Daveportivo's Cultural Evaluation Facility

Music, Politics, Flim, Books and TV all shall be reviewed within.


Rising Above

Mark and Jay Briscoes are in the ring, and Jay is country hick laying into Steen and Generico, saying that they fluked a win over them and that it was only a year ago that the Briscoes owned Steen and Generico. Jay calls out Steen and Generico, who promptly arrive. Big “Mr. Wrestling” chant, Steen says there’s nothing they’d like more than to beat the Briscoes arses. Steen says Mark is injured and they said Steen and Generico don’t want to face the Briscoes at 50%. Steen continues that he means no disrespect, and says after the ladder war they have nothing to prove to themselves, Steen and Generico or to the ROH fans as he turns to point to the crowd The Briscoes jump them to start the match up.

ROH World Tag Team Title
The Briscoe Brothers vs. Steen & Generico

Jay and Steen brawl to the outside as Mark hits an overhead belly to belly suplex on El Generico. Mark beats down Generico in the corner, Generico makes a comeback but he sees Mark hobbling and hesitates allowing Mark to clobber Generico with a reverse elbow. Jay tags in and hits a running back elbow before Generico manages to score with a leg lariat and gets the tag to Steen. Steen is distracted by Mark and Jay kills Steen with a running Yakuza kick. Mark tags in with a nice vertical suplex for a one count. Jay tags back in and chokes Steen in the corner. Jay hits a body slam before hitting a quick leg drop. Mark tags in and the Briscoes get their trademark double shoulder tackle for a two count. Mark hits a closeline in the corner before tagging Jay back in. Jay hits a crisp back suplex for a two count before bringing Mark back into the ring. Steen and Mark exchange big forearms before Steen fights out of an exploder, Mark tries it a second time but Steen shoves him off and kills him with a superkick.

HOT TAG! Generico tags in and hits a flying cross body for two. Generico then counters a closeline into an arm drag and hits a Mikinoku Driver for a near fall. Generico goes for his arm wrench and rope walk but Jay kills him with a closeline to counter. Mark then comes in and hits an absolute lethal exploder for a near fall. Mark goes for the cut throat driver but Steen breaks it up. Mark presses Steen to the apron but the minute Steen lands Generico decapitates Mark with a running Yakuza kick, then immediately hits a front flip Plancha onto Jay and Steen gets a frog splash for a 2.99999 count. Steen says its over but Mark counters the Package piledriver and goes for the Cut Throat Driver but his knee buckles, Mark ask for a time out but Steen kicks him in the leg instead and hits the Package Piledriver for the win.

Very short match for two teams of this calibre, the action was crisp but a little disjointed, the finale of the match was exhilarating but unfortunately there wasn’t much else to the match. (**1/4)

Claudio cuts a promo saying he’s very European and that after he kicked the hell out of Bryan Danielson he can no longer be overlooked.

SHIMMER Women’s Title
Sara Del Ray (w/Larry Sweeney) vs. Mischif

Sarah Del Ray dropkicks Mischif off the apron during her entrance but Mischif turns it around and whips Del Ray into the guard rail. Back in the ring Mischif unloads with a series of stiff chops until Mischif replies. Mischif replies with an Octopus stretch, Sara tries to counter into a tilt a whirl but Mischif spins around and applies on the other side. Del Ray counters with a back breaker but Mischif still won’t release the hold, a second back breaker does the trick.

Sara gets a snapmare and drops a knee for a two count before slapping on a high angle boston crab and then a nastly looking bridging boston crab but Mischif Bridges out into a mount and unloads, that was an incredible sequence. Mischif hits a standing moonsault for a near fall. Sara recovers with a stiff boot to the head and then hits two short arm closelines before Mischif counters into a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Del Ray maintains control however with a choke bomb for a near fall. Mischif then counters a powerslam into a slightly sloppy but devasting DDT.

Mischif dodges a closeline and hits a spinning back fist combo for a two count. Del Ray then hits a Wheel Barrow bomb and then holds on an turns it into a brutal wheel barrow Dragon Sleeper walking her into the corner where she throws Mischif face first into turnbuckles. Del Ray then hits a German suplex for a near fall and goes for a Gory Special which Mischif very nicely counters into a code Green for a near fall. Mischif hits three double stomps with Del Ray’s neck laid across the bottom rope in a sick spot. Mischif goes for the Desecrator but Del Ray counters and they trade pinfall attempts for near falls. Mischif dodges a closeline but Del Ray dodges the Green Mist and hits the axe kick. Sarah Del Ray goes for the Royal butterfly but its countered into Desecrator for the 1-2-3.

Very good, very enjoyable Women’s match, with some lovely spots and some incredible flexibility on display, and actually it’s when the Women work their own unique style of match that they are at their best. When they try the male style wrestling they look slow, plodding and weak, the Shimmer Ladies are very impressive but if they continue to be brave and work and even more unique style, they could have some incredible show stealing matches. (**1/2)

Jimmy Jacobs informs us that there is no way in hell that he’ll say I quit, he was he has manoeuvred Austin Aries into this position.

A very strong Necro Butcher promo video airs.

Four Corner Survival
Claudio Castagnoli vs. Alex Payne vs. Sami Callihan vs. Silas Young

Nigel is joining us on commentary. Callihan grabs a hammerlock on Young but Young counters into headlock takedown. Claudio takes down Young when he’s fed up of watching the other two wrestle. Claudio then kills Callihan with a European Uppercut and a gut wrench suplex before kicking the crap out of Callihan in the corner. Payne tags in and hits a torpedo dropkick while Claudio is distracted. Claudio avoids a blind charge and unloads with chops and headbutt. Payne gets a sleeper but Claudio counters with a military press.

Young and Callihan tag in, they do some nice counters and Callihan hits a seated stunner for a near fall. Claudio tags himself back in and continues to kick the crap out of everyone. Young hits a top rope Enzenguri but Claudio just comes right back with a pump kick. Claudio is really annoyed by the crowd so to shut them up he applies a chinlock, great. Payne gets a comedy sunset flip but he’s immediately killed with a diving closeline and a ground and pound. Claudio then kills Payne with a European Uppercut for two. Claudio is again annoyed with crowd and again goes to a chinlock. Payne dodges a closeline and gets two dropkicks.

Young tags in and they hit a double dropkick on Claudio sending him to the outside. Callihan tries a cannon ball off the apron but Claudio catches him and throws him into the guard rail. Payne and Young unload on each over in the ring. Young hits a Finley roll and a headstand rebound moonsault but Claudio got a blind tag and gives Young a dominator out of the ring onto Callihan. Payne slides under a Ricolla bomb and hits a second rope diving bulldog, Claudio counters the revival with a European Uppercut before killing Payne with the Ricolla Bomb.

What the hell was this match doing on PPV, it made Claudio look like a monster but this could have been achieved in four minutes not eleven. The crowd were all over Claudio and his reactions were brilliant as was Nigel on commentary to make this match tolerable. Not horrible but just pointless. (*)

Claudio tries to beat the crap out of Payne after the bell but Bryan Danielson runs out and makes the save.

