the crowd into a frenzy. Joe counters the headlock with the headscissors and continues to avoid the headlock, Joe gets another chop and Punk bails frustrated. Punk asks for a hand shake and Joe challenges him to a chop battle. Punk winds up and does a pussy chop and challenges Joe to chop him. Joe hushes the crowd and then wildy swings and Punk counters into a backslide into the side headlock. Very clever stuff there. Joe slowly makes it to his feet as the crowd chant "Joe", he can't break the headlock and Punk gets a snapmare and a dropkick to the back of the head and the switches to the front face lock. Joe tries to spin out but can't escape. Again when Joe gets to his feet Punk gets a snapmare and two dropkicks to the back of the head and one to the face. Punk then gets a snapmare a knee drop, two big stomps and a dropkick to the back of the head. Joe comes back with a flurry of chops and a head butt. Punk is pressed to the apron where he gets a roundhouse and a springboard dropkick to the back of the head. Punk then returns to a facelock. Punk counters the STJOE with an arm drag but Joe counters the cradle by sitting down for two but Punk quickly works him into the side headlock. Joe tries to roll out of the headlock but can't. Joe gets a break in the corner and he absolutely unloads with a million shots on Punk, Punk comes back with a huge bitch slap and a big spinning back fist takes Joe down. Joe explodes with a flurry and a series of running knees and a brutal kick sends Punk to the outside, Joe rests in the corner. The kick seems to have drawn hard way blood on Punk. Punk eventually makes his way back to the ring and Joe unloads on Punk with elbows and then a fist drop. Joe gets a snapmare, the back chop, knee to face and then knee breaker for two. Joe then rips away at the face of Punk while Punk spits blood. Joe then goes to an arm bar half face lock. Joe goes to a more tradional crossface and Punk makes the ropes. Joe head puts Punk who bails and his face is a crimson mask. Punk reverse a whip but Punk runs straight into the STJOE for two. Joe gives Punk a brutal face wash in the corner for two. Joe then locks in the side headlock but Punk fights straight out of it unloading with a series of Roundhouse kicks. Joe shoots Punk onto the apron, Punk goes for a sunset flip but its met with a brutal kick and Joe follows up with a suicide forearm dive, that was a really brutal sequence. Joe then gives Punk a seat and scores with the Olle kick. Joe takes Punk in a headlock across and sets him up in a different chair but Punk cuts of the Ole kick with a running forearm and then a torpedo dropkick off the ring apron. Punk drops and elbow on the back of Joe's head and lays him on the apron he then hits a diving second rope knee drop. The crowd bang out the CM Punk anthem as they return to the ring.
CM Punk comes off top with a flying cross body for two. Punk gets two running lariats up Joe hulks up. Joe misses a wild closeline line and Punk scores with a run up swinging DDT. Punk works the crowd but Joe counters the shinning wizard with a snap powerslam for two. Punk counters the arm breaker with a roll up for two. Joe gets the powerbomb into a Randy Orton over the shoulder choke. Punk then counters a dragon suplex into the Hammerlock legsweep DDT for two! Then a lazy looking Anaconda vice but Punk breaks it. Punk hits the Pepsi twist and a moonsault gets two. Big "CM Punk" chant. Punk goes to the top rope but Joe catches him and they battle. Punk bites Joe's face. Punk slips out and Joe counters a powerbomb with a Ranna! The then burning lariat package gets a near fall! Punk comes back with the mule kick and the shinning wizard gets two! The crowd then sound the CM Punk anthem. Joe counters the Pepsi twist into a sleeper and Punk fades. Joe has this locked in pretty losely. The ref calls for the bell but Steamboat stops him because Punk's fingers where moving. CM Punk comes to life he tries two jaw breakers but Joe won't break it. A roll doesn't break the hold but the Bret Hart counter does for a near fall! CM Punk gets a school boy, crucifix and La Magistral for two. Punk falls on top of Joe for two. The crowd come to life. Both men trade forearms Punk has a flurry but Joe counters with his feet on the ropes for two! The crowd chant "Fuck You Joe". Joe shoves Punk off the Pepsi plunge, Joe then kind of fucks up a superfly press landing knee first on Punk's head. Joe counters Punk's roll up into the Kojima Clutch. Punk squirms out but Joe kills him witha german suplex and then Joe rolls into half nelson suplex and replies the clutch for the win.
Well that was a very dramatic match, it had its share of sloppy moments but on the whole was excellent, the finish was very brutal despite feeling a little anticlimatic, but that's only because you never expected either man to pin the other. (****1/4)
Alex Shelley vs. CM Punk
Third Anniversary Part Two 2005
Punk takes Shelley down and says the handshake wasn't enough, if he wants to prove himself he can do it now. Shelley gives Punk a clean break in the corner. Punk grabs a side headlock but Shelley counters into an arm wringer, Punk counters back into a side headlock, Shelley counters into a front facelock. Both men then counter each other rolling into the ropes. Shelley applies a head vice which Punk counters into an arm bar with the knee on the face. Shelley takes Punks leg out and gets a roll up for two. Punk counters back into an arm bar. Shelley kips up but Punk works him back down working over the arm, Shelley again manages to kip up and wrestler into a hammerlock and then with a leg trip applies an arm bar of his own to a round of the appluase. Punk fights back and chokes Shelley with his foot before dropping a leg drop on Shelley's arm. Punk then locks in a cross arm breaker and then a headscissor. Shelley counters into a unique headlock. Punk spins off countering back into an arm wrench of his own. One guy shouts boring so the crowd chant "shut the fuck up". Shelley rolls out of the arm lock but Punk rolls through with him with a series of kicks to the leg and then a dropkick. Punk then unloads on Shelley in the corner and then rolls back into a hammerlock. Punk then scores with a nice hammerlock suplex. Punk unloads with chops and forearms but Shelley comes back with a flurry of his own. Punk then gets a wrist lock and an ropewalk leg drop on the arm. Punk then takes a bow. Punk gives Shelley a spinal tap. Shelley gets a headbutt to the gut but Punk just unloads with a flurry. Shelley gets a leg trip but he can't hold Shelley off. Shelley runs into a boot but Shelley counters a flying cross body with a gut buster that was nice. "Lets Go Shelley/Let's Go Punk" chant. Shelley front suplexes Punk onto the top rope and then weakly dropkicks Punk to the outside. Back in the ring Punk fights back, but Shelley scores with a shoulder block and a double stomp to the back. Shelley scores with a gut buster and Shelley applies a unique brutal verision of the STF. Shelley then scores with a nice back breaker. Shelley then counters a hip toss into an abdominal stretch which he turns into a seated stretch allowing him to wail on the ribs. Punk counters that hold into a crossface. Shelley regains control by stomping on the ribs. Shelley again goes back to the abdominal stretch to the thrill of approximetly no one. Shelley lays in some elbows to the ribs of Punk. Punk counters with a hip toss but Shelley counters that to a monkey flip and Punk lands on his feet. Punk gets some closelines and back elbows and a flying chop. Punk gets a leg lariat to the back of the head of Shelley. Punk then applie a rolling cross arm breaker but Shelley escapes and unloads with a flurry of transformers kicks to the gut. Shelley counters Punk in mid air with a spear, Shelley follows up with a huge splash and then a frog splash to the back. Shelley goes for the Border City Stretch but Punk falls back on top for two. Punk catches Shelley on the top rope and both men brawl. Shelley shoves Punk of top but Punk charges an gets a shinning wizard for two! Shelley counters the Pepsi twist into a really nice face crusher and Shelley tries to follow up but Punk catches him with the anaconda vice. Shelley makes the ropes and Shelley counters the Pepsi plunge with a superback body drop. Shelley then applies the Border City Stretch which Punk counters nicely into the Anaconda Vice for the win.
Well that was a pretty basic match, there were some clever exchanges early on but they were with the most exciting of holds. Oddly Shellley didn't get to show off his ridiculously large array of submission holds and sadly kept to the likes of the abdominal stretch. It seemed like an effort to conserve energy, the final minutes we're very strong and the end counter was very nice, but honestly I expect much better from these two. (***)
Jimmy Rave (w/Prince Nana) vs. CM Punk (Traci Brooks)
Third Anniversary Celebration 2005
Rave attacks Punk in his entrance but Punk soon gains the advantage with a back body drop causing Rave to bail and seek refuge with Prince Nana. The crowd chant "CM Punk" and "Punk is gonna kill you". Rave gets in Punk's face and then unleashes a bitch slap on CM Punk. Rave cowers when Punk goes for a slap so Punk nails him in the back and CM Punk goes to the Rugged Ronnie Garvin stomp the crowd chant "Holy Shit". The commentators are saying Rave has no chance. CM Punk scores with a hanging suplex as the crowd count the seconds its at least thirty seconds, Punk then showboats. Punk then scores with the butterfly backbreaker as a fan shouts "Welcome to Chichago mother fucka". Punk stands on Rave in the corner and pulls muscle poses. Huge "CM Punk" chant as Punk scores with a snap mare and a dropkick on Rave for two. Punk unloads with a kick combo ending in a standing dropkick for two. Punk gets some weak forearms before Nana trips him. Tracy Brooks then returns fire tripping Jimmy Rave. Punk counters a shinning wizard with a half boston crab in a really nice spot. Nana distracts the ref and Rave blast Punk in the groin. The crowd then launch into a "Raves a faggot", classy bunch. Jimmy Rave unties his boot and then gives Punk a knee to the gut. Rave lights up Punk in the corner with a series of chops. Rave chokes Punk in the corner and then continues to loosen his boot. Rave follows up with a kitchen sink. Rave's offence is less than sparkling as he throws some weak punches and plays to the crowd. The crowd work themselves into a frenzy as Rave does nothing special. Rave gets a snapmare and then chokes Punk with his boot lace. When the ref comes to check on Punk Rave puts a chinlock over the top to hid the boot lace. Rave uses the boot lace to drag Punk down by the next. Rave puts the bootlace in his mouth when the referee checks. Rave continues choking Punk in the corner with the lace and then hands it to Nana. Rave distracts the ref allowing Nana to choke Punk in the corner. Rave mocks Punk who tries to make a comeback but a thumb to the eye cuts him off. Rave hits Punk with some crossface blows, Rave then uses the bootlace in a camel clutch like choke but while Rave tries to hide the lace Punk explodes with a shinning wizard. Huge "CM Punk" chant from the hometown crowd. Punk wins a slugfest, dodges a closeline and applies a sleeper hold, Rave shoots him off and applies a sleeper of his own. Rave then gets a Yakuza kick and then gets a lace assisted Sleeper and Punk fades and loses by Knock Out as the crowd chant bullshit. However while celebrating the Lace falls out of Rave's arms and the ref sees it, sends the managers from Ringside and restarts the match.
