Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


40. Kelly Watch The Stars - Air

(Caroline 1998, Air)

France since 1997 has been the heartland of the best pure dance music, Air, Daft Punk and Justice not a bad threesome eh? I shouldn't dismiss New York but the LCD led dance is more emotional and lyrically than cool and dancy. No track however was cooler than the ice cold Kelly Watch The Stars complete with a superb video.

39. Coffee & TV - Blur
(Food 1999, William Orbit)

Okay I'm a sucker for cute and cuddly videos and I'm sure your all aware of just how good this video is but of course that's secondary to the music. Coffee & TV was a prime example of the low key ballads that Blur had oft mastered but rarely put out as sing. Graham took the lead on vocals and it was the first hint of how great he could be as a solo artist. About as charming as singles get.

38. Goddess On A Hiway - Mecury Rev
(V2 1999, Dave Friedmann)

The gorgeous Deserters Songs made the world sit up and take notice of Mecury Rev but every great album needs a great lead single. Goddess On A Hiway was perfect, it was tender, soulful and beautiful arranged. It also had one of insanely catchiest opening verses in human history "Well, I got us on a high way and I got us in a car / And I got us going faster than we've ever gone before" and one of the best written choruses in recent memory "When I see your eyes arrive / They explode like two bugs on glass".

37. No Surprises - Radiohead
(Parlophone 1998, Nigel Godrich)

Oh yes this is getting serious now. Three straight songs with mind blowing videos and songs of staggering quality. Where to start the guitar line, the wonderful croon or the beautiful lyrics? It's such a fragile and beautiful track. I'll leave you with the great line "I'll Take A Quiet Life / A Carbon Monoxide Handshake".

36. Guilty Conscience - Eminem
(Aftermath 1999, Dr. Dre)

I already spoke at lenght about this song during Ems entrance in the greatest album list, so I won't go on too much. This song perfect combination of a genius concept with some razor sharp lyricism, it remains one of Ems greatest moments. (the vid starts with My Name Is but it switches up)

35. Sexx Laws - Beck
(Geffen 1999, Beck)

Ah Midnite Vultures the album when Beck proved his experimentation wasn't just code for "I do one creative thing that hard to define and then repeat again and again and again". Beck proved he was an genuine musical Albertross when he genuinely jumped from genre to genre. No track was more of a pleasent suprise than this slice of insane party funk who would of though the man you brought you Loser could be this much fun. I always have one MAJOR gripe with this song, I've seen Beck twice once he didn't play it (fair enough he has years of materiel) and the second time, he did requests it was requested and he did a fucking folk version ARGHH!!!!

34. Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana
(DGC 1993, Steve Albini)

Undoubtably Nirvana's best single, it can't quite claim best song rights from Dumb but it comes close. A sing along classic "I'm Forever In Debt To Your Priceless Advice", "I Wish I Could Eat Your Cancer When You Turn Black" and of course "Throw Down Your Umblical Noose So I Can Climb Right Back" the man was just firing non stop aces.

33. No Good (Start The Dance) - Prodigy
(XL 1994, Liam Howlett)

This must be the third or forth entry from Music For The Jilted Generation it'll be interesting to see which album contributed the most to this list. One of the truely immortal club bangers. (This video if you get invited onto the stage you better know you to fucking dance)

32. Sexy Boy - Air
(Caroline 1998, Air)

Ah the second entry from Air and a suitably epic electro monster. This was so spacious so floaty and frankily so friggin' silly. Oh and yet another brilliant video enjoy.

31. Sing It Back - Moloko
(Echo 1999, Moloko)

Ah Roisin Murphy how wonderful brilliant a one woman one song disco revival you brought us. She went on the proved she had more than just pop hits but honestly who cares when you make pop music this darn good! Looking at the live performances now it looks like Miss Murphy would be a darn cool girl friend, although she has got pretentious with age. And no your eyes are not deceiving you this took well over Ten minutes live, including an impromtu Donna Summer cover at Glasto but luckily I've found a 9 minute version with some hilarious dancing. Oh Hell I'll include the Legendary metallic dress video as well.


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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About this blog

This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