Chris Hero, Go Shiozaki & Davey Richards vs. Ace Steel, Brent Albright & Roderick Strong
Steel and Hero start in the ring and he scores with a snapmare and a spinal tag, Hero misses a running boot and gets hung up in the second rope and Steel hits a running corner dropkick. Strong tags in and unloads with a stiff chop before bringing in Brent Albright. Hero hits a roaring forearm and tags in Go. Brent gets a drop toe hold but Go blocks the 6-1-knee but Brent comes back with a exploder. Strong tags in and hits a brutal chop on Go, Go is angered and comes back with a series of knee strikes. Richards tags in and hits a running closeline but Strong recovers countering a suplex into an over the shoulder gut buster. Ace hits a hip toss and then a nice back suplex for a two count. Steel tosses Davey to the outside and throws him into the barracde. Everybody brawls on the outside.

Davey Richards hits a snap suplex on ace for a two count before Hero tags back in and kicks the crap out of Ace. Hero hits a nice front slam and a senton back splash for a two count. Go tags in laying Ace across the apron and hits a running knee strike for a near fall. Go chokes Steel but Strong charges in hitting a stiff boot on Go to break the hold. Hero tags in and locks in a double chicken wing and face lock. Hero gets a crucifix pin for a two count and Ace tries to battle to his corner. Ace makes the tag but Richards had the ref distracted. Go tags in and stomps down on Ace in the corner killing Ace with a running knee strike. Go hits a knife edge chop before tagging Chris Hero back into the ring. Steel lands on his feet off a powerbomb landing on his feet and scores with a DDT. Richards tags in and boots Brent off the apron before laying some stiff kicks in on ace who counters with a lovely reverse Dragon Screw.

HOT TAG! Strong unloads with some leg lariats and then a half nelson back breaker for Richards. Brent and Strong hit the 2D on Richards before Strong hits a corner closeline and Brent hits a spinning back breaker. Richrard’s hits an enzenguri, Go tags in and weathers a enzenguri before hitting a fisherman’s suplex for a two count. Richards tags back in, Go hits a running chop, Richard’s hits the Alarm Clock and then Hero hits the Roaring forearm it looks like that has it but Brent makes an amazing diving save. Richards unloads on Ace wtih a spinning back kick but can’t avoid and overhead release belly to belly from Brent. Ace hits a corner dropkick for a near fall. The match breaks down into brawling. Hero hits a leaping kick to the side of Brent’s head but then gets killed with a closeline. Go kills Brent with a superkick but Ace comes in with a double leg trip and a dropkick to the face. Ace Steel then hits a suicide dive taking out Hero and Go. In the ring Strong and Richards exchange strikes, they go chop for boot until Richards hits a spinning back kick, Strong then kills Richard’s with a running Yakuza kick and the Tiger Bomb, Richards kicks out at Two but Strong flips him over into the Strong Hold, it looks like Strong has to tap when Sweeney distracts the ref and that young knock out kid nails Strong in the head with a steel chair for the victory.

That was again a very odd choice for a PPV match. A total inconsequential clusterfuck of spots and all over the place action. (*1/4)

We then go to a highlight package on the Jimmy Jacobs-Austin Aries feud, its excellent and at last a match that the we genuinely want to see.

Aries gets on the mike says he’s not at all surprised to Tyler Black in his corner and there’s been alot of speculation as to who Austin Aries will have in his corner. Aries says he doesn’t need anyone in his corner because there’s no way he’ll say “I quit” Jimmy will have to kill him. Austin tells “the flavour of the month” to stay out of their business.

“I Quit” Match
Jimmy Jacobs vs. Austin Aries

They aggressively lock up and power each other all the way to the outside. Aries rolls back into the ring and tells Jacobs to bring it on as Jacobs talks to Black. Black distracts Aries but he knows what’s coming and turns and floors Jacobs with a big right hand. Both men roll and brawl all the way to the floor. Black distracts Aries again allowing Jacobs to hit a dropkick and then Jimmy tosses Aries headfirst into the guard rail. Jacobs gets a table but Aries jumps him however Jimmy keeps control sending Aries for a front flip into the table. Jacobs and black set up a table outside by the ringpost. Aries whips Jacobs into the barricade and then rakes the eyes of Jacobs against the ring apron. Aries lays Jacobs on the table and goes up top but Black pulls Jimmy off the table to make the save. Intriguing start.

Aries gives Jacobs a Jaw Jacker and then tries the Heat Seeking missile but Jimmy cleverly gets a dog collar under ring and hits Aries in the face in mid air. Jacobs swings the dog collar like a wild man and then wraps it around his fist. Jacobs hits a big load right hand, Aires is busted wide open, Jacobs then gets spiked collar and cuts away at the head of Aries as the Ref asks Aries if he quits but Aries screams “Noooooooo”. Jacobs whips Aries like a dog with the belt and then wraps it around Aries throat and chokes the life out of Aries but Aries still won’t quit. The crowd chant for Austin Aries but it’s seemingly not helping. Jacobs gives Aries a seat at ringside but Aries pops up on the apron to block the plancha. Jacobs bits Aries to get free before Spearing Aries through the ropes to the floor. Aries still won’t quit.

Jacobs plays to the crowd and gives Aries a seat and chokes the life out of him. Jacobs then hits the twisting suicide dive crushing the chair. Aries is asked again and just won’t quite. Jacobs rolls Aries back in the ring and gets another steel chair. Jacobs chokes Aries with the dog collar and then ties Aries tightly in the chair with the dog collar. Jacobs then rakes away at Aries cut but he still won’t give it up. Jacobs then hits two head butts and bites the forehead of Aries. The crowd chant “You Sick Fuck”. Black gives Jacobs the destroyed chair and holds it over head and ask Aries to quit, Aries says no and Jimmy prepares to kill Aries with the chair but LACEY APPEARS! The crowd chant “holy shit”, Lacey has a towel, Jimmy tells her to throw it in but she won’t as Aries tells her not to. Jacobs is distracted and goes after Lacey and is met with a slap. Jacobs gets the rail road spike and goes to kill Aries but he’s managed to untie himself and unloads.

Aries throws Jacobs out of the ring hard and hits the most brutal Heat Seeking Missile crushing both men hard into the guard rail moving it way back into the crowd. Aries goes for the brainbuster and hits it in the centre of the ring on steel chair. The crowd chant “we want blood” as Aries wraps the chain round his fist and hits a big right hand. Jacobs is bleeding as Aries ties Jimmy to the turnbuckle. The ref tries to ask Jimmy if he quits but Aries won’t let the referee ask. He hits a ten punch and then five elbows. Aries takes the mike from Sinclair and say “I said NO”.

Aries hits a corner dropkick and says “do you quit Jimmy?” but then he takes the Mike away before he can answer. He beats Jacobs with mike and then lays him on the table at ringside. Then in a sick moment Jacobs throws the chair from the table at Aries whose on the top rope hitting him in the throat. Aries is crotched on the top rope as the crowd chant for Jimmy Jacobs. Both men fall off the top rope, Jacobs falls off top back first but Aries goes through face first. Neither man will quit and Jacobs has a horrifically bloodied face, one of the best blades I’ve seen in a long will.