Punk gets a school boy for two and then unloads with five big chops. Punk then scores with a flying forearm and the crowd are going bananas. Punk closelines Rave over the top rope and follows right up with a front flip plancha. Punk then goes up top with a flying cross body but Rave rolls through for two. Punk scores with the mule kick but Rave comes back with a gut kick and Gonerehea gets two! Punk comes back with a lariat for two. The crowd start another big "CM Punk" chant. Punk puts Rave on the top rope and goes for the Pepsi Pluge but Rave blocks it and gets a sunset powerbomb and a running knee strike for a near fall! The crowd sound the CM Punk anthem. Jimmy Rave attempts the Pepsi Pungle but Punk counters with a super Samoan drop and locks in the Anaconda Vice but Fast Eddie distracts the ref and Nana slides Rave the air freshener and he sprays it in Punks eyes and wins with a school boy. After the Match Rave gives Traci the Styles Clash and mocks CM Punk.
Well Rave's offence wasn't exactly top flight but it told a nice story of Punk having a cake walk before Rave used every cheap trick he knew to even the playing feild. While it might not be a classic match it started a classic blood feud and really established Rave as a big heel threat. (***1/4)
Dog Collar Match
Jimmy Rave vs. CM Punk
Manhatten Mayhem 2005
Rave jumps CM Punk from behind as Punk ties the dog collar. Rave tees off on Punk before the referee can force him to wear the collar. CM Punch comes back with an axe handle to the gut and a nice side Russian leg sweep. Punk then opts for the Ronny Garvin stomp and a dropkick to the head of Rave. Punk chokes Rave in the corner with the chain before putting him in the tree of woe. Punk gets a rather uninspire running knee before jarring with Nana. Punk goes to get a chair but Rave pulls the chain and Punk goes face first into the chair ringpost combo. Rave then introduces Punk into the guard rail. Rave then uses the chain to rip away at Punk's flesh and he's bleeding huge. Back in the ring Rave is wailing on Punk and ripping away at his flesh. Rave continues to mercilessly unload but suddenly Punk explodes with punches and chops he's selling brilliantly like he's lost alot of blood but a Punk groggily rebounds off the ropes Rave brutalizes him with a closeline. Rave then applies a chain assisted a camel clutch and he finishes the sequence with a curb stomp. Punk uses the ropes to block the Styles Clash and he kicks Rave accross the ring and follows up quickly with a shinning wizard. The crowd come to life as Punk tees off with big rights and lefts. Punk scores with running closeline, back elbow and then a nice leaping crescent kick. Punk is really wearing the crimson mask but it doesn't stop him nailing a superkick right on the money for two. Rave monkey punches to block a powerbomb, Rave then counters a tilt-a-whirl into a crossface with the chain accross Punk's mouth. Punk blocks Ghonerehia and Rave blocks welcome to Chicago with a back drop, Rave goes for the running knee strike but Punk counters into the half boston grab, nice sequence. Rave then low blows Punk with the chain and scores with a lighting running knee strike for two. Rave goes for the Pepsi Plunge but Punk backbody drops him off the top rope and follows up with a powerbomb. Punk then scores with another powerbomb and he plays to the crowd and he hits one final powerbomb but Rave kicks out at two and Punk turns it into the anaconda vice but The Embassy all run in and Punk cleans all there clocks. Rave tries a sneak attack but Punk counters into a sloppy Pepsi Twist but as the ref counts the three Fast Eddie comes off top with a moonsault but it nails Rave by mistake. Punk then runs up Rave's chest enroute to give Eddie a Swinging DDT. Prince Nana slides a chair in the ring and distracts Punk, Alexa Chung jumps on Punk. CM Punk dumbs Chung down hard on her back but turns round into a chair shot from Rave. Punk stands up and is met with another stiff chair shot, Punk drops to his knees and Rave hits him in the chest with a chair shot, then one to the back and then finish him with a brutal shot to Punk's ungaurded face. Mercifully that's gets the three count.
That was a nice old school intense blood brawl, brought back fond memories of Jerry Lawler, Roddy Piper and Kerry Von Erich. The chair shots at the end were done very safely and weren't dirrect shots but still managed to look brutal, wrestlers should take note. It's still not a classic match, was very overbooked but to dramatic effect and was a little sloppy in places, but a good bloody brawl. (***1/2)
CM Punk vs. Roderick Strong
The Future Is Now 2005
The crowd can't for CM Punk and its not long before the crowd start chanting "Please don't go". There are a few people adding "sucks" onto the end of the CM Punk chant. Punk gives Strong a clean break in the corner to start. Roderick gives Punk a brutal chop to start the match. Strong tries the monster chop in the corner again but Punk dodges and laughs it off. Punk takes Strong down with a key lock and then works over the arm in an arm wringer. Strong lands on his feet off a monkey flip. Strong cartwheels out of a hip toss, Punk avoids the military press gut buster and then immediately locks in the Anaconda Vice and Strong makes the ropes and bails. Punk continues to work over the arm with a cross arm breaker but Roderick powers out. Strong goes for a shoulderblock but Punk stays on his feet and gets in Roderick's face. He tries it again and Punk still won't go down. Punk stays on his feet off four shoulder blocks and then Roderick misses a chop and Punk scores with two arm drags and then goes to a nicely applied arm bar. Punk scores with a dropkick to the back of the head. Punk leap frogs Strong and then gives him a brutal kick to the back of the head. Punk then scores with a hammerlock suplex. Punk then suplexes Strong in from the apron. Punk uses arm wrenches to avoid Strong's chops and then unloads with a flurry of his own. Strong sees a corner leap frog in the corner and finally unloads with a monster chop. Strong unloads with chops leading to a big chop battle that spills to the floor. Strong wins chopping the crap out of Punk against the barracade. Punk then avoids a big chop and Strong hits the ring post. Back in, Punk gets two hip tosses avoiding Strongs counters and then locks in a really nice key lock. Strong rolls over for a series of two counts but Punk won't release the hold. Strong then lifts Punk with one hand and powerbombs him out off hold. Punk scores with a back kick and goes up top but Strong cuts him off with a running Yakuza kick to send Punk down to the canvas. Strong scores with a back suplex and then a dropkick to the back of the head. Strong then applies the back breaker submission. Punk fights out of the hold with some knee strikes but Punk runs into a nice one arm suplex from Roderick Strong. Another chop battle errupts but Strong ends it quickly. Strong lifts up Punk but drops to his knees for a nice over the shoulder back breaker. Punk gets some shoulderblocks on the apron but he charge right into a knee strike. Strong then scores with a double arm suplex. Roderick locks in a full nelson with his legs and then rolls it over for a pin for two, Strong rolls through the kick out and has Punk locked in the Stiener Recliner. Punk manages to break the hold making the ropes. Strong scores with a hard Irish whip. Strong then scores with a hard Irish whip sending Punk shoulder first into the ring post. Punk tries to come back with chops but Strong cuts him off with an eye gouge. The crowd sound the anthem. Punk is pressed onto the apron where he scores with a big roundhouse kick and a springboard dropkick to the back of the head for two. Both men are down and the crowd again sound the CM Punk anthem. Both men are exhausted as they unload with monster chopes. It gets brutal as both man asks the other to quit. Punk spins Roderick Strong of a half nelson and gets a series of back elbows and the an running leg lariat for two. Some one in the crowd chants "We be seeing you On Velocity Punk". Punk lays some verbal bitch slaps on the fans. Punk scores with a brutal mule kick, Strong counters Welcome to Chiacago with a back body drop but Punk rolls through into a sunset flip for two. In an astoundingly brilliant spot Punk counters the half nelson Back Breaker into a crucifix but Strong counters that into the military press gut buster, awesome!!! Strong then ups the awesomeness with a brutal running Yakuza kick for a near fall! Strong is frustrated. "CM Punk" chant. Strong scores with his awesome release suplex Punk counters the Strong hold into a roll up for two! Punk goes for the Shinning Wizard but Strong counters into a POWERBOMB BACK BREAKER THAT WAS FREAKIN' SICK! Strong then locks in the Strong Hold but Punk slowly crawls to the ropes. Strong goes for a superplex but Punk counters with a super front suplex and CM Punk follows up with a Guillotine Leg Drop for two and when Strong kicks out Punk counters into the Anaconda Vice but Strong makes the ropes. Strong slides under Punk and uses Punk's arm to low blow Punk. Punk flips out of a Pump Handle Slam and Punk scores at last with a lovely Shinning Wizard and the Anaconda Vice gets the win.
The tap out seemed a little anticlimatic but that's hardly a complaint as the story of the match was all about Punk trying to nail the Shinning Wizard and Punk trying to avoid the chops and limmit the back breaker offence. Great Stuff. (****1/4)
After the match the crowd chant "Thank You Punk" and Punk does his big dramatic celebration dropping to his knees as the crowd give him a standing Ovation. Punk asks for a minute of the crowds time. He wants the three guys who hate CM Punk to stand up. He says he respects them for paying for their ticket so that's their right but he has the microphone. Punk says that's their right but he's glad they paid to boo him because that puts more money in his bank account and his face on your T-Shirt. He then turns to Roderick and says he will win the belt from Aries because he's part animal, part machine. Punk then says he says you've doubted me but it gives him the power to be better than you (points to boo boys). Punk then says he's off to be a superstar and win the ROH title. Punk then says you should cheer for the future of this company, cheer for Roderick Strong, "Roderick Strong" chant rings out. As Punk leaves the ring the crowd chant ROH and Punk shouts "You Damn Right. Really great final promo, looking back if it weren't for Vince's size issue its not really a suprise Three years on he's your WWE Champion.
