Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Christ thanks to the terrible name (TNA) and the ridiculous poster, it now does actually look like I'm reviewing porn, geez, they really have to change the name of this garbage.

Angelina Love defeats Tara for the Knock Outs Title
Wow this was an absolute clunker, not utterly horrible and not their own personal worst either but it just didn't flow, I think everyone and their mother misses Gail Kim by now. Oh so you opening your show you want to get the crowd all warmed up what do you do, screw over the babyface in a high convoluted manner of course. Yawn. (*)

Matt Morgan Defeats Christopher Daniels
Christ two people I really don't want to see on my TV screen at all, but worst of all wrestling each other. Matt Morgan is just beyond horrible in every way, wrestling skills, look, charisma, he's dated and he's horrible. Daniels is completely bland, has moderate skills and flashy spots, he was suposed to carry the match no suprise he couldn't. Utterly forgetable. (1/2*)

Abyss defeats Doctor Stevie
God that was painful to type let alone to reminis bout. This was your geek show, pathetic loser match, which has no place on TV in 2009, it's purely there to amuse the goofs who actually turned up to watch this live. Oh this match even had a goofy gimmicked taser. It looks like the end of Doctor Stevie hopefully Daffney can go to the knockouts division and get away from this garbage. Offensive and dated. (*1/4)

Team 3D defeats The British Invasion to retain the IWGP Titles
Well this was another match that didn't really serve any purpose it's just an excuse to get Team 3D out there to do their routine to entertain the thousand or so people in attendence. I don't have a problem with this, were it not one of a several matches designed to placate individuals that have nothing to do with making money or putting on a good show. That said Team 3D should be on PPV preferably opening the show and warming up the crowd. Formulaic and Forgetable. (*1/2)

Jenna Morasca defeats Sharmell
Yes this was a match and it is undoubtably the worst match of the year. Seriously nothing has a chance to top this. Jenna has no business being in a ring, and while I have to admit her ring entrance and lap dance pin were probably the most entertaining thing on this show (god that's depressing) this was still beyond horrible. They botched everything imaginable, a total disgrace to the industry, you have to wonder isn't the point of having surrogates (Kong and Bolt) that they wrestle on your behalf not sit around doing nothing. And yes the post match, made no sense either. Worst Match Of The Year (Neg. -***3/4)

Kevin Nash Defeated AJ Styles to win the TNA Legends Title
Nothing says hugely important PPV match like wrestling for a made up title. Yes this is the belt that Booker created for himself, yes he just made it and walked in with it, and then randomly started defending. See if I where in TNA I'd create the TNA Ultimate God Of The Universe belt and never defend it, seeing as apparently that's how the rules work in TNA. Anyway AJ did his best creating movement but it was a Nash match what do you expect. Lumbering. (*3/4)

Booker T & Scott Stiener defeat Beer Money Inc. For the TNA Tag Titles
Well this match made Kevin Nash look like Evan Borne, this was slow formulaic bag of tricks stuff with Booker still refusing to put any effort in, at least Scotty tries and he can be damn entertaining, this however was not the less said the better. Zzzzzzzzz. (*)

Kurt Angle defeats Mick Foley to retain the TNA World Title
So Kurt Angle is crippled due to injury and can barely move, Mick Foley is a used up out of shape peice of shit and actually manages to look worse than Kurt Angle who is working through a legit injury. Sadly with two guys in absolutely no shape to wrestle they had easily the best match of the show, how sad is that. Oddly Kurt promised the fans this wouldn't be a great match he would mawl Mick Foley, so what did he do, yes you've guess it wrestle his regular match at half speed. All In All A Triumph Over Adversity. (**1/4)

Overall Thoughts: This is the worst PPV of the year, I know I've said that after the last four TNA PPVs but seriously this one was the absolute pits, worse than Destination X, it had no redeeming features. To make matters worse Kurt Angle by saying "If you lose your matches tonight your out of the Main Event Mafia, for good", gave away the finish to all of the main events. Jeff Jarrett has just been sent home indefinitely by Dixie Carter, rumour is Kurt Angle could be taking over the Vince McMahon role lets hope to hell we get a proper shake up. At least things can only go up from here, well or they could go out of business....wait no that would be better than this for sure. (0.1/10)


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London, Kent, United Kingdom
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About this blog

This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