Aries fries away but Jimmy kicks a field goal between Aries legs and locks in the End Time. Aries can’t break it but he won’t quit, Jacobs switches to the Knee Strikes and puts Aries in the Last Chancery, Aries won’t quit and breaks the hold with an eye rake. Jimmy gets the rail road spike and swings but Aries dodges and counters into the knee strikes and tells the referee to ask Jimmy but Jacobs says “No No”. Aries hits the kick of death and then locks in the Last Chancery but Jacobs still won’t quit. Aries locks in the crippler crossface, Jacob’s won’t quit so Aries gets the Spike and prepares to kill Jimmy. Jacobs signals to Black who gets on the apron with the towel and but Lacey steals the towel away and Aries unloads with the spike so Jacobs has to scream “I quit, I quit”.

That was an absolutely brilliant gutsy, intense and very bloody brawl. The execution was sublime and it had the ECWeske big over the top storylines coming together at once feel to it. The crowd were just going ape shit, the match was also very clever as it had the appearences of a match to the death without actually having both men take stupid risks. The story telling was absolutely spot on and Jimmy was excellent in his roll tonight. A great blow off to the feud everyone should see this match. (****1/4)

Post match Lacey walks away from Aries making his victory bittersweet. Jacobs gets in Black’s face for not throwing in the towel the crowd can’t “Fuck ‘em Up Tyler, Fuck Him Up” but Black tries to get Jimmy to focus on Aries but Jacob’s is having none of it and Black storms off as the commentators wonder if this is the end of The Age Of The Fall.

ROH World Title
Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuiness

The crowd chant “You’re Gonna Get Your Fucking Head Kicked In” as Nigel poses with the belt. They shake hands to start the match. Danielson gets a kick to the ribs to start then match and then as they circle a kick to the inside leg. Nigel gets a wristlock but Dragon tries to reverse however Nigel keeps control. Nigel uses a hair pull to get Dragon down, Dragon rolls bridges and counters with a northern lights suplex maintains a wrist lock bending Nigel’s hand backwards and stomping on the elbow before hitting a spinal tap for a two count. “Fuck ‘Em Up Dragon” chant rings out as Nigel bails to the outside to regroup.

Nigel hits a kick to the inside thigh that looks suspiciously low and Dragon goes down, Danielson reverses a Hammerlock and takes Nigel down, he has one arm hammerlocked with his foot and bends a tears away at wrist until Nigel makes the ropes. Dragon wrenches the arm before reminding the ref that he has until five. Nigel gets a shoulder tackle and a headlock take down. Dragon gets a double leg trip and goes for the Woah Woah Woah surfboard but Nigel scrambles so Dragon claws away at the face and then it’s the double knee breaker. Dragon then hammerlocks the arm and gets the deathlock drop, Dragon then hammerlocks one arm and then treads down brutally on the other arm leading to a pin for a two count. Dragon dodges a closeline and scores with a big boot and goes for the kick of death but Nigel dodges and bails. Dragon goes for a suicide dive but Nigel sees it coming but so does Dragon who slides onto the apron instead and hits an incredible flying knee strike off the apron that sends Nigel flying backwards into the guard rail. The crowd go bananas as Dragon plays to the crowd.

Back in the ring Danielson gets a short burst of the stomps of doom. Nigel dodges a blind charge and gets a stiff kick to the back, instead of the closeline Nigel traps the leg under the bottom closeline and then hits the back kick closeline combination. Dragon screams in pain as the referee frees his legs. Nigel snapmares Dragon into the ropes so he lands on his head, Nigel then goes for Dragon’s surfboard but instead tells the crowd to go fuck themselves and instead hits the double knee breaker. Nigel then locks in a brutal standing figure four before rolling it into a pin for a two count. Nigel applies the spinning toe hold before locking in the figure four leglock to a chorus of Wooohs. Dragon tries to turn the hold over but he can’t do it, the crowd come to life and rolls it over, Nigel rolls through but now Dragon can make the ropes.

The crowd come to life distracting Nigel, both men trade big European uppercuts, Dragon looks like winning so Nigel kicks him in the leg. Dragon cuts him off with a kitchen sink, a spinal tap and a running knee strike to the chest. Nigel comes back with the throat thrusts in the corner. Nigel goes for the headstand but Dragon counters with a standing Ankle lock and then an Ankle lock German suplex. Dragon then locks on the Cross Face Chicken wing, Nigel tries to counter but Dragon spins back into the hold, Nigel tries a sunset flip but Dragon steps over and counters that leading to a pinning sequence.

Nigel gets a double leg trip and then his falling leg wrencher. Nigel hits a European uppercut in the corner and then the head of steam back elbow, Nigel waits for the big lariat but Dragon counters to the crossface chicken wing and Nigel fades but eventually makes the ropes. Dragon hits ten spinal taps the Referee gives Dragon a talking to and that allows Nigel to sneak in with a chop block. Nigel crotches Danielson on the top rope and instead of getting the Lariat hangs Danielson by his knee and hits a series of forearms to the knee and then hits the diving second rope Lariat. Nigel goes for the figure four again but Dragon blocks and kicks him out of the ring. Nigel lands on his feet but Dragon immediately catches him with a baseball slide and then the spring board front flip plancha. Nigel gets some throat thrusts and leaves Danielson lying on the ramp with a back elbow. Nigel gets a chair and goes for chair. The ref tries to take it off McGuiness. Claudio sneaks in and stomps a chair onto Danielsons Skull. Nigel returns to the ring and it looks like Nigel is about to get the win when Payne comes from the back and carries Dragon back to the ring at Seventeen to a MONSTER POP.

The crowd are going nuts as Nigel hits a brutal lariat sending Danielson for a flip but that only gets a nearfall. Nigel then locks in a half boston crab and Dragon is screaming. Dragon who is now bleeding from the head crawls to the ropes but he’s pulled back to the centre and Nigel sits down on the hold. With some inspiration from the crowd Dragon manages to make the ropes. Dragon’s face is a bloody mess as Nigel works the leg in the corner. Nigel charges into a boot and Dragon kills Nigel with the running knee strike and both men are down as the crowd go bananas some more.

Both men are up and Nigel hits a big European, Dragon replies in kind and until Dragon unloads with a flurry of uppercuts. Nigel goes for the Jaw Breaker but Dragon wonderfully counters into a beautiful cross arm breaker, Nigel tries to get to the ropes so Dragon switches to the Triangle choke and elbow strikes, Nigel fades but tries to counter to a half crab but Dragon counters that to the small package for a 2.99998! Dragon then counters a Lariat into the crucifix for a near fall. Dragon counters into the elbow strikes of certain death but Dragon fades himself and is exhausted but he manages to hulk up and drops seven for elbow strikes for a 2.99999! Then it’s time for Cattle Mutilation, Nigel thinks about tapping but Nigel turns over and fights up but Dragon hits the Tiger Suplex for a nearfall. Dragon goes for Cattle Mutilation but Nigel counters to the TOWER OF LONDON? Yes from the floor and both men are down.

“This is Awesome” chant rings out as both men stagger to their feet. Dragon charges but Nigel swings round and kills Dragon with a lariat turning Dragon inside out for a 2.999999999! Nigel puts Dragon in the elbow strikes of DOOM but Dragon HULKS UP! He gets a open hand strike combo and a roaring elbow, but Nigel comes back with a straight headbutt, Dragon misses a closeline and Nigel gets a headbutt to the back and then rebounds with the Jaw Breaker Lariat for the 1-2-3. The crowd are completely and utterly deflated and are shell shocked.