Steel Cage Match
Jimmy Rave vs. CM Punk
No Where To Run
The crowd sound the Punk anthem and chant "Die Rave Die" over the top but that makes way for an even larger "CM Punk" chant and "Punk's Gonna Kill You". The crowd are going legitimately nuts for Punk. Punk and Rave stare each others down. Punk grabs Rave by the throat and blocks a punch from Rave. Rave tries to run up and other but Punk catches him, he then tries to door but that's blocked too. Punk has hardly moved from his spot adn he simply tells Punk to bring it. Rave then offers Punk a handshake but CM Punk spits in his ace. Rave avoids going into the cage but Punk simply decides to lift Rave and bounce him off the cage into a double A spinebuster. Punk just unloads with a never ending flurry from a mount. Punk then bounces Rave face first of all four sides of the cage. Rave has done what appears to be a total pussy blade. Punk then gets a corner mount and a ten punch. Punk then drops Rave throat first over the top rope. Punk then launches Rave face first into the cage from a snake eyes. Punk then lays in the cross face blows on Rave, who has done the worst blade ever considering the occasion. Punk rakes Rave's face accross the cage finally openning up the blade a little more. Punk then scores with a snapmare and a dropkick to the back of the head. Punk fakes walking out the door and instead asks for a chair. He then hits Rave in the gut with the chair and then the back and just kills Rave before posing to the crowd. Rave can't even manage to stand up. So Punk throws the chair nonchalantly on Rave and thinks about walks out the cage. Chung tries to slam the cage door on his face but Punk catches it and calls him "a Stupid bitch" but Nana suddenly throws powder in Punk's eyes. Rave oblitterates Punk with a chair shot and Nana tries to pull Rave out of the cage but Punk holds him back by his foot. Rave unloads from a mount and Punk is now busted wide open. Rave introduces Punk to the steel and then rakes away at Punk's face on the cage and with his hands. Rave stands over Punk as the crowd chant "Die Rave Die". Rave lays Punk on the ropes and spits in his face. Rave chokes Punk with his boot as Nana pulls Punk's hair from outside the cage. Rave decides to climb out of the cage. Rave has trouble with his footing and Punk catches him on the top rope. Rave tries a Russian Legsweep but Punk blocks and they have a slugfest on the top rope. Both men slip and then crotch each other. Slugfest, it goes on for a while as neither man will go down, Punk slowly gets the better of the exchange and scores with a series of closelines and a leg lariat. Punk then plays to the crowd. Rave sees a back drop coming and kicks Punk off and tries to escape. Both men battle ontop and this time Rave scores with the top rope Russian Leg Sweep and Rave floats over into the shoe lace assisted Crippler Crossface. Punk fades like the first match but this time he makes the super man come back kicking the crap out of Rave. Punk scores with a brutal open kick to the face for two. Punk scores with the farewell and a shinning wizard for a near fall! The crowd start the Punk anthem as he climbs up the cage. Jade Chung gets in the ring and hangs onto Punk's leg. Chung slaps Punk and jumps on his back. Punk dumbs her on her arse and Rave tries to suprise Punk with a spear but he nails Chung by mistake. Rave hits the Styles Clash for two! Nana pulls Chung out the cage and just dumps her on the floor. Punk and Rave battle atop the cage, Punk unloads with headbutts. Rave has Punk in the Styles Clash on the top rope but Punk kicks his way out. When Punk lands Rave murders his with a diving Yakuza kick for two! That was utter brutality. Punk and Rave do the Bret and Owen Hart style diving escape attempts. Then its time to say Welcome To Chicago Jimmy Rave. Punk finally gets his hand on the shoe lace and he hangs Rave in the corner with the shoe lace and Punk shouts "Your Gonna Die". Rave manages to escape but just as Punk is about to hit the Pepsi Plunge Nana runs in. Punk see's him coming, Rave nearly Spears Nana by mistake and Punk gives Nana a brutal enzenguri and a superkick for Rave. Punk then throws Nana into the cage and unloads with a ten punch. Rave tries to escape while Punk is distracted and the two men battle atop the cage. Punk then grabs Rave standing on the top of the cage, the crowd chant "Please Don't Die" and the Punk scores with a superplex off the top of the cage for the win.
That was the ideal time for the cage match, even if it didn't stop the interference. It was the perfect end to a brutal fued playing up all the previous aspects of the feud including the shoe lace and Punk finally being able to bloody Rave for the first time. We also got the big happy ending celebration with Cabana, then atop the cage singin AFI. Brilliant payoff, great moments. My only critique was the usual sloppiness between these two, but they made up for that with intensity, and the fact that they made it abduntantly clear that Punk was superior from the word go. (***3/4)
Overall Thoughts: Well its impossible not to recommend a DVD with two ****+ matches and where the worst match on the disk is ***. If your looking for classic ROH style matches this might not be for you but the overall quality of the disk is strong and it aptly summerizes Punk's final year before leaving for the greener grass. Perhaps best to watch this in several sittings rather than one extended one but a s hearty recommendation.


We open with a video package speculating about Sting's recent actions and what they mean and they also lay hints about Jeff Jarrett. Tonight Sting Speaks!
Lauren confronts Steve "Sting" Borden as he gets out of his car but Sting simply says tonight is the night. We then go straight to Tenay and West who run down the show.

Awesome Kong (w/Rhyesha Syead) vs. Souljourna Bolt
Yeah I'm thinking what your thinking who is this ho with the terrible weave. Bolt unloads with a dropkick and a flying chop which Kong of course no sells before swatting Bolt and sending her to the outside. Kong introduces Bolt into the guard rail and then the steel steps. Back in the ring Bolt kicks Kong off and goes up top, she tries a flying axehandle but is met with a hard closeline. Kong misses then spinning back fist, Bolt hits a couple of back fists before being killed with the back fist and finished with the Awesome Bomb.
An extended quash, just incase you didn't know Kong is awesome, although these matches are making her look weak, oddly. (1/2*)
After the match Syead sets up two chairs next to each other and Kong readies the powerbomb when ODB's music hits and she storms the ring and throws the chairs at Kong and unloads on kong. The ref tries to break it up but ODB scores with the Swinging DDT and she pummels the crap out of Kong until the refs pull ODB off her. This has been really well built shame it took them far to long to pull the trigger on ODB.
Borash is with AJ Styles, AJ says he has history with Christian Cage in his qualifying match. AJ says he thinks Christian is great and Cage thinks AJ is great so it'll be a good match. Borash then asks about Sting, he says he owes Sting a reciept and he'll kick crap out Sting. Borash then asks about Kurt's gold medal, he says its his medal now he earned it twice. AJ says the gold medals are in safe hands.
We then get a TNA ruff cut on Consequences Creed with his trainer and Terry Taylor basically saying he's a hardworking young man. Showing how he went from NWA Anarchy to TNA.
Sheik Abdul Bashir & Petey Williams (w/Rhaka Kahn) vs. Consequences Creed & Jay Lethal
Bashir nearly hits Petey by mistake to start the make and Lethal runs over Bashir with a flying axe handle. Creed tags in and they score with a double Jab and pose combo for two. Petey comes in but Creed nails him with a flying forearm in the corner and a high knee. Creed thinks about a sling shot move but Kahn pulls him off the ring apron. Petey scores with a nice spinning heel kick and he plays to the crowd. Bashir unloads with chops and a hard Irish whip gets two. Petey gets a body slam and he misses a slingshot move. Lethal tags in and cleans house. Lethal gets the hip toss cartwheel and dropkick combo. Lethal does a handspring rebound through a double closeline and Lethal gets a Lethal combination DDT combo on Bashir and Petey. Lethal goes for the elbow drop but Bashir shoves him off top. Petey sets up the Destroyer but Creed shoves Bashir off top into Petey and Lethal gets the roll up for the win.
Okay match. (*)
Up next its Karen's Angle this weeks guest is Abyss....no Chris Parks. He asks if he can make himself more uncomfortable, Karen looks insanely fit here. Chris flips the table and sits on the floor, and he touches her leg and says at the asylum that he calls home that Chris is a good man and Abyss is a monster that is always trying to get out. Chris doesn't know what's next for Chris or Abyss all he knows is they are one. Abyss challenges anybody on the roster. He has a question for Karen, seeing as she's single know he wants to know what she looks for in a man. He shouts, whispers and screams. He then reads her a poem as Karen displays some of the worst acting since Stephanie was on telly everyweek. Abyss pulls out his hair and gives it to Karen as a present and says "Oh Miss Angle see you soon".
We go backstage to the Beatiful people and Kip James who are trying to make over Lauren she's gets fed up and storms off and the lovely Velvet Sky starts to cut a promo. She says there going up against the beauty Tyler and the beast Roxxi. She says there hideous and they are not in her league. We are the Beautiful people and we are better than you, don't take it hard though, they are better than everybody, they are the girls all the girls want to be and the guys want to be with. Love says you shouldn't be so humble, apparently there are lots of girls who'd want to be with them to. They do their holla high five. Velvet says no one will be with them or as good as them. Velvet says the title would look perfect around her itty bitty waist and she's gonna love kicking Tyler's cottage cheese arse. Wow this act is just incredible right now. Velvet was superb in the back ground making faces while Angelina talked, Kip James is terrible but not even he can drag this act down.
Next its Kurt who goes nuts when he's called a former gold medalist. Frank Trigg manages calm Kurt down and says he has Kurt's back and says he'll take care of all the distraction Kurt just has to make sure he wins his matches.
