Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


230. Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Holywood

(ZZT 1984, Trevor Horn)

So we kick of the 230 section with the official oober camp comentary on the Cold War.

229. Vienna - Ultravox
(Chrysallis 1981, Conny Plank)

Wow Conny Plank how cool would be to know someone whose second name is plank? Only in the eighties could you have movement called the new romantics, and it not be ironic. I still can't believe I actually saw Ultravox live in 2009.

228. Anyway You Want It - Journey
(Columbia 1980, Geoff Workman)

Another slice of ridiculous stadium radio friendly rock that could only have come from the 80s. No matter how bad this song is you can't help but smile.

227. Runaway - Bon Jovi
(Mercury 1983, Tonny Bongiovi)

Okay how the hell did I put this ahead of Anyway You Want It? Probably because I really don't care about the 250-200 section of this list. However if Runaway hadn't been written Bon Jovi would have almost certainly been dropped from their label and that would have been a travesty. I don't even know If I'm joking.

226. I Think We're Alone Now - Tiffany
(MCA 1987, George Tobin)

I can't believe this still gets played in clubs today. If this had been a hit in the 90s we'd of forgotten it long ago but there's some unholy dark magic surrounding the eighties that means it just will not die. God she must be hard up still touring and she even did playboy, cripes!

225. Tattooed Love Boys - Pretenders
(Sire 1980, Chris Thomas)

I have to admit I'm having fun this section, it's glorious fun cheese mixed with the odd great track, this is most certainly the latter. Chrissie Hynde was as cool as front women come.

224. Gimmie All Your Lovin' - ZZ Top
(Warner Bros. 1982, Bill Ham)

There's something scary about the nothing of Dusty Hill and Billy Gibbons asking young girls to given them all their lovin' and their hugs and kisses too *shudder*. Fun track though.

223. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
(Epic 1983, Rick Chertoff)

What can I possibly say about this one? I'm still amazed at Lauper's voice, not in the good way, it's one of those bizzare candances that not even science can explain, kind of like Britney's tone on ...Baby One More Time but not nearly as cool. This video is hilarious by the way, you gotta love the way she says "Okay Lets get wild" and then the lamest cheesey non wild beat in history kicks in.

221. Overkill - Motorhead
(EMI 1980, Jimmy Miller)

Bwhahahhahaha how did this end up next to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun? Bwhahahahha I just read what's coming next, I honestly didn't plan this.

220. Holiday - Madonna
(Warner Bros. 1983, Jellybean)

So Lemmy was sandwiched inbetween Cyndi Lauper and Madonna, I'm not sure whether I should be jealous or very very scared, probably the later. Well even the biggest of the big have to start somewhere and Madonna started here. I had to use the Live Aid footage for the hysterical backing dancers.

219. I Want To Know What Love Is - Foriegner
(Atlantic 1984, Mick Jones)

I don't know what it is, but if this were the 90s again I'd be pulling my hair out, yet when it's the eighties I can't help but laugh and enjoy myself, maybe it's the hair who knows.

218. Eye Of The Tiger - Survivor
(Scotti Brothers 1982, Frankie Sullivan)

Oh yes, I don't care what anyone says, there is no way to justify this song, it's horrible, cheesey, awful crap, but thankfully it reminds us all of Slyvester Stalone running along a beach and jumping up and down with Apollo Creed in the campest funniest scene in film history. Fuck yeah!

217. Tide Is High - Blondie
(Chrysallis 1980, Mike Chapman)

I wonder if when Atomic Kitten were covering this song they were aware that they were covering a cover? Of course this is the a Paragons 1967 B Side. Well I'm sure no one cares. Either way enjoy a classic slice of pop from CBGB's biggest superstars.

216. We Didn't Start The Fire - Billy Joel
(Columbia 1989, Mick Jones)

This has to be one of the strangest concepts in music history. A pop/rock/folk singer writting a song justifying America's role in world affairs by suggesting they didn't start the fire that in fact violence and war predated America. This is the single most amoral ridiculous justification of the US insidieous Cold War foriegn policy that I've ever heard. Morose yes, but it's so damn catchy.