The crowd were so behind Danielson you can see everyone standing in an absolute state of shock. When these two get in the ring its always absolutely epic and this was no exception. For two guys who have wrestled each other so often they manages to put a new spin on everything each and everytime and in this case told a completely different story with Dragon’s leg injury. The second half of the match was about as epic and widescreen as any match could possibly be, they had the crowd in the palm of their hands. Their Driven contest is still my favourite by a long way but this was excellent none the less. (****3/4)

Overall Thoughts: Talk about a tale of two halves, the first half was mostly baffling filler, the Briscoes was a fun opener and the Shimmer match was very enjoyable but it was surrounded by two lifeless unworthy matches that it totally undermined the whole first hour. The second hour was the total opposite absolutely must see. So overall not ROH’s best effort on PPV but with two such awesome and totally different Main Event contests I strongly recommend you sit through the uninspired first hour.


Glory By Honor VII

Kevin Steen and El Generico are backstage basking in the glory of their newly won tag team titles. Steen says his shoulder is feeling a little empty so he's gonna win the FIP Heavyweight Title to even things up Generico is gonna defeat Nigel McGuinness for the ROH World Title. Steen says there’ll be no weaselling out this time for Nigel this time.


Kenny King vs. Jerry Lynn

Lynn gets a huge pop and a big round of “Welcome Back” chants as he waits for his opponent. They shake hands and then Jerry makes fun of “crazy” hip hop culture. Big “Jerry Lynn” chant followed by “New Fucking Show” and then “Fuck ‘em Jerry” as the two posture and play to the crowd.

Jerry gets an arm drag and then plays to the crowd, Kenny gets a hammerlock and mocks Jerry but he’s taken down with a headlock takeover. King tries for a dropkick but Lynn sidesteps it Kenny King counters a hammerlock with a Japanese arm drag and he kips up to a round of applause. Lynn comes back with an arm wrench and then rolls over Kings back and scores with a pair of arm drags. Lynn holds King down with an arm drag but King takes Lynn to the corner to break the hold. Lynn gets a leap frogging sunset flip for two. King tries the same but Lynn reads it and is waiting with a school boy for two.

Lynn locks in a side headlock and King powers out and counters with a snapmare and a stomp before getting in the crowd’s face. King unloads on Lynn with knee strikes but then Lynn floats over King and scores with a headscissors, Lynn then slides between Kings legs and gets a leg trip and elbow drop. Lynn does Jumping Jacks to mock King, King isn’t happy and charges with a plancha but Jerry casually sides steps and scores with a cannon ball off the ring apron. King gets a burst of strength and rams Jerry back first into the ring apron. Not a bad start at all.

Back in the ring, King drops a knee to the back before hitting a snapmare and going to a chinlock. Jerry fights out and counters a kitchen sink with a school boy for two. King sends Lynn into the turnbuckle and then hits the double knees to the back and then the Arn Anderson spinebuster for a two count. King then slaps on a camel clutch which Lynn quickly fights out of and gets a small package for a near fall. King then gets a sloppy break dancing kick and then the Blue Thunder Bomb gets a nearfall. King then bitch slaps Lynn around and throws him down to the mat hard. King goes for a springboard leg drop but King rolls out of the way.

Lynn unloads with a pair of mat slams of his own. Lynn then rubs Kenny’s eyes across the top rope and scores with a nice swinging DDT and calls for the Cradle Pile Driver but Kenny counters to the Emerald Fusion which Lynn then slips out the back off. Lynn charges into a pair of boots and gets a near fall with him feet on the ropes. King gets distract by the ref and Lynn pops up with a top rope Frankensteiner and follows it with the Craddle Pile Driver for the 1-2-3. The crowd chant “You Still Got It”.

That was fine for what it was, got the crowd going nicely to start the evening with the old time crowd favourite. Lynn look okay, he’s still got alot of what he had but his offence didn’t seem hugely credible in this match up. King as per usual got his character over nicely but couldn’t deliver a really good match. Too much stalling and unimaginative wrestling in this one. (**1/2)


NWA World Heavyweight Title

Adam Pearce (w/S’n’S Inc.) vs. Brent Albright

They both play to the crowd with the title belt to start the match and of course Brent is greeted with a huge round of cheers. Brent gets a spear and both men unload until Brent secures a mount and pounds the crap out of Pearce. Brent gets a shoulder tackle and lines up a big right hand but Pearce bails. Pearce and Sweeney say there too clever for that. Albright sneaks in behind Pearce and throws him into the barricade and then into a chair before walking up the isle and giving Pearce a body slam on the outside. Intense start.

Pearce begs off and offers a hand but Brent bitch slaps him. Pearce does the back flip spot but when he lands Brent kills him with a brutal lariat. Hagadorn gets on the apron to distract the ref and Pearce tosses Brent over the top rope (which should be a DQ). Pearce then takes Brent to the outside and suplexes Brent on the ramp. Pearce lays on the top rope and mocks Brent which cause Brent to unload and both men have a slugfest on their knees until Pearce bites Albright and then spits on the official. Pearce slugs down Brent and then shows off his muscles. Pearce distracts the ref allowing Sweeney to get a bitch slap in. Pearce scores with a body slam and cockily heads up top and scores with a big splash off top for a near fall. That’s got to be the least credible spot ever. Pearce then tries to use his tape but the referee takes it off him and while he’s distracted Hagdorn placed a chair in between the top and middle turnbuckle. Pearce charges but is leap frogged and goes headfirst into the top turnbuckle and both men are down.

Brent explodes with two closelines and an exploder for a two count. Brent then counters a crossbody into a swinging back breaker. Pearce goes for a figure four but its countered into a small package for a near fall. Pearce runs into a boot and then goes for a leap frog which Brent counters nicely into the Air Raid crash. Pearce counters an Irish whip and goes for the half nelson suplex but Brent counters and goes for one of his own but the ref is out of position and Pearce counters with a low blow. Pearce then drops Brent right on his head with a half nelson suplex for a near fall. Brent counters a piledriver and rolls through into a piledriver of his own and that gets a near fall. Brent can’t believe it.

Pearce cuts Brent off with a thumb to the eyes and goes to the top rope, Brent catches him on top but Pearce shoves him off, Brent runs back up and they battle over a superplex. Sweeney distracts the referee and Hagadorn shoves both men backwards off the top rope to the outside. That was a big impressive spot. Both men answer the count after nine. Both men are slow getting to their feet and we then get a double closeline spot.

Both men answer the count and Albright unloads with rights but when he goes for a back body drop Pearce goes for the Piledriver but Brent counters that with the Crowbar and Pearce thinks about tapping before rolling to counter the hold. Brent goes for the half nelson but Pearce fights that off. Pearce then takes Albright down with a Crowbar of his own and the crowd chant “Please don’t tap”, Pearce nearly makes the ropes but Pearce pulls him back to the centre of the ring and reapplies the hold. Brent has no choice but to tap out and the crowd are not happy bunnies.