Jimmy Rave (w/Christy Hemme) vs. Curry Man
Tenay and West sell the hell out of Curry man's music. Curry goes straight for a front flip plancha and takes out Rave. Christy uses her incredible sexiness to distract Curry Man allowing Rave to score with an awesome STO on the ring apron. Curry man counters a move nicely and scores with a back body drop, a brutal closeline and a spring board cross body for two. Rave comes back with a kitchen sink and a running knee to the head for two. Rave runs into a boot and Curry man gets a sloppy back breaker and the Spice Rack gets the win.
Fine win for Curry, poor Jimmy Rave, he still looks like a Jobber but he was such a hot act a few years back, match was short but had some nice moments. (*)
Christy gets in Curry Man's face allowing Hemme to Lance Rock to sneak in with his finisher. Christy then slaps the hell out of Curry Man before the superheroes make the save. Christy Hemme is so friggin hot I can't believe I forgot.
We are then in Cornette's office he makes a match for the PPV Hemme, Rave & Rock vs. Sharky, Eric & Curry Man. Cornette puts Tracy incharge on the knock out division and he talks about shelf life, blatantly ripping on Gail Kim. Tracy hints Lauren could be gone.
Booker is cutting an African style promo when Ray and Devon start kicking up about the clothes they are wearing. Booker says his problem will go away because there will be no guitar. They then toast to Booker and Ray spills champagne on Sharmell and Book tells them to get the hell out. Terrible segment.
Nash is backstage again with no shirt on. Nash said a few months back he did a favour for Cornette and he owed him something. Nash then asked for the qualifying title match tonight, because his boy Joe's eyes are off the ball chasing Sting, so he'll win this match tonight and Watch Joe's back in Toronto. Nash says if Joe doesn't focus then he may be forced to become a six time champion. Well that was rather convoluted, but that's TNA.
Kevin Nash vs. Kurt Angle
Samoa Joe is on commentary for this match and he's doing a really nice job. It's amazing how good he is when he's not shouting every other word. They circle each other and Kurt bails before they can lock up. Kurt talks trash and points at Joe before returning to the ring. Nash slugs down Angle with a couple of big forearms. Nash catches an Angle cross body and scores with a big body slam but he misses with a flying elbow drop. Nash scores with a corner closeline and the big man back breaker submission. Joe is talking up a storm on commentary. Nash continues to electrify the crowd with some knees in the corner and an elbow smash. Nash plays to the crowd and he pounds down on Angle. It's the foot choke, if the crowd aren't electrified now they never will be.
[Ad Break]
When we return Angle is stomping away at the leg of Nash and he collapses to a round of boos. Angle drops an eblow and applies a basic leg lace before deciding to go to something remotely entertaining the figure four leg lock. Joe says Nash has a history of giving the people what they wanna see, he must have obviously missed him booking WCW into oblivion. The figure four has been locked on for an age and the crowd chant "tap, tap, tap". Nash manages to turn the hold over and makes the ropes. Kurt of course goes back to the leg but then runs straight into the big side salto and both men are down. Slugfest, Nash wins with a short arm closeline, he scores with the Snake eyes, and he tries the rope rider but Nash can't run properply and its terrible. Nash scores with an awesome shoulder block and then closelines Angle to the outside. Nash bitch slaps Joe for no apparent reason. Tenay shouts "Joe don't forget about our temper". Nash gets the big boot and he's about to score with the Jacknife when Joe gets on the apron and Kurt scores with a low blow and an angle slam for the win.
Plodding but fine, with a decent if overbooked final few minutes. Nash's leg is scary to watch in the ring you can never tell if he's selling or legitimately fucked. (*3/4)
Joe gets in Nash's face after the match but he just decides to walk off.
We then go to a video package on, no I'm not taking the piss, the guitar. I'm serious. Who is behind the mystery of the guitar? Are you fucking kidding me this is so fucking stupid. They then run a video package on Jeff Jarrett. It's a good package but I mean seriously why? He's leeading the young guns? If that's not enough we get a No Surrender Samoa Joe video.
We are then with Val and Lauren, even with a black eye Val looks really hot. Val got caught in the cross fire between the two kids. She then said she's had enough and the winner of a match will get the ring and get her? WHAT THE FUCK THAT MAKES NO SENSE, She should leave them not marry the winner.
We then get a superb TNA Knock Outs Video Package. God Kip James has managed to ruin the Beautiful People's entrance.
The Beautiful People (w/Kip James) vs. Taylor Wilde & Roxxi
Taylor Wilde is looking pretty damn fine tonight. Roxxi shoves Angelina down hard to start the match and Kip whispers in her ear. Roxxi gets the waist lock takedown and a front face lock. Wilde tags in and Angelina runs away and acts cocky as Kip puts her hair back in place. Velvet Sky tags in and doesn't look very confident falling over when Wilde fakes a headbutt, Wilde comes back with a Lou Thez press. Wilde gets a whip to the corner and tries a ten punch but Angelina hits her in the head with the make up case. Sky then chokes Wilde on the second rope and screeches to the crowd. Sky follows up with a spinal tap, and while Roxxi isn't looking flicks her ears. Love gets a snapmare and a seated dropkick. Love then slams Wilde down by her hair twice as the crowd go nuts.
[Ad Break]
Hot tag, Roxxi cleans house with a series of closelines and then two fallaway slams and a big boot on Love for two. A sunset flip gets two, Love misses the pump kick and runs into a spinebuster for two. Wilde attacks Sky who dodges a top rope crossbody. Roxxi is about to hit the Voodoo drop when Sky sprays perfume in Roxxi's eyes allowing The Beautiful People to score with the Pump Kick Russian leg sweep combo for the win.
Pretty messy in places but the Beautiful people played their roles excellently. (*1/2)
Post match the Beautiful people give Roxxi the brown paper bag treatment. Taylor gets in Kip's face but Love and Sky jump her. They prepare to cut Taylor's hair but before they can do that Rhino of all people storms the ring to make the save.
Sting then makes his ring entrance looking like he has something on his mind. Sting says a few months ago he had a sit down interview with Tenay when he thought about retirement. Sting said he considered it but he couldn't leave the future in the hands of the current generation of wrestlers. Sting says they'd run into TNA into the ground. Sting said the young wrestlers spit in his face and wrestling face. Sting talks about Joe wrestling a legend like Booker T who love him or hate him is legend. Joe wasn't satisfied with a 1-2-3 and tried to beat the hell out of him. That's why Sting tried to help him but all Joe did was flip him off. Sting says he paved the way for Joe. Sting said when he was the young generation Ric Flair took him under his wing and Sting listen and respected him. AJ Styles is ripped on next, Sting said AJ should respect him because he paved the way. He said almost all the young kids in the locker room have no respect. Sting said he doesn't mind being the parent or the baby sitter he's gonna beat some respect into the lockeroom. AJ's music then hits and he comes down to ringside. AJ says Sting is dead wrong, AJ says he looks up to Sting, he never disrespected Sting, and AJ said you know. AJ said you paved the way for me? Who got this company started. Sting said he's looking out for AJ that's why he involved himself. Sting said you can't respect someone and called him a coward in the same breath. Sting talks about Hard Justice and Kurt Angle, calling him a legend and talks about AJ not settling for the 1-2-3 he had to take it further. You don't see Micheal Phelps spitting in Mark Spitz's face do you. Sting then gives AJ the baseball bat and dares him to take a free shot, goading him. When AJ finally decides to swing Sting blocks it and then hits the Scorpion Death Drop. Jeff Jarrett's music hits and plays while Sting stands in the ring and we fade to credits.
I really enjoyed this segment it was really bizarre to see a crowd popping so positively considering what Sting was saying. I'd be really hyped to see a heel Sting under normal circumstances especailly when he's this motivated unfortunately if its building to Sting-Jarrett (again) instead of Sting-AJ or Sting-Joe then I'm not so thrilled.
Final Thoughts: This show definitely had its high points and intriguing moments but was on the whole a poor watch, it was better without adverts as it was more condensed but I can't really recommend watching it as so much of it was stupid, silly or pointless. The final segment was intriguing and the Beautiful people are always excellent so its not a wash out just a lame show on the whole.


Plot Synopsis: A Spainish woman buys the Orphanage she grew up in as a child and sets about life with her loving husband and adopted child Simon. All is well until Simon visits a seaside cave and a creepy old lady visits with news that Simon is HIV positive. Things get spooky from here on in. On the day that the old Orphanage is to be openned as a home for mentally ill children Simon goes missing and his foster parents endeveour to find him.

Review: Del Toro dirrection is superb and the cinematography is superb with some vivid and beautiful landscapes and some cruel creepy visuals. The film may lack in actual scares but it more than makes up for it in bone chilling tension. The acting for the most part is spot on especially by the husband Carlos who's deliver and facial acting is spot on. The film has its unorriginal moments and anything with children in tends to lend from the Omen but these are minor quibbles compared to the ending. Had this film ended five minutes earlier it would have been excellent but the final five minutes wreak of holywood garabage and undo and subtle plot and conclusion. That said it can't make up for what was a very satisfying, pretty and atomspheric film. (***1/2)


Reading Festival 2008
Dizzee Rascal - The Main Stage
Dizzee has worked tireless up the stages over the years at Reading. He's become a festival mainstay and a hero. The big question is could he transition from the more traditional indoor arenas of hip hop to the open expansive mainstage and even more challenging on one of the biggest Metal line ups at Reading in a long time. There was little to worry about Dizzee slayed the audience with big beats, great rapping, enthusiasm and the hits. Stand Up Tall, Just A Rascal, Sirens, Old School, Flex, Dance Wiv Me, Boy In The Corner, I Luv U and Fix Up Look Sharp simply couldn't fail. Dizzee himself was amazed by a huge crowd and a great reaction "look at these crazy bitches there ain't no music and their still moshing". To make things even cooler during Pussyhole (Old School) clips of Mortal Combat, Sonic The Hedgehog, Pacman, Enter The Dragon and Karate Kid among others now how cool is that.
