Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


20. Enjoy The Silence - Depeche Mode

(Mute 1990, Flood)

We're getting to the stage where the songs hardly need introduction and there's very few jokes to be made or new observations. You know how great this song is, I know how great this song is lets just enjoy the live version.

19. HyperBallad - Bjork
(One Little Indian 1996, Bjork)

Taken from the brilliant album Post which just featured in the top albums of the 90s list came the astoundingly beautiful Hyperballad it was a tough call it was either this or Oh So Quiet and while later is joyously fun and propably should have featured earlier, instead of one of the many abominations (I seriously had Babybird in this fucking list!?!) but I opted for this gorgeous pop gem.

18. No Scrubs - TLC
(LaFace 1999, Kevin Briggs)

TLC were one of the few interesting pop acts of the ninities, writting original materiel with suprisingly incisive lyrically content, this was the second of the trilogy of great songs (the others being Unpretty & Waterfalls) it was their biggest success and an undisputed 90s anthem.

17. Parklife - Blur
(Food 1994, Stephen Street)

Ah Damon used to get out of bed and walk around Hyde Park with his eyes wide open and his brain switched on as he penned this utter classic. The choice of Phil Daniels for the reverse was a master stroke and a peice of pop history. Unfortunately no one has put up the moving video version of Parklife yet from Glasto so settle for the stills but it's undoubtably the best outing the songs has ever had Phil and all. Christ just listen the crowd reaction.

16. Sabotage - Beastie Boys
(Capitol 1994, Beastie Boys)

Classic song, somehow even more classic video, and quite simply it's one of those songs that you have to see live before you die. Honestly I caught the Beastie's touring the god awful Mix-Up you know the all instrumental record, and hearing the visercal goof ball energy of this track made sitting through 7 jazz funk numbers worthwhile after all.

15. Tender - Blur
(Food 1999, William Orbit)

Okay seriously the footage of half the songs on this list, including this one are on the bloody BBC website, I can't believe no one has sliced them up and put them on youtube yet what the hell. Was it a parody, a joke? Who cares it was bloody brilliant, another ultimate festival anthem. Please, Please, Please, Please Damon do one more tour. Headline IOW please!!! Argh! Anyway you know how it goes 1...2...3...4..."Oh My Baby...."

14. Teardrop - Massive Attack
(Virgin 1998, Massive Attack)

Another premier slice of trip-hop from one of Bristol's greats, wait is there a single Trip-hop band that isn't from Bristol anyway? Regardless this was a beautiful, big and ominous as 90s songwritting gets.

13. Disco 2000 - Pulp
(Island 1995, Chris Thomas)

Ah Pulp they were so bloody brilliant. Another band who managed to get not just one great album (His'n'Hers), not just two great albums (Different Class) but three (This Is Hardcore). This was one of those songs you knew would be a classic on the first rotation. I was out a few weeks ago for my mates birthday in Camdem, and they still plays this in clubs, and not as some oldies at the end at fucking eleven o'clock, prime time. Because even to this day if a Dj sees a half empty dance floor he knows it's time to call upon Pulp.

12. Live Forever - Oasis
(Creation 1994, Owen Morris)

So I already spoke about this track in the albums list, so I'll keep this brief. Make no mistake this is Oasis' anthem, no its not any of the pap on What's The Story it's Live Forever the definitive Oasis track, enough said.

11. Street Spirit - Radiohead
(Parlophone 1996, John Leckie)

Another mind blowing single, a ground breaking video, and a haunting live anthem. This was a special moment at V back in 2006, I was really looking forward to Idioteque, Just, Karma Police and Paranoid Android to be my dream moments, but I had completely forgot about Street Spirit and it took me by surprise and rock me to my core, it was a chilling and beautiful as the first time I heard it ten years before. God just thinking about it makes me want to put myself through the torture of Reading on more time. Fuck me watching the video back sends a shiver down my spine. How on Earth is this not in the top ten!?!


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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About this blog

This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