Started intensely but quickly simmered out and was very sloppy and poor for a good portion of the first half but then they suddenly kicked up through the gears and had an exceptional second half. The second half was a really good back and forth power match up. Really good finish that put Pearce over strong. (***1/4)


Bryan Danielson cuts a good money promo setting up his first GHC Junior title defence later tonight.


FIP Heavyweight Title

Kevin Steen vs. Go Shiazaki (w/S’n’S)

Steen offers Go a handshake to start the match but Go cockily kicks it away. They then jokingly play to the crowd. Steen powers Go to the corner and tricks Go into shaking his hand. Go then wipes his hand clean on the referees shirt. Steen then powers out of a top wristlock but before he can counter the hold Go shoves him down hard. Steen then grabs a side headlock and mockingly pulls Go’s hair. Steen goes for a shoulder tackle but Steen won’t budge, Go tries but Steen won’t budge, they then trade eleven shoulder tackles before Steen side steps and tosses Go to the outside. Steen the does a slightly sloppy but absolutely incredible fake dive and landing on the apron and then killing Go with a cannon ball before playing to the crowd. Steen then whips Go into the guard rail before unloading with some monsterous stiff chops.

Steen is distracted getting back into the ring and Go gives Steen a figure four in the ring ropes. Go then works over Steen on the apron, before grabbing Hagadorn by the head and throwing him headfirst into the Steen’s knee. Go then works over Steen’s near on the ringpost, Go applies a step over toe hold before dropping a splash on the knee. Steen tries to fight back but Go just floors him with a single knife edge chop. Go then works Steen in the corner before hanging Steen in the tree of woe in the corner and chopping the crap out of Steen. We then get a monster bitch slap and chop battle but Go thinks quickly and cuts Steen off with a basement dropkick. Steen then bitch slaps Shane Hagadorn through the ropes.

Steen blocks punches and unloads with a flurry of his own before hitting his patternted front flip leg drop. Steen follows that up with a second rope torpedo dropkick for a near fall. Steen charges but runs straight into a lethal chop. Go comes off top with the knee strike but Steen dodges scoring with flying overhand chop. Steen gets a single leg trip and kicks away at the leg. Steen then follows that up with a dragon screw leg whip and a cannon ball in the corner for a near fall. Steen goes for the package piledriver but it’s blocked and Go scores with a Fisherman’s buster. Go goes for the moonsault but Steen rolls out the way. They then go for double closelines but no one goes down, double enzenguris and Steen gets the best of it and runs up top and scores with a moonsault for a nearfall.

Steen is frustrated and heads up top for the Swanton but Go gets the knees up and slaps on the Dragon Sleeper. Steen struggles and slowly makes the ropes. Steen and Go exchange strikes until Steen kicks the leg away of Go but Charges right into two brutal lariat for a near fall. Go then mounts Steen and beats the out of Steen with chops to the throat before going for a suplex both men block until Steen floats over with the release German suplex but Go no sells and charges into a Sky High for nearfall and immediately applies the sharp shooter but Go manages to crawl to the ropes. Go then counters a closeline into the Go Flasher and pulls Steen straight back up and scores with a Go Flasher closeline combo for the victory.

That match was a lot of fun. Not a classic by any stretch of the imagination but they worked hard and put together an entertaining match for the crowd full of good counters and hard hitting action with a nice story of two cocky gits who wouldn’t back down. (***1/2)


Nigel then runs in and DDTs Steen face first onto the title belt and makes fun of Steen, Generico and Bryan Danielson before saying he might go after the tag team titles next and walking to the back.


GHC Junior Heavyweight Title

Katsuhiko Nakajimi vs. Bryan Danielson

The crowd chant “Best in the World” right off the bat in Danielson’s direction, after Tokyo summit I’m really looking forward to this one. The crowd now inform Nakajimi that “you’re gonna get your fucking head kicked in”. We get a break in the ropes to start but Nakajimi throws a big roundhouse kick and Dragon dodges and looks impressed. They go to a test of strength and Danielson gets a takedown and tries to break Nakajimi’s bridge before going for the triangle choke but Nakajimi scrambles and we have a standoff. Nakajimi rolls and kips to reverse an arm wrench Danielson fakes a roll slides between Nakajimi’s legs and boots him across the ring. Nakajimi fakes a chest of strength and floors Bryan with a big kick to the chest. Danielson replies with two over the shoulder arm breakers a twisting arm drag and then key locks the arm and stomps on the elbow. Dragon drives Nakajimi down in a hammerlock and drops down into a deathlock on the arm and Nakajimi has to scramble to the ropes. Good start.

Danielson hits Nakajimi with a hard European uppercut, Nakajimi replies with a big kick to the chest which staggers Danielson who replies with another huge uppercut. Danielson then drives Nakajimi down with a hammerlock and then gets a brutal stretch where he stands on the other arm bending it out of shape and into a pin for a two count, the crowd where oooohing in shocki with that one. Danielson then gets the Woah Woah Woah Mexican surfboard, Nakajimi blocks the slide with a bridge and makes the ropes, where the crowd remind the ref that he has until five.

Danielson runs into a pair of boots but side steps a torpedo dropkick but he can’t avoid a enzenguri. Nakajimi gets a running forearm strike in the corner and a head and arm suplex for a two count. Nakajimi works over Danielson in the corner before Dragon back flips over him in the corner and hits a big lariat sending Nakajimi to the outside. Dragon then hits a baseball slide and tosses Nakajimi into the front row. Danielson then hits the springboard diving tackle into the front row of the crowd. Very good stuff.

Back in the ring Danielson scores with torpedo dropkick and kips up as the crowd go bananas. Nakajimi dodges a blind charge and scores with a hard kick and runs off top, Dragon tries to shove him to the outside but Nakajimi lands on the apron and hits a dragon screw leg whip in the ropes. Nakajimi hits shinbreaker on the outside and then runs along the apron and hits a brutal kick to the chest of Dragon. Nakajimi kicks away at the leg and hits an elbow drop on the leg and goes to a leg wrench. Danielson manages to struggle to the ropes. Nakajimi hits a stiff kick to the leg of Danielson and then works over Danielson’s leg on the ring rope before hitting a running basement dropkick to the knee. Nakajimi then locks in a nice figure four variant and the crowd come to life. Danielson begins to make his way to the ropes so cleverly Nakajimi adds a front facelock to the hold. Eventually however Dragon manages to crawl to the ropes. Nakajimi hits a series of stiff kicks to the knee but Dragon explodes with a Kitchen sink.

Danielson unloads with nine hard and fast European uppercuts. Danielson then scores with the butterfly suplex crossarm breaker combination and Nakajimi has to struggle to the ropes. Danielson goes for a closeline but its blocked with a boot to the arm and then Nakajimi scores with a DDT. Nakajimi then gets a flurry of kicks to the chest and back. Danielson then side steps a pump kick and scores with a German suplex for a near fall. Nakajimi then hits a stiff kick to the chest and then runs up top with the enzenguri to the back of the head. Nakajimi immediately follows that with a back drop driver but Danielson no sells and hits a back drop driver, Nakajimi no sells ang goes for a German suplex, Dragon lands on his feet, sells the foot and then hits the running knee strike and both men are down.