Review: A set of sheer fun, frollics and danceable beats. Dizzee single handedly brought Rap back to the mainstage and its about damn time. (***1/2)
Serj Tankien - Main Stage
Serj was in terrible voice tonight and meandered all over the place. Not only did we have to endure his dorm room politics but a shoddy set. Empty Walls and Sky is Falling pale in comparison to even the worst System singles and his Abba cover was an abomination to God.
Review: Cronically awful set if there's any justice Scars On Broadway will eventually overtake Serj as the best post System side project. (1/2*)
Biffy Clyro - Main Stage
In the past I've seen poor, mediocre and good Biffy sets today however I was treated to a great one. Now with a stronger and more diverse collection of hits, their passion and fury was complemented by grace, skill and subtly. Even the eye rolling singalongs like Mountains and Who's Got A Match seemed absolutely vital today.
Review: Biffy pulled off something very special being both visceral and polished at the same time. There most impressive Mainstage performance to date. (***1/2)
MGMT - NME Stage
MGMT drew a huge crowd to the NME and with it drew huge expectations. The crowd however where in no mood to be picky and greeted every song like a number one single. The band played superbly and the vocals were excellent the closest thing to seeing David Bowie without actually seeing David Bowie. Time to Pretend and Electric Feel were greeted with deathening screams but it was an astounding redition of The Handshake that stole the shole.
Review: Psychodelia is back at Reading, and its a good thing. The huge crowd came to see something special and MGMT delivered with the crowd singing and dancing well after the band left the stage. (***3/4)
Queens Of The Stone Age - Main Stage
QOTSA pulled a big crowd and I was really hyped to see them. One year ago at Wireless Festival the Queens completely stole the show and made the White Stripes look like nobodies, unfortunately two years before that when the new lineup was just settling Queens produced a sloppy, unispired and meandering set that impressed no one. Despite my hopes that those days were behind them the Queens launched into along grinding jam of a set unlike the concise pummelling they delivered at Wireless a year ago. A life less version of Go With The Flow open preceedings and the set dragged until an equally dreary No One Knows closed the set.
Review: When Queens come out to rock and trash their a visceral, sexual tornado. When they come out to jam their simply a bore. Unfortunately at Reading QOTSA were a total snooze. (*1/2)
Rage Against The Machine
The crowd were gonna love this no matter what, this is what they had waited years for. Rage did not dissapoint they delivered exactly what was expected and people wanted. A tight bombastic set with the usual teenage political rant and the cool Guantamo Bay visual. If you were at the front I'm sure you had the time of your life bouncing for ninity minutes straight however as a musical performance RATM just don't have it. They deliver the hits Killing In The Name, Bombtrack, Sleep Now In The Fire, Guerrilla Radio, Testify and a sublime Bullet In The Head but its all in the same gear with little variety and no change of pace. While Zac has immense energy he's a terrible singer and a lame rapper and this really shows over ninity minutes, he can rage for ninity minutes but he can do little else. Tom Morrello is a different kettle of fish, the only member of Rage with more than one trick in his locker, he unleashed some sublime and inventive guitar work, but he alone couldn't raise Rage's game.
Review: Rage gave the fans in attendence exactly what they wanted but nothing more, with all the hype and sentiment about Rage's return to England and Reading this made for a very good headline set but Rage's limmitations make this set far from great. Hopefully one day Tom Morrello will find a band that can match his own high skill level. (***3/4)
Cancer Bats - The Lock Up
Pure fury is the best way I can describe the Cancer Bats. The lead singer screams his heart out with pure venom while the guitars provided a suprisingly wide array licks and riffs under the pummelling shred.
Review: Cancer Bats are your scream, shred and head bang band but based on this performance and the suprising subtly of their guitar work Cancer Bats have a great deal of potential to be a lot more. (***)
The Ting Tings - NME Stage
I was sitting outside but could feel the huge crowd response and atomsphere and to be perfectly honest that's all the Ting Tings had going for them. The beats were slick but repetitive and Katie was just a terribly lead singer out of key, time and just generally screeching allover the tracks. The crowd couldn't give a shit if she couldn't sing the tracks they'd happily do it for them. Interesting they put a much improved accoustic performance in on the Entroducing stage later on.
Review: Poor performance but a great crowd. It's the Ting Tings time now but in a year no one will care, they should enjoy it while it lasts. (*1/4)
Seasick Steve - NME Stage
Thanks to Glastonbury magic and Jools Holland Seasick Steve has become a festival legend and he true a crowd to match his reputation. Seasick Steve didn't dissapoint with some great banter and some superb crowd interaction, even bringing a girl from the audience onstage to sing to. The music and songs had real heart and character provoking big "Stevo" chants. A racous performance of Doghouse Blues closed preecedings in style. Seasick Steve is a loveable character and a great live act.
Review: Much more than a novelty. (***1/2)
The Racountuers - Main Stage
Didn't catch the whole of the set but luck for us hit the hits collection at the end with Level, Steady As She Goes, Broken Boy Soldiers and Solute Your Solutions. It was alot of fun but Jack White's other band just lack the punch of the White Stripes.
Review: Likeable, proffesional but uninspired. (**1/2)
Justice - NME Stage
The band I'd been waiting for weekend and I had lofty expectations seeing as Daft Punk seem to be on an endless hiatus Justice are the only ones left to fill the void. Of course there not even a fifth as good as Daft Punk live but this doesn't stop them being brilliant. Mixing the Phantom into just about every track is sublime, from the openning Genesis they have the crowd hooked and with singalongs the size of DVNO, D.A.N.C.E, The Party and the deathening We Are Your Friends Justice simply couldn't fail. Combined with some ice cold mixing and the best light show of the weekend they established themselves as the heirs to Daft Punk.
Review: Can't hang with the likes of Daft Punk but for a dou on their first album this is remarkable stuff. Justice got the Reading crowd grooving and dancing even if the majority of the crowd have never been to a dance gig in their lives. (****)
Manic Street Preachers - NME Stage
Up against the Killers and Gallows the Manics drew a pitifully small crowd but no one seemed to mind least of all the Manics who launched into a rip roaring set. Unfortuanetly despite classic tracks like Of Walking Abortion, Masses Against The Classes and You Love Us the Manics were sunk by a short one hour set meaning that the odd setlist will have left alot of people feeling short changed. Having seen the Manics in the front row at V playing the dream set list I couldn't complain but it was far from the ideal manics set.
Review: The big singalongs were there and some pounding tracks but this wasn't a great Manics set just a very good one. (***3/4)
Mindless Self Indulgence - The Main Stage
Jimmy Urine is an incredibly funny front man and really stole the show. MSI have some incredibly slick beats to back up his stand up routine but lacked variety and couldn't help but feel repetitive and underwhelming on the mainstage, still they did their best and will have certainly gained some new fans myself included.
Review: Thanks to some pull outs they were given a big oppurtunity while they didnt fly they certain didn't let themselves down and put on an entertaining 45 minutes. (**1/4)
Feeder - The Mainstage
I'm gonna keep this short, they made me fall asleep literally.
Review: An Abomination that the middle aged seemed to enjoy. (*1/4)
Tenacious D - The Mainstage
Jack Black is really funny, really, really funny. His jokes are terrible and he knows it and that's part of the reason he's a comedy God. He knows how bad he sucks and he's mainly up there to entertain himself. From the minute they came on dressed as a Lizard and Wizard and costume mishap that cause Kyle to storm off stage they had the crowd in the palm of their hands. Tribute, Wonderboy, Dude I Totally Miss You are all huge singalongs but the two best songs are Fuck Her Softly which suprising garnered the biggest singalongs and the brinlliant The Metal. With Wizard, Lizards, Robots and Devils Tenacious D rocked the house.
Review: Those who questioned there bookings now look foolish, a huge crowd, great singalongs, awful jokes and brilliant facial expressions Tenacious D were a wonder to behold. Let us not forget Jack Black is a hell of a singer and a great front man. (***3/4)
Metallica - The Mainstage
Who the Fuck are Avenged Sevenfold and Slipknot anway? All the dissapointment at the pull outs and then the lack of replacements what was the fuss about? When Mettallica are this good who gives a shit? Honestly? Metallica are now they best band I've ever seen live knocking Daft Punk into second and Muse into a distant third. From the minute Creeping Death hit till they bowed out with a lung shattering rendition of Seek and Destroy Metallica were never anything other than brilliant. Even the two new songs fit right in amongnst the classics. Ride The Lighting, No Remorse, Justice For All, For Whom The Bell Tolls, Sanitarium, Master Of Puppets, Nothing Else Matters, Enter Sandman and One among others were simply incredibly. Kirk and Lars were putting on a master class in drums and guitars and James worked the crowd into a frenzy. The set highlight was a cover of Last Caress I may never get to see Misfits do it (well proper Misfits anyway) but Danzig would be proud of this rendition of his best pop record.
Review: Simply amazing, everyone and everything was excellent even the pyro! Its hard to single out anyone or anything in particular when everything was this unbelivably transcendent. Lets hope Death Magnetic delivers Metallica have sucked for more than a decade but whatever comes out of the studio Metallica are something special live and must be seen. (*****)
Overall Thoughts: While I'm fed up with Reading in general the horrible organization and layout the lineup really delivered this year Slipknot or no Slipknot. I won't be going again if the lineup is weak, I've seen everybody, but if its a match for this year I'll happily go again. I took Reading easy and enjoyed it. It's a kids festival but its the old boys of the music world who stole the show.


Be Kind Review
Plot Synopsis: When the owner of Be Kind Rewind is away the store is left in the hands of Young Apprentice Mos Def and his "crazy" buddy Jerry (Jack Black). Jack Black becomes Magnatised, yes you read that right, and erases the shops entire Video libraries back catalogue. When the owners friend (Mia Farrow) wants a copy of Ghostbuster they decide they have to make there own bootleg to save the business. Soon they gain fame and recognition and work there way through classic films in an attempt to save there humble business.