215. Round & Round - Ratt
(Atlantic 1984, Beau Hill)

Another hair metal track so mind blowingly eighties, you could define it from the first chord. It's had a miny revival thanks to the genius of the Wrestler.

214. Patience - Guns 'n' Roses
(Geffen 1989, Mike Clink)

Nothing says rock and roll bad arses like whistling. No I never really got this song either but it sold shed loads but then everything Axl touched turned to cocaine money in the 80s.

213. My Adidas - Run DMC
(Profile 1986, Joseph Simmons)

Hip Hop was amazing in the late 80s you had a mix of the political cutting Public Enemy, the incredible flow of Tribe and Del Le Soul and the sheer fun block rocking of Run DMC. I still Adidas the american way thanks to this song.

212. Love Action (I Believe In Love) - The Human League
(Virgin 1981, Martin Rushent)

An incredible Kraftwerk aping hook and some genius lyrically. "When You In Love / You Know Your In Love No Matter What You Try To Do / You Might As Well Resign Yourself To What Your Going Through" yeah tell me about it.

211. Eighties - Killing Joke
(EG 1984, Killing Joke)

I'd only known Killing Joke by reputation until this summer when I finally got to see them live, and they were of course bloody brilliant. Nirvana fans should play close attention to the riff.

210. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The Police
(A&M 1981, The Police)

I have to admit I was pretty blase about seeing the Police last year, and then as the time got closer I started to remember how many mind blowing songs they had, unfortunately the very best were in the 70s so you'll have to wait a month or so for those but here let this cheesey slice tide you over. I'll try to find the footage from when I saw them.

209. Institutionalized - Suicidal Tendancies
(Frontier 1983, Glen E. Friedman)

Even though each passing offering since the sublime Guitar Hero Two has got steadily worse musically, this was proof that the guys at Guitar Hero do get it right reserecting this eighties gem for a new generation.

208. Desire - U2
(Island 1988, Jimmy Lovine)

U2 didn't really have much fun in the 80s it was angry rock, then mum rock, but towards the end we got the epic sing along Desire. Chirst just listen to this crowd go bananas. All of U2's best songs are lead by Adam Clayton's baselines.

207. Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen
(EMI 1980, Mack)

Freddie Mercury writes an Elvis style jaunt with a classic camp glam stomp, the result absolute magic.

206. Tom Sawyerr - Rush
(Mercury 1981, Rush)

"Catch The Spirit! Catch The Spit! Catch The Mystery! Catch The Myst!".

205. A View To A Kill - Duran Duran
(EMI 1985, Bernard Edwards)

Oh nothing goes hand in hand like a James Bond sound track and Duran Duran, only Sherlie Bassie could be a more perfect choice. Here's a new drinking game do a shot everytime this guy says Duran.

204. Love Removal Machine - The Cult
(Beggars Banquet 1986, Rick Rubin)

I was thrilled when this was announced for Rock Band 2, Its hard as hell to sing but it so cool to shout "Love Removal / Love Removal Machine!". Here's a classic performance at Reading, you gotta love the lead singers rant, I wonder what headliner he good be talking about, whinning little accoustic band, well it's no Green Day or the Manics, hmnn.....

203. Madhouse - Anthrax
(Megaforce 1985, Anthrax)

Another monster tune with a chorus that's bigger than life. Eighties hard rock or Ninities hard rock it's a tough tough call. But there's no doubting the best thrash was born and bred in the 80s.

202. Adventures Of Grand Master Flash On The Wheels Of Steel
(Sugar Hill Records 1981, Grand Master Flash)

His name is in the title if your wondering why I excluded the artist name, he's the friggin producer as well, and hell if you don't know of Flash then where the fuck have you been. What's more if you like hip hop and you don't know who he is you seriously need to go to itunes right now. A song that changed the world.

201. YYZ - Rush
(Mercury 1981, Rush)

Rush's instrumental masterclass in how to rock your socks, thinking about it Rush would probably be much better remembered if they never opened their mouths. Christ I have to see this song live before I die, or well before they do. Come on Mr. Giddings or Mr. Eavis make it so.


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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About this blog

This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