Nakajimi and Danielson trade open hand chops and European uppercuts but Nakajimi kills dragon with a reverse legsweep, Nakajimi then hits the kick to the gut, the downward roundhouse to the back of the head, then a strike to the chest to floor Dragon. Nakajimi charges but is met with a bossman slam back breaker, that hurt Dragon’s knee. Dragon goes for a stiff kick but its countered with a dragon screw and immediately followed by the kick off death and the ankle lock. Dragon tries to crawl to the ropes but Nakajimi switches to the heel hook before Dragon desperately makes the ropes. Great stuff.

Dragon fights off with a series of forearms and goes up top but is caught with a spinning heel kick sending him back into the ring hard and then a brainbuster for a near fall. The crowd come to life and Nakajimi scores with the German suplex for a near fall. Dragon is on his knees and Nakajimi just kills Dragon with four brutal kicks to the chest and Nakajimi tells the ref to count him out but Dragon answers the count at eight. Nakajimi goes for a running leg strike but Danielson counters to the Small Package of Death for a near fall. Nakajimi tries again but Dragon gets an ankle lock German suplex combination. Danielson then gets the Stomps of Death and the triangle choke and Nakajimi fades but falls towards to ropes for the break.

Dragon puts Nakajimi on the top rope but Nakajimi fights him off so Dragon then hangs him in the tree of woe and gives him the stiff kick to the chest and a basement dropkick before scoring with the Super Back suplex for nearfall. Dragon goes for Cattle Mutilation but Nakajimi rolls on top for a near fall, Dragon won’t let go of the arms and rolls into the Elbow strikes of certain death and then rolls into a Tiger suplex for a nearfall and then finally the Cattle Mutilation forces Nakajimi to tap.

Another show, another brilliant Danielson match, Nakajimi wasn’t as good as at Tokyo summit but still put on a really good show with some brilliant stiff and brutal offence. Danielson just brings it every single time and in a nice touch sold the leg for the whole match and all the way to the back (note to the rest of the lockeroom, long term selling is awesome). The finale was classic Danielson overcoming everything Nakajimi had and then beating the living crap out of him with his Cattle Mutilation combo. (****1/4)


Jerry Lynn then cuts a promo about all the sacrifices he’s made and how he now knows he’s got it in him to have one last great run and tells Nigel to watch out.


Rhent Titus vs. Erick Stevens

Titus’s entrance is comedy gold for the most part but in the laugh out loud moment he kicks a ticker tape roll out of the ring and it blasts someone in the front row right away. Titus grabs a side headlock, they then do a shoulder tackle block spot. Titus stomps on Steven’s face and grinds his cock in Steven’s face, Erick kills him with a shoulder tackle and a big samoan drop. Titus then replies a flying knee strike and its more playing to the crowd from Titus. Stevens unloads with some big strikes on Titus before spitting blood on Titus’s face. Stevens goes for a Choo Choo but it’s countered with a dropkick. Titus applies a chinlock and pounds away on what looks like a broken nose. Titus then gets the crotch grind in the corner, Stevens is pissed and gets an overhead release German suplex, A Choo Choo, a killer Lariat and a Choo Choo for the win.

Well that was basically an extended squash to get Titus’s gimmick over and set up the next angle. (1/2*)


Sweeney comes to ringside, and says when he first saw Stevens he wasn’t impressed, originally he thought he was worth a nominal fee, but since then Steven’s has been a thorn in Sweeney’s side and that’s impressed him. Sweeney says he wants Stevens on his side, an guarantees him a contract and a move somewhere bigger and better. Stevens says he likes money a whole lot but he won’t work with Sweeney. Sweeney tells him that it’s not a question and tells him to read the contract and sign. Stevens blows his nose on the contract and Sweeney bitch slaps him, Stevens goes after Sweeney but all of Sweet and Sour run out and beat the crap out of Stevens. They put Stevens head in a chair and then Go drops a knee off the second rope. Roderick Strong dives into the ring to make the save with the Vulture squad to start and importune match up.

Roderick Strong & The Vulture Squad vs. Sweet And Sour Inc.

Jigsaw and Ruckus hit double twisting planchas onto most of S’n’S. Strong gives Hero a back breaker before Jigsaw and Ruckus hit two impressive twisting splashes. Ruckus hits Shane Hagadorn with a running spinning kick before tagging Strong back into the ring. Strong hits Shane with a stiff chop and a Yakuza kick. Jigsaw tags in and scores with a springboard double stomp and then cinches in the Gory Speacial, Strong tags in lays in a stiff chop before tagging in Ruckus who scores with a leg lariat for two. Strong then hits a back suplex on Hagadorn before tagging in Jigsaw and suplexing him into a shooting star press in an impressive spot.

Eddie Edwards finally manages to tag in but is met with an armdrag and a dropkick. Edwards presses Jigsaw onto the apron where Sweeney can hold Jigsaw still for the big running Yakuza kick. Hero tags in and hits the body slam back senton combo for a two count. Hagadorn tags back in with a second rope fist drop before bringing Edwards back in. Jigsaw tries to crawl for a tag but Eddie catches him in a half boston crab. Jigsaw struggles to the ropes but when he gets there Hero meets him with a slingshot stomp. Hero then scores with a big forearm strike for a two count. Jigsaw gets a creative spinning small package for two before scoring with a diving ranna off the second rope.

HOT TAG! Roderick scores with a leg lariat, a dropkick before killing Hero with the Gut Buster. Hagadorn charges right into a half nelson leg drop. Ruckus gives Hagadorn a spinning leg drop, that is impressive athletically but very silly. They sandwich all the heels in the corner and give them a series of moves ending with Ruckus’s razzle dazzle. Roderick then hits a wheel barrow bomb on Hagadorn onto Jigsaw’s knees while Rukus hits a enzenguri, in the same motion he pulls Hagadorn back up and hits another half nelson back breaker, that was impressive. Hero makes the save to avoid the three count. Edwards misses a blind charge and takes an Enzenguri but when Roderick goes up top Eddie replies with an enzenguri and the back back. Hero tags in and unloads with a series of forearms and a big roaring forearm. Strong counters a second roaring elbow with a school boy for a near fall but Hero counters a big boot with a roaring elbow and gets a sit out powerbomb for a near fall. Sweeney throws Hero the loaded elbow pad but Strong dodges the Roaring elbow and kills Hero with the Diving Yakuza kick, Hagadorn then kills Strong with a STO, Jigsaw then gives Hagadorn a Snow Plow. Ruckus then hits a shooting star press off the apron to the outside. Eddie then gives Jigsaw a back suplex bomb but when he’s goes for a lionsault Strong kills him with a diving Yakuza. Hero then slides back into the ring and kills Roderick with the Loaded roaring elbow for the 1-2-3.

Standard ROH chaotic six man with lots of big spots, little selling and even less psychology. The ending had some creative moment but this was very indy and very much amateur hour. (**1/2)


Post match Sweet and Sour isolate Strong and give him a beat down ending when Larry Sweeney hits a picture perfect elbow drop to a chorus of “Larry Sweeney” chants.