Review: Be Kind Rewind is a pleasent yarn. Jack Black plays his role well and is generally when he's more dorky than over the top but his performance will still be hit and miss with most. Mos Def is actually the suprise of the picture turning in a very good performance, albeit from the Nickelodeon/stoner school of comedic performance. This film ultimately is just a nice feel good movie to make you smile and it achieves that with ease. Unfortunately if you were looking for a rip roaring comedy then this probably isn't for you but if you want to have your heart warmed for ninity minutes this will be right up you street. (**1/2)


Summerslam 2008
The opening video package is abosutely brilliant its got that cheesy tinge we love and then the undeniable brilliance that is Edge!
Jeff Hardy vs. Montel Vontavious Porter
MVP misses a running boot and Jeff unloads, Jeff dodges another big boot and Jeff pulls him to the outside and introduces MVP into the barracade. Back in Jeff gets a body slam and a slingshot leg drop for two. Jeff goes to an arm bar to thrill of nobody. MVP fights up and goes for an arm drag but Jeff holds on, who does he think he is Shawn Micheals? MVP makes the ropes to break the hold. MVP is still going for big kicks but Jeff beats him to the punch. Jeff runs right into a lovely snap overhead belly to belly suplex for two. MVP applies a reverse seat full nelson. MVP breaks the hold and hits a spinal tap before reapplying the hold. The crowd come to life as MVP switches holds to the Stiener Recliner. Jeff tries to fight MVP off as he changes holds with a monkey flip but MVP holds on and rolls into a half boston crab and then a legscissors but Jeff makes the ropes. Jeff tries a slingshot move but MVP just slugs him down and jumps on his back. "MVP" chant as MVP gets two. MVP ties Jeff up in the tree of woe and swings Jeff's head hard into the canvas in a unique move that gets two. Jeff slips out of a powerbomb and scores with a neckbreaker. Jeff Hardy scores with a mule kick but MVP blocks his corner dropkick move with a brutal kick to the gut, nice bump from Hardy. MVP drokicks Jeff into the corner and charges but Jeff mets him with a diving closeline. Jeff dodges a closeline and gets a side russian legsweep and the compactor pin gets two. MVP again tries to counter the corner dropkick but gets rolled up for two. Jeff gets a sloppy whisper in the wind but Shelton runs out and Jeff dives onto him on the outside. Jeff runs back up top and misses the Swanton bomb and MVP scores with the Drive By for the win.
Good basic opener, below expectations but it wasn't given a great amount of time, good choice as opener with a nice finish. (**1/4)
Santino and Beth are backstage with Maria who seems smart again, Santino get a big pop. Santino doesn't recognise Maria she's really fallen apart. He has a new amore, Maria makes fun of his unibrow and Santino says that's what the Glamazon likes, and says that's enough talking about his "manscaping". Beth and Maria stare down and Beth says "he's all mine" and Santino walks away smiling. Fun Segment.
WWE Women's & Intercontinental Title
Winner Takes All Match
Santino Marrella & Beth Pheonix vs. Mickie James & Kofi Kingston
Mickie looks very hot but I'm not into her Japanese style attire. Santino wanted to start the match but Beth says no. Betha and Mickie lock up, Beth blocks a headlock takedown but Beth blocks and throws her but Mickie lands on her feet. Beth breaks a waist lock with an arse thump and a back elbow. Mickie spins over Betha nd gets a dropkick to the knee and one to the face for two. Beth comes back with a back suplex. Santino tags in, Mickie gives him a kick to the head, a comedy finger lock and a monkey flip before tagging in Kofi. Kofi comes in with a monster springboard crossbody and a high dropkick. Kofi gets his leaping ten punch shoulderblock combo and Santino bails. Beth shouts a Santino but Mickie dropkicks her off the apron. Kofi then sets up a dive but does his shoulder fake and Santino jumps into Beth's arms to a big pop from the crowd. Santino then gives Kofi a neckbreaker on the top rope. Santino goes to a camel clutch as Mickie goes nuts on the apron. Beth tags in and unloads on Kofi before tagging out. Santino gets a snap suplex for two and Santino goes to a camel clutch "how about this again" says Santino. Santino tells teh ref to ring the bell. Kofi escapes and they do a nasty head to head collision spot. Mickie unloads on Beth with a flying closeline. Mickier then gets her cut throat closeline and the Mickiecanranna. Mickie goes up top with the driving Lou Thez press. Santino breaks up the pin and Kofi misses a dive and crashes to the outside. Mickie gives Santino a tornado DDT knocking him out cold. Beth sneak attacks Mickie and gets her double kitchen wing implant buster for the win. Beth revives Santino and he pulls out an amazing celebration. Beth then carries Santino on her shoulders as they celebrate down the ramp in a good comedy moment. Santino shouts "I did it all by myself" and "I missed you" to his title belt.
Absolutely great fun. Fun comedy match with everyone playing their rolls very nicely. (**)
Shawn Micheals comes out with his wife Rebecca and holds her hand. The crowd chant "HBK". HBK first thanks everybody whose supported them through this difficult time. Shawn says he recently had a meeting with doctor about his eye and his knee and back surgery. The doctor recommended that HBK walks away HUGE boos, really huge! Shawn says having talked it over with his wife he's going to heed the doctor's advice and walk away. HUGER BOOS. Shawn says he's had a wonderful career and he regrets nothing, he remembers his first Summerslam to this one, he talks about the crowd giving him the chance to be the showstopper, the main eventer, the Icon, Mr. Wrestlemania, he's also, the guy who screwed Bret, who formed DX, innovated the ladder match, the guy who lost his smile and ended Ric Flair's career. Now he wants to be known as a great father and husband, an assorted variety of big pops throughout that speech. He wants to thank.....
Jericho's music hits to a big pop. Chris Jericho comes out in a suit. Jericho says no, Jericho won't let him go out like this. He says HBK is leaving this business because of Chris Jericho and he wants HBK to admit that right now. Shawn says if you have the smallest amount of decency you'll leave this ring right now. Jericho said he won't leave the ring until HBK admits its not the family or doctors or made him that retire but it was what Chris Jericho did. Shawn should admit it to his family and wife and then admit it to Jericho. Jericho wants Shawn's last moment in the WWE to be HBK admitting that Chris Jericho put him out for good. All Shawn's accomplishments won't matter because HBK's epitaph will be the man who had to walk away from the wrestling business because of Chris Jericho.
HBK says he'll admit it, he'll tell his wife and kids that he can't wrestle because of the actions of a worthless vile human, but he wants Chris Jericho to admit to his wife and kids that he will never, ever, be Shawn Micheals, that got a RIDICULOUS POP! Rebbecca tugs on Shawn's arm and HBK starts to walk away when Jericho throws a punch, HBK dodges and Rebecca gets absolutely nail. Shawn goes to reconcile her and thinks about attacking Jericho but stays by her side. Jericho walks of looking like he's gonna throw up. HBK stares a hole in Jericho as he walks backwards up the apron. EMTs run out and help Rebecca up to a big pop from the crowd and Shawn embraces her.
Absolutely brilliant segment in what is clearly the fued of the year, and the most well written, well acted, subtle storyline possibly in the history of wrestling. Even Rebecca played her part well.
ECW World Title Match
Matt Hardy vs. Mark Henry (w/Tony Atlas)
Matt unloads on Mark Henry but Henry powers Matt to the corner and misses a stinger splash, Matt scores with a Twist of Fate and Tony Atlas pulls Matt of Mark and throws him into the steps for a DQ? Jeff runs out and gives Tony Atlas a Swanton off the apron and the Hardys then double suplex Henry on the outside
What the fuck? Seriously I was really looking forward to this. I rate Henry, he cuts good promos and plays a really good bad arse. Matt Hardy had been built up well and was mega over as a face and Henry was built up brilliantly as a heel. So I'm not happy as this was a real rip off. A snub to the ECW fans and a shame that they spent so much time building up to this on TV only to screw the paying customer and then give the rematch away for free on TV. (DUD)
WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
John Bradshaw Layfield vs. CM Punk
JBL powers CM Punk into the corner but gives a clean break. JBL gets a knee to the gut and unloads with his clubbing and slugging. JBL grabs a side headlock, JBL gets a hard shoulder block but CM Punk blocks a hip toss and scores with a flying forerarm, dropkick and then a nice suicide dive. CM Punk follows up with a flying cross body for two but JBL comes right back with a big shoulder block. JBL runs into a boot but comes back with a second rope fall away slam for two, nice impact on that. JBL throws his diving forearm into the back of a seated Punk. JBL is showing a wide variety of clubs and he then gives CM Punk a hard Irish whip. JBL decides to play kill joy and lcok in a bearhug. CM Punk sells it very nicely with good facial expressions but make no mistake this hold is lame. CM Punk unloads with a spinning back fist but runs straight into a big boot. JBL gets a float over suplex for two. JBL scores with a back suplex for two. JBL decides to return to a bearhug on the mat. CM Punk escapes leading to a sloppy shoulder block spot and JBL cinches in an abdominal stretch. Wow JBL is really showing of the full range of rest holds if only he'd throw in a nerve pinch and chinlock. Punk breaks the hold with a hip toss. Punk then gets the running corner knee and bulldog combo, JBL escapes the G2S and hits a hard short arm closeline and JBL drops five elbow drops and gets 2! Slugfest, not a great one, Punk dodges a short arm closeline and gets his strike flurry for two. JBL counters a springboard move with a nice powerslam for two. CM Punk counters the closeline from Hell with a crescent kick. Punk gets the high knee in the corner but JBL counters the bulldog and JBL puts him on top. JBL hits several hard clubbing blows and then a second rope back suplex and both men are down. CM Punk is bleeding from the back of the head when JBL fell on him. Punk counters the closeline from hell with the Go 2 Sleep for the win.
