Deep Space Nine - Series Seven - Field Of Fire
this series 7 episode of deep space nine mainly focuses on ezri dax and here coming to terms with her previous dax self mainly Joran Dax a murder that she needs to solve random killings that have been going on.
The episode starts with a token starfleet person ebing really happy and frinking in Quarks he reminds me of young harry kim with out the hardships of voyager. anyway eventually this young scamp makes his way back to his room he relaxes then bang hes dead put a bullet throught his chest mumma life has just begun and now hes gone and thrown it all a way.
Anyway when ODO and team bajorn police arrive to solve this crime once again the bajoran security serviced are preplexed which saddens ODO but never fear Cheif i can fix anything with selotape O'Brien is here and soon finds out a top secret star fleet weapon that basically fires a bullt then transports it to another room were it can kill a person, Dax needs help some how sisko wants the stations top consellor on this case more responisiblity than troi ever got ha, but ezri is reluctant to ask for Jorans help. Until a 2nd murder has happend, now the bajoran security services are screwed so ezri has no other choice than to ask Joran for help.
Jorans inpact is imedieate he asks ezri to hold an identical gun and see what the killer can see feel what the killer can feel as she looks round ds9 due to the special eye peice he tries to convince ezri to pull the trigger when she spots someone, shes about to when her moral compass kicks in and rejects over the next couple of mins there is much soul searching for poor ezri when shes in Quarks talking to work and Quark, the bojarn security force is chasing after someone who they think is a suspect and ezri some how manages to tackle someone to the ground who is much bigger and stronger than her (im pretty sure if this was real life he would have powered past her but if this was real life the bajoran police would have been fired for just general we need star fleets help in every crime response), she then procededs to raise a knife to the mans throat odo stops her and she has to meet sisko.
Sisko says he wasnt a suspect just a man who likes collecting weapons (why he would be running from the bajoran police is a question and why would he need weapons when you have a holodeck to do all this is again another question which the plot should have addressed), so Ezri talks to Joran in which they figure out because the killer (who has killed a blue person while this is going on ) must be a vulcan as the only thing that linked all these people was a hatrid of smiling, then they are in the turbo lifts trying to figure out who it is and a vulcan walks in and guess what ......Hes only the killer to which juran realises.
Later on Joran conivnces ezri to try on the gun and eyepatch and look at the vulcan they spot him looking on the computer looking at ezris profile and then he picks up his gun and begin looking for her it gets to a moment when ezri has to decide shoot or be shoot she pulls the trigger much to Jorans delight yet it wounds vulcan they raise to his quaters to find him reaching for his gun joran urges ezri to kills him yet she calls for bashier and team bajor police basically the episode ends here.
Overal thoughts: Starlfeet uniform on close inspection as really small pockets, good idea although to many keaps of faith in the plot ie vulcan in the lift and not chasing after a weapons collector. i like joran because he was very dark although he did just seem like a poor version of a cardasian.
Overall ratting: 2 burgers and an apple
By Oliver Brooks.
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