Claudio Castagnoli vs. Kensuke Sasaki

Sasaki may be a legend in Japan but he sure didn’t look impressive at the Tokyo Summit. Claudio thinks about giving Sasaki a clean break before hitting a European uppercut and locking in side headlock. Castagnoli can’t knock over Sasaki with two shoulder blocks so he tries a dropkick, Sasaki however no sells and kills Claudio with a giant shoulder tackle. We then go to the test of strength it looks like Claudio will win until Sasaki powers up and shoves Claudio down hard. Sasaki unloads with a series of stiff chops and Claudio is forced to bail.

Claudio returns to the ring and they battle with European uppercut and stiff chops until Claudio looks like losing and he opts for an eye poke. Claudio slaps on a side headlock but Sasaki hits a back suplex to counter and follows it with two corner closelines and follows that with a vertical suplex for a two count. Sasaki shows off a couple of big chops before charging into a boot and that allows Claudio to reply with a European uppercut and a flapjack onto the top rope. Sasaki tries to fight out of a front face lock but Claudio scores with a gut wrench suplex to avoid that. Claudio hits a reverse elbow for a two count and then an elbow drop for a two count. Sasaki fights out of another chin lock but he’s met with a European uppercut and then a diving European uppercut to the back of a seated Sasaki. Claudio decides to break a chinlock thankfully and scores with four elbow drops for a two count. Claudio hits two of the worst knee strikes and Sasaki starts a comeback.

Sasaki powers Claudio to the corner and gets the Kobashi chopathon in the corner and then hits the running headpound and closeline combo. They go to another Uppercut/chop exchange, Claudio gets the better off it but runs straight into a Judo throw and then a power slam gets two. Claudio blocks a closeline and then nails the Water Slide for a near fall. Claudio goes for the Ricolla bomb but Sasaki drops. Claudio scores with an inverted atomic drop and a big running European uppercut for a nearfall. Sasaki misses a blind charge but catches Claudio on the top rope with a Frankenstiener and heads to the top rope. Sasaki scores with a diving lariat off top for a near fall. Claudio scores with a pump kick and goes for a second but its countered with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. Sasaki locks in a head and arm lock but Claudio manages to make the ropes. Claudio avoids a lariat combination and scores with a springboard diving European uppercut. Claudio then hits a terrible diving knee off the second rope. Claudio waits for Sasaki and kills him with a pump kick for a near fall, Claudio then hits the Ricolla Bomb but gets a 2.99999. Sasaki blocks a roaring uppercut and hits a hammerlock and half nelson suplex for near fall. Sasaki hits a Lariat combo for a near fall before finishing Claudio with a northern lights bomb.

Well that was again nothing special, Sasaki is clearly over the hill, he’s by no means bad but it just doesn’t seem worth bringing him in. This is a match where they did all the right things with the movers and near falls but the timing and energy just wasn’t there. This was all kinds of sloppy but still a decent match. (**1/2)


ROH World Heavyweight Title

El Generico vs. Nigel McGuiness

The crowd start a huge “ole” chant to start the match. Nigel powers El Generico to the corner and gives him a clean break before reminding the referee that he has until five. Generico takes Nigel to the ropes and gets a knife edge chop before playing to the crowd. That inevitable led to a shoving contest and a stiff chop and European uppercut to take Generico down. Nigel then takes Generico down with a double chicken wing but Generico makes the ropes. Nigel then gets an arm wrench and stomps down on the arm of Generico before giving Generico a bitch slap and giving Generico a hard Irish whip into the corner. Nigel then gets a quick two count. Nigel gets a snapmare and shoulder block before mocking Generico, Generico then response with a high leg lariat and the Ten count in Spanish. Nigel charges into a boot and then Generico fires off a springboard ranna for a two count triggering a big “Ole” chant.

Generico whips Nigel into the corner but runs into a back elbow and the headstand a mule kick that the crowd greet with a “same old shit” chant. Nigel then hammerlocks the arm and throws Generico hard into the turnbuckle. Nigel follows that up with an arm wrench suplex and follows that with a hammerlock and leg trip combo before cockily tossing Generico to the outside. Nigel hammerlocks the arm of Generico against the barricade and then gives him a hard Irish whip into the barricade. Nigel whips Generico into the barricade and makes fun of the crowd before charging Generico. Generico tries to get the boot up but Nigel catches it and hits the lariat regardless. Nigel then rams Generico’s shoulder into the ring post before returning to the ring.

Nigel mocking no sells Generico’s offence before Generico hits a stiff, Nigel then gets an arm wrench takedown and then drops an leg drop and then a knee drop on the arm. Nigel then gets the hammer lock and bridging double arm stretch. Generico rolls away and tries to fight back. Nigel hits a big European uppercut, before daring Generico with a chop battle, Nigel gets a couple of throat thrusts before running into a dropkick. Which Nigel sells horribly falling to the outside. Generico makes up for it with a lovely springboard moonsault plancha before playing to the crowd.

Back in the ring Generico scores with a big flying crossbody for a two count. Nigel avoids the running Yakuza kick and hits the back kick and lariat combo before drilling Generico with the running European uppercut for a two. Nigel then quickly applies the London Dungeon but he’s way to close to the ropes and Generico makes the ropes immediately. Generico slips out of the Tower of London and dodges a closeline scoring with a roll up for a near fall. Generico then scores with a blue thunder bomb and both men are down.

Generico counters two closelines and goes for the arm wrench and rope walk but Nigel counters crotching Generico and scoring with the London Dungeon for a near fall. Nigel gets some bitch slaps and a pair of back elbows before Generico replies with a big boot. Nigel sucks it up and kills Generico with a lariat before putting Generico on the top rope and scoring with the Tower Of London on the ring apron for a mega near fall. Nigel then locks Generico in the London Dungeon right in the middle of the ropes, Generico thinks about tapping and crawls backward to the ropes.

Nigel throws Generico to the outside and heads to the top rope but Generico recovers runs into the ring and to the top rope and goes for the brain buster but Nigel blocks and a throat thrust sends Generico crashing. Generico hits Nigel with a Yakuza kick that hands him in the tree of woe and El Generico scores with a front flip Van Terminator for a near fall. Nigel counters the brainbuster with an arm wrench takedown and then runs right into a forearm but he rebounds going for the Jaw Breaker Lariat but Generico wonderfully counters into the Brain Buster for a 2.8889. Generico can’t believe that wasn’t enough.

The crowd start an “Ole” chant and Generico tries to lift Nigel to the top rope but Nigel counters and crotches Generico on the ropes before killing him with the diving second rope Lariat for a near fall. Nigel slaps on the London Dungeon but Generico counters with a nice roll up for a very near fall. Nigel then lays out Generico with a DDT and he takes the turnbuckle pad. The Referee picks it up and struggles to put it back while Nigel gets the ROH belt. Steen slides into the ring and shouts a Nigel, Nigel turns and has the belt superkicked back into his face. Generico crawls over and makes the cover for a 1-2-2....9999. Steen plays cheer leader at ringside as Generico hits the running corner Yakuza kick and goes for the corner brainbuster but Nigel blocks and swings away, Generico hangs on and goes for it one more time, Generico lifts and Nigel very nearly goes over but unfortunately they both slip off top and Nigel gets a very nice Jacknife pin to cover up and secure the victory.