Ending comes out of nowhere a bit. JBL displayed some good offence but alot of boring holds as well. Punk was fine but seemed off his game tonight and that collision was nasty and seemed to genuinely wobble Punk. (**)
WWE World Title Match
The Great Khali vs. Triple H
Triple H dodges a closeline and unloads on Khali, Khali blocks a Pedigree and Triple H flies into Khali with no effect, Khali then hits Tripper with the Giant bomb! Khali showboats rather than getting his pin. Khali locks in the vice grip of unending certian doom. Triple H escapes by going to the leg and scoring with a chopblock. Khali goes and regroups with him manager. Triple H goes outside but Khali catches him with the Giant chop and he whips Hunter into the barracade. Khali scores with some reverse elbows in the corner and Tripper pulls out a Flair flop. Khali scores with a short arm closeline for two as the crowd start a huge "You Can't Wrestle" chant. Khali then applies the Nerve pinch of deadly death. Khali then scores with a hard body slam and a leg drop for two. Khali is showing some nice offence here. It's back to the most electrifying move in sports entertainment the nerve pinch. Triple H fights his way out and hits a totally blown facebuster and Khali falls back and gets tied in the ropes. Triple H charges but runs right into a boot. Triple H goes for the pedigree but Khali back body drops him over the top rope to the outside. Tripper pulls Khali to the outside and works over Khali's knee on the ring post. Khali coms back closelining Triple H on the apron. Khali locks in the Vice Grip of inescapability, Tripper throws body shots but fades. Triple H warriors up and powers Khali's hands apart only for Khali to reapply the hold. Khali breaks the hold and misses a charge and Triple H struggles but eventually hits the pedigree for the win.
Not bad at all, they put together a nice match to hide Khali's many weakness, the facecrusher spot was a disgrace however. (**)
John Cena vs. Batista
Here we go will it live up to the hype? Batista gets a side headlock and then a shoulderblock but runs right into a hip toss and a body slam. We have our first stand off. Cena gets a shoulderblock but runs into a boot and Batista goes for the Batista Bomb Cena runs away but Dave chases him with a closeline and scores with a jackhammer for two. Cena gets a hard Irish whip and a release Fisherman's suplex. Cena runs right into a side walk slam from Batista for two. Cena goes for an FU but Batista slips out the back with a chop block. Batista follows up with a knee breaker and goes to the Figure Leglock nice homage to his mentor Ric Flair. Cena tries to power out of the hold but fails and instead ends up going to the ropes. Cena then comes back right away FUing Batista over the top rope to the outside and both men are down. Hot openning. Batista misses a closeline and Cena scores with two shoulderblocks and the Protoplex. Cena then scores with the Five Knuckle Shuffle, Batista slides out of the FU and scores with a big boot and both men are down. Batista takes Cena into the corner hard and unloads with shoulders, Batista then gets a corner closeline. He tries it again and runs into a back elbow. Cena charges but runs into the spinebuster. Cena counters the Batista bomb by ripping away at Batista's leg and then locking in the STFU. This is possibly the worst applied STFU you could imagine. Batista slowly crawls to the ropes so Cena breaks the hold pulls Batista to the centre of the ring and reapplies the hold. Batista eventually makes the ropes and Cena goes for the FU Batista counters nicely into a rear naked choke, unfortunately this hold is also terribly applied. Cena breaks the hold by working on Batista's leg. Batista runs over Cena with a nice spear which gets two! Cena counters Batista's powerslam into a really nice FU, great counter! Cena crawls over for the pin and gets two! The crowd is going bananas! Cena climbs to the top rope and Batista joins him and they battle. Its some Cheer/boo punching on the top rope which is a really nice moment. Cena gets a flurry and knocks Batista off top. Cena goes for his diving leg drop but Batista counters into the Batista bomb but it only gets two! Batista kicks Cena in the face and scores with Batista Bomb for the win.
This match was just tremendous fun. Incredibly satisfying and gave the fan base exactly what they wanted with some really cool exchanges and counters. From the critical perspective it was a short match albeit a good lenght for these two. The mat holds were horrible, they were just locked in loosely exposing how fake they were and the facial expressions were silly which was a real downer for me especailly as the sequences that led to them were very good. This all doesn't matter because this was the big showdown that the fanbase wanted and it delivered excellently. (***1/4)
Hell In The Cell
Edge vs. Undertaker
The bell rings and Edge is looking cocky, confident and kind of nuts smiling the hold time. Edge unloads on Taker. Taker tosses him into the corner but Edge escapes and then runs right into a big boot. Taker then tosses Edge over the top rope and shoots Edge back first into the steel cage. Undertaker sends Edge face first into the door off the the cage and grates his face. Taker then throws Edge into the steel steps. Taker lays Edge on apron and scores with his apron leg drop. Taker then slides the steps into the ring and sets them up in the corner. Taker gives Edge a hard Irish whip and then a snake eyes onto the steps. Edge sees the big boot coming with a back elbow and throws Taker into the steps. Edge then dropkicks Taker into the ringsteps and then gives him a seated spear into the steps. Edge then nails Taker with the steps and gets two tables. Edge scores with a running closeline on Taker and then sets two tables ontop of each other on the outside. Edge tires to suplex Taker through them but its blocked. Edge then counters a chokeslam with a jaw jacker. Edge then nails Taker nastily in the face with a steel chair. Edge gets another table and cloats Taker with a steel chair in the back. Edge sets up a table in the ring. Edge then gets a ladder make that two ladders. Edge then masacres Taker with a chair shot to the head. Edge lays two chairs on a table and sets up a ladder in the corner. Edge then swats Taker with another chair shot and collapses on the steps. Edge puts Taker on the table and comes off the top of the ladder with a diving chair assisted elbow drop for two! Edge goes for a Con-Chair-to but Taker goes for a Chokeslam and Edge escapes and runs into a big right hand. Taker then big boots Edge off the apron hard into the steel cell. Taker then gets the ringsteps and absolutely kills Edge with the steel steps. Edge escapes a snake eyes and shoots Taker face first into the steel ringpost. Edge then gets a diving spear off a ringsteps sending both men through the side of the cage onto the announce table. That busted Taker's arm open. Both men brawl and Taker introduces Edge to the cell and the announce table. Not one to leave anyone out Undertaker then introduces Edge to the barracade. Taker misses a wild swing with the television monitor and Edge replies with two hard monitor shots of his own. Edge then runs from the SD! announce table onto the RAW announce table and spears Undertaker sending both men crashing through the ECW announce table, great spot. Taker unloads with a big flurry of slugs on Edge. The crowd boo as they return to the sell. Back in the ring Edge runs Taker over with the ladder. Edge then gets his trusty WWE video camera and wallops Taker in the face with it alla Survivor Series and that gets two! Edge attempts the Spear but Undertaker counters with a Chokeslam and that gets two. Taker goes for the last ride but Edge counters with the greco roman low blow. Edge then scores with the Impaler for two! Taker sits up and goes for the Last Ride but Edge slips out the back and scores with the spear for two! Edge goes for a ten punch but Taker counters with a big Last Ride for two! Undertaker sets up the steps and a chair and goes for tombstone but Edge slips out with the Edge-o-matic on the steel steps, ouch, that gets two! The crowd come to life. Edge lugs away at Taker's face and Edge goes for the Old School but Taker crotches Edge and then Chokeslams him off the top rope through two tables! Back in the ring Undertaker scores with a spear on Edge, Taker says now we go to hell and he breaks the televison camera over Edge's head and then gives Edge a brutal Con-Chair-To. Edge's back is bleeding from the table bump and Undetaker finishes it with a Tombstone.
I loved this match. Not their best match together I prefered Mania and Backlash but the pacing and the finish was just superb with Edge getting his cumuppance. It was a slower pace with some dead spots with both men setting up spots but it was just incredibly dramatic. I'm gonna over rate this one slightly and tact on 1/4* for that excellent finish that played into the fueds history. (****)
Taker returns to the ring and puts Edge ontop of the Ladder and Taker gets a second ladder. Edge is absolutely dead. Taker kills the ref and climbs the second ladder. Taker says Edge will go to hell and cuts the air. Taker then chokeslams Edge through the ring and makes the Kane poses and the hole in the ring sets on fire, I mean big arse fire, this is a really silly but dramatic video.
Overall Thoughts: Not a Great show but a very good one, the star ratings may look a little low but this was a very entertaining show that hung together brilliantly and built stedily to a dramatic finale, the only shame was the ECW title match but that's little bother. Strong Recommendation.


V Festival 2008 Chelmsford
I should do a bit of prefacing for this one, V Festival is possibly the commercial festival on Earth (I love capitalism so this isn't a hippy rant) and a very poppy festival. I like pop music, I wanted to see Girls Aloud, Sugababes, Amy Macdonald and Sam Sparro but this is festival is too much and too bland, but it appeals to the masses. I've never cared for genres of music, I think its pretty pathetic to say I'm an indie, metal, rap, dance or whatever fan and try to ignore everything else out of some kind of tribilistic feeling, I believe in two types of music good music and bad music. V is filled with uninteresting music by some very untalented artists (The Feeling, Pigeon Detectives (although I like them)). It's all about the Big Stars and the headliners its not reading your not there to see hidden gems and the next big thing like at Reading, Glasto or Wireless, its about Mega Stars stacked up. Thus and this is my point, we go for a lads weekend and a piss up and a night out in Essex rather than the music, so I didn't really watch many bands this year, but had a good time none the less.
Estelle - JJB Arena
We only caught the end of her set and mainly watched from outside but what she did seemed competant and got a great crowd reaction, however her singing wasn't too hot today and she seemed to be fancying herself a MC rather than singer, which is a shame because she's much better hitting the high notes than shouting enanely.
Overall Thoughts: Servicably performance, playing to the audience who seemed happy just to see her, but certainly underwhelming for an act at the height of her powers. (**)
Sugababes - JJB Arena
The Sugababes benefit hugely from performing inside the giant JJB tent, this being the second time I've seen the babes, they sang quietly and seemed lost on the main stage two years ago. Things have changed, the new lineup seems to clicked much better than before and following the rave reviews at Isle of Wight totally upstaging the appalling Ian Brown (worst live performance I've ever seen) . In doors the Babes sound was crisper and their tour band was very sharp. The vocal performance was loud and confident with Heidi hitting all the high notes and the bands vocals were loud and proud. The crowd ate up every moment of the well put together set list and About You Know turned out to be an awesome set closer despite being a rather bland single. The only let down was Keisha whose warblings and high notes were allover the place but they didn't matter the Sugababes in 2008 have gone along way to establishing themselves a legitimate festival act who provide a good alternative to a traditional rock act on the second stage.