It’s a real shame about that finish being slightly blown, you could see Generico was supposed to bang his head on the exposed Turnbuckle on the way down but when they slipped they had to call an audible. It didn’t really detract from the match that was very very good. I unlike most others preferred it to their other encounter, I like the story that Generico had learnt from his mistakes and really believed in himself this time. The near falls were spot on and while Nigel was a bit too plodding in places they really turned it up when they needed to. Generico plays his roll absolutely to a tee. I thought the Steen run in was pulled off brilliantly and I like the story that because Generico had learnt his lesson and had answers for Nigel, McGuinness was forced to cheat. (***3/4)


Steel Cage Warfare

Austin Aries & The Briscoe Brothers vs. The Age Of The Fall vs. The Necro Butcher

Austin Aries and Tyler Black are the first two entrants. They brawl at the entrance to the cage and Aries knocks Tyler to the outside and follows up with the heat seaking missile suicide dive and then a hard Irish whip into the barricade before dropping a nice elbow drop off the guard rail. Aries throws Black back into the cage and the match is on. Aries is hangs onto the ropes to avoid a Dropkick but Black casually back flips and lands on his feet before he’s sent head first into the cage by Aries. Aries then takes Black down hard with an overhand chop before biting away at the skull of Black. “Austin Aries/Tyler Black” chant off erupts from the crowd. Aries hits a running closeline and then a kitchen sink and a stretch in the corner. Aries works over Black in the corner before hitting another running knee to the gut. Aries chokes away on Black. Black shoves down Aries.

The Next Entrant is Jimmy Jacobs. Jacobs begins a double team beat down and Tyler holds Aries as Jimmy wraps a chain around his first and unloads on Aries. Black then gives Aries a stomp to the sternum before Jacobs wraps the chain around Aries Skull drawing more blood from his forehead. The Age of The Fall then get a double choke in the corner before whipping Aries face first into the cage. They hang Aries in the tree of Woe and Jimmy gets a running knee strike before they hit stereo basement dropkicks. Jimmy then plays with the blood of Aries and the beatdown continues.

The Next Entrant is The Necro Butcher. The Age of The Fall try and overwhelm him but Necro is throwing big fists and then Hobo boots. “Fuck ‘em Necro” chant rings out as Necro hits a atomic drop on Jacobs and boots for everyone. Necro slugs the crap out of Aries and throws him into the steel cage. Necro goes after the ref before playing to the crowd and throwing everyone head first into the cage. Necro chases the ref out of the ring and then gives Tyler Black a straight head butt. He licks the blood of the face of Aries and that draws a “you sick fuck” chant. Necro then bites the forehead of Jacobs and tossing Black to the outside.

The Next Entrant is Jay Brisco. He throws a series of chairs into the ring and Necro hides under a chair in the corner. Jay nails everyone with chairs and wraps a chair around the head of Necro Butcher but that angers who throws a chair at Jay and digs blood out of the forehead of Jay with his fingernails. Aries hits a double axe handle to the outside on Jacobs. Jay hits a snap mare and running basement leg lariat. Necro Butcher then gives Black a spinning chair body slam on Black. Necro and Jay then play ping pong with Tyler Black.

The Next Entrant is Delirious. Delirious drills Necro into the back of the head sending him crashing into Jay, Delirious then hits Jay with the Panic Attack. Necro blocks a chair shot and drills Delirious in the back. Necro floors everyone with chair shots to the ribs and then in the stupidly dangerous moment of the night (so far) Jacobs and Aries gives Necro six stiff unprotected Chair shots to the Skull without him going down, Jacobs then nails a spear taking him off his feet. Aries follows up with a kick of death and a Brainbuster, Jacobs and Aries both jump on Necro for the 1-2-3. Team Necro is Eliminated. The crowd chant Bullshit. Jay is bleeding a gusher as Aries and Jacobs unload on each other.

Mark Briscoe is the Final Entrant. Mark brings a barbed wire table into the ring. Mark cleans house and comes to the rescue of his brother. Jay throws a chair into the face of Delirious, Mark then throws Black face first into the cage. Mark then throws a chair in Black’s face. Delirious and Jay brawl to the outside and Delirious works over his cut but Jay responds whipping Delirious into the guard rail, cutting Delirious arm open. Black hits a suplex on Mark as Jay lays Delirious on a table a ringside. Delirious pops up and scramble up the cage throwing Jay off the cage hard through a table. Black avoids a cut throat Driver and powerbombs Mark through the barbed wire table. The Age Of The Fall work over Aries as both Briscoes are down on the outside. This is an absolute mugging as Age of the Fall play to the crowd. Aries fires back with big forearms for everyone. Aries gives Black the shin breaker back suplex combo and then kills Delirious and Jacobs with corner dropkicks. He tries one on Black but he counters with the F-5 and Delirious then hits a cobra clutch suplex and three panic attacks an Aries is dead. Jimmy Jacobs then locks Austin Aries in the End Time and Aries is eliminated.

The Age of the Fall isolate Jay Briscoe now and give him a pounding. Jacobs gives Delirious the spike and they hold Jay back. Daizee runs out and tries to reason with Delirious. Daizee says Jimmy speaks bullshit and Delirious doesn’t know who believe and then he absolutely kills Daizee with the spike and Delirious is in absolute shock and the crowd start a huge “Holy Shit” chant. Jacobs praise Delirious and as the Age Of the Fall celebrate Mark comes off the top of the cage with a diving front flip Senton onto everybody. Jay kills Delirious with a closeline and then they finish him with the doomsday Device. Delirious is eliminated.

The Briscoes then give Black a double hiptoss high into the cage before give Jacobs a chair assisted dropkick in the corner. Black then throws Mark face first into the cage and the Age of The Fall beat down with chairs. Jacobs works over the face of Jay with the spike while Black chokes Mark in the corner. They give the Briscoes two unprotected chair shots but the Briscoes MAN UP and kick the shit out of the Age of the Fall and massacre Black and Jacobs with Lariats before hitting simultaneously the Cut Throat Driver and the Jay Driller for the Stereo 1-2-3.

Well that was an intense bloody old school brawl. It was garbage wrestling for the most part but they kept the intensity levels really high. There was a lot sloppiness and stupidness but it was a fitting tribute to the ECW Arena that they gave the fans an overbooked, multi storyline Gorefest to end the show. That hulk up finish was tremendous. However in this day and age those unprotected chair shots are sicking these guys aren’t getting paid anywhere near enough money to be risking there well being like that, the big stunts are enough. This won’t be everyone’s cup of tea and for the most part it wasn’t mind but it felt like a big finale to the show and was just so right for setting (***1/4)


Overall Thoughts: There is plenty of really good wrestling on this show so it’s a definite recommendation. I will say it’s a very long show and did burn the audience out and will burn the viewer out so I recommend watching it in two chunks. It’s been a great Seven Years of ROH here’s to seven more!

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This is your one stop shop of pop culture reviews I most specialize in Music, Politics & Film. I occasionally delve into TV reviews. I've got a Politics MA and a War Studies BA, I'm taking a year out before starting a Phd so when it comes to History and Politics I'm pretty well versed but I tend to keep this blog fun rather than serious.