Overall Thoughts: Well put together, proffesional and fun performance. There musical out put maybe in decline but they have firmly established themselves as pop veterans and a memorable 21st Century act. (***1/4)
The Twang - JJB Arena
This wasn't my choice, my freind is a fan, but safe to say he isn't anymore. The Twang are lost in there own laddiness and the general blandness of there music. The new materiel was poor and worse than there current mediocre crop of tracks. Its a weak rip of a U2 riff repeated 12 times over the top of some lounge music with some unremarkble vocals. Slightly smaller crowd than Sugababes but they were passionate to start with and slowly lost steam.
Overall Thoughts: Underwhelming, uninteresting and irrelerant. (1/2*)
Jamie T - JJB Arena
Jamie T is a very competant live act, I was really excited three years ago at Electric Garden when I saw him bring the house down on the third stage but I was ultimately dissapointed by Panic Prevention. As in okay with good lyrics but not really note worthy but not bad either. Live however Jamie T remains sharp starting mass sing alongs with ease. His set has a loveable chaos to it just like his music ruff around the edges but tags at your heart strings. The new tracks with one exception suggest a heavy dose of second album sydrome. Calm Down Dearest, If You Got The Money and Sheila provoke the biggest singalongs but Salvador is best track of the set.
Overall Thoughts: Jamie maybe good but not great on record but he's a hell of an act live and in Chelmsford he was greeted as a hero and gave everybody the performance they wanted. (***)
Pigeon Detectives - Channel Four Stage
Boy oh boy how I wish we'd seen the Pougoes but unfortunately we wanted to makes sure we good get a good spot for Muse so we opted for the Pigeons (Its a fifteen minutes from JJB to front of Mainstage). We were watching from a far and you could tell that this was a performance that in the crowd would have been alot of fun. However musically the Detectives were very loose and seemed very tired, they could use a long break by the looks of it. Sure fire hits like She Found Out felt very breathy but the crowd we're filling in all the words for them and didn't care one little bit.
Overall Thoughts: The crowd didn't care in the least whether the band were on form or not they were here to dance, sing and have a good time. The Pigeons looked like they should stop dancing, singing and start catching up on there sleep. (**)
Muse - Main Stage
Its the third time I've seen Muse and they just get better everytime, this is the last performance before recording the new album and the end of there golden era of stadium rock. A new album will surely warrant a new stage show and make no mistake Muse went out with BANG! The solos and jams were superb and added greatly to the tracks. The stage show if you haven't seen it is incredible at Reading in 06 it was fire, Isle of Wight 07 was flames, sparkles and big balls of confetti and V festival its Giant Sattilites, Robots, Flames, Sparkles, Smoke, Steam rockets and big balls of confetti. However its not just the effects and pagentry its the Music that make Muse amazing far more powerful than on record. Their setlist is incredibly poignant singing in the apocalypse with the likes of Time is Running Out and Hysteria then singing about having our last chance to save ourselves Butterflies and Hurricanes and then the new dawn and new day of feeling good. Hoodoo always feels a little awkward in their setlist but lyrically its spot on. Muse really suceed on every level they get everyone dancing (Supermassive Black Hole, Map Of Problamitique), Singing (Feeling Good, Starlite) and best of all bouncing (Knights Of Cydonia and practicle everything else). Matt Belamy is a god of a front man and their bassist has to be the most underrated in modern music. The only real weakness is the banter or lack there off but the music alone does the talking for them.
Overall Thoughts: At Isle of Wight performance incredibly managed to top Reading and V just about topped Isle of Wight, I think the stage show was perfect and so was the setlist even if the guitar and vocals seemed more powerful at Isle of Wight. Either way its splitting hairs The Black Holes and Revalations Muse are the best live act in the world (well unless Daft Punk seriously start touring). (*****)
Girls Aloud - Main Stage
There were a view issues with there set, alot of yelping, poor bass levels (way to squelchy) and some terrible covers (Salt and Peppa, Aerosmith) but regardless Girls Aloud proved why they are the best Girl Group in decades. A hit laden set, of not just throw away char numbers but brilliant tracks Biology and Love Machine are simply superb and Something Kind Of Oooh, The Show, Sound Of The Underground and Wake Me Up are irrestible slices of good old fashion pop music.
Overall Thoughts: Dogged by a few song issues and a couple of odd setlist selections but make no mistake in Chelmsford Girls Aloud proved how great a recovery modern pop music has staged since the early 00s. (***)
The Feeling - Main Stage
The Feeling are really good a covers, there own music is pretty horribly, so Take On Me and Video Killed The Radio star were clever selections. I can't lie V festival like Isle of Wight is built for The Feeling, there mild inoffensive music and tight performance was eaten up by the bulk of the crowd. The problem with the Feeling is that they have as many people rolling there eyes and singing along. I Love It When You Call is still the insepid but an unstoppable crowd pleaser.
Overall Thoughts: They had the singles and covers to be a big hit in Chelmsford but even a crowd as pro pop as this found their floundering and sugeriness overbearing. (**)
Lenny Kravitz - Main Stage
As you can guess seeing as I reviewed the Feeling we weren't in the mood for moving today, we were thoroughly encamped by the Main Stage and thought while we had the chance we'd see the bands we'd never usually see or likely see again. Lenny falls into this catagory, I was suprised to see his name on the line up and I've never really liked him but I still don't. His set was scheduled for an hour but he ran over by an twenty minutes. The funky jams clocking in a over seven minutes were tedious and meandering especially as no one in the backing band or Lenny himself seemed to have much talent for playing their istruments. That crowd were hugely into Lenny and what he lacked in music he made up for in showmanship. He worked with the crowd and tried to spread his love relevolution, he really enjoyed the flags from accross the world. He sang bits of Pink Floyds the wall and American Woman, Fly Away and Are You Gonna Go My Way were big hits with this crowd. It was pretty funny when they was told he'd have to go off stage and he said it was "bullshit" scheduling and said he'd play a fast track and then launched into a seemingly endless funk jam. He then said he didn't care if they were gonna cut off his power he was gonna play one more jam and launched into Are You Gonna Go My Way to huge appluase.
Overall Thoughts: Well its a pretty hard one to call, he played for way to long, didn't have the materiel or the talent but certainly had the personality. When he was in full gear he was good but when he was jamming he was atrocious. The crowd enjoyed it and it was interesting to see what the fuss was about so lets go...(**1/4)
Amy Whinehouse - Main Stage
Amy was in weak voice but not poor rather croaky, she had a good set list and was mostly down to business of working her way threw the tracks rather than rambling and drinking, she had a bizzare stage presences and seemed rather unwell. All that being said the crowd basically gave her a heroes welcome and we're basically going to eat up every track and sing every track loud and proud regardless of what mood Amy was in.
Overall Thoughts: Way below Amy's performance at Isle Of Wight two years back when she was a bit more stable but the crowd we're going to enjoyt this no matter what. Amy is a superstar and merely has to show up and finish her set to suceed. (**1/4)
Kings Of Leon - Main Stage
This was a brilliant performance by the Kings there's no other way to say it. They were great at Reading last year and match it this year. New tracks like Crawl sounded great and had the crowd singing along. The crowd were in great voice singing along with every word, On Call was simply deathening and almost every track inspired either moshing or non stop pogoing. Caleb was really happy tonight and he almost seemed tearful as the always shy band decided to say a few words saying the UK had made them one of their own and "truely made us Kings" the crowd cheered raptously. Always low on spectacle and showmanship but all you need is the cool guitar lines and Caleb beautiful and visercal howl to slay a crowd. Leon essentially played new tracks and album tracks for most part feeling comfortable leaving off Wasted Time and Red Morning Light from the setlist because V was happy to sing along with all seven minutes of Knocked Up with the crowd singing every word and all of the refrain. This finally performance before they drop the new album was simply Triumphant.
Overall Thoughts: The new materiel points in the dirrection of Charmer and more Birthday Party and Pixies infulences on the new album. The Kings drew a bigger crowd than the Verve and rocked harder but seeing as this festival is only two days were the right choice to sub headlining giving everyone there energy outlet ready for the singalong with the Verve. The Kings may not be appreciated in the US but in the UK they are headliners and they are heroes. Long Live The Kings! (****1/4)
The Verve - Main Stage
There were weaknesses to this set a ten minute opening peice of music was that really nessecary? Finishing nine minutes early isn't cool and the earlier prog stuff was very limp but this is all besides the point. The Verve were great a great choice to headline. They sang loud and proud and This Is Music, Sonnet, The Drugs Don't Work, Lucky Man, Bitter Sweet Syphomy and superb set closer Love Is Noise are just unstoppable tracks. Inspiring mass sing alongs and people throwing their arms in the air and around each other providing a lovely moment to end the show. Mr. Ashcroft seemed generally thrilled to be infront of a big crowd and showed us a huge amount of love and he is just seems so much more natural with the Verve than he did alone at Isle Of Wight three years ago. Richard was happy and so was everyone else.
Overall Thoughts: A really nice way to end a weekend and the new materiel sounded pretty strong if rather unoriginal. Emotional stuff. (***1/2)
Finally Thoughts: V is not really a music festival to look at objectively critically its just fun with a bunch of Essex folks. We go clubbing them watch some huge headliners and some fun pop acts we wouldn't see otherwise, we couldn't be arsed to move away from the mainstage on Sunday we were still smashed from Friday so much whisky, vodka and Sambuka my only regret from a fun weekend other than being stuck in the parking lot for four hours today trying to get out was that I missed the Hold Steady, I've been waiting years to see them and I didn't even realise they were on until it was too late. One final note, they changed the layout this year and it was an incredibly smart move, creating more space and I think it made everyone more friendly. Oh and My gosh I've never seen so many hot women in one place, Chelmsford rules and I didn't even get to see my favorite essex girl. Go drunk or stay home but V is corperate fun.

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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
